How To Use Spite In A Sentence

  • I again affirm that I need make no apology for attaching my name to that of one so worthy the esteem of his co-dogs, ay, and co-cats too; for in spite of the differences which have so often raised up a barrier between the members of his race and ours, not even the noblest among us could be degraded by raising a "mew" to the honour of such a thoroughly honest dog. The Adventures of a Dog, and a Good Dog Too
  • A few minutes with the heron book cleared up the mystery; they were tricolored herons, the first I had ever seen.10 By the end of the month American goldfinches were shooting around like tossed gold pieces despite another cold spell. Bird Cloud
  • Sadly, none of a myriad of ingenious contraptions, despite inventors' claims, puts forth more energy than it absorbs.
  • Filming went ahead in spite of the bad weather.
  • My dad, despite his rampant hypochondria, had always been healthy.
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  • Despite imperial successes at St. Gotthard (1664), Growardein and Neuhäusel in Hungary ceded to the Ottomans (1664, at Vasvár). 2. The Habsburg Monarchy
  • Despite their superficial similarity, submersion of minorities in English-only programs in the USA and Canadian immersion programs are different and they lead to different results.
  • In present-day usage, despite Fowler's strictures, concern for classical and linguistic purity is minimal and the coining of etymological hybrids is casual and massive.
  • But after three years of frantic knitting, they decided to end the challenge, despite reaching halfway.
  • But the family have pulled together and, in spite of fits of irritability, are happy.
  • These creatures have the reputation of being smelly, vicious, spiteful and unreliable.
  • The vital ingredient of popular appeal was not there despite several bids to rejig the story.
  • Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.
  • One effortlessly got saturation coverage, the other struggled to get noticed, despite the mandatory presence of a celebrity, a suitably weighty one too.
  • Despite literally minutes browsing, we can't top that. The Knowledge | Which clubs have refunded fans due to player transfers? | Rob Smyth
  • But their brief respite in the conditioned air of the shuttle made that first step outside a gasper. Cattle Town
  • Still Life with Action Figure," a particularly realist exercise, actually occurs in suburbia, where an artist son visits his artist father, who has resumed painting despite suffering from parkinsonism. Ccfinlay: You Make My Heart Sing
  • The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.
  • They will certainly enjoy some respite from the negative headlines which have been barracking them in recent weeks, which maybe renders the result palatable for all.
  • Despite having all the appropriate authorisations in their possession, they were unable to produce the program for which they had travelled to the country.
  • Luke was a brilliant student despite the fact that he was a notorious slacker.
  • The term "gentilhomme" is so liable to be confounded with "gentleman" that it needs explaining, for, despite the similarity of derivation, no two words can be more distinct. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 097, January, 1876
  • Instead, segregation has continued despite the fact that some of Oldham's most monocultural schools have been closed and merged since the riots, while others have been moved to different areas to seek a mixed intake. Oldham schools still polarised 10 years on from race riots
  • Despite the noise, they hadn't got in, and Sam offered up silent thanks to the miller who had built so well. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Despite the threat of war, people went about their work as usual.
  • Despite his excitement, there are few things Ignaciuk finds lacking in his life in Bulgaria.
  • It is believed however than none of the four were from the Sligo area, despite the secluded nature of the beach.
  • Despite serious technical obstacles, space agency officials are considering whether to launch a Jupiter space probe powered entirely by sunlight.
  • The Warriors lost a battle despite outshooting and mostly outplaying their opponents.
  • Despite the lateness of the hour Annabel gathered her skirts and prepared to take a solitary ramble in the garden.
  • Despite the apparent commonness of blonde hair, which accounts for a third of British women, Tobin said only about 3% were naturally blonde.
  • Apart from a pale yellow primula, snowdrops are the only flowers in the front garden but despite this there is plenty of other interest.
  • In spite of the run-down facilities, the ma-and-pop owners and the friendliest and most approachable people in Hong Kong.
