
[ UK /spˈe‍ɪsi/ ]
  1. stupefied by (or as if by) some narcotic drug
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How To Use spacy In A Sentence

  • I've had an insanely busy day here, and I was listening to the latest album but it was just making me kind of listless and spacy.
  • It then simmers down into a spacy section featuring the gongs before the other instruments rejoin with a guiro for the climax.
  • One of the great modern love stories, the enduringly charming "Annie Hall" has Allen essentially playing himself, with Keaton's sweet, spacy Annie providing an inspired foil. John Farr: Ten Films For The Coming Weeks
  • The carnival of the spacy-est kids around is up at OrbitalHub. Archive 2008-09-12
  • Evidence of Amis' complete dissociation from contemporary culture has played out lately amid his spacy declarations concerning the internet.
  • I offer to pick up things at the grocery store, or loan her the groceries she was too spacy to buy for herself.
  • She rushes out to the van, wearing her retainer for spacy teeth, a thing she never wears in public, and they drive down past the Wall and into dark and empty streets and the van stalls out, doing a murmurous swoon, and they walk the last eleven blocks with Gracie carrying Mace and a cellular phone. Underworld
  • I was already a little spacy and now this makes it worse.
  • Gary and I went to the supermarket, where I was very spacy. The Conversation
  • Yes, Virginia, you can win a copy of this papery, spacy wonderfulness – simply scroll down to the competition posting, complete with question and gratuitous HINT! 2010 January « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
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