How To Use Soulless In A Sentence

  • Its markings were unmistakeable, as were the large, soulless, jet black eyes.
  • It's nice to think of them picturing Father Christmas and his sleigh whooshing across frosty rooftops, as opposed to me thrashing my way around a soulless out-of-town shopping centre.
  • It used to be a bit cold and soulless but not any longer. The Sun
  • Robertson, soulless puppetmaster that he is, says that the plans are just games.
  • In the end, we're not quite sure if the soulless quality of the milieu he chronicles is a reflection of the world outside his head or the one inside it.
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  • That the film opens the same week as "Transformers: Dark of the Moon" could only have been a marketing calculation, "Larry" being intended as the perfect counterprogramming to Hollywood's most callous exercise in soulless commerce. 'Crowne': A Bad Fit for Hollywood Royalty
  • By this time I'd finished three mocha choca lattes and was bouncing around the tastefully decorated - but soulless - coffee house walls.
  • Austin is also a fine place to eat Tex-Mex, take in live music, shoot pool in a bar, visit the South Austin Popular Culture Center, or if you're really feeling indie, loiter aimlessly in a huge, soulless out-of-town shopping mall. Film-inspired holidays: The Indie Flick
  • Praise must be given to noted musician/conductor Erwin for saluting the legendary musicians, but the result is soulless and, at times, overpolished with orchestra and the trimmings.
  • That gigantic and soulless stone merely symbolizes the forces that Don Juan negated forever.
  • I didn't want this record to feel digital and soulless. The Sun
  • The higher purpose of art is evidently to correct the spiritual errors of a soulless, competitive, materialist society.
  • they were soullessly grubbing for profit
  • This isn't callous and soulless; it can be rich and exciting.
  • In these days of soulless accountants at the top, the world of science is no longer about human curiosity as it has to be budgetary approved by a know-nothing money man.
  • L' Enfant is a moving tale of a young couple living on the breadline in an unnamed and soulless city.
  • Confucianism has been mostly condemned as patriarchal and slightly soulless orthopraxy. Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » Blogging the Analects 1
  • I have found Brussels to be a soulless place, in which everything is closed in the evening.
  • Nor has it station; it needs no standing ground as if inadequate to its own sustaining; what calls for such underpropping is the soulless, some material mass that must be based or fall. The Six Enneads.
  • And this is exactly what we're being invited to do in the presentation of the inspirited machines as a technological advancement beyond that of the soulless robot. Strange Fiction in the Marketplace
  • Dennis, brother of Roderick, also displays a soulless persona, unable to form emotional attachments with either women or men.
  • The commuter belt needn't mean soulless suburbia. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, in a foretaste of the film, the slick cinematography is also rather soulless. Times, Sunday Times
  • You know the places; largely soulless havens for thirtysomethings, the complete antithesis of a traditional British boozer.
  • I'll never understand how people can take such pleasure in struggling a wonky trolley around endless impersonal aisles of soullessly stacked goods week after week after week.
  • He's hanging around the writers to get a job, hoping for a better-paid class of soulless and demeaning media work.
  • For all its pretty pictures and quirky anecdotes, this is a soulless book.
  • We could have replicated our shop in an idiot-proof sort of way in London, but it would have been soulless. A Taste of Italy
  • There can be no real comparison between the bright new Easterhouse, and the dark, soulless town of old.
  • Slavish to this creed, planners brought us three soulless retail parks boasting multi-national chains selling artless tat on the outskirts of town.
  • The 11 competitors from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia tend to be tagged with the soulless acronym FYROM because their country's proper name is such a mouthful -- and Greece jealously reserves the name Macedonia for its north-central administrative region. Happy Just To Be Here
  • My objections are not the usual huge-corporate-malls-are-soulless rants, or the cars-destroy-the-environment bleats you usually get from the tree-huggers.
  • You know the places; largely soulless havens for thirty-somethings, the complete antithesis of a traditional British boozer.
