
How To Use Spokesman In A Sentence

  • A spokesman said: ‘Snow will continue through the day with a few dry interludes and it will slowly improve by the afternoon with snow turning more showery.’
  • ‘The council operates a priority order for gritting roads and footpaths,’ a spokesman said.
  • A spokesman said: ‘Following a further complaint, visits to the tea room this year established the conditions of the licence had again been broken.’
  • The spokesman made it evident that no compromise was yet in sight.
  • Commodity products make up the bulk of sales, said a company spokesman. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The company doesn't anticipate any negative job impact at the Akashi plant, said Jim Dugan, a Caterpillar spokesman. Caterpillar Joins 'Onshoring' Trend
  • The questions were evidently unexpected to the slow-witted spokesman, who instantly found himself tongue-tied.
  • According to a police spokesman, the driver lost control of the vehicle after his tar-laden trailer began fishtailing.
  • Toyota Motor Corp. spokesman Bill Kwong says in an email that Toyota is also designing vehicles with 'front crush boxes, ' which are designed so they can be unbolted after a collision and replaced.
  • The spokesman of the Foreign Ministry announced the news to the reporters.
  • A spokesman for the Minister for Environment confirmed that high-level negotiations have been on-going, but declined to comment on the IFA proposals.
  • The Prime Minister, who seems to make a fetish of showing that power is not incompatible with panache, is (or so his spokesman says) a Stones fan.
  • I was glad to meet Alan Savory, the opposition spokesman - a young, cool customer, dark and striking.
  • One was the shape of a lemon and the other a pineapple, an NYPD spokesman said, adding that similar items could be purchased in toyshops.
  • His official spokesman declined to comment. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Wistron NeWeb spokesman said the company was seeking vendors to badge the handsets.
  • ‘All these polls indicate is that there will be a dogfight for the last seat in all key marginals and the vote will be so tight it is hard for anyone to call it,’ the Fine Gael spokesman said.
  • Countryside Agency spokesman Chris Dashper said community involvement in caring for local heritage such as fingerposts was valued, as such features could contribute to a sense of place and identity.
  • A spokesman for the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party called the cabinet shuffle "a futile exercise which inspires none and in no way dispels the gloom shadowing" Mr. Singh's government, according to Press Trust of India. India Fires Environment Minister Who Held Up Projects
  • Domestic shipbuilders along with cold-rolled steel companies last week asked Posco to produce a combined 600,000 metric tons steel products for "possible emergency needs" in the coming months, a Posco spokesman said. South Korean Shipbuilders Ask Posco to Raise Output
  • A spokesman for the Conservative party said that since she had had the whip withdrawn from her she could no longer have any of the normal backing given to Conservative MPs.
  • The daft governor of Massachusetts, Mitch Romney, apparently is still thinking that the wingnuts will somehow allow a northeasterner to be a serious presidential candidate so he completely wimped out (and sucked up to the wingnuts) by leaving it to his spokesman. 07/14/2005
  • A spokesman said the two victims had died in hospital and added that a massive manhunt was under way. The Sun
  • Yesterday a Durham Police spokesman said the consultant in charge of Pringle had told detectives he is to undergo further surgery next month.
  • The spokesman was completely discombobulated by the hecklers.
  • All the king's men and all the king's money won't be able to put this humpty dumpty together again," said Romney spokesman Stuart Stevens. Obama's 2nd-Quarter Campaign Funding Tops Rivals
  • A paramedic spokesman said it was not clear if she had suffered any trauma.
  • In London a spokesman for the Lord Chancellor's office said family law cases in England and Wales were generally heard in camera, although there was no presumption that they had to be.
  • The lack of civility is very disturbing," said Terrence C. Donilon, the archdiocesan spokesman. Catholic Blogs Aim To Purge Dissenters
  • The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban.
  • A label spokesman says, "Nina began training at the beginning of September. ContactMusic Ltd | Latest News
  • A spokesman for Lancashire constabulary says a team of officers and family liaison officers are on standby just in case.
  • However, a spokesman said it was not police policy to discuss the occupation of people helping with inquiries.
