How To Use Spittle In A Sentence
Spittle and blood spattered his lips, dripping in my mouth.
Brush of Darkness
Gobs of spittle ran down his chin.
The names Temple and Templeman were acquired from residence near one of the preceptories of the Knights Templars, and Spittlehouse (Chapter
The Romance of Names
In his piece about Awana, he writes amusingly about taking a pee and I couldn't help but recall the moment when the great man, he of pulchritudinous prose, goitred with soliped leitmotifs, crenellation and spittle, took one next to mee.
AA . . . On The Piss
A government that began with a Commons majority of 179 behaved in a lickspittle fashion towards its natural enemies.

Lickspittle or someone capable of independent thought.
Times, Sunday Times
Now he is largely viewed as a hawk and lickspittle himself.
Times, Sunday Times
Baxorth lowered his eyebrows, wiped spittle from his mouth, and walked over to where Kelch was pinned against the building.
His face was redder than the tomatoes he was squashing under foot and spittle flew from his mouth as he lumbered toward his wife.
Rae felt a light spray of spittle from Yana's mouth hit her on the cheek.
But I found myself asking, as I often do when my opinions garner the kind of spittle-flecked crazy talk that my end-of-year 'Worst' list did, what is it specifically about the internet that makes people jerks?
James Rocchi: The Moviegoer: Manufactured Perspectives
Some of them sit with their heads between their legs slowly expectorating a long dribble of spit until there is a pool of spittle on the ground.
Finally, we come to my coveted 'lickspittle of the year' award.
Times, Sunday Times
First, he explains his political position lest anyone accuse him of being a lickspittle of the aristocracy.
In that sense Labour and its lickspittle claque of hangers-on has done us all a great service and has ensured that Mr. Wilders and his views get enormous publicity.
Archive 2009-02-08
Walkers on the Queen's Highland estate were allowed to walk from the Spittle of Muick car park to mountain summits on recognised paths.
As is his belief that the insect that surrounds itself with foam is a tick, when it is obviously a spittlebug.
The Guardian World News
They gathered up scraps of food which had touched his lips, an empty whiskey bottle, a cocoanut from which he had drunk, and even his spittle, and performed all kinds of deviltries over them.
My response to them is the same as it is to all readers, whether they be cut-throat nay-sayers or members of my lick-spittle sycophantry: To Hell with the lot of you!
Before leaving the ward he picked up the cuspidor from a cabinet at the head of the bed, opened the lid and observed frothy white spittle that lacked any distinctive odor.
See the little bits of spittle coming out of his mouth?
Better that Aretha Franklin had not been born than that we should endure a drop more of this acid rain of spittle!
Philaenus spumarius, more commonly known as the spittlebug, is an abundant insect in the summer in the UK.
No, his great and powerful enemies are America's local lickspittles.
Get out your masks and TamiFlu everyone, cause he sprays a lot of spittle which is an excellent way of spreading contagion!
"GOP Know-Nothings Fought Pandemic Preparedness."
All the rest is a soap opera dreamed up by politicians and their lickspittles in the London media, just as mad Roman emperors gave their citizens bread and circuses to keep them from revolting.
We are given Gold ones as really really IP's which means we'll be within spittle distance from the speakers.
August 2004
Maureen sits there staring vacantly across the table, a stray bit of spittle drooling out of the side of her mouth…
The expectorating nymph is better known as a spittlebug.
Wet your forefinger with your spittle; stick a broken gold-leaf on the sinciput; clip off a beggar's beard to make it tresses, kiss it; fall down before it; worship it.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
She sucked up her spittle, rubbed her eyes, and raised the lids to reveal two cloudy white globes, as vacant of use as a dewclaw.
The Welkening
It has always niggled at me about birds nest soup, how someone got the idea that climbing a 40 foot pole into a cave and removing a nest made of bird spittle and putting it in a broth would somehow be a good idea.
Lepyronia angulifera, angular spittlebug, by Jim Kramer — It is classified as threatened due to habitat destruction.
Photography Contest: Finalists, Threatened or Endangered - The Panda's Thumb
It will help to mesh awarenesses with a human, Djana ¦ no terrified captive, no lickspittle turncoat, no sniveler about peace and brotherhood, no pseudomorph grown up among us apart from his own breed ¦ but one who has come to me freely, out of the depths of the commonalty that bred her, one who has known alike the glory and the tragedy of being human.
A Circus of Hells
His normally nimble mind hums to a halt, his jaw goes slack and twin rivulets of spittle suavely course down each corner of his mouth.
Spittlebugs, or froghoppers, are easily identified by the frothy, white foam that protects them from predators.
