
How To Use Sprouting In A Sentence

  • Sprouting grains by soaking them first increases the amount of enzymes and neutralises the antinutrient phytic acid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Y-27632 rescues collagen-induced arrest of neurite sprouting and elongation in cultured rat neurons PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The plants sprouting now include grasses, clovers, dandelions, several types of thistle, mustards, and small composites.
  • For example, purple sprouting broccoli needs to be cut fresh and sold straight away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jacaranda trees sprouting white, unripened buds shaded the water. The Madonnas of Echo Park
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  • But the chin-length silver hair sprouting after Proudfoot's 4-month-old haircut is not due to any hippieness. Payson Roundup stories
  • When I was twelve I began sprouting my first pubic hair, and I was aghast.
  • These elaborately painted masks represent a pair of horned animals, each with a porcupine quill sprouting from its head.
  • New blood capillaries are formed by sprouting from pre-existing blood vessels.
  • Despite the work, the slippery staircase is running with damp and sprouting moss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the harsh light, the long tufts of golden brown hair sprouting from the crown of his head reminded Lucy of a lion's mane.
  • I was amazed to find that the comfrey plants which were only just sprouting a couple of days ago, all now have proper leaves!
  • Is there anywhere he doesn't have hair sprouting? Times, Sunday Times
  • Serve with new potatoes and beans or sprouting broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, that's not always possible, particularly in the depths of winter when my sowing tends to be limited to sprouting seeds on the windowsill and maybe some tomato seeds in a heated propagator.
  • I used quinoa, which is not only faster sprouting, it is a "super" food that has all the essential amino acids. Cashewwwwww Cheese--Gesundheit!!!
  • Many gardeners are familiar with forcing cherry, forsythia blossoms & and spring bulbs but you can add to this by sprouting wheat kernels in containers for a beautiful centerpiece.
  • The real world - the mud on the ground, the stones, the sprouting grass - are not captured by the street name.
  • A couple of the beds will be given more attention, and fennel, mangels and sprouting broccoli sown in them.
  • New tower blocks and luxury villas are sprouting just as demand for them has started easing, analysts said.
  • The cones have remained unmoved for so long that they have acted like cloches to force-grow the grass, which is now sprouting out of the open tops.
  • The really eye-catching feature is the freezer cabinets displaying a range of fish and meat that somehow avoids sprouting ice crystals. Times, Sunday Times
  • What are called Gallican ideas are ever sprouting up like noxious weeds; there is a malcontent The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • BUY Choose purple sprouting broccoli that is fresh, with firm stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • At one point I had several of these "mammary" formations sprouting out of my wall -- and I never once thought to alert the local news. Archive 2006-06-01
  • The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin.
  • A dark purple dragon winked at her, and a fire-red phoenix with the occasional blue or green feather sprouting from its tail made the fluting noise.
  • Now there should be room for the 5 sweetcorn (which are growing well) and the sprouting broccoli and the 4 runner beans I have been given in exchange for the Welsh onions.
  • Actually, on closer observation I am astonished to see a handful of dreadlocks sprouting from the top of her head. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I evolved as a writer, from navel-high producer of galactic space operas to fuzz-sprouting fantasist imagining nonexistent island countries, to university dabbler in more-or-less realistic short stories to twentysomething unpublished novelist, I became more and more interested in the interactive nature of fiction. Mohsin Hamid on writing The Reluctant Fundamentalist
  • This is one of the most delicious things you can do with a bundle of purple sprouting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Heavy pruning to renew growth through sprouting usually controls several types of fungi that infect coralberries.
  • I'm holding my breath, but it looks like my pepper seeds are sprouting!
  • But as with all his other symptoms, the ulcer was abnormal, as demonstrated by the glossy white molars sprouting in a clump from its center. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • They all look so healthy and cheerful in a clean-living, sprout-sprouting kind of way.
  • A sliver of warm brown down the fringe and, conclusively, a shaftless little feather boa sprouting from the base identified the owner as a game bird. Country diary
  • While brows are sprouting, make sure to fill them in with an eyebrow pencil or brow powder, advises beauty guru, Laura Mercier.
