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How To Use Spew In A Sentence

  • This list of talking points that Rush told you to spew is old and cliched and so stupid it is an embarassment to have to address this moronity AGAIN. Think Progress » Indiana’s ‘sovereign citizens’ renounce their U.S. citizenship, claim to secede from the Union.
  • We would also be spewing far more carbon into the atmosphere. Times, Sunday Times
  • It constantly spews toxic chemicals into the air here, and the residents I work with suffer from headaches, nosebleeds and respiratory problems.
  • The Philippines’ most active volcano erupted again Monday, spewing ash and molten lava into the air, prompting volcanologists to warn of more violent eruptions in coming days.
  • The model spews out implications that are demonstrably falsifiable given an appropriate dataset; i.e., if one can lay one's hand on a dataset, then the model's predictions can be verified as either true or false.
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  • Woodrow and Aiden Tyler Dawson are childhood friends whose aimlessness in day-to-day life is matched only by their passion for building flame-spewing machinery to "prepare for the apocalypse. Farihah Zaman: SXSW 2011 Dispatch Two: Coming of Age to a Theater Near You
  • Especially as the oil was spewing out from a reservoir 18,000 feet below the surface. The Sun
  • The source of the trouble lies to the north, where it spews its venom throughout the Great Kingdom, breeding dissension as rotten meat breeds maggots.
  • Greed is one of the primary factors that induces corporations to, say, spew chemicals into our air and water.
  • As she watched him stalking around the little house, red with rage, body taut as a watch spring with appressed aggression and his mouth constantly spewing Obscenities, she pictured him in his coffin. Two women
  • The sound of emergency announcements spewing from car radios left blaring as the drivers abandoned their vehicles in terror. The Sun
  • The curved scar of the rift followed the island's contour, spewing sulfurous gases. MINUTES TO BURN
  • As I sat there, the china spewed forth from the open door and cascaded down the ready-made ramp into my lap.
  • The eruption is also spewing invisible sulphur dioxide gas, which is notorious for causing respiratory problems, smog and acid rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • That acid-spewing, multiheaded, indestructible thing was aboard Ripley's spacecraft -- and another beastie is hatching in Ripley's gut. Saint Ripley And The Dragon
  • Poker Forums Poker Discussion Supertuesday close spot: Is this a correct shove or is it spewy? PocketFives
  • Badly scripted, obvious rhetoric is spewed from a platform of speakers.
  • Respected magazines all over Europe have used on their cover pages menacing images of fiery dragons spewing banknotes or contemporary Maos with imperialistic designs on the continent.
  • In its latest dev diary, Raven Software discusses the settings for conflicts that shaped our little feral boy into the 'bub'-spewing man of today. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • About 27 million years ago, in what is now the southeastern corner of Arizona, a volcano spewed out vast amounts of hot ash and pumice that fused into a 2,000-foot layer of rock known as rhyolitic tuff.
  • Who has time to read, never mind cope with, the mountain of red tape that spews out of Brussels: employment legislation, working time directives, discrimination laws, VAT rules, etc?
  • And while the EPA says treatment plants must dechlorinate before spewing out treated wastewater, that effluent is not pure. Chlorine Treatment Seen as Risky
  • An ugly-looking industrial plant was coming up with gigantic chimneys spewing black smoke into the sky.
  • This image, captured by NASA's MODIS satellite sensor on February 23, shows the shelf mid-disintegration, spewing a cloud of icebergs adrift in the Weddell Sea.
  • The eruption is also spewing invisible sulphur dioxide gas, which is notorious for causing respiratory problems, smog and acid rain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Joey stared at it absently, taking an exaggerated interest in the papers spewing out.
  • Phone books carry instructions on what to do if an attack or accident spews chemicals or radioactivity into the air.
  • … resounding silence …. same old crap, first from film makers who want us to believe that a female in heels is a good idea as token fuck-pot./superhero. and then from the spewdo-intellectual wankers who cover the bullshit with their ersatz gravitas. The Moral Exemplars of Watchmen | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Ashley and Rick watch on as the foam spews forth from the measuring cylinder as a result of the chemical reaction.
  • Soon you shall hear and feel the belly of this planet roar, hiccup belch and spew.
  • I mean honestly I don't have any problem with Jews, but I do have a problem with the ignorance of those who comfort themselves with the propaganda spewed out by the Israeli government and then expurge this same propaganda onto those of us who aren't so easily brainwashed. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • Fred is up in the john spewing like mad.
