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How To Use Special In A Sentence

  • These observations will provide a valuable supplement to the simultaneous records of other expeditions, especially the British in McMurdo Sound and the German in Weddell Sea, above all as regards the hypsometer observations (for the determination of altitude) on sledge journeys. The South Pole~ Remarks on the Meteorological Observations at Framheim
  • When the new foods that came from the Americas - peppers, summer squash and especially tomatoes - took hold in the region, a number of closely related dishes were born, including what we call ratatouille - and a man from La Mancha calls pisto, an Ikarian Greek calls soufiko and a Turk calls turlu. NYT > Home Page
  • He specialized in moonlit and winter scenes, usually including a sheet of water and sometimes also involving the light of a fire, and he also painted sunsets and views at dawn or twilight.
  • It is by these special touches that the author infuses the books with the spirit of humanity, without which a fantasy becomes an empty fancy.
  • The captain's armband must have special powers because he's been brilliant. Times, Sunday Times
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  • A specially designed speculum is used to help direct the injection into the G-spot, with effects lasting around four months. G Marks The Spot
  • Butterflies enjoy the daisy family too, and there are a few that they especially love. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certain animations are still a bit hitchy, especially involving Mayer's car, but there's still time to resolve those before release.
  • After a little while the bellboy realized that there was a special on rooms that night and the price for the men's room should have been $25. Math problem?
  • Plans include occasional stops at Central Terminal, which saw its last passenger train in 1979, and special excursions through the region to destinations such as Niagara Falls, Medina, Jamestown and even Cleveland. The Buffalo News: Home
  • · The tailstock quill is brought into working position (Fig. 14) whereby special attention must be given to quill cleanliness. 3. Preparations for thread cutting by dies and taps
  • If you're partial to poultry, the Nostos Special is a good bet at $7.95 for a grilled half chicken and $14.95 for a whole one.
  • He expressed his racial hatred for everyone, especially OBama making veiled death threats, spoke of other dangerous topics etc … and then offered to sell me a mosser rifle as he was buying a a whole shippment of them. Alex Jones' Prison
  • Another injury victim, Andy Heald, sees a specialist this week over his sciatica, but former skipper Davey Luker is unlikely to feature again this season due to work commitments.
  • Nursing commissioned officer ( NNCO ) is a special necessary colony. Educate to NNCO is a new thing.
  • He will remain affiliated with the firm as a special associate director.
  • The film also stars Jared Leto as Alexander's special boyhood chum, Rosario Dawson as his sex-starved wife, Angelina Jolie as his nagging mother and Val Kilmer as his abusive father.
  • May each hour be a happy one on this special day.Love is always my gift to you for today and every day.
  • I'll transmit the letter by special messenger.
  • But after three consecutive nights of camping out I'd had enough, especially since the last had been spent near Verdun in Le Foret du Mort Homme, which translates as Dead Man's Forest.
  • He visited a specialist yesterday to find out whether he requires surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Egg-laying adults are especially active during bloom, a time period when insecticides should not be applied.
  • I'd like to have something special planned that will keep them occupied and outside in the garden as much as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term aesthetics was coined in the eighteenth century by the German philosopher Alexander Baumgarten from the Greek word aisthetikos meaning “perceptive, especially by feeling”. MARKETING AESTHETICS
  • Furthermore, in order to assess the special disability and whether there has been unconscionable conduct, it is essential to also examine the actual actions of those against whom that conduct is impugned.
  • The depth and rate of breathing are controlled by special centres in the brain, which influence the nerves that cause contraction and relaxation of the muscles of respiration.
  • And this is the cause that disputes with such persons are generally fruitless, especially as immixed with that intemporancy of reviling other men wherein they exceed; for if that be a way either of learning or teaching of the truth, it is what the Scripture hath not instructed us in. Pneumatologia
  • The family is the one place that should be a guarantee of safety to its members, especially its most vulnerable members, and this legislation goes part-way towards trying to define that and to defend that right.
  • Graduate students specialize in a particular field of study.
  • In children, especially, this E. coli variant can cause diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome.
  • by lawful/legal means. Lawful tends to be used in technical or literary contexts. The same is true of the opposites, unlawful and illegal, but illegal is used especially about criminal activities. Legal also means 'connected with the law':the US legal system.
