How To Use Specialist In A Sentence
Accompanied by an ensemble, Musica Fiata, incorporating specialist period instruments such as chalumeau, arciliuto and violino in tromba marina, La Capella Ducale deliver the psalms with joy, some of the ornamentation is so detailed it sounds like laughter.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
Linn are specialists in producing top quality audio and those listening to this hybrid CD will find a level of definition and clarity close to that of expensive vinyl.
Another injury victim, Andy Heald, sees a specialist this week over his sciatica, but former skipper Davey Luker is unlikely to feature again this season due to work commitments.
The specialists simply have to intensify their focus to stay alive, offering products and services that mass merchants cannot.
He visited a specialist yesterday to find out whether he requires surgery.
Times, Sunday Times

You need to see a specialist.
In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.
They brought in an outside specialist to install the computer system.
Boschi, who trained with Passignano in the late 1580s, is known today principally to specialists, but he enjoyed a considerable degree of popularity in the early seicento.
They asked image specialists for their ideas on how to freshen the legion's image.
Vulnerable people who have committed no crime and pose no threat to society are regularly forced to wait in bare cells before they get specialist treatment.
Last week I lamented the lack of tries in our now defence-dominated game, what with the accent on specialist prevention coaching.
Their definition of quackery is the application of treatments that have not been scientifically proven to have any effects, that are practiced by physicians as well as specialists without a MD and they organise congresses from time to time where they say things like this.
The Organisation against Quackery
Any book that is written for the public, as this one is, needs to bring across that maturity and complexity of thinking in such a way that it is digestible by nonspecialists, without trivializing the subject.
Was a five-set slogging match in oppressive heat what the heart specialists would have recommended?
Times, Sunday Times
The hospital dietician or specialist cardiac nurse can provide dietary advice.
It might be good to know that Muravyev is a time-trial specialist and a longshot for the prologue.
By combining our specialist industry knowledge and expertise, Sword Apak and AutoVIN can offer a comprehensive solution for the wholesale floorplanning finance community", commented James Powell, Sales Director for Sword Apak.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Useful introductory and supplementary materials and informed commentaries on the individual works make this a work of interest to specialists and others.
A spellbinding four hours of voices, intelligent interviews and specialists.
Times, Sunday Times
The college runs specialist language courses.
We have installed a data specialist in the call centre whose key result area is to get a customer's services configured the moment he walks in and handhold them through all issues.
One was a group of classroom teachers and curriculum specialists; the other included business leaders and school administrators.
The specialist suggested that children should not eat too much sugar.
UCLA's Vital Information and Tailored Assessment program offers patients a two-hour, one-time consultation with specialists in cancer survivorship, billed to insurance as a regular visit with a physician, to identify posttreatment physical and psychological problems and create a plan for future treatments including wellness-enhancing strategies.
Cancer Survivors Find Support
The board will demand specialist medical advice that this is not the case, otherwise it is inconceivable that he will be relicensed.
The specialist radiates, operates and medicates, turning what should have killed us evolutionarily into "chronic conditions" that cost 19 percent of the GDP to control.
Francine Hardaway: Routine Maintenance: Health Care's Contract With America
They do not think about a specialist in ferreting out justice.
Forces at Work in India and the Far East
MONTREAL — Contrairement aux fédérations de médecins spécialistes et d'omnipraticiens, le Collège des médecins ne prend pas clairement position en faveur de l'euthanasie.
The English Canadian MSM got it wrong re: Quebec College of Physicians and Euthanasia
He believed he was ‘untouchable’ but his victims finally became sick of the yob and helped a specialist council unit to boot him out of their neighbourhood.
The book will probably be more attractive to Durkheim specialists and graduate students than to novices in the field.
In Camberwick Green, everyone had sensibly diversified into specialist trades that made the town work as a well-regulated organic entity.
Effective in their appeal to the general reader, they are less convincing at the level of specialist argumentation.
Her penultimate day was at Chetham's, an independent co-educational specialist music school, where parents pay if they can afford it.
Which school should I choose?
Now, the dynamics of dynasticism are faintly understood by non-specialists.
The Times Literary Supplement
Karen Waite, MS, equine specialist with MSU Extension added "If you have a horse and are unsure of its vaccination history, you should revaccinate them to be sure they are protected. News
Each individual was assigned a case officer from a specialist section within the counter-espionage branch to monitor every aspect of the agents' handling.
They might be medical specialists, making a field study of malaria or sweat rash, or signals wallahs testing radio equipment.
Most established otolaryngology departments now have specialist voice clinics.
From hiking boots to beach sandals, even the more specialist items such as ergonomic running shoes and walking boots.
