How To Use Spineless In A Sentence
Only the spineless Liberal Left uses the term wingnut to describe the Right. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
Even though a prickly pear may be visibly spineless, the glochids on paddles and fruits remain just as nasty.
Was that spineless blue creature that I spotted by the sea a Tory jellyfish?
Times, Sunday Times
They do not make spineless and uninventive psychedelia.
Ofelia, who was used to being the boss all the time, would now have to obey every word that was uttered from Stolly - a weak, spineless, cowardly man in her mind.

Our spineless Government just turns its back and ignores them.
The Sun
Nor would Edwin concede more than a spineless encouragement that she be hopeful and humble in their work together.
While the dissidents have been exposed for the second time as thoroughly weak and spineless, Howard's fears about his future are nevertheless well-founded.
Shortsighted tyrants, spineless power-mongers and heartless thugs vie egomaniacally, dangerously, for power.
The great thing about academics is that they are typically spineless cowards who really do respond to sufficient pressure.
He seems to cast his male characters as spineless imbeciles, and spend the rest of the novel drivelling an apology on behalf of the whole of his gender.
We have a spineless Government as well as spineless judges.
The Sun
Our spineless Government just turns its back and ignores them.
The Sun
In reality they are spineless cowards.
Times, Sunday Times
She has some pungent comments about the spineless response to terrorism.
a spineless craven fellow
Rauwerdink later merged the two species into M. sagu, based on the fact that seeds from spineless palms can produce spiny seedlings.
The Whites were dreadful and utterly spineless during a second-half collapse.
The Sun
But because I'm fundamentally weak and spineless, I find it awfully difficult to be similarly critical about the heroic efforts of a mere one-man band.
The republicans, in their submissiveness and spinelessness, were trying to impress the media and all the idiots who voted for Obama with their willingness to PANDER for votes like the democrats.
Gingrich blames 'elite media' for Steele questions
These achivar are neither asleep nor feeding, and if we were to come to a stop the dyella might decide spineless Tran are more agreeable prey than speedy, spiny achivar.
The Deluge Drivers
Yet another example of how spineless our Government are.
The Sun
Her motion was violent and, to the uninitiated, quite unpredictable, and she was hardly more weatherly than a raft, sagging off to leeward in a spineless fashion that boded ill for any prospect of working up to Plymouth while any easterly component prevailed in the wind.
Hornblower And The Crisis
Not coincidentally, this is the group most likely to become the target of the contempt and thus the very public venom of extremists on the far-right and the far-left, working in unacknowledged but full concert, keen to neutralize people they see as spineless, bloodless sell-outs.
Bradley Burston: Leftists Who Love Israel -- A Self-Help Guide
The protagonist is seen as colluding with in her own downfall due to her own spineless impotence.
Monogenic control was also found for spiny versus spineless, with the spiny trait being completely or partially dominant.
That tale goes a long way toward explaining why the spineless weasels in Dogpatch have once again rejected a referendum.
It's a stupid choice to have to make, but I'd rather thave a spineless do-nothing Democrat than a greedy pro-corruption Republican.
Baucus admits he nominated girlfriend for U.S. Attorney
What an utterly spineless individual our unelected leader is.
The Sun
When will this spineless Government show some backbone and stand up to these greedy utilities companies and the bankers?
The Sun
For a representative of a party caricatured for being rather feeble and spineless, he has been strikingly resolute throughout the crisis.
When will this spineless Government show some backbone and stand up to these greedy utilities companies and the bankers?
The Sun
When she realized she wasn't getting any response from her husband, Christine turned her attention to her son, determined that he wasn't going to end up a soft-hearted, spineless man like his father.
I would like to shame the spineless, thieving moron who on April 5 stole my little girl's books from the toilets in Morrisons.
Of the weird rodent he likens to a spineless porcupine, Timmins added, ‘Nobody could have predicted this new family.’
Thanks to this spineless Government it's about to become a reality.
The Sun
The SDLP's Mark Durkin denounced one quango as "faceless. toothless and spineless".
Sketch: Quangos scorched as Buck Passing Council goes up in flames
It won't happen with our spineless Government though.
The Sun
He was, she concluded, a spineless individual.
That would require regressing back to the spineless, lovesick blind man he'd been during the relationship.
However, he was only following the precedent set by the spineless grinning 'spiv' Blair who constantly referred to and talked about:
Army Rumour Service
He described career envoys as weak or spineless.
While most reporters these days are generally spineless weenies, I was under the impression that the job of the press is to question, not kiss ass.
