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How To Use Spiral In A Sentence

  • A common arrangement is the positioning of single leaves spirally up the stem, which can sometimes form a striking helical pattern in the shoot apex.
  • The goal to attack the spiralling cost of public services may be laudable, but the precedent is dangerous.
  • Then just Digg your uploads in a viral spiral to your social networks via an FB/MS interlink torrent. Boing Boing
  • Amateurs can easily fill the tubes using simple agricultural tools, after which bags are arranged in a spiral that is gradually corbelled inwards as it ascends to form a dome.
  • Combined with customers who would steer clear of Detroit brands because of uncertainty surrounding maintenance warranties, a messy bankruptcy could have have kicked off a vicious downward spiral that could have ended in liquidation and enormous job losses. Wonk Room » If We Had Let GM Go Bankrupt Last November, We Could Have Lost Another Million Jobs
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  • Anyone climbing the ladder to the loft is suspended above the vertical spiral stairwell - not recommended for those nervous of heights.
  • In the second example the rosette is substituted for the inner curves of the spiral, and the intermediate space is filled in with the true lotus motive. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Down the spiral path of the pit they bore him, encircling the sheening, glowing Red One that seemed ever imminent to iridesce from colour and light into sweet singing and thunder. THE RED ONE
  • The whole thing is a downward spiral. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the beginning, I had visions of a fabulous, sweeping, Perspex spiral staircase, ignorant of the fact that this would cost about £35,000.
  • But well before the latest murderers struck — well before another "antigovernment" Obama hater went on a cop-killing rampage in Pittsburgh in April — there have been indications that this rage could spiral out of control. Frank rich on fox news, responsibility and domestic terrorism
  • The spiral wave inhibits normal waves, just as eddies in a stream inhibit the smooth flow of water.
  • Soon enough, our intrepid reporter hero realizes that, due to some nuclear explosion experimentation, the earth has been thrust out of its orbit and is now spiralling towards the sun.
  • But this sector was the first to feel the heat of intense competition and spiralling development costs.
  • Unemployment soared, thousands emigrated and the national debt spiralled out of control.
  • The other object is SN 2007gr, which was first detected in August 2007 in the spiral galaxy NGC 1058, some 35 million light-years away it's one of the closest Ic supernovae detected in the radio waveband. GRB Central Engines Observed in Nearby Supernovae? | Universe Today
  • They passed a marble stair that spiraled up from the mud and ended jaggedly in air.
  • The bed itself was framed in dark ebony, its dusky twists spiraling towards the ceiling, while the rest of the room was swathed in black and shades of maroon and blood red.
  • It's so easy to get into a spiral of dark and unkind thoughts about yourself. Times, Sunday Times
  • The table straddling the checkerboard floor and spiral carpet ties the differing patterns together.
  • The problem in our country is not between Tsvangirai and Mugabe, it has now spiralled down to grass-roots level.
  • However, Clinton has disregarded the debt ceiling law, allowing the nation to spiral further into debt.
  • Now, jobs figures still aren't dancing the jive yet, but prices are spiraling higher and higher, mocking the Fed's directorate for central planning.
  • Troops may be moved on to a castle wall, rocky pinnacle or other elevation including a Spiral Stair.
  • It is that maelstrom that gives our galaxy its spiraling, dervishly outflung arms. Coleman Barks: Rumi's Poetry: 'All Religions, All This Singing, One Song'
  • ABOVE: The Guggenheim, inside links to museum's site, timeline of the building's constructionABOVE: Nautilus shell's spiral of chambers, called camerae, that this cephalopod builds for itself as it grows. Starship & Museum Bulletin Board #1
  • Will tried to conjure up their blissful months together but before long he spiralled back down again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The front garden includes an evergreen magnolia, topiary spirals in pots, standard privets as well as hardy plantings in terracotta pots.
  • Now you may descend the spiral staircase to find a golf simulator instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anytime you see a sign like that, you see this fracture, what we call an oblique fracture so it kind of spirals up, we know that he had some unbelievable force at his ankle that transmitted up through his fibula and fractured it. T.O.
  • It has altered the position of the siphuncle, has placed it in the centre instead of leaving it on the back, but it still whirls its spiral logarithmically as did the Ammonites in the earliest ages of the world's existence. The Life of the Spider
  • Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline.
