How To Use Sough In A Sentence
It is the final guard against nationalistic states that sought the betterment of their people first and foremost and not that of some hypothetical global village or for the internationalistic elite.
Pravda blames trotskyites for u.s. empire
These new forces have synchronized with the conscious policy of a certain sector of Canadian opinion which has persistently sought to detach us from that quarter of the world's orbit and the world's people comprised in the British federacy.
Whither Canada
The court sought to stretch modest finite resources so far as possible to meet the parties' needs.
Times, Sunday Times
Public history also sought to enhance communication between historians and the general public.
The jagged rock he'd sought was three feet up the incline, inviting, tantalizing him with its nearness.

He hath a daughter too, who once sought to mar our trade with her gittern; a daughter, then in a kirtle that I would not have nimmed from a hedge, but whom I last saw in sarcenet and lawn, with
The Last of the Barons — Complete
Home improvements, car purchases, holidays, computers, education and medical expenses are among the areas for loans most sought after by members.
The latter, after his defeat by Bayezid, sought refuge at Rhodes under a safe-conduct from the Grand Master and the General Convent of the Order.
Iëna then went in advance, and sought the open plain, whereupon the child resembling the mother would cry out and complain, because she disliked an _open_ path.
The Myth of Hiawatha, and Other Oral Legends, Mythologic and Allegoric, of the North American Indians
Loans of photographs and other illustrative items are being sought to accompany the displays of Silsden's old industries.
The traditional value of the blades was clearly recognized by their Aboriginal ‘collectors’, who sought to exploit it by hafting a resin handle in the traditional way.
It faces the sea in the most sought-after area near Lisbon.
Times, Sunday Times
Having sought asylum in the West for many years, they were eventually granted it.
Who or what was the "third person" that other Marxists had also sought without finding?
The Origins of Economic Inequality between Nations: A critique of Western theories on development and underdevelopment
I get to do that now with my two children; before they came along, I sought to do that with the people who came to my church, who read my books, who listened to my music, who lent their precious and rare attention to what I had to say, even at a time when I was being called an outcast.
God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
The latest round of trouble came as BP's billionaire partners in TNK-BP, who operate under the name Alfa Access Renova, sought to block a $16 billion share swap and Arctic exploration deal agreed with Rosneft in January.
A Tale of Two Partners
Upset over being branded as a child labour employer, India's apparel export body AEPC has sought access to key documents of the US Labour Department which were used to "defame" the - Top HomePage-TopStories News Headlines
The court also upheld the decision of the assistant recorder to reject the counterclaim which the defendant sought to introduce.
Barcelona used its Games in 1992 to implement a wide-ranging urban renewal plan, transforming a decaying industrial city into a sought-after tourist destination.
He had sought work as a cowboy, rounding up cattle.
But he has also sought to strike a conciliatory note, gaining the respect of many.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the most appealing things about the questers in The Wizard of Oz is that they already possessed what they sought - they simply needed the quest to reveal their hitherto hidden qualities.
In earlier ages, Christians sought to purify themselves by abstaining from enjoyment, lest they enjoy material pleasure more than they enjoy God.
There were, therefore, problems that Developments sought to solve, and in doing so had to contend with entrenched positions.
His essay ‘Our America’ sought to contest the cultural and linguistic destiny of America as a signifier.
Interviewer Ryan Tubridy sought the advice of Jon Snow ahead of the interview but was warned it would be difficult to extract anything 'revelatory' out of Tony Blair.
Tony Blair interview greeted by Iraq war protesters and Jedward fans
Two suspects who had fled the stolen car involved in the chase escaped and were being sought in a house-to-house search.
In the cases described in this article, the patients sought medical attention owing to symptoms caused by atraumatic splenic rupture.
Contemporary Western feminist theory in the 1980s moved beyond the dialogues that sought to differentiate feminisms from each other and instead began to articulate a more pluralized notion of feminism at its core.
The five tenant farmers on the estate will continue working the land but ways are being sought to help those in arable farming to convert to grazing to help maintain the appearance of the land as it once was.
The claimants sought to recover overtime pay in respect of the time they spent dealing with informants outside their normal hours.
