
How To Use Spokeswoman In A Sentence

  • A spokeswoman for Jonathan Cape said the author was unavailable for comment.
  • "The Assembly will also be reviewing the cost of the Bee Inspectorate," said a spokeswoman.
  • A spokeswoman added that the system had been replaced with one that took 90 seconds online. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kippletringan was distant at first ‘a gey bit; ’ then the ‘gey bit’ was more accurately described, as ‘ablins three mile; ’ then the ‘three mile’ diminished into ‘like a mile and a bittock; ’ then extended themselves into ‘four mile or there-awa; ’ and, lastly, a female voice, having hushed a wailing infant which the spokeswoman carried in her arms, assured Guy Mannering, ‘It was a weary lang gate yet to Kippletringan, and unco heavy road for foot passengers. Chapter I
  • An Apprentice spokeswoman declined to comment last night. The Sun
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  • A school district can reduce pay for noncontract workers - janitors and cafeteria workers, for example - and it can reduce teacher salaries from one year to the next if notice is given at least 45 days before the first day of instruction, Texas Education Agency spokeswoman Debbie Ratcliffe said. Chronicle
  • Says a spokeswoman: ‘We're not defocusing, just extending our brand.’
  • Today, a spokeswoman for the hospital trust which operates the infirmary confirmed that the source had now been identified.
  • Ms. NERMEEN AL-MUFTI (Spokeswoman, Iraqi Turkmen Front): The first thing is Turkmen and Arabs, not only in Kirkuk - in Kirkuk, Diyala, Salahudeen, Mosul and Anbar - they are going to boycott it. In Iraq, Counting Heads Is A Political Headache
  • Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said all efforts should be made to resolve the dispute until hope was extinguished entirely.
  • A spokeswoman for the company said the future of the store was uncertain at the moment even though planning consent had already been given for it.
  • Coca-Cola spokeswoman Joanna Price said Friday that authorities in Changchun, the capital of Jilin, had pinpointed two bottles of the strawberry-flavored variety of the drink as the source of the poisoning. Coke Says China Juice Drinks Aren't Toxic
  • The spokeswoman said that contractors were now on site carrying out early preparatory work, and plans were in hand to close the gap within the next few weeks.
  • A Hammerson spokeswoman says the company's main focus for 2012—against what she calls a "backdrop of low growth"—will be "working with customers and using our skills to grow income and improve the value of assets within the portfolio. U.K. REIT Challenge for 2012: Debt
  • Greens climate change spokeswoman Senator Christine Milne said the land-use push appeared to be a repeat of a land-clearing "rort" won by Australia in the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. Climate Ark Climate Change & Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
  • A spokeswoman said: 'We absolutely deplore the actions reported and are working closely with the police. The Sun
  • As a result of a title claim brought by Dennis Hopper's estranged wife, Christie's must withdraw 32 items from the sale until such time as the title claim is resolved," said a spokeswoman for the auction house last night. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Azon assaulted an officer while being patted down, and officers discovered a bag containing 5.7 grams of cocaine in one of his hands while he was being hancuffed, the spokeswoman said. Reflector - Latest Headlines from The Daily Reflector
  • Ivester will remain chief operating officer for the time being, a spokeswoman added.
  • AVITAL LEIBOVICH, ISRAELI ARMY SPOKESWOMAN: According to the initial investigation with the Southern Command, we understand that from the school yard there was fire towards Israeli -- towards IDF sources really -- and we retaliated with fire. CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2009
  • It is outpacing the growth of every other non-dairy milk alternative we sell," says spokeswoman Jo Natale . Move Over, Cow
  • A show spokeswoman insisted that the offending gnome be ejected. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘This analysis did confirm the existence of the contamination but at very low levels - up to 10 becquerels per kilogram - in an area not normally accessed by members of the public,’ said a spokeswoman for Sepa.