  • It was a day for the children who were special in some way and also for their loving parents who showered them with constant attention and unbounded affection.
  • Many specialized institutions now equal the university in repute.
  • Other specialties have undergone relative declines such as orthopedics safer cars and fewer smashed bones. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Another Idea
  • Galicians specialize in trencherman food: suckling pig, grilled skate, pulpy octopus speckled with sea salt and paprika.
  • He was still very young, especially by Drow standards, but his smile had given way to an expression of restraint, and his little arms and legs had grown long and thick.
  • You need to see a specialist.
  • To make room reservation, please use the attached Form to qualify for special room rate.
  • In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.
  • Modern processors have a special hardware facility, the Performance Monitor Unit (PMU), to collect the events related with the operations in the processor.
  • Like other police forces, Wiltshire constabulary is not setting up a special squad or unit to deal with possible hunting law infringements.
  • The only cloud on the immediate horizon is raising a mortgage - especially if you are a first time buyer.
  • They thought he had escaped through a specially constructed tunnel.
  • He will pull out something special today because this is a huge game and there is so much on the line here for the Wallabies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company said stockholders will be asked to approve the bid at a special meeting in late March.
  • C was probably a combined cooling and dressing-room, with a seat in its alcove; D, the tepidarium; E, the caldarium; and F, a specially hot room or sudatorium.
  • That takes me right back - I used to have a special bagna cauda set, like a mini-fondue set. Two Recipes for Bagna Càuda (Δύο Συνταγές για Μπάνια Καούντα)
  • Pathology, Inc. specializes in women's health diagnostic testing services, with expertise in gynecologic pathology, genitourinary pathology, gastrointestinal pathology, dermatopathology, hematopathology and cytopathology. Business Wire Travel News
  • We never answer questions about special forces, but do not take that as an answer indicating an affirmative.
  • But it was the introduction of the breathalyser in 1967 that really thrust her into the public's consciousness, especially as she herself was a non-driver.
  • By the term contracted foot, otherwise known as hoof-bound, is indicated a condition in which the foot, more especially the posterior half of it, is, or becomes, narrower from side to side than is normal. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • He loves me and appreciates my finer points - especially the fact that I don't make him dress like me in a black turtleneck and coordinating cable-knit sweater for a holiday portrait.
  • They brought in an outside specialist to install the computer system.
  • Theyspecialize in very low-priced products.
  • His interest in public affairs, especially in social questions, was keener.
  • No magic numbers, fancy formulas or special percentages of carbs, fats and proteins are necessary to reap the benefits of a smart lower-carb diet.
  • Family dislocation has obvious social and emotional costs, especially for the children who lose a parent and often a source of income.
  • A critical specialization in the locomotor spectrum for aquatic animals is buoyancy.
  • Boschi, who trained with Passignano in the late 1580s, is known today principally to specialists, but he enjoyed a considerable degree of popularity in the early seicento.
  • The dangers for girls were especially acute: “It is estimated that two-thirds of the girls who appear before the Court charged with immorality owe their misfortune to influences derived directly from the movies, either from the pictures themselves or in the ‘picking up’ of male acquaintances at the theatre!” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Increasing technological application and innovation in manufacturing industries result in more specialisation and distribution of processes on a global scale.
  • They asked image specialists for their ideas on how to freshen the legion's image.
  • The other cheese beloved in Savoie, the smelly, oozing reblochon, is the star of a Savoyard specialty: the famous tartiflette. Savoie the Fair
  • He loved all Jenny's children deeply-especially Ian, the wee gowk whose mixture of foolishness and pigheaded courage reminded him so much of himself at that age. Drums of Autumn
  • McGregor is saddled with a tiresome everyman role, but Spacey, Clooney, and especially Bridges make some of their scenes work better than they should. Your mind won’t be blown watching “The Men Who Stare at Goats” » Scene-Stealers
  • On this special day that belongs to you,I'd like to tell you the happiness we share means more than I can show.With all my heart,I'm wishing the joy the whole year through.Happiness always!
  • They had divers arsenals, or piratic harbors, as likewise watch towers and beacons, all along the sea-coast; and fleets were here received that were well manned with the finest mariners, and well served with the expertest pilots, and composed of swift sailing and light-built vessels adapted for their special purpose. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • From the first moment he interested me, especially for his obligingness and for his knowledge of local conditions.
