How To Use Spotted In A Sentence

  • Back on the boat and heading to shore, we spotted a spout, a fin and then the flukes of a humpback whale.
  • The Navajo made a tea of spotted coralroot used as a lotion for ringworm or skin disease.
  • The forest all along the mountain curve was spotted with dots of red, yellow, purple and gold, trees just beginning to turn with the season.
  • She said two of the remaining three, unsighted threatened species had not been spotted since 1965 while the other had gone undetected since 1891.
  • Tick-borne diseases in the United States include Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, tularemia, babesiosis, Colorado tick fever, and relapsing fever.
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  • A rare comma butterfly was spotted in the garden in Grassington of lepidopterist James Birdsall.
  • Northern migratory species winter in the savanna, such as spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia, barn swallow Hirundo rustica and blackpoll warbler Dendroica striata. Canaima National Park, Venezuela
  • The baboon would keep the goats together as they grazed during the day, giving alarm calls if it spotted cheetahs or leopards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her trousers were of spotted sealskin, her vest of red fox. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • I spotted Adrian later in the afternoon staring at the distant tree line with a look of pondering in his eyes.
  • ‘You must be joking,’ I wanted to say, but choked on my words as I looked at the moving conveyer and spotted my long-awaited weather-beaten backpack.
  • I spotted a cleaner sporting a plastic bib with the words Tourist Attractions emblazoned across it.
  • A hiker spotted a man answering the description given by police.
  • On a shelf beneath he spotted a photo album.
  • This all changed when someone (probably an economist) spotted the nice turn that could be made by feeding slops or swill to pigs, and considered farming pigs intensively.
  • She's been spotted at a homeless shelter and dragged kicking and screaming back to Walford. The Sun
  • And my justice shall answer for me tomorrow before thee, when the time of the bargain shall come; and all that is not of divers colours, and spotted, and brown, as well among the sheep as among the goats, shall accurse me of theft. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • I spotted a shooting star which, to my astonishment, was bright green in colour.
  • I probably could have gotten away with it for a while, but I got ratted on by some bootlicker at work who spotted me at this junkyard.
  • He was also set to buy a castle until a bank clerk spotted an error in a mortgage application and alerted cops. The Sun
  • She waved at Stephen who came over at high speed once he spotted the tape recorder. JUST BETWEEN US
  • My father was halfway through his third pint and was becoming increasingly voluble when I spotted a red car turning into the road. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were excited about it when we spotted it and it wasn't too expensive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now if only something can be done about spotted dick and bangers and mash.
  • A sooty tern: dozens were spotted in New Jersey – far north of their tropical home – after Hurricane Floyd in September 1999. Weatherwatch: Birds of the hurricane
  • Illegals still walk into this country, bombs still fissel in crowed cities only to be spotted by street vendors, Packages still being shipped which "might have Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Her lashing tail was half-spotted, half-striped; her clothes overly big and just a little worn and patchy, like hand-me-downs.
  • They all looked to the passengers getting off the plane, and spotted a short girl with mouse brown hair and wearing a pink top and white jean shorts.
  • The family dog Jasper, a brown spotted Dalmatian, strained at his lead as master and family passed by.
  • I could go on and on about the many herons, egrets, gulls, terns, and various and sundry other species we spotted yesterday.
  • A former driving school car is also easily spotted by the poor panel gaps and resprayed bodywork that come from the numerous minor prangs of learner drivers.
  • A greater-spotted woodpecker zooms in on a telegraph pole on the lane.
  • In four days of diving last summer, I often spotted colorful stoplight parrotfish, doctorfish, sergeant majors, trumpetfish, four-eye butterfly fish, squirrelfish and school masters. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The spot-breasted lapwing is distinguished from its close relatives by the fleshy wattles in front of its eyes and by its black-spotted breast. Mystery bird: Spot-breasted plover, Vanellus melanocephalus
  • He was spotted by a court clerk and security marched him to the cells. The Sun
  • Sarah Pickin, 23, spotted the ancient piece of "confectionery" during a dig in north-west Finland, but had to check with colleagues whether her hunch was correct or if it was in fact a fossilised piece of animal dung. Student Finds Neolithic Chewing Gum | Impact Lab
  • Having maneuvered through the boles of the blue trees of the grove and into the open plain beyond, Saffron and Hawk decided to head off in the direction of a grassy hillock they spotted about a kilometer away.
