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How To Use Southwester In A Sentence

  • Herodotus was born a Persian subject sometime between 490 and 484 B.C. in Halicarnassus, in southwestern Asia Minor. A Historian For Our Time
  • In the decisive battle of Ipsus in 301 B.C. the overshadowing power of Antigonus was broken and the control of southwestern Asia was divided between Seleucus and Ptolemy. The Makers and Teachers of Judaism
  • The human species has not evolved such that it can tolerate sitting in that southwesterly location, behind uninsulated glass, leaning on a heat absorbing table of dark steel and not be grossly uncomfortable.
  • In 1939, the yardangs in southwestern Egypt were termed ‘mud-lions’ by British explorer Ralph Bagnold.
  • A dark green southwester curled down around his face, hiding it in darkness. THE KILL CLAUSE
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  • He is the author of well over 100 research publications including journal articles, book chapters, and six books on desert grassland, the cacti of Sonora, the Sonoran desert tortoise, and packrat middens and the paleoecology of the southwestern deserts. Contributor: Tom Van Devender
  • Among them: an autographed photo of golfer Arnold Palmer, oil paintings, Limoges porcelain dishes, Baccarat crystal stemware, light fixtures, fur coats, a custom-made breakfront cabinet, brass platters and Southwestern pottery. Turning Others' Junk Into Treasure for Local Charities
  • Meanwhile, USDA reported that Asian soybean rust was found in Georiga's southwestern most county of Seminole , near the town of Donalsonville.
  • Josephine had to admit that the place, although dressed in a more Southwestern style, was quite agreeable.
  • Today, it's not the boll weevil but the pink bollworm that threatens southwestern Pima, nesting inside the bolls, where it is hard to get.
  • A yachter in South Africa says her trip off the country's picturesque southwestern coast was wrecked by an unexpected whack from a whale. CBS 5 - San Francisco Bay Area's source for news, weather, traffic and sports
  • The terai is the lowland band along the long southwestern edge of the country, part of the plain of the River Ganges. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • It and many other old zircons come from metamorphosed sediments deposited in river deltas some 3 billion years ago in what is now southwestern Australia.
  • Our home is at the southwestern tip of the valley, nestled among the lace-lichen laden oaks, bay laurel, mountain mahogany, ceanothus and toyon which typify this classically central coast California oak woodland.
  • Khotan (Li-yul) was a Buddhist kingdom on the Silk Route along the southwestern rim of the Tarim Basin, just north of western Tibet. A Survey of Tibetan History ��� 1 The Empire of the Early Kings of Tibet
  • Now the fight appears headed to the courts as residents of Giles County, along Virginia's rugged, pious southwestern spine, fight what they call mounting pressure from Washington and Richmond to secularize their public institutions. Ten Commandments in school stirs fight in Va. district
  • It lies 250 kilometers southwest of Lanchow, and is presently included in southwestern Kansu (Gansu) Province of China, near the border of Chinghai (Qinghai) Province. A Brief History of Labrang Monastery
  • In the wild, about 1,600 pandas roam forests scattered across six mountain ranges in southwestern China.
  • The heaviest snowfall was forecast for later in the day into Sunday in the Massachusetts Berkshires, the Litchfield Hills in northwestern Connecticut, southwestern New Hampshire and the southern Green Mountains. Northeast Weather: Fall To Look Like Winter This Weekend
  • Within three days Reverend Thorn approached one of the most gracious villages ever to have developed in America: the tree-lined, white-clapboarded, well-gabled village of Walpole, near the Connecticut River in southwestern New Hampshire. Hawaii
  • It has implications for addiction, attention disorders and stress-related memory loss, said Dr. Don Cooper, assistant professor of psychiatry at UT Southwestern and senior author of the study conducted in mice. Tew's Day!
  • Dulongjiang area is the north part of Burma-Malaya Geoblock of Gondwanaland. During th Mesozoic Era it collided with the Eurasian Plate, and became the southwestern borderland of East Asia Continent.