  • In the Champagnat model, the mixed axes have a spiral phyllotaxis and begin their growth with an orthotropic direction before they bend under their own weight.
  • In the first place a subvariety of the weeping-willow with leaves rolled up into a spiral coil. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • Digital modification stands in for genetic, and so the animals are lengthened, spiralled or moved across the picture plane as if a magnetic force - an exterior one - operated.
  • All the evidence is that policymakers will do virtually anything rather than see a deflationary spiral take hold. Times, Sunday Times
  • It spirals from crisp oration into stream-of-consciousness babble and finally into gibberish.
  • Why is she so anxious and feeling so overwhelmed at times that her anxiety spirals into panic? Times, Sunday Times
  • The stress with trying to move house has spiralled out of all control and doesn't look like it's going to reduce in the near future.
  • The spiral stair is very keen but getting my humungous bag up to the loft was a trial, especially as 6/9/08: Taos Toolbox, day 1: Clarion Deluxe, now with 50% less oxygen
  • Round her, and for a mile away, they fought like rams and they fought like dogs and they fought like tigers, and over the roaring siren sounds of the fight the gulls flew like the fume of it, screaming and swooping and circling in spirals, and through everything like the continuous thud-thud of a propeller came the dunch of tons of flesh meeting tons of flesh head on, shoulder on, or side on. The Beach of Dreams
  • Mineral process of hematite in the early time often adopted gravity separation, and it mainly included jig, centrifugal separator, spiral chute, spiral concentrator, shaking table and so on.
  • The male reproductive system contains four pairs of accessory glands, the most prominent of which are the tightly coiled spiral accessory glands.
  • Our times make you wonder if we're spiraling down into the end of time.
  • Leaving the world a better place than we found it by reversing this downward spiral hatred and ignorance for our children and our grandchildren is truly the "Game Changer" that we all need to strive for. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf: Why I'm Honored to Be Named a Huffington Post Game Changer
  • The frigate turned around glowing with jet engines, aimed at the center of the moveless Galaxy spiral whirlpool and started gaining speed.
  • In recent years, he has clung to power as the country's economy spiraled downward and political opposition to his government has grown.
  • Then, I saw the smoke of the incense rise in a spiral, just like the coils of a snake, you know.
  • It is clearly spiralling and she is losing any ability to rationalise how she feels. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the foot of the spiral stairway, they presented Tetra with their star spangled permits.
  • Sure enough, an extremely tall and bony man descended from the spiral staircase to their right, dressed exquisitely in a solid black suit and tie.
  • Once the record was out, we started to do gigs as a support act to bands like A Certain Ratio and Inspiral Carpets.
  • These spirals were three and four years long each, so for all intents and purposes they were blocks.
  • This train spirals up a steep mountain gorge, climbing 2,800 ft in 40 minutes.
  • This can lead to a downward spiral of weight gain and low self-esteem. The Sun
  • But Mr Trichet's concern is that higher headline rates could push up inflation expectations, leading to bigger pay demands, and so trigger a wage-price spiral, as in the 1970s.
  • A golden torque encircled his neck, tawdry-jeweled rings his fingers, a spiral of herpetoid skin the left arm. The Day of Their Return
  • For an alcohol flame Knoblauch and Melloni found glass to be less transparent than for the same flame with a platinum spiral immersed in it; but Melloni afterwards showed that the result was not general -- that black glass and black mica were decidedly more diathermic to the radiation from the pure alcohol flame. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • In fact, standing on the top of Jodhpur's Meherangarh Fort watching hanuman langurs playing over the battlements and vultures spiralling on thermals above the blue-washed houses below pretty well sums up the charms of Rajasthan.
  • A computer simulation shows the spiral-shaped electrical waves that can interfere with the heart's normal beating.
  • B. G.) which graced the board with its plastic forms, suggestive of the most pleasing objects, -- the spiral ringlets pendent from the brow of beauty, -- the magic circlet, which is the pledge of plighted affection, -- the indissoluble knot, which typifies the union of hearts, which organs were also largely represented; this exceptional delicacy would at any other time have claimed his special notice. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 117, July, 1867.
  • There was a grand marble staircase, spiralling up to the eaves and the upper areas of the casino.
  • It is also to be noted that the dialectical process is not simply from thesis and antithesis to final synthesis; it is an eternal, open-ended spiral of development.
  • They found the stairway - a spiral stairway constructed of black marble - almost immediately and started up it.