  • Despite the fact that the soloists just use these two chords, the improvisations are melodically and rhythmically rich - a signpost of contemporary mainstream jazz.
  • Despite the lack of legal compulsion, many companies already ban smoking.
  • E-Mail etiquette requires some kind of signature at the end of a message, despite the header that appears with each incoming item.
  • Despite first appearances, it adheres closely to Shakespeare's play.
  • Despite what the antis would tell you, hunting is for people from all walks of life.
  • Despite the challenges that prevail, our women have 'shouldered' the burdens with great resilience and dignity; and many of the successes that we claim toady, must be credited to our mothers, grandmothers, wives, aunts and sisters. Jamaica Information Service
  • Throughout the day, Grant rode through his command rallying the force in spite of the lateness of reinforcements.
  • Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. 
  • Had there, despite Terry Gill's denials, been an encounter?
  • Despite advances in headphone design, the fact is you are still listening to glorified stereo, where the sounds appear to thump uncomfortably inside your head.
  • In the end, despite these tight controls, the US-backed generals failed to win a majority of the vote, securing a plurality only through frenzied last minute stuffing of the ballot boxes.
  • Having browsed through this book, you've probably realized that despite the noise, stink, stupidity and self-destructiveness of Planet Earth, it's not a bad place to vacation.
  • However, despite these similarities, the political significance of the extended family was not uniform throughout Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.
  • Despite disagreeing with his colleagues, he has defended their right to speak out.
  • Despite being very comfortable by Zambian standards, he is a man who does not spend his money carelessly and he is on a salary just like his wife and his workers.
  • Despite a string of victories-the judge's stinging decision enumerating Allen's "fraudulent modus operandi," occasional media coverage, and the support of real CIA agents and military heroes-he is no closer to collecting the $40,000 he says was "conned" from his family in 1993. Edgar Allen
  • Despite her measured tone, June is clearly enraged as well as grief stricken. The Sun
  • Despite her illness, she had lost none of her enthusiasm for life.
  • And she, warm with what Dick had just told of him, pleasured at the goodly sight of him, dwelling with her eyes on the light, high poise of head, the careless, sun-sanded hair, and the lightness, almost debonaireness, of his carriage despite his weight of body and breadth of shoulders. CHAPTER XXIII
  • A day later, the state of Georgia executed Troy Davis, a black man accused of killing a white police officer more than 20 years ago, despite what GOP Rep. Bob Barr called the conviction's reliance on "the skimpiest of evidence," and, in the words of former FBI director William Sessions, "pervasive, persistent doubts" about Davis' guilt. Arianna Huffington: Sunday Roundup
  • Despite his position on the progressive wing, he emerged as leader of a party riven with internal divisions in 1976.
  • Despite the dark tint and moody atmosphere of the show, the set lights up in fluorescents and strong blues and yellows, and the colors come through strong.
  • Thirdly, despite working crazy hours I seemed to have all the ingredients needed for this particular tart without budging an inch.
  • But despite the favorable atmosphere, police remained on alert for possible security threats on the session, the officer said.
  • In spite of my efforts to pacify it the baby continued to cry / continued crying.
  • Despite these unexceptionable advantages, critics have objected to the land tax on the following grounds.
  • In spite of all this, there is something about Shakespeare and something about performance without walls; in combination, they make magic.
  • That seems to have been the spiteful remark of an adversary; for at least while Churchill was still in politics, the Congress was staffed, and led by men and women of calibre and integrity.
  • Firefighters fought the flames throughout the night despite the strong gusts and torrential rain.
  • Of course the 'nester' or 'punkin roller,' as we contemptuously called the small farmer, began sifting in here and there in spite of our guns, but he was only a mosquito bite in comparison with the trouble which our cow-punchers stirred up. Cavanaugh: Forest Ranger A Romance of the Mountain West
  • Despite going to sea on a boat with no windows, no fantail, no helipad or even a hatch to allow in some tension-breaking fresh salt air, submariners are still sailors at heart.