His face was redder than the tomatoes he was squashing under foot and spittle flew from his mouth as he lumbered toward his wife.
He smelled light sweat, felt spittle reaching to his chin.
Hateful to it altogether, and a loathing, is he who will never defend himself, he who swalloweth down poisonous spittle and bad looks, the all – too – patient one, the all – endurer, the all – satisfied one: for that is the mode of slaves.
Thus spake Zarathustra; A book for all and none
The froghopper is also known as the spittlebug.
It wiped the spittle, trying to clean off the dirt.
From 1979-1988, this group concentrated its attentions on the homopterous pests of alfalfa, i.e., potato leafhopper, meadow spittlebug and the 3 aphid species, pea aphid, spotted alfalfa aphid, and blue alfalfa aphid.
For none shall own me but he, because his cheek is smooth and the water of his mouth sweet as Salsabil; 273 his spittle is a cure for the sick and his charms daze and dazzle poet and proser, even as saith one of him,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
He emphasized the word ~pearl' with a plosive rush of breath, accident-ally spraying droplets of spittle out into the air.
I started to twitch and my husband had to wipe the spittle from the corner of my mouth.
Mandibles clashed, clacking together like snapping tree trunks, and spittle drooled from its fangs.
During the subsequent backlash, he lost his rag and threw a total hissy fit, complete with flecks of spittle flying from his mouth.
Philaenus spumarius, commonly known as a froghopper or spittle bug, is a mere 0.2 inches long, but employs a novel catapult mechanism to launch itself upwards of 28 inches into the air.
"I don't think so, " he said, spittle flying from his mouth.
There's another warping convulsion, and spittle sails from his mouth.
He coughed out once, almost like a yelp of pain and sadness, long draws of spittle forming in his mouth and running out his haggard jaw.
For none shall own me but he, because his cheek is smooth and the water of his mouth sweet as Salsabil; [FN#273] his spittle is a cure for the sick and his charms daze and dazzle poet and proser, even as saith one of him,
Arabian nights. English
Never has America been so thoroughly in the clutches of fawners, lap dogs, toadies, boot lickers, lick spittles, and Snopses.
We drank wine from the bottle and slobbered our spittle into simplistic belches of conversations that were actually ideological rhetoric and nonsense we could both agree with.
Some of them sit with their heads between their legs slowly expectorating a long dribble of spit until there is a pool of spittle on the ground.
As many recent examples make clear, the truth counts for nothing with the present administration and its fawning, talk-radio lickspittles.
After his bunion surgery, both animals were attracted to his "owie," and administered copious amounts of spittle to the site.
When 'Going to the Dogs' Is Good for Your Health: An Important Adjunct to Healthcare Reform
His clothing was in rags and he was unwashed, hair stained and matted, traces of spittle dried upon his chin and chest.
The Urewera, famed all over New Zealand for their skill in makutu practices, often used spittle as a bait.
Sweat and spittle flew as the Serpent-Men cried out in bloodlust, every individual more than ready to do battle.
Spittle oozed down his jaw.
Queen Illariana spat directly in his face, and Revern wiped off her spittle, twisting his mouth in disgust.
Never has America been so thoroughly in the clutches of fawners, lap dogs, toadies, boot lickers, lick spittles, and Snopses.
Serious cases were always decided by lickspittle judges.
Times, Sunday Times
They cay'd the wounded by the 'bacco factory," he said, "on de way to de horspittle.
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves Georgia Narratives, Part 4
Lepyronia angulifera, angular spittlebug, by Jim Kramer — It is classified as threatened due to habitat destruction.
Photography Contest: Finalists, Threatened or Endangered - The Panda's Thumb
One was tied with a used bed-sheet to an armchair, his head hanging down and spittle dribbling from the corner of his mouth.
Lately he was even guest of honour at the Press Complaints Commission bash, so delighted is he with the lickspittles that pass for our supposedly-fearless Fleet Street editors.
We already have a President and the Rodent is his biggest crawling, lick-spittle lackey.
Blogs, talk-radio and cable have exposed them lickspittles by forcing them into open conflict on ideas and facts.
The white wolf diminished his baying howls, and his slavering white spittled jowls showed his past devotion.
‘Bourbon for my lickspittle,’ he ranted at the barkeep.
Spittlebugs especially like strawberries, corn and legumes.
She wiped the spittle he had sprayed her with from her face.
Never would I have thought that you would see rank and file middle/upper middle class people praising and cheering the use of torture and celebrating bush’s ignorant incompetence, but all you had to do was offer them tax cuts, abd they obediently got into line cheering on or turning a blind eye to any number of evils and engaging in spittle flecked rages against Gore and Kerry in their zeal to serve the party.
