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How To Use Specifically In A Sentence

  • When I looked at the chart a second time, I saw that there was a lot Michael had left out of his personal history; specifically, IVDU—intravenous drug use—dating back ten years, and a major depression that had led to a psychiatric hospitalization and ECT, electroconvulsive therapy. After the Diagnosis
  • In recent years, Laganside Corporation has transformed the inner core of Belfast city centre, specifically along the Lagan river and in the surrounding area.
  • More specifically, a recusant was someone who refused to attend Protestant church services.
  • Recombinant Oct-11 protein binds specifically to an octamer sequence invitro.
  • Mar–Oct; £8.50 per person per night plus £3 YHA membership fee per person per night or £14.35 per year; 07747 174293If it weren't for the fact that Latin is a long-dead language, you could be forgiven for thinking that the phrase multum in parvo much in little was coined specifically with The Buzzards in mind. The 10 best secluded campsites
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  • The missile is aimed specifically to destroy military targets.
  • [12] The original reference to experience from which the meaning of the term astronavigation should be derived is not essentially "space-travel," but forms of transoceanic navigation which take into account the effects specific to changes in specific astronomical experiences, from fixed to variable, which are relevant to transoceanic navigation within what had appeared, initially, as a permanently fixed set of changes within the ordering of the planets or specifically stellar phenomena. LaRouche's Latest
  • Cultural theorist Charles Mudede has written extensively on pop music, specifically hiphop.
  • This so-called "truncation" of the collection process calls for a redefinition of the duties incumbent on the holder and collecting and drawee banks and have been specifically addressed in the proposed legislation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Tefillah (Prayer) contains poems specifically written for a siddur (prayer book). Marge Piercy: Statement
  • Ajmal Aqtash, writes that, "The exhibition traces the evolution of Lalvani's genomic art as filtered through two major series, AlgoRhythms ™ and XURF ™, each exploring Lalvani's principal concern with the relationship between genetic codes and sculptural creation, and more specifically, between" genomics "- sculpture derived from formal rules, and" epigenomics "- works created through external agents like forces, respectively. Steven Mesler: Form Follows Force: Haresh Lalvani
  • Since this difference of aspect in the object differentiates the species of virtue, it seems that dulia is divided into specifically different virtues.
  • Reporter - unquote "unquote" is looking for a confident, competent and ambitious reporter with language skills, specifically French or Scandinavian, to work as part of the unquote "team. News from
  • Some postal workers specifically avoided the World Trade Centre because its upper floors were known to creak and sway in stiff winds.
  • Specifically, it scans the log files and generates a synopsis of which accounts have been used and when.
  • Specifically the realm of 'foamed' metals forged in zero gee at high Gauss… NASA Administrator Orders Study of Heavy Lift Alternatives | Universe Today
  • Going into a somewhat different trajectory, specifically to continue a line of speculation from a previous post on an African bridge house: can someone be fundamentally altered — like the corn they're cultivating to produce cancer cures — while living quasi-permanently in flourescent-lit dampness and hermetic seclusion, detached from the vagaries of weather, time and natural pollination, amidst pure geology? Cave Pharming
  • Such long chains of RBC's sediment more readily. This is the mechanism for the sedimentation rate, which increases non-specifically with inflammation and increased "acute phase" serum proteins.
  • Uncle Sam is a national personification of the United States (US), and sometimes more specifically of the American government, with the first usage of the term dating from the War of 1812 and the first illustration dating from 1852. The Big Apple
  • Specifically, sodium selenite is often unsafe at levels exceeding 600 micrograms, whereas selenium from yeast, L-selenomethionine and sodium selenate are generally much safer.
  • The small minority of motorcycle riders that are involved in criminal activity should be able to be dealt with under existing laws against organised (or other) crime, we don't need more laws specifically targeting motorbike riders, or hysterical public discussion, about "bikie" terror. Central Midlands & Coastal Advocate
  • Specifically, if females respond adaptively to changes in population density, they should produce large broods of small young at low density and small broods of large young at high density.
  • The resolution refers specifically to detention centres and humanitarian aid.
  • The eland, which is closely allied to the American wapiti if not specifically the same animal, is still kept in the royal preserves of Prussia, to the number of four or five hundred individuals. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 02 (historical)
  • The E - 6 oncoprotein specifically inactivates wild type p53, and the E - 7 oncoprotein inactivates Rb.
