
How To Use Southerly In A Sentence

  • In particular, southerly winds have meant that migrant moths have kept arriving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tara walked in a southerly direction .
  • Margaux is the most southerly, most isolated, and most extensive of the Médoc's communal appellations.
  • A southerly on Sunday gave the opportunity for a longer north lake course.
  • One of the unusual things about this particular storm was that it was a southerly gale and not one of the usual westerlies that tend to affect the south of Britain.
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  • We remained nearly an hour beside our beneficent fountain, then took the route for Senegal; that is, a southerly direction, for we did not know exactly where that country lay. Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy A weird series of tales of shipwreck and disaster, from the earliest part of the century to the present time, with accounts of providential escapes and heart-rending fatalities.
  • The jet stream took a more southerly track again last week and low pressure brought unsettled weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • Speculation was rife that a ship at sea had emptied its tanks and released a noxious gas that was carried ashore on southerly winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the other extreme, there is the guy who puts out in a hot-water boat at the height of a southerly buster, a cold, wet wind with maximum ‘grunt’, just in case someone is in trouble.
  • A cold southerly wind rustled through the coolabah trees with a sweet hissing sound as a corella squawked into a colourless sky. | Top Stories
  • The weather might change if the winds turn easterly or southerly.
  • Expect milder southerly winds and hence little, if any, frost. Times, Sunday Times
  • That would explain why boreal plants and animals persist this far south, in some cases isolated from their next most southerly homes.
  • The spatial variation of southerly burster, drainage flows and sea breezes in the Illawarra Region are discussed in detail.
  • The problem is jet stream winds at high altitude taking a southerly track, bringing rotten conditions on both sides of the Atlantic. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the 1814 plan there was no hope to reconquer the United States, but with a British army firmly ensconced in the interior of New York, amid what the British yet again assumed was a sympathetic population, the Americans might have to concede a more southerly border for the Canadian provinces, if not in New York, then perhaps in Maine. Between War and Peace
  • As a result, regions to the east of a high-pressure center often have northerly winds bringing in relatively cold air while regions to the west have southerly winds bringing in relatively warm air.
  • In fact, weather stations use the shift from a southerly to a northerly wind direction as the indication that a cold front has passed the station.
  • Speculation was rife that a ship at sea had emptied its tanks and released a noxious gas that was carried ashore on southerly winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the 1814 plan there was no hope to reconquer the United States, but with a British army firmly ensconced in the interior of New York, amid what the British yet again assumed was a sympathetic population, the Americans might have to concede a more southerly border for the Canadian provinces, if not in New York, then perhaps in Maine. Between War and Peace
  • With the strong southerly winds, windchill will be severe for animals and trampers in open areas.
  • Home is now a beautiful farmhouse three miles from Britain's most southerly point. Times, Sunday Times
  • The objects slowed at one point, and then sped back up heading in a southerly direction.
  • A more detailed study is made of two southerly bursters which occurred during an observational program held from 21 November 1982 until 13 December 1982.
  • This allowed for more direct southerly winds, bringing in warm air from the Continent. Times, Sunday Times
  • a hot southerly wind
  • A so-called southerly wind is steering through our town of Sainte Cécile, causing the rain in its path to spray hither and thither. French Word-A-Day
  • The sun was setting, and a gentle southerly breeze, striking against the southern side of the rock, mingled its current with the colder air above; and the vapour was thus condensed: but as the light wreaths of cloud passed over the ridge, and came within the influence of the warmer atmosphere of the northern sloping bank, they were immediately redissolved. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • If you were to ask me, I'd probably label it a nor'wester, and if pressed, suggest that there might be a southerly on the way.
  • Before crossing the 50th meridian, the undulations arising from the distribution of land and water in the neighbourhood of these vast inland seas would receive considerable elucidation from the shorter intervals of observation, and after passing the 50th meridian the extent of undulation, as compared with that observed by the more southerly vessels, would be more distinctly marked by the three-hourly series. The Hurricane Guide Being An Attempt To Connect The Rotary Gale Or Revolving Storm With Atmospheric Waves.
