
How To Use Speak out In A Sentence

  • Despite disagreeing with his colleagues, he has defended their right to speak out.
  • If we condemn Ahmadinejad and other patrons of terrorism, we must, with equal force, commend those Muslim intellectuals and religious leaders who have the courage to speak out publicly against the continued fomentation of Holocaust denial and other manifestations of Judaeophobia in their midst. Menachem Rosensaft: Finding Common Ground
  • Oborne regrets the 'loss of self restraint' and his intention is to recreate it, or rather to again 'ostracise' and 'thrust beyond the outer margins of debate' those who dare to speak out about the impact of Islam on the British way of life. The British National Party
  • He used his celebrity to speak out against fascism and racial prejudice.
  • It takes courage to speak out against the tide of public opinion.
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  • Barack Obama spoke outand continues to speak out against the war so we are left with a Democratic partywhich must have the courage to not only oppose Bush's illegal warand occupationof Iraq but end it soon ~ to fully restore its soul and its mandate with the American people. BATTLE FOR DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S SOUL HAS BEGUN
  • Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue.
  • They ought to be demanding that the presidential candidates speak out forthrightly on these issues.
  • It buys you a moment to get used to being on stage, it gives you a chance to speak out loud and to steady your voice and it establishes a relationship with the auditors.
  • I think it is time for our president not only to speak out, but to verbally and financially support the re-instatement of a protective commando-system on the platteland," Morkel said. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Speak out; we can't hear you.
  • She gazed upon him hour after hour, and her very soul seemed to speak out of her dying eyes.
  • There has been plenty of discussion in the last few years of the need for college presidents to speak out more often and thoughtfully on public issues.
  • a conscientious decision to speak out about injustice
  • Although he was easily intimidated by the other boys, especially by Jack, he did not lack the self-confidence to protest or speak out against the indignities from the boys as the shy former choirboy Simon did.
  • The adversarial court system is a strong disincentive for abuse victims to speak out. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said he could not speak out before the women folk, but he was noways nesh to pick his words onst he was outside. Red Pottage
  • Now when I saw this, O my lady, for very wonderment my senses left me and my wits went wild and heart and head were full of thought, till I forgot what had betided me and I could not keep silence feeling I fain must speak out and question them of these strangenesses; so I said to them, How come ye to do this after we have been so open hearted and frolicksome? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Speaker after speaker inveighed against their inability to speak out against the Tesco plan.
  • Of course, height enhancers could speak out against heightism, while still relieving short children of the burden of growing up short.
  • Speak out your love for you never know tomorrow and accident,which will come first.
  • They know who has the upper hand and are afraid to speak out against this hand that provides only crumbs to them.
  • Now when I saw this, O my lady, for very wonderment my senses left me and my wits went wild and heart and head were full of thought, till I forgot what had betided me and I could not keep silence feeling I fain must speak out and question them of these strangenesses; so I said to them, How come ye to do this after we have been so open hearted and frolicksome? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Still, critics used the ill-timed trip as evidence of Alliot-Marie's cozy relations with Ben Ali and suggested that was why she was slow to speak out in support of anti-government protesters. Sarkozy Asks Ministers To Take Vacation In France
  • Why it is something that lots of libertarians feel a need to speak out about so frequently, and on many occasions so saltily, sometimes confuses me (I know, a reporter from the Wall Street Journal called and asked; that's decent reason enough I suppose.) Reason Magazine
  • Speak out your love for you never know tomorrow and accident,which will come first.
  • It definitely has a place in music, but it's not our thing to stand on a soapbox and speak out.
  • They are the ones who speak out, resist, and pay with their liberty or their lives.
  • Only occasionally did the bubble burst, and he flashed anger at some one who argued back or tried to speak out of turn.
  • The latter speak out on behalf of the poor, women, our fellow creatures and the environment.
  • If I do not speak out against this nonchalant murder of innocents, I am complicit with my government.
  • Furthermore, its response in the aftermath of the tragedy has been to gag or discredit the reputation of those who have attempted to speak out.
  • If no one has the courage to speak out against the system, things will never improve.