  • Pakistani army spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas spoke with reporters late Saturday about the level of devastation in the northwest.
  • A Nisa spokesman said it changed suppliers after the discovery of beef in mutton products. The Sun
  • But a spokesman denied his absence would jeopardise the smooth running of the general and county council elections.
  • THE PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICIAL SPOKESMAN: Yes, but they're all unfolding at the same time -- educate, diplomatize, and prepare. Press Briefing By Mccurry And Campbell
  • Once elected, the pressure group spokesman becomes a politician, whose business is compromise, not ideological purity.
  • McDonnell campaign spokesman Tucker Martin brushed off the Democratic criticism. Democrats thump Pawlenty for Virginia appearance
  • At least 996 delegates are needed to ensure a nomination on the first ballot, a party spokesman said.
  • Israeli spokesman Mark Regev says Hamas is a terrorist organization that refuses to renounce violence or recognize Israel.
  • A subsequent search of the vehicle uncovered an unsmoked marijuana cigarette, the spokesman said, adding that Garfunkel, 63, had been ordered to appear in court on Sept. 22.
  • A spokesman from Ikea was unavailable to comment on the reasons behind their decision as the Guardian went to press.
  • A spokesman insisted that due diligence checks were made before her appointment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fire marshal discovered that the fire originated at a first-floor front window, the spokesman said.
  • A statement from the army and defense spokesman on Wednesday says three generals and one colonel have been suspended for what the government termed "indiscipline. The Seattle Times
  • During his stay in the country, Ma is scheduled to attend an international celadon exposition and visit facilities for garbage disposal, the spokesman said.
  • A spokesman for Friends of the Earth described the statement as an important breakthrough.
  • A spokesman said the area close to the A64 had been sealed off purely for evidential purposes, and there was no safety risk.
  • Tucker Bounds, a McCain spokesman, could barely utter two consecutive sentences without mentioning the plumber.
  • A Met Office spokesman said that the cold weather would continue until Sunday, when it should become milder.
  • Brenntag bolstered its compliance efforts and there is zero tolerance for antitrust violations at the company, its spokesman, Hubertus Spethmann, said. Lender Liquidity, German Tax Dodgers, French Solar: Compliance - Bloomberg
  • But a spokesman for the Terrence Higgins Trust warned against rushing to criminalise people with HIV, except in cases where malicious intent was beyond doubt.
  • The spokesman added Ireland insists aircraft overflying national airspace or using its airports for refuelling cannot carry weaponry.
  • A spokesman for the U.S. Department of Justice ramona Ji Nata ( gina talamona ) declined to comment.
  • Today a spokesman for the historic firm said the move followed a decision to focus the business on the commercial market in Leeds.
  • The World Food Programme has enough cereals to last until April, but will run out of the less important vegetable oil and pulses by the month's end, said programme spokesman Peter Smerdon.
  • A police spokesman said the pair had little money and no possessions with them when they left.
  • SAPHOR spokesman "Golden Miles" Bhudu, with his hands and legs in chains, said the picket was the start of a campaign to free ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A Dumfries and Galloway Police spokesman has now announced that a man has been taken into custody.
  • As we stood there on the fringe of a park studded with tall, old pine trees, the Taliban spokesman called Sami's cell phone claiming responsibility for the attack. Shellshocked
  • The exercise also will help the Navy determine targeting requirements for a future fleet battle experiment, a spokesman said.
  • ‘We have not been deluged with requests for information so far but we are just a few weeks in so we need to keep an eye on the situation,’ said the spokesman.
  • The spokesman implicitly condemned the United States policy switch.
  • Armed guards aboard the 510 ft ship immediately returned fire and the attack was thwarted, said a spokesman for the European Union's anti-piracy naval fleet.
  • So they have made him arts spokesman in the hopes that he will appear serious rather than frivolous, amusing but not foolish.
  • A police spokesman said he was angry over being expelled from school after forging a doctor's note as an excuse to stay off school and play truant.
  • A Wilson spokesman said the governor is reluctant to approve a state takeover of a federal responsibility.
