How To Use Spherule In A Sentence
Collagenous hyaline deposition was variable, and collagenous spherules could be seen.
These large spherules with a thick wall and filled with endospores are characteristic for Coccidioides immitis. " Cocci " is endemic to the desert southwest of the U.
At the Lower East Fork locality nontronite was observed as brownish-black spherules, 0.6 mm in diameter, perched on microcrystals of quartz associated with calcite rhombohedra.
Biopsy of the lobulated mass revealed chronic inflammation and many spherules consistent with coccidioides immitis.
In this specimen, limonite (an iron oxide) contributes to the bright central arc, while fine spherules of hematite (another iron oxide) suffuse the quartz with a purplish hue.

The impact record would be preserved in spherules - microscopic glass beads formed when droplets of molten basalt splashed out of a crater.
We disagree that charred fungal sclerotia ... have the same morphology" as certain carbonaceous spherules, paleoceanographer James Kennett writes in an e-mail.
They indicate there was an extra-terrestrial event on Earth 12,900 years ago .." impact material such as iridium and magnetic microspherules - as well as an NY Times report.
Slugger O'Toole
Scientists last year reported the discovery of five types of nano-diamonds along with impact material such as iridium and magnetic microspherules in the Younger Dryas impact layer,
The Unreasonable Man
At one site at El Penon, the researchers found 52 species present in sediments below the impact spherule layer, and counted all 52 still present in layers above the molten droplets or spherules.
Dinosaur Extinction Occured 300,000 Years After Asteroid Impact | Impact Lab
When the expelled tubules elongate, the inner epithelium is disrupted and the contents of the epithelial cell spherules are released.
The species are dimorphic, living as hyphal saprobes in the desert soil or as unicellular pathogens that convert into multicellular sporulating spherules in the mammalian host.
Or lobes, Vincent noticed, slightly larger and more spherule than earlobes, but hanging nonetheless from the scruff of his neck, from the woolly underside of his chin, and most prominently below the left eye, where a single bulbous teardrop of flesh dangled against the slope of his cheek.
Heaven Lake
If you find so much as a pre-biotic spherule, a pseudo-membranous configuration, even a viroid aggregate, the show's off.
Scott's team says it found a good match between carbonaceous spherules from 12,900 years ago and so-called fungal sclerotia (see figure).
Collagenous hyaline deposition was variable, and collagenous spherules could be seen.
The spherules were previously interpreted as microfossils (Vallenia sp.) because of their spheroidal shapes and inclusions of carbonaceous matter.
Additional, set on shoe on the spherule of posse shagginess also is very modern dress up oh.
Some of the volcanic lava erupted as fiery fountains, forming heaps of glass spherules.
The smear revealed numerous spherules admixed with acute inflammatory cells.
The spherules in South Greenland are the first distal impact ejecta recognized in mid-Precambrian strata.
Here is a spherule which is producing it in an elastic solid.
The Wave Theory of Light
Scott's team says it found a good match between carbonaceous spherules from 12,900 years ago and so-called fungal sclerotia (see figure).
No myospherules were found within the renal parenchyma or the adipose tissue.
Although type 1 Mg-smectite may be derived from tektitcs, or volcanic glass, there is strong evidence that the smectite spherules are of tektite origin.
At a conference, Grossman heard a presenter claim that the spherules could not have formed from the plume of vaporized rock.
Conversation with him reduced the world from a sphere to a spherule.
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The researchers believe that the spherules formed as the plume of vaporized rock cooled, condensing as liquefied droplets.
Gravid the kidney spherule filtration of kidney of the 30th week of transplanting is led but provisionality drops, 40% pregnant woman have albuminuria, but the majority after childbirth can disappear.
Within the dermis were multiple aggregates of faintly basophilic spherules.
Andrew Scott of Royal Holloway, University of London in Egham, United Kingdom, and colleagues used four kinds of microscopy to take a closer look at the odd debris, known as carbonaceous spherules.
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