  • Strong southerly winds forced a number of retirements yesterday, with 18 boats out of the race and seven more seeking shelter along the Australian coast to see if conditions improved.
  • The source of the conglomerate is believed to have been southerly, where an unweathered friable rhyolite was water-transported with minor abrasion.
  • We can expect southerly gusts of 40-50mph quite widely, so that's gale-force winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the Great Lakes, the conventional direction of buoyage is generally considered westerly and northerly, except on Lake Michigan, where southerly movement is considered as returning from the sea. Sailing Fundamentals
  • If you were to ask me, I'd probably label it a nor'wester, and if pressed, suggest that there might be a southerly on the way.
  • This has brought warm and humid southerly winds, while high above the UK the air is relatively cold.
  • With light headwinds and a strong southerly current, the crew had to work hard as we tacked, staying close to shore.
  • He distanced himself from the conventional business model in the planet's most southerly and remote vineyard.
  • Rhapta was described as a bustling metropolitan area located somewhere just inland from the central coast of mainland Azania, perhaps in the vicinity of modern-day Bagamoyo and Dar es Salaam. 10 It also indicated that Rhapta was the most southerly stopping point along the East African commercial route, and that merchants interested in making a round trip to Rhapta from one of Roman Egypt's Red Sea ports had to be ready to depart in July because that was when the climate cycle necessary to make the voyage began. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • To be sure, certain winds could be recognised by their voices: a southerly one of any consequence announced itself by a curious droning note which, if it westered a little, rose to a sharp whistle and, in anything above half-a-gale, to a scream. Nicky-Nan, Reservist
  • Arran is the most southerly of the Inner Hebridean islands, 15 miles away from Ardrossan on the Ayrshire coast.
  • It is expected to be anchored there for a number of days to await the abatement of unusual southerly headwinds.
  • And if you be disposed to goe through the Sound to the Southwards, keepe the Northwest shoare aboorde, for on the Island side after you be shotte so far in as the crosse, it is a shoale of rockes halfe the sound ouer: which rockes do last vnto the Southerly part of the great Island, and rather to the Southwards. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The breakers rise to the height of fifteen or eighteen feet before they burst in one unbroken line as far as the eye can see, and as the southerly is the most prevailing wind on that part of the Australian coast, it is only during the summer season, and after several days of northerly wind that the sea subsides, and the roar of breakers ceases for a time. Expedition into Central Australia
  • In contrast, over the past week the weather has been weirdly warm in the north and west thanks to a southerly wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Low pressure pulled a hot continental southerly wind across Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • A severe southerly buster has wind speeds exceeding gale force (17 m s[-1]) and poses a threat to human safety.
  • Southerly flow into the monsoon is a continuation of the south-easterly trades of the southern hemisphere, except that they are deflected to the right by the Coriolis force in the northern hemisphere to become south-westerlies.
  • But the southerly relaxes the body, and renders it humid, brings on dullness of hearing, heaviness of the head, and vertigo, impairs the movements of the eyes and the whole body, and renders the alvine discharges watery. Aphorisms
  • The journey began well, with a fresh southerly wind for the first few hours, but it then turned squally with drizzle.
  • Diversity "focal points/hot spots" [12] and "oases" [13] enrich landscapes by possessing a larger number of species, including those of more southerly distribution. Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • Instead, warmer, southerly air was allowed to blow in. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then grouse lifted, to be swept away by a strong southerly.
  • The British contention was that the wording of the Treaty provided first, that the channel should separate the mainland from Vancouver Island; second, that the boundary should go through it in a "southerly" direction; and third, that it should be navigable. The Oregon Boundary Question
  • During the winter, its southerly location guarantees warm weather and sunshine when our own more northerly climes turn bleak.