  • A Department of Education spokesman said: ‘I think we are all used to intemperate remarks at the Easter conferences.’
  • The spokesman for the State Department disinformed some information about the country's military strength and plans in the news media.
  • But a spokesman said: 'All reports are pure conjecture as the studio has not committed to a sequel as yet. The Sun
  • President Barack Obama "suntanned" even though he caused a political Premier Silvio Berlusconi had his first meeting Saturday with Pope Benedict XVI since the Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico ... scandal surrounding Silvio Berlusconi ... - Articles related to Global hunger worsening, warns UN
  • A spokesman for the al Shabab terrorist group claimed the suicide attack was in retaliation for the killing of a wanted senior al-Qaida operative in the region.
  • MARK BUBRISKI, FLORIDA DEMOCRATIC PARTY SPOKESMAN: Republicans have been in charge of Florida for some time now. CNN Transcript May 21, 2008
  • A spokesman for the Department of Transport said: ‘We will give close and careful consideration to the findings of the report.’
  • A Stanway traffic police spokesman said: ‘The traffic congestion had been due to broken-down vehicles.’
  • Q Joe, Howard Wolfson, who is the spokesman for Mrs. Clinton's exploratory committee, says, "she stands by her Saturday statement," which was that the FALN convicts '"absence of a response speaks volumes," and the commutation is a mistake. Press Briefing By Joe Lockhart
  • A spokesman for the parallel government said that the two men had been kidnapped.
  • The spokesman said no decision on the proposal was likely in the immediate future.
  • ‘Of course, we understand Dublin's desire to take precautionary measures,’ a British spokesman said.
  • 'It's not localized; it really is broadscale damage,' DTE spokesman Michael Porter said just after 7 a.m. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Thousands across Metro Detroit to Wait for Power Restored
  • Parker to try to "bedevil" Cape Town's Olympic bid chances with his threats, NP sport spokesman Nick Koornhof said on Wednesday. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A spokesman for the company said: ‘They also superglued the locks of the doors.’
  • And do you really think that an ideology whose primary spokesman is Rush Limbaugh is NOT simplistic? Bubbles and Macroeconomics, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A spokesman said it had to wait for the gas leak to be stopped before work could begin on restoring the electricity supply.
  • But this is well out of line, according to a spokesman for the premium rate watchdog, ICSTIS.
  • A spokesman said the government of Panama'controls all navigation through the Panama Canal.
  • Vince Cable, the Lib Dem Treasury spokesman, asked if the government had been embarrassed at being "chastised" by the EU and pointed out that ministers have not said where the cuts would fall. Epolitix News
  • A museum spokesman said: ‘There are still a few old busmen around who remember her, and even a very select bunch driving buses today who passed their test on her over 30 years ago.’
  • The most extraordinary feature of the Opposition's response has been the deafening silence of their principal spokesman in relation to the proposals.
  • And, a base spokesman acknowledged the cooler ban did not prohibit knapsacks, soft-sided fabric coolers or wagons.
  • Labour's energy spokesman says the decision is bad news for the consumer and a hammer blow for the coal industry.
  • A spokesman for Royal Mail said secure pouches were strategically positioned to give a better service of delivery.
  • The spokesman said preliminary investigations showed that overheated wires in a heater element, and an overloaded thermostat, may have been the cause.
  • The ballot is taking time to organise , concedes a GMB spokesman.
  • The Prime Minister's official spokesman was forced to clear up the mess.
  • We were a week early," the chagrinned spokesman told reporters, adding quickly, "As always, better to give a greeting a week early than a week late. Queen Elizabeth Birthday Blunder: Clinton Sends Greetings A WEEK EARLY
  • At the weekly news conference in Moscow, a Russian foreign-ministry spokesman said neighboring countries were free to choose alliances and denied Moscow was attempting to "usurp" other nations 'international rights. Rebuking Russian Ambitions, U.S. Backs Ukraine for NATO
  • A hospital spokesman said: ‘Squirrels have been a problem in the roofspace of the low rise block of the offices on West Park, along with occasional visits from birds, wasps and centipedes.’
