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How To Use Speculation In A Sentence

  • It seems to embrace a lot of our speculations here about the willful nature of ideas, and works well for things within our conscious realm, from babies to ballpoints.
  • Even while he was missing, those uncertain hours of anxious speculation and dismal journalism, she had assumed Maxwell would be found boomingly alive, having spent the whole time enjoying the amorous advances of a short-sighted minke whale. Country of the Blind
  • These included the elegant designs for an indoor playhouse which were to become the cause of a great deal of scholarly speculation and disagreement. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Brady uses this horrid incident as a Rosebud inspiration for a life of flurry and accomplishment, but this is pure speculation.
  • To take the chain of speculation one step further, this suggests that the maxilla itself was originally a flat dermal plate of some kind, possibly homologous to the superognathal of placoderms.
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  • He uncovers more about his private life including the identity of his fiancé, a point of much speculation until now.
  • The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest.
  • There is increased speculation this could be done through bankruptcy or a reorganization under bankruptcy protection.
  • There has been much speculation that America might be siding with the rebels.
  • The investment banking arm has delivered strong profits growth in recent years by pushing both its clients' and its own capital into commodities and currency speculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was widespread speculation that she was going to resign.
  • Going into a somewhat different trajectory, specifically to continue a line of speculation from a previous post on an African bridge house: can someone be fundamentally altered — like the corn they're cultivating to produce cancer cures — while living quasi-permanently in flourescent-lit dampness and hermetic seclusion, detached from the vagaries of weather, time and natural pollination, amidst pure geology? Cave Pharming
  • The result will inevitably fuel speculation about the Prime Minister's future.
  • The report was based on rumours, speculation, and innuendo.
  • The speculation might have been premature but Rioch has since applied for the job.
  • His compendious book, then, ranges from dry speculation on geology to exquisite description of flora, spangled with remarkably apt epigrams.
  • Burberry Group Plc rallied 3.7 percent to 1,172 pence amid speculation that PPR SA, the French owner of the Gucci and Puma brands, may make a bid for the U. K. 's largest luxury retailer.
  • He believed that the apparent scarcity of land was the result of land speculation and maldistribution that would be remedied by the single tax.
  • However that is all idle speculation now as I have been duly called and plans have been duly made.
  • The American people with one consent gave themselves to an amazing extravagance of land speculation.
  • Just think, if the people who are now kvetching about freedom of speech simply posted their names on the website, then none of the speculation would have happened.
  • Theology has often ‘used eschatology to move into speculations about a virtual reality, something that science will not readily accept.’
  • Speculation about an international cloning movement setting up base here has been rife following the arrival of one of its officials, with ’setting up office’ as one of the tasks on his agenda. Cloning cult enters Lanka
  • The Prime Minister's press chief returned from Washington yesterday amid unprecedented speculation he was going to resign.
  • Speculation about an imminent revaluation of China's renminbi against the dollar reached a fever pitch last week in the markets.
  • Those who belittle the value of new integrative speculation are, in a phrase of Bennett's, dogmatically defeatist.
  • I have a feeling this subject is going to be even touchier than the speculation that surrounded the cast of the now defunct JLA movie, so let the battle begin in the comment section, or over in the Major Spoilers Movie Forum. via Hollywood Reporter Akira Getting Live Action Treatment | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Speculation was rife as to whom the prince might marry.
  • Rhys's linguistic speculations may now be largely out-dated, but the Lectures on Welsh Philology helped put the study of philology, in particular the philology of the Welsh language, on a secure academic basis.
  • There also has been speculation that they are involved in biological experiments with chemical or biological warfare or the geobotanical pursuit of petroleum and mineral deposits. A Situation Report on Our Acquisition of Advanced Technology and Interaction with Alien Cultures by O.H. Krill
  • Only credible stress tests matched by really big capital injections will end the speculation and worry. Times, Sunday Times
  • As long as I'm toasting Keller based on wild speculation, let me tip my glass to Risen.
  • He dismissed speculations that the fire was ignited by electrical faults or caused by foul play.
  • Several days might be profitably spent by the antiquarian in investigating the contents of the different tiers of galleries; while the geologist would find matter for interesting speculation in the partial intrusion of the older lithoid tufa here and there into the softer and more recent volcanic deposits in which the passages are excavated, and in which numerous decomposing crystals of leucite may be observed. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • Merger mania and speculation about a Boeing-McDonnell Douglas combination boosted the shares of aerospace and defense stocks.