Matthew Yglesias » Death at Gitmo
With one farmer acting as go-between, eventually you would hear the smack of spittle-wetted palms signifying a satisfactory result all round.
But now the lowly spittlebug (so named because it can whip up a frothy covering that looks like human spit to protect itself) has been crowned nature's top high-jump champ.
But if being a member of Cabinet means being a lickspittle who must stifle one's conscience for 30 pieces of silver because the PM says so, then the St Lucia Cabinet is no place for a woman of her integrity and courage.
This is a conspicuous blob of froth inside which a little green insect with red eyes is hiding - a spittlebug.
Times, Sunday Times
She rubbed the spittle into his skin in a businesslike way, bent close enough that he could smell the ancient sweat of her and see the lice crawling in the grizzled hair that keeked from the edge of her rusty-black shawl.
A Breath of Snow and Ashes
My response to them is the same as it is to all readers, whether they be cut-throat nay-sayers or members of my lick-spittle sycophantry: To Hell with the lot of you!
If you want it reduced to a bunch of craven lickspittles, then you seem to be following the correct procedure.
Your mouth feels like a cement mixer without quite enough water. This deluge of porridge-thick spittle has to go somewhere, so we are left with the question: spit or swallow?
Watching him perform, spittle flying from his mouth, veins bulging and neck tendons taut as wires, I hope that performance is catharsis for him.
The tiny spittlebug, or froghopper, leaped into the scientific spotlight in a July 2003 issue of the journal Nature.
Gobs of grease / spittle ran down his chin.
A highly prized delicacy, dried swallow spittle is extracted from nests gathered in Southeast Asia.
I suppose it was just perspiration - but it kind of seemed like spittle.
Inside each of them is a spittlebug in the larval, or nymph, stage of growth.
Times, Sunday Times
A humorless chuckle escaped him, spittle flecking his lips.
Brush of Darkness
And so, in classic bully fashion, he and his gang of lickspittles have decided to pick on the weaker kids instead.
It is used routinely in Brazil to control spittlebugs on alfalfa or sugarcane, and one variety is now being applied widely in Africa against locusts and grasshoppers.
Pilotshark Sponsored by Beoing says: doctorpoopspittle the bovine scatologist for the white wing wrong side cult party of NO. and remember that the GnOP puts the NO in NOvember
Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 3, 2010
But last year the public outcry about these dirty deeds finally reached critical mass, shaming the drug companies' Washington lickspittles into looking at their shoes when their longtime patrons came calling for favors.
It is advisable that he weigh more carefully his disdainful utterances if he wants to be taken seriously beyond the narrow circle of his lickspittles.
His spirit is cheerful throughout all of this: ‘I delight to do thy will, O God, ‘he cries joyfully, not as some obsequious lickspittle.’
The little man spat and the spittle ran down the side of the spittoon where he'd missed.
This is the nymph, or immature form, of a spittlebug, or common froghopper.
Times, Sunday Times
More spittle flying over the evil radio talker who persecutes poor tensk - it's getting very old.
You know it's bad (Jack Bog's Blog)
Never before have the drool buckets of freedom overflowed with such a steady stream of blooded flecked, hate infected spittle, injective and vitrioil.
Think Progress » U.S. General: Iran Attack Fraught With Risk, Bush Needs to ‘Make Diplomacy Work’
His voice rose with each word and spittle flecked his lips.
His sclera were tinted pink and reddish spittle bubbled from his mouth.
The spittlebug, a common garden pest found worldwide, appears to claim the unofficial title of the world's best jumper.
Globe and Mail
Just one quibble: the token phrase ‘while congratulating England's players’ might look a tad lickspittle to true believers.
That proves he's a lickspittle slave of tyrants!
They surfed to infamy on a gutterload of spittle and puke.
It's like something designed by throwing dice, and the phone itself feels like it's made out of dried spittle and chewed-up paper.
He spat the words out with spittle from his dirty mouth.
He was on the verge of apoplexy, sprays of spittle, sweat, and tears erupting from his face.
Other great sections of the entity hung almost loose, huge gobs of spittle on glassy strands.
He wiped the spittle away, his lips twisted in a rictus halfway between a snarl and a smile.
Sixteen Hollis had seen Chief Milligan angry before, but never like this - puce with rage, spittle flying.
The end result is that the first time these people actually come face to face with a reluctant prisoner (sorry, detained person – sorry, customer) is on their first night shift with their tutor as superdrunk kicks off – when they approach and advise re conduct they get a faceful of abuse delivered at about 6 inch range complete with spittle and stale beer fumes.
Make the lie big, make it simple and keep saying it. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The tiny spittlebug, or froghopper, leaped into the scientific spotlight in a July 2003 issue of the journal Nature.