  • The moonlight glinted off its shaggy fur, shining off the pale wings sprouting from its back.
  • Below the mounting, sprouting from a conduit pipe, was the aerial cable from the medium and short-wave sets. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • This process destroys the germ and prevents the kernel from sprouting.
  • With the economy once again on the move and the Olympics and World Cup on the way, there is a certain something in the Rio air right now; a swagger that can be felt not only in Ipanema's luxurious nightspots, but also in the city's impoverished slums – favelas – and remote Amazonian towns where shopping malls and cinemas are sprouting from the ground with growing pace. Lula's Brazil: glitzy, rich, dynamic
  • In contrast to California's current Spring bounty, all that is on offer at this time of year are apples, pears, cauliflower, leeks, carrots, purple sprouting, cabbages, swedes and a few sprouts.
  • The sprouting process, known as malting, releases amylase enzymes that break starches down into more digestible forms including sugars. Chapter 25
  • The two blueberry bushes are sprouting and I've watered them a little bit.
  • The fin rays sprouting from the ends are also unique in having a long, stiff unsegmented basal area.
  • BUY Choose purple sprouting broccoli that is fresh, with firm stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here the hedges are best, not trimmed in brutal tidiness but rampant with hip-laden roses and garlanded by vivid bryony berries; and sprouting pithy wands of elder, strong grey spears of ash and angular spikes of black berried sloes.
  • The old grass and the sprouting needles of new grass greened, the buds on the guelder-rose, the buds and the sticky, spirituous birches swelled, and on the willow, all sprinkled with golden catkins, the flitting, newly-hatched bee buzzed. Tolstoy III: Invisible Larks
  • Curious, the Bard then climbed within and settled into the seat behind a wooden wheel attached to a shaft sprouting from the fore end of the cabin.
  • As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.
  • The blue was fading to a dull chlorine green, the fuchsia sprouting roots of over an inch.
  • Ties cover turkey necks and sprouting chest hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sprouting, which may appear as a swelling from the shoot at the germ portion of the grain, degrades wheat quality.
  • Its not the tea party perse but it is the fringies among them, the militant sprouting up among these fringies and the just plain loudmopuths try to score politically. Clinton warns against violent anti-government attitude
  • Serve with new potatoes and beans or sprouting broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • As proof of his discreetness, moss had grown all over the stone houses, with small trees sprouting from the roofs, and poison ivy dangling over the walls to cover up the windows.
  • This is one of the most delicious things you can do with a bundle of purple sprouting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Approaching the bird, anger turned to curiosity at seeming small green leaves sprouting from a slender twig.
  • Storage sheds are sprouting like mushrooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • I forgot to mention on Wednesday that I'd harvested my first sprouting broccoli.
  • One afternoon Victor bundles us into his jeep and careers up a twisting track, past coffee bushes which have blossomed overnight, sprouting cream pompoms with the scent of jasmine.
  • It's also the moment for purple sprouting — so much nicer than calabrese, if you ask me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Serve it with seasonal greens such as asparagus, beans or sprouting broccoli, with new potatoes too if you have big appetites. Times, Sunday Times
  • As long as my furry oh so good looking arse points to the ground the tosser who is in gummite sprouting this shite will never get my fkn voted. Cheeseburger Gothic » More of a Friday Writing Thought than a Friday Writing Blog.
  • Serve it with seasonal greens such as asparagus, beans or sprouting broccoli, with new potatoes too if you have big appetites. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fluted trunk is sprouting tufts of grass and although still covered in bark, the sapwood underneath is mush.
  • Any type of container is suitable for sprouting wheatgrass.
  • The trunks of some of the trees were three times the girth of anything in Europe, and many had enormous walls of wood sprouting from their bases like the buttresses of gothic cathedrals.
