How To Use Spiffy In A Sentence

  • Nate was chosen to go because he had a spiffy new bike.
  • The moment they entered the restaurant in their spiffy new outfits, Evelyn regretted coming here.
  • The sextet devoted way too much ribaldry to speech impediments and Jesus' termagant mum, and the film-making craft, which I'd remembered as spiffy, now looked slack.
  • His bamboo cane held over his shoulder, made him look extra spiffy, as his hair was finally out of those beaded braids, and hung down crimpy.
  • ‘So you look all spiffy today,’ she said noticing his black suit complimented with a burgundy shirt and matching tie.
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  • Brief figuring style, neat and spiffy prints in and fashionable narrow design show your modish feelings.
  • Billy was a junior Ranger, dressed in the dark, blue, gold-stripped spiffy uniform of his outfit.
  • I even have on a spiffy suit thing to completely dress the part.
  • This new hardcover book is quite spiffy, with virtually all of the previously black-and-white photographs and artwork now in glossy full color — much improved over the slightly muddy reproduction of the color sections in the original book. Captain Action: The Original Super-Hero Action Figure (Revised Second Edition) » Comics Worth Reading
  • While I was out there, I store-hopped and picked up a frame and matting supplies in order to spiffy-fy that sketch I was sent the other day -- and now my work area doth verily look swank, which is quite conducive to um ... working. Errand running and herb growing
  • The new trendy short magnums and spiffy projectiles do not in fact compensate for poor marksmanship any more than long barrels necessarily equate to better accuracy.
  • Today my outfit was pretty spiffy if I do say so myself.
  • The white BMW Mr. Liu drives around this humid coastal city in southern China may be real, but the spiffy little black smart phone he carries with him is definitely fake.
  • The payoff is as much for you as it is for your spouse: You'll feel sexier and more attractive when you look spiffy.
  • Like five-pin bowling, lawn bowlers have to wear spiffy flat-soled shoes so they don't trample the one-eighth inch grass too badly.
  • On the demo it just had a sort of rockin’ spiffy snare drum, but then we added cowbells and all this stuff.
  • They look spiffy and serve practical purposes.
  • He was dressed up and spiffy like he was on a date.
  • They all say the same thing, he was a nice guy do any thing for you when to church and was part of the choir. and asst, mgr. here at spiffy tailer and rv court. Think Progress » Obama bumper sticker fuels violent political road rage in Tennessee.
  • Ailey had fully experienced the thrill that ripples through a Broadway theater when a line of spiffy dancers sashays in unison towards the edge of the stage.
  • I'm just reading between the lines, but he looked pretty sprightly and pretty spiffy there, you know, at 91.
  • Working his elbows as if in a hurry, the old party in the jaunty hat and the spiffy bow tie proceeded directly across the sidewalk. LOST BOY LOST GIRL
  • So maybe the cowboy boots do look kind of spiffy after a few licks of silver, purple, yellow and green.
  • The latest electric bike does look quite spiffy, with a mountain bike chassis and a large battery which drops into the downtube from the headstock.
  • He is a trim, nice-looking 72-year-old wearing a tweedy jacket and spiffy tasselled loafers.
  • He also wears this spiffy reddish business-guy suit.
  • I can only imagine how sharp and spiffy those uniforms would be … kinda a cross between Liberace at his best and Michael Jackson … all black leathery/chromy/zippery w/lots ‘n lots of sequins … and sun glasses … mirror aviators … Think Progress » Missouri Lawmaker’s Argument Against Repealing DADT: It Would Be A ‘Cultural Affront’ To Terrorists
  • The original personnel manager is long gone, and it's now a rather spiffy young woman who congratulates him on becoming the treasurer and then later vice president.
  • Being one of my company's IT representatives, it would have been my unsavory duty to tell Elizabeth that her spiffy new phone was not permitted on company premises.
  • Shawn sauntered into the kitchen from the front door, carrying his guitar case again and looking spiffy in dark blue jeans and a white button down shirt.
  • I always grow concerned when news networks break out their extra spiffy graphics during War Game time: showing Navy snipers shooting faceless bad guys, troop deployments in a "theoretic" ground invasion of Somalia, etc. Allison Kilkenny: Blowback Amnesia
  • In 1987 Henry Cooper literally sailed into retirement on a spiffy, 50-foot ketch that he called the Palmyra.
  • April 7th, 2010 at 4: 41 pm barfly says: spiffypants says: Think Progress » The New ‘Death Panels’: Gingrich Says GOP Should Campaign Against Nonexistent IRS ‘Health Gestapo’
  • They also raved about the spiffy appearance and the virtually indestructible treads.
  • ‘You look spiffy tonight, Matt,’ I teased him as he ignored Madison's request to wait and joined us in the bathroom.
  • There was live music at a nice (low) volume, polite inobtrusive wait-staff in spiffy uniforms, everything was perfect including the decor. You know you live or you've lived in Mexico when........
  • The latter were suspicious at first, but eventually, the mentor positions (with spiffy shirts and caps) came to be seen as prestigious.
  • The newspaper's office, a few kilometres away, is far from spiffy, even as it bristles with strategy ideas.
  • He glanced down the hall and spotted Lena talking to Izzy, who was also adorned, in a spiffy outfit.
  • Nothing beats that new console smell, except actually using that spiffy new console to enact some serious pwnage.
  • The shop has the occasional spiffy tie, and a decent shirt from time to time.
  • Ming has moved into a spiffy apartment with his fiancée who is a writer, working on a novel whose leading character suffers from multiple-personality disorder.
  • jesse smith - a mendicant is a beggar. the buddhist may be a special case in that he does it silently and has a spiffy name for goodwill, but he is doing the same thing. Give It Up: The Best Gift is Nothing at All
  • His design is pretty spiffy, though, even if his powers and fatigues remind me of the ever-gawdawful Gauntlet over in Avengers: Initiative. Justice Society of America #12 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • So maybe the cowboy boots do look kind of spiffy after a few licks of silver, purple, yellow and green.

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