  • The northern brickfielder is almost invariably followed by a strong "southerly buster," cloudy and cool from the ocean. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • However he was called in the afternoon by his friends who said she had set off in a southerly direction.
  • For al-Battani refraction had little effect on his meridian observations at the winter solstice because, at his more southerly site of ar-Raqqah, the sun was higher in the sky.
  • We must also remember that the potential damage to more southerly developing countries could include devastating flooding and desertification.
  • The small craft, with some 60 people on board, really ‘rocked and rolled’ on the way across into the slight swell of a light southerly.
  • It then ascended once more, after some bags of sand had been thrown out, and was borne by a fresh southerly wind in a northerly direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the help of a telescope it was possible to distinguish a number of machines in a southerly direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Local anglers know the best day for good results is when a warm southerly or south westerly wind blows at speeds of about 10-15 miles per hour and with low cloud overhead.
  • Located two hours to the southeast of Paris, the wine area starts in Chablis in the north of the region and then it follows the autoroute A6 southerly to Lyon. Wine Blogging Wednesday #48: Back to Our Roots
  • The carrier USS Constellation reversed her southerly course at the transmission of a single code word. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • Temperatures are set to rise to the mid or high twenties again as we pull in more of a southerly airflow. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a viewpoint sandwich stop with a southerly aspect.
  • The problem is jet stream winds at high altitude taking a southerly track, bringing rotten conditions on both sides of the Atlantic. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the winter, its southerly location guarantees warm weather and sunshine when our own more northerly climes turn bleak.
  • This pleases me immensely because I am able to cheat those southerly winds.
  • Continue in a southerly direction until you reach the road.
  • But this weekend it is taking a more southerly track, delivering cold air. Times, Sunday Times
  • The people are thus far nearly white in the colour of their skin, but in the more southerly of the three regions above defined, with a mixture of brown, or of the complexion of brunettes, or such as we term swarthy or sallow persons. History of the Negro Race in America From 1619 to 1880. Vol 1 Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
  • One of the unusual things about this particular storm was that it was a southerly gale and not the usual westerly gales that tend to affect the south of Britain.
  • took a southerly course
  • A patio area to the back has a southerly aspect and attractive hanging baskets.
  • But this weekend it is taking a more southerly track, delivering cold air. Times, Sunday Times
  • Los Cristianos is the most southerly resort in Tenerife.
  • The problem is jet stream winds at high altitude taking a southerly track, bringing rotten conditions on both sides of the Atlantic. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we flew in a southerly direction down the airway from Phoenix, passing Marana, the twilight was fading in the western sky across the desert.
  • The chunks were carried in a southerly direction and dropped from the glacier as the ice melted.
  • The plane flew off in a southerly direction.
  • A southerly wind blew up which had me turning circles in an attempt to compensate for abrupt changes of direction.
  • So you need a strong southerly wind to blow it as far away as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • This will provide a degree of weather protection to the balcony while allowing southerly views down the valley. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, warmer, southerly air was allowed to blow in. Times, Sunday Times
  • We set off in a southerly direction.
  • Warm fronts often form to the east of low pressure centers, where southerly winds push warm air northward.
  • The site is easy to dive in most conditions except when easterly or southerly gales prevail.
  • The wind was quite variable during the course of the day, with a 20 km easterly tailwind at the start, turning southerly and reducing as the day progressed.
  • Four fishermen tragically lost their lives at night off the south coast of Connemara when their fishing trawler the St. Oliver from Rossaveal was broken up in strong southerly winds and rough seas.
  • In this respect and in their more southerly location they were different from the ancient Maya and the Aztecs, with whom it is natural to compare them.
  • Home is now a beautiful farmhouse three miles from Britain's most southerly point. Times, Sunday Times
  • April is also a fickle month, quite capable of stoking up heat waves on warm southerly winds and boosted by the increasing sunshine. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd rather have the sea breezes, which is what we do get, we get a nice southerly.
