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How To Use Spoof In A Sentence

  • Most email tools scan the header of an email to see if the sender is spoofing.
  • Perhaps acknowledging this incongruity, he spoofed his desperation in a series of photographs that mock his suicide.
  • The first uses what AirTight now alternately refers to as a "vulnerability" or a "limitation" in the 802.11 specification: a shared encryption key called the group temporal key (GTK), shared by all clients connected to the same access point, can't detect an address spoofing attempt (the pairwise keys, which are used to scramble data between a given client and the access point, can). AirTight defends Wi-Fi WPA2 'vulnerability' claim
  • The twilight spoof is from a group of youg peeps they are called Evillguana production, the guy playing ed has a blue shirt on in the picture. Twilight Lexicon » M Squared Productions Twilight Parody
  • The e-mail is "spoofed" -- made to look as if it comes from a known sender, perhaps someone else in the company or at a partner company. - News
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  • Comedy spoofing the 1970s cop show. The Sun
  • This is a very big, brawling mix of ideas and interviews, with wacky clips, spoofs and pastiches, some devastatingly funny and pertinent, some of them pretty lame.
  • The problem though is that it's not a spoof or a joke but rather the exploitation of academic qualification for personal gain.
  • After months chided in ghostly Twilight spoof spearheaded by Jimmy Fallon, Robert Pattinson is reportedly set to come face-to-face with the comedian on NBC’s Late Night next month. Jimmy Fallon Robert Pattinson “Twilight” Spoof
  • Jeffrey is pretty hapless, and a very funny spoof of an irritating circuit queen.
  • We even put one of those spoof backwards recordings on the end of the single for a laugh, to give all those Beatles nuts something to do.
  • These queries will be "spoofed" to look like they come from the target of the flooding, and the DNS server will reply to that network address. DNS-based Distributed Denial of Service attacks « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • The spoofiness level of the company's offerings varies: Some shows are just joyous, anything-goes-for-a-laugh evenings, others are a bit more serious or represent a genuine homage. Westword | Complete Issue
  • The sliest of them may be a series of line drawings spoofing the long-standing rivalry between the playwright Frank Chin and the novelist Maxine Hong Kingston. Karen Tei Yamashita's "I Hotel" is a finalist for the National Book Award
  • Being a spoof on a spoof might be cleverish, but I suspect that the only audience it will find is the audience that it seeks to deride.
  • Yeah, it's getting more and more difficult to spoof this culture.
  • So-called spoofing services, which for the most part are legal in the U.S. and the U.K., allow users to choose which number shows up on the receiving phone's screen or is transmitted into the phone carrier's voice-mail servers. Easy-to-Guess Passwords Open Door to Hackers
  • None of it seems to come from anywhere but the Coens' desire to make another airtight (airless, I would say) genre spoof.
  • It's been a strange path I've journeyed upon with the International Man of Mystery: I didn't quite get (at first) the giggly spoofiness of the second one, and was seriously geeked for Goldmember.
  • Doctorow later spoofed the epideictic mode in The Book of Daniel. Too isolated, too insular?
  • The short film is a funny spoof substituting killer bread for man-eating zombies.
  • Australian TV executives were wary of such a project and its unabashed depiction of such swaggering women but Riley and Turner persevered and eventually won the day, delivering a classy, confident spoof of suburban sybarites.
  • For instance, pioneer caller ID spoofer Lucky255 used it to switch his caller ID to 867-5309/Jenny from the bygone pop band Tommy Tutone.
  • Though the film broadly spoofs the priapic grandiosity of heavy-metal acts and riffs knowingly on the rock-doc genre Mr. Reiner, as director Marty DeBergi , is a spoof on Martin Scorsese in "The Last Waltz", it doesn't seem to have aged much in 27 years. Rocking and Rolling in the Wild, Wild East
  • Here's an update on some of the more attention-grabbing theatrical spoofs and polemics being presented in Seattle and beyond.