  • Against error accumulation and computation complexity, a novel spirality interpolation sequence scheme is assumed, whichimproves precision of interpolation and reduces maximum error of interpolation.
  • Whichever way he looked at it, he was caught in circumstances that seemed to be constantly spiralling out of control. TREASON KEEP
  • Consequently, that child may be studying with a teacher who has given only a cursory glance at these spiraled curriculum guides.
  • Volvulus classically appears on the upper GI as a spiral corkscrew of the duodenum.
  • The "swoops, the spirals, the digressions and the reiterations" so characteristic of oral narrative are all there in the novel.
  • Designed with spiral slide to stanch bleeding, can slightly adjust the compression pressure.
  • Economists said the increase was higher than had been expected and presented a danger that the economy would become caught up in a spiral of higher wage demands and higher prices.
  • [GALEODIA HODGII] Shell rather thick; elliptical, obtuse; whirls about five, inflated, and ornamented with numerous fine spiral lines, which are quite prominent at base; these, with the fine lines of growth, give the surface a cancellated appearance; collumellar lip marked with many irregular plicae; aperture nearly twice the length of the spire. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The production in this factory is spiral.
  • Sammy tapped her thumb furiously on the kick button, blocked Jack's move, and sent the character spiraling into the air.
  • In "Time After Time" 2000, which opened the program, Mr. Lerdahl incorporated what he calls a spiral form, in which a simple and stable musical idea is expanded on. NYT > Home Page
  • Maffei 2 is a spiral galaxy thatalso has a disk shape, but with a bar-like central bulge and twoprominent dusty spiral arms.
  • The names of 934 journalists, dating back to 1812, are printed on tinted-glass panels affixed to a spiral steel frame.
  • Unable to accept this reality, Kinsley, like many of the president's other critics, continues to spiral downward into irrationality.
  • Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped Gram-negative bacterium that colonizes the stomach in about 50% of all humans. Press Release: The 2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
  • If it's a crisis, the spiral is downward. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 26-year-old received a spiral fracture of the right leg last May, but is poised to start the final surge back to full fitness next week.
  • They jumped into the thrash metal game very late, when it was spiraling back into the underground.
  • From there, it spirals into a prism of double-crosses, dirty politics, and police corruption.
  • But it could come back to haunt councils - sending tax bills spiralling further the following year. The Sun
  • We try to reach from the center of these 20 million people, reach creation from an ingrown spiral of self-congratulation. Reverend Billy: The Earth Is Totally Hip
  • It's a fateful symbiosis in a downward spiral of political aspiration.
  • Jeffrey is very likeable, very approachable, but there is also a bit of a dark edge to him, which was something he was able to layer very well into the character of Clay as he spirals down into his obsession to take revenge on Max. 34 High Resolution Photos from The Losers | /Film
  • Mutual allelopathy between Vallisneria spiralis Linn. and Microcystis aeruginosa was investigated through co-culture and separate culture, excluding the effects of bacteria and nutrient.
  • Some of the shading techniques used were cross-hatching, stippling, spirals and close repetition of continuous lines.
  • A single strand of simple, unsophisticated smoke smoldered silently upward; spiraling simperingly into a sunlit bed of stagnant smog.
  • At certain times, Saturn's auroral ring is more like a spiral, its ends not connected as the energy storm circles the pole.
  • The collapse of the property bubble and the Asian financial crisis in 1997 sent the city into a downward spiral of job losses and deflation.
  • The party fell back; squatting around the spiral stairwell, pointing their weapons in preparation.
  • The Spetisbury ring, 14 mm across, was made from a round gold bar, with stripes of electrum (gold with high silver content) inlaid in a continuous spiral.
  • Weddings are a maze of social etiquette and it is perfectly natural to think you are adding to the spiralling costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since his arrest he has been to Gamblers Anonymous sessions in Bristol in a bid to kick the spiralling habit.
  • Oil companies have been complaining about the spiralling costs of equipment such as rigs and vessels. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plates were shaped to induce spiral motion in the particles, since accelerating them along a straight track would require an accelerator longer than the laboratory.
  • Costs are spiralling upward because doctors tend to overprescribe drugs, particularly to the elderly, and they tend to prescribe new, expensive drugs when a cheaper alternative is available.
  • While the vigilantism has been praised by some as evidence of neighborhood unity, others see it as an illustration of a nation that continues to spiral out of control.
