How To Use spangled In A Sentence
- They banged out `The star-spangled banner'
- His compendious book, then, ranges from dry speculation on geology to exquisite description of flora, spangled with remarkably apt epigrams.
- A spangled shoal of fish swept by him, rainbow-hued, fins of intricate filigree. CORMORANT
- the star-spangled banner
- I've heard "Hail to the Chief," I've heard the Star-Spangled Banner, many of the songs that you know so well when it comes to these kind of big celebrations. CNN Transcript Jan 11, 2009
- In a star-spangled career stretching nearly forty years Derek McCann has stonewalled every single team that has participated in Section One of the Northern Cricket Union.
- At the foot of the spiral stairway, they presented Tetra with their star spangled permits.
- Regardless of your taste in music, spangled shirts, four inch collars, glitzy sunglasses and platform shoes are in.
- Maazel and the orchestra opened the performance by playing the North Korean national anthem, the "Patriotic Song," followed by the American national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner.
- Sometimes, solitude is of all things my wish; and the awful silence of the night, the spangled element, and the rising and setting sun, how promotive of contemplation! — Clarissa Harlowe