Times, Sunday Times
Miss Margland, extremely piqued, vented her spleen in oblique sarcasms, and sought to heal her offended pride by appeals for justice to her sagacity and foresight in the whole business.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
So sought-after are high-ranking characters and the virtual trinkets that they amass that extraordinary amounts of real-world money are changing hands as they are traded.
Angola is relatively urbanized because in the 1980s many people sought refuge in the safer urban areas.
As drafted, neither bill would deny public elementary or secondary education to illegal immigrants, as Proposition 187 sought to do.
Any colt or filly who wins a Classic is likely to be much sought after as a stallion or brood mare.
It is a relief, he says, to confess to the private consultant that the refuge he once sought in art for his depression and regimented obsessive nature, he now finds in the bottle.
They spin it and say “empathy for fellowed disfavored” but there were other goals they sought to accomplish here.
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The report slammed police for also ignoring victims who sought help.
The Sun
We mutagenized a wild-type strain and sought animals that were defective in cultivation-temperature avoidance.
By the time of Hasni's death, rai music was a major front in the confrontation between Algerian Islamism and the secular forces it sought to overcome.
And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, to keep the dedication with gladness, both with thanksgivings, and with singing, with cymbals, psalteries, and with harps.
Probably Just One Of Those Funny Coincidences
Agrippa, and the rest of his weeping friends earnestly besought him, osculantes obsecrarent ne id quod natura cogeret, ipse acceleraret, not to offer violence to himself, with a settled resolution he desired again they would approve of his good intent, and not seek to dehort him from it: and so constantly died, precesque eorum taciturna sua obstinatione depressit.
Anatomy of Melancholy
In short, our forty-fourth chief executive sought to end America's two-and-a-third centuries as a truly exceptional nation-more patriotic, more dynamic, more enterprising and freer than any other-to turn the republic into a kind of enervated satellite of Western Europe. News
As time went on, however, the church began baptizing infants and then sought to evangelize them over time so that they would experience conversion.
I sought express instructions that I was to make this argument and the Commissioner recognises that sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
In fact, I doubt that the nice distinction which Mr Mostyn sought to draw will be capable of identification in most cases.
The new laws also lift a ban on multiple trade unions operating in a single workplace, something workers have sought.
One of the reasons the room was sought after by him was that he had been advised by his doctors to spend regular periods in the curative field of amber.
But there was enclosed with it a further copy of the draft of the proposed order that it sought from him.
His manner was rather that of a music hall artist, complacent, even cheerful, as his one-liners provoked from his audience the rejoinders he sought.
The patient's condition was untreatable and he sought hospice support.
Lee sought to calm the public by saying the Chinese missiles only carried dummy warheads.
I lately had occasion to justify an action to a man," went on Clowes, "but, no, the scurvy fellow would put no faith in my words, insisting that the person I sought to clear was covinous and tricky, and wholly unworthy of trust.
Janice Meredith
Proof that they had sought and received permission from the general chief of staff was brushed aside.
Yet he saw consequences the most unpleasant in this rumour of her attachment; and though he still privately hoped that the behaviour of Mandlebert was the effect of some transient embarrassment, he wished her removed from all intercourse with him that was not sought by himself, while the incertitude of his intentions militated against her struggles for indifference.
Clinicians sought improved usability and flexibility, whereas national headquarters prioritised business and executive functions such as accurate coding and reimbursement.
On these relics of antiquity and of ancestorial memorials devolving on Dr. Jefferson, he sought for a place of deposit for them, suitable to their dignity, their character, and their times.
The Scottish Chiefs
The homeless persons sought judicial review of that resolution by the local authority.
This area is sought-after by parents because of its good schools.
Times, Sunday Times
Many Russian radicals were anarchists who sought the abolition of all formal government.
World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
I have as little superstition in me as any man living, but my secret opinion has ever been, and still is, that God Almighty will not give up a people to military destruction, or leave them unsupportedly to perish, who have so earnestly and so repeatedly sought to avoid the calamities of war, by every decent method which wisdom could invent.
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Other times I sought refuge in the safe haven of grandfather's forge and helped him to make sickles or horseshoes by manning the big bellows.
We sought to measure the psychic state of freedom, relaxation, and comfort versus that of anxiety, drivenness, and beleaguerment.