  • Sometimes - when the classic Republicans drink the glass of courage - they speak out against the fourth group whose approach to political discourse might be called kneejerk - anything a Democrat - especially a liberal or progressive one - says or does is wrong. Pax Nortona - A Blog by Joel Sax
  • Stand up, speak out - don't hunker down and wait for those bruisers in the cargo shorts to come looking for your son.
  • Control would be passed to frontline ward staff and patients would be encouraged to speak out if they thought hygiene standards were slipping.
  • They don't want to speak out for fear of losing their business through governmental retaliation.
  • The bombshell came as the shadow Commons deputy leader defied his boss to speak out. The Sun
  • The next time he wanted to speak out he did not choose a scientific journal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Something I can speak out of experience, aerumnabilis experientia me docuit; and with her in the poet, [66] Haud ignara mali miseris succurrere disco; I would help others out of a fellow-feeling; and, as that virtuous lady did of old, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • So you will appreciate I have a right and a duty to speak out when I witness boorish and loutish behaviour on the streets of Sligo, from whatever quarter it comes.
  • Speak out your love for you never know tomorrow and accident,which will come first.
  • Truth, also born into slavery, was an abolitionist and the first Black female orator to speak out against slavery.
  • Many were too shy or afraid to speak out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue.
  • Are they going to speak out against impunity, especially for a former legislator who knows the importance of the rule of the law?
  • If we do not speak out and act to stop the brutish behaviour of our Government, then we become accomplices to its wrongdoings.
  • Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue.
  • Those who dislike speech or publications vilifying certain groups should speak out in their defence, not use the law to punish unwelcome opinions.
  • How can you expect people to speak out if you publicly humiliate them?
  • The next time he wanted to speak out he did not choose a scientific journal. Times, Sunday Times
  • His elevated social status allowed him to speak out on issues in exactly the way that he saw fit, no matter what the consequences.
  • The bishops are committed to mobilising their parishes, deaneries and dioceses to help the cause this year, noting that ". .our Christian calling demands us to speak out on behalf of those without a voice and to challenge unjust structures that keep people poor. Bishops back 'Make Poverty History' Campaign
  • I think the University certainly has the right, and sometimes the moral obligation, to speak out against speech that it finds offensive.
  • Too, a tyranny can rise more easily by shutting up a thousand people than a million, and that's a reason to stand up and speak out.
  • We are to speak out against evil, error and blasphemy - but only in the context of God's message of salvation to a fallen world.
  • It's no coincidence that those who speak out are no-platformed, attacked, vilified, slandered, and have their employment threatened.
  • If the individual does not speak out against untouchability, it means he is winking at its practice.
  • A strong section sees it as unjust, pointing out that no such restraint has been imposed on "motormouth" ministers, who not just speak out of turn but do so at cross-purposes with colleagues and even on foreign shores. The Times of India
  • Gradually I lost the courage to speak out about anything.
  • When trademark holders get greedy and grabby, we need to speak out, we need to protest - the important word in ‘intellectual property’ isn't property, it's intellectual.
  • So we need to encourage ministers and priests and rabbis and bishops to speak out from the pulpit against anti-gay violence and gay bashing.
  • The next time he wanted to speak out he did not choose a scientific journal. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I really did feel like this "little gem" of a film kind of bludgeoned me with the cliché stick, and so I feel obligated to speak out. DWARF STARS IN SHORT MOVIE (SNICKER)
  • We must have the confidence to speak out and act as necessary to support those who seek new freedoms. The Sun
  • So, for those who speak out or bring legal cases against the Church, where does it all go wrong?
  • Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln 
  • It is rare that a banker admits to the inevitability of onerous new rules and it is rarer still for a Rothschild rainmaker to speak out.
  • It takes courage to speak out against the tide of opinion.
  • I will continue to speak out on matters of public concern.
  • A sense of natural justice compels me to speak out in defense of mimes who cannot speak for themselves.
  • The time has come for me to speak out, and damn the consequences.
  • She did speak out when she went to the hospital the next morning and went to the police.
  • Likewise, democracy empowers disaffected minorities to speak out and assert themselves along ethnic, religious, or tribal lines.
