How To Use Specify In A Sentence

  • Entrants must specify their choice of prize when entering. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hope was that the morphogen in the mixture would slowly leak out and specify new digits.
  • Many of the chapters in this volume specify educational programs that are intended to increase procedural knowledge. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • The document, which critics of the plan describe as convoluted and skillfully worded, does not specify any dates for construction or even mention demolition. NYT > Home Page
  • To specify hard disks, use -hda, -hdb, -hdc, and -hdd to refer to Parallel ATA (PATA) hard disks, and -cdrom to identify a CD or DVD image file or device.
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  • Mao led the Cultural Revolution Authority in stirring up more animosity by calling the factional fighting “an extension of the struggle between the Communists and the Kuomintang”—without specifying which group was which. Wild Swans
  • If you select the Timed Backup option, WordPerfect will save your document at whatever interval you specify.
  • So at last you can specify profiled and plain tiles together.
  • One of them also failed in the accident, but the report did not specify the cause of the "overstress" on those welds. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Catalog database dbase2 (without specifying authentication, or specifying authentication as kerberos).
  • Such a UML operation should specify the target type of the conversion as the return type and the source or input type of the conversion as a parameter type.
  • Maintaining a breathable atmosphere would not be a variable anyone thought to specify. Times, Sunday Times
  • You also have to specify column types in a relational system, so you might find yourself constrained by, say, the length of the address field.
  • According to official documents reviewed by Dow Jones Newswires, corn and soymeal imported from India are on a list specifying any shipments are to be subjected to detailed pest risk analysis and a phytosanitary import permits. Vietnam Says Indian Corn No Good, Blames Pest
  • His decision to specify something bigger, better or more daring than the norm was logical, not hubristic: he believed it would result in a faster, safer, smoother-running railway.
  • The architect did specify weir overflows.
  • The rules clearly specify that competitors must not accept payment.
  • The notice will specify what steps the manufacturer must take.
  • You can specify any page you like, even one located on your own hard drive such as your Bookmark file.
  • Interactions also specify a special fate for the central cell.
  • The guidelines in Kota Baru, after all, specify “bright lipstick” and “noisy high heels”. It’s those noisy high heels « Gin&Comment
  • Please specify whether ‘revenues’ is a reference to total income, total turnover, gross profit, net profit or some other measure of income.
  • State law may also specify whether students may be exempted from certain parts of the curriculum.
  • Company policy may also specify a limit as to the number of surveys that may be carried out at company expense.
  • Two parameters are used to specify the characteristics of a BPF: passband centre frequency and resonance bandwidth.
  • We had chosen terracotta tiles for the floor and bottom half of the walls, and white tiles for the top, but did not specify in writing that we wanted white grouting.
  • USER-INPUT is an input parameter specifying the module name and information you wish to update.
  • They can specify that at the interview stage.
  • In return for the donation, said Bunau-Varilla, Hanna had seen to it that the Republican platform called for the construction of an “isthmian” canal, rather than specifying one at Nicaragua, as the Democrats had done. The Path Between the Seas
  • If you specify bind or dns, then DNS is used to resolve host names, and you can use nslookup to check whether the host name resolves (see Listing 12).
  • It should be possible to specify the range of values of X which would satisfy this equation.
  • The problem of specifying the timing and the form of effective state action is essentially political, not economic.
  • We could specify the display of nutritional information in all canteens and workplace restaurants. Times, Sunday Times
  • We should specify a time and a place for the meeting.
  • It may even turn out that these growth factors are the signals from the organizer which specify the main body axis.
  • Actors have contracts that specify residuals - payments that kick in each time a programme is shown.
  • In specifying severe judgment, as is widely recommended, are the bishops engaged in a form of retribution for having erred in the past by latitudinarian excess?
  • Budget it as a contribution of the agency, and specify the amount of money.
  • For each Order Point rule, you can specify a number which will force the ordered quantity to a multiple given by this factor (rounded to above quantity).
