How To Use Spaghetti In A Sentence
Spaghetti carbonara and giant, ricotta-stuffed ravioli in an earthy sauté of porcini mushrooms, barely touched with tomato, both did credit to the pasta roster.
Everyone stared at her as the young woman strutted into the room, fingering a spaghetti strap of her red minidress with plunging neckline.
Learn how to chop onions for this homemade spaghetti sauce recipe to use for your spaghetti and meatball dinner with expert cooking tips in this free traditional Italian cuisine video clip.
I can assure readers that a piece of spaghetti that has festered in the bottom of a sink for 24 hours looks much the same.
No sooner had a bowl of steaming spaghetti vongole been placed in front of me than Matt, in a moment of open-armed expansiveness while trying to press home a point, had knocked the entire thing into my lap.

And there are lobsters, spaghetti vongole, chowders, bisques and a steak option for eejits.
Times, Sunday Times
While this is happening, what appeared at first to be a spaghettilike jumble of the ninety-two chromatin strands condenses into chromosomes that upon close examination are actually twenty-three pairs of pairs, that is forty-six pairs or ninety-two chromosomes in all.
A sieve is like a strainer that you drain spaghetti through when it is done cooking.
This kind of falls in the center of what we see, some of those what we call the spaghetti models, the computer-generated models.
CNN Transcript Sep 1, 2008
An amorphous polymer in this state has been likened to a plate of frozen spaghetti.
Lifting the pasta up high she tosses the spaghetti with a wooden fork and spoon to mix everything together.
Spaghetti with pulled ham mustard cream sauce I'm a sucker for those double packs of pulled ham hock.
Times, Sunday Times
No surprise, the food is killer, namely pillowy basil gnocchi with a rich short rib ragù and spaghetti fra diavolo with lots of lobster and shrimp.
Eater National
That smell, my fellow cellulite-ridden brothers and sisters, that smell is not cup cakes, toaster strudel or spaghetti!
The only Italian food we'd ever heard about was a bowl of spaghetti swimming in tomato sauce.
Try this one of the anti-flying spaghetti monster (he goes by the name antipasto):
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But first she fed them-spaghetti, pizza, eggplant parmigiana, delicious sauces she made up on the spot.
With Phoebe's help, she'd chosen a floral slip dress with a low neckline and spaghetti straps.
Spaghetti, fettucini, rigatoni, ravioli or gnocchi and pasta are at the centre of Italian delicacies, a wide array of which are on offer at the festival at the Waterfront Cafe of Taj Malabar.
They observe a kind of partial fast in the morning, knocking back a single espresso while standing at the counter and perusing Corriere della Sera, allowing themselves a few bites of brioche con marmellata, so as to enhance the pleasure of their midday pasta and meat, their broccoletta rabi, pollo a la cacciatore, penne amatriciana, spaghetti al mare.
The Italian Summer
Then mix with the cooked spaghettini and decorate with the uni, grilled salmon roe and the chopped herbs.
Times, Sunday Times
She sat at the table in front of us and proceeded to order an enormous earthenware jug of red wine and a gargantuan bowl of spaghetti with clam sauce.
They taste like crap, but if you drown them in marinara it’s sort of like eating spaghetti.
You are SO going to love me – The finale « Bored Mommy
The meals were tastier than I'd anticipated: fresh fruit, vegetables, bagels and sandwiches for breakfast and lunch; burritos, stews, stir-fries and spaghetti for dinner.
There are still traces of the Volnay's cargo of munitions scattered about the hold areas: rusting steel warheads, balls of lead shot and sticks of cordite looking like wholemeal spaghetti.
Until I got married, pasta to me meant tins of spaghetti, boy was I wrong.
Once, he sashayed into a ladies room with her to help mend a broken spaghetti strap.
These are what we call spaghetti model forecasts, just because they look like a bunch of strings of spaghetti, don't they?
CNN Transcript Aug 18, 2007
The simple Italian menu pulls no surprises but is hearty and well executed; grilled aubergine, spaghetti with clams and roast rack of lamb all feature.