  • The majority of the property was built specifically for its current use and features include a nurse call system, emergency lighting and a three-phase electricity system.
  • In addition, two of the four dimensions that make up anxiety sensitivity -- the "fear of cognitive dyscontrol" and the "fear of publically observable anxiety symptoms" specifically predicted depression symptoms. Undefined
  • Why commission a craftsman to labour for weeks on a design of guitar that was specifically intended for mass production?
  • It surely cannot happen since our laws specifically forbid it and anyone who chooses to come to live here must abide by our laws. The Sun
  • We showed that CmACS-7 is specifically expressed in carpel primordia, and, in andromonoecious genotypes, a missense mutation leads to loss of enzymatic activity. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Hypoderm - is: the cellular layer which secretes the chitinous cuticula and in this sense = epidermis: specifically applied to the lining membrane of elytral and hemelytra. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • It surely cannot happen since our laws specifically forbid it and anyone who chooses to come to live here must abide by our laws. The Sun
  • - Antibacterial (antibiotic) of the penicillin group, acting specifically against penicillinase producing staphylococci Chapter 4
  • Some alluded to specifically contemporary issues.
  • Section 144 allows the transfer of leases and section 144 allows leases to be mortgaged and there are subsequent provisions which deal specifically with a mortgage over a leasehold or licence.
  • It is certainly not a convincing retort to point out that: the argument is inconsistent with the existence of a Board having powers as specified under Section 11 of the Broadcasting Act. However, in assenting to the Act, Parliament either did not know what it was doing; or was making an idle gesture, not expecting the Board to promulgate any regulations respecting standards of programs, the character of advertising, the amount of time that may be devoted to advertising, and other matters specifically referred to, in the Act; or as I believe to be much more likely, Parliament consciously denied the argument that broadcasting can be left to the normal criteria and judgments of the market place. A High Standard
  • Consider the code above and realize that any enumerated value not specifically processed by a case statement is instead processed by the default statement.
  • The authors specifically exclude the neo-fascist movement in the west, which they describe as sharing few of the progressive and internationalist values of the other social forces. Undefined
  • More specifically, there are Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Eocene, and Miocene marine and Oligocene and Plio-Pleistocene nonmarine sedimentary rocks. Santa Monica Mountains (Bailey)
  • It specifically enhances episodic memory - the kind that lapses when you lose your car keys or can't remember where you parked the car. Times, Sunday Times
  • Specifically, children's responses to the less familiar quantities of zero and fractions could shed light on their performance with the more familiar whole numbers.
  • They specifically admitted children who were behaviorally aggressive, not mentally deficient, brain damaged, or psychotic.
  • It works in the body specifically to reduce any allergic inflammation of the nasal passages, the bronchial airways and the throat.
  • Conditions in the prison were not good, he wrote, but in his opinion they didn't specifically contravene any UN conventions. THE EXECUTION
  • Specifically, several studies have demonstrated that participants will confidently infer a strong causal link between two events after observing only a single positive instance of a cause and effect co-occurring.
  • The violence of the past-specifically, the dreaded practice of necklacing, which mingled the smell of rubber with the ‘sickly stench of roasting human flesh’ has been eliminated.
  • The BBC have announced (in 'Removing Microformats from bbc.') that they'll stop using the hCalendar microformat because of concerns about accessibility, specifically the use of the HTML abbreviation element (the abbr tag): Archive 2008-06-01
  • I'm convinced God has assigned a legion of Road-Angels specifically to me.
  • Not just another way of stating that divine sovereignty and human doing cohere or belong together but more specifically this verse expresses a soteriological truth.
  • The fact that their views may not reflect majority views, or indeed are specifically opposed to majority views, is immaterial.
  • That's why, Adler explains in an editor's letter, Reuters has decided to produce a magazine specifically designed for the gabfest known as Davos. Yvette Kantrow: A Look at Reuters, the Magazine
  • But whatever they assimilated from other cultures and traditions, they applied in a specifically Judaic context.
  • First School students and Junior students pursue separate courses, as they prepare specifically for classroom work.
  • Specifically, the impact of recent advances by blacks in local government is assessed.
