How To Use Soup In A Sentence

  • Just before serving, prepare a few small cheese ravioli and place them in each bowl before you add the soup.
  • The production sounds a little soupy here, but I think it really adds to the song if you can understand that.
  • FK - pressure-cook would be the best way, but you could try boiling it with plenty of water so that it becomes really mushy, then blend it in a mixer to make a thick soup. or you could use a regular slow-cooker that you get in the US, except that it would be a bit time-consuming: Gujarati Dal (Healthy Lentil Soup)
  • Going upmarket, I can go into Dear Soup except on busy days, as the tables are a bit close together and sitting beside a slurper is an ever-present danger. A table for one | 世論 What Japan Thinks
  • No matter that there were no green beans or zucchinies or that bok choy is Asian not Mediterranean, minestrone is primarily a vegetable soup and so long as you have a couple of primary flavours right, the rest will take care of itself. At My Table
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  • Another friend notes a shift in the type of gifts given at wedding showers, a reversion to 1950s-style offerings: soup ladles and frilly aprons are being unwrapped along with see-through nighties and push-up bras.
  • That's why I contend, with just a soupçon of exaggeration, that Britain's big choice will be made on May 29.
  • I passed plunging gorges, streams in spate, riverbanks ripped open, fields flooded, a brown soup drowning the track.
  • Allow the soup to sit for at least half an hour and then strain out all the vegetables to leave a clear broth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most often, this implies a life on city streets begging, panhandling, petty theft, and using charity and soup kitchens close to the drug source.
  • Condensed soups are pretty much just cans of flavour.
  • There were separate spoons for soup, corn, and ice cream.
  • At a time when they were still singing soupy Victorian hymns in churches, this choir performed relatively modem music.
  • The device has also had its internals souped up and now features a 400MHz processor and 128Mb of memory.
  • The food at this stage is called chyme; it is an acid and soup-like fluid -- acid through the influence of the gastric juice. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • The kimchee is killer and the spicy fish soup is perfect for when you have a cold. PROFILE: Midtown Lunch’er (& Esca Chef) “David Pasternack”… PLUS another book giveaway! | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Therefore "energetically" don't we just offer up more emotional violence into the soup? Time to Re-Assess How We Celebrate Presidents Day
  • Some people also like to put minced fresh garlic into their borsch plate; it gives the soup an extra kick. Peace Meals
  • Last time I went shopping for the ingredients for taco soup, I found a brand of salsa (I forget the name) that offered salsas in different flavors, such as roasted garlic.
  • He poured himself a bowl of soup.
  • To make matters even worse, sharp needles of pain were shooting across her eyes and the soup felt like lead in her stomach.
  • Our ownership of more than one inspirational book that began with the phrase "chicken soup," yet contained no recipes. Joel Dovev: The Moment I Knew
  • When reheating this soup, heat only until hot, not boiling.
  • Blend the soup until smooth and ladle into bowls. The Sun
  • Taste the soup and season with salt and pepper, then reheat it gently over a low heat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The world's lingering,the end is still no match for the forget the bitter oligonucleotide soup.
  • You can render the chicken down to make stock for soup.
  • Mike Thomson, the owner/manager, will be serving bagels, omelettes, salads, home made soups and baking and pasta dishes.
  • Similarly, it has been decreed that concierges watch television interminably while their rather large cats doze, and that the entrance to the building must smell of pot-au-feu, cabbage soup, or a country-style cassoulet. Excerpt: The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
  • Divided into sections that cover small eats, drinks, soups, rice dishes, side dishes and sweets, the recipes are clear and concise.
  • She carries our bags and warms some leek and potato soup. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lower part of the stalks can be used in a soup, pasta or risotto, after peeling away remaining fibrous threads. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had served them encebollado, a native tuna soup laden with onion and yuca. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Let's see more baked potatoes and lentil soup on school menus, fruit juices being promoted instead of branded fizzy drinks.