  • Excitement raged through me when I spotted the desired CD.
  • Unlike the more familiar and common pea aphid, relatively few spotted alfalfa aphids can significantly reduce the growth of alfalfa, particularly in new seedings.
  • There were plenty of turtles, huge infestations of purple spotted stingrays and some large manta rays.
  • Lloyd Spotted Wolf, head football coach at Bacone College in Muskogee, Okla., says it's good for "ego-centric" coaches to be around students "that really do not care if the football team wins or loses, or even know when there's a home game. This Professor Looks Familiar
  • Inevitably some claim to have spotted a growing bald spot. Times, Sunday Times
  • He and two of his men drove there and he spotted the hunted man.
  • Spotted sipping on the wild ageratum, Conoclinium coelestinum, is our first image of a monarch butterfly this season. Whoa Nellie!* « Fairegarden
  • Insurgents spotted the jam and launched three mortar rounds.
  • We also spotted the nilgai, the sambur, the wild boar and even a hare.
  • The hunky Hollywood star has been spotted around town squiring none other than that gorgeous ‘Policewoman’ Angie Dickinson!
  • When he looked around all he could see was just greenish vegetation from which he spotted some kind of a familiar plant where he plucked a few leaves and quickly crushed them using a stone.
  • The question vexing the government 's PR minders is whether they have spotted which bit could cause the most trouble. Times, Sunday Times
  • I spotted a handful of guys donning suits with designer labels on their sleeves.
  • Having spotted a screen legend behind the wheel, he would follow at a discreet distance and wait for the inevitable traffic violation. Times, Sunday Times
  • I spotted him, and he rabbited and abandoned the car.
  • SHAPIRO: You know, you mentioned that Kim Jong Il's older son was sort of shut out of the power structure and is now sometimes spotted in casinos in Macau, and I have to wonder whether that's a better fate than ruling North Korea. Little Known About North's Korea's Heir Apparent
  • ‘I would be more than happy if some latent talent is spotted in this event and would go on to win laurels at the highest level,’ was his observation on the occasion.
  • Of rails, or ralline birds, there are ten or twelve, ranging from a small spotted creature no bigger than a thrush to some large majestic birds. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • A solitary leatherjacket was spotted on the deck, and it relished biting into my finger, which was cut on some of the sharp metal deeper in the ship.
  • And the beam can't be spotted by drivers who use radar trap detectors.
  • The promoter, who also officiates on the junior grasstrack scene, spotted Complin several years ago and marked him down as one for the future.
  • Spotted redshank share their forest-marsh nesting grounds with wood sandpipers, greenshank, whimbrel, jack snipe and broad-billed sandpipers.
  • It is unacceptable that a patient risks an illness not being spotted quickly enough because they cannot get an appointment. The Sun
  • Whales are spotted regularly off such places as the Western Isles and southern Ireland, where whale-watching boat charters have found a growing niche.
  • The paroquet was a splendid creature, with a brilliant orange throat darkly spotted. Birds in the Bush
  • He grinned his approval, smile instantly fading as he spotted something in the sand ahead.
  • Fortunately, we spotted the leak in time.
  • Her drama teacher spotted her ability.
  • Obomba was spotted while in college by none other than Zbiiignew Brzinski, who took him under his wing, and he was 'groomed' for high office. Give Obama a Chance to Do What?
  • The observant reader will have spotted the appearance above of the expression weakly stratified. Quine's New Foundations
  • Not one man but two armed with cudgels have spotted us from the High Street and are sprinting toward the footpath. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • Allan, a mechanic, was removing a cylinder head from a Harley-Davidson motorbike, when he spotted a world-famous heart surgeon in his garage.
  • Elephant shrews (no relation), pikas, and Tupaia treeshrews share both absentee-like maternal care and diurnality - that is, they are active during the day, when prey is more easily spotted by predators.
  • She had spotted him sitting in one corner, dark except for the candle on the table, which was dripping hot wax onto the rough, wooden table.