Archive 2008-08-01
The lively forums also mean you can talk directly to other runners and specialists in the field.
The Sun
They are also interested in reducing the support costs associated with responding to queries from production management specialists.
Cornwall's specialist supplier and stockists of weldmesh welded steel mesh & associated products - stainless steel weldmesh, galvanised weldmesh, weldmesh fencing.
The nation's current work force of scientific and technological specialists is unable to supply the pressing demand.
They will also give non-specialists an easy way to make identifications and provide access to detailed species information.
Beginner bonsai growers will be able to enjoy demonstrations on styling and repotting trees, and there will also be specialist tools available for sale.
I'm a specialist officer and know that I have to pass my twice yearly fitness test or risk getting binned which is fair enough.
Army Rumour Service
The museum sends fragile porcelain objects to specialists to be restored.
A specialist has now pronounced him fully fit.
If you have a semi-detached or terraced house, you will need a party wall specialist surveyor to check the work is done correctly.
Times, Sunday Times
Another failure in the system is the delay in patients being referred to a specialist at the first signs of disease.
Times, Sunday Times
In the two years he has been in business, he has established a reputation as the specialist in this field.
He has been something of a specialist in impersonating a police officer.
The moving specialists' first task is to help the seniors downsize their belongings so they can fit into, say, a retirement-center efficiency or a one-bedroom apartment.
I shall make a referral to a specialist.
Times, Sunday Times
I would ask a fiberglass specialist at a local marina or even a surveyor to look at it.
Cue an appointment with a specialist.
The Sun
You need to see a vein specialist to get the cause treated.
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Specialist rescue units were called in a last-ditch effort to save him.
The Sun
Marketing itself tends to be a more specialist operation organised through trading companies who act as agents for manufacturers.
The 800-metres specialist clocked a season's best 48.4 in the 400 metres and was even quicker in his leg of the relay.
Care of the technology-dependent young adult should be incorporated into the training programs of adult pulmonologists, adult neurologists, physiatrists, sleep medicine specialists, and internists.
In this country at least, a specialist in reptiles and amphibians has little to show off in terms of identification skills.
Times, Sunday Times
The contrast for the eleven-year-old with the more informal and less specialist work of the primary school was sharp and abrupt.
Teachers are already being given specialist fire safety training in a bid to combat arson attacks in schools.
A proof may be messy, dreary, tedious, or look like a joke, but there must be an unequivocal criterion for its validity, even if accessible to but a few specialists.
Subordinate: sales supervisor, nutrition training specialist, field sales supervisor.
There was also a shortage of skilled professional staff such as anaesthetists, dentists, occupational therapists and specialist doctors.
At postgraduate level the Renaissance School will offer advanced specialist training in generalism to keep generalists firmly based in ‘whole patient medicine.’
Talk to your midwife or obstetrician (pregnancy specialist) about activities you should avoid during the healing period.
And specialist zoo staff were drafted in to advise and potentially tranquillise the wild animal.
The Sun
Some have specialist technical skills or knowledge.
Times, Sunday Times
The Group included social studies and history teachers, a school library media specialist and a teacher who works with academically talented middle schoolers.
I recommend contacting a professional hardwood floor specialist to try refinishing it by screening the floor with a machine sander, then applying a finish.
I've seen lots of specialists, but no one has found a cause.
The Sun
The recipes come from an all-star cast of contributors, each a specialist in his or her own right.
He has to make a quick visit to Dr. Hervey, a leprosy specialist who has developed a certain infallible test ...
“Some day, all the fools will be dead....”
Their training was run by the military but can be pieced together from Chinese specialist magazines and army journals.
Times, Sunday Times
Specialists see various reasons for the recent surge in inflation.
He acted as specialist consultant on a range of practical geotechnical problems internationally.
Times, Sunday Times
In fact ask any management specialist, from any sector, to exclude every word of jargon from a conversation, and there is likely to be silence.
Suncroft owner Willie Delaney, really has his string in the pink of condition at the present time and is fast becoming a sprint specialist.
Niobium is a soft metal that is used in specialist steelmaking to boost the strength of alloys.
Times, Sunday Times
Karen Daniels has her M.A. in psychology, is an author, mom, creativity lecturer, and online content specialist who writes Zen Copy, a blog which promotes creative growth and achieving success through effective online writing.
Get Wild – How to Set Your Creative Beast Free | Write to Done
Learners will gain a working knowledge of the food industry, with a general introduction to food manufacture backed up with a range of specialist options.
A concurrent trade fair will comprise stands of about fifty museums, exhibition specialists and suppliers.