  • Airlines proactively take steps - such as canceling flights in advance of storms - to minimize inconvenience and extensive delays and ultimately get customers where they are going safely and as quickly as possible," says Victoria Day, a spokeswoman for the Air Transport Association, an airline industry trade association. The Seattle Times
  • A company spokeswoman, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the five-day notice period was standard company practice.
  • A spokeswoman for the theatre denied that there was any personal animosity and that it was a case of there being'too many chiefs '. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pilot project in Nevada, which aims to geld 200 stallions over the next six to 10 years, was designed to let scientists study the efficacy and side effects of castration, said Heather Emmons, a bureau spokeswoman. Mustang Plan Riles the West
  • A spokeswoman for the clinic denied they had abandoned the therapy course on the grounds of advanced age.
  • Gilead spokeswoman Cara Miller said in an e-mail the project is in keeping with the company's efforts to "normalize" testing in "traditional and non-traditional settings, and help empower local leaders to effectively communicate to their communities the value of knowing one's HIV status. D.C. brings HIV testing to a captive audience at the DMV
  • Koch spokeswoman Cohlmia says the company reported its compliance issues to the state before a whistle-blower did so.
  • “She said it is not true and she wasn’t in Bellini,” her spokeswoman says. Christina Aguilera Is Ten Weeks Pregnant, Announcement Coming Soon
  • A prison department spokeswoman was unable to confirm whether anyone had been hurt.
  • He has said he would limit himself to teaching if he returned, and his spokeswoman rejected the notion his return would be ill-timed. US Wary of Aristide's Return to Haiti
  • Top End Tourism spokeswoman Sylvia Wolf was "gobsmacked" at the outcome. | Top Stories
  • A spokeswoman for the company in Edinburgh declined to comment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The idea for the debonding layer, says an ITRI spokeswoman, came from watching cooks prepare paper-thin Taiwanese pancakes, which can be easily peeled from a pan at high temperatures. Paper-Thin Screens With a Twist
  • The spokeswoman did not give details beyond the early 2004 launch date.
  • A police spokeswoman said: 'The crowds were quite excitable. The Sun
  • A police spokeswoman added: ‘We receive a large number of calls each day and these have to be prioritised in relation to their urgency.’
  • A spokeswoman for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. declined to comment, as did representatives for Mr. and Ms. Blitzer and for Blackstone. New Tack in Extortion Case
  • A spokeswoman said it was hoped that the auction would raise money for future conservation work. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokeswoman for the Ontario Securities Commission confirmed the regulator referred the matter to the RCMP.
  • A spokeswoman for St Catz said that, since the foundation of the college, first years and finalists have lived on the same staircase, noting that freshers also take examinations.
  • No formal complaint had been made and the matter was referred back to the inquiry, a spokeswoman said. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokeswoman insisted it was not caused by ash and the plane was in no danger. The Sun
  • A force spokeswoman said: ‘The cause of death was unascertained but the body was identified as that of Rebecca.’
  • Deutsche Börse, which runs Germany's main markets for listing and trading stocks, is tightening practices in response to a "massive increase" in criminal activity, from "account phishing" attempts to pump-and-dump scams, according to a spokeswoman for the exchange company. Deutsche Börse Targets Fraud in Small-Stock Revamp
  • ‘We will get passed them because it is a listed building and of historic and architectural worth for Scotland,’ said a spokeswoman.
  • ‘We have had a very positive response from customers on both the new look bar and the food,’ said a spokeswoman.
  • And the spokeswoman for the Broward County sheriffs office candidly stated that we did that because of the media hype.
  • All 257 passengers and 12 crew have deplaned safely, said Delta spokeswoman Susan Elliott. DHS Director Janet Napolitano: “the system worked.” - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • An army spokeswoman said the searches had found five concealed rifles and about 40 explosive devices, primed for use.
  • A spokeswoman for the coastguards said the three crew members on board made a call for immediate assistance on VHF Channel 16.
  • A spokeswoman for Saxo said the bank had taken '' cognisance '' of the FSA's orders and would comply '' expediently ''. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • Journalism faculty spokeswoman Larisa Bakulina slammed the calendar as a "work of erotic tastelessness.