  • Turning, we saw a spotted eagle ray descend the reef wall and glide over the plateau.
  • But this, spotted today at about 3pm, really takes the digestive biscuit.
  • Two of his colleagues had died and a second, unexploded bomb had been spotted. Times, Sunday Times
  • In what could be described as the oddest pairing since the alleged Eminem/Kim Basinger fling, TMZ. com reports that Chelsea Handler and 50 Cent (aka Curtis Jackson) were spotted getting "hot and heavy" at a New Orleans club Sunday night. Rumor Mill: Chelsea Handler dating 50 Cent?
  • She rapidly scanned the room to see if she knew anyone and in the corner of the room where she was sitting that morning, she spotted her brother and Alex still pigging out on food.
  • ‘In September a thresher shark was spotted near Turbot Bank, off Freshwater West,’ said Mark Burton, assistant marine conservation officer at Skomer Marine Nature Reserve.
  • According to reports in Panama, the teenagers spotted the creature crawling out of a cave while playing in the town of Cerro Azul north of Panama City. The Lovecraft News Network
  • The weather was perfect and many species of birds were spotted, including Ireland's smallest bird, the goldcrest, which was lured out of hiding by the playing of a tape of its song.
  • In addition to basic white, pink, and yellow, there are now mauve and purple versions and any number of lined, spotted, and bicolored flowers.
  • From an apparently unthreatening position, 30 yards out on the left, he spotted a gap and promptly fired the ball into the top left corner of the goal.
  • He spotted the youths loitering as he walked through a car park. The Sun
  • It was spotted by Graham Rhodes a photographer who lives in Scarborough, who was left shocked.
  • Spring flowers which can be spotted in the wood at this time of year include the yellow celandine, marsh marigold and wood anemone (also known as wind flower).
  • Breeding experiments in Norway with brown trout found that the genetic basis for large spots or very small spots, comparable in size to the spots of Snake River finespotted cutthroat trout, is due to different forms of a gene called alleles at a single gene locus. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • On the lake itself, we mainly saw the same woodpeckers, gulls, goldfinch, robins, waxwings, juncos, and other common birds spotted last year.
  • A couple days ago I saw a spotted flycatcher hawking for bugs in one of the tamarisk trees behind our building.
  • He has no transport so can often be spotted thumbing a lift to games around the area.
  • Prince William, who is destined one day to be King of England, was spotted and photographed on the ski slopes at the exclusive Swiss resort of Klosters.
  • Wildlife spotted in East SussexButterflies (13) meadow brown; hedge brown; speckled wood; essex skipper; small skipper; large skipper; comma; small tortoiseshell; large white; small white; green-veined white; purple hairstreak; white admiral How to get back to nature when camping
  • Ironically, Galileo Galilei spotted Neptune more than 200 years earlier but wrongly assumed the planet was just a star.
  • Someone has cannily spotted this unquenched desire, and decided that the best solution would be to create Girl Heaven, a fairytale palace stacked to the rafters with pink and shiny trinkets.
  • Five Essex Hellcats spotted a cigar-shaped Mitsubishi Betty and pounced. Whirlwind
  • He drove 25 miles to Sioux Falls, where a family friend spotted the old beater and called the police.
  • You guys made me drive all over LA because you spotted someone whom you thought was a celebrity.
  • Officers were spotted taking tools and equipment into the house. The Sun
  • The cameras never detected some species that are believed to still exist in the area, such as black bears, long-tailed weasels, ringtails, badgers, and spotted skunks.
  • While living here I have spotted many, including small shiny skinned skinks, geckos (jing-jocks and tokays), and large monitor lizards.
  • Recently spotted swimming in a burkini, she has said that she has no intention of losing weight. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've spotted a grizzly bear deep in the forest. The Sun
  • Suddenly they spotted a group of blue and green lights piercing through the fog. The Sun
  • But then he spotted the flickering light of a candle coming from a room near the rear of the building. Times, Sunday Times
  • Getting back to the task at hand, he scooped visible wreckage away, wary of the glass shards and smiled in triumph as he spotted his quarry.
  • They spotted a multi-storey building and got to the fourth floor when the wave hit, completely swamping the entire three floors below.