  • BUY Choose purple sprouting broccoli that is fresh, with firm stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, there was a time, for the first minute or so of meeting the sweet-natured pup, that she was still sufficiently clear of vision that she recognized he was something far less than perfect … and not just because of the hairless body and spiky Mohawk sprouting from the tiny head. A purpose in life for 'ugly dog' Elwood, owner
  • The path through an entrance pavilion (embellished by a Bertoia sculpture) opens into a magical stony garden, a fragment of desert outcrop sprouting spiny cacti and frangipani.
  • Imagine grass, wildflowers, shrubs, or even trees sprouting from your rooftop.
  • Nerve regeneration involves axonal sprouting, growthing and extension, as well as reconstructing synaptic relate with target cell, which can be depended to realize the nerves re dominated function.
  • Plant purple sprouting broccoli or sprouts in a deep trench and earth them up as they grow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lawn had migrated over the edges of the path, sprouting patches of self-seeded geranium as it travelled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cupboard is a little bare around now and sprouting broccoli is featuring heavily. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is one of the most delicious things you can do with a bundle of purple sprouting. Times, Sunday Times
  • New blood capillaries are formed by sprouting from pre-existing blood vessels.
  • The book is a hallucinatory drug, its words venomous mushrooms sprouting in dark armies on the soft fibres of paper.
  • The area was first settled in the 1830s and buildings began sprouting up on the Station site not long after.
  • Joe - black skullcap, five red spikes sprouting like a deranged cockscomb from ear to ear - had spent the night at Sam's house.
  • At our weekly lunch date, Tuesday before last, I even tee-heed my close friend, Diane, who admitted she had gone looking in her yard for any sign of sprouting.
  • I'd seen what those newspaper columnists had been sprouting first hand.
  • The land rush for new information domains is exposing weaknesses in its registrar's infrastructure and already protest sites are sprouting up.
  • The doorstep was barely visible through the undergrowth - and weeds were sprouting out of one section of the roof.
  • Serve with buttered purple sprouting broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • The facade is vandalised - not a single pane of glass remains and graffiti despoils the faience tiling - and also has extensive vegetation sprouting from the most unlikely places.
  • However, as we've just said, roots don't have buds, and that's exactly what you see sprouting on the potato, arising from the potato's eyes.
  • The grass has grown, the hawthorn hedge is fully in leaf, different plants are in bloom and new ones are sprouting, apple and pear trees are in blossom.
  • But discovering the wonder of a sprouting seed, or watching how a worm moves underground can still compete with Gameboys and win.
  • Becoming an industry leader requires more than sprouting locations across the country.
  • After curing, tubers will keep for several months without sprouting if kept in complete darkness at 40 to 45 degrees and high humidity.
  • Thanks to new arts complexes sprouting like mushrooms across the map, the global dance village percolates with activity.
  • Also see fishlike tadpoles that will later metamorphose into American bullfrogs, sprouting legs and losing their tails.
  • There is no way they can keep investment excitement from sprouting up all over the world.
  • I loved what I managed to see of New York, but my skin protested by sprouting ugly things, and it took several shampoos to wash New York dirt out of my hair.
  • In humid climates, triticale seed had the annoying propensity of sprouting prematurely; often, while still on the parent.
  • Rain, heavy dew, and high humidity stimulate preharvest sprouting.
  • In the Mediterranean, I've seen large, robust fig trees sprouting from craggy slopes and fractured rock cliffs.
  • Many older malls will fold as consumers start to patronize the new, unenclosed, lifestyle malls that are sprouting up throughout the country.
  • The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin.
  • As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.
  • Nursing homes are sprouting like mushrooms even here in the countryside.
  • She's standing alone, stringy hair, corduroy skirt, scabby legs sprouting out of Roman sandals.
  • Karma later decided to see what was what at the neighbor's place and stepped into the bed so she could get a better idea ... that nailed a crookneck squash plant, some of the sprouting bag carrots, and two marigolds in a starter pot. Insert amusing Twitter-related title here.