  • In spite of this, most credit card issuers still fleece their cardholders with sky-high rates.
  • She looked composed as she was snapped on the red carpet with her fellow judges - despite admitting she was nervous. The Sun
  • Despite planned closures, the continuing decline in demand will continue to generate spare capacity.
  • And, despite some stout defence, a feature of York's game this season, they were unable to prevent scrum half Duffy from scoring from short range.
  • Despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor.
  • Despite the lack of extras, the movie is nice-looking, inoffensive fun, and a welcome addition to any DVD library.
  • Eli undershot this dark system. i oversaw Jaime when ate me Sky! it told present arch, that enwound sadly... above plough reeved whistle, driving wrung anti the week despite blue chance: "who he gainsaid us? 26th January '05
  • She was a total mystery to him in spite of their long and successful association.
  • People are repulsed at the idea of limiting the amount of children someone can have, despite the fact that our schools, health care, and planet itself simply cannot support us.
  • Despite the fact that a Dinky toy car can fetch many times more than its real life counterpart, it is still possible to find bargains.
  • Masked, they were dynamic, varied, and hilarious, so that their masks actually seemed to become their faces, despite their grotesqueness; unmasked, they were slow, hesitant, and awkward, as if ashamed of the material.
  • Despite everything, she bore her former boss no animosity.
  • This despite the fact that the roles were first written to be performed by men. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is despite the fact that no account has been taken of the potentially depressing impact on economic activity and revenue buoyancy of their tax raising proposals.
  • But despite these delays, the experienced tallymen will be watching the boxes and each party will allocate different people to count the votes being put into the relevant piles.
  • Despite increased understanding of the nature of the disease in general, the factors that contribute to symptomatic destabilization are little studied and much remains conjectural.
  • Having ogled females in feathers, let's move on to Sisters In Leather, a black-and-white Sixties nudie which, despite its title, is not a ‘roughie’.
  • In spite of her off-screen antics, she remains the darling of Disney remakes, with her on-screen innocence and charm.
  • A great songsmith and a careful performer, despite what he would have us all believe, Gough is not an interesting stadium prospect, especially when the set is 40 minutes long.
  • Despite suffering with emetophobia for nearly 75 years, last year she finally tackled her fear with the support of a therapist.
  • It completed her expression; it was as a very halo of Yankee saintship crowning the woman who in despite of poverty and every discouragement had always hated, to the very roots of her hair, anything like what she called a "sozzle;" who had always been screwed up and sharp set to hard work. A Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's Life.
  • But despite the best efforts of his closest aides, it was not until two hours later that the Pope finally relented, the report said.
  • Despite their fishlike exteriors, ichthyosaurs had to surface to breathe air and they gave birth to live young.
  • Despite what the Dog had told her, the Charter certainly seemed to go on forever, without Beginning or End. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • This despite being part of a school system which demonstrably does not waste much of its money on bureaucracy and aggrandizement of its own honchos; the system has no trouble educating half of its students.
  • Despite some ongoing resistance (a subject to which I will return), the situation for people involved in interracial intimacy has never been better. Interracial Intimacy
  • Despite the speed of the ground troops, airstrips were always within 100 miles of the front lines.
  • DESPITE his great attacking prowess and capacity to find the net fairly on a regular basis, he does not come across as a penalty taker. The Sun
  • And despite the copious amounts of butter used to bake it, it doesn't feel overly greasy. The Sun
  • Despite increasing physical frailty, he continued to write stories.
  • despite our redoubled efforts
  • Despite her handicap, Jane is able to hold down a full-time job.
  • He had, somewhat reluctantly R 'shiel thought, agreed with her plan, despite Tarja's objections. TREASON KEEP
  • We work harder and longer than ever before without rest, despite all our time-saving home devices and services.
  • Despite his ten billion years of preparation, he found himself to be unready.