  • It comes after weeks of speculation that he was preparing to cede power to his son. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among star performers was the Savoy Hotel where shares soared on the back of speculation that sometime predator Forte group was back.
  • The scene captures the moment when, during a mass in the Sta Croce in Gerusaleme Church in Rome, Pope Gregorius the Great experienced a vision of Christ of Dolours at the altar mensa (superaltar), validating theological speculations on the actual presence of Christ in the holy wafer.
  • Today's crude oil prices reflect nothing more than a market bubble fed by speculation and unwarranted fear.
  • Speculation was rife that a ship at sea had emptied its tanks and released a noxious gas that was carried ashore on southerly winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to Sarah, reporters are not able to comment that there is speculation that Palin will be under indictment. doris cashman Palin attorney warns media over 'defamatory' charges
  • Despite weeks of media speculation, the president refused to tip his hand about his plans for re-election.
  • (Interestingly, fava beans are widely known as a major trigger substance, leading to the oft-used colloquial name of favism for the disorder and the intriguing historical speculation that "favism has been known to exist since antiquity; the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras was said to have warned his disciples against the dangers of eating fava beans.") Randall Amster: The Most Common Disease You've Never Heard Of
  • Yes, long-term speculation is also called “investing”. Matthew Yglesias » The Public Wants Good Outcomes, Elites and Institutions Should Try to Deliver Them
  • Long an object of fervent Gnostic and Hermetic speculations, it was now extolled as the ideal type of the human being, and celebrated accordingly in literature and art, especially among the Symbolists and the Decadents.
  • The fundamental mistake with these speculations is that they assume that businessmen are familiar with these concepts. Online Content Bundling, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The package, described by analysts as "economic armor-plating", is unlikely to be required in its entirety, but provides a buffer against unexpected volatility or currency speculation. Lloyd Mexico Economic Report - August 1999
  • Speculation is rife about which minister deserves promotion to make up the missing third in the troika of Deputy Prime Ministers.
  • The prime minister's speech fuelled speculation that she is about to resign.
  • Some baths seem to have been run as a speculation by private individuals, and bore the name of their builder (e.g. balneae Seniae, Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero
  • The announcement lifts a heavy burden from him and ends months of speculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Personal opinions and speculation Just isn't good enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Buddha's aversion to speculation did not prevent him from insisting on the importance of a correct knowledge of our mental constitution, the chain of causation and other abstruse matters; nor does it really take the form of neglecting metaphysics: rather of defining them in a manner so authoritative as to imply a reserve of unimparted knowledge. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • Despite speculation that the book was an attempt to lay the groundwork for a future career in politics, she said she is not running for office. Times, Sunday Times
  • Widespread speculation is that several others are enduring serious financial difficulty and may eventually fold or merge with more successful companies.
  • The President's absence has given rise to speculation about his health.
  • Tangential factoids, unrhymed chiming, and wanton speculation: New York Times book reviewer Michiko Kakutani is somehat, er, somewhat known for her frequent use of the word limn, apparently it's an inside joke among writers and critics. THE PERILS OF A FANCY VOCABULARY.
  • I would prefer not to engage in speculation about it.
  • But he stopped that when there was speculation that she would get a cabinet post if he won.
  • Merger mania and speculation about a Boeing-McDonnell Douglas combination boosted the shares of aerospace and defense stocks.
  • It triggered broad speculation that GM and Jaguar might be talking.
  • There was wild speculation among the students as to the reason for cancelling the lecture.
  • It may also be the last time they have an opportunity to watch the Spaniard in their team's colours, for there is mounting speculation he will be sold in the summer.
  • No trace of radiation has been found but toxicology tests could take ten weeks to complete, prolonging speculation and rumour. Times, Sunday Times
  • The profitability of the trade has given rise to speculation that money from wildlife is financing terrorist activities.
  • You can profit from a short-term investment or speculation that looks risky to others.
  • Speculation that Centrica was planning to unbundle its telecoms business surfaced at the weekend with reports suggesting that the company had already been contacted by potential buyers.
  • Those who belittle the value of new integrative speculation are, in a phrase of Bennett's, dogmatically defeatist.
  • Speculation about the cause of the crash has focused on stormy weather reported by the pilot. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sheer usefulness of this has inspired much metaphysical speculation on ears. Times, Sunday Times
  • There has been speculation that the character of Mary Ann is actually the maenad. Questions About Season 2 True Blood | myFiveBest
  • Jordan may use the occasion to make an announcement following weeks of speculation about who would get the job.