  • Fortunately, she was lapping the soup up with great neatness and delicacy, which was sort of a relief: Jinx had been afraid she was going to slop it all over the table.
  • Carefully ladle the soup into four bowls and drizzle each bowl with mint oil, below. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd like to have a shrimp cocktail and the tomato sausage soup first.
  • She didn't feel that way and tipped her gazpacho soup into my lap before leaving.
  • The residents of a small seaside town are celebrating the anniversary of their town's birth when a pea souper comes rolling in with some ‘scary’ folk out for revenge on the wrongs that were done to them many moons ago.
  • This then simmers for half an hour before being baked for an hour in a pan layered with very stale bread, Gruyere cheese, and the onion soup mixture.
  • I don't think I ever had had beef stew with such pasta, even though although they serve stew with egg pasta like tagliatelle, but it was not soupy at all, and tasted actually good.
  • Add just a soupcon of garlic.
  • For the chocolate soup: In a saucepan, scald the cream.
  • the soup kitchen was run primarily by unpaid helpers
  • The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup
  • The pounds pile on as they break for split-pea soup, munch chocolate-chip cookies, dine on shrimp and pasta.
  • He ladled out three bowls of soup.
  • The bouillabaisse, the famous fish soup that originated in Marseilles, was a real treat.
  • She'd been a bit too lavish with the salt, so the soup didn't taste nice.
  • Some appetizing soups follow to create more place for tasty fare ahead.
  • Our light-fingered fig climber commits acts of larceny while the crumb-laden colossus eats his weight in skunk soup and then falls into narcolepsy.
  • A number of Jakarta street foods that carry the Betawi suffix, including gado-gado Betawi and sup Betawi, a spicy beef soup made with coconut and milk, came from this subset of Indonesian people. The Dish: Gado-Gado
  • Alphabet soup Four key findings suggest that dyslexia is an organic problem rather than a motivational one.
  • We met again at the house at 1pm for soup from an enormous tureen and home-baked bread. Country diary: Windsor Hill, Somerset
  • He found some disagreeable remnants — a watery stew, cold and sodden; a basin half-full of some kind of tinned soup; a chill suet pudding put away on a shelf. The Unpleasantness At The Belladonna Club
  • Her response was immediate, she said: “I would like to train volunteer workers to go as outreach workers to help the needy - rough sleepers who are in the outlaying areas and who are too frightened to come into town to the soup kitchens for help”. Archive 2009-09-01
  • There's nothing like a gurgling pot of homemade soup to warm your bones when the brisk weather sets in.
  • Andy Warhol's pictures of soup cans are a famous example of pop art.
  • Adjust the heat so that the soup doesn't boil.
  • I need some pepper to complement the sweet touch in the soup
  • By now, his wife would have given up waiting and served the cold beetroot soup with sour cream and chives.
  • Two Chinese coworkers who came unasked to my filthy apartment when I was laid up with a miserable viral scunge and brought me soup, medicine and tidied the place up. Imagethief
  • Dinner is a large meal typically including soup and a main dish consisting of meat and vegetables.
  • Bring the soup to the boil and allow it to simmer gently for about half an hour.
  • Here, sweet red peppers are diced and sautéed with onions and garlic, combined with tomatoes and served as a soup with a raft of golden, fried feta cheese.
  • Shall I heat up some soup for lunch?
  • This is a beautifully coloured, quick and tasty soup, which freezes well.
  • Do you sometimes go to Cristiano Ronaldo's house to pick some vegetables to make a soup from his vegetable patch? Explain that a little bit.
  • That was until we discovered congee, the soupy rice porridge which is to East and Southeast Asia what oatmeal is to Scotland.
  • The seafood linguine is laden with clams, shrimp and cubes of fish, while the risotto con funghi, infused with porcini mushrooms, walks the line between soupy and solid admirably.