  • Despite this apparent initial failure, which was openly scorned by China's state media as "performance art", the blog site asked again for what it called "strolling protests" against the ruling Communist Party at 2pm on Sunday. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Despite his eventual betrayal of me-for which I have forgiven him-Hu was a superb implementer and an outstanding public servant.
  • Despite that, he was able to walk straight into the castle's Waterloo Chamber and was only challenged five minutes after entering the party as he ordered champagne at the bar.
  • Despite the challenging nature of his work to date, Aronofsky is unrepentant about his plans to enter the mainstream with his next film.
  • Despite its relatively expensive price, customers keep coming back to replenish their supply of fine blends, ground coffee and beans.
  • People came from all over the country despite there being two other major races on elsewhere.
  • Home to cultural and architectural wonders and famous for its fine white china, the German city of Dresden still shone despite six years of war.
  • And despite his numerous awards, trophies and honors, one still eludes him: a coveted spot on the U.S. Olympic swim team.
  • Yet despite the problems in amplification, I was not sorry that I attended. Rabbi Sid Schwarz: Jon Stewart: We Need More than Amplification
  • The trip was a welcome respite from the pressures of work.
  • A dinner of Greek moussaka was given to me at school, despite their being informed that I don't do meat.
  • Despite predictions of almost unbounded mobility, most people in industrialised nations are less physically active than ever before.
  • Despite all our attempts to break it open, the lock would not yield.
  • It felt as if it had been yesterday that he had spited her the same way.
  • Despite a modest revival in city living, Americans are spreading out more than ever into "exurbs" and "boomburbs" miles from anywhere, in big houses in big subdivisions.
  • Despite the inherent inexactness of reproduction cost estimates, he insisted that their economic importance was such that they could not be ignored when they markedly differed from actual cost figures.
  • Despite efforts from several laboratories there has been no success in purifying the enzyme from plant tissues catalysing the synthesis of low or high molecular weight amide-linked conjugates.
  • And despite its sweet taste, sticky toffee pudding is often the saltiest. The Sun
  • Despite this, Rosenthal completed the bomb run and instigated a series of violent maneuvers to throw the aim of the flak guns.
  • Despite this remarkable line-up, the film bombed.
  • Yet despite variable environments, new commercially available maize hybrids continue to be produced each year with ever-increasing harvestable yield.
  • Despite early reports of suicide attackers there were no signs of vests or of the aftermath of their detonation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite his occasional protestations of friendship, he disliked England and thought her a worthless ally.
  • The deer, commonly known as chital, were suffering from suspected pneumonia and succumbed on January 16 and 17, they said, adding despite best efforts the animals died within two days after contracting the disease. The Times of India
  • Despite scrubbing up well for the shoot, he grunts, ‘I don't think I'll be doing James Bond any time soon.’
  • Despite a shy and diffident manner,(Sentence dictionary) Davison was a hard-working and gifted teacher of endless patience.
  • Despite his major contribution to medical science, he died reviled, his name soon forgotten.
  • Likewise, a few citation errors in the IPCC report were trumpeted as the final nails in the coffin for the climate movement, despite the fact that not a single investigation even those in which climate skeptics have participated has found any evidence thatscientists "fudged,""manipulated" or "manufactured" data, and the fundamental conclusions of the IPCC still stand. Kelly Rigg: The Movement with a Thousand Faces
  • He finished with 18 aces and 41 service winners, and won despite breaking serve just twice.
  • To the surprise of many, he remains at the helm despite this most depressing afternoon of a season that has become an ongoing ordeal by fire. The Sun
  • Despite being shot in the leg, she drove though a hail of bullets before a colleague took her to hospital where doctors are battling to save her limb.
  • Despite his own aircraft being damaged, he glided back to base with a dead engine and crash-landed near Folkstone.
  • Ironically, despite a global reversal in the world's financial fortunes, the ultrarich continue to grow (grotesquely) richer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the outcry, glottochronology is still employed, but in mathematically increasingly complex and conceptually more sophisticated models.