  • As of yesterday AM we were experiencing a so called southerly surge, bringing a thick marine layer and good stratus intrusion. Exponential Growth in Physical Systems #2 « Climate Audit
  • The ship was on a southerly track.
  • One of the unusual things about this particular storm was that it was a southerly gale and not the usual westerly gales that tend to affect the south of Britain.
  • The carrier USS Constellation reversed her southerly course at the transmission of a single code word. WITHOUT REMORSE
  • The heavy rain and strong southerly winds in the morning made things very difficult for everyone, but thankfully around 11 a.m. the rain had cleared and the sun shone even though the wind persisted.
  • Because of our southerly position in the Caribbean, we in Trinidad have had to deal with an actual hurricane only on rare occasions.
  • A near record start of 21 yachts started on a lovely sunny afternoon for Monday's race with a good southerly wind.
  • The sunshine is now too weak for a heatwave, and mild weather is imported on breezes from a southerly direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • April is also a fickle month, quite capable of stoking up heat waves on warm southerly winds and boosted by the increasing sunshine. Times, Sunday Times
  • The winds known as southerly bursters are generally to be expected from The Art of Living in Australia
  • The blustery southerly wind kept the forecast heavy rain away until mid afternoon and it was only the very late starters who were caught out.
  • Taking the 'southerly' routes in December is a roll of the dice. Latest Articles
  • As a result, regions to the east of a high-pressure center often have northerly winds bringing in relatively cold air while regions to the west have southerly winds bringing in relatively warm air.
  • a wind blew southerly
  • The lovely northerlies disappeared and a southerly change blew in, so I was bumping around quite a bit with 23-knot winds and nine-foot-steep seas. True Spirit
  • The strongest wind gust was measured last Sunday with a southerly wind blowing at 35 knots.
  • He pointed along the top of the ridge, in a southerly direction.
  • Conversely, under the influence of southerly winds, the sea invaded the coastal zone of the deltaic platform, infilling the salt marshes and lagoons.
  • The jet stream took a more southerly track again last week and low pressure brought unsettled weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wind was quite variable during the course of the day, with a 20 km easterly tailwind at the start, turning southerly and reducing as the day progressed.
  • But after a week of glorious weather, in which this sort of sunset action was de rigueur, a nasty southerly blew in on Sunday, scarpering plans the family had had for a big walk in the Tararuas.
  • It is expected to be anchored there for a number of days to await the abatement of unusual southerly headwinds.
  • Three stones lie outside the circle to the north-east, the most southerly with possible ring-marks.
  • Parcel E. Beginning at the southerly end of Sengekon - tacket pond at point of outlet to Trapps pond: thence northeasterly to the west line of the state highway '; thence by said highway northwesterly to the old entrance to said pond; thence westerly by said old entrance to the pond; thence southeasterly by the pond to the point of beginning. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • A combination of one of the highest tides on record and the strong southerly winds left exposed coastal areas of County Down and the Ards Peninsula facing some of their worst flooding in years.
  • As it was, they were having to tack back and forth to maintain the southerly direction.
  • a southerly gale gave the ship another battering
  • This will provide a degree of weather protection to the balcony while allowing southerly views down the valley. Times, Sunday Times
  • We walked in a southerly direction.
  • The wind is still a little unsettled, with southerly storm fronts altering the patterns but being the end of November, the north-easterlies should be prevailing, making racing ideal.
  • Southeast Cape is the most southerly point.
  • The three races held on Day One were sailed in a strengthening southerly, with a big sea causing many capsizes and a lot of aching bones.
  • Winds ahead of a cold front tend to be from a southerly direction while those behind the front - in the cooler air - tend to be northerly.
  • Southerly flow into the monsoon is a continuation of the south-easterly trades of the southern hemisphere, except that they are deflected to the right by the Coriolis force in the northern hemisphere to become south-westerlies.