  • And if they did spiral in, electrons would emit electromagnetic radiation, including light, across a continuous range of frequencies.
  • Angeli's many works were on infinitesimals and he used them to study spirals, parabolas and hyperbolas.
  • It's a spiralling problem and one we have to discuss. The Sun
  • At one point, Kirie asks her father about his conversation with the aforementioned spiral fetishist, provoking him to indignantly accuse her of eavesdropping.
  • The purpose was to discuss the energy crisis caused by the spiralling cost of oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the evidence is that policymakers will do virtually anything rather than see a deflationary spiral take hold. Times, Sunday Times
  • In what felt like no time at all, we had arrived and entered the somewhat draughty Upper Hall with its rather interesting artwork on the wall, a floor to ceiling spiral of golden handprints, which is a lot better than some of the weird and wonderful stuff a previous modern-art-loving Master installed, including a huge wooden dinosaur in the grounds. The Office Party « Tales from the Reading Room
  • By examining microscopically a drop of this broth culture the bacilli are seen in active movement, swarming at the margins of the drop, interspersed with the spiral threads, which are also apparently mobile.
  • On the basis of the definition of logarithmic spiral and of its particular characteristics, its aesthetic value is discussed.
  • Their bills are adapted for removing seeds from cones, and they start at the bottom of a cone and spiral upward, prying open each scale and removing the seeds with their tongues.
  • In the clear blue sky above, four open-billed storks had a got a thermal and were spiralling up, Icaris-like, on motionless wings, to an unknown destination.
  • Gleason spiral bevel gear cutter.
  • The theme of dematerialisation is reprised at the top of the block, which is crowned with a glass belvedere (for meetings-with-a-view), connected to the lower floors by a serpentine spiral staircase.
  • The stony path wound up the hill past a cave shrine and spiralled between one last jumble of boulders.
  • Spiral staircases and heaps of elegance lead the way to sumptuous rooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The compound flowers, are of a pale, greenish yellow, collected together in a small oblong head, upon a long slender peduncle, the legumes are large, lunated and slat, placed in a spiral or contorted manner, each containing several hard compressed seed, or little beans. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • My larch is a weeping variety that has been trained to grow in an upward spiral. Sports
  • Malt aromas lead the way on the nose, the first sip is malty, and then there is a surge of sharp hoppy flavours that spiral around until the swallow.
  • Insurance companies say the principal reason for the dramatic increases is the spiralling burden of reinsurance on all the major insurers.
  • She whirled, one hand still on the grit-spalled floor, and saw indistinct figures struggling in a tunnel of spiraling dust. Sun of Suns
  • He put his cultured right foot on it and sent it spiralling into the crowd. Times, Sunday Times
  • A length of coloured or colourless plastic that has been cut in a corkscrew, spiral style meaning you can untwist it and wrap it around your cables keeping them together.
  • The residents are quite rightly convinced it will blight the area and lead to increased crime and a downward spiral of house prices.
  • Manufacturers also reported pressure from rising input costs, as oil prices continued their upward spiral.
  • Galaxies and nebulae are often enormous spirals floating in outer space.
  • President Obama's steadiness rallied the nation at a time of severe economic crisis, saved Detroit, rescued a spiraling Wall Street, stanched the flow of blood in terms of the mortgage crisis and rising joblessness - while also achieving what no president since FDR has managed to do: bring health care reform that will finally stop penalizing tens of millions of the sick in the world's most prosperous economy - including our children! Nigel Hamilton: Rahm Is Going
  • We are getting a small room built in the loft for Philipp, complete with a spiral staircase and two loft windows.
  • The unit pictured has a spiral twist, first bent around a big tin can, then a smaller one and then an even smaller one for smooth curves.
  • You again make your choice before exiting the building down a long spiralling tube. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alternatively, slice off the skin as if you were peeling an apple in a spiral.
  • This complexity is also why its costs are spiraling out of control. Matthew Yglesias » Mark Bowden, Atlantic, Shilling for the F-22
  • Some pieces of paper spiraled up into the sky with the wind.
  • These pressures will only intensify with spiralling demand for emergency services and increasingly tight budgets. Times, Sunday Times
  • This proves the great importance of KNOWING THE NATURAL LAWS for the human class of life, and making natural time-binding impulses conscious, for then only will the spiral give a logarithmical accumulation of the right kind, otherwise the biolyte will be “animal” in substance as well as in effect. Manhood of Humanity.