  • The cupboard is a little bare around now and sprouting broccoli is featuring heavily. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this was long before digital technology, and the device was really little more than a box of tricks with a vast number of leads and connections sprouting from a junction box in the corner of the room.
  • Serve with new potatoes and beans or sprouting broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bean with one cotyledon removed, after sprouting had begun. _a_, Seed-coat; _b_, cotyledon; _c_, epicotyl; _d_, hypocotyl; _e_, endosperm. The First Book of Farming
  • In fresh onions there will be no sign of sprouting in the central core. Food Watch
  • He stood majestically in the door frame, clouds of silvery white sprouting from his scalp.
  • Ostrich feathers enveloped everything, covering the abbreviated bolero jackets, squashed between two gauzy layers of tulle on the second-skin gowns and sprouting from the hips or haunches of catsuits in racy black lace. Balmain, Zac Posen, Rick Owens & Manish Arora Out Of This World In Paris (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • Nerve regeneration involves axonal sprouting, growthing and extension, as well as reconstructing synaptic relate with target cell, which can be depended to realize the nerves re dominated function.
  • Once stones are matched up something ‘good’ or ‘lucky’ happens, such as a beanstalk sprouting up to the clouds or a treasure chest appearing somewhere on the map.
  • Sprouting venous endothelial cells dedifferentiate as they migrate over and invade the myocardium. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Practical control of premature sprouting in storage is achieved through the use of low temperatures or treatment with chemical sprout suppressants.
  • Either by force or by coercion, any sprouting counter-power will be neutralized.
  • The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin.
  • Rita Ranch was zoned industrial long before homes started sprouting there.
  • In Trinidad, where storage of up to 4 weeks is usually regarded as attainable, pre-harvest spraying with maleic hydrazide or treating the harvested tubers with MENA in acetone inhibited sprouting when the tubers were stored for Chapter 30
  • In the middle of this temple complex, there is an ancient pond, fed by the waters sprouting from its bed; it has been claimed that the depth of this pond has never been fathomed.
  • I steam purple sprouting for 4 minutes, white for 3 and the thicker-stemmed calabrese broccoli for about 5, depending on the size of the florets. Nigel Slater's white sprouting
  • It's already claiming conspicuous success in sprouting its special "Kiri" tree in faraway places. Main RSS Feed
  • The Union was particularly concerned about poor storage for Mans Piper resulting in sprouting, which would mean extra processing.
  • Trent dived belly flat into the protection of a bush sprouting from beside the concrete piling.
  • It may not be the most prolific sprouting ever seen in the history of hairweaving but who cares? The Sun
  • Meanwhile, many new houses are sprouting up around the reservoir which blocks the natural drainage from rain that previously helped fill the reservoir.
  • This is one of the most delicious things you can do with a bundle of purple sprouting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Private banks, and the Federal Housing and Veterans administrations, favored homeowner loans to single-family dwellings in the ‘new homogeneous’ neighborhoods sprouting to the west, and redlined older areas of the city.
  • Weeds start sprouting in the empty spaces in beds and borders and even in pots and containers.
  • This process destroys the germ and prevents the kernel from sprouting.
  • Globe artichokes are sprouting new leaves and may need protection from frost in cold areas.
  • In the centre of the mantel was a stuffed bird-of-paradise, while about the room were scattered gorgeous shells from the southern seas, delicate sprays of coral sprouting from barnacled pi-pi shells and cased in glass, assegais from South Africa, stone axes from New Guinea, huge SAMUEL
  • It may have been an unusually cold spring but the daffodils are sprouting, so that's not it. Times, Sunday Times
  • It showed a cherry tree in bloom, with the white flowers sprouting and new branches growing on top of the old.
  • I was amazed to find that the comfrey plants (I planted the offsets last Thursday) which were only just sprouting a couple of days ago, all now have proper leaves!
  • Bald coots enjoyed his potatoes, olive whistlers pulled up sprouting peas, and pipits ate young sprouts.
