
[ UK /spˈɪɹəkə‍l/ ]
  1. a breathing orifice
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How To Use spiracle In A Sentence

  • Laparostict: that series of lamellicorn beetles in which the abdominal spiracles are situated on the connecting membrane between the dorsal and ventral rings. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Catsharks have moderately large spiracles, or respiratory openings, and five pairs of gill slits.
  • There is a hole called a spiracle behind each eye.
  • Maggot of House-fly (_Musca domestica_), _a_, side-view, magnified 5 times; _b_, prothoracic spiracle; _c_, feeler; The Life-Story of Insects
  • Fine setae covers the opisthosoma which is used as an aquatic lung that allows the spider to breathe under water by the setae trapping an air bubble against the spider's body and connected to the tracheal spiracles. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • This bubble is then ‘caught’ by the antennae, causing the air it contains to spread through the plastron to reach the spiracles, or breathing holes, on the beetle's abdomen.
  • The spiracles, or breathing holes, which normally are able to repel water, are entered by the "wetter" water, suffocating the bee. 9: Domestic animals
  • It has holes in its sides," Cameron said, pointing to the oblong spiracle openings, one on each side of each abdominal segment. MINUTES TO BURN
  • In the terminal, proctodeal region of stage 10 embryos, bft transcripts appear in endodermal cells corresponding to the anlagen of the posterior spiracles, which also express Cut.
  • Other structural features are the pronotal sulcus, a deep inflection visible externally, and the spiracular lobes, which form protective coverings over the first pair of spiracles ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
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