How To Use Spurious In A Sentence

  • Victor's authority is appealed to by those who deem the last twelve verses of S. Mark's Gospel spurious, it would of course be inferred that his evidence is hostile to the verses in question; whereas his evidence to their genuineness is the most emphatic and extraordinary on record. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • Subsequent investigation revealed that these claims were spurious.
  • He then proceeds to reckon up five others, not in our canon, which he calls in one place spurious, in another controverted, meaning, as appears to me, nearly the same thing by these two words. Evidence of Christianity
  • It allows insurers to reject claims for spurious reasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the first objects then of this pursuit, as I have observed, should be, to learn how to distinguish with accuracy between that peculiar pustule which is the true cow pock, and that which is spurious. On Vaccination Against Smallpox
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  • Many women are virtual slaves to their pimps, snared by false protestations of love, and then held in his thrall by a combination of violence and spurious affection.
  • This week, Mr Dhillon wrote to our letters page to say he denied all the allegations in their entirety, claiming that he was being ‘used as a scapegoat in political wranglings arising from spurious and vexatious allegations’.
  • Here we show that misreporting by countries with large fisheries, combined with the large and widely fluctuating catch of species such as the Peruvian anchoveta, can cause globally spurious trends.
  • The spurious argument that Lewin was ineffective in stemming crime is so openly dishonest that Jamaicans like myself have started to tune out.
  • Use of adulterants or spurious materials is another issue that further complicates the quality standards of plants-based traditional remedies.
  • It is spurious to claim that this important archaeological site is under threat.
  • I'm looking to be entertained: boredom, tedium is the worst literary or filmic sin, and cannot be excused by a pretence to some spurious intellectual superiority.
  • I am inclined to think that the true melanosis generally occurs in the form of rounded tumours, which, when cut in two, present a uniform black colour without any trace of air-cells, while in the spurious melanosis the deposition is general, and black matter flows freely out when the cut surfaces are pressed. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • They function as a spurious pattern into which the narrative might slide if so allowed.
  • The spurious impact of channels on society is an issue of gruesome and far-reaching consequences.
  • Left alone, she is exposed to assorted rather too colorful locals: hulks and half-wits, telephone romancers and spurious cops, none of them couth.
  • Such that assetless tossers bring spurious actions knowing that no penalty can be levied against them should they lose. Infidels Are Cool
  • The most active theorists wrestling with this demon offer something far less robust: spurious theories of ancient matriarchies, for one.
  • Racism is the spurious belief that human characteristics and abilities are determined by race or ethnic origin.
  • He said the number of often highly spurious claims had become'unacceptable'. The Sun
  • Cases in point see again the horrible treatment of Santhi Soundarajan by IOC affiliate organization Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), as well as recent media coverage about the IAAF strongly recommending gonadectomy (castration) for Caster Semenya on spurious "medical grounds" and the IAAF's scandalous public offer of "free surgeries" for Caster Semenya. Indymedia Ireland
  • He had managed to create the entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving.
  • the dominions of both rulers passed away to their spurious or doubtful offspring
  • Yet it takes a fictional account of a spurious global warming scenario on celluloid to get Joe Soap talking about it.
  • Dr Bevan has been looking very carefully at some wonky carbon-dates, the occasional spurious date that doesn't seem to fit the conventional picture.
  • a spurious work of art
  • Small businesses do not have the resources to fight off spurious claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Basra provincial council should not let itself remain swept up in a spurious frenzy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The transitory and singularly small and simple denticle in the horse exemplifies the rudiment of an ancestral structure in the same degree as do the hoofless splint-bones; just as the spurious hoofs dangling therefrom in hipparion are retained rudiments of the functionally developed lateral hoofs in the broader foot of palæotherium. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • He fought a long battle against what he called hokum, ideas with no basis, which gain spurious credibility by repetition (in the way that so many celebrities are celebrities for no other reason than that they are regarded as such by the media and society pop pundits). Club Troppo
  • At the top end of Britain's food world, which has come to associate organics and therefore ‘naturalness’ with sometimes spurious notions of purity, a professor of bacteriology telling it as it is, may not always be welcome.
  • They were trying to wrest control of the issue through this draconian measure, but reopening implicitly recognises that the grounds for closure were spurious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, such breezy approximation rules his writing, bolstered by a polemical gesture (supposedly in tune with the films) against any spurious scientificity, abstract theorising or dry, unfeeling rationalism.