The argument put forth by Elaine Pagels and others is that Gnostics were a vibrant community that sought refuge from Roman power in cults that endorsed personal revelations.
She prayerized, she picturized, and the sought-for result was actualized.
The Power of Positive Thinking
The versatility of cocoa makes it one of the more popular and sought-after ingredients in the culinary world today.
Businessmen, enervated by the pressures of city life, sought spiritual as well as physical refreshment in the new pastime of bushwalking.
After the cold war, a trend of "New Nationalism" thoughts went rampantly in the Japanese politics, which sought for a big power position in the international politics.
Though angry, both sides quickly sought to defuse the controversy.
The department had sought suggestions from the teacher-training colleges for a modular course to enable the estimated 280 primary teachers without qualifications to qualify properly.
The step sought by Virginia, known as certiorari before judgment, is one the court has taken only a handful of times, including its 1974 decision ordering President Richard Nixon to turn over Oval Office tape recordings and its 1952 ruling blocking President Harry S Truman from seizing the nation's steel mills. Chronicle
He sought escape in the bottle from hard realities.
This applies to the association or correlation he sought to establish between the theolog - ical stage and militarism, between metaphysical modes of thought and “defensive” warfare and between the growth of positive science and the phase of industrial - ism and the cessation of war.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Dum Maaro Dum, a Hindi thriller, also sought to show its seamier side.
Scarlett Keeling's murder now Bollywood film
As the years passed, historians and journalists sought out the dwindling band of those who had survived the earthquake.
Times, Sunday Times
However, the purpose of these warnings is to give information on potential interactions, which would otherwise have to be sought in a drug formulary.
What was sought by the application for security was an order that the defendants provide security for the costs of the appeal to the prothonotary in a form satisfactory to the prothonotary.
He sought a private audience with the Queen.
Instead, the president and key elements within the Republican Party have sought to redefine the debate over foreign aid.
We sought safety and comfort in penny chews.
Times, Sunday Times
The Presbyterian merchant sought to follow ethical principles in all his business affairs and to make merchandising a public service.
Fanny was, by all accounts, a fine equestrienne smartly turned out as she sought every opportunity to ride.
The shah of Iran sought refuge in six countries before finally dying in Egypt 18 months after he left his country.
Sustained by the truth received from her divine Founder, the Church has ever sought to fulfill holily the mission entrusted to her by God; unconquered by the difficulties on all sides surrounding her, she has never ceased to assert her liberty of teaching, and in this way the wretched superstition of paganism being dispelled, the wide world was renewed unto Christian wisdom.
Libertas Praestantissimum
The Northern responded to three newspaper advertisements placed by people selling the sought-after vouchers and asked the selling price.
Of the five local opinions sought on the operations of the Council, traffic and parking gripes predominated.
Instead of the courts deciding who should be free and who unfree, the home secretary has sought to grab and keep that power for himself.
But it was simultaneously stultifying, keeping me from developing the very objectives I sought.
Personals placers aren't exactly defying defined cultural roles; most women wrote ads seeking economic security, while men sought younger, attractive partners.
I besought Sir Charles, that he would not be pre-vailed upon to take part with them, if she continued averse to a change of condition.
Sir Charles Grandison
Compare the size of Rudd's victory with that of the last "seachange" Labor leader, Gough Whitlam, in 1972, who sought to distinguish himself dramatically from the schlerotic Coalition of William McMahon. - Comments
I say tragic, because on every hilltop is a ruin of either a fortress or a church in which men sought security and there was no security.
London To Paris To Rome
July 14th, 2010 JODHPUR - With at least 20 thalassaemic children likely to be in danger after they allegedly received HIV and Hepatitis C infected blood at a government hospital here, the chief minister's office (CMO) has sought a report on the matter.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Mr Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio.
Associated Press In the centuries after the Reformation, some Protestants, notably the Puritans in England, sought to ban Christmas celebrations as pagan bacchanals, which they often were.
No Church This Sunday—It's Christmas
The researchers sought to determine if rest periods would reduce worker fatigue and therefore contribute to increased output across the day.
After a few days, the sought after botrytis-infected grape can rot further by the action of another fungus into a gooey grey lump.