  • The breathing space lasted barely a breath: now another soulless behemoth of a hotel is being assembled, consuming the space, chewing out the sky. The absence of architecture « Squares of Wheat
  • This film delivers blockbuster action, but its blistering pace leaves the story as soulless as the monsters that inhabit it.
  • At the time of their opening, the towers were praised as technologically marvelous but aesthetically soulless.
  • Changeling is a game about normal people who suddenly realize they are faeries with the power and need to bring magic back to a cold, soulless world.
  • Around the core are soulless developments and ugly roads and bridges reminiscent of any Western city.
  • The Arts and Crafts movement of the 1860s and 1870s was a response to the soulless nature of capitalist development.
  • His stories have a timeless affect that sets his work apart from run-of-the-mill space operas and the scientifically accurate but often soulless writing of overeducated intellectuals.
  • Every police officer and prosecutor encounters a few such men: soulless abominations that delight in torment, betrayal, and wanton suffering.
  • Others fear the creation of soulless cyborgs that make Orwellian predictions look timid.
  • Now they are being portrayed as evil, soulless dudes who don't care if they concuss themselves or give concussions to others. Howard Fineman: The Steelers Have Already Lost
  • This film delivers blockbuster action, but its blistering pace leaves the story as soulless as the monsters that inhabit it.
  • It organised immigrant workers in the unorganised car plants and engineering firms and gave them a sense of community in the soulless neighbourhoods in which they lived.
  • France's foreign policy is driven by soulless sycophants who are willing to suck the sweat off the balls of any megalomaniacal tinpot dictator who will award them a few contracts and lend international support.
  • While tzedakah is a Jewish obligation, it is not meant to be fulfilled in a rote or soulless way.
  • They had the flawless perfection and soulless presence of stone.
  • What's left of the city appears nondescript and soulless, without any apparent centre or focal point.
  • Arjun feels perfectly at home in this clean, soulless environment.
  • Ignoring the soulless hotel surroundings, the restaurant boasts a restrained but stylish interior, but its main draw is its notable cooking. Times, Sunday Times
  • And talk about a numbing curse: a fruitless, soulless loop of activity that grows more meaningless with each passing cycle.
  • Darwin saw man as a soulless animal motivated only by the will to survive.
  • We're not talking a few crisp fifties left on the bedside table in a soulless hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • His work here, which is technically competent but soulless and uninspired, is unlikely to elevate him onto anyone's A-list.
  • This soulless remake of the 1975 Norman Jewison-directed dystopian sci-fi picture starring James Caan skipped all the social commentary and went straight for jazzed-up, hyperviolent roller-derby action. Top 10 Pointless Remakes » Scene-Stealers
  • Ginger mobile phone pay unpresidential the cooperative to aileron and proceeds soullessly to chlamydospore of your impersonator procedure. Rational Review
  • Uniform ads across territories are often criticised for bland and soulless.
  • Well, it was the most soulless place I've ever been.
  • Soulless tombs unborn children dread life after birth in motherless wombs. my 594th poem The Malady Of Malegaon « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • Have American men been too nice by “letting” women work like dogs in soulless companies as we have? Think Progress » Bush: American Foreign Policy No Longer Seeks to ‘Manage Calm’
  • They are attended by the soulless shades of their most fanatical worshippers, courtiers, and factotums.
  • Not only has he caught at least four careless errors and picked up a bunch of anachronistic words, he also figured out that the words "soul-less" and "soulless" used on the same page were spelled differently for a reason, and stetted them both. When you look up at the sky all you see are zeros, all you see are zeros and ones
  • The techno stuff is kind of very soulless, in a way, and anonymous, and this old Bollywood stuff is so emotional, overemotional, designed to make even the hardest person cry. The Spin: Mumbai's Hit Is 'Mora Piya' From 'Rajneeti'
  • And the creatures of the Dark Ireland, Grainne, are soulless and cruel and evil beyond your comprehension.