  • A spokesman for the theatre said: 'People will be coming to see a pantomime. Times, Sunday Times
  • But a spokesman insisted they were used only for interns and students, which the party's policy review allowed. The Sun
  • Boeing spokesman Tim Neale said Thursday that the union now wanted Boeing to guarantee work for union facilities, including a commitment to place its next new program and related supply chain in Washington's Puget Sound region, where the bulk of the Boeing's Machinists union employees are located. Boeing Rejects Union on Plant
  • A spokesman declined to comment until the evidence could be studied further.
  • Police spokesman Morten Nielsen said those arrested will be taken to Nuuk, the semiautonomous Danish territory's capital, and kept in detention. 14 Greenpeace activists arrested on Greenland oil rig
  • Selling demilitarized missiles however is acceptable, an spokesman said.
  • A police spokesman said several reports followed of a man wielding two hatchets or a small axe.
  • A spokesman for the bus drivers and truckers pointed out that the delay in the subsidy comes during the month in which many operating bills are due.
  • A spokesman said: "We have no comment regarding the publi-cation of these photographs.".
  • Her clothing had been ripped away to the waist in the horrific attack, said police spokesman Shlomo Ben Hemo.
  • A Ministry of Defence spokesman said there was no evidence of hostile action.
  • The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly.
  • "These rumours are mere fabrication," a spokesman confirmed.
  • Stress can also cause blood vessels to open too wide, allowing plaque buildups to break off and clog the arteries, according to Joep Perk, a professor of health sciences at Sweden's Kalmar University and spokesman for the European Society of Cardiology. Happiness may help your heart
  • A spokesman said 16 of them would appear before magistrates in Grimsby and Cleethorpes today while another two were bailed to appear before magistrates tomorrow.
  • A West Yorkshire Police spokesman said they were called to the disturbance and when they arrived a number of people had already left.
  • Preliminary numbers show that about 8,000 to 10,000 vehicles were traveling on the road each day, a turnpike spokesman said.
  • A total of 143 tickets were sold at the near-giveaway prices, United spokesman Chris Brathwaite confirmed Thursday.
  • The ad, which the spokesman acknowledged is a small buy, will begin airing on Wednesday. Massachusetts Republican targeted in new TV ad
  • And, a base spokesman acknowledged the cooler ban did not prohibit knapsacks, soft-sided fabric coolers or wagons.
  • Schmidt was elected at a board meeting held on Tuesday, an Apple spokesman said.
  • Toyota Motor spokesman Brian Lyons said the automaker is sending three of its own technicians to investigate. Brandy At Fault In Fatal December Car Crash
  • Rio spokesman Nick Cobban said the company hasn't been contacted by the government on the mining contract and said it believed its first export of ilmenite in May had followed the proper procedures. Madagascar Mulls Rio Tinto Probe
  • A spokesman for the party said the allegations were totally unfounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘More people than ever are going out hillwalking and the mountains are getting much busier,’ the spokesman said.
  • A spokesman for the provincial seismological bureau told Xinhua more people were feared injured or dead.
  • A label spokesman wouldn't comment, but Rocket Man's tepid output speaks for itself. He Said, She Said: Rap's No. 1 Battle
  • A spokesman for Railtrack's administrators said the train appeared to have been travelling at 75 mph - the maximum speed limit for freight wagons.
  • A spokesman denied the bank was insolvent, but depositors are rushing to withdraw their money.
  • A spokesman for Bond Corporation admitted the action could wipe out the entire group.
  • A spokesman for Dean Witter declined comment.
  • A spokesman said the company remained "very firmly behind biotech technology."
  • Damien LaVera, a spokesman for the Department of Energy, said "we fully intend to meet our contractual obligations for long-term disposal of these materials. Nuclear-Waste Costs Go Critical
  • A spokesman declined to comment until the evidence could be studied further.
  • A spokesman for the Clydesdale confirmed that the bank had made an error somewhere and had not processed the tape.