  • A recent article in The Washington Post, however, profiles a young Indian fan filmer whose spoofs of Bollywood and Superman are bringing relief and cheer to his struggling community. Homemade Bollywood Brings Relief In India | Fan Cinema Today
  • He spoofs himself into an exuberant documentary that demonstrates the all-pervasive influence of modern advertising by satiric example, and with great ingenuity—talking, for example, about product placement while he's placed in such products as a JetBlue terminal where he slugs down a bottle of POM Wonderful. 'Incendies' Burns With Mystery, Truth
  • Fri 10/02/09 3: 42 PM the hillywood show spoof is pretty good 'Twilight' spoof: Kevin and Olivia school, air nation's grievances against, Bella |
  • The danger with satires of this sort is that film-makers, in trying to make their production a viable entry into the genre as well as a spoof of it, lose sight of the initial goal.
  • The spoof rockumentary hits its targets so accurately that many didn't realise it was a spoof at all. The Sun
  • Roseanne Barr is speaking out on her decision to slip on a wig and mustache and step into the role of psychopathic mass murderer Adolf Hilter in a new spoof photoshoot for Jewish humor magazine Heeb. Roseanne Barr Hitler “Burnt Jew Cookies” Photo Spread Heeb Magazine: The German Issue
  • The people doing the spoofing are the ones who should go away. More Proof that New York City Hates Hunters
  • These queries will be "spoofed" to look like they come from the target of the flooding, and the DNS server will reply ... 2006 March « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • Another feature of the cartoon that has been overtly spoofed over the years is the formulaic unfolding of the plot.
  • And yes, he's a talented musician who does wonderful spoofs and pastiches.
  • I wonder, having spoofed us for two years, are they trying to send us gullible mugs the same signal?
  • That's right: The minds behind "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)," "The Complete History of America (Abridged)" and other loopily condensed works have now concocted "Completely Hollywood (Abridged)," a movie-theme spoof that, one evening this week, sent a Kennedy Center audience into regular peals of near-hysterical laughter. Celia Wren reviews 'Completely Hollywood (Abridged)' at Kennedy Center
  • He spoofed the movement of his boss, which set everybody laughing.
  • A Canadian production, it spoofed the entertainment industry via a cast of impossibly naive characters.
  • The allegations reflect the latest wrinkle in a practice known as swatting, in which miscreants use caller ID spoofing to falsely report emergencies to authorities with the goal of eliciting a response from law enforcement officials, who sometimes are deployed from SWAT, or special weapons and tactics units. The Register
  • The final third of the movie switches gears and treads into horror film spoof territory.
  • Via a slightly-jealous reader (guess who), this has to be one of the more notable moments in spoofing history: Balloon Juice » 2006 » August
  • Last week the US Department of Justice issued a special report on phishing to acquaint netizens with the warning signs of the spoofed email messages.
  • Jimmy Fallon is back again spoofing Robert Pattinson in a tree. Twilight Lexicon » Jimmy Fallon: Robert Pattinson Is Bothered By IPad
  • Instead, this type of worm could possibly be used in phishing attempts if it were modifying the hosts file to spoof banks instead of Google. P2Load.A Google/MS worm
  • I've been so quiet lately the readers have started to write the spoofs themselves.
  • Spent part of today writing a couple of spoof company memos for a select group of colleagues.
  • However, many of Wodehouse's novels were first serialized in the Saturday Evening Post, and one of his short stories that did appear in the Post, "Honeysuckle Cottage," is a devastating spoof of the kind of gloopy, syrupy romance stories that often appeared in that magazine. Wodehouse Addendum
  • Basically ABC proved that if you bypass a potentiometer with a resistor, you can spoof the potentiometer setting. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Somebody Should Write About This…
  • The current edition of music mag Q has a spoof exam paper for hip-hop studies.
  • It's obvious the writers have fun with spoofing the superhero genre.
  • The creators of cult the TV hit make their bid for big screen super-stardom with a comic spoof of George Romero's zombie movies, with surprisingly hilarious results.
  • It's a spoof on horror movies.
  • And a later spoof of a school educational film is considerably less effective.
  • Another claim on the Web page is that you can use it to ‘send your buddies games and hilarious news spoofs.’