  • The term 'oversold' (or conversely 'overbought') invests with spurious purported precision a notion that is nonsensical. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Americans are worried that they'll be the victim of spurious or malicious prosecutions.
  • They were trying to wrest control of the issue through this draconian measure, but reopening implicitly recognises that the grounds for closure were spurious. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the problems with the spurious dichotomies posed between nature and nurture, or genes and environment, is that they don't help us understand the process of development.
  • But in the expression of her countenance there was no character of suffering or distress; on the contrary, a wondrous serenity, that made her beauty more beauteous, her very youthfulness younger; and when this spurious or partial kind of syncope passed, she recovered at once without effort, without acknowledging that she had felt faint or unwell, but rather with a sense of recruited vitality, as the weary obtain from a sleep. A Strange Story — Volume 02
  • That amendment would penalise drug companies if they lodged spurious patent claims designed to prevent cheap generic drugs entering the market.
  • Willfully creating meaningless phrases, with spurious precision, to arbitrarily limit science to the crudest empiricism, measurements is a way to limit the domain of science. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • Even tone deaf students can perform this experiment but the sonometer must be correctly tensioned or spurious harmonics interfere with the frequency determination.
  • Facing their reprisals, Bouebdelli publicly criticized the regime's strong-arm tactics -- only to have a court seize, on spurious grounds, a private university he had built and operated.
  • It is very easy, I think, for the Government to bring up some basically extremely spurious reasons why this moratorium should be continued, but there is no logic to it.
  • They set up a spurious temple that was a cover for sexual debauchery.
  • He was arrested in 1979 on spurious corruption charges.
  • Failure to specify this third variable and its effects on x and y constitutes the problem of spuriousness.
  • But a spurious Presbyterianism had been invented, and “the outcasting of the locust "had been the “inbringing of the caterpillar.” The Life of John Milton
  • Another source of spurious profundity is DeLillo's constant allusions to momentous feelings and portents — allusions that are either left hanging in the air or are conveniently cut short by a narrative pretext. A Reader's Manifesto
  • These degenerate follicles have been termed spurious corpora lutea, or atretic vesicles. Hormones and Heredity
  • Comparing many countries is susceptible to statistical analysis, which helps eliminate possible sources of selection bias and spuriousness.
  • ‘But, Sir, this lady does not want that the contract should be dissolved; she only argues that she may indulge herself in gallantries with equal freedom as her husband does, provided she takes care not to introduce a spurious issue into his family.’
  • Experimental results confirm the viability and usefulness of the approach in minimizing spurious operations during the register assignment phase of the behavioral synthesis process.
  • Monet's production had become a kind of mercerized production, and a kind of spurious radiance invested them, in the end. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • One site draws them: a 13th-century mansion linked, a bit spuriously, to "Romeo and Juliet".
  • Because the novel is written mainly in dialogue, a spurious impression was given that it would be easy to adapt.
  • Vavi said the Superior Courts Bill sought to do away with the specialist labour courts, cut Nedlac's role out in the appointment of judges, using the spurious argument of constitutionality and provincialise the role of the Labour Court by folding it into the provincial divisions of the High Court. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Sergo, search me, the incapable reparteed with a selfevitant subtlety so obviously spurious and, raising his hair, after the grace, with the christmas under his clutcharm, for Portsymasser and Purtsymessus and Pertsymiss and Partsymasters, like a prance of findingos, with a shillto shallto slipny stripny, in he skittled. Finnegans Wake
  • The committee was also required to evaluate the extent and problem of spurious and substandard drugs in the country.
  • If one iota is wanting in the balance of any of these three factors, let her cast her love aside as a spurious article – she will love again; but if the investigation is satisfactory, let her hold it fast, and let nothing take it from her. The Romance of Isabel, Lady Burton
  • As for Hungarian, a patriotic mystic by the name of András Kovács Andrew Smith, anglice frequents these Austral shores, making just such a comic claim on the most spurious of grounds. THE PRIMACY OF RUSSIAN.
  • Patres Apostolici", which contains all the letters, both genuine and spurious, in Greek and Latin versions. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • In every important strike the bourgeois press is forced to drop its spurious neutrality.