  • Northern and much of central German have a voice-and-aspiration contrast like English, southwestern German has a length contrast, and southeastern German has a pure fortis-lenis contrast in those dialects that have any constrast at all... How NOT to reconstruct a protolanguage
  • Since we there located it in southwestern Arabia, though involving a Hamite group, we must admit the suitability of this location for a Semitic tribe. Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • Southwestern Cable is providing free access to its high-speed Roadrunner Internet service in 14 public libraries within its service area.
  • The south end of the range experiences the southwesterly monsoon from the ocean and the north end dry northeasterly harmattan winds from the desert. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • As the forty-niners crossed the Rockies, one-third of them, after reaching Fort Bridger in southwestern Wyoming, detoured from the main trail through southern Idaho and across northern Nevada.
  • Paleoproterozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks along with Paleozoic sedimentary rocks make up the basement complex of the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado.
  • As if a tanked economy, ongoing foreign engagement, potential war in the not so distant future at our Southwestern borders, and exploding costs of government were not enough, the Washington theatrics andpolitical powermoves at the citzens 'expense continue. An Inconvenient Truth: Science Advisor Banned From Hearings
  • the Anasazi built cliff dwellings in the southwestern United States
  • Subsequently, he pursued his study at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and received a degree in Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages.
  • At 35 deg C, not atypical of a sunny, summer day in the southwestern U.S. deserts, the western diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox, shakes its rattle at frequencies up to 90 Hz.
  • The weather in southwestern Germany, with its mountain peaks and rolling hills, can turn nasty in a hurry.
  • This being the case, those habitants of areas outside the golden southwestern sphere are entirely reliant upon their own vehicles.
  • Jeff is such a busy man, I'm impressed he made time to go all the way down to southwestern Nigeria to report on one of its most famous virgin festivals.
  • Owen also helped behind the scenes to bring the arts to New Harmony and Evansville, with generous support for things such as New Harmony Theatre, the New Harmony Project (to develop scripts and screenplays), the New Harmony Gallery for Contemporary Art, the Evansville Museum, the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana and countless other programs. Evansville Courier & Press Stories
  • Thanks! lever back white gold diamond wedding ring southwestern style gold turquoise diamond rings gold engagement rings for men band hannoush bridal jewellers saphire engagement ring saphire wedding band custom made tennis bracelet black cultured pearl necklace bajoran rampage benrus kahala linen breitling chrono avenger heart cut ruby cross pendant sterling silver bosal - 2006-08-16 08: 05: 19 PLEASE give me a break... just a little one
  • Curry, writing from the Department of Geography of the University of North Carolina, reported that, in 1963 and 1964, during studies of Little Ice Age glaciation and nivation in the mountains of southwestern U.S., a number of stands of bristlecone pine were encountered, including a previously unstudied stand at Wheeler Peak in east Nevada gazetteeer location: 38.9861N; Longitude: -114.312. Cutting Down the Oldest Living Tree in the World « Climate Audit
  • Covering 320 square kilometers, it is nested in the southwestern corner of the country.
  • Imagine, for instance, that you're a lesser sandhill crane (Grus canadensis canadensis), setting off on your spring migration from southwestern Texas.
  • The longer term proxies in M2008 are totally dominated by the Tiljander and the 19 southwestern US "stripbark" pine proxies. Climate Audit
  • In 1927, Southwestern also changed from the quarter system to semesters.
  • The interlacustrine region saw a buildup of population along the western and southwestern shores of Lake Victoria, leading to expansion to the northwest and north, settling the protopopulations of later communities such as the Ganda, Soga, Nkore, and Bunyoro. D. East Africa
  • New York's version of a southwestern roadhouse is wild fun, especially on weekend nights.
  • I'm writing a piece about the 100 internees from the Poston Relocation Center in southwestern Arizona who resisted the draft in 1944. IsThatLegal?
  • Other exotic fish that are causing problems include the walking catfish in Florida, the mosquito fish all over the world, and the red shiner in desert streams of the southwestern U. S.
  • The southwestern corner of Britain is the warmest.