A Microsoft employee once accused Google of throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what stuck; about halfway through Ballmer's ultimate keynote at CES, I'm pretty sure I was struck in the face by some half-cooked linguini.
Jason Gilbert: Wait, How Weird Was That Microsoft Keynote?
Young girls (around 5-15 year old) wear a kind of undergarment on the upper part of their body that resemble a vest worn by men, but these have Spaghetti straps
Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
Even the flying spaghetti monster on Futurama: "You seriously believe I'm descended from some kind of flightless manicotti?
Cody Gault: America's Creationism Problem
She ate three plates of spaghetti and a dessert? That's impossible. I don't believe it!
I had a choice of vegetarian lasagne, spaghetti bolognese, or bacon and cabbage and this was only the beginning of menu number one.
The chef creates pasta vongole - spaghetti with clams.
The Sun
He strained his eyes in the poor light, trying to read the labels on the cans of food - bake beans, canned spaghetti, baby corn, pumpkin soup and beetroot.
Compare Smith's reliance on masscult totems like the Star Wars movies to the catholic tastes of his fellow Sundance alum Quentin Tarantino, who teases fans with references to obscure spaghetti Westerns and borrows formal strategies from Jean-Luc Godard.
Slate Articles
Nico's is really only a notch up from cheap and cheerful, but does deliver some great Italian staple dishes such as minestrone, calamari and spaghetti Bolognese.
Nations are what they eat, and we like them for their spaghetti and their dolmades, their onion soup and tacos.
Times, Sunday Times
They made simple things, lasagna, casseroles, spaghetti carbonara.
Will better skis, more expensive wax or an extra helping of spaghetti help me shave a few minutes off last year's time?
If you're very hungry a double helping of spaghetti should fit the bill!
In fact, take a look at this, just very quickly, this is what we refer to as our spaghetti model.
CNN Transcript Aug 17, 2008
We are moving on to the main course, spaghetti allo scoglio with vongole, octopus, prawns and mussels.
Times, Sunday Times
He enters the classroom in a blinding heavenly light, to the accompaniment of whistling winds and rolling tumbleweed that usually accompanies Clint Eastwood in a spaghetti western.
I'm particularly partial to Roman delicacies such as tripe and offal, but after one particularly nasty plate of seared pig's flesh with beans, Bea decided to stick to her old favourite, spaghetti vongole.
The pasta factory is able to produce 400 kg of spaghetti per hour and 700 kg of macaroni, pasta elbows or pasta rice.
Steve had made spaghetti bolognese with meatballs, three different types of salad, garlic bread and plain old bread rolls.
Learn how to chop onions for this homemade spaghetti sauce recipe to use for your spaghetti and meatball dinner with expert cooking tips in this free traditional Italian cuisine video clip.
I almost jump in after it, rescuing it from old coffee grounds and yesterday's leftover spaghetti.
Is the "human element" in art something mystical to be intuited from the work, or is it stirred in like the secret ingredient in the spaghetti sauce?
Art and Culture
They didn't say anything about shoulders and backs, so I figured that spaghetti straps, halters, and strapless tops were okay, but I took an overshirt just in case.
Sarah makes us a spinach quiche, and Craig cooks us spaghetti and meatballs.
For untangling the spaghetti bowl that is Tokyo's train/subway system, it's pretty much indispensable.
I ordered a starter spaghetti with organic meatballs and fresh basil for €8.
Another blink, and I was in form-fitting jeans, a green spaghetti-strap tank, and a gray duster.
Start with what you know. Make a list of meatless meals you already prepare regularly, such as spaghetti with tomato sauce or vegetable stir-fry.
And while the former will simmer quietly for hours, spaghetti alle vongole can be on the table in the time it takes your guests to heave themselves out of their deckchairs and into the dining room.
How to cook perfect spaghetti alle vongole
Insert the fork vertically into spaghetti, tilt to thirty degrees. 3.
Spaghetti with pulled ham mustard cream sauce I'm a sucker for those double packs of pulled ham hock.
Times, Sunday Times
Now if it were covered in spaghettini, even better!
Wouldn't YOU want a spaghetti tree?