  • One tent was a beautiful crimson with swirls of golden spirals.
  • Ten minutes later, to allow for stragglers, she headed down the main spiral. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • The tendency to petalification is, moreover, greater among those plants which have their floral elements arranged in spiral series, than among those where the verticillate arrangement exists; and in any given flower, if the stamens are spirally arranged while the carpels are grouped in whorls, the former will be more liable to petalody than the latter, and _vice versâ_. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Wrap a spiral rabbit guard round the tree or use a layer of wire mesh. The Sun
  • Farmers, bus drivers, truckies, taxis, emergency services, anyone who relies on fuel to perform their work joined forces to protest the spiralling costs of keeping their vehicles on the road.
  • He said spiralling public sector borrowing was the greatest threat to a sustained economic recovery.
  • The robin is chief singer; his voice ascends like a spiral stair, every ringing note a roundel for the mounting spirit. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • Shorn of the ostentatious nostalgia that afflicts too many period films, The House of Mirth is a bracing, cleanly wrought spiral of a film, a chiller in the true sense of the word.
  • I only just got a spiralizer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fool's Gold yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Fool\'s Gold'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: As Bernanke prints valueless money, devaluating the dollar more every month, the economy spirals into both hyperinflation and depression. Fool's Gold
  • Aimed at spirally welded steel pipe, a visual sensor for automatic seam tracking system is developed.
  • Wrap a spiral rabbit guard round the tree or use a layer of wire mesh. The Sun
  • I did have one solitary experience with Ms. Reynolds before our relationship started to grow and my life got a huge kick-start in its already progressing downward spiral.
  • Roymans disclosed that both the gold and silver coins depict triple spirals on the obverse, a common Celtic symbol. Treasure Trove in The Netherlands!
  • In cell division the spiral appears, as well as in the DNA molecule in the cell nucleus.
  • A Russian legend sang “tak krasivo, moy lebed” “so beautiful, my swan,” as a young American skater soared and spiraled across a giant sheet of mirrored ice, re-imagining the iconic performance of Maya Plisetskaya as the Dying Swan. Welcome to My World
  • He performed a tactical approach to the airfield, banking the plane 45 degrees in a tight downward spiral to the left.
  • Only wisdom, rationality and compassion will deliver us from this spiraling descent to the final moment of darkness.
  • The hollow spiral, as he knew from old experience, would bring down to his ears the slightest sound from above; and it now revealed to him the words of a duologue in progress at the summit of the tower. Two on a Tower
  • Now you may descend the spiral staircase to find a golf simulator instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • The galaxy's hallmark is a brilliant white, bulbous core encircled by the thick dust lanes comprising the spiral structure of the galaxy.
  • Worse yet, as the economy continued to spiral downward, the inflow of dollars slowed, forcing the currency board to restrict the country's money supply even further.
  • The path spirals up the mountain
  • B. G.) which graced the board with its plastic forms, suggestive of the most pleasing objects, -- the spiral ringlets pendent from the brow of beauty; the magic circlet, which is the pledge of plighted affection, -- the indissoluble knot, which typifies the union of hearts, which organs were also largely represented; this exceptional delicacy would at any other time have claimed his special notice. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • ‘We write in a spiral notebook, and when we need to name a foal we refer to it for ideas,’ Charles said.
  • We must avoid the downward spiral in which unemployment leads to homelessness and then to crime.
  • The galaxy itself is turning, as shown in the example in the photograph, sort of like the spiraling froth on the top of a cup of cocoa after it's been stirred.
  • Three rats were trapped in Kumarakom, a famous tourist spot in the district, and two were positive for leptospiral antibodies.
  • On the bare floorboards was a design, a twisting pattern of spirals and waves that was mesmerising.
  • Within the principal diagrid established by the 36 steel columns that spiral around building (which form an independent self-bracing structure), each floor level is broken down into 72 five-degree modules.
  • The ancestral state in other characters is equivocal: e.g., bisexual vs. unisexual flowers, whorled vs. spiral floral phyllotaxis, presence vs. absence of tepal differentiation, anatropous vs. orthotropous ovules. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Kira rolled her eyes and followed her, up a long spiral stairway.