It has been sought to obtain badges or other distinctions for baronets and also to purge the order of wrongful assumptions, an evil to which the baronetage of Nova Scotia is peculiarly exposed, owing to the dignity being descendible to collateral heirs male of the grantee as well as to those of his body.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
But one most often sought refuge in sanctuaries.
The conference sought support for the creation of a new network of parishes within the church.
Caught behind enemy lines, they sought refuge in the village of Villeret, near Saint Quentin.
JACKSON: Well, the DLC appoints by invitation -- invites its constituency, and labor is not in the DNC -- DLC, and this -- 40 percent of this convention -- only a smathering of blacks in the DLC or Hispanics in the DLC, and so it's in some sense a privatized version of Democrats that they sought to suburbanize the party.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Democratic National Convention: Democratic Party's Liberal Wing Gets a Chance to Speak Out - August 15, 2000
The first sought to distinguish between "deserving" and "undeserving" poor.
Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
Taylor originally trained as a lawyer, but, having damaged his eyesight in studying, sought work which did not involve overmuch reading and writing.
In the wake of her latest heartbreak, Jennifer Aniston has again sought solace in her long-term confidant and former Friends costar Courteney Cox. - Articles related to Djokovic on fire ahead of Finals
But even out of government, successive administrations in Nigeria sought his advice.
I feel for him because the sad thing is that, where a few years ago we were falling over great folk music, now it must be sought out, bad cess to the ubiquitous keyboard that hides a full orchestra in a few well-chosen buttons.
A firm of commodity brokers sought advice from a computer consultant on the installation of a computer system.
If they were glass marbles they would a highly sought - after collectible.
Britain also sought Swedish support at the recent Nice summit in defence of its national vetoes on tax and welfare policies.
He also sought to impart a philosophy of diligence, persistence, and excellence.
In Chongqing, Joe sought out contacts who could introduce him to the upper levels of the government and diplomatic corps.
Politicians sought to assuage those feelings with a range of new anti-crime measures.
Romero sought a documentary feel to his narrative, using handheld cameras and up-close shots to bring the audience into this world gone awry.
Andy called out, jerking his chin upward in the direction of the tall, slender, much sought-after brunette.
Sources say he is frequently sought out for advice and counsel by real taipans, some of Hong Kong's most powerful businessmen.
Though the survey was for the specific purpose of consolidation of the monarch's power, it recorded certain incidental information that have ever been sought after by historians and antiquarians.
He said the two suspects, a Pakistani student known as XC and an Algerian referred to as U who face deportation on the grounds they pose a risk to national security, would remain in custody while he sought permission to appeal the verdict.
Reuters: Top News
But he has also sought to strike a conciliatory note, gaining the respect of many.
Times, Sunday Times
Legitimation for such delegated enforcement was usually sought through schemes for participation, such as industrial democracy, regional devolution or community action.
A few kilometres away from Madras city on the Coromandal coast, the boom of chisel and hammer rises in the sandy wilderness, above crashing waves and soughing winds.
People used our address as a backwoods landfill, depositing the unsought and the unclean.
This was after opposition MPs sought clarification on why the figures in the yellow book and the corrigenda were different.
Even allowing for the cost of infrastructure, maintenance and consumables, the fees the managements have sought do not seem to be justified.
About his personal life, he is now said to have six mistresses, including a female petitioner who had sought his help.
Effectively, this would amount to a deduction from the total contribution sought.
John, who, in the most abject terms besought pardon for the injuries he had inflicted.
The Boy Knight
Almost 25,000 people sought help on a support webpage.
The Sun
Objective This subject sought to investigate the relationship of hepatic venous flow ( HVF ) and central venous pressure ( CVP ).
The conventional image of Paracelsus himself as the ultimate mystic who sought to transmute base metals into gold and to create homunculi must be re-evaluated.
Both managers sought to freshen things up.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite his blue eyes, fresh complexion and luxuriant white hair, he often sought reassurance about his appearance.
Times, Sunday Times
It was here that we found the four petitions that sought pardon or commutation of his death penalty.
In the past, civil rights groups have criticized the redistricting process for working against immigrant and African-American communities on Long Island, and while lawsuits have sought to address the problem on a case-by-case basis, electoral representation in communities of color will be a pressing issue in the coming weeks.
