How To Use Spontaneity In A Sentence

  • Her verbal spontaneity ruffled far too many feathers even if it attracted admiration from thousands of radicals and feminists.
  • There is a spontaneity, a wonderful painterly quality that bridges several techniques and makes them unlike other mediums.
  • The film allows the director ample space for his visual imagination to freewheel with dazzling spontaneity and inventiveness.
  • What makes the Eleven Cities Tour extraordinary among sporting events is its genuine spontaneity.
  • Linear simplicity, naive spontaneity, subtlety of tones and interesting techniques mark his abstracts.
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  • With a new band, spontaneity will be the keynote.
  • New Yorkers love spontaneity, love it to death. Times, Sunday Times
  • That was the problem, he lacked spontaneity and I struggled to get into the mood. The Sun
  • Meanwhile the autonomists avoid developing any political or social vision in deference to the spontaneity of the movement.
  • Instead of naturalness and spontaneity we have had thirty odd years of media manipulation.
  • It is hardly conducive to spontaneity, but could save a wasted trip.
  • Maybe all that walking into glass doors and getting beaned with water bottles was Justin Bieber's way of telegraphing to MTV execs that not only is he a hit with the kids, as they say, but capable of spontaneity, physical humor and mayhem that stops just short of "Jackass" level hijinks. Rumor Mill: Justin Bieber gets 'Punk'd'
  • Mrs. Dickinson, presently "coming up with" Rosamund's party, became absolutely "waggish" (the Dean's expression), and made Rosamund laugh with that almost helpless spontaneity which is the greatest compliment to a joke. In the Wilderness
  • An expectation can act as an inertial fulcrum in the morphogenic field, shutting out possibilities for emergent learning, rather than encouraging spontaneity and creativity. Willow Dea: Habit #5 Intention and Expectation: The Impact on the Class
  • Often, she would be the first to admit, her creativity and spontaneity took over from her domestic duties and responsibilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Joseph Viscomi asserts that "working on metal with the tools of poet and painter enabled Blake to create a multi-media space, a 'site' where poetry, painting, and printmaking came together in ways both original and characteristic of Romanticism's fascination with autographic gesture, with spontaneity, intimacy, and organicism Blake's Contraries Game
  • While there is appeal in the spontaneity and serendipity of these events, they do not amount to community.
  • If you were doing a light-hearted story about the lot of a property steward, and wanted to convey a bit of spontaneity, forget it.
  • Sartre describes human consciousness as a perpetual beginning, an ‘impersonal spontaneity’ with no determinate content or progenitor.
  • It is a dysphemism for what is sometimes known as “community organizing” -- professionally staging protests and lending them credibility via the false impression of spontaneity. Leave Barack Alone!
  • It might lack spontaneity, but hey. Times, Sunday Times
  • Widely respected as one of the founding fathers of photojournalism and a pioneer in the art of photography, his pictures are admired for their spontaneity and mastery of form.
  • A "pop-up shop": this increasingly ubiquitous and, ergo, increasingly annoying trend suggests in its name temporality, spontaneity, coolness, a fun little shopping excursion that The Guardian World News
  • You curb your spontaneity in an effort to behave in an acceptable fashion.
  • On the other hand, boys and girls and young men and women are clearly disenchanted with a system that frowns upon spontaneity.
  • Spontaneity, with a touch of impulsiveness, is one of the traits that attract some of McCain’s admirers. August « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • For the coexistence of absolute spontaneity with absolute necessity is involved in the very idea of God, one of whose intellectual definitions is, the 'synthesis, generative ad extra, et annihilative, etsi inclusive, quoad se,' of all conceivable 'antitheses;' even as the best moral definition -- (and, O! how much more godlike to us in this state of antithetic intellect is the moral beyond the intellectual!) -- is, God is love. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Furthermore, the impression of spontaneity in naturalistic Dutch landscape paintings of the 1620s is a consequence of technical facility and not of an impromptu approach to composition.