  • The hour is late, but Congress may toughen antitrust and fair trade laws if you speak out
  • Leonardo da Vinci didn't speak out against cruelty to animals, he "ranted" against it. The State of "The Nation" (eat meat?)
  • This sad film explores difficult questions and you have to admire those who speak out on such a sensitive subject. The Sun
  • Military Families Speak Out admitted that the anti-war movement was "fragmenting". Undefined
  • But while leading figures in other sports often speak out on matters that affect their livelihoods, footballers hush up or are airbrushed into meaningless platitudes.
  • He had dared to speak out against injustice, and overnight he became a national hero .
  • If no one has the courage to speak out against the system, things will never improve.
  • But where we find our true calling in this fight, is against the judgmental way that these other discerners speak out.
  • My traitorous voice seemed to speak out of its own volition… and in a high-pitched squeak too.
  • The latter speak out on behalf of the poor, women, our fellow creatures and the environment.
  • I will continue to speak out on matters of public concern.
  • We need to speak out against intolerance that masquerades as tolerance.
  • On issues such as war and peace he is unafraid to speak out. Times, Sunday Times
  • She says, she wants to tell North Koreans that people in the South are like kings - they can speak out, protest, and publish.
  • First of all, for those of you who don't know me, I am a former vivisector and I speak out against vivisection now.
  • Good for LL Cool J for speak out and not playing the okie doke for Faux Nutwork. Think Progress » LL Cool J Says Fox News Is ‘Misrepresenting’ One Of His Old Interviews To Promote Sarah Palin’s New Show
  • If smacking children becomes illegal those people who really want to change or become better parents will not speak out for fear of consequences.
  • This sad film explores difficult questions and you have to admire those who speak out on such a sensitive subject. The Sun
  • I find it kind of saddening that the people being empowered to speak out in these sessions are not going to be truly heard by the increasingly right leaning Liberals. Canadian Cynic
  • Many were too shy or afraid to speak out. Times, Sunday Times
  • Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue.
  • But in a hotel lobby, Modeer, the engineer, said he was willing to speak out against what he described as atrocities by Gaddafi's crumbling government. In Libya, increasingly divergent views of Gaddafi
  • I am afraid that if I do speak out, against all that he has done, I will become a social leper.
  • The freedom of scientists to speak out and share their insights is one of the fundamentals of a modern knowledge-based democracy.
  • There were vultures in the air and hyenas on the ground however; those who dared not to speak out loud while his father was alive. With his passing they finally found a voice that spoke with unpleasantness and malice.
  • Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Abraham Lincoln 
  • See if any of the crochety geriatrics in the GOP can pull a Thurmond and speak out agains the healthcare bill for 24 consecutive hours. Think Progress » Biden criticizes use of filibuster: ‘No democracy has survived needing a supermajority.’
  • Well, if an officer of your rank, with clout and a good deal of power and influence does not speak out, do you honestly expect that others below your rank would?
  • Nobody will speak out because of the implicit threat of retribution. The Sun
  • I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me.
  • I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me.
  • She adds, "Many students do not speak out for fear of ostracism or retribution."
  • I want to suggest that a great public will peer into the world of poetry if the poets will speak outside of the chiseled monuments of poems and distinct aesthetic debates directly to matters beyond memory, private reclamation, and linguistic chop-chop. Why Aren't Poets More Politically Active?
  • I have to speak out the words I want in my head - a bit like silent dictation - and my fingers follow.
  • “Resisting Reasonable Atrocity” says we must speak out, but speaking out is hard to do and takes practice, and our church community should be a place where we can get such practice, “where we can speak our minds and be taken seriously. Philocrites: This week at Heroes' dilemma.
  • If you disagree you should speak out.
  • During the authoritarian era, people dared not speak out about the abuse of power or privilege, no matter how angry they were.
  • Tracey, 32, who has waived her automatic right to anonymity, said it was only now that she felt strong enough to speak out about her ordeal.
  • Mary Ann Fugate, left, and Tracy Miller are officers with Speak Out and Rescue, whose aim is to educate people to prevent long-term chaining of dogs. Homepage
  • If no one has the courage to speak out against the system, things will never improve.