  • Devoted specifically to the scholarly, cross-disciplinary study of plagiary and related behaviors across the disciplines, articles in Plagiary address the issue of fraudulent contributions to disciplinary discourse communities and the potential (and actual) corruption of the professional literature and other genres of discourse as a result of such derivative and/or fraudulent "contributions" to discoursal interchange. November 2006
  • So the idea that even one Planned Parenthood staffer (by definition … a “pro-choicer”) is perfectly okay with funding even one abortion, specifically to kill a black child — well, we are unilaterally and unequivocally against that. ProWomanProLife » On “moral hygiene”
  • If a note can append a piece of information to a specifically indexable point in a text, the rest of the text must potentially be recodable within a larger system.
  • Palpifer: any palpus-bearing part: specifically, a small sclerite hearing the maxillary palpus and itself articulated to the stipes. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Any Witch who is part of a coven or more specifically a tradition can tell you this.
  • Health professionals' education consisted of a pamphlet and a technical guide widely circulated in the experimental areas, along with an audio cassette specifically developed for family physicians.
  • It was financed from funds specifically identified for teaching undergraduates and nurses.
  • If no trade term is specifically agreed, the delivery shall be Ex works ( EXW ).
  • A novel air-drying method that was developed specifically for this work, and which proved most suitable, is described here.
  • Specifically, an ability to articulate research findings and opinions succinctly in valuation and professional reports.
  • Aluminium cleaners: There is a wide range of products formulated specifically for cleaning aluminium cladding and vehicle bodies.
  • Imagine the lawsuits if they sold that crap in the US and someone's baby had an allergic reaction to something specifically marked "hypoallergenic" because they actually loaded it with perfume that's known to produce allergic reactions. 03/14/2006
  • Specifically for vigorous cultivating of entrepreneur, mechanism brings forward self viewpoint.
  • The highly flexible, strong tubing was developed specifically for medical device applications.
  • I have been saying this for a while now, specifically in the context of Pakistan, that instead of trying to present a ‘moderate’ picture of Islam as is the fashion and which is fallacious by the way, we must in explicit terms denounce Islam. Women Erased in Israel, Flogged in Pakistan and Restricted in Afghanistan - The Lede Blog -
  • First of all, while the new strategy document specifically cites al-Qaeda as the biggest threat to the United States, it no longer uses the term "Islamic fundamentalism" for the same reason the Bush Administration stopped using it, because it is counter-productive to a policy that relies on the assistance of Muslims to be effective. Reza Aslan: Obama's "Weak", "Politically Correct" Counterterrorism Plan Will Make Americans Safer
  • Specifically, fiscal policy worked to moderate economic cycles through automatic stabilizers.
  • Nowadays, thanks to artificial surfactants, which keep newborn lungs expanded after that first big breath, ventilators designed specifically for tiny lungs, maternal steroid therapy, the survival rates of the teenier, tinier babies are actually improving. 11 « January « 2007 « Adventures in Juggling
  • If stains persist after brushing, you often can remove them with a rubber eraser designed specifically for the fabric; they're sometimes referred to as suede stones. Undefined
  • There are also new quantity standards for the annual use of all biofuels nationally and specifically for biodiesel in Minnesota.
  • Seated calf raises specifically target the soleus, which runs under the gastrocnemius and is actually the lower leg's largest muscle.
  • It is specifically designed to monitor employee use of the Internet.
  • We've had people give us scholarships aimed specifically at the social sciences and humanities.
  • This was the first academic position in the German-speaking world that was dedicated specifically to Chinese and Japanese, rather than to some more general rubric that might allowably include them.
  • We have heard quite specifically that there will be further devolution for those that have not got it.
  • Prompted by this discovery, researchers are developing biomaterials specifically for the regeneration and repair of tissue, shifting the emphasis from replacement of tissues to regeneration.
  • It would be an opportunity for reflection specifically for people coming with a background of development experience and practice.
  • Wildman pioneered advertising and fashion photography in Britain, specifically outdoor location work, as well as creating natural indoor lighting.
