
How To Use Spasmodic In A Sentence

  • Rub a bit of peppermint oil directly onto your forehead; it acts as an antispasmodic.
  • With a lot of prodding and poking and pushing and cajoling, it set off with a spasmodic jerk.
  • It is the failure of the diaphragmatic pinchcock to open, as in the normal deglutitory cycle, rather than a spasmodic tightness, that obstructs the food. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Here's the thing that comes along to complicate any strict feminist criticism of objectification in the images of Prommenschenckel lying prone: She has a condition known as spasmodic torticollis. Miss Ability lays down on the job
  • Native Americans have long used cramp bark, an aptly named antispasmodic herb, to relieve menstrual cramps.
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  • Hiccups, more officially referred to as singultus, from Latin - to catch your breath while sobbing are repeated, spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm causing a quick inhalation, which is then cut short by an involuntary closing of the glottis. NYT > Home Page
  • Now, as any neurologist knows, spasmodic torticollis is the bane of a neurologist, a most unrewarding condition to treat; after a few visits, both neurologist and patient end up equally depressed.
  • Her chin began a spasmodic quivering and the tears sprang into her eyes.
  • Macrotys is unique in combining emmenagogue (blood moving) and antispasmodic properties.
  • The drug was manufactured in the United Kingdom and licensed as an antispasmodic; it was quite inexpensive.
  • Butterbur's use as an antispasmodic for gastrointestinal conditions dates back to the Middle Ages.
  • It is effective as an antispasmodic for muscle cramps, stiffness, aches, overuse, sprains, bruises, sciatica, rheumatism, gout, neuralgia and poor circulation.
  • The last described form of dysmenorrhœa is sometimes attended with spasmodic contraction of the _os uteri_, thus preventing the catamenial flow. A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
  • Party members were tightly controlled, but the inner party made no attempt to turn the proles from spasmodic mob into party members.
  • First it is one of the most powerful of all the herbal antispasmodics especially useful for relieving nervous tension throughout the mind and body.
  • The researchers recommend scopolamine, which is extracted from the corkwood tree, as the first-line antispasmodic treatment for IBS. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Sekher lay sprawled upon his back, twitching spasmodically, mouth working silently.
  • This botanical supplement is helpful for anxiety, and it can be used as a sedative, hypnotic and antispasmodic.
  • Antispasmodic drugs and antidepressants work for some patients but not for others.
  • Banks of snow cut them off; snowshoes sank in air pockets -- holes made by protruding limbs of the short, gnarled trees of timber line, -- and through these the man fought in short, spasmodic lunges, breaking the way for the woman who came behind, never stopping except to gather strength for a fresh attack, never ceasing for obstacle or for danger. The White Desert
  • The projection was an abstracted human head, spasmodically twitching in a sort of half-nod. 365 tomorrows » Sam Clough : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • For spasmodic coughs and whooping coughs, thyme is very effective as well, but it can be enhanced by giving five drops of tincture of lobelia, which is a powerful antipasmodic. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Robert F, Kennedy suffers from a vocal disorder known as spasmodic dysphonia. 15,5500 people in this country are afflicted with the condition. Firedoglake » Good Governance Is More Than CYA…
  • For example, it is suggested that lower doses cause more contraction of the womb, and higher doses have a more spasmodic effect and decrease the rate of contraction.
  • The oil is topically applied to relieve spasmodic pains.
  • Bâtard's body twitched with the shock, threshed the ground spasmodically for a moment, and went suddenly limp. BÂTARD
  • Plants with anti-inflammatory action may also act as antispasmodics.
  • Mr. Harding was some minutes quite dumbfounded, and Mr. Arabin could only talk in short, spasmodic sentences about his love and good fortune. Barchester Towers
  • The president's lobbying on behalf of his programme was uneven and spasmodic.
  • He appeared to be in a spasmodic sort of hurry.
  • Gerrish, or some finely illustrated work on anatomy, but we must apply a searching hand and know to a certainty that the constrictors of neck, or other muscles or ligaments do not pull cervical and hyoid bones so close as to bruise pneumogastric or any other nerves or fibres that would cause spasmodic contraction of digastric, stylo-hyoid or the whole remaining group of neck muscles and ligaments, with which you are or should be very familiar. Philosophy of Osteopathy
  • I was speechless, my mouth opening and closing spasmodically.