  • Douglas held his tongue, preferring not to speak out on a politically sensitive issue.
  • Individual researchers have tried to speak out against bogus anti-ageing treatments and practitioners, but this can be a tricky business.
  • Once reluctant to speak out, they are now borrowing the tactics of environmentalist and consumer groups to set the agenda. Times, Sunday Times
  • On race, too, we failed to speak out at crucial moments and to face up to self-evident truths.
  • The Duchess of Kent has withdrawn from public life to such an extent that she is often described as a recluse, but her son Lord Nicholas Windsor is determined to speak out over causes that he believes in. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • It takes courage to speak out against the tide of public opinion.
  • The country's intellectuals are also being taken to task for their failure to speak out against the regime.
  • Many were too shy or afraid to speak out. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said that she had decided to speak out now because there had been 'too many lies '. Times, Sunday Times
  • But no DIRECT engineers will speak out, even though the future of NASA human spaceflight is at stake? Transition Team Update - NASA Watch
  • TATTON: In this fundraising video to his supporters, he says that liberals are trying to silence him as he attempts to speak out against what he calls a poorly conceived plan. CNN Transcript Sep 11, 2009
  • We should not be afraid to speak out against acts of incivility - simple things like asking the person at the beach to refrain from swearing.
  • The country's intellectuals are also being taken to task for their failure to speak out against the regime.
  • The speak out on: racial 'arabization', The Arab leadership goes beyond that and forces the Assyrians to embrace the Arabist national ideology. that the Assyrians are being asked to commit ethnic suicide by being submerged in Arabism Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Since then, some Chinese scholars have been reluctant to speak out on the issue — indeed, a half-dozen experts on the subject each declined to comment for this article.
  • Gradually I lost the courage to speak out about anything.
  • Hopefully, enough conservative voices speak out to prevent the country from declining further into the chaos and unworkability of full-blown socialism.
  • I believe it is their inalienable right to speak out.
  • Should I really just accept decisions of the majority of the town council, and not speak out if I believe them to be wrong?
  • He had dared to speak out against injustice, and overnight he became a national hero .
  • The adversarial court system is a strong disincentive for abuse victims to speak out. Times, Sunday Times
  • So it is natural for people to have an opportunity to speak out about their complaints and dissatisfactions.
  • But he was so moved by our picture of the appalling injuries Rob was left with that he wanted to speak out publicly about his ordeal.
  • That June, Jerome Corsi, the man best known as the coauthor of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, took to the Internet to sound the alarm about a new threat being advanced by the very man he had helped to reelect: “Quietly but systematically the Bush administration is advancing the plan to build a huge NAFTA Super Highway, four football fields wide, through the heart of the U.S.,” he wrote on the website for the conservative weekly Human Events. Interstate 69
  • Lindy Chamberlain set to break silence on Azaria case in church LINDY Chamberlain will speak out in an exclusive interview about the death of her daughter Azaria, what she calls a prejudiced police investigation, accusations of murder and a marriage breakdown. | Top Stories
  • Another thing I think is really important to stress is that anyone, no matter how old he or she is, has the right to speak out and take action.
  • The signatories say they will now speak out and urge other women to follow suit. Times, Sunday Times
  • So they turn to rap as a way to focus their anger about the situation they live in, to speak out about the issues like death and hunger, but with a bit of humor, they say, so the message gets across in a positive manner, with no violence or brutality and in the local language, Lingala, since there are many who don't speak French or English. Global Voices in English » Video: Caring about Congo
  • While York College itself has not taken a stance on the issue, the biologists have academic freedom to speak out, he said.
  • The country's intellectuals are also being taken to task for their failure to speak out against the regime.
  • A non-political person is invisible to a politician; thus many of us are ignored when we try to speak out.
  • Some write feminist theology, take a stand and publicly speak out, not mincing words.
  • Older people can be some of our most vulnerable citizens and far too often can find it hard to speak out.
  • The caravanistas teamed up with local organizers to host panel discussions, town hail meetings, workshops, teach-ins, street theatre, speak outs, media conferences, rallies, marches and puppet making.
