How To Use Speechless In A Sentence
In chantries unrehearsed we'd wow the votarists and serenade the friary to panting ecstasies while summoned to kingly chambers we branked the troubadours, turning the sovereign mind to heaven, the courtiers left speechless with neglect...
Strange Bedfellows
The shock of the discovery rendered him speechless.
Alex was almost speechless with rage and despair.
It left us both joyful and speechless, happy to be home again but sad that this great trip was over.
The news left us all speechless.
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I did appreciate the 50-year-old unicyclist who drew an unamused Howie Mandel into his act and rendered him momentarily speechless.
Matt's TV Week in Review
She stared hard at the blonde, and fumbled for words, but was speechless.
He was struggling to read a funny e-mail, but it rendered him speechless, so he segued into the next song without introduction.
Lena simply stared at him across the table, open-mouthed, speechless, to say the least.
Carl heard these words from far away and though they conferred on him a feeling of complete despair they roused him briefly from his speechless stupor.
I. ii.188 (19,2) [There is a prone and speechless dialect] I can scarcely tell what signification to give to the word _prone_.
Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
Jerwon and Tania, still a little speechless, paused in silent contemplation before following them.
The four friends sat in the room for some time, speechless with grief.
She had so lost her breath that she was almost speechless.
Emily Fox-Seton
I am speechless, words to describe it escape me.
In June, 1999, a stroke turned his active 78-year-old mother speechless and paralyzed.
Speechless and inarticulate, they are bound together forever in their sense of loss and love for a young woman, whom they never really knew nor understood.
The Chief was left speechless by this fatuous remark.
indeed, in its orotund grandiosity, its declamatory incoherence, its choliambic grandeur, and its unedited seediness, it threatens to leave me fixed here in speechlessness, gaping.
Making Light: Rowling's being sued for plagiarism again
He was taken to hospital critically ill with severe head injuries - leaving girlfriend Donna Lorenz, 23, speechless.
I feel woefully inadequate to even review their programme because they left me speechless and with only the ability to utter superlatives.
speechless with shock
When any of these things occur, the body immediately shivers, the person becoming speechless cannot draw his breath, but the breath (pneuma) stops, the brain is contracted, the blood stands still, and thus the excretion and defluxion of the phlegm take place.
On The Sacred Disease
He was almost speechless with anger.
It leaves you absolutely speechless, wondering if you really watched it or it was some kind of daydream that your sick mind came up with?
Yeti: A Love Story (2006)
He was rendered almost speechless by the news.
Even the normally unflappable Health Squad team were almost speechless when they discovered that Una's diet consists of coffee and a fag for breakfast and a takeaway for dinner!
I was speechless, my mouth opening and closing spasmodically.
There was something about her calm, cool demeanour and the way her words sounded like they had been rehearsed and perfected which rendered Jack speechless.
The intense beauty of this mosque can leave you speechless, the play of light on the glazed and unglazed tiles is stunning.
Abashed, I stared at him speechless, trying to form words.
When she did, she was almost speechless.
Times, Sunday Times
He stood up soundlessly and speechlessly and glided across the hallway and through a door.
Most people are speechless and uncomprehending, stunned by the violence that stabbed into their lives so suddenly.
For once in his lifetime, it seemed as if my father, a man who always had to get the last word in, was completely and utterly speechless.
Jeremy continued to stare at the bodiless voice, speechless in the face of dozens of questions he wanted to ask it.
However, there is an instant when a digital watch is speechless.
At the top, he was so out of breath he was almost speechless.
Times, Sunday Times
However, there is an instant when a digital watch is speechless.
With the arena thus sanctified, we embarked on a roller-coaster ride through a Gaga theme park, with her ubiquitous hits "Telephone" and "Poker Face" along with songs from her upcoming "Born This Way" album, including the title tune and a ruminative piano interlude, "Speechless.
A pyrotechnic bikini? Lady Gaga gives D.C.'s 'little monsters' what they want.
Neat little undergarments, white little frocks, a something that the miner felt by instinct was a "nightie," and two pairs of the smallest of stockings rewarded the overhauling of the package, and left Jim momentarily speechless.
Bruvver Jim's Baby
He was almost speechless with anger.
