How To Use Spotless In A Sentence

  • MY boyfriend won't come to bed until the house is spotless. The Sun
  • But their house looked spotless on their student grants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future.
  • A spotless house is like a hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a two-month renovation and deep cleaning, McCann's petite third-floor gallery is spotless.
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  • Owned by the municipality of Funchal, the whole facility is kept spotlessly clean.
  • These soiled robes have been cleansed to spotlessness. The Sins of Brother Curtis
  • The editor, who is 52, spotlessly shirtsleeved, brisk in his diction, with hair like a cerebral Tory minister, was heard to growl. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • So sweeping it'll leave your surfaces spotless. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the first car owners in their family's history, these proud new owners usually keep their cars spotless. Times, Sunday Times
  • And there was snod Mistress Jeanie, forgetting her spotless gown and kneeling in the snow. Greyfriars Bobby
  • There are some who consider that the greatest scene in history -- the hero sheathing his sword "after a life of spotless honor, a purity unreproached, a courage indomitable, and a consummate victory. American Men of Action
  • She was gorgeous, with braided coffee coloured hair, smooth, spotless dark skin, hazel eyes and heart shaped lips.
  • The kitchen was in spotless order, and she sat down on a stiff-backed chair by the window to wait for her brother. Further Chronicles of Avonlea
  • Calista, I swear to thee, by the spotlessness of thy own soul, by the brilliancy of thy immitigable eyes, by everything pure and chaste in heaven and in thy own heart, that I will never cease from following thee! The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
  • The bedroom next to his belongs to his friend Jonas, and it has a manic spotlessness.
  • Royal Family doesn't exactly have a spotless track record when it comes to choosing spouses. Times, Sunday Times
  • The image changed suddenly to slippered feet scuffing at the spotless carpet before the fireplace.
  • A poured concrete floor without mats made me cringe, but the windows were spotless, the sinks were empty, the rotisseries shiny and squeaky clean.
  • There are mini backlit towers of wine bottles stacked behind the bar, and each place is set with a spotless wineglass and crisp, white linens.
  • His good old wife had gotten down her best "chancy," white with blue rimming, while the cloth on the table was as white as snow, and the floor spotlessly neat with its heavy sprinkling of white sand. The old plantation : how we lived in great house and cabin before the war,
  • Wearing earplugs, safety glasses, and an improbably spotless white polo shirt, Lee steps between rolls of wire, fiddles with machines, then heads to his office to handle a client call.
  • There, He washed you with his own precious blood, clotured you with the spotless robe of innocence, adorned you with the gifts of grace, and adopted you as his own child. The Happiness of Heaven By a Father of the Society of Jesus
  • Then the Major sat on the bed and whistled; for the spectacle of the senior native commissioned officer of the regiment, an "unmixed" Bhil, a Companion of the Order of British India, with thirty-five years 'spotless service in the army, and a rank among his own people superior to that of many The Day's Work - Volume 1
  • The rooms are spotless, the couples immaculately dressed.
  • You go into the refugees' flats and they are spotless.
  • Hardcover and paperback, spotless and battered, beautiful books and cheaply printed books, crude paper-bound galleys with pages scribbled in mysterious annotations.
  • He hadn't bargained for the amount of effort it would take to keep the house absolutely spotless at all times.
  • This allows the main facility, where all of the critical fitting and assembly procedures take place, to be as spotless as possible.
  • Besides, there is no king, be his cause never so spotless, if it come to the arbitrement of swords, can try it out with all unspotted soldiers: some peradventure have on them the guilt of premeditated and contrived murder; some, of beguiling virgins with the broken seals of perjury; some, making the wars their bulwark, that have before gored the gentle bosom of peace with pillage and robbery. The Life of King Henry the Fifth
  • I cleaned it with the tail of my shirt, not exactly spotless, but passable.
  • Through wind and rain he was to be seen pushing his cart through the village, keeping the place spotless.