Ted Hesson: Forum: Redistricting and Its Impact on Long Island Communities of Color
Either they sought the site out, or they followed a link that interests them.
Very rarely do you get a bond or bail if the death penalty is being sought.
Victorians sought to create respectable personal habits in societies where the vast majority of inhabitants can be described only as crude.
They raise sheep and cattle on dry rangelands and have sought to develop intensive dairying.
With post-war prosperity, the baby boom, and increased college attendance, the masses started coming, whether the museums sought them out or not.
Thus it was in this environment that independent Africa's elites sought to exert their supremacy.
After a deep malaise following the death of Edith, his longtime lover, he had sought the advice of an astrologist.
A Covert Affair
The Santa Clara Valley boasted great weather, outdoor activities, good schools, and sought-after real estate -- the "California Dream.
I had a contemplation of the sufferings of Christ, and I besought him to let me feel his sorrows with him, and prayed five paternosters in adoration of the five sacred wounds.
It is almost wild rose in growth habit and a much sought-after introduction.
The Sun
A Roman Catholic hospital in Kumamoto, a provincial city in southern Japan, in December sought official approval of the system modelled on the “Babyklappe” in use in Germany.
Japan Approves First ‘Baby Hatch’ | Impact Lab
On the water, handfuls of gaudy drakes, cloaked in vivid breeding plumage, jockey for position near sought-after hens.
It's possible Doc sought to ride us round them, skirting their flank without looking left nor right to acknowledge their being there.
They bemoaned their domestic trials and, like young bachelors in love, sought to divine the whims of the women in their lives.
American Manhood: Transformations in Masculinity from the Revolution to the Modern Era
The campaigners sought the divorcement of studios from their theatre chains, and in 1948 their wish was granted.
When the forgiveness of sins is considered, the use of the aorist tense in the Lord's Prayer makes clear that only a final (one-time only) forgiveness is sought when the Lord comes.
Davenport also sought to rid economic theory of any dependence on ethical value judgments, and the entire character of his major works is infused with the attempt to make economics as value-free as possible.
In this mood she sought out Arbaces, presenting herself as one loving unrequitedly, and seeking in sorrow the aid of wisdom.
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 06 — Fiction
The regime sought to overcome the quietism of the middle classes and of the long-suffering peasantry with the propaganda of national greatness.
A constant feeling of tiredness nagged at him and eventually he sought medical help.
They also sought to limit the number of apprentices entering their trades, because of the inevitable consequence of depressing wage rates; this has remained a feature of some craft unions to this day.
In the 1640s and 1650s, scientists had sought what they termed ‘a great instauration’.
Skilling's arrogance, belligerence and lack of contriteness under questioning made him a lightning rod for the rage generated after Enron sought bankruptcy protection in 2001.
The dog scratched and padded around the place and pushed his dish across the kitchen floor tiles, but otherwise it was so quiet you could hear the wind soughing in the firs.
Colonel Boone had but to hear him out and bare his shoulders for such other blows which Judge Wright sought to pelter him, and we will hear with what blow he was driven from his post as Indian Agent.
The Second William Penn A true account of incidents that happened along the old Santa Fe Trail
He sought leave to make an application to discharge the court order made last April.
Six journalists sought to challenge in court the legality of the ban on broadcasting.
Under mercantilism, everyone sought the advantages of being an exporter, because having a trade surplus meant that wealth was accumulating.
Many of these hill stations began life as long ago as the 1820s, when early British settlers first sought nests in attractive locations.
Those that have sought to divide the Nation know exactly what they do ... and their reasons are legion, and the forethought is the exact same that Epimetheus had.
The Jacksonian Party
The females in particular were sought after for their fine, soft fur.
Francis Galton, a strong believer in the hereditarian position, founded the discipline of eugenics, which sought to improve the quality of human heredity by manipulating human reproduction.
The Minority Movement, organised by the infant Communist Party of Great Britain, sought to organise militants in trade unions.
These applicants were on the agreed facts rightly convicted and I would therefore refuse the leave sought.
The Second Empire, generally avid for control and order, sought to regularize commerce by the reconstruction of the central market.
