How To Use Sprat In A Sentence
For example, the blooms of jellyfish that have increased rapidly worldwide in the last decade are believed to result in part from “fishing down the food web” – as fisheries depleted large predators they turned to smaller, plankton-feeding fishes such as anchovy and sprat, whose removal allowed zooplankton populations to increase, providing abundant food for jellyfish.
Marine biodiversity and food security
Officially, Japan does not lay claim to the Spratly archipelago as it renounced such claims under the San Francisco Treaty, but it expresses concern over the situation in the area.
These minerals also rise abruptly to the surface and the result is a sea rich in plankton and other microfauna, teeming with everything that feeds on them in turn, from sprats and squid to tuna and dolphins.
Marinated Baltic sprats were delicate, their sharp briny taste balanced by an accompanying vinaigrette of potatoes, beetroot, onions, dill pickles, eggs, and mayonnaise.
Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.

The main species caught were cod, sprat, Baltic sprat, plaice , turbot, salmon, and smelt.
Whales and dolphins have followed the herring and sprat shoals into the harbour.
Aren't cricket lovers happy with the fact that the best ones made it???? grow up guys justinspratt wow - vicoria 6 runs for 3 wickets in semi-final for champions league T20 #cricket
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These smaller fish, which are a species of sprat, assemble in incredible quantities, and at night-time are wont to crowd together in prodigious numbers about the coral boulders before mentioned, in the same manner that ocean-living fish will sometimes attach themselves to a ship or other moving substance, as some protection from pursuit by bonito, albicore, and the fish called
Rídan The Devil And Other Stories 1899
However, they are now firmly identified, at least so far as Britain is concerned, as the fry of various fish of the herring family, but mainly of the herring itself and the sprat.
However, if the diet is extremely rich in fish oils, for example, herring, mackerel, sardines and sprats, it may not be necessary to take hemp oil as well.
Commercial fishing includes salmon, herring, cod, plaice, crustaceans and mollusks, mackerel, sprat, eel, lobster, shrimp, and prawns.
On it you feel like a sprat swimming beside a whale.
There is Princess Gloriana amid sea demigods with conch-shell trumpets and mer-people and fishes of every size from sprat to leviathan.
When I was done I carefully buried my leavings, as my dad had taught me before he died, when I was a sprat no older than the fisherman who had named the road for me.
Gerald Muspratt, a coffee planter, whose estate was situate some twelve miles distant, in the adjoining county of Victoria; and, the acquaintance ripening over the after-dinner coffee, with that breathless celerity which is one of the most charming characteristics of the
The Adventures of Dick Maitland A Tale of Unknown Africa
In fact, the very biggest dabs are often found inshore during periods when sprat shoals are tight to shore during flat calm seas in the middle of high-pressure weather systems.
The competition and prize of a free car is a sprat to catch a mackerel. The publicity will mean good business for months to come.
Ȝif he arrer dede litel te gode. ðar after he doð michel ` e´ lasse. ⁊ swo he forfarð. for ðan ðe he his priestes lare ne his ræd lesten ne folȝin ne wile Carite sprat his bowes o {n} bræde ⁊
Selections from early Middle English, 1130-1250 Part I: Texts
This shoal of sprats was found within 2m of the steps at Weasel Loch.
Maryland scientists are instead trying to rebuild native oyster stocks by building new beds out of shucked oyster shells and seeding them with native sprat, or baby oysters.
Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
Frank Hederman smokes his eels, sprats, mackerel, trout and mussels over beech rather than oak, which gives his products a mild, subtle flavour and makes them just about the best that money can buy.
That most extensively employed in this country is the sprat, which is occasionally caught in enormous quantities on the Norfolk coast, and used as an application for turnips.
Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
Commercial fishing includes salmon, herring, cod, plaice, crustaceans and mollusks, mackerel, sprat, eel, lobster, shrimp, and prawns.
Parola Island and the Lawak, Panata and Rizal Reefs are among a group of islands, reefs and cays claimed by the Philippines in the Spratlys.
Whilst herrings, sprats and mackerel are still deservedly popular, eel sections, lamprey, gurnard, and many other salt and fresh water species are experimented with.
The ODA Loan from China was used to macadamize the “corruption highway” engineered by trusted VIP i.e. voracious and inept people and supported by the Chinese in exchanged for bigger concession in Spratley Islands.
The Money Trail
They save the evil gods for the DMG since no right thinking young sprat would want their PC to worship one of them, but they do list them – Asmodeus, Bane, Gruumsh, Lolth, Tiamat, Vecna, and newcomers Torog (Underdark) and Zehir (dark, poison, assassins – Pyremius and Beltar merged).