  • They are all spotless and clean. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patients were not allowed to develop bedsores (it was a shameful admission) and the wards, beds and sluices were spotless. Times, Sunday Times
  • I walk into the scrupulously spotless store, and the first thing I see is an adorable girl with retro chocolate-box prettiness and 40s red lipstick smiling at me from behind the counter. Neil Zevnik: Small Town Hearts in the Big City: A Slow Food Tale
  • Like Paris handsome [34] and like Hector brave, but as pious as Aeneas; "a rich fellow enough," with blood hopelessly blue and morals spotlessly copy-bookish -- in other words, a Sir Charles A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Besides, there is no king, be his cause never so spotless, if it come to the arbitrement of swords, can try it out with all unspotted soldiers. Act IV. Scene I. The Life of King Henry the Fifth
  • In the early morning my eyes always open on the Governor's handsome Mohammedan servant in spotless white muslin and red head-dress and girdle, bringing a tray with tea and bananas. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • spotlessly clean
  • She would show the glittering arch of her upper third, occasionally, and scrape it along behind the comblike row; sometimes a pinnacle stood straight up, like a statuette of ebony, against that glittering white shield, then seemed to glide out of it by its own volition and power, and become a dim specter, while the next pinnacle glided into its place and blotted the spotless disk with the black exclamation-point of its presence. A Tramp Abroad
  • Still, this bright beachfront beauty was spotless, featured two dishwashers, something called a "pasta faucet" and enough fenestration to keep Windex in production for centuries. No Place for Holly Golightly
  • The rooms are spotless, the couples immaculately dressed.
  • The house was bright and absolutely spotless .
  • Now this morning he offers you his robe of righteousness that you might wear it and become spotless and clean and holy and acceptable in his eyes. Christianity Today
  • Dillyn was almost blinded by the dazzling whiteness of the spotless floors and walls.
  • The minimum they will expect to see is a spotless home in good condition.
  • He has a spotless record so far.
  • He was dressed in clean blue woollen trousers and a spotless white linen shirt.
  • There were just then about 600 of them on duty at Resina Garcia, and as they were for the most part dressed in spotless white they looked delightsomely clean and cool. With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
  • A picture of Christ in the mourning widow's chamber; a "mater dolorosa," in the distracted mother's home; a "kerchief" of the Holy Virgin, spotlessly white, like the glorious spirit, above the bed of olden times, are surely elevating, and honorable presences, the recollections which lead us to them are holy and imperishable, as is the devotion which bows the knee before them. Debts of Honor
  • The bedstead, the floor, the pictures on the wall were all spotlessly new by any standards.
  • Which is the noble character for ages to admire -- yon fribble dancing in lace and spangles, or yonder hero who sheathes his sword after a life of spotless honor, a purity unreproached, a courage indomitable, and a consummate victory? George Washington: Farmer
  • These same chops we bought from our local Lebanese butcher (whose premasis is may i add spotlessly clean - not even the rank smell you get in most butcheries) cost $9 for comperable quality. The Bright Side of Frugality
  • A spotless reputation one minute, one marred by question marks the next - one disaster can quickly plunge even the most revered of companies into jeopardy.
  • The house was bright and absolutely spotless .
  • Binoculars are supplied so you can view the black teal, swans, dabchicks, ducks and even the spotless crake or elusive bittern.
  • The metro is efficient and spotlessly clean.
  • Her little house was in spotless, speckless order from top to bottom. Chronicles of Avonlea
  • Dr. Gregory says, "As an administrator, he was unapproached in sagacity, aptitude, personal influence, and indefatigability ... his character was spotless. Great Britain and Her Queen
  • People's clothes are spotless and neatly pressed, and the buildings and streets look to hardly have any wear on them at all.
  • We need to fight back by ensuring that hospital wards, theatres and departments are kept spotlessly clean.
  • Harry knows Ryan personally and will vouch for the fact that he is totally house-trained and understands the need to keep darkrooms spotless!
  • The kitchen was spotlessly clean, the grate shining with blacklead. The Carved Cupboard
  • A dab of white-wine vinegar is useful to get plates and cutlery spotlessly clean.
  • The death accountants and blood apologists on both sides, too, are now fully engaged, every day on TV getting out their scorecards, history books and slide rules and proving with dates, numbers and names the greater suffering of their particular side, and its consequent moral spotlessness. Tom McCarthy: War DeLuxe
  • Beautiful equines gaily festooned in spotless harness and working in perfect rhythm, will always be the centerpiece of my circus memories.