  • Mrs. Babbit would bring a pot of the "Soup of the Day" from the adjoining diner for the maids to enjoy with whatever oddment they had brought from home to eat. Everyday Things Made Beautiful
  • Serious answer: Condense the soup by boiling off half its water content.
  • I think of pletzlach as a close to ideal companion for mushroom barley soup, ukrainain borscht, or any other hearty whole meal type soup. Pletzlach
  • Keep the basics on hand: frozen marinara and pesto for quick pasta meals, and a simple vegetable or chicken stock for fast soups.
  • Three times I can remember it: the ending tunnel silhouette in "The Third Man," falling rubble jarringly breaking up a scene (by splicing the foreground and midground) in of all things "Duck Soup," and noticing a borrowed composition from "La Dolce Vida" (namely, a long shot where multiple people were running and the camera followed them) showing up in "Little Miss Sunshine. Reverse Storyboarding
  • The garlic soup was creamy and well flavoured, not too heavy or too light, though the croutons (pieces of toast) arrived several minutes late.
  • Hoping to make up for his infelicitous soup comment, Stan chimes in with his own compliments. The Search
  • Truth, however gently expressed, cuts deep; cockroaches do not deter starvelings from the soup.
  • My absolute favourite canned soup, though, is made with chickpeas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trinidadians are said by Creoles to be ethnically ‘mixed-up’ like callaloo, a kind of soup made from dasheen leaves and containing crab.
  • So why all the beastly transmogrifications, I ask Kay over our lunchtime bowls of coconut and lime soup.
  • Less well known is rose hip soup, a sweet, cold soup high in vitamin C, traditionally served during the long winter months when fruits are scarce.
  • Two freezers were full of polony and other meat (of which the expiry date was in April) as well as soup bones.
  • Serve the soup with three or four teaspoons of mixture. Times, Sunday Times
  • My grandmother always made “pastina soup” with it and because I can’t find Israeli couscous, I just use this instead. Pearl couscous with olives and roasted tomatoes | smitten kitchen
  • Ladle the broth into soup bowls and garnish with turkey strips, avocado chunks and cilantro.
  • Now then, try to sit up and have some of this soup.
  • Serve immediately straight out of the saucepan into deep soup bowls with the olives and eggs to the side.
  • He was framing a sucker to get away with a whole front," I heard the man say, "or with a poke or a souper, but instead he got dropped by a flatty and was canned for a sleep. The Ear in the Wall
  • Prepare the garnishes shortly before you are ready to serve the soup.
  • The carvery is situated in the ‘new’ section of the pub, adjacent to the bar area and has one glassed in section with the roast meats and the bain marie hot boxes for the vegetables and the soup.
  • Those with relatives in Guangzhou will enjoy home cooking, especially the soup done slowly in earthenware pots over gas fires, and will rest in the space of their own bedrooms.
  • One tomato juice and one soup, please.
  • But he washed his hands and brushed his hair and they descended to the dining-room, where they ate a 'table d'hote' meal, beginning with lukewarm soup and ending with salty ice cream. Cap'n Dan's Daughter
  • The most famous Andalusian dish is gazpacho, a cold soup made with tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and olive oil.
  • AHD has termed chia "natural super seeds", and said they can be used in a variety of functional food applications, including cereals, breads, soups, salad dressings and nutrition bars. NutraIngredients RSS
  • The leftover crème fraîche can be spread over rye toast with a piece of smoked salmon or added to a bowl of soup. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the mid to late fifties, guys spent all their time souping up older cars with whatever parts they could find.
  • All sorts of casseroles, stews and braised dishes work well cooked in just one pot, but you can also consider soup for starters and steamed or baked sponge pudding afterwards.
  • Will you have some soup before the meat course?
  • The soup is very hot. Don't burn your mouth.
  • She wraps her finger in a clean paper towel, checks her steak and turns off the flame beneath the beef and vegetable flavored soup she's preparing for Sarah.