Specialist medical evidence in the case showed that he had developed lung cancer as a result of active and passive smoking.
I agree that there need to be more CA specialists collocated with maneuver units.
Thomas was sent to £2,500-a-term boarding school in Norfolk, where with specialist help he has made an enormous improvement.
Belmarsh also had a team of mental health specialists including three psychiatrists and three psychiatric nurses.
Manchester city council also realised the potential value of the pink pound and the importance of specialist events for attracting tourists.
David Kilcullen, a well-respected Australian anthropologist and 'counterterrorist' specialist,
The World Can't Wait!
A specialist in Frankfurt has prepared a shoulder brace for Stoner to wear to protect his collarbone.
She has been meeting with spiritual healers and alternative medicine specialists.
Just 11 minutes later Arthur was being examined by a top heart specialist who revealed that the baby, now a month old, was suffering from a conditions known as cyanotic heart defect, and Transposition of the Great Arteries or TGA.
Shropshire Star
Put across in a way which is accessible to non-specialists, this is fascinating material and yet the pure science involved is only part of the story.
The guide is too technical for a non-specialist.
By the 1950s, specialists in traditional medicine began to decline in importance.
To locate a text in a specific historical milieu was only the preoccupation of specialist scholarship.
After all, the staff own a quarter of the specialist financial services firm.
Times, Sunday Times
The network draws on the expertise of intermediaries such as lawyers, patent specialists, corporate financiers, business angels, consultants and other advisers.
The quaint, family-owned shops include a candle-maker, a perfumery and specialist cheese and wine shops.
And recognising the importance of palliative care, the patient would also have to consult a palliative care specialist.
Times, Sunday Times
Even while the military endgame played out in Abidjan, post-conflict development specialists were presumably drawing up plans for interventions such as disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration, security sector reform, and resettlement of refugees and internally displaced persons.
Ivory Coast's development failures | Mike McGovern
Comment: Dr Anderson, family medicine and geriatric specialist, is well known for her physician home care program that reduces costs by 75% and increases quality of care.
Wonk Room » NRCC Luring Doctors To Oppose Reform By Pretending To ‘Honor’ Them
Dieses Mal ist es Frank Seiwerth ein Technical Specialist (TSP) für den Bereich Interoperabilität und Integration in heterogene Umgebungen.
Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
There is one particular emergency procedure in my specialist area of vascular surgery that I really haven't carried out enough.
Times, Sunday Times
In the matter of curriculum development, the Chicago Regional Program blazes a trail that library media specialists can follow.
They have received specialist training led by Stephen Attwood, a consultant surgeon at Hope.
Your liver specialist may prescribe a drug called propranolol (Inderal) to decrease your risk of bleeding from these engorged veins (see chapter 9).
The Zimbabwe striker has picked up a torn cartilage injury in training this week, but has been told by specialists that he can continue to play.
Times, Sunday Times
It eventually aims to help 15 schools become specialists in maths and computing, technology, engineering or science.
Pat Gibbons, specialist acer grower, from Hippopottering Nursery at East Lound, Haxey, Doncaster, was hoping to catch the public's eye in the Great Pavilion with a new pink variety, Acer Palmatium Taylor.
As German show laser specialist we offer you individual, turnkey multimedia solutions.
Figure 2 shows payments in 2007 by one large private insurer for appendectomies (then code DRG 107) and coronary bypass grafts with cardiac catheterization (code CABG, then DRG 107) in California at what are known as "tertiary hospitals" - those with the ability to support medical specialists in medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, their subspecialties and ancillary services.
NYT > Home Page
In France brioches are mostly bought from specialist shops, e.g. viennoiseries, rather than being made at home.
Nevertheless, An Irish Working Class does offer some rewards to the efforts of non-specialist readers.
One simple way to describe them is to say they are non-specialists who think they are specialists.
Beyond perhaps a specialist 12-inch dance market, it will eventually disappear completely.
The specialist suggested that children should not eat too much sugar.
Energy specialists project keen competition in Hungary by several foreign enterprises.
Specialist products also include credit arrangements for buying yachts and small aircraft.
Times, Sunday Times
And in Italy, my husband walked in with some horrible strep thing, to a hospital, was fixed with free medicine and then sent to a specialist a few days later who diagnosed some allergy he had that no one here ever noticed... and he did not get charged a centime.
Nina Burleigh: A Socialist and a Capitalist Walk Into a Bar...
Not that these aren't worthy causes, but specialist concerns are fighting for life.
Times, Sunday Times
Focusing on class situation enabled us to assess the significance of the challenge that the information specialists might pose to managerial authority.
