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How To Use Spoliation In A Sentence

  • Fixed lines contribute to the despoliation of our mountains.
  • Striking a pleading for negligent spoliation is a drastic sanction that is appropriate only where the missing evidence deprive [s] the moving party of the ability to establish his or her defense or case. Fourth Department
  • To meet the expenses of the great wars on which he was constantly engaged he had to impose taxation which, even if levied by more regular methods, was almost as crushing as the unregulated spoliation under the Mamelukes, and gradually his Mudirs and Mamours and Omdehs had to have recourse to the same methods as the revenue-farmers in the Mameluke days to screw the last piastre out of the helpless fellaheen, whilst recruitment for the armies which demanded incessant reinforcements became an even worse terror than the kurbash of the tax collector and the interminable corvées. The Egyptian Problem
  • Dedalus's response to Ms. Banach's lawsuit is to countersue for more than $5 million, claiming "breach of fiduciary duty, self dealing, theft of corporate opportunities, conversion, replevin, and spoliation of computer evidence. Behind the Veil: Questions About Art Authentication
  • In the earlier films humans had been punished for their ambition, but in this later phase of worst-case dramas the planet had a more solid motivation for hitting back: our despoliation of the planet.
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  • Outpost, Tue to 21 AugSSWorking from his native Benin, Romuald Hazoumè has used the ubiquitous jerry can as his trademark emblem for capitalism, consumerism and ecological despoliation. This week's new exhibitions
  • So I propose that the Scottish Green party makes itself useful for a change and begins a campaign to stop the tartan despoliation of other people's places and stick to despoiling their own. What next? A stag weekend on Kilimanjaro? | Kevin McKenna
  • Edinburgh and Aberdeen had less of a problem and so less despoliation took place, but Dundee and smaller towns, such as Falkirk and other burghs in the central industrial belt, were badly hit by this municipal vandalism.
  • So far, eight cases of alleged Nazi-era spoliation have emerged in the UK.
  • Because of our sins, our desecration and despoliation, we witness in our own times the destruction of a universe. Rabbi Barry A. Kenter: For Our Sins, We Were Exiled From The Land
  • Urban expansion was contained, agricultural and forest management balanced, and attempts were made to redress spoliation.
  • It lists noise pollution, environmental despoliation, training accidents that damage property and a stunting of urban and industrial development as reasons to object to their presence.
  • This asserts that the despoliation of the planet has resulted from mankind's illegitimate assertion of superiority over the natural world. Times, Sunday Times
  • This kind of spoliation, and popular enlightenment, are always in an inverse ratio to one another, for it is in the nature of abuses to go as far as possible. Sophisms of the Protectionists
  • Les USA nation fondée sur LE GENOCIDE de 30 millions d'Indiens et sur leur SPOLIATION devraient avoir un peu de pudeur lorsqu'ils font l'apologie du droit de propriété ! LSE and cosmopolitan liberalism - The Austrian Economists
  • People who fear lawsuits or have something to hide tamper with evidence [Fitzgerald calls it "spoliation"] in ways that may seem clever -- overwriting files, reinstalling the operating system, loading a bunch of other data on discs and drives and them deleting them -- but are easily uncovered during an investigation. CSO
  • He bemoans the 'tsunami' of 1920s semis and, especially, the despoliation wreaked by the car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chartists, 'Danes' as they were then called, coming into his territory with their 'five points,' or rather with their five - and-twenty thousand _points_ and edges too, of pikes namely and battleaxes; and proposing mere Heathenism, confiscation, spoliation, and fire and sword, -- Edmund answered that he would oppose to the utmost such savagery. Past and Present
  • None of us wants to feel responsible for the spoliation of sites, but even there the acquisitions process is not as guilty as is often alleged.
  • It is all a question of achieving a balance.; it would be counter-productive if we were to swing from the excesses of the 80s when demolition and spoliation were rife, to a kind of conservation bureaucracy or totalitarianism.
  • Profoundly controversial to contemporaries, this was an unparalleled secular spoliation of ecclesiastical property.
  • That way leads to technological despoliation, as we already know. Books, Ebooks and the Environment « Tales from the Reading Room
  • And one horror echoes down the centuries: the despoliation of a green and pleasant land. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ultra-Chartists, 'Danes' as they were then called, coming into his territory with their 'five points,' or rather with their five-and-twenty thousand _points_ and edges too, of pikes namely and battle-axes; and proposing mere Heathenism, confiscation, spoliation, and fire and sword, -- Edmund answered that he would oppose to the utmost such savagery. Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
  • All were acutely aware of the cultural richness of their country and all deeply appalled at the spoliation of their very special heritage and felt that their national identity had been attacked and undermined.
  • He balances his outrage with the sad reflection that there's nothing new under the sun; that exploitation and despoliation are as old as humanity itself.
  • Eventually, this would lead to its physical spoliation, but that was in the future.
  • Let us, then, endeavor to indicate that beneficent force which tends progressively to overcome the maleficent force to which we have given the name spoliation, and the existence of which is only too well explained by reason and proved by experience. Sophisms of the Protectionists
  • This kind of spoliation, thus reduced to a system, becomes then the most ridiculous of mystifications for every one, and the definite result is that each one believes that he gains more from a general market impoverished by all. Sophisms of the Protectionists
  • In August 2003 the museum approached the Attorney General to ask whether he has the power to authorise the museum trustees to restitute in the case of Nazi-era spoliation.
  • Poor Don Juan found himself thus unexpectedly between two horns of a dilemma, the result in either case being the same -- that is, the spoliation of the little _pecadillo_ he had put away against old age. Wood Rangers The Trappers of Sonora
  • The manner in which this kind of spoliation is sometimes effected may be gathered from a narrative which we received from the lips of one of the few learned and estimable men whom the system of electing judges by the people has left upon the bench in the City of New York. The Secrets of the Great City
  • The spoliation of the Church compounded such problems.
  • To lose these recordings would be an act of cultural despoliation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Camilla was still carrying on a vast arrangement which she called the preparation of her trousseau, but which both Mrs French and Bella regarded as a spoliation of the domestic nest, for the proud purposes of one of the younger birds. He Knew He Was Right
  • The ever-rising levels of pollution are pressuring her into some type of response that can hopefully demonstrate to these shameless ones that further unabated despoliation is unacceptable.
  • This kind of spoliation is called privilege or monopoly. Sophisms of the Protectionists
  • This is an old dialectic—purity vs. despoliation, virtue vs. smut—but for families with teenagers, it is also everlastingly new. Darkness Too Visible
  • Even today, some so-called Christians give their stamp of approval on cuts in crucial government programs that serve poor families, or the despoliation of the land by oil companies in the name of economic growth. David A. Love: The Incompatibility Of Christianity And American Capitalism
  • See that brutality, that infantilisation, that despoliation and desecration, that endless warfare, that emotional nihilism, that bottomless corruption — that's us. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time Katherine R. Tsiang visited the temple caves of Xiangtangshan in 1990, the sixth-century complex bore witness to both the Northern Qi's glorious sculpture and its irrevocable despoliation by looters and traders. Gaining Enlightenment Through Technology
  • There was also a change in outlook, as spoliation was no longer viewed narrowly as wartime looting, but as also covering losses suffered by Jewish collectors in Germany after the Nazis seized power in 1933.
  • The despoliation of the Galician coastline raises fundamental issues which must be urgently addressed.
  • These paragraphs, as pleaded, are the framework within which that court foresaw the spoliation issues being litigated.
  • But when the late Saro-Wiwa changed his focus to the despoliation of the delta, suddenly it became the cause du jour of the environmental movement and international journalists. Nigeria at 50

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