  • The White House spokeswoman sought to play down the significance of the event.
  • A PepsiCo Inc. spokeswoman said the smaller Pepsi bottle size "brings our carbonated soft-drink brands in China in line with the majority of China's noncarbonated beverages. The Incredible Shrinking Bottle
  • A West Yorkshire Police spokeswoman said the man, who lives in Little Horton, challenged the group of five or six youths he discovered loitering near his car.
  • A Police spokeswoman said: ‘The victim suffered cuts and grazes to the head and bruising to the elbow, knee and ribs.’
  • Stacey Johnson, a spokeswoman for the governor, said in an emailed statement that "no determination" has been made about the bids pending under the state's Public-Private Transportation Act, or PPTA, process. Virginia reaches initial agreement for major new port lease
  • A spokeswoman said: ‘The bills have been issued and we have received confirmation dockets from Royal Mail.’
  • Commenting on the number one moment, a spokeswoman said that it was 'nice to see an iconic figure can stand the test of time'.
  • The spokeswoman said the SEC always reviews its policies and procedures at the end of each examination season.
  • A spokeswoman insisted the system could cope. The Sun
  • A spokeswoman for his department said it would effectively act as a cap on costs.
  • A council spokeswoman said that the proposals for the new shopping centre were unlikely to go through.
  • The spokeswoman said she did not know which Trojan or malware script the email attachment contained.
  • A stock exchange spokeswoman declined to reveal the buyer pending final payment, which should occur within 10 days.
  • We've been planning hurricane preparedness for months, but to cope with that on top of cholera is hugely complex and demanding, and placing massive pressure on resources already stretched," said Imogen Wall, a spokeswoman for the United Nations 'Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Haiti Braces for Approaching Storm
  • A Department of Culture, Media and Sport spokeswoman said the Queen had expressed the wish that taxpayers' money should not be used to celebrate her jubilee.
  • If the rig could be damaged and its contents lost, a spokeswoman for the agency asked, could not DU shells be swept away or moved from the seabed too?
  • A company spokeswoman confirmed the reductions, as well as others in noneditorial positions, but declined to give a specific number. - News
  • A spokeswoman said the panel was set up by the council as part of statutory local government regulations requiring all councils to look at members' allowances.
  • A 'jumper' is somebody who goes to the office in the morning knowing that they will commit suicide," says Ellen Borakove, spokeswoman for the medical examiner's office. - Desperation forced a horrific decision
  • Formal identification has yet to take place and a Surrey police spokeswoman refused to confirm his identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokeswoman said:'This increase in home gym equipment sales suggests more of the nation are exercising at home. The Sun
  • A spokeswoman for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr . said the office is handling 1,314 cases, the majority of which are desk appearance tickets—under which a defendant is released from police custody and ordered to appear before a judge at a later date. Protesters Occupy the Court System
  • Oakland police spokeswoman Cynthia Perkins said the protesters were able to get inside the building using what she termed a "pry tool. Front Page
  • The military's fraternization policies prohibit active duty personnel from marrying local civilians, military spokeswoman Lieutenant Colonel Josslyn Aberle told the newspaper.
  • Arien De Jong, a spokeswoman for the Cyclists Union, says that experience enforcing helmet laws in Australia illustrates the risk. Getting These Cyclists to Use Helmets Is Like Tilting at Windmills
  • The plume of smoke has reached jet flying altitude and plans have been made for planes flying through Icelandic air control space to fly southwardly tonight, said Hjordis Gudmundsdottir, the spokeswoman for Isavia. Scientists: Iceland's Grimsvotn volcano erupting
  • A school spokeswoman declined to comment on the robbery yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokeswoman for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr . declined to comment on the NYPD finding. Pepper-Spray Use Is Faulted
  • Satellite operators like Intelsat do not censor the content that is broadcast over their satellites," said Dianne Van Beber, a vice president and spokeswoman. In Skies Over Iran, a Battle for Control of Satellite TV
  • MAJOR AVITAL LEIBOVICH, SPOKESWOMAN, ISRAELI DEFENSE FORCES: According to our initial investigation with the Southern Command, we understand that, from the schoolyard, there was fire towards Israeli -- towards IDF sources, really, and we retaliated with fire. CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2009
  • Its spokeswoman was unavailable for comment. The Sun
  • A spokeswoman for the charity said that headlines often misrepresented'extremely nuanced' study findings. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokeswoman for Clacton police said the Clacton-bound lorry had got stuck in the central reservation of the road blocking both carriageways.