Singin' in the Rain: "Make 'Em Laugh" (Donald O'Connor, many pratfalls, also that whole backflipping-off-the-walls thing), "Moses Supposes" (O'Connor and Kelly harass a specialist in elocution), part of the "Broadway Melody" (not really my favorite ballet sequence, but I'll sometimes watch Kelly's pas de deux with Cyd Charisse)
Since it was a political junket, I'd say its quite cheeky for him to claim himself a former astronaut, but then again I don't think you'd want to 'disqualify' all Payload Specialists from being called astronauts.
Is Senator Bill Nelson an Astronaut? - NASA Watch
Half the depressed patients will be treated at six primary care practices providing the intervention services of the health specialist.
A possible future is that regions will pass away and districts amalgamate to make contracts for more specialist services - tertiary care.
Dr Anderson geriatric specialist is well known for her physician home care program over the past 10 years seeing real patients that reduces costs by 75% and increases quality of care.
Wonk Room » NRCC Luring Doctors To Oppose Reform By Pretending To ‘Honor’ Them
On the whole, though, this is either a specialist release for real dancehall heads or a bluffer's guide for those wanting to get into the scene.
The condition was first described in 1945 by Swedish nerve specialist Karl-Axel Ekbom. As a result, RLS is sometimes known as Ekbom syndrome.
Have the knee examined by your doctor and if there is a significant problem you will be referred to an orthopaedic knee specialist.
Times, Sunday Times
Then he damaged his shoulder so badly that specialists gave him little chance of riding again.
Times, Sunday Times
Amblyopia is treated by an eye specialist and an orthoptist (a specialist in childhood eye problems).
One of the major problems is that the college will recognise the qualifications of people who become specialists, but it will not recognise their undergraduate qualifications.
Both nonspecialists and specialists in Tillich's theology will find here ideas suggestive for contemporary teaching and preaching.
Our specialist team of consultants recruit at all degrees of seniority, from newly-qualified to partner level.
It is expedient to resume the practice, which existed in the not so distant past, of exchanging military specialists, scientific collectives, and major experts in the naval sphere.
Should they be the main source of more specialist support and advice for community carers of all types?
A specialist or comprehensive assessment can be arranged without having to have an initial assessment first.
The pilot will bring in 28 days of free consultancy from specialists, which could be worth tens of thousands of pounds.
The New York Times interviewed psychiatrists and depression specialists about the trauma facing fans.
The Wireless Broadcast Unit is a specialist provider of wireless broadcast products for the media and entertainment arena.
Such work can only be carried out by a reliable specialist as in the case of aforementioned woodworm infestation treatment.
Often, a session more closely resembles an appointment with a physical therapist or rehabilitation specialist than it does a typical yoga class.
I guess I made my name as free-kick specialist in Brazil's first game of the 1970 World Cup against Czechoslovakia with one of those strikes.
He adds that the graphics capabilities allow the operation of a slideshow without the need to buy a specialist presentation graphics package.
For each course, Hajime would explain what we were eating, Casson would discuss the sustainability of the seafood, and Eric Verne, the sake specialist, would talk about the sake he paired with each dish.
Menu For Hope 6
He should consult a dentist, an oculist, an aurist, or other specialist according to his particular need.
How to Eat A Cure for "Nerves"
Preparations made from this herb have become hugely popular as a treatment for mild forms of depression, as St John's wort has found its way out of specialist herbalists and onto the shelves of high street chemists.
She contacted Professor Joan Freeman, a specialist educational psychologist, for advice.
The specialist South Yorkshire Police sniffers and their handlers are being called on to mop up more than 150 missing-person and murder cases.
It is expected to provide one of the largest specialist accountancy and business development resources in the region.
These days, the major platform for revivalist Islam is no longer the madrasa but the web, an area in which Mariam was a specialist and through which she may have been pursuing a secret life.
Their role will be to provide specialist expertise in this area for the profession on a full-time basis.
Sean Lamont heads a quintet of wing specialists who are vying for position in the Stade de France showdown.
The medical personnel were nurses, doctors, anaesthetists, surgeons and critical-care specialists from across Australia.
Ask your doctor to refer you to a specialist.
The Sun
The text posted with the audio on YouTube explains that the pocket-dial was most likely the result of the phone redialling the last number that Specialist Phillips had called:
A Soldier Pocket-Dials His Family, During Battle - The Lede Blog -
It is estimated that only 20 percent of cases of sexually transmitted disease are seen in the specialist clinics.
Picked at random, washing machine repairers, drainage specialists, boiler fitters and aerial technicians visited the ordinary looking house in a suburban street.