This is an extraordinarily unusual kind of pasta dish named spaghetti alla crema con alghe, or spaghetti with cream and liver.
I had to use a steak knife to cut a portion of spaghetti for Charlie and then myself, while he watched with a sheepish expression.
If you are in a hurry, I would recommend the spaghetti or the pilaf.
All types of macaroni and spaghetti, seen on local shelves, are produced here.
Drain the spaghetti well.
If you're very hungry a double helping of spaghetti should fit the bill!
Boil plenty of salted water, then add the spaghetti.
Cook the spaghetti according to the instructions and then dress with the fresh sauce.
I pour myself another glass of wine, light a cigarette and think about whether to use spaghettini or fusilli with the bottle of pesto in the fridge.
Melissa piled spaghetti onto her plate.
Although the presence of gluten in wheat flour has been utilized to create a variety of pasta shapes, such as noodles, spaghetti, and tagliatelle, gluten is not an essential human nutrient.
There were several cans of Spaghettios but no can opener, rendering them useless except as thrown projectiles.
It was the sharing, caring plate of spaghetti vongole that did it.
Times, Sunday Times
The lightly poached egg that arrives on top of terrific, seemingly creamless spaghetti carbonara leaks its unctuous yolk over strips of pancetta, slivered endive and parsley, and slick al dente noodles.
Or eight pieces of bacon, oozing a nice puddle of fat with which to sauce that four-person portion of spaghetti carbonara… eaten solo.
The word pasta is uncountable in English, as are the names of individual types of pasta (spaghetti, cannelloni, etc.), although these names are Italian plural forms.
10 posts from January 2007
If I chose a black hole of about 10 million times our sun's mass, I would feel only slight spaghettification forces - not enough to kill me.
She swallowed, carefully averting her eyes as she forked a small amount of the spaghetti onto her plate, taking her time as she did so.
The menu has a good selection of Italian staples, including seafood pasta and pizza, spaghetti carbonara, plain calzone and the tasty-sounding calzone kiev with chicken, mushroom and garlic.
There are moments of humor, such as a scene where a sales representative makes a call on Blake, who is nodding out in a spaghetti-strap dress.
The outfit was a beautiful midnight blue dress, with spaghetti straps and faint white swirls working their way through in an exotic pattern.
This is the best spaghetti I've ever had! You've just got to try it!
“A fork is the only utensil that may be used to eat spaghetti while anyone is looking.”
2010 January « Motivated Grammar
The extreme tidal forces would stretch the observer head to foot; this effect is called spaghettification.
He keeps nothing in the fridge and frequents diners when he craves spaghetti.
Whole-wheat spaghetti has a springy texture and a hearty flavor that works well with a glaze of hoisin sauce, soy sauce, and lime juice.
Boil plenty of salted water, then add the spaghetti.
To which Miss Manners icily replies that eating spaghetti with a fork and spoon was “outrageous”, because
2010 January « Motivated Grammar
More than 40 percent of those surveyed said spaghetti is their favorite pasta.
The spaghetti carbonara with quail's eggs doesn't cut the mustard either, as it's missing the necessary pepper.
All through our lunch, as Kevin and I ate our spaghetti Bolognese, which is what we always ate, and our mother and father ate their meals and drank their bottle of Chianti, which is what they always drank, I begged them to let me go down the lift by myself.
Summer of Deliverance
The Bolognaise sauce was delicious although the spaghetti looked slightly overcooked - not al dente.
They won't do spaghetti vongole, for example, because they think it's too simple.
But somewhere -- over dozens of weekends spent at a resort town that's part suburbia, part spaghetti Western film set -- curiosity got the better of him.
She may find herself torn between donning a pinny to serve spaghetti hoops or acquiring a big hat for the winner's enclosure at Newmarket.
A black tank top with spaghetti straps paired with a velveteen black hoodie served as my top.
Arcane Circle
Next is a page with 17 Pasta selections with spaghetti, fettuccine, penne, gnocchi, tortelli, lasagne and tortellini.
A manageable amount of good firm spaghettini was anointed with, but not drowned in, the ragu.
