How To Use Springlike In A Sentence
So, Washington's temperature soared into the springlike 70s three times in five days, a true and welcome departure from wintry weeks of chill in which the mercury had not forayed even so high as 60.
Record-breaking weather, whether in coolness or warmth
My book should smell of pines, and resound with the hum of insects," might have been its motto, so sweet and wholesome was it with a springlike sort of freshness which plainly betrayed that the author had learned some of Nature's deepest secrets and possessed the skill to tell them in tuneful words.
Rose in Bloom
A bright day, still blowy but with a warm west wind, everything damp and full of colour—springlike.
Henry’s Demons
The clouds in the nursing home corridors, sky-open springlike after a bathe and forgotten, in a frayed blue dressing-gown beside an osiery.
Archive 2010-04-01
Springlike weather prevailed as vendors and buyers bartered and bargained.

It helps that it's getting warmer and sunnier and more springlike, well except for the snow storm on the weekend.
On one of the first springlike days, I went outside coatless, so happy about the upcoming changes in my life, about my new family, that I did a cartwheel on the cement walkway leading up to the house.
Dirty Secret