  • Speculation centred on a likely bid price of 380p a share.
  • A bigger surprise by far is that similar speculation is astir in Japan. Japan's Shutdown About Nothing
  • The throughput of ewe hoggets at the factories has been much higher than was expected, leading to speculation as to the effect on the breeding flock for future years and a likelihood of strong demand for breeding hoggets this autumn.
  • Even idle speculation may not be quite valueless if it is recognized for what it is.
  • Speculation as to where the trend of interest rates is ‘really’ going is thus undiminished.
  • Speculation has swirled around the maker of rail signalling systems for the best part of a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • A strip across the eyes of a photograph of a rape survivor and her boyfriend is unlikely to deter speculation.
  • But the field of speculation into which one is led by the octonary scale has proved most attractive to some, and the conclusion has been soberly reached, that in the history of the Aryan race the octonary was to be regarded as the predecessor of the decimal scale. The Number Concept Its Origin and Development
  • Yes, well, and if a tumble distorts our ideas of life, and an odd word engrosses our speculations, we are poor creatures, he addressed another friend, from whom he stood constitutionally in dissent naming him Colney; and under pressure of the name, reviving old wrangles between them upon man's present achievements and his probable destinies: especially upon Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • The shares of local retailers soared initially, on speculation they would be takeover targets for foreign firms, with some of which they already have small joint ventures in India.
  • Shrimp is highly perishable, which is why most shrimp is flash-frozen and held in speculation to be released as needed, he said.
  • Two premises became vacant recently and there has been frenzied speculation about who might take them over. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is rising speculation that investment banks may lay off about 1,000 staff in London this autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the area of speculation, almost as much has been written and said concerning what might or might not happen when the program is ended and numerous meetings have been held between business, government and labour to try to ascertain the possible effects in the postfreeze period. The Canadian Economy in the Post-Control Era
  • Is there value to certain types of non-nutty Internet speculation that the mainstream media, for the most part, refuse to touch?
  • Similarly it may be said — not as an ingenious speculation, but as a stedfast and absolute fact — that human calculation cannot limit the influence of one atom of wholesome knowledge patiently acquired, modestly possessed, and faithfully used. Speeches: Literary and Social
  • Speculation that the Fed may add more stimulus by buying more long-dated Treasurys has added to demand in recent week. Treasury Niche Beats Gold
  • Something along the lines of a package that included some kind of incentive to renewable energies and some freedom for some offshore drilling as well as -- and this is an area of common ground kind of on both sides because both sides have not rejected the idea of clamping down some regulation on oil speculation. CNN Transcript Jul 13, 2008
  • The speculation had been that Newcastle United's Andy Carroll might be included in Capello's party to carry out the sort of duties that will now be assigned to Davies. Kevin Davies gets surprise England call-up for Montenegro game
  • But as an election is less than a year away, most political activists will prefer to save their energies for gauging public mood and speculation about who will be bed down politically with whom thereafter.
  • That raised some speculation that the central bank may eliminate the phrase "extended period" for the key policy rate at an earlier date, which would pave the way for interest-rate increases. Treasurys Slip on Report About Fed Rate Outlook
  • The yardbirds are in the throes of rumour-induced psychosis after being gripped by speculation that our entire unit is about to be transported to a faraway place.
  • Having deliberately created speculation about a snap election, Howard is now in a position to say that the only way to end the speculation is by holding one.
  • Speculation was rife that a ship at sea had emptied its tanks and released a noxious gas that was carried ashore on southerly winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • When any new material appears in quantity - especially something as exciting as these gemmy and perfect crystals - there is always speculation about where it comes from.
  • The government "encouraged the jury to engage in rank speculation and surmise about the substance of unrecorded conversations concerning which it offered no testimony at all, and to engage in even ranker speculation about what Mr. Rajaratnam knew and did not know about Roomy Khan and her alleged sources," Mr. Dowd said. Galleon Founder Asks Judge to Dismiss Conviction
  • Speculation is growing over why the councillor gave up his planning portfolio, with fellow councillors claiming he was punished for his part in the failed motion.