  • Making daps and T-shirts rather cheaply, and selling them quite expensively, would be my guess, but according to the company spokesman Charlie Brooks: "What we say at Nike is that we are amplifying the voice of the athlete. On the scent of the Seventies with James Hunt and Barry Sheene
  • But there were no authorised house-to-house collections, said a spokesman.
  • The spokesman said no decision on the proposal was likely in the immediate future.
  • Jon Summers, a spokesman for Mr. Reid, said the senator had long been concerned over “rampant” levels of crime in polygamous communities, including the abuse of women and children, financial crimes like welfare fraud and tax evasion, kidnapping and extortion. Polygamous Sect to Defend 6 Members in Court and Its Practices on Capitol Hill
  • That was the inference being drawn in Westminster from a job advertisement for his spokesman. Times, Sunday Times
  • A US Airways Express spokesman declined to comment on the charges, citing airline policy against revealing sensitive security information.
  • The howdah, or seat which the Prince occupied, was of silver, embossed and gilt, having behind a place for a confidential servant, who waved the great chowry, or cow-tail, to keep off the flies; but who could also occasionally perform the task of spokesman, being well versed in all terms of flattery and compliment. The Surgeon's Daughter
  • The spokesman parried cleverly an embarrassing question.
  • But a ministry spokesman says April remains the target for implementation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The spokesman has just rehashed the speech of the president.
  • A spokesman for the airline said the widebody suited the Edinburgh route better as it almost doubled the number of business class seats to 25.
  • A spokesman for McConnell says the requests were made last year, and notes he voted for an amendment to strike all earmarks, which failed.
  • A police spokesman said that the man was scrabbling across the slope when a piece of rock broke away.
  • Gee, how else would a spokesman for the real party of treason, the Republicans, answer a charge that this criminal administration has once again overstepped the law so badly that even their own Kangaroo Court is voting against them! Think Progress » Lott: Supreme Court Decision Is ‘Ridiculous and Outrageous,’ Has Our Enemies ‘Laughing At Us’
  • A Hamas spokesman, Sami Au Zuhri, said the Israeli decision proved Abbas was working "hand in hand with the occupation against (Palestinian) resistan ... Launchbeat -
  • He says the country is not facing a shortage of farm workers, according to his spokesman Allen Kay.
  • A police spokesman contradicted the claim yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokesman for the star added, ‘Joss saw a doctor and has been warned that her voice is an instrument that needs protecting by having proper rests.’
  • ‘The normal process of consultation was carried out,’ said the Prime Minister's remarkably straight-faced spokesman yesterday.
  • A spokesman said:'We need to retain and recruit high quality management and for that we need a competitive and fair remuneration policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The circumstances, the spokesman said, were that they had shown their ability to inflict harm and murder people.
  • A spokesman for the Wetland Centre said there are already signs that this will be an excellent breeding year for amphibians with large clumps of frogspawn evident in shallow pools throughout the reserve.
  • A spokesman for the Met Office in Manchester said the winds were storm force, but the gusts were up to 85 mph.
  • An NTU spokesman later confirmed that a final year student from the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was involved in the stabbing.
  • A spokesman for the Roman Catholic Diocese, which runs the school, said the measure was a last resort.
  • A spokesman for Morgan Grenfell in London declined any comment on the allegations contained in the Codelco suit, citing client confidentiality.
  • Spokesman Neil Midgeley said quality improvement measures have boosted his company's performance enormously.
  • ‘It was clear to our operators at the works that fans dare not leave their seats as the final came to nail-biting climax,’ the spokesman added.
  • For Thais party spokesman Prompong Nopparit described the allegation as a smear tactic, and Ms. Yingluck indicated Thursday that she was untroubled by the claims. Thaksin's Sister Faces Legal Challenge Ahead of Vote
  • Last year, China's defence ministry appointed its first ever spokesman, while last month foreign journalists were invited for a rare tour of a People's Liberation Army base.
  • Addressing the throngs of media gathered outside the courthouse, Crown spokesman Geoff Gaul said there was nothing unusual about the proceedings.
  • The spokesman never gave a direct answer to any question of the reporters.
  • Dave Thomas, spokesman for the band,[Sentencedict] said it was a good opportunity for the band to reach a wider audience.