  • Petite, innocent Shirley was naïve, high-strung, and terribly afraid of soiling her spotless reputation.
  • These stations are in the main all glassed in, and spotlessly clean.
  • The floor was spotless; the grate and fire - irons were burnished bright.
  • He touched the photograph with a scarred and weathered handa strange contrast to the neat spotlessness of his tweed cuffs. Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
  • Each morning cleaners make sure everything is spotless.
  • MY boyfriend won't come to bed until the house is spotless. The Sun
  • Wilson sits at a table slurping coffee, and in walks Shane wearinga spotless fringed-buckskin suit, a silver-concho gunbelt, a tooled-leather holster, and a nickel-plated ivory-handled Peacemaker. Shane, Revisited
  • When I went higher still, I was able to look down on a great expanse of white cloud, looking like giant clumps of spotlessly clean cotton wool.
  • Although the old man and his clothes were spotlessly clean, he wore jeans, a denim shirt and boots that were very worn and ragged.
  • So the house might be spotless, but the clients don't know if the dogs are being cared for. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thankfully the print that has been sourced is spotless.
  • Willow trees bend gently along spotless avenues and ancient canals.
  • Everything shines with spotlessness at your house, so one is comfortable everywhere. The George Sand-Gustave Flaubert Letters
  • I must point out that the place was spotless, I didn't see any overflowing dirt bins and papers or even stompies lying around.
  • The firefighters, made up of on-duty and off-duty personnel, were using fire hoses and traditional suds to get the vehicles spotless.
  • L and H were a great duo: L was anally tidy, a cordon bleu cook and kept the place spotless, and H was doing the whole late-onset rebellion thing and we stayed up all night watching movies.
  • Use a cloth inside and out to keep it spotless. The Sun
  • He has a spotless record so far.
  • ANNIE MURPHY (Freelance Journalist): Mario Gomez has carefully prepared for his TV interviews; he's clean-shaven, dressed in chinos, a spotless hooded sweatshirt and loafers. Oldest Chilean Miner Speaks About Rescue
  • He laughed with everybody who would exchange a laugh with him, shook hands right and left, with what may be certainly called a dexterous cordiality; made his appearance at the market-day and the farmers 'ordinary; and, in fine, acted like a consummate hypocrite, and as gentlemen of the highest birth and most spotless integrity act when they wish to make themselves agreeable to their constituents, and have some end to gain of the country-folks. The History of Pendennis
  • He was leaning on a stick, and wearing Arab robes of spotless white. Times, Sunday Times
  • The star of I Love You Phillip Morris, The Truman Show, Man on the Moon and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind teams up with the primed-for-prime-time players to lacerate today's headline-splashing people and events. Tonight's TV Hot List: Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011
  • The hotel was spotlessly clean.
  • Each morning cleaners make sure everything is spotless.
  • He also had on a dark green plaid lumber shirt over a spotless blue T-shirt and a clean pair of jeans. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • Her "piso" was spotless and located only minutes from the amazing beach. Refinance 2nd Mortgage
  • Their marching shoes are covered with spotless white over-socks into which their pants are tucked.
  • I pretend to myself that I want the place spotless and ordered, and sometimes I even achieve that state, and it falls back into comfortable clutter within an hour or day or two.
  • Mr. Ashe had been anxiously consulted, for the Eastern boy had no desire to be dubbed a tenderfoot; and now, except for its spotless newness, his costume was quite "Western and ranchified" -- according to Blue Blue Bonnet's Ranch Party
  • Now this morning he offers you his robe of righteousness that you might wear it and become spotless and clean and holy and acceptable in his eyes. Christianity Today
  • Use a cloth inside and out to keep it spotless. The Sun
  • I dragged my suitcase through the spotless, empty street, which reeked of bleach.
  • Its hero is spotless, driven, strong and determined.
  • Our house was absolutely spotless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, the corridor was unadorned, though spotlessly clean, the wood walls shining as if polished.