  • The southern and southwestern sectors show the greatest bathymetric variation in the area, with emergent small islands (such as Dos Amigos, Rafael and Juan Bautista), and a great number of submerged rocks. Isla del Coco Marine and Terrestrial Conservation Area, Costa Rica
  • If you arrive in your own or a chartered boat, you can drop anchor off the town or, a better choice, in sheltered Tyrrel Bay at the island's southwestern end.
  • He was like a grampus when he set his teeth, and a southwester couldn't blow harder if he chose. The Knight of the Golden Melice A Historical Romance
  • It seems the trees in my neighbor's yard stood an excellent chance of blocking the television signal, which needs a southwestern exposure in the Northeast.
  • Known in English as the "prickly pear" cactus, this member of the opuntia genus produces the vegetable called nopal, sometimes referred to as "cactus paddles" in the Southwestern United States, and the fruit called tuna. Cooking with Cactus: Nopales Cactus
  • After the group met at the Crane Foundation preserve, they headed south to canoe a stretch of the Kickapoo River that winds its way through southwestern Wisconsin before joining the Mississippi.
  • A 1997 study of endangered species in the southwestern United States by the Fish and Wildlife Service found that half the species studied were threatened by cattle ranching.
  • Its woodsy 37 miles runs through southwestern Connecticut, and, during off-peak hours, is a lovely alternative to the truck fumes of I - 95.
  • The tour raises money for the Wesley Institute, an Upper St. Clair nonprofit organization that provides services to Southwestern Pennsylvania youths with mental health and behavioral challenges.
  • Right now, the south-eastern and southern states have lower participation rates, but so do the southwestern states (and Maine, NJ, and NY). Matthew Yglesias » Census Conspiracies Strike Back
  • The weather in southwestern Germany, with its mountain peaks and rolling hills, can turn nasty in a hurry.
  • In Oklahoma, which recorded a gust of 82 mph and 11 inches of rain, some 300 homes and businesses were damaged in the Kingfisher area and in Caddo County in southwestern Oklahoma, officials said.
  • This tiny spider is related to the more commonly known, and much larger, tarantulas of the southwestern United States.
  • He points visitors to the 37,291-acre Coosa Wildlife Management Area in east-central Alabama, the 39,139-acre Upper Delta WMA in the extreme southwestern part of the state, and the Choccolocco WMA in the northeast, where hunters willing to hike or bike can find plenty of elbowroom in 50,100 acres of prime Appalachia turkey woods. Hunt Turkeys, Pigs, Caribou, Snow Geese, and Hares in March
  • The terrain along this lengthy irregular border was bisected by an enormous tract of riverine swamp, the Pripet Marshes, 100,000 square kilometers of boggy ground that stretches from southwestern Belorussia into northeastern Ukraine. Deathride
  • I like obento much better than what she used to give me when I was in the states - pastrami sandwiches and all that... but if I had taken obento to my school in southwestern PA, people would have totally kicked the crap out of me... so I guess that's love! Why I am glad I am not a Japanese housewife...
  • Lavas form the main part of the northern and eastern flanks and a small part of the southwestern flank.
  • On the Murrumbidgee River, especially on the lower parts [in the Riverina district of south-central and southwestern New South Wales], rumours of the existence of this animal are more than usually rife, and there the aborigines far and wide describe the animal as inhabiting the waters. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The Southern Andean Yungas are loosely bordered to the east by the Chaco, and tightly interdigitated to the west with Bolivian Montane Dry Forest, spanning southwestern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina. Southern Andean Yungas
  • Thus previously authoritarian government officials joined with previously suspicious villagers to successfully regenerate the degraded sal forests of southwestern Bengal.
  • In southwestern Florida, the water district is reportedly spending more than a billion U.S. dollars to come up with ways to meet the growing demand, including desalinizing ocean water.
  • The ship held to a southwesterly course.
  • This type of pine grows in the dry mountains of the southwestern United States.
  • In 1951 Louis did make an attempt to explore the southwestern region of Lake Rudolf, but found the roads nearly impassable. Ancestral Passions
  • Curley serves them with ramekins of Southwestern aioli that's salmon-colored and chock-full of sun-dried tomatoes and dried chipotle peppers.