  • I had a strange fascination with the MGM toons when I was young, especially Droopy.
  • Specialty disciplines, such as chemical physics and quantum, bioorganic, polymer, radiation, and nuclear chemistry, are available within the four major areas.
  • The Truth is, I had heard so ill a Character of the Town Amours, as being all Libertinism, and more especially the Inns of Court, that I dreaded to launch on so dangerous a Sea; thinking each The Amours of Bosvil and Galesia
  • We adopt special lift technology; choose import bearing to entitle products with legerity and agility.
  • Vulnerable people who have committed no crime and pose no threat to society are regularly forced to wait in bare cells before they get specialist treatment.
  • We have virtually no fossils of tropical fleshy algae, especially the small soft epilithic species that characterize primary productivity on modern reefs.
  • All of these documentary specials rely heavily on source material for visuals and even sound.
  • Many golfers try to steer putts into the cup, especially when they can see the hole peripherally.
  • Last week I lamented the lack of tries in our now defence-dominated game, what with the accent on specialist prevention coaching.
  • Or you could specialise in orthodontics, oral pathology, child dental health or even train to become a maxillofacial surgeon someone who specialises in facial surgery. Dentistry
  • Certain batik designs, like the parangrusak motif, are still considered sacred as they were specially designed for sultans, their consorts and crown princes.
  • To counter both this and the high levels of private label saturation, bakery and cereals manufacturers are attempting to differentiate their brands, especially in growth areas such as healthy and convenient bakery products. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • It specialises in working with alloys and metals that are difficult to shape and form. Times, Sunday Times
  • This Frankfurt-born artist who was based in Rome specialised in biblical and mythological subjects in oil on copper panels.
  • His apparent heresy is not that of the smooth talking cleric, but the statistician specialising in the field of criminology.
  • Many ships and squadrons in the Royal Navy fervently believe they are special - and some have good reason to make that claim.
  • This was especially worrying given that three quarters of those surveyed claimed to have experienced rudeness in the preceding year. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has been frequently asked if the existing and accepted formula for determining in advance the amount of refined sugar that may be extracted from either beets, _masse cuite_ or raw sugar, is to be considered exact, without special allowance being made for raffinose. Scientific American Supplement, No. 832, December 12, 1891
  • Dr Lotto has invented special paving slabs made of photovoltaic cells and recycled glass to harvest sunlight and to help power the structure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scented candles, especially the industrial strength and size that many people light around the holidays, give off more than fragrance-studies show they produce tiny bits of pollution known as particulates that can inflame the respiratory tract and aggravate asthma, Dr. Sublett says. Top headlines
  • That largesse extends to shareholders, who will receive a 25p special dividend. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what is wonderful about him - what saves him, glorifies him and makes him special - is the imperishable cultural truth that you can take a Frenchman out of France but you cannot take France out of a Frenchman.
  • Remember that special "dietetic" or "diabetic" foods often cost extra money and may not be much healthier than simply following the suggestions given here. Undefined
  • Cash will be the vital ingredient as celebrity chefs cook up a special fundraising treat for charity.
  • There is also a platform for special passenger trains that is only in use when a race is on.
  • The crisp dynamic shifts and organized flourishes whet your appetite for more of the same, especially during the radiant synth pinwheels of the chorus.
  • A pair of suitcases filled with special shower heads for Islamic ablutions , and monumental razors and clippers, poke fun at the needs of the Muslim traveler.
  • Their definition of quackery is the application of treatments that have not been scientifically proven to have any effects, that are practiced by physicians as well as specialists without a MD and they organise congresses from time to time where they say things like this. The Organisation against Quackery
  • Fragrant blossoms like plumeria and gardenia are especially nice.
  • Quinn specialises in smaller, high street firms that, because of their reliance on risky areas such as conveyancing, are seen as the hardest to insure. Top stories from Times Online
  • She was a very special writer and her death is a great loss to comedy. The Sun
  • Rescue workers had to use special equipment to cut open the steel doors.