  • For the PLL has better performances in narrowband filtering and frequency tracking, the paper presents a new method which based on PLL accomplish the spuriousness restrained.
  • Such blunt legislation will provide people and organisations with the means to bring spurious lawsuits against those they have a reason to dislike.
  • Market pundits will come up with all sort of spurious reasons why shares may or may not continue to climb.
  • This is the spurious, evolving dialectic of electoral democracy.
  • He finds “misuse of the offending term attributable to spurious erudition on the part of the writers combined with scientific illiteracy on the part of copy editors.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Failure to specify this third variable and its effects on x and y constitutes the problem of spuriousness.
  • These figures were often spuriously computed by selecting particularly favorable sample groups.
  • No other country would set up publicly funded organisations to pursue veterans on the basis of spurious allegations. The Sun
  • Fees will also be introduced for the first time in an attempt to restrict the number of spurious cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's as random and superficial as it sounds, much of the reasoning is frankly spurious and an air of smugness pervades it all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sadly, phoney clinics offer spurious tests which will diagnose allergies in virtually anybody.
  • They set up a spurious temple that was a cover for sexual debauchery.
  • Comparing many countries is susceptible to statistical analysis, which helps eliminate possible sources of selection bias and spuriousness.
  • And the claims of liberal legalists that they can somehow be sterilized by the application of theory of rights are simply spurious and morally unserious.
  • But the argument that vaccination will encourage promiscuity in the young is spurious. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had managed to create the entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving.
  • All claims to objectivity become spurious and illusory.
  • He also said the industry's claims that tourism would be unaffected were as spurious as its claims about property prices.
  • They are claiming a right to exclude bisexuals simply because of the difficulty of proving that a claim of bisexuality is spurious. The Volokh Conspiracy » Enough with the Ridiculous Hyperbole!
  • Those are actively purchased sales, not spurious, unaudited figures of papers dumped in corners, ignored or, at best, flicked through.
  • Have we got priorities right - or are we slumming it in the name of some spurious vocationalism or management theory?
  • This argument about the cost - that the benefit will be only to the wealthy - is therefore spurious, totally false, and a diversion.
  • Regardless of your feelings toward this particular company, you must know your line of reasoning is spurious at best.
  • There have been some charges of plagiarism on account of this reference which to my mind are spurious and nonsensical.
  • This distinction between genuine versus spurious traditions, which maps directly onto the broader dichotomy between tradition and modernity, has dangerous implications for indigenous and Creole struggles.
  • You have said you regret the "blot" on your record caused by your parroting spurious intelligence at the U.N. to justify war on Iraq. Out Damn Blot: A Letter to Colin Powell
  • My guess is that this represents a hypersensitized response to climate, so that part of the blade is climate signal, but part of it is a spurious result of a non-climatic amplifier of climatic signal. Climate Models – the Next Generation « Climate Audit
  • No doubt there'll be some spurious, nebulous rhetoric about rights and responsibilities, respect, choice and other such middle class emollients.
  • One of the first objects then of this pursuit, as I have observed, should be, to learn how to distinguish with accuracy between that peculiar pustule which is the true cow-pock, and that which is spurious. II. Further Observations on the Variolae Vaccinae, or Cow-Pox. 1799
  • A World Restored is instead valuable as a metaphor for what can be seen some 150 years later: the great figures of world power at the summit equally oblivious to the changes circling around them while they try to construct a spurious top-down “stability”—just as the most changeful age in history crashes in. Magic and Mayhem
  • Yet some courtroom equivalent of parliamentary privilege allows a man who has never met me and who knows nothing of me to make spurious allegations about me.
  • We must beware of the use of ethnicity to wrap a spurious cloak of legitimacy around the speaker who invokes it.
  • I'm looking to be entertained: boredom, tedium is the worst literary or filmic sin, and cannot be excused by a pretence to some spurious intellectual superiority.
  • Comparing many countries is susceptible to statistical analysis, which helps eliminate possible sources of selection bias and spuriousness.
  • a spurious argument
  • Predictions based upon the fact that bear markets only end when shares reach a certain valuation level are equally spurious.
  • There are some spurious lines in this ancient poem, which were added later.
  • Mr Simon said he was not against taxes as such, "but I do object when taxation is justified on spurious or dishonest grounds," he says.
