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How To Use Sprout In A Sentence

  • In the middle of the white wormy thing, which fills the entire shell, is a green blob about the size of a small sprout.
  • They lived for some days on the excellent flesh of the maskalonge, on clams from the beach -- enormous clams of delicious flavor -- on a new fruit with a pinkish meat, which grew abundantly in the thickets and somewhat resembled breadfruit; on wild asparagus-sprouts, and on the few squirrels that Stern was able to "pot" with his revolver from the shelter of the leafy little camping-place they had arranged near the river. Darkness and Dawn
  • My green onion plant, that had sprouted six inches, suddenly wilted and died.
  • By the 1960s, whites too had become avid fans of township jazz, which had sprouted into kwela's instrumental music and mbaqanga, a vocal jazz style.
  • They sowed potatoes, carrots, beetroot, lettuce, scallions, onion sets, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and celery.
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  • Chitting describes the process whereby seeds are placed between layers of damp kitchen towel and allowed to sprout prior to planting.
  • Each window sprouted a flag and blue metal mesh shutter. The Tribes Triumphant
  • As you try to lever them into position, they seem to suddenly sprout extra limbs to match the extra decibels they are producing.
  • Brussels sprouts will be back - and in a blender. The Sun
  • Sprouting grains by soaking them first increases the amount of enzymes and neutralises the antinutrient phytic acid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Put your foot down and it sprouts teeth and claws. Times, Sunday Times
  • Y-27632 rescues collagen-induced arrest of neurite sprouting and elongation in cultured rat neurons PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The latest proposed tower to sprout up among the ever-changing skyline is the Burj Al-Taqa Energy Tower for the Middle East. BURJ AL-TAQA: Zero-Energy Tower for the Middle East | Inhabitat
  • An Asian plant (Vigna radiata ) in the pea family, widely cultivated for its edible seeds and pods. It is the chief source of bean sprouts.
  • After being sprayed with the chemicals (typically chlorpropham or maleic hydrazide) potatoes arrive at the store looking perfect, unblemished, and without any sprouts for up to a year after harvest. Janine Yorio: Where Did the Potato Sprouts Go?
  • Wash the sprouts well, put equal portion in kachori with cottage cheese and tomato dices.
  • Unlimited quantities of canned or fresh beansprouts may be added to bulk up small quantities of rice.
  • Corporate funding was pumped into new buildings that sprouted up on the Belfield campus.
  • Try shredded pak choi, sliced shitake mushrooms, a handful of beansprouts, sliced mangetouts, cooked egg noodles and fresh crab meat.
  • Alongside them sprouted multitudinous single-issue groups, from vegetarian societies to trade unions, women's groups, and colonialist lobbies.
  • Is it like pruning shrubs, so the more I shave my face the faster it will sprout on top? Times, Sunday Times
  • The plants sprouting now include grasses, clovers, dandelions, several types of thistle, mustards, and small composites.
  • For example, purple sprouting broccoli needs to be cut fresh and sold straight away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tiny pockets of purple lavender sprouted hopefully from cracks in the baked earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • And for good reason there is even less hope among the civil societies that have sprouted in country after country, even in the seemingly least fertile of soils, that China will help Africa democratize, which is a key to the continent's future. Howard W. French: Obama and Africa: The Change We Have Been Waiting For?
  • Jacaranda trees sprouting white, unripened buds shaded the water. The Madonnas of Echo Park
  • At the moment curly kale, sprouts and parsnips are being harvested in the suburban garden and the head gardener is on hand for advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tiny pockets of purple lavender sprouted hopefully from cracks in the baked earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's welcome to ye, sotted sprout! mielikki said... Trouble On Wondawowman (Part Six)
  • Nineteen film funds have sprouted in Korea this year alone, helping reinvigorate the local industry.
  • Adam cast him into so narrow a mould, as to think that himself, who had newly sprouted up by his almighty power, was fit to be his corrival in knowledge.
  • In its sprout one of the most original new appear in the English countryside for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the chin-length silver hair sprouting after Proudfoot's 4-month-old haircut is not due to any hippieness. Payson Roundup stories
  • The species Brassica oleracea includes the vegetable crops cauliflower, cabbage, calabrese, and Brussels sprouts.