  • The movement that has always been best at spontaneity is going to have to become better at synthesis.
  • They represented one of the most fruitful and imaginative local jazz partnerships of the 1960s - a blend of bop's brittle urgency, swing's broad communicativeness and some of the trumpet/sax countermelodic spontaneity of Chet Baker's and Gerry Mulligan's partnership.
  • With one exception, they are spoken texts and so have the spontaneity and naturalness that make for pleasurable reading.
  • A design should be reasonably simple as over-crowded features or overprecise arrangement of objects may lose spontaneity and dilute focus.
  • But it's also draggy and slow, the product of toil and perfectionism over spontaneity and enthusiasm that seems to insinuate more than it actually says.
  • Meanwhile, system is just designed according to human reasoning and various systems all resulting from human's spontaneity, consciousness and practice.
  • She had been named Damask by her mother, with just that same kind of spontaneity, only somehow messier. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • It is a highly formalized means for expression and communication, requiring a balance between control and spontaneity in the creation of letterforms.
  • The serial presentation enhanced the illusion of spontaneity and improvisation.
  • Finally, the neo-anarchists insist on the spontaneity, the open-endedness, and the planlessness of their enterprises because the definition of universal ends and the elaboration of programmatic designs to - ward those ends entail the authority of the future over the present. AUTHORITY
  • My impression is that she also contains elements of conformity and conventionality as well as elements of spontaneity, independence and daring.
  • The show has lost spontaneity, wit and sparkle. Times, Sunday Times
  • His innovative style of riding the waves, in which fluidity and elegance were matched by spontaneity and creativity, left onlookers gasping with admiration. Times, Sunday Times
  • The conclusion of spontaneity is not drawn from looking at the video or eyeballing the fly but by analysing the graphed traces. Bunny and a Book
  • We apply the term sensibility to the receptivity of the mind for impressions, in so far as it is in some way affected; and, on the other hand, we call the faculty of spontaneously producing representations, or the spontaneity of cognition, understanding. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • On the other hand, boys and girls and young men and women are clearly disenchanted with a system that frowns upon spontaneity.
  • Spontaneity, innovation, the kind of extemporaneous flourish that Springsteen, Bono, or Chris Martin have mastered, and that grants those idols access to a stratosphere the Killers are yet to pierce. Rob Fishman: Human or Dancer: Killers Waver at Jones Beach
  • Ordinarily there was a suspicion of hardness in her face but there was also upon occasions a kind of winsomeness, an unexpected peeping out of a personality which was like the wraith of the child which she once had been -- a suggestion of girlish charm and spontaneity utterly unlike her usual self. The Lady Doc
  • Later, when society distorts our wants and makes it harder for us to care, the deliberateness of ethical caring supplements the spontaneity of natural caring.
  • This obviously saves time and adds spontaneity to social intercourse.
  • For some it is the shock, for some it is spontaneity in a gentle and mild way.
  • The show lacks spontaneity and has become unfunny, over-blown and full of its own self-importance.
  • In the elaborate ballets and revels in the "Grove of Daphne" the use of Greek scales, Greek progressions (such as descending parallel fourths long forbidden by the doctors of our era), a trimetrical grouping of measures (instead of our customary fourfold basis), and a suggestion of Hellenic instruments, -- all this lore has not robbed the scene in any sense of an irresistible brilliance and spontaneity. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • Painters learn that it's possible to "overpaint," to ruin a piece because of too many minute revisions which sap the spontaneity and take away the work's ability to "breathe." editing Storytellersunplugged
  • Neruda's incredible use of metaphor, simile and synecdoche, among other poetic techniques, frequently confronts the reader unprepared, jolted by the sudden flash of creative spontaneity.
  • She thinks the spontaneity of hitching up your van on a Friday night and setting off into the wild blue yonder is part of carvanning's new appeal.