  • Despite the prevalent view that aesthetic perception of the Romantic period is also marked by this "diffusive" touch — as in Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • Despite its financial problems, the company is standing by the no-redundancy agreement.
  • And despite herself, Matilda gives in to Ric's charm - she's totally melting for the guy!
  • Resolution has rewarded its shareholders with a double-digit increase in the dividend and promised stellar investment returns despite putting acquisitions on hold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the cheers and applause, the officers had their share of mishaps.
  • Hemingbrough are struggling to come to terms with life in the top division although the signs are that they are improving despite their reversal at Stockton and Hopgrove.
  • The main media outlets have imposed their own, more far-reaching blackout on the case, despite its implications for civil liberties and free speech.
  • He insisted on training to fly a jumbo jet despite an obvious lack of skill even with small planes.
  • However, despite that the sport of surfing continues to grow in popularity.
  • Despite subsequent upheavals, the French have never seriously considered restoring the monarchy since.
  • That the islands are still an agreeable place to live is not in doubt, despite US claims that resettlement is unfeasible.
  • Despite her claims to matchmaking, it seems like Mr. Knightley is a much better judge of the human heart.
  • But, despite my boyish good looks, I'm probably unlikely to be engaged for either role.
  • That is despite going under the knife on Tuesday to cure a niggling groin problem. The Sun
  • Despite the disgrace and humiliation which eventually befell him, he never wavered from his beliefs.
  • His laughter was spiteful and mirthless, and he took his time, content to let his presence sink in.
  • Despite the bright blue woodwork, the artfully painted sign, and the Fablon fishes which swim across the display window. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • Despite the entry of a myriad of new age sports onto the community calendar, traditional leisure pursuits such as shooting seem to be holding their own.
  • Spillers pet foods had a resilient first half despite the continuing pressure on pet food margins.
  • Despite this, the Committee reached conclusions that are contradictory and that were not based on a comprehensive review of the available literature.
  • The trust obtained planning permission for the pay and display equipment despite fierce objections to the scheme by councillors.
  • In spite of the complexities of spanning the globe and a sluggish economic environment, most of these tech transnationals have been delivering outstanding financial results.
  • Despite the various uncertainties surrounding it, it would be unwise to rule out this possibility.
  • Despite the upheaval resulting from the arrival of Business Casual in the workplace and what has been described as the casualization of America, women rising through management ranks stick to their suits. “I Don’t Have a Thing to Wear”
  • Twice he declined a pot at goal and opted to kick to the corner despite defending a narrow three-point lead.
  • Sightseers had come from all over the country, apparently, despite the inclement weather, to see the site of the atrocities. SACRAMENT
  • He carried on working despite the debilitating effects of the spinal disease transverse myelitis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the substantial contributions he had made to topology by this time, Brouwer chose to give his inaugural professorial lecture on intuitionism and formalism.
  • Despite their differences, there is no reason the two sides should have to resort to force to resolve the matter.
  • In spite of this, he rode on and on, till at last he reached a small white house that stood by itself on the top of a hill, unsheltered from the wind. Folk Tales From Many Lands
  • As you read this special issue on Prisons, thrill to the fact that lives are being changed - in spite of their presence in prison cells.
  • Eosin Y is an anionic or acid dye in spite of the fact that a solution of the sodium salt of eosin is basic in reaction.
  • And so he had grown in the warmth of his parents 'love, trained in what we call outdoor sports, but which are life itself to the Arab, until at fourteen no one could surpass him in running or horsemanship or spear-throwing, whilst with rifle or revolver he could clip the hair off the top of a man's head, the which strenuous accomplishments he balanced in passing his leisure moments in the gentle arts of verse-making and even music, in spite of the latter being condemned by religion; also did he learn to converse in foreign tongues. Desert Love
  • Despite the obvious advantages of a unified perspective for collective political action, the differences among women disallow such a perspective.
  • Her ordeal began in November when she started having fits and convulsions despite no previous history of health problems.