  • Diva is the term derived from the Latin word “divus”, “a divine one”, and in its original use described a woman of exceptional talent, more specifically a great female opera singer. Archive 2007-07-01
  • (To do this, you have to break the copy-protection scheme -- an act that is specifically outlawed by the anticonsumer Digital Millennium Copyright Act.) Info With A Ball And Chain
  • The bill's promoter stated specifically that he has no intention of going on to tackle shooting or angling.
  • A version will ship early next year in Europe alongside a model designed specifically as a wireless data unit.
  • It is likely that Raytheon will use the APG-63, because it was designed specifically for the F-15 and has already been sold to equip F-15s for Singapore and the U.S. Air National Guard.
  • What people are doing in public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy specifically is, I think, trying to create a backcloth against which formal diplomacy takes place. Linda Constant: A Different Kind of P2P: The Rhythm Road: American Music Abroad
  • And then also specifically on the capital market there you know, in terms of caprate as well as the lending environment? Home Page
  • Specifically, it is obtained from the processing of the mineral molybdenite (a molybdenum ore) that is found in porphyry copper deposits. Rhenium
  • This is a European, and not a specifically British, problem.
  • A motion transducer or more specifically an accelerometer may be used to generate a ballistocardiogram.
  • Specifically, motor vehicles deployed within the region were susceptible to explosive attacks, and many army personnel had found themselves raiding junkyards to create makeshift armour in order to protect themselves.
  • Sexual excitement is accompanied throughout by a sensation of pleasure, specifically known as _voluptuous pleasure_, the _voluptuous sensation_, or simply _voluptuousness_ (in Latin, _libido sexualis_). The Sexual Life of the Child
  • There are to be found generic, that is specifically subdivisible, differentiae; On the Parts of Animals
  • She is very specifically waiting for Oregon to pull ahead so that she can put in Karen.
  • Besides, two of the four dimensions that make up anxiety sensitivity - the 'fear of cognitive dyscontrol' and the 'fear of publicly observable anxiety symptoms' specifically predicted depression symptoms. India eNews
  • My blog, however, was specifically about the chaparral brushland of Southern California, not about pine, fir and cedar forests of the West. Chris McGowan: Chaparral & Global Warming Footnotes
  • She situates her storytelling within a specifically literary context, and develops a double-voiced message, directed toward both a white audience and the black community.
  • It covers specifically a logical organization of information, such as document representatives, for the purpose of information retrieval.
  • It is specifically about actions by the Crown under a statute providing a prescribed means of law enforcement.
  • Specifically targeting children aged between ten and 15 years old, overweight children will be referred on to the new trial project by doctors, practice nurses, dieticians, health visitors and school nurses.
  • Specifically, you must name each instance of pv using --name, and you must enable multiline mode with --cursor.
  • Bach's "Art of the Fugue", specifically the point where Bach inserts as a countersubject the notes corresponding to the letters of his own name. The Bob Dylan song that turned on Jimmy Carter is the one that Barack Obama calls a favorite.
  • Homeowners 'insurance: Unless specifically spelled out in the will, the life tenant is responsible only for insuring his or her interest, while the remainderman has the obligation to insure the rest. Life estates are a complex area of law
  • Never use a bath seat on textured or non-skid surfaces unless the manufacturer's instructions specifically state the seat is intended for such surfaces.
  • It basically came down to this for me: FGM is about controlling women – specifically about controlling the sexuality of girls and controlling their transition to and experience of womanhood – whereas my understanding of cultural/religious reasons for male circumcision is that those are different. The First Cut | Her Bad Mother
  • An awards banquet, the first ever specifically for blacks in the broadcast industry, was held at the Waldorf-Astoria.
  • In one town, the " burkini, " a bathing suit worn by some Muslim women, specifically has been banned. An Italian Fringe Firebrand
  • They have instituted what is called ‘soft touch’ policies, where caseworkers, unless specifically asked, will not tell even those people denied cash assistance that they may be eligible for other benefits.
  • Then he breaks the news that they will also need to rent specifically tailored machinery on a weekly basis to perform the necessary upkeep, like the greens mower, the heavy-duty roller, the aerating machine, and the lawn thatcher. Where Green's the Color of the Day
  • Specifically military skills were acquired by actual practice and performance under supervision.
  • The glossy pamphlets are crammed with cosmetics, but this ritual has become less about racking up sales of lipstick and face cream and more about a hunt for people, specifically future Avon sales representatives.