  • A spokeswoman for the Changchun city government declined to comment on whether authorities plan to open a criminal investigation. Coke Says China Juice Drinks Aren't Toxic
  • ‘We've never had to deal with this volume of complaints for this sort of programme before,’ said an ITC spokeswoman.
  • Airline spokeswoman confirms that a passenger was "deplaned" from the flight
  • One of the main misconceptions is about the fat content of milk, the spokeswoman claimed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The spokeswoman was responding to a question about the ambiguous descriptions of the offenders, which have ranged from mixed race to white or Afro-Caribbean.
  • A Foreign Office spokeswoman said Mr Long drowned after getting into difficulties in the rough water, where there are strong undercurrents.
  • The spokeswoman said there was no conclusive evidence that made a link between exposure to radio waves, transmitter masts and long-term public health risks.
  • A spokeswoman for Rotherham Council last night said it had nothing further to add at this stage.
  • A spokeswoman confirmed there was no definite plan to stage a concert in the park.
  • A spokeswoman for the station said: ‘The general notion is of Vikings with horned helmets raping and pillaging but that is not really true.’
  • But the company is considering resuming operations at its Ogawa, Tochigi and Hamamatsu plants, which make parts for four-wheeled vehicles sometime this week, depending on the status of parts procurement, the Honda spokeswoman said. Toyota, Honda Delay Plant Restarts to Weekend
  • The spokeswoman, however, said she wanted to make it clear that they were not advocating derationing in this country until there was adequate food within reach of all at a reasonable price.
  • A spokeswoman acknowledged that allowing embryos to be tested to save a seriously ill brother or sister was a complex issue.
  • A spokeswoman said there was only an ongoing review of operating requirements in the light of seasonal peaks and troughs in demand for chocolate.
  • The spokeswoman added that the crew might have to wait for hours strapped in sitting positions before blast-off.
  • Rehan Khan/EPA The dead in the scrapyard attack included eight Pakistanis of Baluch descent, said Sharmila Farooqi, a provincial government spokeswoman. Violence Rips Through Karachi
  • Spokeswoman Julie Mosler says the majority of Groupon's deals now are what she calls "experiences. News
  • A foreign ministry spokeswoman insisted the government was taking a firm line on corruption.
  • State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said American officials were pressing Egyptian authorities the crackdown, which she described as "bizarre. Reuters: Press Release
  • A spokeswoman for the inquiry refused to elaborate on the concerns but said they would eventually be made public in a witness statement.
  • A police spokeswoman said that five people had been detained in Lhasa in relation to arson during the riot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kippletringan was distant at first ‘a gey bit; ’ then the ‘gey bit’ was more accurately described, as ‘ablins three mile; ’ then the ‘three mile’ diminished into ‘like a mile and a bittock; ’ then extended themselves into ‘four mile or there-awa; ’ and, lastly, a female voice, having hushed a wailing infant which the spokeswoman carried in her arms, assured Guy Mannering, ‘It was a weary lang gate yet to Kippletringan, and unco heavy road for foot passengers. Chapter I
  • A spokeswoman warned river levels are high and with further rainfall forecast there may be some flooding on low-lying land near to rivers.
  • A spokeswoman added that it was probable that people would be able to bring a sandwich, but not a picnic hamper. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokeswoman for the city council said they were taking steps to rectifying the situation.