Indeed the last two in 2003 and 2007 were such gruellingly tedious one-sided affairs, littered with meaningless "Super" stage matches and spineless collapses by the few teams who could potentially test Australia, that this year's event has to have only three close games to make it seem like a classic by comparison.
Cricket World Cup needs classic moments – not Bryan Adams – to be a hit | Rob Bagchi
Coendou and Sphiggurus are arboreal animals, with long, spineless, prehensile tails and wide foot pads.
Was that spineless blue creature that I spotted by the sea a Tory jellyfish?
Times, Sunday Times
This government is the most spineless, intellectually dishonest, corrupt, incompetent and callous administration this Federation has ever known.
I didn't vote for this spineless, gormless, joyless, clueless Government.
That many in the eighteenth century actively resisted what seemed to them classical cultural imperialism, something supported by contemporaries they considered spineless adulators and imitators, may be less widely understood.
The Labour left and CND would be utterly spineless were that to be so.
After Thatcher
In addition, it is an attractive and spineless cactus, which increases its potential as an ornamental plant; therefore, collection may become a problem in the future.
They have been called aloof, spineless, uncoordinated, strung out, two-faced, and puny—and by some of the most respected scientists in the world.
He is the most spineless politician of his generation.
The Sun
And why has your government been so spineless in not trying to stop it?
Times, Sunday Times
What an utterly spineless individual our unelected leader is.
The Sun
He is the most spineless politician of his generation.
The Sun
In reality they are spineless cowards.
Times, Sunday Times
He is particularly scathing about one member whom he characterises as callous, spineless and non-confrontational to the point of duplicity.
Through cross-breeding, hybridization and grafting, he introduced scores of new plant varieties, including: Shasta daisies; the "plumcot," a cross between the apricot and the plum; and spineless cacti.
Catholic Online > Daily Readings
But now, he was saddled with these spineless ragamuffins, who followed his orders still, but did it with downcast scared eyes and pale faces, people who wouldn't be here if they had anywhere else to go.
For cant, humbug and moral spinelessness, this took some beating.
It splats against your ears like the spineless sea creatures that crawl across its back cover.
The wet Liberals are a pathetic and spineless bunch who are wholly subservient to government discipline and their own ambition in equal measure.
This will teach him a lesson for being such a spineless wimp and show the lady the error of her sick-makingly sentimental ways.
Raised in a tough household by a temperamental father and a spineless mother, Stu showed a genius for all card games at an early age, regularly cleaning the pockets of men his father's age in side games.
In reality they are spineless cowards.
Times, Sunday Times
It was the precursor to the Seventies with their hopeless mismanagement of government and spinelessness towards terrorism.
Of course, upholding the right to be offensive does not mean allowing objectionable views to go unchallenged, on some spineless basis that everybody is entitled to his opinion.
What an utterly spineless individual our unelected leader is.
The Sun
Yet another example of how spineless our Government are.
The Sun
It is time this spineless Government stopped throwing cash at leeches and parasites and looked after those who really need it.
The Sun
Yet it was not utterly spineless.
Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
I was too much of a spineless wuss to go after you.
He is effete, a wimpy and spineless figure.
To tease out the details of the transition, other researchers recently turned to lancelets, vertebrates' closest spineless relatives.
If I'm weak for showing my feelings, then you're weak and spineless for hiding them.
Sure, they have vegetable plates too, if you're weak and spineless.
And why has your government been so spineless in not trying to stop it?
Times, Sunday Times
The word surrender frightens some because it calls to mind losing a battle or spinelessness.
Shortsighted tyrants, spineless power-mongers and heartless thugs vie egomaniacally, dangerously, for power.
We have a spineless Government as well as spineless judges.
The Sun
It's not diets that fail, it's you, you miserable, spineless, sticky-fingered fridge magnet.
Times, Sunday Times
Let's be honest, the government are a bunch of spineless politicians.
Times, Sunday Times
The Labour left and CND would be utterly spineless were that to be so.
After Thatcher
That's comforting - if you're a spineless, codependent imbecile.
It won't happen with our spineless Government though.
The Sun
It went to the bunker, ranting about a conspiracy by animal rights fanatics and admonishing the biologists for spinelessness.
It splats against your ears like the spineless sea creatures that crawl across its back cover.
Progressives have watched in bemusement the past year and half as Reid, reviled as the spineless embodiment of Democratic weakness, has emerged as a liberal champion in opposition to the White House.
Harry Reid, The Man Who Never Says Goodbye
We'll leave it up to France's budding etymologist to decide whether his maneuvering should be labeled "invertebrate" or "spineless.