  • Besides its blood tonic properties, peony root is also an antispasmodic that promotes blood circulation by relieving blockage and tension of the organs and various internal and superficial areas of the body.
  • He managed to stifle the spasmodic sobs of panic rising in his throat.
  • These oils are also antispasmodic, meaning that they relax intestinal muscle spasms, another cause of indigestion.
  • Alternatively, antispasmodic drugs and motility stimulants may be prescribed.
  • We selected these muscles because they were often involved in stress-related disorders such as tension headache, spasmodic torticollis, and fibromyalgia.
  • Because of its sedative nature and narcotic abilities, leaves were mixed with other herbs for the treatment of whooping and spasmodic coughs in children.
  • I began to write intermittently and spasmodically
  • This nervine herb is also "antispasmodic" which makes it great for people with constant nervous twitching. Simple mom
  • At 12 mo, 4 subjects suffered from rhinitis and sore throat and 2 others suffered from spasmodic tracheitis.
  • Spasmodically are dolorous who sapindus cobalt and tragically are the double yearly librettist who beggarman no tuxedo for the fohn medical by heartsease primitive. Rational Review
  • His jaws champed spasmodically, froth appeared on his blackened lips.
  • The causes include antispasmodic drugs, continence surgery, obstruction, psychosis, and neurological or inflammatory conditions.
  • Chlorpromazine (Thorazine and generic), a major tranquilizer, is the old standby, closely followed by the minor tranquilizer diazepam (Valium and generic), the antispasmodic metochlopramide (Reglan and generic), and the muscle relaxant baclofen (Lioresal and generic). When a hiccup is more than just a hiccup
  • When pure, carbonic dioxide gas will instantly extinguish flame, and is perfectly irrespirable, causing the epiglottis to close spasmodically and producing immediate death by asphyxia. Religion and Chemistry
  • Ajowan seeds contain an essential oil which is about 50% thymol which is a strong germicide, anti-spasmodic and fungicide.
  • Her involvement with the organization continued spasmodically for fifteen years.
  • Phenazopyridine is an AZO dye that has been used as a genitourinary analgesic since the 1920's. 1 It is currently available as a single agent and in combination products with antiinfective agents such as sufisoxazole and sulfamethoxazole and with antispasmodic agents. Phenazopyridine
  • Fly-fishing was too anxious and spasmodic, angling was too dull: plain walking without any destination turned my mind in upon itself. TESTIMONIES
  • Essences can be divided according to these activities: antispasmodic or spasmolytic, stimulatory, hormonal and anti-fermentative. Aromatherapy, Essential Oils and Benefits
  • Such cases may be styled momentary luxation, whether they are due to a weakened condition of the patellar ligaments or spasmodic contraction of the crural muscles. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Medicines and herbs that are demulcent, emollient, warmly diaphoretic, nervines, antispasmodic, warming and carminative are appropriate for treating Air imbalances.
  • You think my gait 'spasmodic' -- I am in danger -- Sir --," she wrote in June as if with a grin. 'White Heat: The Friendship of Emily Dickinson and Thomas Wentworth Higginson'
  • The anti-spasmodic drug that had the best evidence was hyoscyamine brand names Anaspaz and Levsin. Traditional treatments work well for IBS
  • Alternatively, antispasmodic drugs and motility stimulants may be prescribed.
  • Linden, lobelia, coltsfoot, red clover, licorice, horehound, and wild cherry bark help to quiet a spasmodic cough but do not use these herbs to treat a productive cough that helps to clear the system. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • She flexed herself, she breathed spasmodically as if to confuse the natural rhythms of her body.
  • Hiccups are the spasmodic, involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that is caused by irritation of the nerves that supply these muscles.
  • Pequod’s jaw-bone tiller had several times been reelingly hurled to the deck by its spasmodic motions even though preventer tackles had been attached to it — for they were slack — because some play to the tiller was indispensable. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • The abnormal, spasmodic swallowing of air, especially as a symptom of hysteria.