  • To be able to specify those key attributes, Destiny selects Complex for the type of the business item, and then adds some attributes.
  • To mention, describe, or treat individually; itemize or specify.
  • Specifying that, in the case of so-called multivalent or composite documents, that the alternatives form a complete version of the document, e.g. so where there are several alternative formats given for formulae, that there are JPEGs and MathML versions of all formulae, according to some edition of some profile or specification. Planet XML
  • Trio Network is featuring FLOPS this month, but they don't quite specify if they mean financial or artistic failures, or just plain crummy movies that nobody liked. View from the Northern Border
  • It can also specify the password to be used to obtain access to any packages and modules.
  • Subgroup analyses can be misleading due to failure to prespecify hypotheses and to account for multiple comparisons. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Thus for example ID is excoriated for not being scientific in the newer sense, particularly since it cannot specify and test the designer's mechanism for action. Approaches Determine Outcomes
  • The sponsoring class might want to specify a category of newsmakers.
  • Tolkien's guidance on the subject of hobbit skin tone is unclear, though according to The Complete Guide to Middle-earth he did specify that Harfoots, the most common type of hobbit, were "browner" than other groups. Extra claims she was rejected for Hobbit role for looking 'too brown'
  • It should be possible to specify the range of values of X which would satisfy this equation.
  • #DocC documentation prototype userinput = raw_input ( "Please specify file path:") input = file (userinput, "r") source_code = input. read () description = re. compile ( '(@description ").
  • Machiavelli goes on to specify that armies are basically of two types: hired mercenaries and citizen militias.
  • You also need to specify the node name, shown in Listing 6.
  • On the game-creation side, you can play in ranked or unranked games, and you can specify a disconnection or "did not finish" percentage, letting you manually weed out jerks.
  • In some languages, it is obligatory to specify more unusual types of temporal and aspectual relations.
  • The regulations specify that calculators may not be used in the examination.
  • First, screening rules are difficult to specify, given the vastly diverse needs of users.
  • This is implemented by allowing the solver to specify priorities.
  • The expressive notation facilitates abridgement in order to specify broader categories.
  • Many of the chapters in this volume specify educational programs that are intended to increase procedural knowledge. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • For example, they state that elements of a distance education program can be contracted out to unaccredited entities, but they don't specify limits for outsourcing.
  • The Catholic Church, as one is regularly reminded, is like a very big ship that turns slowly, and, in the gradualness of the turning, ‘turning points’ are hard to specify, but there is a sense that change is underway.
  • With Rails, you specify each column definition exactly once: in the migration.
  • The major page content explains what the selector is and gives some details about different operators that can be used to specify the type of attribute being targeted. Web Teacher › Review: The Ultimate CSS Reference
  • When one tried to "localize" the position of an electron by specifying its location more and more precisely, the mathematics required that the momentum (mass times velocity) of the electron must become less localized and more uncertain. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Donors would also be able to specify how they want money to be used.
  • It saves squabbling if you specify who inherits each item or the proceeds of liquidation of that asset.
  • You can set a schedule specifying a time for the boiler to come on. The Sun
  • We also have to specify exactly how the forces are to act between one ball and another.
  • Routinely, donors specify how they want their contributions spent.
  • Gane and Sarson suggest that the techniques can be used to specify the system design and help in the implementation process.
  • This demonstration is a batch operation in which you specify a job to the simulator, whose output is then emitted to a list file.
  • Made, however, didn't specify exactly which media organizations his client would be reporting to police.
  • We could specify the display of nutritional information in all canteens and workplace restaurants. Times, Sunday Times
  • The introduction to the heads will specify that the clause is binding on both parties and is not subject to contract.
  • Math majors still have trouble setting up word problems, MBAs cannot specify all the basic components for a specific production activity, and Economists have difficulty in assigning weight to various elements of the economic matrix. lgl Barbell Labor Market?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Any legal document which does not specify otherwise can be legally signed in pencil.