  • Staff writer Colum Lynch at the United Nations, correspondent Anthony Faiola and special correspondent Samuel Sockol in Tunis, and staff writer Steve Hendrix in Benghazi contributed to this report. U.S., Europe considering naval operations to deliver humanitarian aid to Libya
  • 'The first principles of commercial activity have retreated to earth's maziest penetralia, where no tides are! is it not so, Skepsey?' said Mr. Fenellan, whose initiative and exuberance in loquency had been restrained by a slight oppression, known to guests; especially to the guest in the earlier process of his magnification and illumination by virtue of a grand old wine; and also when the news he has to communicate may be a stir to unpleasant heaps. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • Any book that is written for the public, as this one is, needs to bring across that maturity and complexity of thinking in such a way that it is digestible by nonspecialists, without trivializing the subject.
  • I asked my daughter-in-law if there was anything special we needed to stock up on and she revealed she's been craving mandarin oranges for the last three weeks.
  • Paris doesn't feel that old, especially after all the time I spent in the compact, windy streets of the old City of Zurich.
  • Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made.May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true,and make you happier than you have ever been before.
  • To counter the offensive the British authorities began to recruit a special force for deployment in Ireland.
  • He used a specially-arranged series of interviews during the Commonwealth summit yesterday to mount a stout defence of his position.
  • As an added bonus the DVD actually has enough extra content that it can be considered a special edition.
  • I have a special affection for moths. Times, Sunday Times
  • I understand that there is a huge upswing in the sales of hair colourants, especially for the younger girls and boys.
  • I recall her fawning over him some years ago when he did some extra-special marriage+ thingy. "Mike Huckabee has leaped ahead..."
  • We are not accountable to special interest groups on the right or the left. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much fine sculpture of the period has been found on Paros and Naxos as well as other islands, especially kouroi and korai.
  • So much the better if you have a cache of slightly obscure references that you can dispense, especially if these bear only tangential relationship to what you are discussing.
  • Susceptibility to cold is determined by cultivar and cultural practices, especially fertilization.
  • Her unicorn hobby horse was a very special gift from Daddy.
  • We are particularly interested in the potential of specialisation and disaggregation, nowadays increasingly utilised by better banks worldwide.
  • Be careful of your heart and be extra specially careful with who you give it to, even if you only give it for a moment.
  • Was a five-set slogging match in oppressive heat what the heart specialists would have recommended? Times, Sunday Times
  • I based myself at Ibsen's, an art-filled eco-friendly hotel on fashionable Nansensgade, an easy walk from the city center and after viewing artwork at the National Gallery of Denmark, I lunched at Aamann's, specializing in a modern take on the traditional open-faced Danish sandwich called the smorrebrod. Jill Fergus: Copenhagen Dining Beyond Noma
  • She especially wants to give more people from humble backgrounds a chance of climbing the social ladder. The Sun
  • But now it is reported that your Englishmen (whom I may almost call the lordes of the Ocean sea) make yeerely voyages vnto Gronland: concerning which matter if you please to giue me further aduertisement, you shall doe me an especial fauour. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The capital of France boasts every regional specialty, cheese and wine the country has to offer.
  • Nothing wrong with that especially when the resulting outcome is something bordering on a religious experience of aural ecstatic proportions.
  • It becomes more and more difficult to reduce raw emissions, especially for heavy and high-performance vehicles.
  • And especially to evert person out there for whom doing what you love is a giant scream saying, “I exist, I exist, I exist!” Archive 2008-11-01
  • From almost two hundred field offices, more than two thousand special agents teletyped all new data daily to Headquarters in Washington, where an army of clerks indexed it for easy retrieval.
  • The hospital dietician or specialist cardiac nurse can provide dietary advice.
  • Persons thus co-opted by the Senate were liable to the burden of the praetorship , and likewise those whom the Emperor ennobled, unless special exemption were granted.
  • Why give this special privilege to the king? Times, Sunday Times
  • We're missing you all muchly especially at this time of year.
  • This is a fantastically good-looking car in the metal, especially when painted in the lurid shade of orange this model is sporting. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the moon cozying up to Venus in a special way this week, you could be thinking about making a big move too.
  • Francofolies, he is called, this special time when minstrels and jongleurs assemble to share their dreams and secrets in the tongue of Moliere.
  • I would argue that the way engineering students learn to think is especially valuable.