  • This widespread sequence of epicontinental carbonates and calcareous shales lies on the southwestern edge of the Russian Platform and contains most of the facies and ecological associations characteristic of marginal basins.
  • The Atlantic Ocean washes Spain's north coast, the far northwest corner adjacent to Portugal, and the far southwestern zone between the Portuguese border and the Strait of Gibraltar.
  • His territory was placed under the new commandery of Yizhou. 23 By the end of the second century BCE, Han China had reached central Yunnan and part of west Yunnan, thus dividing the Southwestern Barbarian area into the four commanderies of Jianwei, Zangke, Yuexi, and Yizhou. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • Our portfolio is very diverse, it includes companies located in the Midwest and Southwestern United States.
  • The southwestern coastal region has a humid mild marine climate.
  • A few well timed shoves jolted the wooden crate that had barred the exit, leading them all up into the eerie silent Southwestern portion of La Fortaleza's courtyard.
  • He was one of six trainees aboard the Durban-registered yacht which was on a training cruise when it was hit by five-metre swells and a 60 km/h southwester off Kwelera Point near Gonubie.
  • During the trip, on this cloudy but dry day, the boat passed Larn Island and went to the southwestern cape of Man Wichai Island.
  • (AP) CAPE TOWN, South Africa — A yachter in South Africa says her trip off the country's picturesque southwestern coast was wrecked by an unexpected whack from a whale. Whale CRUSHES South African Boat...See The Amazing PHOTOS
  • Some of the material was used for firewood and some for traditional fencing and viga poles used in southwestern houses.
  • The Southwest Associated University was dubbed a bastion of democracy in the southwestern year.
  • During his time at UT-Southwestern, Russell has emerged as a scientific leader in elucidating the enzymatic pathways responsible for the metabolic breakdown of cholesterol into other components such as sterol hormones, vitamins and bile acids. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Hundreds of large containers fell off a cargo ship, beached off the southwestern coast of England.
  • As a result of habitat loss due to land degradation, four antelope species in Lesotho and Swaziland, the blue wildebeest in Malawi, the Tssessebe in Mozambique, the blue buck from the southwestern Cape in South Africa and the kob in Tanzania are threatened with extinction. Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)~ Chapter 6
  • I was fascinated to learn from Ray Girvan about argan oil, which is produced in southwestern Morocco from the nuts of the argan tree, after they have been eaten and excreted by tree-climbing goats.
  • The Saharomontane vegetation of the higher elevations supports the endemic Ficus teloukat, which grows on the south and southwestern slopes, Myrtus nivellei and Nerium oleander on the western slopes, and Tamarix ` gallica nilotica and Nerium oleander on the wetter northern slopes. Tibesti-Jebel Uweinat montane xeric woodlands
  • -- A yachter in South Africa says her trip off the country's picturesque southwestern coast was wrecked by an unexpected whack from a whale. - WCBS WiFi
  • More than 2,000 debris fields, as well as human remains, were found in sparsely populated areas southeast of Dallas from Nacogdoches in East Texas, where a lot of debris fell, to western Louisiana and the southwestern counties of Arkansas. Think Progress » Flight 93 remembered.
  • Cooks in southwestern France still dispute which meats make the best cassoulet, but various combinations of pork, sausage, mutton, partridge, duck, and goose may be used.
  • Not only is the spa cuisine amazing, but they like their guests to indulge in southwestern style stargazing, which is something that they offer in their outdoor barn pool, where you can look at the Big Dipper while you ` re doing the backstroke. CNN Transcript Feb 16, 2006
  • It lies 250 kilometers southwest of Lanchow, and is presently included in southwestern Kansu (Gansu) Province of China, near the border of Chinghai (Qinghai) Province. A Brief History of Labrang Monastery
  • By last night the wind had dropped to a southwester of about 10 knots.