  • When I was twelve I began sprouting my first pubic hair, and I was aghast.
  • My colleague selected honey-glazed pork in garlic, together with roast potatoes, sprouts and diced swede, advertised at £3.65.
  • As the oil slick from the recent offshore oil rig disaster makes its way to Gulf Coast shores - expected to devastate the precious ecosystem and hurt struggling businesses - the seeds of political fallout for the Obama administration are beginning to sprout. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Monday, May 3, 2010
  • Not that she had any intentions of cooking the brussels sprouts that evening, but she had to give herself a job of some sort to do. MURDER MOVES IN
  • There are specific genes that make people more or less disposed to the bitter taste in sprouts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tiny pockets of purple lavender sprouted hopefully from cracks in the baked earth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add bean sprouts and cook another half minute. Add pork, shrimp, salt, soy, sherry and heat through.
  • Bare branches grow out of one end, while shoots sprout out from the other, smiling snakes wriggle around and a baby bird emerges from an egg.
  • Grow different sprouts each time to provide variety. Stay Well This Winter
  • These elaborately painted masks represent a pair of horned animals, each with a porcupine quill sprouting from its head.
  • However, once people stopped eating broccoli sprouts, their levels of H pylori and pepsinogen I and II eventually went back to where they were at the beginning of the study. Broccoli sprouts: Potent anti-cancer potential
  • If the sprouts smell mouldy or acidic, do not eat them. Stay Well This Winter
  • Many inhabitants choose to change gender, sprout wings, or become mythological beasts. Times, Sunday Times
  • This may sound like odd advice, but it makes sense if you know that "pullulate" traces ultimately to the Latin noun "pullus," which means not only "sprout," but also "young of an animal" and, specifically, Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • New blood capillaries are formed by sprouting from pre-existing blood vessels.
  • Though Dad is awfully good at growing green things, the Little Sprouts pine for something sweeter.
  • Despite the work, the slippery staircase is running with damp and sprouting moss. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the harsh light, the long tufts of golden brown hair sprouting from the crown of his head reminded Lucy of a lion's mane.
  • I was amazed to find that the comfrey plants which were only just sprouting a couple of days ago, all now have proper leaves!
  • The leaves of mangos and cacaos do the reverse, turning scarlet when they first sprout.
  • Weeds sprouted through the cracks in the concrete.
  • Stomach churner: Brussel sprouts thanks to the Mom-imposed Scarsdale diet that the whole family had to abide by. A humble spork, but 'tis mine own
  • Reduce the heat and add curry paste, beans and mangetouts, mushrooms, sprouts, stock, sugar and basil.
  • I also related my first experiment in the arboricultural line, when I cut from two thrifty rows of young cherry-trees any quantity of what I supposed to be ` suckers, 'or ` sprouts,' and was thereafter informed by my gardener that I had cut off all his grafts! '' Life of Hon. Phineas T. Barnum
  • It is from this very imagination of some fertile minds that various religious texts, rituals and ideas have sprouted.
  • This was followed by a ratatouille cream soup with the most wonderful garlic croutons and a baked strudel with chicken, leek and soya sprouts in two sauces.
  • It was a warm night, so he didn't need his cloak or Sprout's odorous saddle blanket. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Prepared from germinated and sprouted grain and cereals, their food is rich in various nutrients, vitamins and enzymes and also helps in curing constipation, acidity, piles and skin diseases.
  • A hospital found his innards to contain two balls of undigested food, with the sprouts the most likely culprit.
  • Is there anywhere he doesn't have hair sprouting? Times, Sunday Times
  • Serve with new potatoes and beans or sprouting broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is another type of Gotbob for meat lovers, presenting unoiled pork sirloin along with herb leaves, herb flowers, and various sprouts.
  • Bean Sprout and the Bean Curd.
  • The latest proposed tower to sprout up among the ever-changing skyline is [...] enKlosure » Blog Archive » Shades of Green Says: NEW DUBAI TOWER CLOCKS THE SUN | Inhabitat
  • Hearty beef soup coming from the colder reaches of Lanna - bean sprouts and sweet basil, dried chili, galangal, sliced lemongrass and lime.