  • Enjoy this 4 minute spoof from the makers of American Drug War. Sleepwalker McCain: Will Lock Up Pot Smokers But Regularly Uses Powerful Sleeping Pills | Disinformation
  • This was a group of enterprising employees doing a spoof of their office.
  • They did a spoof on/of the Nine O'Clock News.
  • It's responsible for websites aplenty, spoofs galore, and enough memes to make your ears fall off into your coffee.
  • - The sentencing of a 19-year-old "swatter" to 11 years in prison has drawn renewed attention to caller-ID spoofing, which Matthew Weigman used to perpetrate his fake 911 calls and is at the heart of myriad scams. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • When recipients open a digitally signed e-mail, a displayed symbol indicates that the message has not been forged or spoofed.
  • The final hour has long past on the horror spoof and, sadly, all that's left is hackneyed jokes and trite dialogue.
  • Mike Teavee's adventure, demise and sing-song is creative and fun, diving from an inspired 2001 spoofery, to a hilarious channel-hopping song and dance routine.
  • Fela promptly recorded a track titled after the Lagos prison, spoofing the authorities.
  • What we should do is reach out to those who are now totally turned off by spoof films and offer some biting criticism of the spoof genre.
  • A former design student turned artist, Yolacan spoofs the fashion industry and its obsession with youth and ephemerality - but gently.
  • The movie, released in 1986, is now considered a modern classic: Pretty In Pink airs on cable on what seems like a never-ending loop; it is homaged (and spoofed) on culturally-relevant shows like Family Guy and Gossip Girl; it remains one of the top-selling romance DVD's of all time; and people still dress up as Duckie (Ringwald's wacky, lovelorn best friend, played with unforgettable panache by Jon Cryer), for Halloween. Susannah Gora: Pretty in Pink at 25: Still a Class Act
  • But he came up with the idea of spoofing his own taking of the bait, with a sort of performance -- demonstrating that he's beginning to understands something of the Althousian-style bloggish performance -- of his own refusal to take the bait as he in fact takes the bait. Archive 2007-08-01
  • The short film is a funny spoof substituting killer bread for man-eating zombies.
  • By incorporating both an actual news headline and a domain name spoofed from these targets, the spammers are able to attract greater numbers of people used to receiving content from local providers, according to the expert. EWeek Security Watch
  • It also is not for people who have not seen the movies it is spoofing as the humor will not mean much to them.
  • But at last the practice known as "spoofing" has been officially confirmed as illegal in Britain.
  • Rather, the writing spoofs the witty, slangy, often over-written dialogue of movies and radio broadcasts of the time.
  • The play is a spoof on Shakespeare's tragedy 'Julius Caesar'.
  • The 24-year-old Miami artist can't believe that vajazzling is a "real thing," pointing out that the practice was initially spoofed on YouTube with a fake advertisement for something called "clitter," a faux vagina glitter. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • There is spoofing, ramping, insider dealing, front running. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think the eviliguanaproduction spoof is the best, but this one was graceful and funny Twilight Lexicon » Dusk, A Twilight Spoof
  • Michel Gondry, the movie’s director, has now filmed a spoof (or as the characters in the movie call it – swede) of his own movie’s trailer, in the spirit of the characters in his movie. Michel Gondry spoofs (swedes) his own trailer! » Scene-Stealers
  • If you're a glutton for Dickens and you'll need to be, with the BBC already stuffing its schedules with the forthcoming bicentenary of his birth, jolly spoofery abounds in The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff, which features Robert Webb as an upstanding Victorian retailer of nonsense items thrown into sudden penury by bewhiskered evil Stephen Fry in a stovepipe hat. Phil Hogan's Christmas TV highlights
  • Author Margie Palatini employs word play, puns, and satire in this animated mystery, a lively spoof of the 1960s television series Dragnet.
  • Mike Myers heads the cast of this spy spoof.
  • Whether you enjoy show tunes, film spoofs or self-indulgent explorations of the artist's life - or if you simply want to stalk TV stars - read on.
  • The individual loses their identity, while the institution is also victimized because it is spoofed.