  • The antispasmodic muscle relaxants are especially effective for individuals with multiple spasms, especially back spasms.
  • It is effective as an antispasmodic for muscle cramps, stiffness, aches, overuse, sprains, bruises, sciatica, rheumatism, gout, neuralgia and poor circulation.
  • Right now a spasmodic tic in his leg at the wrong time could get him killed.
  • Soon after 6 pm the spasmodic barking of the night-time cannonade (now normal in spite of its intensity) gave place to a ‘kettle-drum bombardment’.
  • In his early life as well as later, spasmodic fits of abnormal mental activity when he 'gorged' books, especially the classics, as he did food, alternated with other fits of indolence. A History of English Literature
  • Fly-fishing was too anxious and spasmodic, angling was too dull: plain walking without any destination turned my mind in upon itself. TESTIMONIES
  • the mouth was slightly open, and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner
  • The rumbles of thunder continued spasmodically above our heads, and the streets occasionally lit up in a flash of lightening.
  • During the most violent shocks of the Typhoon, the man at the Pequod's jaw-bone tiller had several times been reelingly hurled to the deck by its spasmodic motions, even though preventer tackles had been attached to it -- for they were slack -- because some play to the tiller was indispensable. Moby Dick, or, the whale
  • She gives a last little spasmodic lunge and then pulls away and takes a deep breath.
  • There was spasmodic fighting in the area yesterday.
  • The green barbet calls spasmodically throughout December, but, as a rule, only in the afternoon. A Bird Calendar for Northern India
  • Statistics bourgeon into prophecies under his pen: he does not disdain their significance, but rather aids their influence with all the power which his spasmodic style has given in drawing our grotesque-loving public to him. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Street lighting is spasmodic and piped water comes in sluggish fits and starts.
  • An infusion, as tea, is resolutive and expectorant, and is useful in flatulent colic, spasmodic cough, humoral asthma, and in hysteria. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • This remarkable Mediterranean herb is antiseptic, antispasmodic, and antibiotic.
  • It is reputed as a drug which dispels wind from the stomach and counteracts spasmodic disorders.
  • Her involvement with the organization continued spasmodically for fifteen years.
  • It is the failure of the diaphragmatic pinchcock to open, as in the normal deglutitory cycle, rather than a spasmodic tightness, that obstructs the food. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • It is known as a calmative, and research has found that ingestion of chamomile acts as a wonderful mild sedative and antispasmodic. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • This is practically always due to stagnation ectasia, which is invariably associated with either organic or "spasmodic" stricture, existing at the time of observation or at some time prior thereto. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • When hands get cold, the arteries move blood to the surface to prevent loss however this normal body response is intensified by the sudden spasmodic contractions of the small blood vessels arterioles that supply blood to the fingers and toes. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Then, with a spasmodic jerk, its grip on the man's soul was wrent, and it tumbled out of the temple.
  • In patients with symptoms that are difficult to control a trial of an antispasmodic or antidepressant may be useful, but specialist referral to confirm the diagnosis and exclude rare causes of dyspepsia should first be considered.
  • Finally he grabbed him by the collar, and with a spasmodic effort tipped him off the wharf into the canal.
  • He was seated on the ice, making spasmodic efforts to smile; but anguish was depicted on every lineament of his countenance. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • The spasmodically adducted vocal cords are partially hidden by the over-hang of the spasmodically prominent ventricular hands. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • In a household where one of the parents was a newly graduated professor of linguistics and the other an artist, income was usually rather meagre and spasmodic in nature.
  • The orchestra comes to life in spasmodic bursts.
  • Wild yam is known as an anti-inflammatory, a pain reliever and an antispasmodic, which relieves muscle spasms.
  • I knew there was no imposthume in my lungs, and I supposed the stitches were spasmodical. Travels through France and Italy
  • The peripneumony is very fatal to young children, especially as I believe it is frequently mistaken for a spasmodic asthma, or for the croup, or cynanche trachealis of Cullen. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Her involvement with the organization continued spasmodically for fifteen years.
  • A tic commonly affecting adults is a spasmodic closure of one or both eyes, known as blepharospasm.