  • We specifically avoided the usual low-frequency reactions to a dip in the road by providing highly controlled ride motions.
  • Specifically the Heilbron Report did not recommend similar anonymity for defendants in rape cases.
  • What makes this cautionary tale so instructive is not just the details of back-room wheeling and dealing that relate specifically to Chicago.
  • More specifically, there are signs that the photographer put an idiosyncratic and skeptical spin on his appropriation of various graphic tactics and values.
  • Call barring means that the prisoner can, as with phonecards, call any number except those specifically barred by the Prison.
  • “It was a madhouse,” he tells me unspecifically, neither lying nor telling the truth. Chuck Klosterman on Rock
  • Organisms living in that environment would, of necessity, be specifically adapted to coping with a very soft, semi-fluid bottom.
  • I say all this because I study linguistics, so when I try to build a model of language I know specifically what the output of the model should be (because deducing all the variables that you need to incorporate is a doable task). Douglass North, On One Foot, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Write him a note asking how he would feel about interracial dating, and, specifically, dating you.
  • Layer 3 uses perceptual audio coding and psychoacoustic compression to remove all superfluous information (more specifically, the redundant and irrelevant parts of a sound signal).
  • The revised title for next week's results is by Kevin Dopart; this week's honorable-mentions subhead is by Craig Dykstra. in which we asked rather unspecifically for nerdy, quantitatively leaning musings: Style Invitational Week 872: Make a word out of a name; and geeky musings
  • Specifically the money has been used to appoint a Project Officer, Nick Lewer.
  • Late next year, 870 No. 10 million will roll off the line in Ilion, N.Y. In anticipation of that milestone, I traveled to the factory in April to assist with the birth of an 870, specifically, serial No. AB457021M, a left-handed 12-gauge Express, the 9,524,500th 870 ever built. It Always Goes Bang
  • While copying guild models, friendly societies also adopted elements of the secret freemasonry movement, specifically rites, rituals and codes of conduct.
  • The New York Times claims it comes from the Middle High German word for a weak beer, which seems to make some of sense for a thin soup, but the Oxford Companion to Food counters that it's a variation of the German "schinke", or ham, denoting a shin specifically: "so the archetypal skink is a soup made from shin of beef". How to cook perfect cullen skink
  • Union contracts often specifically protect workers who are physically able to work.
  • These advanced studies build into the planning model information which is specifically relevant to a chosen retail market sector.
  • There are actually three definitions of a Megabyte, one decimal, one binary, and one that refers specifically to 1.44MB floppoes.
  • State-of-the-art, precision bioengineering ensures that Xenadrine-EFX specifically targets fat-burning and fat-storage processes in the body, while sparing muscle.
  • Specifically, embryo screening has made it possible for families to sidestep their genetic fates.
  • More specifically, somebody tipped off the Evening Standard, which made a freedom of information request, got a little list of undeleted expletives and set the storm raging. Row over MPs' expletives undeleted poses a question of standards
  • Mr. Bulluck said Mr. Coughlin had specifically and exactingly warned the team Saturday night that Tennessee would try to provoke personal fouls. Giants Reeling From Sloppy Play
  • This may sound like odd advice, but it makes sense if you know that "pullulate" traces ultimately to the Latin noun "pullus," which means not only "sprout," but also "young of an animal" and, specifically, Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • Specifically, the conjunction of two events is contained within the extension of both individual events.
  • We diversified the reading curriculum to make it more great-booksy - specifically, the great works of Cossack literature. Undefined
  • It's not yet known if the plant will continue specifically as a tannery but in any event, it will reopen as an industrial factory and will create employment.
  • They comprise pledges on national standards and a new set of promises specifically geared to the local area.
  • They had trained troops specifically for war in the mountains and they were suitably equipped.
  • First School students and Junior students pursue separate courses, as they prepare specifically for classroom work.
  • Specifically, the normally green stems began to discolor (turn brown) from the outside of the tree inward.
  • They make it especially for Oktoberfest and certain people ask for it specifically.
  • Casualty investigation, treatment, legal and administrative regulations otherwise specifically stipulated.
  • It granted the officers' request for a warrant, but didn't specifically say that they could search occupants of the house other than the drug dealer.