  • cottontail" rabbits in the southwestern U.S.A. On inoculation this virus proved effective only in rabbits, and it produced far more vigorous warts on animals of domestic breeds than on its native host, the cottontail. Peyton Rous - Nobel Lecture
  • Except for one wild southwester that broke the pin in the mizzen topsail yard and sent it into the rigging, all signs seemed in their favor. A Furnace Afloat
  • These two birds are so characteristic of the meadows in southwestern counties that a summer evening seems silent to me without the "crake, crake!" of the one and the singular sibilous rattle of the other. Nature Near London
  • Shopping is not for the fainthearted in the street markets of Kangding, in southwestern China. U.S. expatriates pursue American dream in China
  • (land of Lycus) is the name of that southwestern region of the peninsula of Asia Minor which is immediately opposite the island of Rhodes. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • In southwestern Pennsylvania, four rural townships in Somerset, Indiana and Greene counties are hosts to new prisons built within the last few years.
  • Southwestern style homes favor stucco or adobe exteriors and orange or red tile roofs.
  • Doses of DNA-gene-coated gold particles protect mice against a protein implicated in Alzheimer's disease, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found. The news gets stranger
  • But a Bouyei from southwestern Guizhou, said she was wearing her everyday outfit to parliament, whose session this year closes on Friday.
  • In six days we had two stiff blows, and, in addition, one proper southwester and one ripsnorting southeaster. SMALL-BOAT SAILING
  • It was a breezy southwesterly gale which caused overflowing dustbins to be sent flying through the masses.
  • In another report, a pastor and his wife ministering in the southwestern city of Galle were riding in a bus when the tsunami first hit.
  • Harsh floods also swamped southwestern Bangladesh this year.
  • Ecoregion 27m has a higher proportion of southwestern flora than elsewhere in Oklahoma; lotebush, ephedra, tobosa grass, agarita, and pencil cholla occur. Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
  • The Observatory said the hot weather was caused by a southwesterly airstream.
  • At Mokpo, a Yellow Sea Port on the southwestern coast of Korea, London, along with the other steamer passengers, were herded ashore to fend for themselves while the Japanese War Office once again requisitioned their ship. JACK LONDON'S WAR
  • A southwester, which is usually pronounced and sometimes spelled Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue and Their Shetland Pony
  • In southwestern China, on the highlands of the Yunnan-Sichuan plateau, successful cultivation and utilization of octoploid triticale is under way. 7 Experiences Around the World
  • With this exotic boar dish, he extends the boundaries by incorporating such decidedly non-southwestern tropical ingredients as pineapple and tamarind.
  • CAPE TOWN, South Africa - A yachter in South Africa says her trip off the country's picturesque southwestern coast was wrecked by an unexpected whack from a whale. Chronicle
  • Greene, a full-blooded Oneida, was born on the Iroquois Six Nations Reserve in southwestern Ontario.
  • China's Central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan announced that it will allow the yuan to be used for settlement between Guangdong Province and the Yangtze River Delta and exporters in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Yunnan Province in southwestern China will be allowed to use the yuan to settle trade payments with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Are Uncle Sam's Creditors heading for the exits?
  • Lee County, Florida is in the southwester, part of the state. The Reno Gazette Journal goes white, very white.
  • They rounded Cape St. John expecting a deadly southwester, but found instead as fine a day as anyone could wish, clear and crisp like October in New England. A Furnace Afloat
  • Unlike the deltaic, lowland assemblages of the southwestern United States, the Bromacker assemblage contains neither fish nor obligate aquatic tetrapod remains.
  • Earlier this month, Carrefour made a takeover bid for its franchisee and long-term partner Guyenne et Gascogne SA as it seeks to defend its position in southwestern France. Carrefour to Sell, Lease-Back 97 Stores
  • Early mist and low cloud may plague some southwestern coasts but should clear inland fairly readily. Times, Sunday Times
  • The south end of the range experiences the southwesterly monsoon from the ocean and the north end dry northeasterly harmattan winds from the desert. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • Sonoran Pasta is a Southwestern-inspired dish with chipotle cream sauce, fettuccine, tomatoes, spinach, caramelized corn served with chicken or beef.