  • Adriana's laughter is almost soundless, quivering and spasmodic, like choking. FAITHLESS: TALES OF TRANSGRESSION
  • Despite the above medication, if abdominal pain persists, antispasmodics and relevant painkillers will help.
  • spasmodic rifle fire
  • As an anti-arthritis and antispasmodic, it has wind dispelling properties.
  • his body made a spasmodic jerk
  • A very small trade was indulged in spasmodically on the coast of Fukien, and it was not until 1762 that a Dutch factory was established at Canton.
  • Chamomile is also a good antispasmodic and pain-relieving herb.
  • The menthol oil in mint contains cooling and warming effects and has long been valued as a digestive aid, antispasmodic, and decongestant.
  • A couched spear of acuminated granite rested by him while at his feet reposed a savage animal of the canine tribe whose stertorous gasps announced that he was sunk in uneasy slumber, a supposition confirmed by hoarse growls and spasmodic movements which his master repressed from time to time by tranquilising blows of a mighty cudgel rudely fashioned out of paleolithic stone. Ulysses
  • Adriana's laughter is almost soundless, quivering and spasmodic, like choking. FAITHLESS: TALES OF TRANSGRESSION
  • The powder is an active errhine, and the leaves have some celebrity in domestic practice, as being antispasmodic, antiscorbutic, and astringent. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • A few medicinal properties of spices such as tonic, carminative, stomachic, diuretic, and antispasmodic have long been recognized.
  • Lead author was Dr. Jannetta, who is known for his work developing the surgery, called microvascular decompression, which is used for such debilitating cranial nerve diseases as vertigo and spasmodic torticollis, a movement disorder. - News
  • Antispasmodic and tricyclic antidepressant drugs improve pain, whereas ispaghula improves pain and bowel habit.
  • The green barbets also call spasmodically throughout the month, chiefly in the early morning and the late afternoon, but the only note uttered by the coppersmith is a soft _wow_. A Bird Calendar for Northern India
  • These are potent alpha-adrenergic and dopaminergic blocking agents that cause depression of the central nervous system, hypotensive activity and antispasmodic, antihistaminic, analgesic, sedative, and anti-emetic activity. Jakarta IMC Newswire
  • It is specific for asthma and oppressed breathing, hiccup, whooping cough, spasmodic croup, tetanus, hydrophobia, hysteria paroxysms and hysterical convulsions.
  • Because vaccination attenuates the clinical presentation of pertussis, a more sensitive case definition than spasmodic cough of two weeks should be adopted in vaccinated populations.
  • If you suffer from diarrhea, then you may want to try anti-diarrheals or anti-spasmodic medications.
  • Standard treatments for lower bowel symptoms include dietary fibre, laxatives, antispasmodic agents, and antidiarrhoeals.
  • Lemon verbena is used in teas, flavorings, fragrances, antispasmodics, carminatives, sedatives, and stomachics.
  • Parsley is a natural antispasmodic: in other words, it’s great for the digestion. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • In a strange turn of events, you find yourself not as into Leo's usual tics: his unhinged vocals and spasmodic guitar.
  • the heedless generosity and the spasmodic extravagance of persons used to large fortunes
  • When the physiology of asthma was better understood, antispasmodics were given on a continuous basis to attempt to lower airway tone.
  • This last quality might be called spasmodic or accidental, whereas the others were permanent and constant. The Blind Spot
  • He coughed spasmodically before gasping out his next words.
  • There is a brazen, barking, "croupy" cough in spasmodic croup. The Mother and Her Child
  • But the burning brimstone went up his nostrils and into his lungs, causing him to cough spasmodically. To Build a Fire
  • This much mental electricity should be able to run a small city, but instead I'm more like a cut power line, arcing and sparking spasmodically.
  • My hair bristled and I felt all my muscles twitch spasmodically.
  • In sum, local growth orientation has become too weak, partial, and spasmodic to overcome the restrictive force of local particularism, which today dominates policy almost everywhere.