  • Moreover, the very indeterminateness of the dialect, the possibility of using varying degrees of "broadness," increased the facility of rhyming, and added notably to the ease and spontaneity of composition. Robert Burns How To Know Him
  • Haiku is contemplative poetry and is characterised by spontaneity and lightness.
  • One of the things I most value as a blog reader is the occasionality and spontaneity of the medium. Of Blogs and Substance
  • But it's time for more spunk and spontaneity from the president, not in place of explanation but accompanying it. Kathleen Reardon: What the President Could Learn From Sarah Palin
  • The loss of spontaneity and initiative may be accompanied by personality changes, anxiety and restlessness, particularly around tea time.
  • As a parent I sympathise with overburdened teachers who find fun and spontaneity squeezed out by a regime of constant testing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some may feel that they lack spontaneity and creativity and thus perceive them as boring and uninspiring.
  • The loss of spontaneity and initiative may be accompanied by personality changes, anxiety and restlessness,[sentence dictionary] particularly around tea time.
  • What spontaneity is — spontaneity comes from an invisible idea that is there before the creation began. GARY BUSEY IS SORRY (KINDA)
  • Emotional outbursts are trusted because (so the myth would have it) emotional outbursts are spontaneous, spontaneity is honest, and honesty is valued whether it offends or not. Science Fiction vs. SciFi?
  • There's plenty of compensations though: spontaneity, surprising synchronicities, and no mean amount of magical happenings.
  • The absence of spontaneity, the patness of the artistic and intellectual approach, the resulting weakness of the drama brings about the question: how many indelible moments has he created?
  • Kris Davis, a pianist and composer who plays harmonium in the band, said she was attracted by the tightly structured spontaneity within the music. Finding a Rhythm in the Space Between Styles
  • The rest of the band put on competent performances, but were hampered by having to play along with extensive pre-recorded tapes, preventing any spontaneity or alternative readings of material.
  • With cultivated "automatist" spontaneity, he worked on raw canvas, copper, and the recently invented Masonite; employed gross materials, including sand and tar; made thoroughly abstract pictures; and hatched funky varieties of collage and assemblage, whose influence would extend to Robert Rauschenberg. 3quarksdaily
  • Not for him the long-prepared, well-rehearsed spontaneity. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Or is the fun in the spontaneity? Times, Sunday Times
  • If this kind of political correctness continues, where phrases are misconstrued to make it seem someone has made a racist, agist or sexist remark, I fear all spontaneity will be lost in future interviews and debates. Blitzer: Was Obama taking aim at McCain's age?
  • Displaying spontaneity, he assured the Union Information and Broadcasting Minister - who he said thinks he was a ‘big badmash’ - that he would not take off his shirt.
  • The ‘revolution of roses’ on 22 November was a hybrid of spontaneity and careful preparation.
  • His interviewing can be deferential to the point of being fawning, and behind it all some suspect that he lacks spontaneity and is almost dull. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a sincerity and a spontaneity to a Royal performance above and beyond the technique and musicianship. Times, Sunday Times
  • Too much routine can be mind-numbing, just as too much spontaneity can be disorientating.
  • the spontaneity of his laughter
  • If you don't do that, the creativity and spontaneity of your team disappears. The Sun
  • Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr., in The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction (2008), argues that his idea of SF, which derives primarily from Darko Suvin (and is effectively SF as "hard SF"), is actually restrictive -- it reduces SF to the necessity of rigid scientific plausibility, when in fact SF is a much more varied genre and mode and tradition, and is just as much characterized by "ludic" elements (i.e., spontaneity, playfulness). Will You Go See Avatar?
  • An unlearned spontaneity breathes life into the best pieces here.
  • How I long for the spontaneity of those social witticisms or emotionally charged exchanges.
  • His enthusiasm was somewhat lacking in spontaneity, I thought.
  • Van Gogh's work represents the emotional spontaneity in painting.