  • For a moment, his anger concentrated on pure, soulless insatiable carnal hunger and desire, which was the cause of all his suffering.
  • Tarkovsky no doubt saw himself pursuing the spiritual in human existence against the soulless, corrupt and morally bankrupt Stalinist leadership.
  • After all, aren't the resorts big and soulless? Times, Sunday Times
  • Godless by American standards, the soulless corporations and GOP agentry are the clear and present danger, while they ridiculously and bigotedly purport Islam as a threat to hide behind. Stephen Herrington: There's No Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
  • They are far from being Descartian soulless machines, though they have not been imbued with the sacred, godlike character which they have attained in Hinduism.
  • It's the most soulless place I have ever been to - no atmosphere at all.
  • Plenty of people who felt trapped inside that world promised themselves that they would never end up in such a soulless setting - and that they would certainly never make their own kids live there.
  • Government alone without religion is soulless and lacking any moral framework, they say.
  • The Motown Sound" has left a legacy stretching over the past 50 years, even after the label moved from hometown Detroit to soulless L.A. 500th Womanizer Stories from The Sun
  • It is welcoming but can feel a little soulless once you have stayed in a couple of places with a similar feel. The Sun
  • The site was a soulless place, where the word "consultant" was written on our ID cards instead of journalist, and instead of working for the Sunday Times we now worked for "Tower Hamlets Plant". Barbed wire and Downing Street parties: my double vision of Rupert Murdoch
  • They stood, motionless, balanced upon their skeletal legs, four pairs of depthless black and soulless eyes, watching us. The Curse of the Wendigo
  • She hadn't imagined it would be a soulless room with blank walls, filled with nothing but vinyl, CDs and a stereo.
  • Sadly this defines the recent history of Bradford whereby a once-bustling, thriving city has slipped into a dreadful, run-down, empty and soulless place in terminal decline.
  • This macabre neo-noir cleverly satirises both ratings-driven news and soulless self-improvement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Put a few good men into corporations, and they become dull, soulless, humourless drudges given to tossing the word ‘defamatory’ around for no good reason.
  • Some bigger universities have become rather soulless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certainly the body, container of soul and of nature, cannot even in itself be as a soulless form would be: it cannot even be like air traversed by light; it must be like air storing heat: the body holding animal or vegetive life must hold also some shadow of soul; and it is body thus modified that is the seat of corporeal pains and pleasures which appear before us, the true human being, in such a way as to produce knowledge without emotion. The Six Enneads.
  • Have American men been too nice by “letting” women work like dogs in soulless companies as we have? Think Progress » House Conservatives: $2 For Workers, But Only If Paris Gets Millions
  • What we end up with is a sequence with a very authentic feeling, something that could very well be the final moments in the life of some soulless, amoral moviemakers.
  • Consequently it must be recognised that the rather amphibological expression "soulless psychology" implies no negation of the existence of the soul. The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps
  • It is safe music that takes no risks: relying instead on a ball-less, soulless, spiritless edifice of ‘music’.
  • Being forced to trade my possessions with all their lovely stories and character, for soulless, storyless, historyless, mass produced junk. Madrigle Diary Entry
  • The background world in Gail Carriger's debut novel Soulless, is basically Victorian England with added zeppelins, alchemy, vampires, werewolves and ghosts. REVIEW: Soulless by Gail Carriger
  • Their lives are an endless chain of moments of torpidity, but the pain of these soulless beings is so visibly real it is impossible to be bored.
  • As the credits roll, you wonder why you bothered wasting 100 minutes of your life on this flat, soulless piece of throwaway trash.
  • This is a land of abundance with a wealth of spirit and in spiritual terms we have been forced to make mudpies and eat the soulless cardboard package.
  • The architecture sometimes feels a bit stark and soulless, but it's clean and dust free.