  • The building certainly felt warmer after spending 20 mins on the side of the road in the southerly.
  • Thermometers moved from cold mountains to warm beaches; from Siberian Arctic to more southerly locations and from pristine rural locations to jet airport tarmacs. Warming and Rumours of Warming « Anglican Samizdat
  • I was hesitant to turn to our planned southerly heading, not having seen any of the anticipated checkpoints.
  • The most southerly of the Windward Island chain of West Indian islands, Grenada is part of the English-speaking Caribbean.
  • From its confluence with the Okinagan the river pursues a southerly course for a hundred and fifty miles, most of the way through Steep Trails
  • Yesterday was hot and humid for southern and eastern England as southerly winds pulled in warm air from the Continent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The isolated tower perched on a rock near Ireland's most southerly point, Mizen Head, has many moods and a long interesting history.
  • A cold southerly rain storm caught the newly shorn wethers and four hundred died because the cold congealed the fat around their kidneys.
  • the ship turned southerly
  • Beaujolais is the most southerly of all the appellations of Burgundy.
  • Its remains an often relatively unknown planetaries in the sky because of it far southerly latitude, being placed in the constellation at declination of ? Chinese Dragon in Space! | Universe Today
  • The Mull of Galloway is Scotland’s most southerly point and is one of its least known parts.
  • A land-wind at night enabled us to make some progress, and before dark we had reached twenty-five miles into the opening without seeing anything like its termination; the western side still trended in a southerly direction, losing itself in distance, and bore the appearance of being an island. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • It then ascended once more, after some bags of sand had been thrown out, and was borne by a fresh southerly wind in a northerly direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • High pressure to the east of us leads to relatively settled conditions over the UK and results in predominantly southerly winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, over the past week the weather has been weirdly warm in the north and west thanks to a southerly wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The winds known as southerly bursters are generally to be expected from November to the end of February.
  • The jet stream took a more southerly track again last week and low pressure brought unsettled weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • the winds are southerly
  • Scutum may be short of halfpennies, but its treasures reward stopping off en route to more southerly and famous constellations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most likely at this time of year is a southerly in which case the competition will be at Suffolk Park near Gaggin Park.
  • The rear garden has a southerly aspect and is not overlooked from the back.
  • This area, the more southerly of the two, is on a steep slope and traversed by a narrow street.
  • In particular, southerly winds have meant that migrant moths have kept arriving. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Saturday morning we awake to strong southerly winds, thick low clouds and cold air.
  • But if the summer is parched and northerly, but the autumn rainy and southerly, headache and sphacelus of the brain are likely to occur; and in addition hoarseness, coryza, coughs, and in some cases, consumption. On Airs, Waters, And Places
  • Low pressure pulled a hot continental southerly wind across Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • You just don't know what it's going to do from one day to the next, so we left Mevagissey in the rain stopping off at the Lizard, the British mainland's most southerly point.
  • Southerly Buster provides a rundown on the current state of play in the Indonesian elections as Bambang increases his lead over Megawati.
  • The hills are hornstone and quartz, stratified and dipping southerly with a very high angle; they are very barren, and evidently identical with those on the south bank of the Soane; skirting, in both cases, the granite and gneiss range of Paras-nath. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • In Sydney, NSW, Australia these events are known as southerly busters.
  • High pressure to the east of us leads to relatively settled conditions over the UK and results in predominantly southerly winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • A fruity, off-dry style from the southerly Pfalz region, this comparatively delicate wine has a pleasantly spicy undertone that would work brilliantly with this dish.
  • We remained nearly an hour beside our beneficent fountain then took the route for Senegal; that is, a southerly direction, for we did not know exactly where that country lay. Perils and Captivity Comprising The sufferings of the Picard family after the shipwreck of the Medusa, in the year 1816; Narrative of the captivity of M. de Brisson, in the year 1785; Voyage of Madame Godin along the river of the Amazons, in the year 1770
  • We kept heading in a southerly direction, following the convolutions of the shoreline.