  • The little round stair is another game, in which a little wooden stairway, built on the plan of the spiral, is used. The Montessori Method
  • The charges meant he spiralled into debt after defaulting on credit cards. The Sun
  • In the past, she has hung whole rooms with her own silkscreened wallpaper, the paper covered with intricate and precise silverpoint spirals.
  • They will both lose their spiral shapes and end up as one featureless galaxy. The Sun
  • At the top of the spiral staircase is the “Homme au panier,” a statue 4 feet 6 inches in height, on a pedestal at the topmost step, representing a manciple or serving-man bearing a basket on his right shoulder, out of which spring, like so many stems of wheat, nearly a score of vaulting ribs for the roof that closes in the staircase. The South of France—East Half
  • This system of direct rule by proxy enraged the Unionist right and eventually unleashed a downward spiral of loyalist reaction and republican assertiveness.
  • A spiral of smoke rose from the chimney.
  • But magazines that remain dependent on mass circulation and traditional advertising models will be locked into a downward pricing spiral in both their advertising and subscription business, requiring them to grow their rate base and reduce their ad rates -- a costly and unsustainable model for all but a few. Jack Myers: Magazine Industry Confronts a Challenging Yet Hopeful Future
  • The breakthrough that set the LuciaStove apart from similar gasifer stoves was Mulcahy's patented design which uses venturi holes to create negative pressure while a flame cap based on Fibonacci spiral geometry prevents oxygen from entering the pyrolysis chamber. Kelpie Wilson: WorldStove: Transforming Haiti and the World
  • None of them went into a downward spiral, becoming withdrawn or incommunicative or unable to function.
  • The spiral stair inside the tower was damaged by rust and will be restored at a later stage.
  • He said spiralling public sector borrowing was the greatest threat to a sustained economic recovery.
  • Thus the spiral of the arms race - nuclear, conventional, laser and other - will again soar steeply undermining strategic stability. International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War - Nobel Lecture
  • They will both lose their spiral shapes and end up as one featureless galaxy. The Sun
  • Sometimes it was a bit like watching a small man trying to wrestle a grand piano up a spiral staircase while playing the 1812 Overture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fashimir Ander came whirling up the spiral trackway, his gown fluttering, his sleeves like kites. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Krugman caught my notice for being one guy with a really nervy suggestion on how Japan could get out of its deflationary spiral.
  • As he tells it in Nervous System, things spiralled out of control and eventually, after a suicide attempt, Jensen found himself in a psych ward, as much absorbed in his delusions as the new life unfolding around him.
  • -- N.S. (Fig. 147.) Shell small, thick, sub-acute; whirls, seven or eight; apex sub-tuberculated, constricted above, and traversed spirally by rather coarse raised lines; apex papillated, and the first whirl is spirally lined, and without tubercles or short ribs. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • That is why that is such an important moment, not because the thing was shaped like two spirals - that's just aesthetically pleasing - but because the world changed on that day.
  • With one wing damaged, the model airplane spiralled downwards.
  • The fundamental structure of the proloculus is the innermost part of the spirally arranged shell; it resembles the involute type of planispirally arranged foraminifera tests.
  • Leaves are trifoliate and spirally arranged on the stem. Chapter 10
  • Its foliage is divine - tiny spirals of pearly blossoms with a heavenly scent.
  • Then she anchored herself to the bed, one foot locked over the edge, the other thrust between their two mattresses and wrapped the sheet around them like the spirals of a conch shell.
  • The subject matter alone - serial killers and kinky hookers - could have sent the film spiraling into sensationalism.
  • A black whirlwind, they fill the air with the click of leathery wings as they spiral through the trees.
  • Masses of vines spiraled upward against the vertical timbers and covered the thatched roof.
  • The limit pressure angle is related to such factors as offset angle, mean spiral angle, pitch cone angle and mean pitch cone diameter, not to geometrical shape of the tooth surface.
  • The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, having pinwheel-shaped arms of gas, dust, and stars lying in a flattened disc, and extending directly out from a spherical nucleus of stars in the central region.
  • No wonder her life spiralled out of control. The Sun
  • I walk towards State Street and stop to take a picture of a merchant's stall that is hung with mobiles made of copper tubing twisted into a spiral with a handblown colored-glass ball set inside the spiral.
  • It's game on as the carefully planned heist spirals into a hostage situation. The Sun
  • In fact, estate agents are extremely touchy about how much they influence ever-spiralling house prices.

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