  • some place noes clean properly insai gotch sai sai~ spoof thread dun play play rater bend for x'mas not good for chiu looking at the thread title, i thought bag zeh zeh bo liao create a spoof thread
  • With his experimental "metafiction" - spoofing literary conventions, leaving sentences dangling, writing an entire novel ( "Gold Fools") in the form of questions - he seemed to place himself squarely in the postmodernist camp; but his ear for American, especially New York, speech, and his attention to the spirit of place and compassion for the average loser, all defined him as a kindred spirit of such great American humorists as Mark Twain and Peter De Vries. NYT > Home Page
  • Michael Armstrong spoofs the pretensions of bourgeois arrivistes, while describing the horrors of child labor and documenting its heroine's mounting inquisitiveness and willingness to intervene.
  • In many photographs he appears to spoof the efforts of the average camera-toting museum visitor by allowing the bright lights to obscure crucial areas of a given painting.
  • They did a spoof on/of the Nine O'Clock News.
  • The film makes little effort to take this idea seriously, instead opting for an almost spoofy level of jokiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • I asked him if he would join me in spoofing the series with a short promotion spot to run on the air during the week.
  • The show was a spoof of college life.
  • This was the ground breaking TV show circa 1985 that contained the screamingly funny continuing TV soap spoof based in the busy antiques shop in Manchesterford.
  • But in the course of playing out his spoof, Cervantes replaces the omniscience of the typical chivalric narrator with a pervasive uncertainty that detaches from the parody and becomes, in its own right, an aspect of the book.
  • The handsome Canadian spent more than 60 years doing serious roles in movies and on television, but he is probably best known as the bumbling cop Lt. Frank Drebin in the "Naked Gun" spoofs. Celebrity-free Twitter, James Franco, a Pink Floyd movie
  • He uses the phrase 'post-fact era' for spoof political articles or conspiracy theories. Times, Sunday Times
  • They did a spoof on/of the Nine O'Clock News.
  • This is just one of the reasons why this sly, sci-fi spoof of a short film is such a welcome surprise.
  • If that weren't argument enough for a moratorium on shlocky Sistine Chapel spoofs, it's worth noting that "The Simpsons" has used a fresco gag. Simpsons Syndrome: Overused Cultural Icons Trigger a Gag Reflex
  • First, the comic strip beginnings; second, the way the movie has been characterized in the unanimously scathing reviews I've read; third, the reputation for camp and spoofiness that has settled over Groovy Age popular spy entertainment in general; and finally the fact that even the MB novels were to some degree packaged as such. Archive 2009-02-01
  • When Lewis spoofs the postwar anti-traditionalist movement by having Jill attend a school called Experiment House, he gives the school a headmistress, which is supposed to signal its absurdity. In Defense of C. S. Lewis
  • Many people who stayed in Japan criticized foreigners who left, referring to us as "flyjin" -- a spoof on the term "gaijin", which means "foreigner" in Japanese. David Wagner: To Stay or Not to Stay: That is the Question
  • But it's not as if he invented spoofing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The students spoofed the teachers
  • On a short, spoofy sprint like this, he's awesome. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for hummability vs. BO potential, I would equate hummability with enjoying certain kind of entertainment - be is "masala" (in the Ghajini era) or spoof. NAACHGAANA
  • The title's just an excuse to make a bad movie that pretends to be a spoof when it's just a rehash of the most formulaic rubbish imaginable.
  • Managing access includes risk mitigation of identity theft or spoofing.
  • The actor is well known as the funnyman who graced "SNL" to spoof celebrities like Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Sean Connery.
  • So they do have a history in churning out decent spoof movies. Worst Idea Ever: The Wayans Brothers’ Dance Flick Movie Trailer | /Film
  • Like Dreamworks' films, the pop-culture references are here, and movie spoofs are anything but thin on the ground.
  • The trailer is actually pretty funny, spoofing the whole ‘interviewing people as they come out of the theater’ idea.
  • That haunted offspring turns out to be none other than large Lawrence, in this raucous spoof of trash television.
