How To Use Sound judgment In A Sentence

  • It is a finely tuned art that depends on the perceptive skills and sound judgment of the consultant.
  • His work for years was among the more acute forms of psychoses, and he was considered a pyschia - trist of sound judgment and keen acumen. Local Founders Profile and Photo Essay: Dr. and Mrs. Dwight S. Spellman « Beachwood Historical Alliance
  • His work for years was among the more acute forms of psychoses, and he was considered a pyschia- trist of sound judgment and keen acumen. 2009 February « Beachwood Historical Alliance
  • The definition of self-discipline is the ability to regulate one’s conduct by principle and sound judgment, rather than by impulse, desire, or social custom. Do You Know Who I Am?
  • [745] Jerusalem had prerogative above all places of the eird, [746] where alswa were the Priests lineally descended fra Aaron, and greater number followed the Scribes, Pharisies, and Priestes, then unfainedly beleeved and approved Christ Jesus and his doctrine: [747] And zit, as we suppose, no man of sound judgment will grant, that ony of the forenamed were the Kirk of God. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
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  • I like the word "circumspect," and all of the synonyms for that word, including, "careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment; discreet. Let Your Words be Few
  • Well now, I don't like to sound judgmental but, if any of them turned up on the doorstep asking if my daughter wanted to come out to play, I'd send them packing with a smack over the ear.
  • An analyst who demonstrates consistently sound judgment will be considered for a discretionary credit limit.
  • Every paragraph is a distillation of sound judgment.
  • The appropriately dressed job applicant indicates his sound judgment.
  • The exercise of sound judgment in briefing a barrister is one of the professional services a solicitor offers a client.
  • But they can look and learn from the manner in which Cook reined himself in outside off-stump, where the temptation always lurked and instead just worked the legside, from Kevin Pietersen's urgency in his 43 and similar discipline outside offstump, and from Bell's studied elegance and sound judgment. The Ashes 2010: Peter Siddle hat-trick gives England a bloody nose
  • Provide and make sound judgment on color deviations, candid advice andachieve required colors in bulk production.
  • Uses sound judgment even in conditions of uncertainty.
  • Actions should be positive and controlled, portraying sound judgment and skill.
  • It is a finely tuned art that depends on the perceptive skills and sound judgment of the consultant.
  • Every paragraph a distillation of sound judgment.
  • Needless to say, precise intelligence and sound judgment as important to military success as fancy kit.
  • Drusus, despite certain defects, such as irascibility and a marked fondness for pleasure, gave evidence that he possessed the requisite qualities of a statesman -- firmness, sound judgment, and energy. The Women of the Caesars
  • This defence we shall borrow from a name deservedly high among those who have successfully illustrated ancient geography, for the happy and successful mutual adaptation of great learning and sound judgment, and not less worthy of respect and imitation for his candour and liberality: we allude to Dr. Vincent, the illustrator of the Voyage of Nearchus, and the Periplus of the Erythræan Sea. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels - Volume 18 Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation, and Commerce, from the Earliest Records to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century, By William Stevenson
  • Exhibited sound judgment on sensitive issues and work with confidential documents and information.
  • For the truth of the history is, that Master Elisabat, of whom the madman spoke, was very prudent, and a man of a sound judgment, and served the queen as her tutor and physician; but to think that she was his leman is a madness worthy the severest punishment; and to the end thou mayst see that Cardenio knew not what he said, thou must understand that when he spoke it he then was wholly beside himself. The Third Book. XI. Which Treats of the Strange Adventures That Happened to the Knight of the Mancha in Sierra Morena; and of the Penance He Did There, in Imitation of Beltenebros
  • Once a counselor has regressed, there is a loss of perspective and sense of consequences that may result in unsound judgment calls.
  • Some swear by the techniques of Life Cycle Assessment, whilst others see it as a crude substitute for sound judgment.
  • Be careful not to sound judgmental. The Sun
  • An American cackle, piercing my ear, and I shuddered away by instinct, which was sound judgment, for if I felt dreadful, she looked worse, a raddled slattern grinning her stinking breath into my face, reaching out a fat hand across my chest. THE NUMBERS
  • Drusus, despite certain defects, such as irascibility and a marked fondness for pleasure, gave evidence that he possessed the requisite qualities of a statesman ” firmness, sound judgment, and energy. The Women of the Caesars
  • Through cogitatio, "a combinative or compositional activity of the mind," 100 the mind is brought under its own gaze to select, arrange and recombine its contents according to circumstance. 101 The ability to concentrate, to shift focus adroitly from one's immediate surroundings, was essential for Federico to form prompt and sound judgments, whether in the course of battle or in civil affairs. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • An analyst who demonstrates consistently sound judgment will be consider for a discretionary credit limit.
  • I do not trust people to make sound judgments, to take care of the information of others or to be beyond blackmail, corruption or plain greed.
  • An unfriendly man pursues selfish ends ; he defies all sound judgment.
  • As a result, those who practise Karate get to know themselves better, are able to make sound judgments and achieve stable emotions even under trying circumstances.
  • With his keen sight and sound judgment, it would not have taken him long to determine that the inner part of the bay does not consist of floating barrier, but that the Barrier there rests upon a good, solid foundation, probably in the form of small islands, skerries, or shoals, and from this point he and his able companions would have disposed of the South Polar question once for all. The South Pole~ Plan and Preparations

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