Glowing, and circumfused in speechless love -- [mt] [430]
The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 2
He shrugged his shoulders, and Carmintel glowered at him, speechless.
The King of the Greeks
From no words not talked about speechless, only need a silent instant just.
Earth, -- that we stand speechless, stupent, and know not what to say!
Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
After some time spent in a futile effort to disabuse him of some of his favourite ideas, she was rendered speechless.
Apparently half the audience was shocked speechless, but Hawking loved it.
cake derator - n., combination of a confectioner's pastry and the Latin word deratoria, meaning "the unspeakable", a professional bakery employee who designs, quality checks, or creates cakes that render the recipients speechless.
Signs of Trouble
Edwin gazed at her in speechless horror; while she, casting a glance at Wallace, in which the full purpose of her soul was declared, turned, with a softened though majestic air, to the regent, and spoke: –
The Scottish Chiefs
Ramirez was speechless, the rage building in him.
Waterman, 57, said he was ‘shocked, staggered and speechless’ by the award.
From no words not talked about speechless, only need a silent instant just.
His remark rendered me speechless.
She could only sit speechless, no words would come to her lips.
Little Jayden left me speechless there … and that picture of Sean smiling is so precious.
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Mr. Dussel was speechless in the face of such ingenuity, and could do nothing but gaze around in surprise as he explored the rest of our lovely and ultrapractical Annex.
The Diary Of A Young Girl
He was rendered almost speechless by the news.
The president's remarks left us speechless
The anabaptist, being upon deck, lent a helping hand as well as the rest, when a brutish sailor gave him a blow and laid him speechless; but, with the violence of the blow the tar himself tumbled headforemost overboard, and fell upon a piece of the broken mast, which he immediately grasped.
The expression is so unexpected on her naturally serious visage that I'm temporarily rendered speechless.
I am almost speechless to be honest.
The Sun
The couple say they have been left speechless by the kindness and generosity of friends and neighbours.
Oh, with this view of death and with this hope of joining love's buried ones again, you can gather those that yet remain, and talk to them of those you put, cold and speechless, in their bed of clay; and while their bodies lie exposed to the winter's storm or to the summer's heat, you can point the living to that cheering promise which spans, as with an areole of glory, the graves of buried love; you can tell them they shall meet their departed kindred in a better home.
The Christian Home
I'm not speechless, but I haven't anything printable to say about the presentation.
More than anything, a self-inflicted wound of this magnitude just leaves you speechless.
Inside the family hall, frightened speechless, people turned pale and looked at one another distractedly.
Those listening are often left speechless, because no such support exists within canonical Islamic texts.
The Show-Me Sheikh
And for them to do that, well I am speechless with gid right now.
Tonight We Dine in Virginia!
Speechless and inarticulate, they are bound together forever in their sense of loss and love for a young woman, whom they never really knew nor understood.
I exchanged a surprised look with Andy who looked positively speechless.
They were left temporarily speechless.
Times, Sunday Times
I blinked, completely blind-sided by his words, and completely speechless.
You know that I am easily terrified and almost speechless.
DISRAELI: A Personal History
They struck me from all sides, caught me unaware, caught me speechless, angered me and irritated me to no end.
His words hit me like blow to the stomach, and I was momentarily speechless.
It left me absolutely speechless.
The Sun
Helen was speechless, and could only shake her head in disbelief.
Two interjections from the rapt audience render the visiting 28-year-old former pupil particularly speechless.
She was speechless with rage.
We will say mournfully, in the presence of Heaven and Earth, -- that we stand speechless, stupent, and know not what to say!
Past and Present
Their choreographed turning of backs left me speechless and moveless so I limped to my lamely un-costumed friend and told him that I was leaving.
The court was utterly speechless, they were aghast at her rude behavior.
Besides the vision was not speechless, but had the word annexed, from which word the faith of
Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
They were all speechless, ignoring the delicious food before them, and watched the demure girl glide across the floor towards the zither.
She is "imprisoned - speechless - in the windowless attic room at Thornfield, a tempting human 'enigma'; clearly the so-called madwoman demonstrates what Leo Kanner identifies as 'disturbances of affective contact'.