  • The courage to make such changes allows for a certain freedom and spontaneity of approach. Acrylics Masterclass
  • Yet the book must maintain its original freshness and spontaneity. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • Was it a question of lost spontaneity, or was it a matter of simply not feeling everything connect like it could?
  • Here the prospect of building an ethic on spontaneity and awareness brings about an unexpected shift of the burden of proof.
  • Thus, vital action, as well in the physiological as in the intellectual and moral order, is called immanent, because it proceeds from that spontaneity which is essential to the living subject and has for its term the unfolding of the subject's constituent energies. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • My candid self-evaluation is that the strain and lack of spontaneity have been evident in the quality of my writing over the last few months.
  • He combined a Catholic devotion to the sacraments of the Church with a Pentecostal welcoming of healings, ecstasies and Low Church spontaneity.
  • I like to think that all that smart dressing and lack of spontaneity comes at a price. Times, Sunday Times
  • Folk, the spontaneity, the mass character highlight many are the stodger.
  • This planned spontaneity might sound like a paradox, but I usually find that chaotic and purposeless free time is not worth a great deal.
  • As the main quality which Ellen Terry brought to these roles, in addition to her beauty, grace, and charm, was a seemingly artless naturalness and spontaneity, her success tended to be in ratio to the congruence between her and the part.
  • Some themes are adopted from the Minoan repertoire - ladies in gaily coloured flounced skirts, acrobatic bull leapers - though they tend to be more stiffly drawn and lack the grace and spontaneity so characteristic of Minoan art.
  • The images I create are choreographed, but I allow room for spontaneity, or the gesticulative nature of each individual like an actor within a scene.
  • McDowell subtly develops an account of that which Kant called the "spontaneity" of our judgement in perceptual experience, while avoiding the suggestion that the resulting account has any connection with idealism. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • I really feel that I'm on your wavelength when you talk about the film being an experiment in spontaneity.
  • He disdained the illusion of spontaneity and other tricks to wow groundlings.
  • The Mirror's writer found Rowbotham too methodical, too studied, and too much lacking in spontaneity, however, even likening his talent to "the carved work of a bed post. Cast and Characters
  • He combined a Catholic devotion to the sacraments of the Church with a Pentecostal welcoming of healings, ecstasies and Low Church spontaneity.
  • Painters and sculptors began looking for inspiration in spontaneity and primitive feeling rather than in the lecture halls of traditional learning.
  • The show works best when it gives the illusion of spontaneity, but there is the occasional awkward, stilted conversation that is obviously neither natural nor scripted.
  • His poetry expresses a discontent with orderly lives and humdrum routine, praising spontaneity and emotion.
  • This planned spontaneity might sound like a paradox, but I usually find that chaotic and purposeless free time is not worth a great deal.
  • Regan felt that somewhere in all there a level of spontaneity, of romance, of passion, was lost. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • Their spontaneity is as fabricated as the Tea Bag parties. Democrats say Republicans staging town hall protests
  • They bring freshness, immediacy, and spontaneity to Wilde's faintly arthritic society drama, which opened 110 years ago.
  • When one thinks of Micawber always presenting himself in the same situation, moved with the same springs and uttering the same sounds, always confident of something turning up, always crushed and rebounding, always making punch -- and his wife always declaring she will never part from him, always referring to his talents and her family -- when one thinks of the 'catchwords' personified as characters, one is reminded of the frogs whose brains have been taken out for physiological purposes, and whose actions henceforth want the distinctive peculiarity of organic action, that of fluctuating spontaneity. The Life of Charles Dickens, Vol. I-III, Complete
  • But as any reader of the odes can attest, Neruda's incredible use of metaphor, simile and synecdoche, among other poetic techniques frequently confronts the reader unprepared, jolted by the sudden flash of creative spontaneity.