  • He was leaning on a stick, and wearing Arab robes of spotless white. Times, Sunday Times
  • He laughed with every body who would exchange a laugh with him, shook hands right and left, with what may be certainly called a dexterous cordiality; made his appearance at the market-day and the farmers 'ordinary; and, in fine, acted like a consummate hypocrite, and as gentlemen of the highest birth and most spotless integrity act when they wish to make themselves agreeable to their constituents, and have some end to gain of the country folks. The History of Pendennis, Volume 2 His Fortunes and Misfortunes, His Friends and His Greatest Enemy
  • He does not believe that anyone who looks and acts as innocent as Tess could be anything but spotless.
  • It is spotless with fantastic colors, cavernous blacks, and beautiful contrast and detail.
  • As expected, the shower facilities were well-stocked with towels and lotions and unguents of all sorts, spotlessly clean, and brightly lit, in a welcoming, warmly incandescent kind of way.
  • He lives with Shane, his nine-year-old daughter, who is so clean and spotless, you wonder who does the ironing.
  • In recent years, we’ve had movies, like “Adaptation” (written by the antic confabulator Charlie Kaufman), that are explicitly about the making of movies, and others, like “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (also written by Kaufman), that move forward dramatically by going backward in time. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Levitt's father's was a longtime controller of the state of New York, a liberal with a spotless record.
  • He rushed at his son; he dashed the wine-cup over his spotless vest: and giving him three or four heavy blows which would have knocked down a bonassus, but only caused the young Childe to blush: “YOU take wine!” roared out the Margrave; Burlesques
  • When coal fires were the norm, households would employ a sweep to ensure their chimneys were spotlessly clean.
  • All the while, they keep their designer clothes clean and spotless.
  • And every room was spotlessly clean, without odour or any sort of smell.
  • The light about her grew clearer and more lustrous; the faint strains of melody more glorious, and the perfumed air sweeter still; and lo! the whole place was thronged with white-winged spirits, clad all in garments so pure and spotless that they glistered at every turn. Dreamland
  • In the phrase 'the house was spotlessly clean', the word 'spotlessly' is an adverb.
  • She liked to keep the place spotless. No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
  • Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future.
  • “It may be so,” said Frank; “at least you owe it to the prayers of that most pure and peerless virgin by whose commands you sailed; the sweet incense of whose orisons has gone up for you daily, and for whose sake you were preserved from flood and foe, that you might spread the fame and advance the power of the spotless championess of truth, and right, and freedom, — Elizabeth, your queen.” Westward Ho!
  • It was wished to retemper for him the sword of the constable Duguesclin; and it was hoped that a statue erected to his honour would at once attest to posterity his spotless glory and the gratitude of the Bourbons. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • The three tracks featured here taint an otherwise spotless collection of candyfloss pop (with a veneer of badass rock'n'roll attitude).
  • They are all spotless and clean. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although two-thirds of borrowers must be given the ‘headline’ typical rate, you might not qualify if your credit history isn't spotless or you don't fit the lender's ideal customer profile.
  • The 11th is a crisp fall morning with the sun glinting off the East River from a spotless hard-blue sky and a brisk nor'wester whistling through the concrete canyons, raising everyone's spirits and somehow conveying a sense of promise. Tony Hendra: No Terror Funding? Consider the October Surprise 2008
  • Lived and loved," said a dreamy tone from the hundred leaves of a spotless La Marque rose; and the steady, "unhasting, unresting" soul of Thekla looked out from that centreless flower, in true German guise of brown braided tresses, deep blue eyes like forget-me-nots, sedate lips, and a straight nose. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • Just the same as before -- a little "calvary" at one end of the garden and a rough picture of a Madonna in an arbor, the long, echoing corridors spotless as the deck of a man-of-war, and the smiling faces making a very flower-garden of the community-room. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 099, March, 1876
  • It was clinical white with a spotless red carpet, and full on Sundays.
  • Paris not only lives in a spotless Beverly Hills mansion; she also has her own bright pink Chopper bike.
  • Use a cloth inside and out to keep it spotless. The Sun
  • Each morning cleaners make sure everything is spotless.
  • Or, I could work it in between washing laundry and making sure the parsonage is spotless in case of drop-in company.