  • DVD Focus 'The Limey' (1999) Steven Soderbergh directed and Lem Dobbs wrote this slyly funny, spasmodically violent film noir in which the title character, a white-haired obsessive named Wilson (Terence Stamp), shows up in Los Angeles to avenge his daughter's death. Soderbergh Goes 'Haywire' With a Fast, Stylish Thriller
  • It happened, on one occasion, when a nursery-servant of ours was waiting in her anteroom for the purpose of taking her turn in consulting the prophetess professionally, that she had witnessed a scene of consternation and unaffected maternal grief in this Hungarian lady upon the sudden seizure of her son, a child of four or five years old, by a spasmodic inflammation of the throat (since called croup) peculiar to children, and in those days not very well understood by medical men. Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers — Volume 1
  • It may be easiest to categorize tree and shrub medicines according to their medicinal therapeutic qualities: astringent, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and antitussive.
  • Her involvement with the organization continued spasmodically for fifteen years.
  • My hair bristled and I felt all my muscles twitch spasmodically.
  • It was grumbled out in short spasmodic sentences between the slow whiffs of his pipe, as he sat by the fire in a little parlour off the hall, with his indefatigable daughter at work at a table near him. Fenton's Quest
  • Last of all, when the other channels for the escape of the surplus nerve-force have been filled to overflowing, a yet further and less-used group of muscles is spasmodically affected: the head is thrown back and the spine bent inwards -- there is a slight degree of what medical men call opisthotonos. Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
  • The green barbets also call spasmodically throughout the month, chiefly in the early morning and the late afternoon, but the only note uttered by the coppersmith is a soft _wow_. A Bird Calendar for Northern India
  • Then, while he was still listening to the unfamiliar echo of his own voice, he heard just behind him a _splash, splash, splash_, and his left arm jerked itself spasmodically from beneath his breast, the hand simultaneously touching a substance that was hard, cold, and slimy. Adventures in Many Lands
  • Chlorpromazine (Thorazine and generic), a major tranquilizer, is the old standby, closely followed by the minor tranquilizer diazepam (Valium and generic), the antispasmodic metochlopramide (Reglan and generic), and the muscle relaxant baclofen (Lioresal and generic). When a hiccup is more than just a hiccup
  • They have been used since ancient times as anaesthetics, analgesics, anti-allergens, anti-carcinogens, antiseptics, antibiotics, antispasmodics and astringents.
  • An antispasmodic, mullein can relieve stomach cramps and help control diarrhea. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • It happened, on one occasion, when a nursery-servant of ours was waiting in her anteroom for the purpose of taking her turn in consulting the prophetess professionally, that she had witnessed a scene of consternation and unaffected maternal grief in this Hungarian lady upon the sudden seizure of her son, a child of four or five years old, by a spasmodic inflammation of the throat (since called croup), peculiar to children, and in those days not very well understood by medical men. The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey, Vol. 2 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
  • This attitude by Christians will accompany experiences that are ‘all spasmodic, full of jerks and starts.’
  • With its antispasmodic, antibacterial and antiviral qualities, licorice is an excellent herbal remedy for both wet and dry coughs.
  • She thinks that his public intoxication was mostly feigned, part of a "masquerade" to hide his tuberculosis; that he used drugs and especially alcohol "medicinally," as a "necessary anesthetic" and antispasmodic "to soothe his coughing fits. The Bad Boy of Montparnasse
  • The band bring abrasive but melodic rock that comes complete with spasmodic on-stage performance.
  • During the most violent shocks of the Typhoon, the man at the Pequod's jaw-bone tiller had several times been reelingly hurled to the deck by its spasmodic motions even though preventer tackles had been attached to it -- for they were slack -- because some play to the tiller was indispensable. Moby Dick: or, the White Whale
  • she screamed, as her left hamstring muscle tightened in a spasmodic reaction.
  • * Moreover, many of the operating companies on the lower echelon sell and transmit electric energy or gas in interstate commerce to an extent that cannot be described as spasmodic or insignificant. The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation Annotations of Cases Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 30, 1952
  • Thyme has many valuable properties including its use as a digestant, carminative (to get rid of gas), diuretic, vermifuge (to get rid of worms and parasites); but most important, it has antispasmodic and expectorant (to bring up phlegm) properties. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Hetty's form of the condition - spasmodic torticollis - causes the neck muscles to spasm twisting her neck to one side, which also affects the spine.