  • This would specify ceilings, carpets, a certain amount of lighting per square foot, and so on.
  • Soon, when borrowing a book, you'll be able to specify how sexy or sad or silly or sentimental you'd like it to be.
  • The Written Notice will specify the basis for the setoff.
  • A condition to specify the maximum rate of house completions for education reasons is required.
  • The optimum density is difficult to specify in terms of trees per acre.
  • She, has an ungainly walk for a child whose support payments specify weekly ballet lessons.
  • Typically, this will specify the size of the house that you can build. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police refused to identify the others or specify details of their charges. The Sun
  • You specify that only files are selected in the find statement to prevent changes to directories triggering the inclusion of files that have not changed into the tar file.
  • Some statutes specify how people get married; these generally include both procedural requirements and who can get married, including prohibitions on consanguinity, nonage, and same-sex status in many states. The Volokh Conspiracy » Iowa state trial court judge rules for gay marriage:
  • These observations strongly suggest that Pmar1-misexpressing blastomeres respecify presumptive ectoderm as endomesoderm by activating only part of the E-EM / En-GRN, consisting of the genes encoding the core regulatory factors Z13, Eve, and FoxA. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • Update the product using option 5.1.2 - Update Product to specify a known version of the product package.
  • The architect ensured that some rainwater would go into the soil by specifying permeable grid pavers.
  • Used to input a value to select an option, specify a parameter, terminate a pause etc.
  • Where a cheque or bill is payable to order, it must specify the identity of the payee with reasonable certainty.
  • He didn't specify the matters.
  • Ads for her current tour have suggested that concertgoers bring canned food for local food banks but specify vegetarian food only.
  • He declined to specify them because of a lawsuit Larson has filed.
  • Both kinds of form, it may be noted, though they specify their resultant essences, or quasi-essences, are individuated by the quantified matter in the one case, and the subject of inhesion in the other. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Some RPS specify the technology combination, whereas others permit the market to drive the choices.
  • The brewer declined to specify how much its input costs have risen, but said its cost of sales, which includes raw materials, has risen 3.7% a hectoliter. AB InBev's Profits Double, But Volumes Fall
  • You can specify the date or the day of the week that you'd prefer to have the message delivered.
  • The terms of the treaty specify that there must be no outstanding legal proceedings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bodywrappers offers lightweight crushed (panne) velvet jazz pants and, if your school doesn't specify ‘black only,’ you may want to check out the hand-dyed jazz pants in lilac, royal, and white swirls from Watercolours.
  • I endeavour to specify that which has changed and, by extension, that which has not.
  • In order to avoid disputes, the sale agreement should specify the priority to be given to each of these rules.
  • We saw that possibilist realism faces the problem of specifying non-actual possible objects. Possible Objects
  • The user can specify an issue number or use the default which is the latest version.
  • Does the label specify which type of shampoo and conditioner I should use? Um, Yes, Give Me Two Of Each | Best Week Ever
  • Biologists often specify the evolutionary relationships among organisms via a treelike diagram called a cladogram.
  • Since the incremental value is encoded in the operation field, there is room to specify a store address in the instruction.
  • The regulations specify that you may use a dictionary in the examination.
  • This geometry should be taken into consideration when specifying a lens or telescope to image onto the slit, to prevent vignetting.
  • Specify element size, lead length, and insulation thickness and type upon ordering.
  • (Note: I've filed this under "general" since AcmeGirl doesn't specify if her ology is in the physical or biological sciences.) Additions to the Blogroll
  • For this application syntactic processing is required to determine exactly where in the output to correctly specify prosody.
  • The recipient can accept and specify that the allocator gets two dollars.
  • Optional arguments could be added after the text string to specify the comment introducer, the character used as the "box," and the width of the comment.
  • For example, the Javadoc specification allows you to specify annotations in the comments associated with a program element.