  • Of course, that's not always possible, particularly in the depths of winter when my sowing tends to be limited to sprouting seeds on the windowsill and maybe some tomato seeds in a heated propagator.
  • The base and armature is a trussed column of welded stainless steel tubing - a relatively nimble footing for the mass that sprouts from it.
  • The thick succulent stems of spekboom readily sprout when a freshly-cut branch is simply inserted into soil.
  • I used quinoa, which is not only faster sprouting, it is a "super" food that has all the essential amino acids. Cashewwwwww Cheese--Gesundheit!!!
  • Many gardeners are familiar with forcing cherry, forsythia blossoms & and spring bulbs but you can add to this by sprouting wheat kernels in containers for a beautiful centerpiece.
  • Some species will sprout right away; others could take a year or more to grow.
  • The barley was first allowed to germinate, or sprout rootlets, in a moist environment.
  • An untended lawn looks out of control in a week, with sprouts a foot tall, and trees can reach 60 feet within a decade.
  • Ingredients: Rice, fernbrake, roots of balloon flower, bean sprout, beef, red pepper paste, sesame oil.
  • Its lifecycle begins in the spring when infective spores are forcibly ejected from reproductive structures that sprout from overwintering pods of black, hardened mycelium called "sclerotia. Boing Boing
  • We looked in on the chickens, fed the koi, walked the perimeter of the deer fence to make sure there were no breaks in it anywhere (it keeps the deer out of the garden, where the spinach is just starting to sprout). ELLISON v. CBS-PARAMOUNT, Inc.
  • The real world - the mud on the ground, the stones, the sprouting grass - are not captured by the street name.
  • Whereas his fields used to sprout hemp dogbane and wirestem mully, now the troublemakers are mainly foxtail and pigweed, with buttonweed showing up some years, and some horseweed in the small grain.
  • Massive bottom-up infrastructure sprouted all over the world in bits and pieces, proliferated, and a new paradigm was created.
  • A couple of the beds will be given more attention, and fennel, mangels and sprouting broccoli sown in them.
  • We used to trespass into a field and sit eating raw Brussels sprouts or rhubarb to assuage our hunger. Times, Sunday Times
  • The well-known sprout after-effects seem to be minimised by cooking them this way, too. The Sun
  • New tower blocks and luxury villas are sprouting just as demand for them has started easing, analysts said.
  • Patches of contemporaneity sprouted here and there but the general concert menu had not changed in generations and, despite lavish subsidy, there was no public demand for reformation.
  • The cones have remained unmoved for so long that they have acted like cloches to force-grow the grass, which is now sprouting out of the open tops.
  • I love them braised with other autumn crops such as pumpkins and sprouts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The really eye-catching feature is the freezer cabinets displaying a range of fish and meat that somehow avoids sprouting ice crystals. Times, Sunday Times
  • All that fake jollity and enforced contact, not forgetting all those sprouts, has put the relationship under the most intense pressure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, Downes's painterliness has sprouted where it could have been least anticipated: surrounded by a Minimalist's monument to the absolute.
  • By 9pm, fresh favourites such as seafood laksa and seared tuna with radish sprouts are long gone. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the poll of more than 1000 shoppers, 70% of respondents said they enjoy sprouts as part of their Christmas dinner.
  • When it comes to bok choy, napa cabbage, mungbean sprouts, snow peas, litchis and kumquats, you no longer have to make a trip to Chinatown.
  • Serve the stir-fry on a bed of the rice and beansprouts with soy sauce, if desired.
  • New factories have sprouted up everywhere.
  • The bass player, an exceptionally tall, lean man with a bald head out of which sprouted a few knots of corkscrewed hair, looked a bit like Curtly Ambrose, the once-feared West Indies pace bowler.