In 1933 Forssmann married Dr. Elsbet Engel, who is also a specialist in urology.
Werner Forssmann - Biography
As a non-specialist in both science and philosophy, I found Arthur Peacocke's treatment of time very helpful - he sees God's relation to time as dipolar - God transcends and gives existence to time, but also interacts with created time, and does not know the future, except through probabilities, as it does not yet exist I am paraphrasing - probably poorly - as I do not have the text here with me.
God and Time
Make an appointment to see your doctor together and ask for a referral to get some specialist fertility advice.
The Sun
The specialist ogled it through a tiny lens Like one I'd had at school.
Consider a referral to a neuromuscular specialist for possible nerve biopsy.
What residential provision exists will have to adopt a specialist role within the gamut of available services.
But if, say, the chapter on palynology doesn't quite equip historians to go out and study fossil pollen themselves, it will at least enable them to talk intelligently with specialists who can.
But the insights of anthropologists, sociologists, geographers, social psychologists, political scientists, and area specialists are all relevant to the key problems: arriving at applicable and testable theories of the causes of conflict in a variety of circumstances, and arriving at strategies for reducing the sources of conflict and defining pathways from "conflictual" to "non-conflictual".
Archive 2009-05-01
Now, virtually all the money has been used to buy North Manchester General Hospital a nephroscope, used for pancreatic surgery, together with thee pairs of specialist glasses for surgeons.
They monitor the fairness and effectiveness of the specialists' deliberations, while also taking part in the decision-making.
Robot-football is more than just entertainment. It is the ideal scenario for developing moving robots in a mobile environment," said Steinbauer, a robotics specialist at Graz Technical University.
We toured the city and marvelled at the specialist shops that occupied specific streets; one street specialised in supplies for chapel selling vestments, candles and other religious accoutrements.
This also needs an urgent appointment with a brain specialist.
The Sun
The efforts, known as antimicrobial stewardship programs, team top pharmacists, infectious-disease specialists and microbiologists.
Curbing Antibiotic Use
However, this system may be most appropriate for vascular specialists and surgeons due to its complexity and requirement for objective testing using Doppler studies, duplex scanning, plethysmography, and phlebography.
WGM Ltd has four separate retail locations incorporating domestic garden machinery, a specialist commercial and grounds care team, an arboricultural department and full workshop and spares support. News Articles
Mark Wilson will see a specialist today about possible knee surgery while Badr El-Kaddouri is cup-tied and Thomas Rogne was not registered for the European outings.
There is no pressure on me, says Celtic's Neil Lennon
Still, he has had to work hard to stave off competition from big retailers, and specialist sausages and oven-ready dishes like Irish stew and chicken with lemon and coriander sauce are a big part of the business.
The purchase of specialist equipment may be uneconomic or insufficiently flexible.
An examination showed they were healthy and specialists attempted to clean the birds and restore their natural white colouring.
Some of the very best of today's specialist schools are comprehensive schools in this sense.
* Groupings of large distributors (specialists and general line) looking to cut national contracts with multiplant companies.
Purchasing - Top Stories
They and their families need help from specialist outreach advisers.
Times, Sunday Times
Once a position classification system has been established, personnel specialists review positions to ensure that they are correctly classified.
Human Resource Management in Government
Shapiro escaped with false papers to Gomel, where the chief of police, a former Red Army officer, sent her to a German racial "specialist.
Witnesses to Horror
In view of that, the specialists pointed out when the social conscious overly strengthened success in just one side, almost every students had to carry on a heavy psychometrics burden.
Patients should be able to refer themselves to a specialist in such circumstances.
Many specialists, former regulators, and industry mavens say they believe the new regime is moving in the right direction.
Il y a des etudiants qui ne savent pas ou es tibet sur le plan de la Chine, mais lls parlent Tibet comme specialistes.
Is Sarkozy the Problem with Sino-French Relations?
You need to have specialist knowledge about how scars behave.
Times, Sunday Times
Heis a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation.
The trusts at risk are specialist or acute hospitals.
Times, Sunday Times
Once a position classification system has been established, personnel specialists review positions to ensure that they are correctly classified.
Human Resource Management in Government
The hospital dietician or specialist cardiac nurse can provide dietary advice.
The specialist suggested that children should not eat too much sugar.
The omission of a discussion of the basics of oil and tempera painting is not the only place where the book seems to address an informed, if not specialist audience.
This includes supporting mine warfare and amphibious operations as well as specialist surveying tasks.
During the same period, Russian specialists announced the sale of an advanced Scud missile with an optical guidance capability that would achieve greater accuracy during its terminal stage of flight.