  • Since so many of the documents on view are themselves doctored items or spoofs, factuality becomes suspect.
  • He's slightly detached, everything delivered in deadpan Liverpudlian tones, like he's doing some spoof of Ringo Starr.
  • The picture is good at spoofing the hermetic atmosphere of academia without going overboard into parody or caricature.
  • The film has oodles of charm and avoids the obvious pitfalls of comic Mafia spoofs.
  • Yes, the video is funny and well put together but the best part of all is that the study that is being "spoofed" actually took place and that the words spoken by the astronauts and overhead voice that narrate the video are actual quotes from a real study. Packing For Mars Book Trailer
  • When it comes to cybersquatting, spoof names, trademark defenses, and legal actions, one of the fee-based services will be necessary.
  • They were not amused by the spoof - and McDonald's finished up saying it meant no offense.
  • ADHD has been so huckstered, a YMCA ad spoofs it with the headline, "Before Video Games, Before Facebook, Before Ritalin, There Was Basketball. Martha Rosenberg: Do These Drug Ads Offend You?
  • At one point there is a discussion about cutting his daughter's hair in the style of a famous Italian personality to photograph in a spoof.
  • Hathaway, this year's Oscars co-host with James Franco, spoofed Holmes in a November episode of 'Saturday Night Live,' playing a gaspy, "complex," and confused version of the former 'Dawson's Creek' star. Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes Boycotting Oscars Over Anne Hathaway 'SNL' Impression?
  • If you remember the '80s teen classics and want a movie that spoofs them well, look elsewhere.
  • All the laborious editing serves slight purpose, and presents the wearying phenomenon of a spoof of a schlock genre that is virtually a parody of itself.
  • HPFacebookVoteV2. init (366908, 'Method\'s Dirty, Dirty Video Spoof Against Toxic Household Cleaners', 'Did you know that chemical companies, cough, I mean cleaning products companies don\'t have to say what they put in their toxic laboratory-birthed neon \ "cleaning\" products? Waylon Lewis: Method's Dirty, Dirty Video Spoof Against Toxic Household Cleaners
  • The spoofing target is the musician biopic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The faux thriller spoofery goes silly-side-up and Steve's boisterous young assistant isn't given enough to do, but this is a small price to pay for the genius that is Brooks.
  • - The Telegraph (UK) You convince yourself, for a while, that a clever post-modern spoof is under way. Ordinary Thunderstorms by William Boyd: Book summary
  • Fortunately, trawlermen have yet to be forced to play themselves in spoofs about themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are certainly examples dating back to the 1870s of photographers mixing up different images to make jokes or spoofs.
  • If you're a glutton for Dickens and you'll need to be, with the BBC already stuffing its schedules with the forthcoming bicentenary of his birth, jolly spoofery abounds in The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff, which features Robert Webb as an upstanding Victorian retailer of nonsense items thrown into sudden penury by bewhiskered evil Stephen Fry in a stovepipe hat. Phil Hogan's Christmas TV highlights
  • Parnell and Greer have history — they costarred in ABC's underrated gem Miss Guided and both provide voices on FX's animated spy spoof Archer — and they developed a surprisingly potent chemistry in only a few scenes. Cheers & Jeers: Mad Love for Chris Parnell
  • But it failed to key me up, just as the subject matter, perhaps deliberately, left me never quite sure whether this was an earnest morality tale or a spoof and a send-up.
  • They are one and the same person; Richard is author of both the schoolboy newspaper and the spoof armorial bearings.
  • However, the oxygen of spoofery wears thin without another big idea to maintain its comedy orbit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The spoof is part of their Mort Mort Feingold Accountant to the Stars skit. Twilight Lexicon » Saturday Night Live Spoofs Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Twilight
  • This game, based on the spoof book of the same name, rectifies that. Times, Sunday Times
  • This movie is referencing a show that was such a phenomenon when it was on the air, and we aren't trying to spoof it or parody it in any way.
  • Did you consider that far from spoofing the music, you were actually helping it a lot, and giving it a bigger fanbase?