  • Serve the soup with crusty bread.
  • The finished dumplings can be boiled in a saucepan of water for about 40 minutes or can be added to casseroles, soups or stews for the equivalent time before the end of the cooking period.
  • But you guys know that when I am sick I want soup -- preferably spicy and preferably sour and always brothy. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Livi almost jumped, but caught herself, steadying the tray on which she was carrying some warm soup and a tuna sandwich.
  • Immediately, offers poured in -- from a taverna in the wealthy neighborhood of Kolonaki, from a big baked goods chain, from green grocers in the wholesale market of Rendi, from caterers with leftovers from weddings and baptisms -- and were directed to orphanages, old age homes, halfway houses for the handicapped, soup kitchens run by churches and municipalities all over the Athens area. Diana Farr Louis: Food Aid Takes Off in Athens
  • I had never heard of it, but a little research indicated that it is traditionally served with clams in Sardinia, and can be used in shellfish broth, in soups, or like regular pasta.
  • The Panada is essentially bread soup. It is the perfect way to use stale bread - we never throw it away.
  • Mrs King went to the big black stove and ladled out steaming soup.
  • Tip in Iceland and you will be seen as arrogant and patronising - and you might get hot soup in your lap.
  • Most of the time it didn't have any actual meat anyway, it was mostly stuffing and cream of chicken soup.
  • I skipped starters and had the goulash soup instead, but had a nibble at the other two's plates.
  • I wish you wouldn't slurp your soup like that.
  • During that time he was savagely beaten, he built and renovated a small house for himself, panhandled, spent days on end drunk, took drugs, rode along on thieving runs and stood in soup kitchen lines.
  • Then you can boil up the carcass for a turkey soup or stock.
  • One of the main dishes was a soup - soft shelled turtle soup.
  • What the fishermen did was to take these small fish and turn them into a soup that is most famously known as bouillabaisse, which has become such a classic that there are restaurants specializing in it. At My Table
  • Beef extracts have condimental value imparting taste and flavor, which make them useful for soup stocks, but they furnish little in the way of nutritive substance. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
  • Later in that same article, Coffman notes that the use of fish in a spiritual fast was cause for great culinary creativity in the Medieval kitchen, and a French abbess is credited for the creation of the divine dish which I hesitate to categorize as “fish soup” called bouillabaisse. Tigers & Strawberries » Fish: Feast or Fast?
  • Tapioca: A superfine grind of the starch from cassava tubers, and is used to thicken puddings, soups and pie fillings as well as functioning as an egg replacer in certain vegan mixtures. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Leave the soup to simmer.
  • A world devoid of tomato soup, tomato sauce, tomato ketchup and tomato paste is hard to visualize.
  • The second rule is only to serve cold soups when it is hot outside, so the first sip does not induce hypothermia.
  • Every day is different, but a typical spread might include soup served with chunks of wholemeal, a savoury Danish (a whorl of dough stuffed with pesto, tapenade, spinach and goats cheese), Dorset rarebit (with cider) or rustic open sandwiches (doorsteps of sourdough piled with hummus and salad) – all at £5.75. West Dorset's top 10 budget eats
  • Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup!"— 'So it is. madam.'.
  • Borscht, an old world beet soup long savored by Russian and Eastern European Jewish immigrants, lent its name to the Catskill region of upstate New York where generations of revelers summered at hotels such as the Concord and Grossinger's. A Family Named Gold Tries to Add Cool to a Soup That's the Color Purple
  • He waited for the soup to cool down a bit.
  • The butler came and took their plates away, and the footman's eyebrows went up a hairsbreadth at the sight of the empty soup tureen. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Most of the other starters, however, including the thick, roasted butternut squash soup, were quite pleasing.
  • The soup needs more flavouring.
  • Television stations were initially pleased by this alphabet soup.
  • My soup spoon was halfway to my mouth when my dad said the word ‘divorce’.