  • Now if you will excuse me, I'm going out into my back yard, and rototill a huge amount of dried shredded deciduous leaves down into my worm castings, and continue propagating my current bushes and black raspberry sprouts. Dennis Wingo - Why Space? Why Now? - NASA Watch
  • What are called Gallican ideas are ever sprouting up like noxious weeds; there is a malcontent The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • She opens her eyes, and looks at me as though I've sprouted horns.
  • At the moment curly kale, sprouts and parsnips are being harvested in the suburban garden and the head gardener is on hand for advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had curried rice for tea and Nat had some saucy, sprouty, bacony, ricey goodness. Recent Updates
  • Farmers are experiencing buoyant demand for cauliflowers, sprouts and swedes as families shop for the freshest, top quality veg to accompany their roast turkey.
  • Their above-ground parts die back, but their roots overwinter, and the plants resprout in the spring.
  • It's the best excuse to start your own slips from market sweet potatoes sprouted at home.
  • A burst of force broke the ground next to them, and a huge, snake-like creature sprouted above ground.
  • BUY Choose purple sprouting broccoli that is fresh, with firm stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • At one point I had several of these "mammary" formations sprouting out of my wall -- and I never once thought to alert the local news. Archive 2006-06-01
  • The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin.
  • Seeds, when ripened in the fruit, are disseminated, that is to say, scattered on the surface of the ground, to sprout in spots as yet unoccupied and fill the expanses that realize favourable conditions. The Life of the Spider
  • It contains superfoods like nori, sprouted quinoa, alfalfa, aloe vera and wild blue-green algae, which has virtually every nutrient known to man.
  • A dark purple dragon winked at her, and a fire-red phoenix with the occasional blue or green feather sprouting from its tail made the fluting noise.
  • The branches greened, leaves sprouted, and blossoms sprung and turned into ripe apples.
  • Blanch bean sprouts and pressed bean curd in boiling water. Drain.
  • Vitamin B, C and E will also help in keeping your skin in good shape and great food sources are citrus fruits, berry fruits, broccoli, hazelnuts, Brussels sprouts, red peppers, wheatgerm and sunflower seeds.
  • Her body was crumbling: she was confined to a chair with an osteoporotic spine, and her neck seemed to have collapsed so that her head apparently sprouted from her upper chest at a crazy angle.
  • The laksa sauce is spooned over noodles topped with bean sprouts, and served with a squeeze of lime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fire had sprouted on several of the rooftops and street carts, its tongues licking the feet of those who ran by it.
  • It has already sprouted three new shoots around the cutting and shows no sign of slowing.
  • The fine, young leaves of sprouted garlic bulbils look like newly sprouted grass.
  • Keep cabbages, Brussels sprouts and cauliflowers covered with horticultural fleece or a fine netting to prevent cabbage white butterflies from laying eggs.
  • Another acquaintance of mine didn't believe in chemical pesticides for gardening so he cut out squares from old carpet and placed one around each Brussels sprout plant to prevent creepy-crawlies climbing up.
  • Only a small percentage from each weed species sprouts each year.
  • Weapons mounts sprouted from every possible angle—Sisko, eyes narrowing, counted four projections that should be phaser mounts on just one of the down-curved, backswept wings—and the hull was laced with what appeared to be sensor points. Proud Helios
  • Brussels sprouts are great for us, and if you fancy giving them a twist check out the attractive reddy-purple forms. The Sun
  • The Beard Liberation Front is not doing itself, or its cause, any favours by toadying to those who lack the conviction to sprout a decent set of whiskers and grow the full monty.
  • Now there should be room for the 5 sweetcorn (which are growing well) and the sprouting broccoli and the 4 runner beans I have been given in exchange for the Welsh onions.
  • Move the pots outside when the seeds begin to sprout.
  • Pungent foods such as brussels sprouts, broccoli, onions, spices, coffee and chocolate, Profet says, nauseate some pregnant women because they contain compounds, such as allyl isothiocyanate in cabbage, that can interfere with fetal-organ formation. Babies, Broccoli And Birth Defects
  • Actually, on closer observation I am astonished to see a handful of dreadlocks sprouting from the top of her head. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the early weeks of the winter share, members receive hardy late-season greens like kale, Brussels sprouts and tatsoi from the fields in addition to storage crops.