  • Once the samples are in the lab, researchers have a suite of techniques at their disposal to hunt around for microbe DNA, and specifically for 16S rRNA, a gene that Colwell called "card-carrying evidence that you are alive. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • It is the distinctive items in his diet that communicate not just the man's low social stature but also his specifically rural, peasant origins.
  • Among Kant's predecessors who employed explicitly antinomic arguments and who may have specifically influenced him were Arthur Collier in his treatment of space (Clavis universalis, 1713), and Christian August Crusius in his treatment of causality and freedom (Entwurf der nothwendigen ANTINOMY OF PURE REASON
  • In 1903 the Poplar Guardians leased for one year a new workhouse specifically for the use of able-bodied men.
  • Specifically: Consumers may balk if TV sets become too computerlike and complicated. The death of the URL | FactoryCity
  • I can’t compete with that!) and a small trinket picked specifically for that person tied to the elaborate ribbon with even more elaborate ribbon… you know what? Purplecigar Diary Entry
  • Specifically, it might inspire them to revisit the politically arduous and philosophically complex struggle whereby modern liberalism overcame the sanguinary terror of religious conflict in post-Reformation Europe.
  • Specifically, we move the creative energies found in the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and related to procreation and sexuality, up into the third eye chakra, the spiritual center located between the two eyebrows. Stacey Lawson: Principle #5: The Ecstasy Of Asking
  • The positive redefinition of a specifically Asian form of masculinity may also be a significant part of these texts' appeal.
  • Peenplus has been specifically developed to allow architects and specifiers to create a new shot-peened finish using entirely non-ferrous shot, thereby eliminating the risk of any cross contamination from the old steel shot methods used previously. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • Patenting in general increased over this period, and specifically, patenting anchored in existing firm knowledge also increased.
  • Keryx management is aiming specifically to take market share from Genzyme but also believes Zerenex has competitive advantages over smaller players including PhosLo and Fosrenol. Keryx Pharmaceuticals Rallies but Remains Undervalued -- Seeking Alpha
  • This it does either by specifically compelling the promisor to perform or by awarding the promisee damages to put him in as good a position as if the promise had been kept.
  • Coffee specifically draws toxins from the liver through the mesentery of the small intestine.
  • Today, ergonomists worry less about manual laborers' arms than about their backs, because the lower back specifically the lumbosacral junction is now understood to be the weakest link in the "body segment chain. How To Shovel Snow Without (Literally) Killing Yourself
  • I elegantly e-mailed the company, who sent back a ‘dear occupant’ type response assuring it's ‘aware of the varied taste preferences and dietary needs of our consumers,’ but not specifically addressing any point, plaint or plea.
  • She did offer an anti-depressant which is contraindicated for anyone with a heart condition specifically arrhythmias. Patient from hell? Insecure and confused doctors? Or yes to both?
  • Specifically, robots, engineered organisms, and nanobots share a dangerous amplifying factor: they can self-replicate.
  • Needless to say, the Old Testament teems with such types and pictures which (as we saw last month) were specifically given to provide insight, instruction and illumination in relation to their new-covenant antitypes.
  • Our training programmes are geared specifically to the needs of older workers.
  • More specifically, a general or working knowledge of regional variations also illustrates that the constitutive elements of the regional compositions differ.
  • The cog was a broadly built ship, with a roundish prow and stern, more manœuvrable than the old kind and specifically designed for carrying freight.
  • Creator Kevin Colden may be the first person to win a Xeric grant — and turn it down, in favor of distributing Fishtown for free on the internet, specifically the LiveJournal comics community Act I Vate. Breakout Cartoonists: Kevin Colden »
  • Specifically, participants are presented with a sequence of brief stimuli with a constant stimulus onset asynchrony, and are asked to respond when they believe the sequence has ended.
  • Ground fault interrupters (GFI's) are specifically designed to eliminate electric shock hazards where people use fixtures and appliances near water.