  • They are on equal terms artistically, responding to one another with spontaneity and unanimity in the interpretation of nuances that give their playing a sense that they are inside the music. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • I really enjoy the spontaneity of live audio, especially as a collaboration.
  • The crafty machinations of the camera yield the spontaneity of the snapshot.
  • It's time for more spunk and spontaneity from the president, not in place of explanation but accompanying it. Kathleen Reardon: What the President Could Learn From Sarah Palin
  • He is a conductor of bold gestures, not averse to sacrificing spontaneity for micromanagement of detail.
  • Composers are not known for their spontaneity.
  • On the one hand, they demystify bad, often non-musical, entertainment and, on the other, they mythify musical entertainment by associating the musical with the myths of spontaneity, integration and audience.
  • Inattention, latency in recall, and lack of spontaneity frequently are encountered indicators of subcortical dementia, the intellectual impairment observed in NPH.
  • In it we know ourselves to be rational agents detached from spontaneity, judging on objective grounds what will serve our ends.
  • The show has lost spontaneity, wit and sparkle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here the prospect of building an ethic on spontaneity and awareness brings about an unexpected shift of the burden of proof.
  • Anything further removed from instinct it were hard to fancy; and one is even stirred to a certain impatience with a character so destitute of spontaneity, so passionless in justice, and so priggishly obedient to the voice of reason. Memories and Portraits
  • The Futurists, the Surrealists, the abstract expressionists, all sought their passionate rhapsodies, of mechanization, or libido, or spontaneity.
  • The performance pursues those blissful musical moments that only spontaneity and improvisation provide.
  • The plan failed because of regal spontaneity and lack of horsepower. The Bullet Catchers
  • Simply put, it's more than acting with inputs like good command over language, spontaneity, imagination, skills to improvise there and then.
  • Here the prospect of building an ethic on spontaneity and awareness brings about an unexpected shift of the burden of proof.
  • The authors are careful to distance their carefully operationalized definitions of spontaneity from the philosophical issue of free will. Bunny and a Book
  • The image-makers who have created the modern political convention instinctively hate spontaneity, conflict and any other human element that they cannot control.
  • You are all about fun, spontaneity and taking outrageous actions. The Sun
  • The spontaneity here is the important thing, and I think it can have a mutative influence upon the course of analysis.
  • She claimed that she was influenced by the art in Paris, where she studied and lived in the years 1950 – 1961, especially by the freshness and colorfulness of Henri Matisse (1869 – 1954) and the spontaneity of Joan Miró (1893 – 1983). Artists: Yishuv and Israel: 1920-1970.
  • There was absolutely no freedom or spontaneity about England. Times, Sunday Times
  • His enthusiasm was somewhat lacking in spontaneity, I thought.
  • That doesn't mean it lacks warmth or spontaneity; it means that all the people must work together to contribute to the whole project. Christianity Today
  • Trips abroad would now be expensively complicated by catteries; some of life's spontaneity lost. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • When I bottled out they called me a "wuss" and said that I've "got no spontaneity".
  • It is found that under natural conditions, language input is characteristic of spontaneity and comprehensibility and it does not follow the natural developmental order.
  • We lacked a bit of spontaneity and freshness. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a genuine spontaneity to their reactions.
  • With one exception, they are spoken texts and so have the spontaneity and naturalness that make for pleasurable reading.
  • Almost without noticing it, we lose touch with that spontaneity that is our natural inheritance.
  • One of the ways that creative people can rebel against this vulgarization of what should be extraordinary is to find ways of restoring a sense of unanticipated spontaneity to messaging conveying the erotic aspects of the human condition. Sheldon Filger: Keeping Abreast of Time: My Wonderful Breast Clock
  • But this is not all; beneath the wonderful singing quality are form, compression, reserve force, meaning; the spontaneity now is that apparent artlessness which is the triumph of the lyrical art. The Stranger at the Gate
  • The script has a refreshing spontaneity and sparkle.

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