  • It is attributed to Joseph Henry Remmey, who is known for similar elaborately incised cobalt blue decoration, especially of stylized birds.
  • The electroholographic system consists of a special-purpose computational chip and a high-resolution, reflective mode, liquid-crystal display panel as a spatial light modulator.
  • Untrained, they can be domineering, independent and reserved, especially when bred from working bloodlines - show lines tend to be calmer and more subdued.
  • Besides working on Inside Out, the reporter was also presenting a special documentary about forensic science.
  • We specialise in voice recognition services.
  • It might be good to know that Muravyev is a time-trial specialist and a longshot for the prologue.
  • I was about to dismiss this as a sort of think-tanky special interest political advocacy group, but then I remembered that mothers are good. The Volokh Conspiracy » Mothers Against Debt
  • In this paper, the researchers describe a technique in which nanowires of potassium niobate were synthesized in a special hot water solution and separated using ultrasound. Future for Nano-sized Light Source | Impact Lab
  • By combining our specialist industry knowledge and expertise, Sword Apak and AutoVIN can offer a comprehensive solution for the wholesale floorplanning finance community", commented James Powell, Sales Director for Sword Apak. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Even ‘busy’ surgeons may take a long time to accrete enough performance data to allow valid comparison with their peers, particularly in low volume specialties such as neurosurgery.
  • During summertime, especially in Saint Petersburg, the ducks and geese love to swim.
  • Special platforms were built for the leadsman, but the term chains was retained.
  • To make a Secondary World inside which the green sun will be credible, commanding Secondary Belief, will probably require labour and thought, and will certainly demand a special skill, a kind of elvish craft. Kicking the Hobbit
  • Chiengmai; but it was curious, even amusing, to observe the serene contempt with which the "interlopers" were received by the rival incumbents of the royal gynecium, -- especially the Laotian women, who are of a finer type and much handsomer than their Siamese sisters. The English Governess at the Siamese Court Being Recollections of Six Years in the Royal Palace at Bangkok
  • An all-out attack by a junior on a senior at a meeting is usually costly, especially if the junior member wins.
  • For me, especially the last two months have been really hard. The Sun
  • Joan Xie , Esq. is a senior attorney who specialized in business immigration law and immigration litigation.
  • Correlation of the two regions (Wales and Spain) is achieved by ammonite biostratigraphy; however, the correlation is complicated by diachrony in the ammonite zones, especially around the Pliensbachian / Toarcian boundary.
  • Cristalhombre wrote me asking for further references on "foodie" places at Lakeside after my review of the wonderful Tabarka Restaurant featuring splendid Spanish Mediterranean seafood from the Alicante Region and I told him I knew of few places that met those standards at Lakeside but Dawg has just discovered another place that is new and special beyond belief so here goes: Cuisine From The Costa Blanca
  • Useful introductory and supplementary materials and informed commentaries on the individual works make this a work of interest to specialists and others.
  • The recession is not going to go away overnight, especially in the most bombed out sectors such as construction and property.
  • While the difficulty of this work makes specialization in agency organization most desirable, in this complex and uncertain world we learn more by being uncertain. Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory and practice
  • All are put under him; we hold of him, as in capite, and owe subjection and obedience to him, who is also Jesus and Christ, the anointed Saviour, and especially our Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • As the IPCC report made clear, many of the models disagree even on the sign of the change in rainfall over much of the globe, especially for winter projections. 2010 March 12 | Serendipity
  • A spellbinding four hours of voices, intelligent interviews and specialists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before being freed, she was fitted with a special leg ring bearing unique identification marks, which can be clearly seen through binoculars.
  • Sometimes the second reading, usually made from the Apostolic writings, had the same theme especially in Lent or Advent.
  • She added: 'The greenery of this area is what makes it so special. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mammals such as weasels, foxes, stoats and especially roe deer can wander safely without the risk of being killed by traffic.