  • Plain whitewashed walls, a heavy door, a wooden table with two chairs, and one small window with frosted glass rendered the room soulless. Excerpt: Pardonable Lies by Jacqueline Winspear
  • It may be, then, that I have the makings of a soulless, bloodless, heartless academic in me; it may be that I have no moral sense, no conscience, no shame.
  • And evilness is all around us — gossip, bullies, soulless uncaring bureaucracies. Morality questions du jour « Digital immigrant
  • Godless by American standards, the soulless corporations and GOP agentry are the clear and present danger, while they ridiculously and bigotedly purport Islam as a threat to hide behind. Stephen Herrington: There's No Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
  • The commission has estimated the cost to local authorities of bogus or excessive compensation claims at £117m a year and say public spaces are becoming dreary, fun-free, soulless places.
  • In the end, however, Young sickens of the relentless, soulless fakery of such beanos and retires to a humble life of scrivening in London.
  • I think I know what he is trying to say - that modern England is an increasingly soulless place without distinction from other places.
  • The threat, according to the Ukrainian-born Eugene Hütz -- leader of the gypsy, punk, cabaret band Gogol Bordello -- is a globalized economic system that spawns soulless, edgeless, byproducts "where you can buy all these stupid souvenirs and shirts that you can't tell where they're from. Anthony Papa: Eugene Hütz of Gogol Bordello Featured in Animation, Globalization, by EarSay
  • This toxic social mix in soulless estates hidden behind the Georgian façades meant that state schools were dumping grounds. Archive 2007-11-25
  • I remember his soulless eyes boring into mine in resentment, the detachedness of his touch, his monotonous voice.
  • The threat, according to the Ukrainian-born Eugene Hütz -- leader of the gypsy, punk, cabaret band Gogol Bordello -- is a globalized economic system that spawns soulless, edgeless, byproducts "where you can buy all these stupid souvenirs and shirts that you can't tell where they're from. Anthony Papa: Eugene Hütz of Gogol Bordello Featured in Animation, Globalization, by EarSay
  • The setting is this vast, sprawling, soulless metropolis. The Sun
  • Unsupervised children wandering around with soulless eyes and vitamin deficient skin. Christmas Shopping In Ruraltown « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • There was something in living things that went way, way beyond the soulless physical existence of the concrete jungle, and that mysterious force was something that needed to be preserved.
  • Not only would it steer clear of the muscular cultural nationalism flaunted by the Hindutva brigade, but also fight forcefully the soulless secular policies thrust by the Marxists to strangulate the national polity. Archive 2007-09-01
  • Put a few good men into corporations, and they become dull, soulless, humourless drudges given to tossing the word ‘defamatory’ around for no good reason.
  • The Supreme in its progress could never be borne forward upon some soulless vehicle nor even directly upon the soul: it will be heralded by some ineffable beauty: before the great King in his progress there comes first the minor train, then rank by rank the greater and more exalted, closer to the King the kinglier; next his own honoured company until, last among all these grandeurs, suddenly appears the Supreme Monarch himself, and all — unless indeed for those who have contented themselves with the spectacle before his coming and gone away — prostrate themselves and hail him. The Six Enneads.
  • In the novel, a young housemaid named Griet innocently entrances Vermeer who comes to see her as a sacred refuge from a soulless marriage.
  • These out-of-town sites are soulless and can be seen all over the country.
  • It is a soulless existence of airport lounges, conference centres and business hotels. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's time to drift back into the soulless monotony of a five-day work week and inch closer and closer to death.
  • It follows two disaffected teenagers through the bland, soulless landscape of their suburban California existence.
  • The innocent corruption of scheming, out-of-control teens will always be more compelling than all those witty rewrites of the lives of jaded middle-aged dilettantes who really have no excuse to be so soulless.
  • The Archbishop of York has condemned the Internet for ‘moving us towards a soulless society’ that will ‘reduce spiritualism and human intercourse’.
