
[ US /ˈspidɝ/ ]
[ UK /spˈiːdɐ/ ]
  1. a driver who exceeds the safe speed limit
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How To Use speeder In A Sentence

  • These ‘speeders’ were the next generation of vehicles after the manually-operated handcars and come in all shapes and sizes.
  • The police use high-tech radar drones to catch speeders.
  • I prefer manual gearboxes, and this five-speeder is well matched to the 2.0-litre four-cylinder engine's characteristics.
  • Steve: The next mile the speeder drives at high speed is a different crime that an officer might, or might not, observe and acton. The Volokh Conspiracy » Crime-Facilitating Speech and Reporting Police Movements
  • Wider cards were introduced, lappers installed, geared speeders adopted, and ring spinning substituted for throstle frames.
  • • Despite official promises that higher limits would be more strictly enforced, we're getting more leeway from the police, who all but ignore speeders 10 to 15 mph over the limit. USATODAY.com - Speeders outgun new limits
  • Compulsory fitting of the alerting system was deemed acceptable, but only for new vehicles or recidivist speeders.
  • The student is the speeder's mathematically inclined defense lawyer.
  • A Dish of Poached Eggs. Have ready a kettle of boiling water, pour it in a pan or speeder, which is set on coals; have the eggs at hand; put a little salt in the water, and break them in, one at a time, till you get all in; let them remain till the white is set, and take them out with an egg-spoon, and put on a dish that has buttered toast on it. Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers
  • This much can be said in favor of the cameras: In some cases, they have been used to convict speeders, other traffic law offenders, and litterbugs.
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