  • After landing, I looked in the burner can and found oil spewed all over the inside.
  • My ugly twin is laughing that people who have not filed tax for years (avoiding repayment of HECS) will be spewy and resentful Single gal seeks stimulation
  • I am sure it was a hate spewing event with Sarah Palin cheerleading the event. Palin gives 'stirring' gun rights speech at NRA dinner, says group
  • Blowholes spew foam, magicking instant tiny rainbows. Times, Sunday Times
  • The silly side of me pictures a rabid white foam spewing forth when I speak. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • Viola was a small, sinewy, speedy hurricane, spewing surprises with every contraction.
  • Steel blue hulks of demolished tanks spew tongues of yellow-orange fire which lean and drift in the steady wind.
  • My ugly twin is laughing that people who have not filed tax for years (avoiding repayment of HECS) will be spewy and resentful Single gal seeks stimulation
  • The creature roared in agony, thrashing about and spewing gouts of blood, until it lay quivering in a pool of its own gore.
  • I kind of yearn for the days where I was completely anonymous and could spew forth brain dumps without repercussion, but recent times have taught me that if I Write It About Them, They Will Find It. Blog: Fur and Foibles
  • In the surrounding countryside, at least a dozen cows and sheep lay dead, covered by the silty grey material that began spewing on August 4 from the crater, obscured from view by a shroud of dark clouds.
  • Any argument about its fate that digresses from this fact threatens to dissolve into the putrid river of disingenuous excuses the administration keeps spewing forth to drown the truth.
  • After a few false attempts, the engine coughs back to life, spewing black diesel smoke.
  • This has helped to ease some of the political pressure, but attention has now returned to the oil still spewing into the sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • The angry walker spewed his charges at a garbage can.
  • Good to see that the IQ level of the American public is on the rise and this buzzword-spewing know-nothing is falling out of popularity. Think Progress » Palin bars media from two upcoming Florida events.
  • What the coal industry uses the term clean coal to mean anything that is built post-1970, regardless of the fact that it's spewing out large amounts of carbon dioxide. CNN Transcript Mar 4, 2009
  • One side of the main crater spews out sulfurous gases and many people quarry sulfur there for sale.
  • But yeah, saying that Gina is spewing "BS" could be considered a little less than civil, pettiblay. Win 7 Vs Mac OS X Leopard: Feature-by-Feature Showdown | Lifehacker Australia
  • A critical mass of research reveals that genetically engineered crops, now covering almost 40% of U.S. cropland (173 million acres of GM crops) and 10% of global farm acreage (321 million acres), pollute the environment, kill essential soil micro-organisms, generate superweeds and pests, decrease biodiversity, aid and abet seed monopolization, encourage massive use of toxic pesticides and chemical fertilizer, spew out massive amounts of climate-destabilizing greenhouse gases, and seriously damage animal and human health. Ronnie Cummins: Industrial Agriculture and Human Survival: The Road Beyond 10/10/10
  • This breeze reeked of the incense cast upon the brazier of such sulfurous content to seem as though spewed from the bowels of perdition.
  • Groups like these use the Internet to spew racial hatred.
  • Its main geographical features are three low hills formed from superheated mud that spews periodically from the earth's bowels.
  • Her gob was certainly open, but there was just noise spewing forth. The Sun
  • In other words, what interests them are not explosive climaxes, where phrases erupt and spew forth Vesuvius-like, but something more quiescent, thoughtful and indeed, implosive.
  • At one point in the third quarter, as the Sonics were bringing the ball downcourt on offense, he took his mouthpiece out as he crossed half court so he could start spewing smack at Collins the rest of the way.
  • Siberian volcanoes spent 900,000 years spewing enough carbon into the atmosphere to raise Earth's temparature six degrees.
  • Unlike in other cases, I've read about, my iPod continued to spew smoke and spit sparks while throwing out some kind of sooty substance from the inside of the iPod for several minutes after removing the cable from the computer. IPod Nano Explodes While Charging - The Consumerist
  • Heading straight into the sun the bow of the ship raises its fist for another attack on a relentless swell and angry salt spray spews into the air only to fall back into the collective pit of unchallenged hyaline.
  • Mercury is spewed into the air from coal-burning plants and facilities that incinerate medical waste.
  • What lives 1, 800-feet underwater, spews molton rock and sounds like a tractor trailer?
  • One of the externalities of the sacrifices made by our soldiers is the provision of liberty to academics so they can spew nonsense. The Draft: Who Pays the Price?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Factory chimneys spewed fumes out into the sky.