  • The Conservative leader tells the paper that while he was "outflanked" by Clegg in the TV debate, voters will dismiss the Lib Dems as a serious contender once they learn more about the party's policies. says Labour is now "wooing" Clegg "in earnest" amid mouting speculation there will be a hung parlaiment. The Guardian World News
  • Those are quite different and we're trying to really suss through what we think that means for us." much speculation over just what that "sussing" will result in, with expectations ranging from no full-time job cuts to one report that suggested the software maker could trim as many as CNET
  • Speculation abounds as to how long Amir Khan can turn his back on the long line of promoters beating a path to his door and remain in the amateur ranks.
  • He will stand to get a considerable profit through the speculations in lands.
  • The veteran hardliner has been droning on about her political burnout for years, and has also long had to live with open speculation that her husband is an intelligence agent on the payroll of the French government.
  • There is some speculation that gamma-ray bursters release the greatest amounts of energy since the Big Bang.
  • We won't dignify this kind of speculation with a comment.
  • (See what sort of ill-informed speculation comes from having three months 'worth of solicits to chew over before the first issue ever appears …?) Brought to you by the color red: DC Comics Solicitations for September 2009 | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Together, with fear yanking the way forward, speculation and sentiment ran the three-legged race into the future.
  • While the boardroom vacuum persists, though, takeover speculation will continue to whirl around the company. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is growing speculation that he will join a prestigious Scottish firm when he takes up a work experience placement in the City of London later this year.
  • Their hints at a possible agreement made reporters froth at the mouth and swat speculation back and forth between themselves.
  • It was a matter of great speculation between them as to what the plans of the "outlanders" were for the overthrowing of the power of the Great Ones and the destruction of the entire breed of Prags. "Microcosmic Buccaneers" by Harl Vincent, part 8
  • Over the years, the quintet have regularly dampened speculation about any reunion. The Sun
  • There was speculation that the blaze was started by a petrol bomb.
  • While experientialism stresses the importance of a personal acquaintance with what we categorize as the divine, evidentialism provides an anchor to prevent such hypothesizing from meandering off into exceedingly esoteric or individualized speculation by providing a basis for belief any interested party is free to investigate at their own leisure. blogs
  • Daylight still engaged in daring speculations, as, for instance, at the impending outbreak of the Japanese-Russian War, when, in the face of the experience and power of the shipping gamblers, he reached out and clutched practically a monopoly of available steamer-charters. Chapter X
  • Speculation centred on a likely bid price of 380p a share.
  • There was speculation that the captives would be picked up by helicopter from a prearranged spot in the jungle.
  • Many were censored by officials to blank out specific destinations but on some chits enough information was still visible to support speculation that the journeys were to and from McLetchie's legal firm.
  • The release of such material fed speculation that he was out to destroy the president.
  • Kawaja fueled speculation by publicly suggesting that barrels of the by-product were shipped out under cover of night.
  • The theological speculations of Gnosticism and the Cabala gave ideas for many of his plots.
  • Indeed he also suggested that “this is the problem with endless rumor-mongering and speculation …” “… issues none of us are qualified to comment on”. (in relation to internet comments by the online wine community) Wallace: “Broadbent has chosen to blame the messenger” | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • With speculation gowing on Speaker Michael Martin's future, pundits have started to ponder the prospects of an early by-election in his Glasgow North East (Springburn) constituency Archive 2009-05-01
  • It is generally agreed that Joseph died at some point in Jesus' life, but it is speculation to say that Mary's widowhood was on his mind in his encounter with the grieving widow.
  • Pure speculation admittedly, but I would think that Stevens would want to go out with a ‘bang’ for his retirement, and that the other Justices who agree with him on the decision would be sympathetic in allowing him to do so. The Volokh Conspiracy » Reading The Tea Leaves for the Supreme Court’s November and December 2009 Sittings 
  • Speculation has swirled around the maker of rail signalling systems for the best part of a year. Times, Sunday Times
  • She denigrated the piece as "uninformed speculation," and ridiculed what she characterized as the factual errors in the piece. The New York Times Puts Up Its Dukes
  • The key to her stance is her conviction that no utterance can inaugurate an exchange in which it could ensure a return on its speculation: What pledge would guarantee you for me if/I were so generously to set you free? Tragedy and the War of the Aesthetic
  • But it did not bring an end to the speculation and confusion which was rending the civilized world.
  • But this is just speculation and there may be many members of the Church who live devout lives.
  • Speculation that the company was retrenching part of its activities in Essex, especially at Dunton, has been dismissed as ‘totally incorrect and totally without any foundation’ by a spokesman at Warley.