  • Last year they spoofed Lord of the Rings, mastered hip-hop and hymned the robot revolution - all on acoustic guitars.
  • Disaster movie the whole fact that after the first two scary movies the quility went way way way waaaaay down since then and still it gets green lighted is crazy i saw the trailer chuckled at the Zohan spoof and watned to cry because this will still make money and fill seats its horrible it crams to much in and its stupid. Sunday Discussion: An Overflow of Comic Book Movies?! «
  • Also, I’d like to point out that IP spoofing is out of the question when the WordPress software requires cookie-based challenge-response. Waldo Jaquith - You’re never anonymous on the internet.
  • There was no victory in Scary Movie because it was spoofing a spoof that was cleverer than it was.
  • Here is W. S. Gilbert's spoof line, ‘I would as lief be thrust through a thicket hedge as cry Pooh to a callow throstle’.
  • But the biometric check is only useful if the process is sufficiently supervised to guard against spoofing or passport switching.
  • A quick traipse around the site reveals it's no hoax, parody or spoof.
  • They are one and the same person; Richard is author of both the schoolboy newspaper and the spoof armorial bearings.
  • Cunningly, the virus can even spoof the domain name of the business's email address.
  • Ultimately, the joke is on the audience, as the cast and crew parody and spoof the reality TV genre with insights and a biting intimacy few others could understand or capture.
  • He spoofed the movement of his boss, which set everybody laughing.
  • But it failed to key me up, just as the subject matter, perhaps deliberately, left me never quite sure whether this was an earnest morality tale or a spoof and a send-up.
  • Austin Powers" is a spoof on spy films of the '60s.
  • It is difficult to spoof a convention when the convention itself is so awful it seems a spoof unto itself.
  • Anything published on or around 1 April is a likely candidate for spoofiness unless incontrovertible evidence exists that its not. An Esper Spaghetti Graph « Climate Audit
  • Instead of a send-up of a target ripe for spoofing, they are making serious points about a play that Wilde subtitled ‘a trivial comedy for serious people’.
  • Intruders can use the source address by falsifying, or what they call spoofing, such that it makes it very difficult for us in law enforcement to identify exactly where the particular attack is coming from. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Attorney General Holds News Conference on Computer Security - February 9, 2000
  • Mick O'Shea uses toy trains to spoof the art world.
  • Where once spams used false origination addresses (spoofing) to fool spam filters they are now using the same trick to fool users with phishing scams.
  • It offended moralists because of its unashamed exploitation of the naked female body, but it was also playful, innovative and funny, spoofing sexuality and celebrating female independence.
  • It vandalises a gutsy satirical classic, in this case with a mixture of misjudged condescension, smirking spoofery and culpable failure of nerve.
  • Since so many of the documents on view are themselves doctored items or spoofs, factuality becomes suspect.
  • Eye - tach - A spoof of V-tach which is short for Ventricular Tachycardia, a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia. Blog Articles
  • The fall, of course, was a choreographed pratfall, spoofing all the negative stories surrounding ‘Sweet Charity.’
  • Various character traits and catchphrases are spoofed, and to get the humor in these moments, a viewer will need to know where they came from.
  • Leno reclaims his late-night seat television at the helm of The Tonight Show began with a spoof of The Wizard of Oz. In grainy black-and-white, Jay and cast mates such as bandleader - Articles related to CBEC ropes in Akshay Kumar for TV commercial
  • In October, these extortion rackets became the second of two major investigations for Britain's National Hi-Tech Crime Unit (the other is "spoofing" -- phony sites set up to steal credit-card numbers and other personal information). Virtual Villains
  • One netizen posted a cheeky spoof restaurant calendar that says "Swill Oil" at the top and names 13 of the city's biggest-name hotpot restaurants at the bottom. Chinalyst - China blogs in English
  • He posted the link to this spoof from the recently released trailer for “Eclipse”. TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR MARCH 28TH: TAYLOR LAUTNER, CUTEST COUPLE, AND ECLIPSE SPOOF | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • The live-action spoofs have included "Conception" and "Perception," and everything from "Avatar" to "Willy Wonka" is getting incepted with DiCaprio's V.O. But there's one animated-character parody [below] that stands above all. DREAM TRAILERS: The 6 Best 'INCEPTION' Parodies This Minute [UPDATED]
  • Many of these systems have insecure password management and are vulnerable to account spoofing and denial-of-service attacks.