Cook spaghetti until al dente. Reserve 1/3 cup of the pasta cooking water and combine it with lightly beaten eggs and cheese.
I scoop up some spaghetti, and discover it has congealed into a solid mass - Medusa on a bad hair day.
It is best to use a sturdy flour-and-water pasta such as spaghetti, rigatoni, maccheroni, or conchiglie.
How To Cook Italian
It's a brave cough that resists the combination of antibiotics, hot rum toddies, hot methol inhalant and spaghetti putanesca.
Speaking about Al, my fish, Spaghetti Pizza is having fun eating tubifex worms.
Literature-y characters
I find it quite odd that some schools will ban spaghetti straps, bare midriffs, etc., and yet does not seem to have any problem with miniskirts in cheerleading or short shorts in "girls '" sports (such as volleyball) or as an integral part of a uniform in a mandated gym class (such as the one I had to take my freshman year).
Family Education
One of my favourite meals is spaghettini with tomato sauce, Parmesan and red wine.
Even if he won't admit Leone as a direct influence, the film reinforces the sense that samurai movies and spaghetti westerns, gangster pics and Hollywood ‘oaters’ have long since become completely intertwined.
The most complicated motorway interchange in Britain is known as Spaghetti Junction.
We were having spaghetti and meatballs Lola style.
He poked at the spaghetti with a fork.
`I'm glad the Italians didn't scrimp and save and move away, like the Whatchamacallits," said Anastasia, after two mouthfuls of spaghetti.
Serve with spaghetti and grated Parmesan cheese or use as the base for other recipes.
The Sun
I stood between my brothers at the bottom of the staircase in our house, dressed in a long dark green spaghetti-strap satin gown, my long dark hair cascading over my shoulders in waves.
The spanakopitas were by far the best I've ever had - perfectly baked and crisp phyllo pastry stuffed with baby spinach, kasseri cheese (a sharp, salty, sheep's milk cheddar) and spaghetti squash.
They did their best and the gin came at once, but by the time a plateful of spaghetti carbonara and one of linguine alla salmone landed in front of us there were five minutes to go before the doors would be shut.
Diners choose from spaghetti, fettuccine, penne and capellini noodles and 10 sauces.
Tuscan snobs will enjoy the savory agnolotti dumplings, stuffed with spinach and ground veal, and a steamy bowl of pici spaghetti, drenched in a buttery mushroom sauce and scented with rosemary and bits of black truffles.
The pastas include lasagne, spaghetti, tagliatelle, macaroni, tortellini and capellini, so you're not going to get much more Italian than that!
They climb over each other, snatching spaghetti, Irish stew and bully beef from the air and each other.
Blending country, bluegrass and spaghetti western music with their punk rock and surf backgrounds, these musicians have forged a tight chemistry.
Any of these can be paired with a choice of spaghetti, penne, fettucine, capellini, to name a few.
The spaghetti western mood was slightly dampened by an incongruous collection of artesania stalls in the square.
My all-time favourite is the classic spaghetti alle vongole (with clams).
Times, Sunday Times
Failing that, they can always use some insulating tape and chewing gum to hold the spaghetti together.
It is basically his homage to all the old school spaghetti westerns, samurai flicks and even Japanese animation films of the past, to which Tarantino is a huge fan.
Substitute spaghetti or vermicelli for the capellini.
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The top was lacy with spaghetti straps and the bottom was dark red satin.
The marathon-runner's friend, spaghetti is packed with starch, which helps to build and replenish glycogen stores within the muscles and liver.
Next is a page with 17 Pasta selections with spaghetti, fettuccine, penne, gnocchi, tortelli, lasagne and tortellini.
The bigoli in salsa arrives: buckwheat spaghetti coated in pounded anchovies and onion, with raisins and pine nuts to sweeten the aggressiveness of the fish.
A starter of bucatini (a slightly hollow spaghetti) with squid was altogether more peasanty.
Even serious broadsheets have carried stories about a bee in a bun and a metal bolt in a tin of spaghetti sauce.
Her silky, fawn curls, streaked with red, dropped to her shoulders, and she wore a clingy black spaghetti-strap dress.