4e PHB Readthrough – Chapters 1-3 « Geek Related
For both the organochlorine pesticides and PCBs, the concentrations were higher in the homogenates of migrating pelagic partly open-sea species (herring, sprat, garpike) than in the homogenates of less migrating coastal species (smelt, pike, perch).
Why Sweden decided to be all rebellious about this subject - and name anchovies sardeller, and pickled sprats ansjovis - we'll never know, but I guess that's how some countries try to stand out from the crowd.
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There is no true sprat in Asian waters, although the name sprat is sometimes loosely applied to certain small fish of the herring family which do occur there.
Uncomforted by nicotine the man's spirits plummeted like a gannet after sprats.
Down go the fairy lights and down go Middlesbrough's promotion hopes | Harry Pearson
They may disappear for a few weeks in August, before returning with a vengeance to gorge on the sprats.
The smoking of salmon, prawns and sprats is done ‘round the back’ and this is the food you should stick to here.
Often what seems like a shallow reef is actually a shoal of minuscule sprats.
Thus, at the mouth of the Thames, thousands of tons of sprats are caught every winter by means of the large bag net, known as the stow net.
The Art of Living in Australia
I loved his robot books and Lucky Starr novels when I was a sprat but as an adult, eh.
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Clupeid fish, like herring, anchovies, and sprats, can detect sound frequencies up to around 40 kilohertz, way beyond the hearing range of most other fish.
But ever since I was a sprat I have been given this vague half-formed yet tremendously potent feeling that rock music meant something.
Archive 2009-06-14
I dropped into the water and was immediately surrounded by a swirling shoal of tiny sprats.
Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
It was a downcome, though, for a man who had been proud of driving behind his own horseflesh to pack in among a crowd of the Barbie sprats.
The House with the Green Shutters
The competition and prize of a free car is a sprat to catch a mackerel. The publicity will mean good business for months to come.
Even Barack Obama might think that a very fat sprat to catch a rather bony mackerel.
Financial Times circulation drifts in turbulent times
Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
I have used ordinary coarse fishing wagglers as bite detectors when fishing a sprat close in and believe me it catches plenty of pike.
Lud-in-the-Mist was one of my very first fantasy books read it years ago when I was but a sprat and nothing has ever quite come up to that standard.
June & July Short Book Reviews
Every now and then we would slip away to fish for sprats and cockabullies.
‘Wild puffins normally eat live whitebait, sprats and sand eels which they dive in the sea for,’ said Mrs Platts.
There were other fish swimming around among the dead sprat so there was nothing wrong with the quality of the water.
Glissaundra is my godmother, bless her, and when I was a sprat she once gave me a jar filled with a powder that she said would restore things to their true forms.
From The Valley Of Lost Projects: Princess Lucinda And The Missing Moon
Truth be told, everything passed me by in the 1980's because that was our three babies in four years decade and mostly I was either a beached whale or a frazzled sprat.
45 entries from March 2008
The competition and prize of a free car is a sprat to catch a mackerel. The publicity will mean good business for months to come.
As the EU enlarges into the Balkans, the ratio of sprats to sharks will increase.
The catch can consist of eels, cod or sprat but is mainly shrimp and these are sold from Brendon's cottage on the beach.
They dined off ansjos -- marinated sprats, torsk -- cod, served with boiled potatoes and red cabbage, beautifully cooked with apples and spices, and flotte vaffels, served with cloud berries
Two Weeks To Remember
However, if the diet is extremely rich in fish oils, for example, herring, mackerel, sardines and sprats, it may not be necessary to take hemp oil as well.
In fact, the very biggest dabs are often found inshore during periods when sprat shoals are tight to shore during flat calm seas in the middle of high-pressure weather systems.
Others say it's the healthy levels of sprat and herring which are providing them with plenty of food.
There are many species of Clupeidae, with varying sizes and tastes, from the Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, to the pilchard much loved in England, and often served in tomato sauce, to the tiny sprat, best smoked and eaten bones and all.
"The Silver Darlings": Oliver Sacks on Herring
The Spratly issue is ultimately a litmus test for if, and when, China may act not as an 800-pound gorilla that may do as it pleases, but rather as a responsible member of the international community that exercises discretion and judiciousness in its actions.
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After the war, Joe and the ‘Iris Mary’ continued shrimping in the summer and spratting in the winter.
Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
Or you can dangle a hopeful, lazy fishing line over the side of waters so plentiful that even I, the world's worst fisherman, managed to catch a sprat.
The resultant sprats, seasoned and canned in oil, are sold as ‘brisling’.
In 1988, China and Vietnam fought a brief naval battle in the Spratlys.