  • George Ruhe for The New York Times vegetarian menu at Udupi Bhavan bhavan means tavern, and Udupi is a town in southwestern NYT > Home Page
  • The slickspot peppergrass grows in sagebrush steppe habitats in southwestern Idaho, including the Snake River Plain, Owyhee Plateau, and adjacent foothills in Ada, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, and Payette counties.
  • So although I am not much in the habit of packing up my troubles in my old kit bag and handing it to other people, I instantly got busy blandishing my favorite retreat organizers, Kerry Eielson and John Fanning of La Muse in Labastide Esparbaïrenque, in the remote Montagne Noir of southwestern France. Author! Author! » Blog Archive » An inside view of a formal writing retreat: an interview with Kerry Eielson and John Fanning of La Muse
  • Southwestern Cable is providing free access to its high-speed Roadrunner Internet service in 14 public libraries within its service area.
  • SKorean court upholds conviction for late president's brother, reduces prison term Police: Bad grammar, spelling trip up man accused of trying to impersonate W.Va. governor Myanmar accuses detained Myanmar-American of seeking to create political unrest Sarah Palin urges smaller government, talks US-China relations in speech to investors in Asia Authorities in southwestern Michigan say they have cracked case of 'pillowcase' burglaries Ohio woman who said she was unfaithful wears sign to ask fiance for a second chance Fishy find: Australian teens hand in $87,000 after surprise catch on angling adventure Game over: Fla. cops caught playing Wii game in house they had just raided, face discipline Woman pays with a $20 bill printed in 1934 at a UPS Store in North Dakota Undefined
  • Southwestern University School of Law purchased and restored the landmark in 1994.
  • The three named genera of the family are apparently endemic to the southwestern North American craton.
  • Temperatures rocketed under the influence of a southwesterly airstream.
  • However, these rocks do record the earliest presence of dinosaurs in the form of numerous trackways in southwestern Gondwana.
  • The effect of syphilization in inducing a scrofulous taint and the appearance of a rapidly-marching consumption among savage races has been well observed among the Indians in the southwestern parts of the United History of Circumcision from the Earliest Times to the Present Moral and Physical Reasons for its Performance
  • Further, the Fugitive Slave Act specifically provided for the rendition of runaways in the northwestern and southwestern territories.
  • The city stretches for about forty kilometers along the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan.
  • They were travelling in a southwesterly direction.
  • This Southwestern look blends quite nicely with the casual, modernist style.
  • In southwestern Australia, the hottest conditions are normally associated with low pressure troughs that direct east to northeasterly winds from the hot interior.
  • Then we ran down the Illyrian coast and, with oars at full speed, sail bellying with a powerful southwester, rounded the Italian peninsula with a strong wind for Sicilia and the Tyrrhenian Sea, where we ran into a small flotilla of black-sailed ships expectantly lying in wait for us. The Skrayling Tree
  • In southwestern Missouri, switchgrass and caucasian bluestem (an introduced warm-season perennial) are used by beef producers to supplement the tall fescue.
  • However, they need stitching together, like a quilt whose diverse and colorful pieces are scattered -- unseen and uncelebrated -- all over the Oglala Sioux Tribe's homeland in southwestern South Dakota. Stephanie Woodard: Pine Ridge Rising: Community-Based Development Project Gets Underway
  • A tholeiitic suite of dolerite dykes in the southwestern Borrowdale Volcanic Group is a separate, later magmatic event.
  • Breaded, fried, whole - button mushrooms. Served with Ranch or Southwestern Ranch dressing.
  • MITAG will travel WNW to NW in the next 36 hours along the southwestern periphery of the retreating subtropical ridge.
  • Based on our experiences in the first sounding, the necessary preparations were taken to enable the team to reach an ever greater depth in the second sounding just outside the southwester corner pillar of frigidarium 1. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Roman Baths Report 3
  • The ISS was located over the Greek island of Kos in the Aegean Sea (near the southwestern coastline of Turkey) when the image was taken at approximately midnight local time.