  • That incertitude and the resulting decision of other insurers to drop their child-only plans, according to WellPoint spokeswoman Kristin Binns, "has created an unlevel competitive environment. Major health insurers to stop offering new child-only policies
  • ‘We have to be satisfied that people are not disposing of capital for the sole purpose of obtaining a non-contributory pension from the department,’ said the spokeswoman.
  • A police spokeswoman said that five people had been detained in Lhasa in relation to arson during the riot. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘There is legislation which clearly makes it an offence to offer or expose for sale any item which can be construed as obscene,’ the police spokeswoman said.
  • An NHS England spokeswoman said the number of cancelled urgent ops remains low. The Sun
  • Her spokeswoman said: ‘Ms Andrews firmly believes that while the entire world is in mourning, it would be an expression of insensibility on her part to participate in a festive act.’
  • The spokeswoman said that the settlement was thought to have happened above a drain.
  • This means it's commandable," a JPL spokeswoman told SpaceDaily. WIL WHEATON dot NET: 1.5: January 2004 Archives
  • Hundreds of £100,000-plus supercars are sold every year and a spokeswoman chuckled as she described current business as ‘brisk’.
  • Amtrak spokeswoman Vernae Graham says they were taken to three Contra Costa County hospitals Friday night with what she described as bumps and bruises. The Seattle Times
  • A Nomura spokeswoman declined to disclose Mr. Toda's political affiliation.
  • Kippletringan was distant at first 'a gey bit '; then the' gey bit 'was more accurately described as' ablins three mile '; then the' three mile 'diminished into' like a mile and a bittock '; then extended themselves into' four mile or thereawa '; and, lastly, a female voice, having hushed a wailing infant which the spokeswoman carried in her arms, assured Guy Mannering,' It was a weary lang gate yet to Kippletringan, and unco heavy road for foot passengers. ' Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01
  • Cellulose has unique properties making it the best choice to perform certain functions, such as anticaking, thickening and replacing fat," says spokeswoman Susan Davison . Why Wood Pulp Makes Ice Cream Creamier
  • Last night a court spokeswoman confirmed the pair will now return next week. The Sun
  • '' One pilot was giving the other pilot what we call a proficiency check, and the accident occurred, '' FAA spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said. Undefined
  • The spokeswoman added: 'We are deeply saddened by his death. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Unite union spokeswoman said the plans had been around for months.
  • The ability to dock superlarge ships was what drew the companies to Rotterdam, says a spokeswoman for France's CMA-CGM SA, the world's No. 2 container line by volume, behind Maersk. For Port Expansion, It's Full Speed Ahead
  • A spokeswoman for Mr Martin said he was anxious that several unaddressed issues about terms and conditions be resolved.
  • Just a short time ago, Capitol Hill Police spokeswoman Kimberly Schneider said that they were investigating what they called a plausible explanation. CNN Transcript May 26, 2006
  • Justice spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said Friday that the department is abiding by its standard practice of defending existing law and that the filing doesn't mean Obama has changed his mind about wanting to see gay couples win federal recognition. Defending the Indefensible
  • The spokeswoman added that postmortem examinations on the couple were due to be carried out tomorrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokeswoman said: ‘The owl is perched on one of our high voltage electricity pylons.’
  • The spokeswoman added that postmortem examinations on the couple were due to be carried out tomorrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • A government spokeswoman said a replacement for him would be announced "imminently".
  • A spokeswoman for the company said that the ticket was for a front-row seat. Times, Sunday Times
  • No formal complaint had been made and the matter was referred back to the inquiry, a spokeswoman said. Times, Sunday Times
  • The weapon case will be adjourned for six months "in contemplation of dismissal," Queens district attorney's office spokeswoman Meris Campbell said. - Notes: Olowkandi acquitted; Hawks sign Uruguayan
  • ‘They need to bury themselves in the norm - they need to be doing stuff,’ said Kara Kiewel, the company spokeswoman.
  • A GM spokeswoman said those grants were long - term incentive compensation awarded in earlier years.