  • Us being able to take skin cells and convert them into healthy blood, specifically adult blood, would provide a great substitute product to hopefully out-compete those leukaemic cells. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The audible allusion is to the passage that records the sudden eruption of joy at the top of stanza IX in the "Intimations" Ode, more specifically a few lines on, when the poet says that it is not for the The 'Power of Sound' and the Great Scheme of Things: Wordsworth Listens to Wordsworth
  • Except as otherwise specifically provided, a "registrant" is a person registered under the selective service law. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9979
  • Specifically, I am endlessly compelled by the notion that higher stages or levels do not preexist, that is, they are not "given" but are literally created by brave individuals who actually venture into new, uncharted territory, laying down "Kosmic grooves" that others follow, which eventually become actual new structures or stages. Unalog
  • There is also a porridge spurtle, potato masher and an array of tart tins and baking sheets - one baking tin being specifically for the weekly batch of shortbread.
  • The researchers found that deactivating the basolateral amygdala, a brain region involved in regulating emotion, specifically blocked consumption of a fatty diet in a rat. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • More specifically, it was the daughters, as opposed to spouse carers, who were upset by the reduced social contact.
  • The frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the area means that the buildings must be specifically designed to withstand the force.
  • What it will say is that it has developed a way of replicating viral antibodies using non-biological means, specifically ‘computer and microelectronics technology’.
  • More specifically, the plan trims and restricts some of the more abusive recreational activities in mountainous regions, including skiing, snowmobiling and mountain biking.
  • Specifically, it's much less expensive to sort out student accommodation in Clonmel or Carlow than it is to pay slumlords in Dublin or Galway.
  • Which of us, after all, has grown up in an apartment block specifically built to house, on each of its eight floors, a different branch of our own family?
  • (Not to detract from the poster -- very cool, and I wish I had the spare computers to do it, I'm just disinclined to purchase one specifically for use in the kitchen .. at least, not in this shithole apartment) mgpcoe The Upside Down Mac | Lifehacker Australia
  • They are specifically angulated and torqued so that a round wire will begin the allignment and a rectangular wire will fine tune the torque, etc. Orthodontics (Braces)
  • Specifically, what kind of company rewards its employees with the prospect of more work in their holidays? Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, and Guinan speaks in riddles by not speaking in riddles while she’s speaking in riddles after Picard specifically asked her not to speak in riddles. 22 « February « 2009 « Axiom's Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • This is, historically speaking, simply an error: Marxism is specifically a form of revolutionary socialism. The Volokh Conspiracy » Political Ignorance and Perceptions of “Capitalism” and “Socialism”
  • I also arrived at a time when the Krogan lab, more specifically Assen Roguev (twitter feed), has been working to develop genetic interaction assays for S. pombe (Roguev A 2007). Archive 2009-06-01
  • Specifically, I “looked inside,” as Amazon would have it, and I found a sort of interlinear commentary on the Bible. The Intelligent Design Coloring Book -- and more - The Panda's Thumb
  • The research also indicates that 100 mm-high humps pose a greater possibility of pollution, property and vehicle damage and grounding, specifically to buses, emergency vehicles and hearses.
  • This novel triazine IGR acts specifically on dipteran species. Chapter 7
  • Beam has successfully increased the presence and trial of Jim Beam bourbon and DeKuyper cordials via local promotions and sponsorships, specifically among Latino consumers.
  • This road map was specifically formulated to create opportunities for students to continue their exploration of space throughout their educational careers; then once thier educational career is complete, the students are then primed for a career in aerospace industry. Today's Video: Inspire Me! Weightless Flights of Discovery - NASA Watch
  • An allergic reaction to lactose is a concern, but few even of those who are dairy allergic have to be specifically concerned. Allegic Reactions from Lactose in Dry Powder Asthma Inhalers
  • Thiokol LPE 2078 is a liquid polysulfide epoxy coating specifically designed for use on concrete.
  • If one thinks of these roots on both the phonemic and phonetic levels, then one understands the resultant phonetic t(ʰ) as merely an allophone of *dʰ following *s (or perhaps more specifically tautosyllabic *s?) PIE "look-alike stems" - Evidence of something or a red herring?
  • These excisable songs are perhaps best described as extraneous genre exercises (most specifically, the just a little bit too cute "I Did What I Did"). Blogtimore, Hon
  • Even the initial large-scale industrial production base in the mining sector was specifically tailored to serve the process of extractive exploitation of natural resources.
  • Specifically, menorrhagia (excessive menstrual loss) is one of the most common reasons for referral to gynaecology clinics.

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