  • Aided by southerly winds, adults migrate from southern areas and appear in Nebraska in July.
  • “willywaw” swooped down from the 2000 – ft. cliffs behind us, a herald of the southerly gale that was to spring up within half an hour. South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • Half an hour later, fed and watered, we left via the very quiet Mill Lane, the asphalt was sticky, a strong southerly wind blew into our faces and a large flock of rooks gyrated above the ash trees.
  • As we flew in a southerly direction down the airway from Phoenix, passing Marana, the twilight was fading in the western sky across the desert.
  • Yesterday was hot and humid for southern and eastern England as southerly winds pulled in warm air from the Continent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Small-stock, particularly the lambs and kids, are vulnerable to these types of near-frost conditions and the chill factor of a southwesterly or southerly breeze.
  • The problem is jet stream winds at high altitude taking a southerly track, bringing rotten conditions on both sides of the Atlantic. Times, Sunday Times
  • A strong southerly wind is also predicted to blast into Wellington to increase the discomfort of players and spectators.
  • The wind is still a little unsettled, with southerly storm fronts altering the patterns but being the end of November, the north-easterlies should be prevailing, making racing ideal.
  • If you were to ask me, I'd probably label it a nor'wester, and if pressed, suggest that there might be a southerly on the way.
  • The lodge comprises two reception rooms and five bedrooms and with its southerly aspect, enjoys fine views down the River Naver.
  • Expect milder southerly winds and hence little, if any, frost. Times, Sunday Times
  • The winds known as southerly bursters are generally to be expected from November to the end of The Art of Living in Australia ; together with three hundred Australian cookery recipes and accessory kitchen information by Mrs. H. Wicken
  • They have southerly views as far as the Dublin mountains, while to the east and west there are uninterrupted views of the canal.
  • With the help of a telescope it was possible to distinguish a number of machines in a southerly direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rain stalled over the northwest, and southerly winds introduced a temporary warmer spell over more southern and eastern parts along with showers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most southerly of St Vincent's sister islands, Union Island is only three miles long by one mile wide, fringed with gorgeous bays, lagoons, and reefs with perfect sailing waters.
  • One light then moved quickly in a northerly direction while the other three moved quickly in a southerly direction and out of sight.
  • We continue through the brush, ducking under low tree limbs and heading more or less in a southerly direction where the canyon should be.
  • Their responsibilities were lightened somewhat by the perfect conditions prevailing, with clear skies, slight seas and a moderate 10-knot southerly.
  • The rain stalled over the northwest, and southerly winds introduced a temporary warmer spell over more southern and eastern parts along with showers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said southerly winds were expected to clear the skies overnight, although problems with smoke haze may continue.
  • Croyden glanced at the cards and saw the knave lying on the southerly ace. THE MAIN CAGES
  • The sunshine is now too weak for a heatwave, and mild weather is imported on breezes from a southerly direction. Times, Sunday Times
  • This allowed for more direct southerly winds, bringing in warm air from the Continent. Times, Sunday Times
  • So you need a strong southerly wind to blow it as far away as possible. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was driven ashore in yet another southerly gale, and broke her back the same night.
  • Moreover, Champlain in the edition of his "Voyages" printed in 1613, says that in the year 1606 he and Poitrincourt explored a harbor (Barntable Harbor?) in the southerly part of what is now called Massachusetts Bay, in latitude 42x, about five leagues south, one point west of Cap Blanc (Cape Cod), and there they found many good oysters, and they named it "le Port aux Huistres" (Oyster Harbor). Cape Cod
  • Speculation was rife that a ship at sea had emptied its tanks and released a noxious gas that was carried ashore on southerly winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • This has brought warm and humid southerly winds, while high above the UK the air is relatively cold.

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