  • One simply has to envision that the agent who caused the universe was able to specify from the start not only laws but much more. page 231, EoE Blast From the Past
  • While they did not specify what the charges would be, they have earlier said that these two were being investigated for illegally entering the country and for what they call hostile acts. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2009
  • For e.g. in your case if you want to skip web. config you can specify from the command line: - skip: objectName = filepath, absolutepath = \\web\. config$ Latest Microsoft Blogs
  • Nor did he specify what action might be taken if evidence emerged of unjustified price rises.
  • Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods. An automobile or motor car for Auto Part
  • In one school, the headmaster announced a policy specifying that he would address the women by signora or signorina plus last name and the men by their first name.
  • These constituents would then specify how the cells develop.
  • Failure to specify this third variable and its effects on x and y constitutes the problem of spuriousness.
  • Specify a filename to be used for the generated preprocessed output stream.
  • After entering the tab ‘Volumes’, specify the starting and ending hectometre and the numbers of the layers between which the volume will be calculated.
  • It may have something to do with animacy whereby an inanimate noun (which hil is proven to be in Etruscan due to plural hilχva attested in the Liber Linteus) probably cannot be treated as the subject of a transitive verb and therefore is dethroned to a position after the verb to specify mere agent of the action instead (like a kind of 'afterthought', let's say) while still treated as an unmarked nominative noun. Archive 2008-04-01
  • In Command Line, specify a command as if you were specifying it at the command prompt.
  • He declined to specify what the project was about, but said it had nothing to do with Cosby.
  • The rules clearly specify that competitors must not accept payment.
  • If the project parts list does not specify a voltage, choose a capacitor with a rating which is greater than the project's power supply voltage.
  • Specify a realm name if your service requires users to enter one and you want Connection Manager to add it automatically .
  • You can specify distribution group memberships for this user.
  • If you are in the process of ordering a new door, you can specify that it come predrilled for a deadbolt.
  • Precis, however, does not specify particular receivers or adjust the information content to them.
  • She did not specify precisely how many people were involved in the incident.
  • The problem of specifying the timing and the form of effective state action is essentially political, not economic.
  • Many of the chapters in this volume specify educational programs that are intended to increase procedural knowledge. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • After that, the rule was changed to specify that a goaltender must defend against a penalty shot.
  • Missense mutation --- A mutation that changes a codon specific for one amino acid to specify another amino acid.
  • If an Employer provides special funding for a Employee's training and gives him professional technical training, it may conclude an agreement specifying a term of service with such Employee.
  • The terms of the treaty specify that there must be no outstanding legal proceedings. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would mean cutting discretionary domestic programs by one-third, but Dole does not specify how he would do this.
  • A _bond_ is evidence of debt, specifying the interest, and stating when the principal shall be paid; a _certificate of stock_ is evidence that the owner is a part-owner in the corporation or company, not a creditor, and he has no right to regain his money except by the sale of his stock, or through the winding up of the company's business. Up To Date Business Home Study Circle Library Series (Volume II.)
  • One is to specify the actual dates of review in the lease.
  • Duties included specifying the materials to be used in the construction and fitting out of the factory.
  • He tried to fudge the issue by saying that he did not want to specify periods.
  • The cursive connection feature type is used for cursively connected scripts to specify whether or not cursive connections are to be used between glyphs.
  • Culture will specify the relations that exist within the organisation and define what is to count as legitimate or illegitimate behaviour.
  • The application shall specify the name of the ship, the facts of and reasons for applying for publicizing notice for assertion of maritime liens.
  • Specify the account point of contact information.
  • The authorities could restrict hire purchase credit by specifying minimum deposits or maximum repayment periods.
  • The mknod command also creates a named pipe if you specify the p option for the type.
  • MPs must now specify the hours that they spend on second jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can also specify if the web page snapshots will be processed.
  • To get a fuller picture of the process of regulation of the miliary economy, let us specify what we mean by this process.
  • Additionally, you could optionally specify a number after the word parse - this would only disable specific settings. AutoHotkey Community
  • This is a meaningless question since it does not specify the period over which income is measured.