  • According to a council spokeswoman, drivers who fail to respond to crossing patrols are breaking the law and should be prosecuted but, who is there to charge them?
  • A Foreign Office spokeswoman said: ‘The consul visited the baby today and he is very well.’
  • The spokeswoman said that Nimby attitudes were delaying development of the site.
  • Air Tran spokeswoman Judy Graham-Weaver said Friday evening: "Right now we aren't precancelling flights. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • A police spokeswoman said: ‘A firework went astray into the watching crowd resulting in a number of people being injured.’
  • A spokeswoman for the charity described the aid for the refugees as too little, too late.
  • The spokeswoman said the commission is guided by a principle of equity and fairness for all students.
  • A spokeswoman for the council said it was looking into the latest situation.
  • A council spokeswoman said that the proposals for the new shopping centre were unlikely to go through.
  • A spokeswoman suggested that councils would have to apply for a ban on individual crops.
  • A Wakefield Council spokeswoman said it shared the frustrations of landowners but it was powerless to act.
  • An Apprentice spokeswoman last night declined to comment. The Sun
  • A White House spokeswoman, Erin Healy, said she could offer no explanation of why the records released Wednesday did not reflect all of the visits by Mr. Abramoff that the White House had previously acknowledged. Think Progress » Abramoff at the White House.
  • Mr. Ludwig is scheduled to meet cattle producers for talks in Darwin in the Northern Territory on Wednesday and Mount Isa in Queensland on Thursday, a spokeswoman said. Indonesia Abattoirs Bar Australian Veterinarians
  • The spokeswoman added: 'We are deeply saddened by his death. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘We don't believe that the onus should be on the consumer to wash and peel fruit and vegetables to remove pesticides,’ a spokeswoman said.
  • Paramount spokeswoman Katie Martin Kelley would only say that Super 8 is not a sequel to Cloverfield and that the movie is inspired by films Abrams "loved and admired as a teenager. Spielberg, Abrams collaborate on 'Super 8'
  • Adele Myburgh, a police spokeswoman, said that a machete was found on his body and a knobkerry club was lying next to the bed. Top stories from Times Online
  • A spokeswoman for the Crown Prosecution Service confirmed that juror had been sent home on Thursday.
  • A hospital spokeswoman, Aggie Hayner, refused to confirm the births, as did a nursing supervisor.
  • The building has 24 bedsits and flats and a Sarsen spokeswoman said only eight are currently occupied.
  • A spokeswoman for the show said the response was huge, given the one hour timeframe which the public had to register their opinion.
  • A spokeswoman for the Prison Service said all prison social clubs had been subject to a recent review, which had led to the closure of some of them.
  • The male suspect, whose teeth were described as jagged and yellow, knocked the boy to the ground, kicked him and stole his earphones, said Winnipeg police spokeswoman Const. Winnipeg Sun
  • At the Crown Prosecution Service in Harrogate, a spokeswoman said that an interim hospital order had been placed on Payling.
  • A lot of folks are out to sightsee, says Melissa Withers, a spokeswoman for the city. Irene leaves up to half of Rhode Island without power
  • A spokeswoman told the newspaper that offending sections of the site had been removed and apologised for any offence caused.
  • Constable Julie Morel, spokeswoman for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, confirmed that the police agency had executed search warrants at several locations as part of an investigation of SNC-Lavalin employees on Thursday. Canadian authorities probing employees of SNC-Lavalin Group
  • A stock exchange spokeswoman declined to reveal the buyer pending final payment, which should occur within 10 days.
  • ‘The colour is primrose yellow and national guidelines state that this or cream must be used for yellow lines in all conservation areas,’ a council spokeswoman reveals.
  • Obama transition spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter declined to comment on what she described as continuing negotiations between Obama officials and lawmakers over the issue. Obama Team Is Reconsidering
  • Denying that the government is bowing to public pressure, a bureau spokeswoman said the delay in building a hospital was due to lower-than-expected population growth in Tung Chung.