  • The mammals include a number of well-known animals such as the eastern grey kangaroo Macropus giganteus, the red-necked wallaby M. rufogriseus, wallaroo M. robustus, koala Phasocarctos cinereus and wombat Vombatus ursinus, the greater glider Petaurus volans, the squirrel glider P. norfolcensis, mountain brushtailed possum Trichosurus caninus; also the rarer spotted-tailed quoll Dasyurus maculatus (VU), long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus (VU), yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis and brush-tailed rock wallaby Petrogale penicillata (VU). Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • It was first spotted around 10.45 in the morning and early observers described it as a rotating funnel of cloud about thirty feet in diameter.
  • He'd spotted a red flyer sticking halfway out of someone ' s locker. REVELATIONS
  • Another new duck for us was the exquisite Harlequin Duck, a waterfowl rarely spotted close to shore.
  • But the population of bird species such as rosefinches, spotted doves and grey jungle fowl did go up during the flowering.
  • Freshwater gar (various species), especially spotted and longnose gar resemble needlefish in body type/form. "Fly" Fishing with Spider Silk and Kites
  • They spotted the 34-year-old as they used their binoculars. The Sun
  • On a visit to a zoo in Delhi, India, in 1980, Mill spotted a feral, orange domestic cat with deep brown rosettes that lived in the rhinoceros compound and earned its keep as a ratter.
  • I thought I spotted you in Symphony Hall, Birmingham, last week, accompanying Nigel Kennedy.
  • He would become an American or Australian Abraham, commanding like a monarch his flocks and his herds, his spotted and his ring-straked, his men-servants and his maids. Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  • The role of the controversial stimulant ephedrine, which is legal and available without prescription, was raised immediately in both because of reports that a dietary supplement containing ephedrine was spotted in their lockers. - Pitcher's death similar to Stringer circumstances
  • He tied silver cords around the legs of a group of phoebes, and spotted two of the banded nestlings when they returned the next year.
  • Birdsong Gully, which has been running for the last month, is a set of posts in the bush where people can touch a screen and hear birds such as the little spotted kiwi and tui.
  • Wherever you spotted the little red instrument - in hotel lobbies, at kiosks in the open street - you had international dialling direct. THE QUEST FOR K
  • Spotted knapweed is not killed by fire, but sagebrush is.
  • They spotted a niche in the market, with no serious competition.
  • We spotted an old man precariously perched on top of a pile of rubble, searching for something.
  • Within minutes of arriving at Crestwood Lake, we spotted a small group of green-wings, mostly drakes.
  • We spotted Mindbender, a freestanding pencil of solid ice that lay in a pile of chunks at the base of the cliff two days earlier.
  • Was that spineless blue creature that I spotted by the sea a Tory jellyfish? Times, Sunday Times
  • In the midst of discussing their newly made plans in May 2001, in the back of a New Delhi cab, Deon spotted a street sign with the word, MOR (meaning peacock in Hindi).
  • One was of pretty pink glazed calico and of some other shiny stuff called 'chintz' -- white, with tiny lines of different colours; she also bought some red cotton velvet and neat-looking white spotted muslin, and several yards of very narrow lace of a very small and dainty pattern, and other things, all of which interested Alie very much indeed, though after a while Biddy got tired of looking on, and went and stood at the doorway of the shop. The Rectory Children
  • Some wreckage which couldn't be identified was spotted in the vicinity, after the co-ordinates they'd been given the evening before had been reached and gridded.
  • The baboon would keep the goats together as they grazed during the day, giving alarm calls if it spotted cheetahs or leopards. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the winter time they had their taffety gowns of all colours, as above-named, and those lined with the rich furrings of hind-wolves, or speckled lynxes, black-spotted weasels, martlet skins of Calabria, sables, and other costly furs of an inestimable value. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The fire quickly spread to the roof and was spotted by a policeman who summoned help.
  • Invariably, the winter sparrows head north again to resume their breeding activities, and I am left to enjoy my resident species, such as the spotted towhee, California towhee, scrub jay, and California thrasher.
  • And Call Me Conrad; once again spotted by my German visitor (could it be Mrs Tilton?). Book meme - the answers
  • He has also been spotted tucking into rice cakes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rachel recently sparked rumours she was planning to wed Sean after being spotted wearing a huge ring.