  • Also, a new industry has sprouted to help manage relocation costs, which often includes helping an employee's spouse or partner find employment in their new area.
  • Grow different sprouts each time to provide variety. Stay Well This Winter
  • The newly formed sprout may function as a sink for the low molecular weight products of starch degradation.
  • Dinner was a great success despite me nearly strangling my BIL for phoning up to tell me how to cook the sprouts properly!
  • Pan-Arabism sprouted in the Ottoman Empire ruling period. Its basic assertion is that Arabians are a national community with goal to establish a United and independent Arabian country.
  • cruciferous" variety includes kale, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, radishes and fruit can all produce excess gas.
  • Second course: seared dayboat scallops with Wink pancetta, brussels sprouts, and brown butter mustard What if No One's Watching?: August 2008 Archives
  • As I evolved as a writer, from navel-high producer of galactic space operas to fuzz-sprouting fantasist imagining nonexistent island countries, to university dabbler in more-or-less realistic short stories to twentysomething unpublished novelist, I became more and more interested in the interactive nature of fiction. Mohsin Hamid on writing The Reluctant Fundamentalist
  • Babystars, fleabane, and the aptly name fireweed, post-fire denizens of the vegetation world, had already sprouted and were laying claim to the barren slopes. News Review - Top Stories
  • This is one of the most delicious things you can do with a bundle of purple sprouting. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are great with roast or mashed potatoes, roast pumpkin or parsnips, boiled Brussel sprouts, broccoli or buttered green peas.
  • Angus led the old garron to the place called Clachan Knowe where big erratic boulders sprouted from the heather like henge-stones.
  • Superior products would evolve and stiff competition would sprout up as Roundup patent protections expired around the globe.
  • A shock of white hair sprouted from his scalp and his craggy face was accented by thick, bushy eyebrows.
  • But too often new ones sprout like weeds. The Sun
  • Heavy pruning to renew growth through sprouting usually controls several types of fungi that infect coralberries.
  • Basically those plants that can sprout the quickest and grow the fastest literally shade out their competitors and they're more likely to produce seeds.
  • I'm holding my breath, but it looks like my pepper seeds are sprouting!
  • • The crucifer family Cruciferae, which gets its name from the tiny cross you can see if you look at a recently sprouted seed. Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy
  • But as with all his other symptoms, the ulcer was abnormal, as demonstrated by the glossy white molars sprouting in a clump from its center. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • In it sprouted last year's saprophyte seeds, salt and alcohol in their tissues to prevent freezing, and covered the rocks with ocherous and purple patches. A Circus of Hells
  • Some of the aphid species that transmit viruses of sugar beet and mangold crops survive through the winter in clamps and multiply in the spring on the developing sprouts of mangolds.
  • During the spring new plants sprout but their fruits don't immediately ripen.
  • They all look so healthy and cheerful in a clean-living, sprout-sprouting kind of way.
  • A sliver of warm brown down the fringe and, conclusively, a shaftless little feather boa sprouting from the base identified the owner as a game bird. Country diary
  • Your ability to distinguish sprouted brown rice protein from heirloom maca marks you out as one of the evangelical elect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some vegetables in this category include cabbage, collards, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens, turnips and radishes.
  • While brows are sprouting, make sure to fill them in with an eyebrow pencil or brow powder, advises beauty guru, Laura Mercier.
  • He can be told that "ovule" means little egg, and that the seed of the plant is the egg of the plant, which hatches -- sprouts -- into the plant we see. The Renewal of Life; How and When to Tell the Story to the Young
  • Its handle was sticky with last week's lasagna and the mold it had sprouted since, but it felt good in her hand. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Keeping a wary eye on the black speck above him, Sam urged Sprout on. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • And with an entire community having sprouted along the river, there is no doubt that the next flood will be a complete wipeout.
  • Green samphire tickles the saltmarshes, glistening channels weave through the mudflats and tall marram grasses sprout from the dunes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some other plants had survived, a small convolvulus, golden lamium and creeping geranium were beginning to sprout so these were potted up but the lining fell to bits when the basket was emptied.