  • Holmes however was just seen in an exhibition fight, so it might be that the old warhorse will still step in the ring despite what the public would hope.
  • Despite his disdain for much about the town at the time, the rector was optimistic about the future.
  • Despite Cairn's mixed results, the Arctic waters off the coast of Greenland remain enticing for oil companies, where experts estimate that 4. 1bn barrels of untapped crude lies. Cairn Energy fails to find enough oil off the coast of Greenland
  • Despite the growing protests of the medical establishment, boxing still thrives at the championship level.
  • Despite his considerable experiences of tight places Déprez’s heart was pounding, but when he stared across the table, her expression reassured him. The Blackstone Key
  • Despite all the talk of precision bombing and surgical strikes, ‘collateral damage’ is reaching an embarrassing level.
  • Yep, aggressive lyrics and guitar riffs, all backed by the trademark thumping drums, with only moments of calm to provide a respite from the headbanging.
  • Despite our best efforts, we didn't manage to win the match.
  • Despite dire threats of violence from extremist groups, the protest passed off peacefully.
  • Yet despite the fact that he was often referred to as homely or even ugly, Maureen was struck by how absolutely beautiful he was. The Poet Prince
  • In spite of her informality of manner, she was a stickler for correct attire. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite the skill with which Jellicoe and Beatty had enmeshed the High Seas Fleet, Iron Duke had fired only nine salvos when Scheer turned his ships around and vanished into the mist. Castles of Steel
  • Up to 190,000 people will be left to languish on bail for lengthy periods despite a government crackdown, according to official forecasts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite its bulk and weight, the car is extremely fast.
  • But despite all the uncertainty and bustle it seems, admittedly to an outsider, that the older generation is coping admirably.
  • Despite his calm exterior, he has always been extremely competitive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite noticeable speckles, nicks and the odd scratch, the first reel of the film looks quite good with excellent contrast and sharp images.
  • The sun is finally out in Calgary, and despite a quick thunderstorm this afternoon, things seem to be drying out.
  • Despite a trim silhouette, this mini CD / amplifier combo is so good that even high-end hi-fi systems risk being KOd by its talents.
  • However, even the wisdom of a political boss is not infallible, and despite the succulent graces of the barbecue numbers of the ascetic and jeans-clad elder worthies, though fed to repletion, collogued unhappily together among the ox-teams and canvas-hooded wagons on the slope, commenting sourly on the frivolity of the dance. Una Of The Hill Country 1911
  • I saw it over and over again, blooming bravely in dooryard gardens despite the sizzling heat on the rough, wind-swept prairies.
  • Despite this presidential warning shot, the Senate narrowly approved both amendments.
  • Despite my obvious affinity with the man, I'm afraid I haven't been able to acheive a telepathic connection to ask him who he is.
  • He leaves office with near-record-high approval ratings despite widespread abhorrence at his personal behavior, pollsters say.
  • Despite the favorable trade surplus, China has continuously suffered from a huge "deficit" in terms of cultural products, which doesn't match the extensiveness and intensiveness of Chinese culture.
  • Wall Street's old-timers knew from hard experience that, despite the hype, the market could not escape the law of gravity.
  • But they can also cause "subclinical" infections that, despite a lack of symptoms, are the single biggest risk factor for cervical cancer. Better Safe Than Sorry
  • But despite the brocaded swags, ornamental carvings and original works of art here, you won't feel you have to tiptoe down the corridors and talk in whispers.
  • Cereal drilling is progressing well despite the showery weather and many farms are almost drilled up.
  • Baxter's a bit of a tweener - not big enough to lead block, not quite fast enough to be the every down back in the NFL, despite his productivity in college.
  • Despite those twenty years, it was the same old Tom Travers that alighted from the Pullman. BY THE TURTLES OF TASMAN
  • But other perils may have awaited his tadpoles: researchers have found that despite their paternal inclinations, male African bullfrogs sometimes cannibalize their young.

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