Wrong Planet Asperger / Autism Forums
So dearly do we love our own voice that we cannot bear to hear it mixed with that of others -- perhaps drowned; and then our bashfulness tongue-ties us in the hush expectant of our "golden opinions," when all eyes are turned to the speechless "old man eloquent," and you might hear a tangle dishevelling itself in Neæra's hair.
Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
If you ever want to make even the most cosmopolitan of your friends speechless, telling them you have volunteered to travel to Newark, New Jersey, so you can masturbate to orgasm in an fMRI is a great way to start.
Orgasm Research: Climax in an MRI Machine? Been There, Done That
They are wholly void both of sense and reason, lifeless and speechless (the idol is a dumb idol, a dumb stone, and there is no breath at all in the midst of it), so that the most minute animal, that has but breath and motion, is more excellent then they.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
The Deacon could quote scripture in a manner which put Biblical professors to the blush, and every principle of his creed so bristled with texts, confirmatory, sustentive and aggressive, that doubters were rebuked and free-thinkers were speedily reduced to speechless humility or rage.
Romance of California Life
She turned to look at Milo, trying to find the right words to say, but instead found herself speechless.
Laura was speechless with rage.
When persons in good health are suddenly seized with pains in the head, and straightway are laid down speechless, and breathe with stertor, they die in seven days, unless fever come on.
Children in families in which speechlessness dominates and few facts have been disclosed may fantasize details to imagine the parental trauma.
Poor Miss Fiorentini was left with microphone outstretched, her complexion rapidly turning the same colour as her Sunday-best jacket - bright cerise - and for once she was speechless.
Sabriel found herself completely speechless when Darius gradually raised his head and she saw silent tears streaming down his face.
But before that nameless prejudice that leaps beyond all this he stands helpless, dismayed, and well-nigh speechless; before that personal disrespect and mockery, the ridicule and systematic humiliation, the distortion of fact and wanton license of fancy, the cynical ignoring of the better and boisterous welcoming of the worse, the all-pervading desire to inculcated disdain for everything black, from Toussaint to the devil, — before this there rises a sickening despair that would disarm and discourage any nation save that black host to whom "discouragement" is an unwritten word.
Strivings of the Negro People
The couple say they have been left speechless by the kindness and generosity of friends and neighbours.
Then turning towards us, who were lost in speechless sorrow — O dear, dear gentlemen, said she, you know not what foretastes — what assurances — And there she again stopped, and looked up, as if in a thankful rapture, sweetly smiling.
Clarissa Harlowe
A National Treasure ripoff from the studio who did Meet the Spartans … I’m speechless.
She was speechless, and searched her mind for words.
When Mario hung up the phone as well, he was silent and speechless.
From no words not talked about speechless, only need a silent instant just.
It was stunning, and quite fittingly, left the audience speechless.
This is the story of their reunion, interspersed with romantically filmed speechless flashbacks.
This is the story of their reunion, interspersed with romantically filmed speechless flashbacks.
Obviously I am not speechless like Frank but it is very difficult to voice my indignation and horror that this should be allowed.
Two interjections from the rapt audience render the visiting 28-year-old former pupil particularly speechless.
The other diplomat was still speechless, and through his anger, cracks of panic were showing.
I stared at him almost speechless as a tide of emotion surged to me.
Initially speechless, the Colonel quickly regained his composure and responded in a most emphatic affirmative.
They stared at each other, mouths agape and speechless.
Cypris' lackeys just stood there, speechless, and awaited instructions for what to do.
I smiled at the memory of all his sexual innuendos and how they always managed to leave me either completely flustered or speechless.
His comments left me speechless with rage.
Your creativity leaves others speechless but it's what makes you who you are.
The Sun
I thought it was a coincidence at first - I knew taking the pill made me feel queasy, which is hardly unusual with an antibiotic, so sort of dismissed the speechlessness.
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In June, 1999, a stroke turned his active 78-year-old mother speechless and paralyzed.
I was speechless at the end - totally disarmed by the simplicity, the beauty and the unforgettable directness with which it was delivered.
Times, Sunday Times
I was speechless at the end - totally disarmed by the simplicity, the beauty and the unforgettable directness with which it was delivered.
Times, Sunday Times
Britain's Got Talent: 14-year-old Olivia leaves judges speechless with 'spellbinding' performance
Home | Mail Online
Her words stung him and left him momentarily speechless.