  • As I wound my way down a little path, with jewellery and clothing shops on either side, I spotted a tiny little shop that made me look twice.
  • The dorsal fin generally was uncoloured, unspotted, and semitransparent.
  • The next I hear, she has been spotted dining alone, unembarrassed, in an unfussy brasserie I had suggested.
  • “May we live unspotted from the world, the flesh, & the devil.” The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • I've just spotted a mistake on the front cover.
  • Leaves attacked by insects or disease, on the other hand, die under duress, spotted and curled.
  • What he saw was the thunder-lights lifting, and the bells pealing an urgent carillon as the glittering gold ship was spotted.
  • A magnificent convolvulus hawk moth was spotted by the Suffolk lepidopterists gliding in downriver along their bank. Wildwood
  • It looked as if he and Bruce would have to swim the last twenty yards to shore, but Donovan spotted a DUKW amphibious truck and shouted at the Duck driver to draw near. Wild Bill Donovan
  • I ran down the stairs when I spotted Dante sitting in the passenger seat of an IROC with a smashed right headlight.
  • The weeping willow tree can often be spotted drooping into lakes and rivers. Times, Sunday Times
  • People can be spotted jostling around and vying with each other to have their bags full of commodities.
  • At least half of the world's yearly crop of 50,000 metric tons is cultivated in subtropical Mexico, including protected areas in the mountains of the Sierra Madre Occidental, where the Lantern himself has spotted more than a few gardens within park boundaries. Ever wonder how people who take illegal drugs affect the planet?
  • Plus a sea so clear that we spotted fish darting along the bottom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Five people suffered minor injuries during the evacuation, ordered by the plane's captain after smoke was spotted in a toilet at the rear of the Fokker 100 aircraft as it taxied for take-off.
  • The pond in our garden is a contained space and there has been much celebration of the quantity of newborn fish spotted recently and respectively by the wife, the cat and the local heron.
  • We spotted this curry chicken baked in a loaf of bread at a neighbouring table.
  • - Spotted in Engadget: Let it be known: we liked the Zune HD beforeit was popular, before all the poseurs jumped on the bandwagon with their tight-fitting jeans and their hairstyles. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • Imperial and Spotted Eagles hunt over jheels inhabited by Purple Gallinules, Pheasant-tailed Jacanas and improbably tall Sarus Cranes.
  • There are 11 species of skunks, which are divided into four genera: Mephitis (hooded and striped skunks, two species), Spilogale (spotted skunks, two species), Mydaus (stink badgers, two species), and Conepatus (hog-nosed skunks, five species). Ferret frenzy «
  • Two globally endangered species -- spoon-billed sandpiper and Nordmann's greenshank -- were also spotted in Sonadia. The Daily Star
  • The place was a garden, somewhat gone to waste, with a gravel drive running round a great circle of periwinkles with a spotted aucuba in the middle. The Carbonels
  • Stepping out, Moira spotted a smattering of familiar faces among the crowd.
  • On their way to a party they spotted a basket of sweet muscadine grapes at a roadside stall.
  • Yet in the very midst of these vices which had rendered his honesty dubious, and name bespotted, he nurtured in the depths of his soul three virtues capable of again elevating him -- an unshaken love for a young girl, whom he married in spite of his family, History of the Girondists, Volume I Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution
  • He has been spotted in the aerial battles and has caused a few of our kin to drop from the skies.
  • Or for about US$32, you can wade in a tank with friendly shovelnose rays, blue-spotted stingrays and other marine creatures. Finding Nemo
  • Having spotted a screen legend behind the wheel, he would follow at a discreet distance and wait for the inevitable traffic violation. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the incident was spotted by referee Mike Riley who sent him off for violent conduct which carries with it an automatic three-match penalty.
  • In every way it is adapted to the conditions of the pampas in a far greater degree than other pampean birds, only excepting the rufous and spotted tinamous. The Naturalist in La Plata
  • But as we were leaving I spotted that our Sales guy had something to add so I quickly pre-empted him.
  • Gary spotted electric trimmers going cheap and brought them home, so both he and Lewis ended up with really short cuts.