  • The spokesman said: ‘If negotiations are successful all this will be achieved without significant loss of existing grassed areas.’
  • A spokesman for President Robert Mugabe lashed out at foreign countries at what he calls their interference with the country's election process. CNN Transcript Jul 1, 2008
  • The temporary shutdown of the Isar 1 and Unterweser power plants due to the government's nuclear moratorium will have a negative effect of around €250 million on our 2011 results," a spokesman said. German Nuclear Shift Hits E.ON
  • Two were arriving loaded with passengers, who had to be deplaned onto buses because the jet bridges were damaged, a spokesman said. Storm Damage Closes St. Louis Airport
  • ‘We are not unmindful of the dangers to human health and to life itself, and we will bring the full rigours of the law against anyone who is apprehended,’ the spokesman added.
  • A post-mortem examination showed he had suffered internal injuries, said a spokesman.
  • A council spokesman said the proposal was part of plans to cut more than 2,000 surplus school places.
  • The shouts of the crowd flustered the spokesman and he did not know how to deal with the situation.
  • Two words: Ground game, said Joseph Agostini, spokesman for the Florida Republican Party. - No recount redux: Bush seizes Florida
  • ‘Most likely, one of the criminals was an experienced safecracker, because an analysis showed that the safe was opened without any outer physical damage,’ a police spokesman told Interfax.
  • I can't be a spokesman for the environment, because of things like that. Times, Sunday Times
  • A police spokesman said the Clio is believed to have careered out of control and mounted the roadside kerb before catapulting across the road towards oncoming traffic and ploughing into the van.
  • The Labor Department was set up to be their spokesman, their champion, their liaison to the White House.
  • A spokesman for the group confirmed the fight but added that thankfully no one was injured. The Sun
  • A police spokesman said the bomb exploded when the passenger bus was passing through the Noorbagh area of north Srinagar.
  • A Council spokesman assured residents services would be unaffected by the political vacuum.
  • Commenting on the report's recommendation on ride encroachment, the senior zoo spokesman said there were no future plans for the theme park and the rides to be extended into the zoo area.
  • A purported Taleban spokesman claimed responsibility for the blast in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province.
  • His spokesman added that the move would not cost taxpayers any extra money.
  • The International Committee of the Red Cross documented what it called credible information about U.S. personnel disrespecting or mishandling Korans at the Guantanamo detention facility and pointed it out to the Pentagon in confidential reports during 2002 and early 2003, an ICRC spokesman said Wednesday. David Corn: Has Pentagon Spokesman Been Caught in a Koran-related Fib?
  • However, Neer's spokesman suggested the cause of the accident could have been speeding and the use of tyre retreads.
  • A spokesman said:'This arrest should act as a clear warning to others who are actively seeking to cause distress and potentially harm others. Times, Sunday Times
  • Speculation that the company was retrenching part of its activities in Essex, especially at Dunton, has been dismissed as ‘totally incorrect and totally without any foundation’ by a spokesman at Warley.
  • This campaign is about having a real conversation about energy issues and about finding common ground where we can move forward, and it's disappointing that there are groups that are interested in attacking Chevron and not engaging in a rational conversation," Morgan Crinklaw, a Chevron spokesman, said Tuesday. Critics spoof new Chevron ads promoting responsibility
  • Royal Ascot spokesman Nick Smith said the racing event always used walkie-talkies for its staff, including caterers, security guards, pressmen and general managers.
  • Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhu Bangzao noted the US military surveillance plane violated the principle of "free overflight".
  • Their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations.
  • A Glencore spokesman "vigorously disputes" the charges.
  • A military spokesman said the AH - 64 Apache helicopter was downed by ground fire in the morning.
  • A foundation spokesman said the number of planes that crash during landings is of more concern.
  • A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters.
  • A spokesman said a text of Dr Runcie's speech had been circulated to all of the bishops.
  • In Washington, State Department spokesman Mark Toner called the Syrian attacks "barbaric," adding, "We don't throw the word 'barbaric' around here very often. Syrian soldiers take up positions before protests

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