  • It was a shape which inspired all sorts of philosophical and scientific speculations (Kepler's cosmography, the carbon atom, Buckminster Fuller's geodesic structures ...), and the art department constructed models of various sizes which were set in African and lunar landscapes. Tin
  • But you have a lot of people, especially outside the euro area, who spend a lot of time in what I call morbid speculation, asking 'what if, what if'. BBC News - Home
  • The campaigners wanted to highlight the lender's alleged speculation in food commodities, which they claimed had driven up the price of corn and grain around the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the speculation has overshadowed that, and it also has overshadowed the wins and the great plays.
  • But I dubitate whether this abstruser sort of speculation (though enlivened by some apposite instances from Aristophanes) would sufficiently interest your oppidan readers. The Biglow Papers
  • It seems one of those achievements that deserves the label tour de force, even though eventual new treatments for this particular, aggressive disease are still sheer speculation. Knight Science Journalism Tracker
  • Speculation is rife as to how Chen will phrase his words May 20 in a bid to ‘square the circle’ of trying to keep China happy and at the same time not budging on the sovereignty issue.
  • If we heeded all the hype, accidents would be eliminated, yet this involves too much speculation and guesswork.
  • This is very much a global liquidity crisis in the works, with unprecedented leveraged speculation at the root of the unfolding financial debacle.
  • Speculation centred on a likely bid price of 380p a share.
  • So much speculation on doom and gloom. The Sun
  • This added fuel to speculation that Rory knew his killer.
  • I wanted the chance to meet Roy Hodgson privately and having done so, I'm very impressed with his plans for the future," added the England captain, who, in fairness, had already moved to dampen speculation linking him with moves to the likes of Real Madrid ... by performing like an incorrigible galoot at the World Cup. $tevie Says Relax, I'm Staying At Liverpool
  • Students who sign on for philosophy courses eager for obscure profundities, wild speculation and reflections on the meaning or, even better, the meaninglessness of life are sorely disappointed.
  • Speculation was rife as to whom the prince might marry.
  • The commercial broadcaster has tried to downplay expectations that an appointment will be made next week but is resigned to intense speculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • I just watched ten minutes of speculation on whether a long deliberation bodes well or ill for the defense.
  • In London, the focus was on GE's agreed takeover bid, worth US $9.5 billion, for British medical diagnostics and biosciences firm Amersham, ending days of speculation about the identity of the suitor.
  • Speculation has grown around other firms in the building products sector - and a handful of housebuilders.
  • In recent months, there has been speculation that the two groups have established ties and that one goes on the offensive when the other negotiates, essentially to rest and rearm.
  • Speculation has been bubbling away for months that he plans to resign.
  • Oh the contrary I think your speculation is a classic example of bending (and even inventing) the evidence to support a religious belief Augustine on Creation
  • The circumstances under which the fish reached the crater lakes have been a subject of speculation for many years.
  • Accordingly, the hunt for the leaker continues, with much speculation over who it might have been.
  • The tears in her voice were the payment of what must be called a usurious speculation of love. The Lily of the Valley
  • Hasset is suppositive in tone throughout and offers some theoretically sound speculation on what may be occuring, and may occur in the future, with regards to democratic and authoritarian economies. Matthew Yglesias » Bring on the Coup
  • There was speculation that it was going to be in two weeks when baseball owners were scheduled to meet in Philadelphia.
  • Albert Robida's ‘Twentieth Century’ was recently republished, its filled with wonderful Victorian speculations of the next century.
  • The commercial broadcaster has tried to downplay expectations that an appointment will be made next week but is resigned to intense speculation. Times, Sunday Times
  • They added that they couldn't intervene in response to "speculations as to hypothetical negative effects" of corruption, and that an administrative inquiry "would be superfluous" as the U.N. and Cambodian government were "seised of the situation. In the Cambodian Judges' Court
  • But his poor performances have led to speculation that he will be replaced by a younger leader before the general election. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was much speculation about whether Chinese censors would set restrictions on antiestablishment icon Bob Dylan when he performed in China in April.
  • unruffled" by speculation about the father and has no wish to be a role model for single mothers. Undefined
  • His disappearance has stoked speculation that that era may be drawing to a close. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any speculation about us is probably untrue because we're not flashing the cash. Times, Sunday Times
  • The materialistic generation, that in the fifties and sixties called his speculations fantastic, had been replaced by one with greater liberty of imagination, and a Preyer, a Wundt, a Paulsen, and a Lasswitz could now speak of Fechner as their master. A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • Then I remembered that speculation was rife in some quarters that the Republican evil genius had planted the forged documents.