  • Dr. Arthur V. Chadwick, PhD, Geologist, dendrochronology (analyzing tree rings to determine past climate) lecturing, Southwestern Adventist University, Keene, Texas, U.S.A. Think Progress » Avatar director wants to ‘shoot it out’ with ‘asshole’ Glenn Beck and climate-denier ‘boneheads.’
  • They show that the bounding faults of the "graben" cut the Chumstick Formation and that the southwestern bounding fault really is a composed of northwesterly trending reverse faults and younger northerly strike-slip faults, both of which cut northwesterly striking folds in the Chumstick Formation. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • In the Southwestern Australian scrubland, a host of strange - sounding animals could face extinction, including numbats and the squelching froglet.
  • A large part of the southwestern United States is unsettled desert.
  • The region was a habitat for logwood, a species of small tree found in parts of the southwestern Caribbean that was most commonly used to make a black dye.
  • Gentle upwarping has caused the western Queensland Mitchell Grass Downs to form the divide between northern drainage to the Gulf of Carpentaria via the Flinders River and southwestern drainage via the Diamantina River and Channel Country into Lake Eyre. Mitchell grass downs
  • Three succulent and two dendroid species of Euphorbia occur in the southwestern corner of Morocco, and except for Euphorbia resinifera, are most highly developed close to the sea where mists are frequent and summer temperatures are ameliorated. Mediterranean acacia-argania dry woodlands and succulent thickets
  • During dry periods, these lakes shrank or disappeared, and prevailing southwesterly winds blew clouds of sand from the dry lakebeds across the valley.
  • Were there any of those rawhide chew strips left in the top drawer by the kitchen sink, the ones with that Southwestern flav Dog on It
  • The southwestern Indians were called Appalachians by the olden writers, because this was the name then given to the southern Alleghanies. The Winning of the West, Volume 1 From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1769-1776
  • We welcome the decision to increase the quotas for monkfish, megrim and haddock in the southwestern waters.
  • When peace was finally made between England and France, after the wars described in the last chapter were over, one of the results of the treaty which was made was that certain provinces in the southwestern part of France were ceded to England, and formed into a principality called Aquitaine, and this principality was placed under the dominion of the Black Prince. Richard II Makers of History
  • This Mousterian technology, named after the Le Moustier cave in southwestern France, was highly versatile and used in various forms over a wide area of Europe, Eurasia, North Africa, and the Near East. E. Early Homo Sapiens (c. 250,000 to c. 35,000 Years Ago)
  • The term Semitic is applied to that family of languages which are native in Southwestern Asia, and which are supposed to have been spoken by the descendants of Shem, the son of Noah. Handbook of Universal Literature From the Best and Latest Authorities
  • The creation of a central executive government strong enough to rule the whole empire, and hold down even the southern and southwestern daimi [= o] s, made it still worse for the converts of the European teachers, because in the Land of the The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
  • Police in southwestern Michigan say they have put to bed the case of the "pillowcase" burglaries. Home
  • In naming this new, Southwestern Chicken A La King they added the word “ranch” — because it conjures up a certain Texan feeling — and did away with the “a la.” King Ranch Chicken | Homesick Texan
  • Early reviews invoking the album's ‘Southwestern’ influences should be forgiven; surely they meant southwestern Spain, home to the Andalucia province and its many bullrings.
  • There were very few border controls on the southwestern frontier.
  • With this exotic boar dish, he extends the boundaries by incorporating such decidedly non-southwestern tropical ingredients as pineapple and tamarind.
  • Good examples of influent streams include the Nile, and the Colorado River in the southwestern United States.
  • Early mist and low cloud may plague some southwestern coasts but should clear inland fairly readily. Times, Sunday Times
  • A new polytypic species of the genus Uromastyx Merrem 1820 (Reptilia: Squamata: Agamidae: Leiolepidinae) from southwestern Arabia - Thomas M. Wilms and Andreas Schmitz Archive 2007-01-01
  • Preliminary tests show that surgical gloves, condoms, or other products made from the natural rubber latex of a southwestern desert shrub called guayule are an effective barrier against disease-causing bacteria and viruses.