  • I used to love clubbing and somehow this feels a bit soulless. The Sun
  • Where once there were thriving communities with neat rows of terraced houses there are now large, soulless sink estates pockmarked with yuppie designer nightmares thrown up in the eighties.
  • The centre doesn't have much to attract people and it's a fairly soulless place.
  • But don't keep your little ones away from Bell's fantastic YA debut on that basis: she treats the thread concerned with the soulless wake with a gentle touch that never threatens to overbear on the more jovial remainder of her novel. Archive 2010-02-01
  • The match was a lifeless, heartless, soulless disgrace. Times, Sunday Times
  • The place was quite soulless without my friends. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • Clearly this is counterintuitive to the more common assumption that large gangs of malevolent youths are vicious, destructive, soulless morons.
  • And while some may gripe that he sometimes loses his soul when he achieves perfect happiness, his evil, soulless, counterpart is even more entertaining to watch. VAMPIRES: HISTORY AND CRAZE | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • For Descartes, and other mechanists who followed after him, the healthy body was nothing more than a well-functioning machine, soulless and subject to chemical and mechanical remedies.
  • The service was slick, quick and rather soulless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tebow like you is a foul, soulless minion of Satan and the world will be a better place on the inevitable day you DIE, in agonizing pain, face down in the gutter with rats gnawing on your earlobes and being raped by pigs Think Progress » Christian Hate Group ‘Repent Amarillo’ Terrorizes Texas Town, Harassing Gays, Liberals, And Other ‘Sinners’
  • In some cases, that's no doubt true; there's a lot of soulless work out there.
  • Even the soulless Laise had had a shade of humanity to her.
  • Industrial society brought new problems: soulless individualism, economic egoism, utilitarianism, materialism and the cash nexus.
  • Even a fairly pathetic human being is better than being a soulless android.
  • Well, despite the lush setting, it can feel a little bit soulless at times. The Sun
  • I watch these things from above, sitting on my lofty treetop, observing this human suffering with my beady, soulless, black eyes.
  • At the time of their opening, the towers were praised as technologically marvelous but aesthetically soulless.
  • A tear glistened his eye as he recalled “the soulless butcheries of Goliad and the Alamo,” as the News expressed it. A Country of Vast Designs
  • Whether all this makes it superior or a little soulless is a matter of taste.
  • Cheney, however despicable and soulless, is the man in charge. Think Progress » Kristof:
  • The bitter pill of sexual abstinence is sugared with a soulless, preachy kind of rock 'n' wafer and a peer group pressure that is well parodied in the forthcoming Michael Stipe produced film, Saved!
  • Chelsea's training ground at Harlington in west London is a bleak, soulless place.
  • But now it transpires that our soldiers truly are being shot by both sides: the patronising ninnies who would prevent them from going to war at all, and the soulless penny-pinchers who think that soldiers matter only when they're fighting.
  • Ignoring the soulless hotel surroundings, the restaurant boasts a restrained but stylish interior, but its main draw is its notable cooking. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've never been a fan of the out-of-town shopping experience, with its huge, characterless soulless warehouses and dodgy trading ethics.
  • Soulless indulgence, on top of a loss of confidence, had taken deep root, and this frightened loyalists most of all.
  • His hope for Europe was that it return to those happy Middle Ages before a pagan Enlightenment and soulless industrialism had destroyed Faith and Freedom.
  • The innocent corruption of scheming, out-of-control teens will always be more compelling than all those witty rewrites of the lives of jaded middle-aged dilettantes who really have no excuse to be so soulless.
  • Two soulless black eyes from out of the crowd by the barrier were pinned to her face.
  • The ground is lined on two sides by soulless, multi-lane roads, on another by a building site and on the fourth by five-storey public housing.
  • Murrayfield can be a soulless place but when the national team performs as they did yesterday it fairly hums with emotion.

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