  • One boat owner who did not take care of a fuel tank leak and was spewing fuel out with his bilge water was turned in by passing boaters who saw a long oil slick coming from his boat.
  • The mud then spews under the Gapstow Bridge to become a muddy slough that inundates a good part of The Pond, leaving the rest of The Pond aswirl with oil slicks, sludge, and Dixie cups.
  • Last spring I struggled to find ways to combat the negativity that was spewing forth from certain politicians via mainstream media.
  • Brown water spewed from the tap.
  • The volcano also spewed out hundreds of feet of ash as far as Kansas and Oklahoma and hardened into a honeycombed rock form called tuff. The Full Feed from
  • I guarantee as this thread plays out it will be salted with philippics from rabid Palin lovers bemoaning "all the hate" being spewed by loathsome Liberals because they are so "scared" of her. Palin attorney warns media over 'defamatory' charges
  • Few recent films escape the upchuck, which begins quite literally with an Exorcist reprise, with Linda Blair, in this case Megan Voorhees, spewing pea soup at a couple of priests.
  • This is what happens when HATE, LIES, AND RACISM is spewed nonstop from the repugs and their sidekicks. Think Progress » Scott Brown Yawns At Plane Attack On IRS Building: ‘No One Likes Paying Taxes’
  • The hot gas pours out of this hole, spewing energy and superheated particles into the halo and sometimes beyond, into intergalactic space.
  • Many outfits that op erate supposedly legiti mate spam services rely on botnets; without them, spewing so much spam would be nearly impossible. Escalating Spam Wars Take Their Toll
  • It was out of sheer fear he wouldn't be able to stop himself from spewing out something nasty, thinly veiled as a compliment.
  • Sure, we need everything Brown wants, but I don't know how we can get there in a system so adept at hiding the real costs and spewing Orwellian newspeak whenever a voice of reason speaks out.
  • If my sump pump spewed sewage through my neighbor's basement window, it might be argued with some justification that I should cover her Rug Doctor rental.
  • I will be the one sitting in support of trooper mosser, his wife and their children ... and I feel lucky to have them working in this area .. you are a big man here spewing hatered without knowing one real fact ..
  • With Rossi, we not only lose the bacon but we know he'd spend what he can get in all the wrong climate spewing, sprawl inducing and traffic congesting ways of the past. Reacting to Rossi « PubliCola
  • Immediately, I launched into a gory tale of battle, exaggerating the blood spewing everywhere.
  • She doesn't want anyone else to be hurt, damaged or in despair because of vile comments spewing from the phones and computers of trolls. The Sun
  • The process was probably kicked off by greater vulcanism (the siberian traps) spewing CO2 into the atmosphere. 2009 December 17 | Serendipity
  • The current attempt required a giant pair of robotic shears to cut the spewing pipeline so that a containment cap could be fitted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Punctured breathing units spewed methane and blossomed into flame.
  • the volcano spews out molten rocks every day
  • Blood, flat like a sheet of paper, spewed from the split shoulder and the famous swordsman fell to the ground, his broken sword as dead as he.
  • These are often pollution-spewing coal- and oil-fired plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each year, medical waste incinerators in the United States spew 16 tons of mercury into the air.
  • Spanish bullfighter Manuel Jesus Cid "El Cid" gestures to the crowd as a bull spews blood from its mouth and nose during the seventh bullfight of the San Fermin festival in Pamplona July 13, 2010.
  • They began some 190,000 years ago when a major volcano blew its top, spewing molten lava into nearby dry river beds.
  • The explosion spewed ash and golf ball-sized fireballs into the air.
  • No other civil rights movement would allow a hate monger to spew their viciousness on their own show on national television.
  • In studies with a microscope, Forbes had shown that hydroid jellyfish known as naked-eyed medusae reproduce not only by spewing eggs, but also by asexual budding, which he found marvelous to behold.
  • It'suddenly spewed out a thick green concoction.
  • People need to WAKE UP and smell the decaying spores that spew from the news commentators. 'Quit spending,' Pawlenty tells Obama
  • Flames spewed from the aircraft's engine.
  • It was so thick that you could stick a pin needle into the ground and oil would come spewing out of the ground.
  • It has been spewing oil for more than five weeks and is the worst oil spill in American history. Times, Sunday Times
  • …. how would spindee spew her lies without her gum … the gum is her "blanky" … Blogger News Network
  • The spew in my hair, my top missing, this alien bathroom with its funny shower tiles, a kind of washed out blue with sea plants and animals inserted what seemed like randomly in between.