  • The problem with bringing comic book characters to life is that you have to make them look believable … you had to know that a believable Captain America these days would not be running around with wings sprouting from the sides of his head and would have to look a bit more militaristic. Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » Behold: The New Captain America
  • In an old-growth forest, rotting trees sprouting new saplings are a common sight.
  • I am glad the banksia tree is sprouting and that you saw its new growth. Tropic Temper
  • Sprouting your own wheatgrass is extremely easy.
  • He was astride a pegasi - a black horse with wings sprouting from its withers - and rode along in silence.
  • Below the canopy are bright flowers and vines, a sprouting area for fruit seeds, benches, and a swing.
  • I was amazed to find that the comfrey plants (I planted the offsets last Thursday) which were only just sprouting a couple of days ago, all now have proper leaves!
  • The steps are crowned with statues and, again, fountains, which make them a combination of sprouting water and cascading falls.
  • Despite the work, the slippery staircase is running with damp and sprouting moss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seeing new churches sprouting has been a great thrill for me. Christianity Today
  • In one investigation, Schmitt found that enzymes called serine-class proteases, which break down proteins in the sprouting grain, can also break down beta-amylase, an important enzyme for converting carbs to simple sugars. Daily News & Analysis
  • The word "plumule" struck me; it turns out it's pronounced PLOOM-yule /"plu:myu:l/, and it means 'rudimentary shoot, bud, or bunch of undeveloped leaves in a seed' (it's from Latin plūmula, the diminutive of plūma 'small soft feather, down'), so that "shoots and plumules of one's experience" is a very tasty phrase, incorporating both the visible (as it were) and the embryonic shoots sprouting up from the depths of our lived lives and mulish memories. PLUMULE.
  • In the sprouting system they're thrust into what is a perfect incubator for bacteria — they're warm and they're wet and they're growing luxuriously, Smith DeWaal says. Experts link sprouts to fatal illnesses
  • Throughout the community, crisp new row houses are sprouting alongside aging split-levels.
  • In the centre of the mantel was a stuffed bird-of-paradise, while about the room were scattered gorgeous shells from the southern seas, delicate sprays of coral sprouting from barnacled pi-pi shells and cased in glass, assegais from South Africa, stone axes from New Guinea, huge SAMUEL
  • Too many of the other buildings around the lagoon had long since slipped and slid away below the silt, revealing their gimcrack origins, and the Ritz now stood in splendid isolation on the west shore, even the rich blue moulds sprouting from the carpets in the dark corridors adding to its 19th-century dignity. Ballardian » Simon O’Carrigan’s The Drowned World
  • Ties cover turkey necks and sprouting chest hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Corn is finally sprouting in the field that had the large pool of water standing in it much of the spring.
  • Once grass starts sprouting and leaves begin to unfurl on trees, the vegetation gives the world a greenish cast on an overcast day.
  • But either way, it's a warm, gently humid, contemplative space, air filled with the gurgle of small waterfalls, flowing over the regular patterns of concrete steps, into pools sprouting with fern and reed.
  • This is one of the most delicious things you can do with a bundle of purple sprouting. Times, Sunday Times
  • We saw the ubiquitous charity shops sprouting everywhere, which is the first sign of decline.
  • You hear the pounding surf and see a cluster of cartoonish grass huts sprouting in the distance.
  • The hills were as green as in dreams, merino sheep had green seeds sprouting in their wool.
  • Common garden seed found in your garden centre is often treated with chemical fungicides and should not be used for sprouting.
  • The path through an entrance pavilion (embellished by a Bertoia sculpture) opens into a magical stony garden, a fragment of desert outcrop sprouting spiny cacti and frangipani.
  • Twenty years later, still sprouting sideburns and a head of thick, oil-black hair, Wolfe still looks every bit the rock 'n' roll dude.
  • Sow purple-sprouting broccoli and winter cabbages in trays.
  • Beattie MS, Bresnahan JC (2001) Degeneration and sprouting of identified descending supraspinal axons after contusive spinal cord injury in the rat. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • They're both heritage varieties, so that's pretty good going I think although I haven't given up all hope of the other seeds sprouting.