  • Together the three embrace the bundle of forms and genres on which the term book confers a spurious uniformity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Highly debatable, yet we cling to all sorts of spurious reasons for the national team's successive failures. Times, Sunday Times
  • This may be spurious conclusion if you superimpose the jökulhlaup observation on a continuous long term glacial retreat since the end of the last ice age of the non-little variety. Unthreaded #8 « Climate Audit
  • For example, spurious harmonics might result if pulses are transmitted in a fixed repetition modulation, or if too many pulses are sent out during a fixed interval of time.
  • The chronicler, however, who tells the story, considers the conduct of the monks of St. Albans in sending spurious relics was "pious," while the behaviour of the monks of Ely was "detestable and disgraceful" -- but then the chronicler was a monk of St. Albans. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Saint Albans With an Account of the Fabric & a Short History of the Abbey
  • Most of these stories do seem to be romanticised hindsight as the chemist or his pupil or obituarist places the discovery in a human context that renders largely superfluous any rivals or spurious steps, or aggrandises the man into a hero.
  • Many in the press predicted that the FDA's actions would open the floodgates to a torrent of spurious claims.
  • Our enemies will begin to realise that our justice system is an open goal and come rushing with spurious claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vivian Edomobi, a graduate student, died of hyperglycemia at age 23 in 1987 from a spurious drug -- the vial was a worthless fake. Fighting Fake Drugs
  • Men who have no imagination, but have learned merely to produce a spurious resemblance of its results by the recipes of composition, are apt to value themselves mightily on their concoctive science; but the man whose mind Lectures on Architecture and Painting Delivered at Edinburgh in November 1853
  • Many of the survivors there expressed anger that the media routinely questioned the veracity of survivor testimony on the basis of spurious reasoning and apparent prejudice.
  • The Basra provincial council should not let itself remain swept up in a spurious frenzy. Times, Sunday Times
  • People are entitled to compensation when they are injured, but we need to weed out the spurious claims.
  • What happened sickens me - and not only because of the appalling suffering and loss of life, but because of the way it added spurious fuel to the cause of the warmongers.
  • Every year, the exchequer loses this amount to the adulterated petro trade which sells spurious petrol and diesel. Outlook India
  • The IIF estimates that fraudulent and spurious claims will cost insurers at least €100 million this year but policy holders will pick up the tab in increased premiums.
  • So while Arminianism offers us a spurious universalism, which is at best a universalism of opportunity, Calvinism offers us the true universalism in the salvation of the race. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • the lawyer argued spuriously that his client knew nothing of the burglary
  • Because the soldiers also resisted the impulse to run away, they had to accept my entirely spurious confidence as if it was soundly based. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He had managed to create the entirely spurious impression that the company was thriving.
  • It is even conducting a survey, for the most spurious of reasons, of voluntary health organisations, asking them about their links to pharmaceutical companies.
  • Foreigners shall take possession of their land and become masters of all its wealth (v. 6): A bastard shall dwell in Ashdod; a spurious brood of strangers shall enter upon the inheritances of the natives, which they have no more right to than a bastard has to the estates of the legitimate children. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • For whatsoe'er we perpetrate, we do but row; we are steered by fate, which in success often disinherits, for spurious causes, noblest merits. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 99, July 5, 1890
  • And regardless of how innocently bought and sold, how toilsomely acquired, or how ancient its pedigree, every existing land title will be found to be spurious if traced to its origin.
  • Because the soldiers also resisted the impulse to run away, they had to accept my entirely spurious confidence as if it was soundly based. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The third is an example of the strong but entirely spurious links that emerge out of'big data' with surprising frequency. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just as dog, used as a prefix, expresses an idea of worthlessness to them, so toad suggests a spurious plant; the toadflax being made to bear what is meant to be an odious name because before flowering it resembles the true flax, _linum_, from which the generic title is derived. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • Workers detailed the ways they are cheated out of their wages by spurious fees, endemic undercounting of apples picked under the piece rate pay system.
  • But those writings were condemned as spurious in the decretals attributed to Pope Gelasius at the end of the fifth century.
  • You will encounter a barrage of spurious arguments, and tremendous political difficulty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Insurers who try to wriggle out of critical illness claims for the most spurious of reasons are being forced to pay up by a leading consumer watchdog.