  • You are just spewing the stupid you were brainwashed with and havent the foggiest idea what you are talking about Think Progress » Woman Who Was Denied Insurance Due To Pre-Existing Condition Looking To Get Married For Health Care
  • Huge oil tanks were ruptured by the force of the waves and they spewed their contents into the streets and into a fresh water lake used by Barrow for water ’.
  • Factory chimneys spewed fumes out into the sky.
  • And it would be good for ratings to take a dump when that dirtbag is allowed to spew his lies. Think Progress » Christian leaders urge Congress to ignore misinformation on abortion provisions and pass health reform.
  • The center of the platform began to open like an iris and a geyser of flame spewed forth, engulfing its first breath of air.
  • How long has it been since you've hollered for that rickety three wheel convertible drive that spewed no smoke and burnt no holes in the pocket?
  • The only incoherence is being spewed from your keyboard, as AIG & Lehman were HUGE MORTGAGE COMPANIES ... Your Right Hand Thief
  • The silly side of me pictures a rabid white foam spewing forth when I speak. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • One fighter spewed a thick cloud of smoke and was the first to attempt a landing as the others made their approach in a two-by-two pattern.
  • Rev. Wright is on tape spewing some pretty vile anti-American stuff from the pulpit, yet Klein accuses Davis of being the one "spreading the poison" for having the temerity to question whether it was appropriate for Barack Obama to sit silent in the pews of Trinity United for 20 years. Lanny Spreads 'The Poison' - Real Clear Politics –
  • It's a process that, like others, relies heavily on long-term extractive processes (metals mining), and spews effluent that's expensive to clean up and that companies bargain heavily to get environmental exceptions on. Newark wasn't available (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The volcano spewed a fountain of molten rock 650 feet in the air.
  • Around 4,000 barrels a day are still spewing into the sea, despite an attempted fix using a tube to funnel oil to the surface. The Sun
  • That most of the Hill's leading Republican voices, and their bastions of the airways, Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity, spew distortions and mendacities by the hour is the constant banter of this publication, the Jon Stewart show, and Stephen Colbert's Fox-mockery. Brian Ross: The Steep Distortion Curve of Republican Populism
  • We watch them chew and spill a bitter spew of chlorophyll.
  • Back in the early days of this site, in the doldrum and delirium of 2002, it seemed there was very little at stake, and I could spew forth regardless of consequence. Pears and bananas
  • Jessica stopped after only about fifty yards when the engine began to spew dark smoke.
  • Tall chimneys spew out long fingers of white smoke, the smell of dinner pervading the night air.
  • A lava spout spewed from the relics and threw the androids back.
  • We heard Palin spew hate, lies and fear during the 2008 campaign. Palin, Bachmann rally conservatives
  • If economic growth continues, there are bound to be more cars spewing bad air.
  • The latest, about twenty-somethings in the 70s and now, is just as uninformative and nebulous as every other piece of generation-related newsprint spewed out since the dawn of time.
  • He wouldn't have to listen to the "prattle" (ie, intelligent discussion which doesn't happen to agree with the pure B.S. Armey himself was spewing on the show) because ... why not, exactly? Steve Kettmann: Has Dick Armey Apologized Yet for Being a Pig to Joan Walsh?
  • I shall never upgrade, you misanthropic bile spewing pedantical tosser! It’s No Name-Calling Week, mofos! « raincoaster
  • Pontificating like a park bench Freud I spewed that all these people represent our parents, those original "Idols" of ours, who eventfully became human to us and have disappointed us in their mortality. Melody Breyer-Grell: Please Don't Feed the Narcissist: The Fantasia Barrino Follies
  • The volcano spewed a giant cloud of ash, dust and gases into the air.
  • He carries on with his illogical druggy spew, obviously telling a tragic story by the look on his face.
  • Fuels spewed for six days from the crippled vessel before it went down today.
  • Visa officials should have the immediate power to deny entry to all those who spew hatred of America or who belong to organizations that express enmity to the United States.
  • Everywhere, the ‘authoritative’ spew forth: talking heads, hired to impart wisdom, partial often in impartial guise, complicit in the consumer con-game we call society, where the mediocre is hailed as great! 2009 February 14 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Paper came spewing from the computer printer.
  • And I could almost get through a whole pint of the black stuff without spewing.