  • Besides, he caused a general visitation to be made of all the land from Quito to Chile, registering the whole population for more than a thousand leagues; and imposed a tribute [_so heavy that no one could be owner of a_ mazorca _of maize, which is their bread for food, nor of a pair of_ usutas, _which are their shoes, nor marry, nor do a single thing without special licence from Tupac Inca. History of the Incas
  • This kind of apsidal (or elsewhere even oval structures) houses ideal for thatched roofs were especially quite common during the Geometric Period (e.g. in the oldest Greek colonies at Old-Smyrna, Miletos, Ephesos; in many sanctuaries or houses on the Greek mainland, such as at Eretria, Perachora, etc). Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Tepe Duzen Report 2
  • Some physical therapists have additional training and education in certain specialties, such as pediatrics, orthopedics, sports medicine, or rehabilitation.
  • In 1865 a medical magazine set up a special commission to inquire into London workhouse infirmaries.
  • Your members card will entitle you to a range of special discounted prices, prizes and giveaways.
  • Is this another case of special people being excused from the standards they demand of everyone else? The Volokh Conspiracy » Goodwin Liu’s Incomplete Questionnaire
  • The building has been specially designed to provide easy access for people in wheelchairs.
  • In bess mountain area, the problem of drainage becomes a nodus because of the special nature of bess and terrain . The nodus must be solved immedialtely.
  • Our trip from Florida to Pennsylvania to attend the Cairn Terrier Specialty Dog Show, was one long series of mishaps, turned into hilarious memories.
  • Week two of our special photographic supplement presents outstanding examples of beauty frozen by the camera. Times, Sunday Times
  • Requests are supposed to be passed on to the city's Clean Teams, gangs of four in special red uniforms and marked vans who not only pick litter but also prune and weed green spaces.
  • His kitchen is small but perfectly serviceable, especially for a doctor who tends to order room service or eat in restaurants.
  • A focus on texts and their position in all kinds of Italian secular vocal music of the time leads to a rather wordy book not very easy to follow in its layout, especially when a music example precedes its reference.
  • Ensure through specialty certification boards that credentialing programs are of the highest quality and consistent with industry standards.
  • Reducing environmental noise while one is trying to sleep can be particularly challenging - especially in university dormitories.
  • Cefotaximes has an especially favorable balance of activity againstgram - positive cocci, gram - negative aerobes, and someanaerobic organisms.
  • In recent decades, though, especially sine the end of Soviet tyranny, the safe-haven idea has lost cogency like an unwound watch running down.
  • Her specialty is taxation law.
  • They were wed by special dispensation at St Mary's Church in Shrewton on Monday afternoon in a ceremony performed by Royal Yeomanry padre Simon Bloxam-Rose.
  • Few things grate a Canadian hockey fan more than seeing one of our national teams lose to an American team, especially when the game was decided by a lousy, fluky goal.
  • Its perceptual configurations have been thought to have a special relevance to the emergence of formal artistic qualities which cannot be reduced to a measurable aggregate of more elementary constituents.
  • People who take enough provitamin A are less likely to get cancer, especially lung cancer. The Antioxidant Health Plan
  • A great songsmith and a careful performer, despite what he would have us all believe, Gough is not an interesting stadium prospect, especially when the set is 40 minutes long.
  • Hence his reluctance to start painting before he had mastered the incredibly difficult art of drawing - and drawing the figure especially.
  • The team captains hold aloft the cup and together pull it apart to reveal two specially-made halves - in this game there are no losers.
  • Lazy Susans, pullout shelves, and special trays can make kitchen cabinets much more useful.
  • Everyone in this facility yields to the seven deadly sins… especially pride and vanity!
  • An evolutionary biologist at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, specializes in trapdoor and funnel-web spiders, and tarantulas.
  • The car is quite small, especially if you have children.
  • Protestant hymnody in particular has a special hold on him.
  • And when the Monkeewrench crew - computer geeks who made a fortune on games, now assisting the cops with special anticrime soft-ware - are invited by the FBI to investigate a series of murder videos posted to the Web, it's not long before the group discovers the frightening link between the unlucky bride and the latest, most horrific use of the Internet yet. Shoot to Thrill by P. J. Tracy: Book summary
  • Using his special truffling stick, he extracts the truffle from between the roots.
  • Other than the special sizing application, the greige fabrics are made of the same fibers, yarns and constructions as standard chambray or denim fabrics.
  • This is especially so when a diagnosis of dementia blinds works to remaining skills.
  • It here means the art of moving in coition, which is especially affected, even by modest women, throughout the East and they have many books teaching the genial art. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night

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