  • A spokeswoman said every government had the right to accept or refuse food aid, "but such a decision will complicate the work of the World Food Programme, which may not be able to respond to all those in need of food".
  • Auschwitz theft suspect extradited 'this week' (7 Apr 10) Högström has denied plotting to steal the sign -- whose German inscription translates as "Work Will Set You Free" -- Boguslawa Marcinkowska, spokeswoman for prosecutors in Krakow, southern Poland, said without giving further details. The Local - Sweden's news in English
  • “(W) e really care about offering the highest-quality product free of unnecessary chemicals, and our cake flour has been the one product in which we compromised our unbleached stance,” spokeswoman Allison Furbish wrote when I asked about the new flour. A New Kind Of Cake Flour
  • Lee Jong-Joo, a spokeswoman for South Korea's unification ministry, said Monday that efforts to "idolise" Jong-Un are underway but it was not possible to pinpoint the fur hat as a sign of his rising power. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • A Trust spokeswoman said it was inappropriate to comment while legal proceedings were under way.
  • Pop icon Madonna is set to star in a new play opening in London's West End theatreland in May, a spokeswoman said.
  • Renault spokeswoman Nathalie Bourotte says the move won't entail any job losses at its Slovenian plant at Novo mesto, which is at full capacity. Renault to Add French Production
  • Columbus, Ohio, increasing noncustomer ATM fees to $2.50 from $2 at most of its 1,400 ATMs, spokeswoman Jeri Grier says. Bruised Banks Salve Their Pain
  • Countryside Alliance spokeswoman Liz Mort said four hunt supporters were attacked with weapons including wooden bars and three were taken to hospital.
  • While bromate is potentially carcinogenic, a spokeswoman for Coca-Cola stressed that there was no health risk from drinking bottles of Dasani.
  • No formal complaint had been made and the matter was referred back to the inquiry, a spokeswoman said. Times, Sunday Times
  • His official spokeswoman said that Downing Street would consider its findings carefully. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokeswoman said that consular staff in Thailand were helping those affected by the tragedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He fell from a horse while training for his role, breaking several ribs, according to a spokeswoman for the veteran actor.
  • Spokeswoman Jiang says China wants the men to be prosecuted in China, because they are members of the East Turkestan terrorist organization, which is on a sanction list of the U.N. Security Council.
  • RSPCA spokeswoman Kylie Hughes said while its not necessarily cruel to "scruff" a cat, ideally Kardashian should have been supporting its bodyweight two-handed. | Top Stories
  • ““The insinuation from the Obama campaign that John McCain, a former prisoner of war, cheated is outrageous,” Nicolle Wallace, a spokeswoman for Mr. McCain, told The Times.” Who Knew What When? - The Caucus Blog -
  • Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP's health spokeswoman, challenged ministers to intervene to ease the logjam.
  • A post-mortem on her body has ‘proved inconclusive’, said a spokeswoman.
  • A company spokeswoman said that because of school holidays and a convention it was the only alternative and you did accept the change. Times, Sunday Times
  • Going to jail in solidarity with her MEC is the first constructive proposal she has ever made in her entire term of office," UDM health spokeswoman Nonhlanhla Nkabinde said in a statement. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I called the diocese spokeswoman, Suzanne Gill, on her cell. RELIGION Blog |
  • The raid by armed agents was in connection with a criminal investigation launched this week into the alleged diversion of gas worth around 7.4 billion hryvna ($900 million), SBU national security service spokeswoman Marina Ostapenko told The Associate - Articles related to Yank BlackBerry services, govt tells telecom firms
  • A spokeswoman for the US-led International Security Assistance Force said that coalition was "cautiously optimistic" about the Sangin deal but were reluctant to "overblow" its importance. The Guardian World News
  • FREDERICK, Md. - A Hagerstown man was charged last week with grabbing a male undercover police officer's genitals near a scenic overlook off Interstate 270 near Frederick, Md., a spokeswoman for the Frederick County Bureau of Investigation said. The Herald-Mail Online

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