  • A tiny worm, just 376 bytes in size, almost brought the Internet to its knees this weekend as it spewed out huge packets of random data.
  • `It threw aside oil and seawater, and spewed men in black oilskins. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • I watched in September 2005 as they sought to maximize news impact by waiting for hours until live TV cameras were rolling before staging a pronuclear rally in front of the British Embassy.89 Ready-for-camera vitriol was spewed; U.S., British, and Israeli flags were burned; some of the hundreds of protesters gathered buckets full of stones. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • An oil tanker spewed its cargo into the sea.
  • Take the drinking slowly, this doesn't mean you have to be the only sober person, it just means you won't be left behind spewing in the garden after all your friends leave for town.
  • The robot spun in midair its front left flank pierced and spewing oil. 365 tomorrows » 2010 » April : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • We would also be spewing far more carbon into the atmosphere. Times, Sunday Times
  • You're having to answer for the vomitous lies you've been spewing for the last 10 years.
  • Sweltering mist of changing shades slithered through the funnels and fissures of the ship, constantly spewing out balls of effusive film containing radioactive particles and radiant flares.
  • We watch them chew and spill a bitter spew of chlorophyll.
  • Around 4,000 barrels a day are still spewing into the sea, despite an attempted fix using a tube to funnel oil to the surface. The Sun
  • The volcano spewed a giant cloud of ash, dust and gases into the air.
  • Kia paused to take a deep breath and then spewed out a long list of swear words and curses (which I would get sued for writing down).
  • The current attempt required a giant pair of robotic shears to cut the spewing pipeline so that a containment cap could be fitted. Times, Sunday Times
  • That hydrant spewed a tidal wave of water all over the avenue. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • Oil and smoke spewed from the engine compartment.
  • This is the same Country First guy we heard with that huss from Alaska spew nonsense. McCain says he's no 'maverick'
  • A North Vancouver company that manufactures state-of-the-art oil spill cleanup equipment is sending two containers to Iraq to help mop up oil spewing from burning oil wells.
  • it suddenly spewed out a thick green concoction
  • PQE aside, I wanted to join because I wanted to be in the Army and being a Solicitor was a skill I could bring to the table, but as usual the applicant's who spewed the most rubbish onto their CV's got the interview! the fact that none of them can do what they claim is not the point the fact that they can BS is what counts. Army Rumour Service
  • In 2006 Granholm got some experience debating a person (Dick DeVos) who garbles sentences and spewing right wing talking points, so she will be a good coach in this regard. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • She doesn't want anyone else to be hurt, damaged or in despair because of vile comments spewing from the phones and computers of trolls. The Sun
  • So what's next for Al, a role where he's just a deafening Tasmanian Devil-like tornado, spewing hoo-ha's and drops of midnight hair tonic?
  • The sulfurous gases spewed into the atmosphere by Tambora formed aerosol droplets that reflected the sun's rays before they reached the ground.
  • At first, America focused its anger and military might on the willowy figure spewing out uncompromising messages of hatred. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rapid formation of bubbles is also why a carbonated beverage spews when opened after having been shaken.
  • Millions of tonnes are spewed out of vehicle exhausts and power station smokestacks every year, as well as being released from the soil when fields are ploughed.
  • She hit with a thud and water spewed from her mouth as her body convulsed, racked with coughing. Healing the Highlander
  • Jumping on the back of an unsuspecting victim, she cut off its head, unheeding the blood spewing onto her.
  • However the Palin haters of the Democrat party will just spew their nonsensical hate towards her when they read this article with the typical democrat name calling. Cafferty: Are you interested in Palin's views on health care reform?
  • Water will pour, fire will belch, and blood will spew in quantities guaranteed to make common measurements (like gallons or liters) inadequate by several orders of magnitude.
  • This should be followed by banning power stations, which spew out fumes and greenhouse gases.
  • The explosion spewed ash and golf ball-sized fireballs into the air.
  • In most cases someone spewing the delusional, grandiose and revenge-fueled pushback of what can only be called a cornered man would be talking this way to the Starbucks barista, the clerk at CVS, the ER nurse or the last person on his cell phone list of favorites who will take his calls. The Full Feed from
  • The activity is marred by the inexplicable appearance of treasure chests that spew inane facts.
  • As a result, Io spews out vast quantities of sulfurous material onto its surface, enough to cover Greater London to a depth of 500 km every year.
  • The sound of emergency announcements spewing from car radios left blaring as the drivers abandoned their vehicles in terror. The Sun
  • Two pulp mills spew chemicals into the river that is the only source of the city's water.