  • Isothiocyanates are also found in cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and wasabi, the Japanese condiment.
  • Kosmin concluded from the 1990 data that many saw God as a "personal hobby," and that the USA is "a greenhouse for spiritual sprouts. Most religious groups in USA have lost ground, survey finds
  • Improvement MS culture and paclobutrazol are contributed to the sprout and differentiation of axillary bud.
  • The moonlight glinted off its shaggy fur, shining off the pale wings sprouting from its back.
  • Below the mounting, sprouting from a conduit pipe, was the aerial cable from the medium and short-wave sets. LET NOT THE DEEP
  • Columbine and nicotiana sprouted everywhere, as did a colony of small buddleia.
  • If this happens, don't despair: bananas usually resprout from the base. Times, Sunday Times
  • Divide veal, scallions, Brussels sprouts, sake, bone marrow and bouillon into four bowls.
  • They had sprouted from buried wood in the vegetable garden and sported livid blue-green, slimy caps.
  • The capillary sprouts eventually join together to form a new network, with arterioles supplying them and venules draining them.
  • At the moment curly kale, sprouts and parsnips are being harvested in the suburban garden and the head gardener is on hand for advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • This process destroys the germ and prevents the kernel from sprouting.
  • With the economy once again on the move and the Olympics and World Cup on the way, there is a certain something in the Rio air right now; a swagger that can be felt not only in Ipanema's luxurious nightspots, but also in the city's impoverished slums – favelas – and remote Amazonian towns where shopping malls and cinemas are sprouting from the ground with growing pace. Lula's Brazil: glitzy, rich, dynamic
  • Halloumi sandwiches with homemade half-wholemeal buns, lettuce, onion and tomato, and a marble box of falafel, croquette balls, brussel sprouts and a cherry tomato. Bentos #198, 199, 200 and 201! « Were rabbits
  • In contrast to California's current Spring bounty, all that is on offer at this time of year are apples, pears, cauliflower, leeks, carrots, purple sprouting, cabbages, swedes and a few sprouts.
  • Clean and fresh, this was perfectly seasoned, and the tender tuna was wonderfully complemented by the crunchy, sharp tasting sprouts.
  • It was as if every single cell in my body sprouted wings and started flying about inside wildly.
  • Plant out winter greens, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, in the vegetable plot.
  • The sprouting process, known as malting, releases amylase enzymes that break starches down into more digestible forms including sugars. Chapter 25
  • The germ of an idea sprouted in his mind: maybe, instead of highlighting the drama of the story, the film should highlight the absurdity of it.
  • The two blueberry bushes are sprouting and I've watered them a little bit.
  • Bright yellow in colour, smeared with splodges of red, several seemed to sprout from one stem, almost like a flower.
  • The fin rays sprouting from the ends are also unique in having a long, stiff unsegmented basal area.
  • In enation the new growth projects from a previously formed organ after it has attained to considerable size, or even after its ordinary proportions have been attained, and it sprouts out from the beginning in Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • BUY Choose purple sprouting broccoli that is fresh, with firm stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the north where the warm season is not long enough to allow the autumn sprout to lignify sufficiently for bearing the rigors of winter it is killed. Northern Nut Growers Association, Report of the Proceedings at the Seventh Annual Meeting Washington, D. C. September 8 and 9, 1916.
  • People in the mountains remain vulnerable with the winter closing in and there are also fears of disease spreading in squalid tent settlements that have sprouted in the towns.
  • He slapped Sprout on the rump to get her going; then he said the first thing that came into his head. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Garnish with microgreens, oils (orange, lemon and pine), edible flowers and/or sprouts of your choice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Medieval towers sprout hither and yon, frontages on the titchy streets have a stately aspect, and from the esplanade by the cathedral, the landscape looks mildly Tuscan.
  • The vitex, too, can produce water sprouts, or vigorous vertical growths from larger branches and root suckers from the base of the tree.
  • Here the hedges are best, not trimmed in brutal tidiness but rampant with hip-laden roses and garlanded by vivid bryony berries; and sprouting pithy wands of elder, strong grey spears of ash and angular spikes of black berried sloes.

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