  • Publishers are worried that they could be overwhelmed with spurious claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • much too perspicacious to be taken in by so spurious an argument
  • Notwithstanding this, he became indignant when the so-called "Avellaneda" published his prolongation of the adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, and he bestirred himself to furnish his own rounding out of the story and to make all other spurious sequels impossible by killing off his hero. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • I could find all sorts of spurious reasons why I needed to continue smoking.
  • This extensive and thorough body of work, he pointed out, has been totally ignored by psychologists, who use the tired old standards and as a result obtain spurious results.
  • Your spurious example of a woman with friends in Switzerland is a typical example of muddying the waters.
  • Have we got priorities right - or are we slumming it in the name of some spurious vocationalism or management theory?
  • The Epistle of Philemon was used by both sides in the debate and, like the (spurious) notion that the curse of Ham was black skin (which is at odds with the begatting Ham does of most of Babylonia), is evidence only of religion being (re) interpreted for use as post facto moral justification for prejudice, the dehumanisation at the heart of it, and the abhorrent socio-political exploitations born of it. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • The spurious claims that this was the work of dissidents does not tally with the facts.
  • I have seen a child scolded and called unfeeling because it did not occur to it to make a theatrical demonstration of affectionate delight when its mother returned after an absence: a typical example of the way in which spurious family sentiment is stoked up. Treatise on Parents and Children
  • Obviously society should have no truck with vexatious or spurious claims, but when people suffer damage to their lives or to their careers it is only equitable that they should be awarded adequate compensation.
  • Spurious royal wedding-related nonsense of the week goes to Sir Martin Sorrell's market research firm, TNS Omnibus, which confidently predicts that a "massive 26.2 million people" will watch Will and Kate's nuptials on the gogglebox, making it the most watched TV event of the past 10 years. Media Monkey's Diary
  • When Homer said something that would better have been left unsaid, one option for the scholars of Hellenistic Alexandria was simply to athetize it - to declare it spurious on the ground that Homer could not have said such a thing.
  • This unweeting manner of performance is the true ring by which, in this refurbishing age, a fossilized survival may be known from a spurious reproduction. The Return of the Native
  • Anonymous Egyptian police sources released information that they were seeking nine Pakistani suspects but this lead proved spurious.
  • Unfortunately, both these etymologies are spurious. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Fees will also be introduced for the first time in an attempt to restrict the number of spurious cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another serious condition emerging due to the non-availability of life-saving medicines at affordable prices, as foreseen by experts will be the flooding of spurious or substandard drugs in the market.
  • It won't help you achieve a spurious state of spiritual well-being, or help flush toxins out of your system - but it will help you to understand what your boss, your back-stabbing colleague or that girl at the water cooler really think of you.
  • They set up a spurious temple that was a cover for sexual debauchery.
  • Certain religious expressions may be designated as divergent, popular, unauthentic, trendy and so on, by whoever holds the power to define what is right and wrong, genuine or spurious.
  • Such an argument is wholly spurious. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spurious argument (essentially trading one evil for another) to be sure, but one which I fear will be picked up by the usual marketing propagandists at Peabody and Massey, et al. The mellotron is your friend. by archigeek at Grist - the Latest from Grist
  • Comparing many countries is susceptible to statistical analysis, which helps eliminate possible sources of selection bias and spuriousness.
  • Throughout all the hullabaloo and spurious handwringing, the one constant was Booker, whose profits derived largely from the unglamorous cash-and-carry trade.
  • The slander about John Kerry's Purple Hearts and courage in command is fallacious at best and spuriously shameful. Easter Lemming Liberal News
  • Where is the evidence on which the writer bases such spurious claims?
  • This sort of idealism is just the reverse of that which was held by the philosophers of antiquity and their Christian successors; it does away with the reality of ideal principles by confining them exclusively to the thinking subject; it is a spurious idealism which deserves rather the name "phenomenalism" (phenomenon, "appearance", as opposed to noumenon, "the object of thought"). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • Really, given the spurious arguments these jokers advance for and against the cross, this is as good a compromise as we can possibly get.
  • He listened to lengthy and completely spurious accounts by this modern-day alchemist of how his machine supposedly worked.
  • Surely, though, that is a spurious argument. Times, Sunday Times
  • The known error bound of location deviation is used to determine the minimum matching merit for two point pairs so that the effect of spurious feature points can be reduced.