  • Citrus leaves can be used in stews, soups and curry dishes – and the particularly infamous for that are the Kaffir lime leaves, often used in Thai curries and soups. Archive 2007-05-01
  • Add chicken stock, season liberally and then simmer the soup for about 40 minutes until all the ingredients are cooked and soft.
  • Lunch is a salad or sandwiches if I'm rehearsing or soup, ideally, as I find soup orgasmic.
  • Try blending carrots, parsnips or peas into soups, or adding a cheese sauce to cauliflower or broccoli.
  • There's hardly a bit of a pig you can't eat, from the head boiled up in a stewy soup to the trotters with their savoury jelly and morsels of meat.
  • At least 75 per cent of our salt is found in processed foods such as ready-made meals, some breads and breakfast cereals, meat pies, soups, sauces, and cheese.
  • Even without the filling soup as a first course, the T-bone steak and salad had been an excellent meal.
  • This simple natural Thai soup offers fresh clean flavours that fuse the taste that is Thai cuisine.
  • I'll have roast beef, a mushroom omelet and onion soup.
  • For example I find myself caught in a fantastic kitchen moment every Friday while preparing a delicious goulash soup to bring to the slopes the following day.
  • A very popular summer dish is the refreshing saltibarsciai, a cold soup of sour cream and buttermilk or sour milk, with sliced beets, cucumbers, green onions, boiled eggs, and parsley.
  • To serve, stir in half the coriander and ladle the stew into large warmed soup bowls.
  • Just don't complain if the soup has a weathered, grainy texture. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could be the chemical soup surrounding the cells, not the cells themselves, that's at fault in aging.
  • My new boss is duck soup, but his wife is difficult to handle.
  • The choice was considerable: salads, soups and stir-fries alongside curries and seafood dishes.
  • The chemical soup contains ten times more salt than seawater.
  • Who makes the best noodle soup in town? Bad Food Britain
  • Soup was ladled into it, and the next woman placed a piece of crusty bread on the side along with a browning apple.
  • She takes me across to one of the dried food stores where, in racks of jars behind the counter, are birds' nests waiting for their moment in soup.
  • We heated the soup on the cooker.
  • When I refused to eat my soup, she chided me, asking if I wanted to grow up to be as small as eight-year-olds tend to be.
  • Quantities will vary according to how many servings of soup you want to prepare.
  • It should be the consistency of thick soup. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the hard-core gamer, "Tabula Rasa" offers the kind of souped-up eye-candified and, most important, addictive online action that actually gives it a shot at being a "Warcraft"-killer, or at least a "Warcraft"-hurter. Tabula Rasa
  • Even on 160 acres the fish ended up moving to within a few yards of the margins, driven onto the lee shore by the strong wind that stirred up the bottom into a rich soup of natural food.
  • Depending on the proportion of water to volcanic material, mudflows can range from soupy floods to thick flows that have the consistency of wet cement.
  • The chèvre, mushroom and zucchini sandwich on thickly sliced bread didn't skimp on the goat cheese, but it was a bit too pungent to pair with the root soup.
  • Good lotus root soup is stewed for hours and has a light pink colour.
  • The New York Times claims it comes from the Middle High German word for a weak beer, which seems to make some of sense for a thin soup, but the Oxford Companion to Food counters that it's a variation of the German "schinke", or ham, denoting a shin specifically: "so the archetypal skink is a soup made from shin of beef". How to cook perfect cullen skink
  • For me, ‘in the soup’ is one of the various locative idioms for being in trouble - up the creek, in a fix, in deep gumbo - and the AHD agrees.
  • This soup is too bland for me.
  • Those lamps look like throwbacks to some older, lost city, the London of Sherlock Holmes and Watson, peasouper fogs and tugs on the Thames. MAN AND WIFE
  • She took a few spoonfuls of soup but left her main course untouched.
  • We had a simple meal of soup and bread.