  • - pens, eggshells, remains, etc., further suggest long-term domestication localized in the southwestern United States. Research Blogging - All Topics - English
  • The race of the coachwhip that occurs in Utah, the red racer, is limited to the southwestern corner of the state.
  • The luxuriant coast bordering on the southern extremity of the lake and skirting the peninsula of Michigan and southwestern Ontario -- though comparatively flat -- is not void of charming features; being lined with numerous pretty villages imbosomed among gentle slopes that were covered with the richest verdure. By Water to the Columbian Exposition
  • But the true polar opposite of Belfast in terms of atmosphere and natural splendor has got to be the town of Killarney in County Kerry, southwestern Ireland.
  • the winds are southwesterly
  • Occurrences of erythrism have been reported near this Pennsylvania site in southwestern New York and northeastern Ohio.
  • Cucurbita mixta includes many of the traditional winter squashes known as cushaws, which have been grown since early times from Guatemala to the southwestern U.S. Members of this species are drought-tolerant and their flesh is generally paler, stringier and less sweet than other types of squash.
  • Crofton weed, Ageratina adenophora, is one of the worst invasive weeds in China, has invaded a large areas of southwestern China.
  • Served with marinara sauce, Southwestern Ranch dressing and sour cream.
  • The plane was flying in a southwesterly direction.
  • Many of the wild donkeys in the southwestern United States are descendants of escaped or abandoned burros brought by Mexican explorers during the Gold Rush.
  • In six days we had two stiff blows, and, in addition, one proper southwester and one ripsnorting southeaster. SMALL-BOAT SAILING
  • We saw brain changes that are consistent with that of other things that are considered rewarding such as money, food or drugs," explained study author Dr. Bryon Adinoff, a professor of psychiatry at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. More evidence tanning beds may be addictive
  • The tourism board calls Kerala, kocated at the southwestern tip of India along the Arabian Sea, ”God’s own country.
  • At late Cretaceous, resulting from transgression from west to east in Southwestern Tarim Basin, continental clasts decreased eastwardly, while marine facies took dominance.
  • An explosion caused by illegally st ored chemicals killed seven people and injured 37 at an Internet cafe in southwestern China, state media and the local government said. World Watch
  • If you are looking to fish for big bows and want to simulate an "Out West Experience" the WDNR stocks the used out brooder bows in the longest standing mandatory c/r area in southwestern wisconsin. Castle Rock Creek Grant County
  • In the Southwestern Australian scrubland, a host of strange - sounding animals could face extinction, including numbats and the squelching froglet.
  • Early mist and low cloud may plague some southwestern coasts but should clear inland fairly readily. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unique to southwestern Morocco, the trees produce a hard wood, called ironwood, used for fuel. rss feed
  • Thousands of people fled the constant barrage, becoming refugees in their own country, and leaving some of the hardest hit southwestern Israeli communities half-deserted. HAS ISRAEL EMPLOYED DISPROPORTIONATE FORCE IN GAZA?
  • St. Ambrose was born about the year 340, of a Roman of the same name who was at that time prefect of the pretorium in Gaul, a province which then embraced a large portion of western and southwestern Europe. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 3 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • With this exotic boar dish, he extends the boundaries by incorporating such decidedly non-southwestern tropical ingredients as pineapple and tamarind.
  • The friendly southwesterlies of the outward voyage were now adverse - and strengthening. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most tornadoes form under the southwestern section of the thunderstorm cloud.
  • This shrimp inhabits ephemeral habitats such as natural playas and human-made cattle tanks in the southwestern United States.
  • The Durban-based yacht was off Kwelera Point near Gonubie, but the swell, whipped up by a 60 km/h southwester, prevented the rescue boat from coming alongside.
  • WHITEHALL - The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology said it has no reports that people felt a magnitude 4.3 earthquake centered about 12 miles south of Whitehall in southwestern Montana. - Local News
  • We expected 20-30 Quakers from the region (which covers the southwestern part of Ontario and also the Niagara area to the East). Roller-coaster
  • It turns out that a charismatic endangered bird — the southwestern willow flycatcher — is known to nest in the offending shrubs. Uncategorized Blog Posts

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