  • Elms is soon cradling a macchiato in spotless string-backed gloves. Times, Sunday Times
  • The annunciation lilies (L. candidum) – old, classical, but too pure or too something for most modern gardens – are sweet after their own rare fashion, gleaming out in spotless white; and to my great pleasure, my new L. auratum shews three buds that promise full developement. Gardening by Myself
  • Where he had been naked, now a brilliant red breechcloth sporting a spotless white apron graced his hips. Fire The Sky
  • Occasionally the spotless crake has also been seen.
  • Calista, I swear to thee, by the spotlessness of thy own soul, by the brilliancy of thy immitigable eyes, by everything pure and chaste in heaven and in thy own heart, that I will never cease from following thee! The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
  • This was his first thought, instinctive and unbidden, as he rode a spotless motoscafo across the lagoon toward a city that seemed to rest not on bedrock and silt but on nothing less ephemeral than dreams. The Kaisho
  • A spotless record of increasing dividends for 39 successive years adds to its allure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Binoculars are supplied so you can view the black teal, swans, dabchicks, ducks and even the spotless crake or elusive bittern.
  • Use a cloth inside and out to keep it spotless. The Sun
  • Some of America's top company builders - spotless reputations on the line - are trying to apply the entrepreneurial Midas touch to the problems that beset this cobwebbed corner of the economy.
  • Whatever your past has been, you have a spotless future.
  • He wore a spotless business suit; a white undershirt, with a black tie, pants, and jacket.
  • Then she set to with bleach and scouring pads to render the vases spotless.
  • Quality of Pearl Gemstone: Select the genuine and globular shaped Pearl with fine qualities such as the soft luster with shining whitish color, spotlessness, totally free from the possible impurities or blemishes like dents, ridges and scratches. Gemology Pearl: Wear Ring or Mala to Mitigate the Negative Effects of Moon in Your Horoscope
  • Congratulate the man who, leaving to his family, friends and country a name spotless, untarnished, beloved of nations, to be repeated in foreign tongues and by sparkling seas, has died in the bright and blessed hope of everlasting life. Letters and Journals 02]
  • But in the pity almost divine with which Hood sings her fate there is not only a spotless delicacy, there is also a morality as elevated as the heavenly mercy which the lyrist breathes. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 37, November, 1860
  • The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the course of this morning a squad of cleaners will be sent in to make the place spotless.
  • The table is inlaid with a spotless, stainless steel board, and the tableau comes alive as the chef prepares food for diners sitting in front of him.
  • Except for this violation of safety and common sense, Oliver had a spotless record.
  • He rode up with an Italian girl in spotless whites, cheekbones and nose daubed with something black and nonreflective. Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth
  • When you look at who's won it before it's a pretty spotless track record. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we pulled up to the front entrance, two ebullient doormen outfitted in traditional white jellabas and fez hats opened the doors to reveal spotless floors of tessellated Islamic tile. Lapping Luxury or Riding Waves? We Took the Low Road to Morocco
  • Just one month ago, Caterina Bayes was so afraid of dirtying her spotless Colchester home, she refused to let relatives and friends across the doorstep.
  • Binoculars are supplied so you can view the black teal, swans, dabchicks, ducks and even the spotless crake or elusive bittern.
  • But their house looked spotless on their student grants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our house was absolutely spotless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hardy, carefully hanging up his spotless, glossy equipment at the head of his cot, turned to the farrier who was likewise engaged in arranging a bridle and a pipe-clayed headrope. The Luck of the Mounted A Tale of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police
  • As the first car owners in their family's history, these proud new owners usually keep their cars spotless. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was amazed at how dirty he was, and he caught her looking down at her own spotless clothes.
  • So the house might be spotless, but the clients don't know if the dogs are being cared for. Times, Sunday Times
  • She liked to keep the place spotless. No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
  • The metro is efficient and spotlessly clean.
  • The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tile was a pristine white and the place was spotless, with benches anchored to the floor, mirrors everywhere.
  • Even on a day when it is pouring and hutments flooded, I have seen little school children come with perfectly starched, spotless white school uniforms.
  • Gallagher also stresses the importance of having spotless kitchens and bathrooms.
  • The full-frame transfer, representing the film's original aspect ratio, has been lovingly restored and is amazing in its spotlessness.