  • Of course, this is but a soupcon of the bonkersauce, compared to the tureen of same that Tancredo has amassed in his political lifetime. Tom Tancredo's Greatest Hits (VIDEO)
  • The life blood of Petre's rustic cooking is honest soups, seasonal ragouts and stews and handmade pastry, passed down matrilineally through the generations.
  • The use of fish sauce produces a lighter accent in simmered dishes and soups than the soy sauce of China.
  • WB25: A Night of Wine and Food in Florence for Two with Award Winning Sommelier Services Enjoy an evening for two persons in Florence, Tuscany in a historical Trattoria with a complete menu from "crostini" to their typical biscuits and soups and meat and eveything you can expect from a Trattoria that's been running for more than 100 years The Happiness Project
  • I upset the soup all over the table.
  • Taste the soup and add salt and pepper if necessary .
  • How do you ensure that the glaze is safe for eating soup? admin Says: Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Red-Glazed Porcelain Test cup 2
  • Eat foods that contain a lot of water, like soup or a gelatin dessert.
  • There is a Japanese station with Miso soup, assorted sushi and sashimi (and Miss Terry's favourite wasabe) as well as sukiyaki, yakisoba and tempura.
  • She popped out to buy a tin of soup.
  • There are the vegetables to peel and the soup to heat. Then there's the table to lay and the wine to cool.
  • Making soup requires very little in the way of culinary skills apart from an ability to chop vegetables.
  • The pan drippings gave gravies and soups a deliciously rich background of flavor.
  • The bouillabaisse can be served with fresh bread spread with garlic butter or, if you wish to commit a certain form of heresy which I often do against a true Marseillaise bouillabaisse, you can put into the soup, along with the tomatoes, seasonings, and fumet, several potatoes, peeled and cut into eighths, boiling them for 10 minutes before adding the fish and olive oil and raising the heat. The Summer of My Greek Tavérna
  • Fish, roast duck, spareribs soup, shrimps and cabbage.
  • This is a lovely soup that is based on Indian dhal, which tastes best when it is heavy on the ginger.
  • We had a banquet, which ended up with soup.
  • Always remember to simmer the soup, not boil it.
  • Their tote bags were laden with vegetables to prepare for chicken soup and potato kugel.
  • Alongside the current assessment revolution are equally radical curriculum initiatives associated with a whole alphabet soup of acronyms.
  • The green flat almost lawn-like areas running right up to the edge of the sea cliffs reminds me of a place in the north of England I once saw, except the North Sea was a soupy gray rather than your nice bright blue. 'round here
  • Television stations were initially pleased by this alphabet soup.
  • So I've devised what you might call a mock risotto, in which acini di pepe (a pastina, or little pasta, named for its peppercorn shape) is cooked directly in the soup, absorbing all of its sweet, oniony flavor. Serious Eats
  • As the filling, nourishing soup of the Soviet Union, borsch was not just a miracle drug for anyone struggling to survive Russia; it transcended regional borders and boundaries of class. Peace Meals
  • The sauce / soup packet is quite impressive in it's heft and the fact that it's sludge-like and most-likely perishable, which is why the product is sold frozen. Guilty Carnivore
  • Serve with the mooli, some white rice, and miso soup if you wish. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also ate the most wonderful soup there - a richly flavoured cream of pumpkin soup with port wine.
  • In some areas chicha was believed to cure bronchitis, colds, and other chest ills as well as to accelerate the birth process - it was the Bolivian equivalent of chicken soup.
  • If you want a supersmooth soup use a standing blender enlarge The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • This was followed by a ratatouille cream soup with the most wonderful garlic croutons and a baked strudel with chicken, leek and soya sprouts in two sauces.
  • Because of their heartiness, thick soups, such as the chowders and stews, would most likely be too filling as an appetizer (for some).
  • Now supermarket shelves groan under Mexican tacos, Japanese miso soup powder and Italian pasta.

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