There's nothing remarkable about the cooking here, unless you count a particularly graceful spaghetti carbonara, the rich classic sauced with an eggy cream flavored by pancetta, the unsmoked Italian bacon.
This was especially upsetting, as I hadn't had spaghetti carbonara for ages.
Lucy, you go find a package of spaghetti and also a jar of sauce called marinara.
E Is for Environment
Gwen grabbed a bowl and began to scoop meatballs and spaghetti into it.
Next thing we know, he has been scoffing spaghetti carbonara at an Italian eatery.
Dhumraketsu on Sep 13, 2008 well … cowboy bebop is actually the only anime i would like to see in a live-action medium. the film noir/spaghetti western/bruce lee meets sci-fi background could all be well translated to film, considering that's where they come from! granted we need the right producer and director and cast.
Fox Developing Cowboy Bebop Live-Action Feature Film! «
Is the spaghetti ready yet, Dad?
The most adorable pair of black capris, a red-flowered sheer shirt (over a white spaghetti strapped shirt of course) chunky black flip flops.
In Cincinnati, due to some E. Europeans, chili served on spaghetti became the accepted form.
Dale shrugged his shoulders and went back to his spaghetti and meatballs.
The menu has a good selection of Italian staples, including seafood pasta and pizza, spaghetti carbonara, plain calzone and the tasty-sounding calzone kiev with chicken, mushroom and garlic.
I'll have the chicken parm with spaghetti, meatballs and salad.
It does the best vongole - spaghetti with clams.
The Sun
Pasta has graduated from spaghetti, fettuccine, macaroni and manicotti to pappardelle, farfalle, cappelletti, agnolotti and conchiglie, among scores of other shapes and types.
An amorphous polymer in this state has been likened to a plate of frozen spaghetti.
I've tried spaghetti, fusilli, penne, tagliatelle, linguini and those funny shell-shaped ones.
A bodysuit emblazoned with stars, appears alongside 70s style pinstripe suits and spaghetti strap dresses which are either opaque and bold, or plain black and transparent.
Spaghetti, fettucini, rigatoni, ravioli or gnocchi and pasta are at the centre of Italian delicacies, a wide array of which are on offer at the festival at the Waterfront Cafe of Taj Malabar.
Next is a page with 17 Pasta selections with spaghetti, fettuccine, penne, gnocchi, tortelli, lasagne and tortellini.
Computer models, what we call spaghetti models, could move across the northern coast of Cuba.
CNN Transcript Sep 6, 2008
I got up, streaked my hair blue, and put on black pants and a shimmery black spaghetti-strap top.
There was a large bowl of spaghetti, a dish of meatballs and tomato sauce, and another side dish of long breadsticks.
She offers racial politics, Bible readings and a fuzzball platform that is as appetizing as a can of Franco-American spaghetti.
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In the middle of the night, Shotgun oozed up onto the foot of the bed and sprawled out lazily, pushing me off to the side, grum-pling his annoyance that I was taking up so much room; every so often, he farted his opinion of the spaghetti sauce, then after a while he began snoring, a wheezing-whistling noise.
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I've only got enough Spaghettio's for my family, bud.
In conclusion she declared that the spaghetti had been beautifully cooked and not overdone as she usually does it.
And the pony has the run of her Australian family's home, enjoying spaghetti, pizza, cake, cartoons and beer, all the stuff that horses and ponies seem to like.
SCHNEIDER: Mike, we're showing right now what we call our spaghetti map.
CNN Transcript Aug 26, 2006
Step one: The incubator I half fill a spaghetti jar with tank water, adding fungus preventative.
But people decided that, beaut as spaghetti was, they needed meat for the complete life.
called Marguerite, pushing her way in from the kitchen with a steaming bowl of spaghetti in her hands.
There's nothing remarkable about the cooking here, unless you count a particularly graceful spaghetti carbonara, the rich classic sauced with an eggy cream flavored by pancetta, the unsmoked Italian bacon.
When in the mood for down-home diner - Viand Café, the local diner, is a block away as is the venerable St. Ambreous, one of the best old world coffee's and homemade ice creams in town, not to mention its homey food like spaghetti Bolognese and veal piccata.