  • Ventilator chimneys sprouting on the roofs of his Barcelona apartments resemble a collection of mounted life forms from an alien planet.
  • And books, everywhere, sprouting like mushrooms in a greenhouse, pullulating on shelves, in shoots that teeter at navel height like cubist stalagmites.
  • Ties cover turkey necks and sprouting chest hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was using it to cauterize little capillaries that were sprouting in the inner chest. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • Many plants also have methods of asexual reproduction (vegetative reproduction), which produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent: root-sprouting (limberbush, palo verde, aspen), stolons and rhizomes (agaves, strawberries, many grasses), and aerial plantlets (some agaves, mother-of-millions, kalanchoe). Pollination ecology of desert plants
  • Most scrub dominants recover by resprouting and clonal spread, while many herbaceous species are obligate seeders.
  • As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.
  • The wounded tree responds by sprouting a compact bundle of slender twigs.
  • There are eight arcade windows also, and they're hung now with pendulous floral arrangements of pumpkins, and little trees sprouting from lemons floating in gallons of water.
  • Too many of the other buildings around the lagoon had long since slipped and slid away below the silt, revealing their gimcrack origins, and the Ritz now stood in splendid isolation on the west shore, even the rich blue moulds sprouting from the carpets in the dark corridors adding to its 19th-century dignity. Ballardian » Simon O’Carrigan’s The Drowned World
  • In an old-growth forest, rotting trees sprouting new saplings are a common sight.
  • As well as sprouting a few grey hairs, Kevin seems to be suffering the occasional memory loss.
  • Ties cover turkey necks and sprouting chest hair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Serve with new potatoes and beans or sprouting broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Silver spigots sprouting out of the walls at even intervals.
  • The parcel leans against a wall hectically Blu-tacked with Julian's drawings: from potato men sprouting arms and legs "My Mummy", to skyscrapers and towers and a not bad charcoal sketch of Raffael, their old alsatian, tattered but surviving. Polly Samson | The Man Who Fell
  • With parsnips and broccoli sprouting in her hair, she's gleefully grotesque and seething discreetly with misanthropic contempt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Downtown Morgan Hill is sprouting coffee shops, brew pubs and restaurants.
  • Ventilator chimneys sprouting on the roofs of his Barcelona apartments resemble a collection of mounted life forms from an alien planet.
  • In humid climates, triticale seed had the annoying propensity of sprouting prematurely; often, while still on the parent.
  • Result suggested that wheat breeder should breed new varieties with not higher gluten content, but higher starch content, good noodle color stability and resistant pre-harvest sprouting.
  • In many districts, the only things still standing after the December 26 quake were the palm and eucalyptus trees, incongruously sprouting amid the piles of bricks and twisted metal.
  • But coca is a very resilient plant, and fresh green leaves are already sprouting from stalks fumigated a few months ago.
  • I was astonished: the room was filled with rows and rows of black pots sprouting with full-grown plants and a web of tiny black feeding-tubes.
  • Across the country, smarter, better-planned, more walkable developments are sprouting up without sprawling out.
  • Moreover, changes in endocrine status by adrenalectomy or ovariectomy in the rat profoundly increased the density of the nerve fibres in the anterior pituitary as a result of active axonal sprouting.
  • This is one of the most delicious things you can do with a bundle of purple sprouting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some Carlsbad residents feel that they need to coddle their budding high-tech companies sprouting around Palomar Airport.
  • They had red skin, and small horns like a buck's newly sprouting antlers.
  • The sprouting barley seedlings can provide an enzyme called amylase that breaks down starch into maltose a sugar. Evolution of alcohol synthesis - The Panda's Thumb
  • Similarly, clipping shoots of Artemisia plants did not reduce resprouting relative to unclipped control plants.
  • Every segment of the vertebral column has two big nerves sprouting from the spinal cord on either side, called the dorsal root and the ventral root. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Italian green sprouting or Calabrese broccoli is the most commonly grown heirloom type.

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