  • Former Saint employees told the Journal that managers, under fake names, would coordinate calling blitzes to local politicians, hire attorneys and traffic experts to delay the projects and train grocery workers to speak out against Wal-Mart land-use requests. San Antonio Business News - Local San Antonio News | The San Antonio Business Journal
  • Some critics of this letter may argue that at 19, I really have no right to speak out.
  • Likewise he can speak out on environmental issues unencumbered by the focus-group fudges that blunted his election campaign.
  • Urge upon your minister, priest, rabbi or bishop that as a moral leader of the community he or she should sermonize and speak out publicly against hate crimes, especially against anti-gay violence.
  • Only occasionally did the bubble burst, and he flashed anger at some one who argued back or tried to speak out of turn.
  • Students are also being encouraged to seek help or speak out if they see something amiss on or around school grounds.
  • For once you will speak out and say what you truly feel. The Sun
  • I don't feel I'm being bold, because it's always been natural for me to just speak out about whatever disturbs me.
  • And the moderation they so often preach is to “protect us” from molestation or sluttish reputations, asking the victim to change rather than speak out against the perpetrators. THREATENING WOMEN WITH UNATTRACTIVENESS FOR A GOOD CAUSE » Sociological Images
  • Well, if an officer of your rank, with clout and a good deal of power and influence does not speak out, do you honestly expect that others below your rank would?
  • However, we are not to be forgotten; our voice will be heard as we speak out against the horrendous rapes, kidnappings and murders polluting our paradise.
  • Speak out; we can't hear you.
  • As an anchorite, she had chosen a life of silence and yet she teaches her daughters to speak out with honesty and courage.
  • It takes courage to speak out against the tide of opinion.
  • Even though Downing Street and the Treasury would try to gag him, he felt compelled to speak out about his governing passion.
  • If you have any objections, just speak out.
  • We need only read the celebrated memorial already mentioned, entitled “It is Time to Speak Out,” printed at Avignon in 1763, under the assumed name of Anvers. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Tina Percival," said Miss Asphyxia, in warlike tones, "do you speak out plain, or I 'll box yer ears. Oldtown Folks
  • The country's intellectuals are also being taken to task for their failure to speak out against the regime.
  • How can we expect these men to speak out in civil society for causes they have not supported in their own denominations?
  • There are a few who speak out about the risks to future generations. Times, Sunday Times
  • To hear Rakhimov defending democracy was curious given the authoritarian choke hold he had established over Bashkortostan, but his decision to speak out said much about the political moment. The Return
  • Only, I must grant that herein they have had some that have gone before them, -- namely, the old scoffing heathens; for so doth Lucian, in his Philopatris [18], speak in imitation of a Christian by way of scorn, Lege, para tou Pneumatos dunamin tou logou labon; -- "Speak out now, receiving power or ability of speaking from the Spirit," or "by the Spirit. Pneumatologia
  • The article began with three paragraphs devoted to the thoughts of a retired military veteran who "braved" the cold to speak out on his belief that homosexuality is "condemned by God. - News
  • When those within a community try to "excommunicate" and dishonor truth-tellers, it is our obligation and responsibility to speak out vehemently on their behalf and on behalf of the truth they bring.
  • His elevated social status allowed him to speak out on issues in exactly the way that he saw fit, no matter what the consequences.
  • Boshra feels that most senior editors sympathize with the reporters' sentiments, but have more to lose if they speak out.
  • It was the smaller children and young girls who could not be expected to speak out.
  • My new mother did not dare speak out against my father to defend me.
  • There were those who did speak out for Harlan, couching in general terms their dissatisfactions with Gorlot's Regency. Restoree
  • Tom Cruise was first to speak out, his voice appearing over the first scenes of the crash site.
  • If you want our respect, you have to speak out against the fundies first.
  • And I went on exaggerating their praises in this fashion, till I saw that frankness and readiness to speak out would profit me more than concealing facts; so I told them all that had betided me to the very end of the tale. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Even the Board of Deputies, ofttimes condemned by Miss Phillips for such failures to speak out, managed a timeous response to Mr McKay's article. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • So he positions himself as a victim, yet he is part of the crowd of people who speak out against victimology when third-world or poor people talk about being victimized.

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