  • In the following window, specify the function category as XML, and XMLQuery as the function signature.
  • But you can specify a piano-black wood or grained metallic-effect trim instead. The Sun
  • They have none of them anything to do with attempts to specify a ratio for monetary base type control purposes.
  • Current laws specify parking requirements for new buildings.
  • Update the product using option 5.1.2 - Update Product to specify a known version of the product package.
  • Users will see and be able to specify values for these properties when using this component in the Virtual Application Builder.
  • Catalog database dbase3 (without specifying authentication, or specifying authentication as gssplugin).
  • A program plan should be developed with those involved in its implementation and should specify how the desired results will be achieved.
  • They would have the opportunity to specify on their tax remittal form how they would choose to allocate their taxes between roads and transit. Sound Politics: A modest proposal for transportation budgeting
  • Car owners can specify their usual service or MoT within the ad. The Sun
  • The middle level is where the engineers specify models that map onto electrical and electronic components.
  • The analphabetic characters that specify formatting information are themselves part of a hybrid scheme.
  • Please specify Y if this media unit is a serial device or N if it is a random access device.
  • That is there is a tendency to misspecify the contingent nature of at least some spatial relations as necessary aspects of the social relations with which they are correlative.
  • Sometimes I let the mp3 player handle this at random so it's pot luck; other times I specify a track that I know will get me all focused.
  • Adjust the slider to specify what users are allowed to see.
  • You can also specify the size of the drop-down list box.
  • Don't assume the applicants will remember to specify which jobs interest them.
  • W did not specify any service to be rendered by A and A did not know what was in W's mind.
  • Furthermore, Irigaray uses this representation of the body to specify a feminine language which is plural, polyvalent, and irreducible to a masculine language based on restrictive notions of unity and identity.
  • The groups of instructions to manipulate index registers need to specify an index register and a store location.
  • Google keeps users' photos along with 'metadata' specifying where and when the photo was taken. Times, Sunday Times
  • He tried to fudge the issue by saying that he did not want to specify periods.
  • The agent JAR file uses a special manifest attribute to specify the actual agent class, which must define a method public static void premain(String options, Instrumentation inst).
  • But the theorists do not specify precisely how important Fordism was, nor how its hypothesized dominance was established.
  • As is indicated above the judge must specify the sum to be disallowed or ordered.
  • She did not specify precisely how many people were involved in the incident.
  • A very widespread but mistaken presupposition is that Revelation contains secret, coded messages, specifying the dates and details of cataclysmic events just around the corner.
  • It could specify that time in the United States under this visa would not inure towards time for cancellation of removal. Andy Schupak: B-4 Retiree Visas
  • One can engage in reciprocal exchange using money, as when a friend gives you a loan and does not specify when it must be repaid. Cultural Anthropology
  • He tried to fudge the issue by saying that he did not want to specify periods.
  • As it is not prepackaged and served loose there is no requirement to specify. Times, Sunday Times
  • One way French gets around this dilemma is by specifying the type of apple that will be served fried, so pommes sauvages frites is clearly “fried wild apples” and not “french fries.” The English Is Coming!
  • The context enables one to specify more clearly the meaning of the word and thus to eliminate the ambiguity.
  • Architects usually specify which particular hardwood they want to use.
  • MPs must now specify the hours that they spend on second jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is their responsibility to decide what new equipments are needed, and to specify their performance and other critical parameters.
  • Gordon did not specify exactly what it was the staff members were not supposed to talk about.
  • Could you please specify your criticism of my paper?
  • It's not easy to specify the exact rules where two or more adjectives premodify a noun, but they do exist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Package instructions specify the correct depth for each variety, but the best general rule is the old one: seeds should be covered twice the depth of their own diameter.
  • You can also specify your limit price and stop-loss trigger price.
  • For him she begged the gift of immortality from her fellow gods, but neglected to specify eternal youth as well.

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