  • Hetty's form of the condition - spasmodic torticollis - causes the neck muscles to spasm twisting her neck to one side, which also affects the spine.
  • An antispasmodic and a proton pump inhibitor didn't help either.
  • You don’t need an anticonvulsive, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antifungal, antineoplastic anticancer, antiviral tonic—you just need a frigging drink! Surviving Australia
  • As medicinal plants, the chamomiles have been traditionally considered to be antispasmodics, carminatives, diaphoretics, emmenagogues, sedatives, and stomachics.
  • The herb is strongly stimulating and anti-spasmodic; its most important constituent being the volatile oil, which contains caprinic, pelargonic, caprylic, and oenanthylic acids. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Not only is there the creepy age difference in that movie, but his dancing seems to consist entirely of spasmodically moving his left leg and raising his left arm in a pointing gesture. Matthew Yglesias » Electric Bike?
  • He had long been reading law in his curious, spasmodically concentrated way, and he had practised a little as a "pettifogger," that is, an unlicensed practitioner in the inferior courts. Abraham Lincoln
  • It is also an antispasmodic and antitussive (able to relieve coughing). Times, Sunday Times
  • In a letter to Emily Howland, Washington described Benson as ‘whimsical, spasmodic and rather superficial.’
  • If it does not do this it becomes spasmodic and unmeaning, like correspondence which is too much underlined ’.
  • Its little brown form quivered spasmodically as it sneezed.
  • The shivering had died to spasmodic twitches and then even they stopped.
  • Herbal antispasmodics such as Jamaican dogwood, cramp bark and catnip can be used for relaxing muscle tension and spasms.
  • With a tired sigh, and with an impulsive movement all her own, unpremeditated, spasmodic, she rested her head upon his breast. Chapter 21
  • Mr Marvel was suddenly whirled about and started marching off in a curious spasmodic manner.
  • He managed to stifle the spasmodic sobs of panic rising in his throat.
  • There was spasmodic fighting in the area yesterday.
  • Anthocleista nobilis contains the alkaloids brucine and loganine and has been noted to be antispasmodic and neurotropic, having a marked hypotensive effect.
  • In a household where one of the parents was a newly graduated professor of linguistics and the other an artist, income was usually rather meagre and spasmodic in nature.
  • Commonly the source of chronic gastro-intestinal uncleanliness, of dyspepsia, of autogenetic poisons and auto-infection is inflammatory occlusion -- more or less permanent or spasmodic -- of some part of the lower bowel. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • This practice of swathing was resorted to on account of the tympany [48] which followed these spasmodic ravings; but the bystanders frequently relieved patients in a less artificial manner, _by thumping and trampling upon the parts affected_. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 77, March, 1864
  • There was spasmodic fighting in the area yesterday.
  • _true_ or _membranous_ croup, in which a false, semi-organized membrane is formed, and _spasmodic croup_. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • 1943: Letters are coming in spasmodically while parcels arrive fairly regularly. Work Camp 11033 GW
  • Hmmm. I can think of another word-similar but not quite the same as "spasmodically" - to describe Mad Nad and her blogging, but apparently the word's not politically correct these days. The Devil's Knife
  • At times, the dancers appear to be flying or diving; at others, they move with the spasmodic angularity attributed to robots, their faces expressionless masks.
  • The anti-spasmodic drug that had the best evidence was hyoscyamine (brand names Anaspaz and Levsin). Traditional treatments work well for IBS
  • Right now a spasmodic tic in his leg at the wrong time could get him killed.
  • These are potent alpha-adrenergic and dopaminergic blocking agents that cause depression of the central nervous system, hypotensive activity and antispasmodic, antihistaminic, analgesic, sedative, and anti-emetic activity. Undefined
  • His throat worked spasmodically, but made no sound, while he struggled with all his body, convulsed with the effort to rid himself of the incommunicable something that strained for utterance. The Call of Kind
  • His attempts to put things right have been undermined by a cash flow that was always spasmodic and is now drying up.
  • The unexpectedness of the crushing hurt of it caused him to yelp and at the same time instinctively and spasmodically to pull back with all his strength. CHAPTER XXIII

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