There were rumblings in the mountains, night-walking of spirits; a woman of Punta-Puna had been struck speechless, and a five - legged she-goat had been born in the village of Eiho.
An intention by 90 members of the People's Consultative Assembly to conduct an overseas trip to familiarize the results of the Annual Session has left me speechless.
Delicate, beautiful, with stunning actors, and transvestites, this film received a standing ovation at Cannes - it will leave you speechless.
She clung to every word, speechless, not daring to breathe until it was over.
If you dont know the term watch the movie speechless.
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
Her frown gave him a speechless message.
Denise was too speechless to even utter a single word.
He had stood there, like a big bostoon of a boy, open-mouthed and speechless since she had first arrived.
His bushy brow furrowing, Zethus peered after them speechlessly, choked by his disbelief.
That wave, that great, magnificent wave, was the grand finale, leaving all the sailors dumb and speechless.
If I had been speechless before, I was totally thunderstruck now.
For what seemed like an eternity, they squirmed in their chairs, speechless.
Dark distorted vocals, faint conversation snippets, and sugary aural textures are fused with mild break beats on ‘Speechless.’
I was speechless at the end - totally disarmed by the simplicity, the beauty and the unforgettable directness with which it was delivered.
Times, Sunday Times
In face of that, I must admit I am speechless.
The shock of the discovery rendered him speechless.
I was speechless as I stared at the side profile of his face.
I was speechless, however, when I found that the pair who had been observed necking in the farthest corner of the room about an hour ago remained in the same position, totally oblivious to the happenings around them.
Speechless with ecstasy , the little boys gazed at the toys.
He was momentarily speechless, rooted to the ground in the middle of the spacious air conditioned bedroom.
Speechless before these budding green spring leaves in blazing sunlight
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It also left her speechless.
Why am I Afraid to Grieve
Adam was speechless, resigned to staring open-mouthed at the basketball in his hands.
The Chief was left speechless by this fatuous remark.
And the Colchians gave a loud cry, like the roar of the sea when it beats upon sharp crags; and speechless amazement seized Aeetes at the rush of the sturdy quoit.
The Argonautica
It is beyond awesome; it leaves you speechless.
Times, Sunday Times
He had leant back against the wall, almost speechless.
Times, Sunday Times
Becki's character is going to be a spitfire, someone who can give it back to Barney and leave him speechless.
How I Met Your Mother Boss: There Are More Twists and Turns for Robin
he stood up soundlessly and speechlessly and glided across the hallway and through a door
the flabbergasted aldermen were speechless
Everything about Pithecanthropus alalus, or the ‘speechless apeman’ was the product of Haeckel's imagination.
She seemed speechless, so Carla spoke up to defend her.
I was struck speechless at these words and I didn't understand at all what she meant.
There were others, of course, louder and more bouncingly helpful, but it was Jo's cool face, tidy brushed-back hair, thin body, and speechless grace which provided the secretive prettiness I needed.
Cider With Rosie
From no words not talked about speechless, only need a silent instant just.
Frankly this leaves me speechless.
Times, Sunday Times
From no words not talked about speechless, only need a silent instant just.
Topped with the perfect amount of cinnamon streusel crunch, this will leave you speechless!
If someone made me describe this wonderful view, I would be struck speechless with the beauty of it all.
She nodded, speechless with happiness for the first time in ages.
Little wonder that Elomire's maid is nearly mute; grotesque corruption can leave one speechless.
Fern Siegel: Stage Door: La Bete, A Life in the Theater, Lady Rizo
he stood up soundlessly and speechlessly and glided across the hallway and through a door
I am speechless in awe. “… because you know who gets mad at offensive cartoons?” pyromancer
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Don’t care about your politics, this is funny stuff
She said: 'I am speechless.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm just speechless at that level of depraved planning.
Kate was left rather speechless as the busty waitress sauntered off, her hips swaying, to go serve some of the other customers.
I was just about speechless with fury, and indignation on Sam's part.
The General staggers to his feet, momentarily stupent and speechless.
Getting Married
Justin was speechless with surprise, but I think I was more surprised than he.
I was almost speechless because it was no one else's fault but mine.
The Sun