  • Speculation that MMR could be replaced by a series of individual vaccines was based on fallacious reasoning and would return Britain to the ‘dark ages’, he said.
  • They probably did so with melodramatic flourish, causing fear and speculation to run wild.
  • It may fuel speculation in some parts that GMG, with its extensive media interests, could be among those to offer its radio businesses in an asset swap.
  • Early last week, speculation began to emerge that Lehman Brothers was poised to bid and the deal would be stitched up in time for the upcoming results announcement.
  • As for the claims that there is going to be a massive miscount on these particular counties, a representative of the state from the attorney general's office, said that that is strictly speculation.
  • Though there has been speculation that the foreign partners withdrew fearing a diplomatic contretemps between the two governments, some analysts reckon their concerns were largely economic.
  • ALFONZO VAN MARSH, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Reporter: in a country famous for its high tea, there is new speculation that the British tradition of a cuppa was the clandestine cover to kill a former Russian spy in London. CNN Transcript Jan 27, 2007
  • There has been increasing speculation over the future of the monarchy.
  • Because of the more severe information asymmetry and speculation problems, the IPO under-pricing of the minor enterprises board is higher than that of Shanghai main market.
  • The most distinguished bankers in Paris take part in this affair; not fictitiously, as in some shameful speculations which I call rat-traps. Parisians in the Country
  • He dismissed speculations that the fire was ignited by electrical faults or caused by foul play.
  • Okay that was the dumbest speculation I've ever had and you bastards let me say it like some sort of idiot.
  • Long before spacecraft missions first explored the Moon, speculation on the origin of the lunar craters abounded.
  • We are constantly fed gossip and speculation by the media.
  • Oil speculation proved a natural arena for his skills.
  • Burberry Group Plc rallied 3.7 percent to 1,172 pence amid speculation that PPR SA, the French owner of the Gucci and Puma brands, may make a bid for the U. K. 's largest luxury retailer.
  • Most scholarly speculation about what was going on in Carroll’s mind as he coined the word suggests galumph is an amalgam of gallop and triumphant. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • The expectation that values could surge for the rest of the monarch 's reign and beyond is causing speculation about the likely hotspots. Times, Sunday Times
  • Speculation only, but I'd bet Sam was in a rush and simply did not have time to wait for the slowpoke commoner in front of him, so hit the gas and pass the peon ... oops ... Smell test? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • As a target of speculation, there is no rational basis for its price, just like the Dutch tulip or northeast with kaffir prices, mainly by speculators gambling psychological decided.
  • However, to ignore what effect having the government incentivize, with ever increasing vigor, over years and decades, real estate speculation, and real estate lending spoeculation, had on the event leading to our current unhappiness, is just silly. Matthew Yglesias » The Costliest Bailout
  • If people knew what Bob was up to, mothers would clutch their babes to their bosoms when they see him pass by, and men would make public speculations about Bob's lineage, and offer him directions to subterranean hot spots.
  • Rumours that they are about to marry have been dismissed as pure speculation.
  • ‘Any screwball who says this is blaming employees is doing nothing more than making irresponsible speculation,’ he said.
  • He found, therefore, that, by allowing them what he called sufficient room and good provisions, with kind treatment, his speculations turned out much better in regard to the amount of dollars received; and that was all he cared for. The Life and Adventures of Zamba, an African Negro King; and His Experience of Slavery in South Carolina. Written by Himself. Corrected and Arranged by Peter Neilson.
  • Randy says: geosktr: The disgusting speculation from Bloomberg, the fake Republican, about this being a disgruntled health care takeover opponent is a great example about how badly the left wants to provoke the tea partiers to do something — anything — that they can use to tar them with, given that even lying US congressmen didn’t work outwell.’ The Volokh Conspiracy » Faisal Shahzad Allegedly Admits to Attempted Times Square Bombing
  • The logical impenetrability of the administration's calculations at Camp David inevitably fuels speculation about the motivation for convening it.
  • Long before spacecraft missions first explored the Moon, speculation on the origin of the lunar craters abounded.
  • Speculation about the cause of the crash has focused on stormy weather reported by the pilot. Times, Sunday Times
  • They lead, however, into that region of panpsychic and ontologic speculation of which Professors A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • Daring speculations fail; the struggle in unnatural competition with men of large capital, or dishonourable dealings, wears out at last the overtasked frame — life is spent in a whirl — death summons them, and finds them unprepared. The Englishwoman in America

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