Surrealist artists in the 1920s sought equivalents to automatic writing, e.g. André Masson's free ink drawings, Max Ernst's frottages, or Joan Miró's field painting.
Later writers sought to examine Dubos's unanalysed notion of pleasure, and the respective roles of thought and feeling, or reason and sentiment, in the experience, appreciation, and judgement of art.
He had no idea that John Bold could really prove that the income of the hospital was malappropriated; why, then, should peace be sought for on such base terms?
The Warden
Another area of much contention is the desired level of channel control sought by the manufacturer.
As the Cold War dawned, American Communists, who were still a formidable force, sought a rebirth by christening themselves "Progressives," a moniker usurped from the reform movement of the Teddy Roosevelt era.
Obama a 'Reaganite'? It Just Might Work
He sought to improve himself
Hollywood deals in illusions, Arnold has always sought the truth, and that is why her famous pictures of Marilyn Monroe feel like glimpses of a living woman rather than coldly iconic memorials.
She went to her death in the name of the selfsame god your royal father sought to placate with her blood.
Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
Both managers sought to freshen things up.
Times, Sunday Times
That was probably why he was often haunted by spells of melancholia and dark thoughts and often sought refuge in books.
Miss Margland, who came but for two days, sought with much adulation to obtain an invitation for a longer stay; but Mrs. Berlinton, though all courtesy and grace, incommoded herself with no society that she did not find pleasing.
As a native of the area around Mobile, Alabama, a place long ridiculed by many as the nation's stepchild, it amused me that what was disdained as a redneck corner of the universe populated by ignorant and racist whites and besieged blacks became the "sunbelt" in the 1970s and as soon as those "cheeseheads" arrived in "crackerland" with no more need for their snowtires and discovered giant flying cockroaches and mildew among other horrors and complained mightily about the tropics they had naively sought, they became disenchanted.
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Pain, grief, imprisonment and even tawdry death have been just a few of the unsought remunerations accorded to them.
Through suppression of information, cover-ups, lies and outright gangsterism, these industry heads sought to continue their conspiracy against the public.
Abu Sayyaf visit ofal-Qaeda’s early years andanger at Saudis ofanti-American stance ofanti-U.N. stance ofappeal to Filipinos ofAzzam as mentor offavoritism towards Egyptians shown byglobal jihad sought bygraduation speech ofJabarah sent to KSM byJanjalani andLaskar Jihad links toloyalty ofmedia monitored by1998 fatwah ofon East Timorin Philippinesrecruitment success ofSayyaf as prototype forsons ofin Sudanterror tapes oftransition from financier to terrorist ofYousef andBlack Friday
Seeds of Terror
In recent years, many vendors have sought out what's thought to be the most accessible and "juiciest" segment of the market: Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs).
Sought for their kith and their kin among the few-acred farmers
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Her ceramics are sought after at craft fairs in Northallerton, Harrogate and York.
Many sufferers have found their doctors unhelpful and unsympathetic when they first sought help.
Repetitive Strain Injury
His shunning of the rest for the more difficult shots demonstrated a confidence not normal for such an arena, while he went for pots where mere mortals would have sought safety sanctuary.
Romantic composers would then be those who have sought their ideals in other directions and striven to give them expression irrespective of the restrictions and limitations of form -- composers who, in short, prefer content to manner.
A Book of Operas Their Histories, Their Plots, and Their Music
He and his staff are among the most sought-after personal trainers in the country, and Peak's clientele list reads like a who's who of film, TV and pop stars, Wall Street high-fliers and media moguls.
In addition, various governments have sought to improve agro-industry and fishery production, but success has been limited.
We sought in vain for cyanite, which we had discovered in some blocks near Maniquarez.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
He read up on the disease, sought the advice of those close to him and sought second and third opinions from oncology experts.
I felt my heart leap in my chest as my eyes sought out a dripping wet sylph sitting in a corner.
The 12 men were arrested on Wednesday in a sting operation as police and army officials sought to crack down on illegal quarrying.
Later, in a memorial service for the disaster's victims, Gustav sought to spread a pall of general bafflement over events, including the government's dereliction.
They had long been sought by police in connection with a series of violent motorcycle thefts.
A few women expressed willingness to train in sericulture and sought the help of the Sericulture Department to market the cocoons.