  • Have we gotten to the point where lame jokes in spoof movies are acceptable because the only other choice is intelligence-insulting jokes in parody movies? NEW GET SMART TRAILER
  • The film makes little effort to take this idea seriously, instead opting for an almost spoofy level of jokiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trailers gave me the impression it would be a light-hearted superhero spoof. "I see the walls, and see them fall."
  • Data communications are also unauthenticated and do not provide cryptographic integrity protection, allowing spoofing and simulation of data messages.
  • Here's the Joint Working Group on what it refers to as "spoof," though the term hardly does justice to its gravity: States or terrorist organizations, for reasons that might range from protecting secrets to preventing attribution, may attempt to spoof any later investigation by mixing material from different sources. Russ Wellen: Can Nuclear Terrorists Be Deterred?
  • They were not amused by the spoof - and McDonald's finished up saying it meant no offense.
  • The show was a spoof of college life.
  • It is possible another organization could have "spoofed" the origin of the attacks to make it appear as if they were coming from these servers. Georgia States
  • In the British press at least, there is a tradition of publishing spoof articles in as po-faced a fashion as possible on April 1st and seeing how many people fall for them.
  • The picture is good at spoofing the hermetic atmosphere of academia without going overboard into parody or caricature.
  • A nicely-done spoof site: The Mangold-Hurling Association ( "Everything within a 1 yard radius of beetroot turns purple due to the betacyanin pigment it contains"). Archive 2004-01-01
  • The current spoof films center more around fart jokes and modern references to pop culture and with each lame ass spoof, is another nail in the coffin. New Trailer: Super Capers « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • In fact, the film pretty neatly sums up why the genre died in the first place - too many films with bad improv comics starring in dismal spoofs of things that have pretty much been spoofed to death.
  • We weren't like, ‘Let's spoof all the camp movies.’
  • It's more retro-spoofy than retro-scary, but there is, of course, a nasty twist. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you doubt my veracity, MyDoom's ability to spoof icons should change your mind.
  • We're actually in the niche genre of a hoolie spoof. The Sun
  • An homage or even a spoof is one thing, but using character designs or layouts without credit go way beyond that. Nick Simmons Releases Statement, Takes No Responsibility » Manga Worth Reading
  • WAR, INC. affects and will affect people through its comedy and simultaneous tragedy. the real and the absurd. we laugh at something that is seemingly funny, par example, the "blackwater" spoof. however, underneath that extremely comedic scene is an atrocious truth. it's genius. Vicky Ward: John Cusack's Viral Success Story: Vanity Fair
  • Though more study is needed… I'm a big fan of the scientific method, but this reminds me of a spoof term paper I once wrote, many years ago, after having read one too many phonetics articles debunking the perceptions of phonologists.
  • Maybe I'm not sure how to use the term spoofing, exactly. Undefined
  • It is a classic comedy spoof on the disaster films of the 1970s.
  • The last issue is always a celebratory spoof, done in the spirit of end-of-year euphoria.
  • As a spoofy but affectionate take on horror clichés, it is gimmicky but mostly gruesome fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • A funny two-minute Total Request Live spoof and some previews finish the bonus features.
  • The video depicts a spoof of the film Bugsy Malone, splurge guns and all, and is something of a classic.
  • Signal authentication is the most effective defense against signal spoofing, as unauthenticated users are denied access to the signal, and are unable to simulate the signal.
  • An idiosyncratic mix of deliberately shambolic skits, sketches, stunts and spoofs, interrupted by fervent bickering, the show appeared intermittently from 1987 to huge public and critical acclaim.
  • So many spoofs today make only token gestures towards the genre they're aping, then look for laughs in deliberate anachronisms.
  • It is not denigratory to that country - it is a spoof of dull headlines.

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