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At this point the aroma of spaghetti Bolognese and freshly cut bread as well as spicy Thai mixed seafood salads with larb-pork stuffed into cool cucumber shells mingled in the air.
Actually, his spaghetti and meatballs looked edible.
Smaller amounts of the chemical showed up in a plastic container of Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatballs, canned Enfamil infant formula, and Chicken of the Sea Chunk Light Tuna in Water.
The Italian presence has resulted in a great popularity for pasta dishes such as spaghetti, lasagna, cannelloni, and ravioli.
Recipe for spaghetti in creamy pea sauce with crisped prosciutto.
Archive 2009-01-01
The most complicated motorway interchange in Britain is known as Spaghetti Junction.
The most complicated motorway interchange in Britain is known as Spaghetti Junction.
I slipped into bed, not bothering to change out of my skirt, just pulled the overshirt off and slept in my skirt and spaghetti top.
I finally decided on a camouflage, ripped skirt, a black spaghetti-strap top, and a camo bandana in my hair.
I've tried spaghetti, fusilli, penne, tagliatelle, linguini and those funny shell-shaped ones.
The primary risk of developing a custom authorization solution is the reasonably high likelihood of creating an unmaintainable mess of spaghetti security code, worse than the original problem.
`I'm glad the Italians didn't scrimp and save and move away, like the Whatchamacallits," said Anastasia, after two mouthfuls of spaghetti.
Diners choose from spaghetti, fettuccine, penne and capellini noodles and 10 sauces.
Expect culinary unorthodoxy, including flying-fish roe in mushroom spaghetti.
Times, Sunday Times
Regular spaghetti is satisfactory if fettuccine cannot be found.
Even the flying spaghetti monster on Futurama: "You seriously believe I'm descended from some kind of flightless manicotti?
Cody Gault: America's Creationism Problem
‘We have been dropping processed products from the menu for the last couple of years,’ said Amanda, whose first step when she took over two years ago was to ban spaghetti hoops.
Wootton also removed the intestines, and to my disgust grilled them gently by pulling them through the embers, whereafter he swallowed them in a great long string, like some huge piece of spaghetti.
Along with teaching us how to cook a mean spaghetti sauce, Grandma taught us how to let out a stream of vulgarities in a foreign language.
Even the Italian priests ate fresh spaghetti, white bread and home-made ice cream.
Learn how to chop onions for this homemade spaghetti sauce recipe to use for your spaghetti and meatball dinner with expert cooking tips in this free traditional Italian cuisine video clip.
After that, Margaret brought our dinner, which was spaghetti carbonara.
There were so many different courses: antipasto, soup, and spaghetti—al dente, of course—with tomato sauce.
The Good Life
It is a very varied diet too, we eat all sorts - vegetarian spaghetti bolognese, vegetarian curry in Korma sauce, veggie lasagne, veggie pie, veggie pasta bake, etc.
But now these dangers are over and the spaghetti harvest goes forward.
A high-waisted skort or a full, loose number, worn with a vest with spaghetti straps.
Times, Sunday Times
Nicole Kidman chose a Chanel pink-chiffon, spaghetti-strap gown with tiers of ruffles running down the bodice, and 200 carats of raw Bulgari diamonds wrapped around her neck.
Spaghetti, lasagne, vermicelli, ravioli and canneloni are all types of pasta.
Try meat prepared in combination with other foods, such as chili, lasagna, spaghetti sauce, casseroles, stews or hearty soups.
In the end I went for spaghetti carbonara, a dish I'd not had for years.
Spaghetti from Italy, gyros from Greece, sushi from Japan, egg rolls from China, knockwurst from Germany, burritos from Mexico are offered side by side as typical foods of choice.
Tonight there's flaky pastry pesto chicken, nduja vongole (spicy meat and clam spaghetti) and watermelon granita.
The Sun
While some of the other season's soundtracks are like that, the Fourth Season sounds more like music to cook spaghetti to when friends are over to watch your cable.
This is what we referred to as our spaghetti models.
CNN Transcript Aug 15, 2008