  • I. i.110 (8,2) [spotted] As _spotless_ is innocent, so _spotted_ is wicked. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • During the visit, as always, the site was spotless—no piles of rebar, no heaps of wood scraps, no mounds of dirt, no strew of nails and screws. Bird Cloud
  • In this job you can choose which car is brought to your house on a Monday morning, fully insured, brimful with free petrol and spotlessly clean.
  • They do not smell - they are clean and keep their caravans spotless. The Sun
  • At home, in his studio, he carried cleanliness and spotlessness to the last extreme, set up two superb footmen, took fashionable pupils, dressed several times a day, curled his hair, practised various manners of receiving his callers, and busied himself in adorning his person in every conceivable way, in order to produce a pleasing impression on the ladies. The Mysterious Portrait
  • It may be so," said Frank; "at least you owe it to the prayers of that most pure and peerless virgin by whose commands you sailed; the sweet incense of whose orisons has gone up for you daily, and for whose sake you were preserved from flood and foe, that you might spread the fame and advance the power of the spotless championess of truth, and right, and freedom, -- Elizabeth, your queen. Westward Ho!, or, the voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious majesty Queen Elizabeth
  • Thomas, my driver, was a spotlessly tidy, smartly dressed, obviously well washed and well-watered fellow.
  • But you can keep the home spotless AND save money if you shop around. The Sun
  • He also had on a dark green plaid lumber shirt over a spotless blue T-shirt and a clean pair of jeans. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • Behold, behold the innocent Jesus, the spotless Lamb, suddenly become the goat of abomination, burdened with the crimes, the impieties, the blasphemies of all mankind. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Then, in spotless order again, she went back to Lewis and inquired where Logan was at work. Melbourne House
  • The rooms are bright, spacious, spotless and reasonably priced.
  • Gowned in spotless white, her slender form lost in a large armchair, she sat opposite him, dandling the baby in her arms. Hagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice
  • The counters and the sink were spotless, walls free of smudges, shelves dust-free.
  • The 11th is a crisp fall morning with the sun glinting off the East River from a spotless hard-blue sky and a brisk nor'wester whistling through the concrete canyons, raising everyone's spirits and somehow conveying a sense of promise. Tony Hendra: No Terror Funding? Consider the October Surprise 2008
  • He has a little two-bedroom house that he keeps spotless.
  • This could be a spotless home, a hospital, a studio set, a dreamscape or an insane asylum.
  • I have done mucho housework - including attacking my shambled (previously spotless) kitchen back to a state of almost spotlessness. July 15th, 2006
  • Furthermore, work areas are constantly being cleaned, scrubbed or otherwise maintained to a near-spotless condition.
  • a spotlessly clean house
  • A hasty pattering of carpet-slippered feet on the creaking snow, around the kirk, and there was the neatest little apple-cheeked peasant woman in Scotland, "snod" from her smooth, frosted hair, spotless linen mutch and lawn kerchief, to her white, lamb's wool stockings. Greyfriars Bobby
  • A spotless record of increasing dividends for 39 successive years adds to its allure. Times, Sunday Times
  • He climbed aboard and ordered the spotless ship cleaned and the decks holystoned — sand and broom and water — rigging replaced, sails tended, scuppers and cannon cleansed. Tai-Pan
  • The whole house was spotlessly clean.
  • But how do I know, thought I, that even these bruises and maims that I have gotten, while I pursued only the laudable escape I had meditated, may not kindly have furnished me with the opportunity I am now tempted with to precipitate myself, and of surrendering up my life, spotless and unguilty, to that merciful Being who gave it! Pamela
  • Kohl's stores are spotless and are organized according to logical department-to-department adjacencies, he said.
  • In addition, manage your personal affairs conservatively and keep your professional record spotless.
  • The house was bright and absolutely spotless .
  • The thing that strikes you about the whole set up, whether it is the racing team, the supercar site, or the electronics section, is the incredible spotlessness of everywhere.
  • Everyone was polite to a fault, and the place was spotlessly clean.
  • The house is far from sumptuous, but comfortable - spotless linoleum floors, casement windows framed by floral curtains, utilitarian furniture.
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind spiritualizes film by novelizing it and poeticizing it at the same time.

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