Strings of spittle hanging from pointed teeth to lower lip reflected moonshine as the cadaverous head arched skywards.
The slurred word spattered my cheeks with spittle and his foul breath made me flinch.
The Book of Unholy Mischief
You had the mendicants, sycophants, lick-spittles, toadies, fawners all with their tin cups, looking for a handout of taxpayers' funds.
How old are you?" he asks, with a mouthful of beery spittle.
The Guyliner: Do I Really Need a Six-Pack to Make an Impact? Why I'm Sticking With the Body I've Got
The parties could put forward nominees, but it would be up to the commission to weed out the worthless lickspittles and the timid timeservers.
Alan could see the flecks of spittle flinging from her mouth as she ranted.
Dalhousie Professor Steve Shaw ... and spittlebug friend.
Lickspittle begins to dream of ministerial office.
Times, Sunday Times
Salt is a chief necessary of life to an Easterner, whose food is mostly vegetable. the white -- literally, "spittle" (1Sa 21: 13), which the white of an egg resembles.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
This is why you get all this thrashing about in the press and why we are drenched in the babble of the lickspittles and tintookies around them.
The sneeze fizzed through my nose and out with a sprinkling of spittle, but there was nothing to hear it now save the gulls whipping white through the sky, diving for the sunlit shore.
The premature ending of Annie MacLeod
Complete with dilating eye and the spittle from the nostrils this was the moment in film history when anything a filmmaker could dream up was officially a possibility.
Top 10 Movie Monsters » Scene-Stealers
He blew a long, loud raspberry, spraying Bob with spittle.
For none shall own me but he, because his cheek is smooth and the water of his mouth sweet as Salsabil; 273 his spittle is a cure for the sick and his charms daze and dazzle poet and proser, even as saith one of him,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Now she opened her mouth and laughed out loud; I saw how spittle looped across her perfect teeth.
My mouth was thick with spittle, unable to contain it so that it speckled upon the wood floor.
When he wrote: ‘The more one pays for food, the more sweat and spittle one is obliged to eat with it’, it was from first-hand knowledge.
I swallowed the bolus of spittle that was rising in my throat.
As spittle from her mouth hit his face, his reflexes made him blink at the sudden feelings of the droplets falling onto his skin.
The leaden bathos, insincere congratulations and lickspittle teasing were all cringingly, mesmerisingly grisly.
Times, Sunday Times
These days, between posting his piquant views on the latest toonery, he rails against the aspersions still being spittled on the medium.
It is used routinely in Brazil to control spittlebugs on alfalfa or sugarcane, and one variety is now being applied widely in Africa against locusts and grasshoppers.
Its brown eyes bulged and spittle flew from its mouth.
End of Time
Never mind that most of his rapping was a spume of spittle and expletives – you expect that at a hip-hop show.
The worst gig we ever played: musicians on their on-stage lows
He bent over, wiping up some of the still wet spittle from the toe of his boot.
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Your mouth feels like a cement mixer without quite enough water. This deluge of porridge-thick spittle has to go somewhere, so we are left with the question: spit or swallow?
Serfdom did not reach them, and they looked on European Russians as lickspittles and prided themselves on their lack of deference to the centre.
In Dr. Faustus Zeitbloom reflects: ‘[L] iars and lickspittles mixed us a poison draught and took away our senses.’
Diane was yelling again, spittle flying from her mouth as she cursed him to endure the most painful death imaginable.
Shase shouted in Hunter's face, spittle flying from his mouth onto Hunter's.
The salival glands are situated about the root of the tongue and angle of the jaw: they secrete the substance called saliva or spittle, which is discharged into the mouth.
The Cherokee Physician, or Indian Guide to Health, as Given by Richard Foreman, a Cherokee Doctor; Comprising a Brief View of Anatomy, With General Rules for Preserving Health without the Use of Medicines. The Diseases of the U. States, with Their Symptom
Wantley was one of those who preferred chewing and he had been spitting upon the floor to such an extent that he was by this time partly surrounded by a kind of semicircular moat of dark brown spittle.
The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
He chomps on his chicken leg and sauce goes flying everywhere, along with bits of chicken skin and spittle.
Spittle had by now coagulated at the corners of his mouth, and would stay gathered there in elastic foam for the rest of the day, like a cottonmouth snake.
Working Title: "Third Persons"
A Vesuvius of spittle and sweat, with lips aquiver and eyes bugged-out, Fleck's devo-esque performance provides him with a sweat-lodge purge and us with a fascinating look at faulty-idol worship that pre-dates, by a couple of decades, Michael Jackson.
James Scarborough: Mad Women, The Skylight Theatre, Los Feliz