  • What I don't like is the spurious arguments they employ to justify their addiction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly blowing yourself and other people up for spurious reasons is no laughing matter. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Besides this brown or gray annulated ipecacuan, there are spurious kinds, such as the striated or black Peruvian, the produce of The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Magistrates will come down on the side of the tenant for the most spurious reasons.
  • Among the farming community the word guano soon became a name to conjure with, and under this title many spurious and worthless manures were attempted to be palmed off on the unwary farmer. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • Sadly, phoney clinics offer spurious tests which will diagnose allergies in virtually anybody.
  • Millions of spurious accident claims have pushed up premiums. The Sun
  • This is what Bachelard means when he uses the word oneiric: a spurious ontology which relies on the ontic assertion of subjective experience.
  • Because our survey effort was equal for each transect within a year, summing abundances over migration visits did not lead to spurious results.
  • Not only are such spurious therapies nauseating in their own right, but they misdiagnose the disease.
  • Correlations can be spurious and do not imply causality.
  • K, et al. (2005) Histone H3 methylation by Set2 directs deacetylation of coding regions by Rpd3S to suppress spurious intragenic transcription. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • No wonder they generate so many spurious results that are never replicated.
  • much too perspicacious to be taken in by such a spurious argument
  • But then, instead of calling the etymon "Hindi-Urdu cakor" or "Hindustani cakor," they invented a completely spurious distinction between what look to the untutored eye like two different preforms, apparently because their transcription system for Hindi uses c for the unaspirated \ch\ (presumably using ch for the aspirated consonant), whereas the one for Urdu uses ch for the same phoneme (and presumably chh for the aspirated one). CHUKAR.
  • My impression is that you have an unsavory combination of spurious regression and multilinear overfitting, creating quite a unique witches brew, the statistical properties of which are not understood by the authors. Rutherford et al [2005] Collation Errors « Climate Audit
  • No other country would set up publicly funded organisations to pursue veterans on the basis of spurious allegations. The Sun
  • But a spurious Presbyterianism had been invented, and "the outcasting of the locust" had been the "inbringing of the caterpillar. The Life of John Milton Volume 3 1643-1649
  • The death of spurious consultancy and the reassertion of civil service morale should be another gain of the recession. Times, Sunday Times
  • This country does have certain quirky export bans, for very spurious reasons, and we would be aghast if the intention is to use this legislation to extend those sorts of controls.
  • Eusebius had mentioned seven Epistles, but Ussher -- deceived by a mistake on the part of St. Jerome -- exscinded the Epistle to Polycarp, and condemned it as spurious. The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
  • There are some spurious lines in this ancient poem, which were added later.
  • Yet another spurious and mischievous label dreamt up by the Vatican speech writers - have they nothing more important to do? The Guardian World News
  • It evoked the word bastard: "something that is spurious, irregular, inferior or of questionable origin. Slate Magazine
  • Like the spurious bonus culture, fat cat pensions were aped by the public sector's senior managers. John Hutton refuses to give a green light to slash and burn on pensions
  • The fees were introduced by ministers to deter spurious claims and to encourage settlement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The argument that it is ‘complicated’ is spurious as retail chains manage to calibrate their epos systems with different rates. Will Amazon Lose Sales Because It Collects New York Taxes? - Bits Blog -
  • Modern scholars who deal with Israel's ancient political religion and the prophets who proclaimed its transformation are burdened with a scholarly spurious familiarity.
  • And what is worse, they use their learning to invent spurious reasons for non-payment of the tax.
  • It is sensitive to slight movements of the camera, subject or reference strip and will sometimes trigger spurious diagnostics.
  • In my experience, interaction variables are kitchen sink type regressors that induce severe multicollinearity and give spurious results. Archive 2005-11-27
  • Samaritans, hath this passage: He adulterated the Octateuch of Moses with spurious writings, and all kind of corrupt falsifyings. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • This is a spurious argument. Times, Sunday Times
  • The process of separating some of these elements, which are then related to new contexts, is perceived as spurious and unauthentic.
  • For whatsoe'er we perpetrate, we do but row; we are steered by fate, which in success often disinherits, for spurious causes, noblest merits. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 99, July 5, 1890
  • He cited a range of spurious claims, suggesting that a compo culture has seeped into all sectors of Irish society.
  • Unfortunately, some creationists have also fallen for this spurious line of reasoning.

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