  • As the patrol commander approached the door of the bank, he spotted a black briefcase leaning against a wall.
  • Someone once said, ‘We are all literalists in spots; we choose our spots; some are more spotted than others.’
  • Out with Barry Goater watching tiny flies struggling in the clutches of the science-fiction sundew plants on Dyke Heath, we also clocked two new birds to add to the ninety species already listed in the log: a pair of hobbies, the male perched on a stump, and a spotted flycatcher. Wildwood
  • We spotted Sasha and Mariah, talking about something or other near the north wall, and we promptly went to join them.
  • Here, O idle water-wanderer, let your boat glide with the scarcely moving current, and gaze upon the leafy groves of the sub-aqueous wilderness lit up by the rays of the sun, and watch the fish moving singly or in shoals at various depths -- the bearded barbel, the spotted trout, the shimmering bream, and the bronzen tench. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • The sky is now spotted with a scattered selection of bright dots like children's vitamin pills.
  • I have tried sarcasm, pathos, statistics, rude and crass personal ad hominem attacks, but they don't see.", he said to himself as he rose over the esker and spotted the village as dusk creeped forward. "Americans Like Big Government: They just don't really know it yet."
  • His motorcade arrived at the back of the hotel but a small crowd of onlookers spotted him.
  • She wore a tattered denim jumper and a white shirt that matched the spotted peeling wallpaper, and she knew nothing of wealth.
  • I could be spotted by someone on the street who'd seen my picture in the paper. LEGAL TENDER
  • They quickly spotted two or three more prints, which had been exposed as the wind eroded the dunes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The brunette beauty was spotted canoodling with the veteran actor, who is 20 years her senior, at a party in Los Angeles..
  • In the distance, a leopard-spotted serval cat took in the scene from the shade, while a hippo honked and grunted just out of sight. Rob Pringle: Where the Rift Valley Ends
  • But have they spotted the pent-up demand for car clutter? Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps they spotted his bulging belly and decided to get trim. The Sun
  • The fearsome, spotted creature was a kitten in his hands and ruthless to anyone else that dared to touch her.
  • But have they spotted the pent-up demand for car clutter? Times, Sunday Times
  • I also had a chance encounter with a lesser-spotted dogfish, so common on the West Coast but fairly rare here.
  • Although mammoths came much later than dinosaurs, I spotted a giant pair of ancient curved ivory tusks protruding from an isolated cliff.
  • I recently spotted an old milking pail planted with nemesia and pelargoniums that looked simply stunning. Times, Sunday Times
  • We must have walked for about an hour, and were on the point of turning round and returning to the caravan, when we spotted a stick poking out of the water, about twenty yards offshore.
  • Officers spotted the car, which was towing a speed boat on a trailer, being driven erratically.
  • Soon after, outfitted in chaps and riding gloves supplied by the concierge, I was trotting through fields of alfalfa atop a fat, spotted mare. High Plains Drifting
  • According to The Sun, the former Coronation Street star, 24, has been spotted "snogging" the pro ice skater. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • The only true imperfections I spotted were a few nicks and scratches in the print.
  • Police spotted the vehicle during a routine patrol and a check found it had been nicked. The Sun
  • It was that you might be kept 'unspotted from the world.' Queechy
  • I spotted this today in one of the many scary pregnancy forums I've been lurking in recently, and it made every hair on my body stand on end.
  • After all, it’s not everyday you’re called a “dankish pinch-spotted coxcomb!” Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Click Here: Keeping it Light Edition
  • Flintoff spotted Ganguly charging down the pitch and dropped it short only for the batsman to carve the ball deep into the crowd.
  • One of the station staff spotted that I was in difficulty, and came to help.
  • ‘Besides the cans of insecticide, we also spotted a pair of scissors, a razor blade and raffia string,’ said the chief of Police.
  • I well remember the first occasion on which I saw a spotted forktail; I was walking down a Himalayan path, alongside of which a brook was flowing, when suddenly from a rock in mid-stream there arose a black-and-white apparition, that flitted away, displaying a long tail fluttering behind it. Birds of the Indian Hills
  • The results also showed that species that were not targeted in the 70s, such as parrotfish, whitefish, spotted snapper, tilefish and creolefish, have now become common catches.

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