  • Around 4,000 barrels a day are still spewing into the sea, despite an attempted fix using a tube to funnel oil to the surface. The Sun
  • Looking overhead, he watched as two more massive explosions spewed black smoke and metallic debris onto rooftops and houses below.
  • That upsets some anti-nuclear activists, who claim that a rocket explosion could spew cancer-causing radioactivity into the atmosphere.
  • So then because thou art lukewarm ad neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth.
  • By now, the helicopter had begun to spew smoke, not able to withstand as a shield for much longer.
  • A painting exhibition titled "Gradation" and the obscurely organized "Points of View" are less inspiring, and the delicate, thoughtful, though somewhat anachronistic works in the Cuban exhibition "Serendipity" was gobbled up by the sensory overload of its neighboring exhibitions, especially the roaring techno music spewing over from next door's addendum to "California Dreamin '," a coma-inducing cavernous video room that could enwrap a viewer for hours. Marina Cashdan: The Promised Land? Will Portugal Arte 10 Become a Fixture on the Art World Calendar?
  • No gushers, no oil spewing down like black rain from creaky wooden derricks.
  • The sound of emergency announcements spewing from car radios left blaring as the drivers abandoned their vehicles in terror. The Sun
  • Blood spurted out of her unprotected neck and spewed all over the floor.
  • And by "hydrothermal vents," Amara is referring to ginormous magma chimneys that belch smoke from the bowels of the earth, forming lead-melting plumes of boiling black firewater at the ocean floor, which hordes of see-thru shrimp teem around, fearlessly basking in chemical-rich spew. Boing Boing: January 16, 2005 - January 22, 2005 Archives
  • Luminara was not alone in taking a couple of surprised steps backward as a veritable deluge of noisy, jabbering, furry bipeds spewed from the concealed crawlway. The Cat is a Metaphor
  • Oh, and there's the scene where the puppet spews a ridiculous amount of puke all over himself.
  • Afterwards I went to sup with Manon Baletti, who was too happy to have had an opportunity of spewing her affection for me; and her joy was full when I told her that I was going to give up business, for she thought that my seraglio was the only obstacle to my marriage with her. The Complete Memoirs of Jacques Casanova
  • If you are a true Democrat, please consider what you are saying and help unite the Democratic party instead of spewing such negativeness. Ferraro suggests she may not vote for Obama
  • A carbon-arc spark ignited the air / fuel mixture and spewed it into a tongue of vicious yellow flame 50 feet long.
  • You feel you have to cough, and you spew the liquid all over the counter and sink.
  • Most energy quickly collapses into a black hole, but some spews out in a flood of super hot neutrons and atomic nuclei.
  • Why I was rambling a spew of unintelligible garble, I had not a clue.
  • Well said, you classful, non-hillbilly, spewer of silent words! Carville: If Hillary Loses Either Texas Or Ohio, "This Thing Is Done"
  • We were almost at a forty five degree angle to the road, side-slipping our way up behind an old diesel spewing Russian moto grader, that chugged along leveling piles of sand and dirt. CUBA: FIVE DAYS ON THE CHEAP, FREE CELL, FREE GUARD DOG, FREE GUARD
  • This is exactly why those who run around spewing the garbage of how bad the MMR vaccine is should be called aout and embarrassed in the public square. Democratic Underground Latest Breaking News
  • Jets spewing from the comet's nucleus contain cyanogen (CN: a poisonous gas found in many comets) and diatomic carbon (C2). Green Comet Approaches Earth
  • Watch out for spewing vile from the mushrooms who the liberal 'eletists' cultivate so well. Poll shows tight race for 2012 GOP nomination
  • A one-dimensional and predictable song structure spewed rock clichés at me with teenage nonchalance and abandon.
  • A host of carcinogens spew forth, along with poisons, mutagens, and mind-altering drugs.
  • An extinct military volcano, no longer spewing out khaki lava. Times, Sunday Times
  • She chomped on the cigar, and seething, she inhaled sharply and spewed a jet-stream of carcinogenic smoke into the acrid atmosphere between them.
  • Once it was clear that games fell into the purview of electronics, and electronics are for boyz, the demographic was established, and the ad industry was off to the races — spewing purely male, chauvinist, exploitive material down our throats for the next 20 years. Women Audiences, Women Characters
  • This has helped to ease some of the political pressure, but attention has now returned to the oil still spewing into the sea. Times, Sunday Times

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