Europe's Retreat
This President, by his spineless behavior, has turned me from a supporter to an opposer of the Democratic Party.
Al Franken's senate shut down
The lowly Zayante band-winged grasshopper is now listed, along with the Ohlone tiger beetle and 184 other spineless creatures.
FDR was branded as a sick demented dictator, Truman was called a boorish drunk, Kennedy was a spineless commie dupe.
The Chimes at Midnight
She still seemed weak and spineless to me, and she was obviously used to men making all her decisions and even all her excuses for her.
I immediately ruled out those brown-nosers, though; spineless obedience is nice, but I couldn't depend on them to carry out dangerous tasks.
But that was before Obama and the Democratic leadership went from awful to worse; before they got it into their heads that they got "shellacked" because they weren't "bipartisan" abjectly spineless enough and because the policies they were promoting were, believe it or not, too progressive.
Andrew Levine: Needed: A New Nader
Allan is clearly a spineless kind of fellow - a philanthropic friend to the poor but lacking drive and the ability to rise in his profession.
It is time this spineless Government stopped throwing cash at leeches and parasites and looked after those who really need it.
The Sun
The fruits are spineless but with several or many foliaceous scales.
Coral are tiny spineless animals essential in building reefs, one of the planet's oldest and most complex ecosystems.
I don't want to sound pessimistic, but the majority of people living in this age, including myself, could be described as spineless.
Their Second World war was, after all, about ten minutes of spineless froggery
They Can`t Help Themselves You know
Coendou and Sphiggurus are arboreal animals, with long, spineless, prehensile tails and wide foot pads.
Any notion to the contrary is an excuse to be a relativist, vacillating, spineless coward that wants to blame their actions on anything but their conscious ability to make choices.ken. mcloud - my reference to the natural selection process and homosexuality - I was referring to the hypothetical consideration that if all humans at a given point of time, were solely homosexual, the race would cease to exist.
On Same-Sex Couples and Catfish Derbies
These are set off to perfection by the foliage, which is dark green, glossy and almost spineless.
I can but assume that the gutless, snivelling, bottler, the craven coward, the spineless wanker, the same spineless cunny who appointed the wanker Andy Finlay and squillions like him and who holds the office of PM hid under his desk until the nasty man had gone away.
Archive 2008-06-01
There were other defendants such as Ribbentrop, Funk, and Rosenberg who seemed notable principally for their spinelessness; and, as for Streicher and Hess, even their sanity stood in question.
To tease out the details of the transition, other researchers recently turned to lancelets, vertebrates' closest spineless relatives.
Six weeks ago, in the wake of the Democrats' midterm shellacking, many commentators put the Obama presidency on life support; he was weak, spineless, out of touch.
Ari Berman: Is Obama the New Comeback Kid?
Use our Spineless Citations to "spank" the political wimps who aided them by voting for the Kyl-Lieberman Amendment.
Bill Moyer: Nuclear Free Zone Offers A Path to Peace
The Whites were dreadful and utterly spineless during a second-half collapse.
The Sun
Plants with no spines on the leaves and bracts were considered as spineless or nonspiny, according to safflower descriptors.
spineless fins
It remains a lifeless and spineless human creation.
It's a simple matter of fairness and principle, but that would be far too much to expect of an organisation whose disciplinary committee has made a laughing stock of itself this season with various spineless fudges and cop-outs.
Let's be honest, the government are a bunch of spineless politicians.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition to cristate and variegated succulents the book covers all kinds of succulent plant freak growths from chimeras and uncontrolled proliferation to spiral torsion and spinelessness.
Don't think you will get re-elected by voting present spineless commander in chump, Obummie
Will Obama's war become his Vietnam?
Fischer's obsequiousness is not simply, or even primarily, a reflection of his subjective cowardice and political spinelessness.
Yet it was not utterly spineless.
Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
The writer is politically naive if he believes the present Tory regime, or its spineless, pasty-faced opposition, intend to improve matters.
The NHS is ripe for revolution | Ian Birrell
The word surrender frightens some because it calls to mind losing a battle or spinelessness.
The supposed spinelessness and ineptitude of politicians is often one of the few things about which military officers can agree.
Quite how Wales then gave such a spineless, inept and catastrophic performance was baffling.
Times, Sunday Times
Thanks to this spineless Government it's about to become a reality.
The Sun
No, I am spinelessly, gutlessly, violently terrified of flying.
It is, if anything, to arraign them as the spineless cultural conformists so many of them are.