How To Use Sophistry In A Sentence
No ingenious sophistry can overthrow this fact of experience.
Patriotism is a virtue, but over the interpretation of any truth, it will become'sophistry.
The most brazen sophistry could not dignify by the name of "loan" the coin contemptuously flung to a beach-comber who slept on the bare boards of the public market.
Cabbages and Kings
No sophistry and no syllogisms can conjure away this inevitable consequence of inflation.
I have got what you call morbid just in consequence of the sophistry by which I persuaded myself that wrong could be right.
'And do you call it fair to persecute, in this way, at the instigation of a proud aristocrat (he had already learned this slang sophistry), a young man, who is almost a stranger among you?'
Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No 3, September 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
I'm hoping it's not sophistry to argue that this anxiety is the point.
Blake & Virtuality: An Exchange
However, it is sheer sophistry, that is, “subtly deceptive reasoning or argumentation,” of which Senator Kerry should be ashamed
John Kerry, Excommunicated?
How you tried to deceive us with smug sophistry?
This miserable sophistry, which disregards not only epistemology but also the intuitive perception that informs all daily intercourse, is sometimes merely formular, yet I have known men who have so prostituted their intelligence that they believe it.'
Is it foolish to question whether the Vice President is part of the Executive Branch?
The property was derelict, and the cows, mostly rejects from other herds, were no respecters of finely-nuanced sophistry.
This may come closer to some well-known errors of logic such as syllogism, sophistry, argumentsad hominem , argumentsad captandum, and argumentsadd one too many.
The Deluxe Election-Edition Bushisms
And yet when all the sophistry is boiled down, the theory amounts to living things are complicated.
2008 June - Telic Thoughts
MBSS says: pure sophistry and wordplay. in fact it seems to me that making property rights ascendant is a symptom of the type of soul sickness where one places more importance on things as opposed to people. this strain of sickness can be found among libertarians, and your average, everyday sociopath republican.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Libertarianism, Federalism, and Racism
You have apparently managed to rationalise this to yourself in terms of a pseudo-Stoic teleological sophistry in which every passion has a "final cause" -- an essential purpose -- such that action at odds with these essential purposes represents an immoral "disordering" of the appetites, an unacceptable misdirection from their natural/mandatory objects.
Archive 2009-08-01
To demand free sexuality as proof of freedom and ‘inwardness’ is in Hegel's eyes sophistry, serving the exploitation of women.
And, it does so without engaging in sophistry, for the true horror writer is consumed by a cacoethes to engage his moral imagination, to reveal a sliver of the transcendent.
The people who have attained the levers of government power have demonstrated considerable skill in sophistry in order to obtain power that was not intended to be granted.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Help Draft the Federalism Restoration Amendment
Patriotism is a virtue, but over the interpretation of any truth, it will become'sophistry.
This is sophistry, mostly: a voluntary code hardly promises certifiable quality; and the FDA takes its guidelines for water from the EPA and enforces them less stringently.
But Keynes smoothed over the harsh Marxist anti-individualism with artful sophistry and clever rhetoric into something salable to Americans.
Frederick Crews [NYR, June 25] correctly states that whatever plausibility the alien-abduction hypothesis may have is due to the (allegedly) "otherwise unaccountable congruence of detail from one 'abductee' narrative to another," referring to this as "the classic sophistry of all ufologists.
'When Words Collide': An Exchange
Gone is sophistry, the elegance of understatement, the joy of imagining the concealed, regaling in the revealed.
All thoughts of beds, and civilized sophistry, vanished from his head.
Inculcating and deluding the masses with a multi-billion dollar barrage of agitprop and sophistry potent enough to penetrate the minds of the most adroit thinkers, the moneyed interests behind corporatism and exploitative Capitalism have created a false dichotomy that clings to our collective psyche like a cocklebur deeply embedded in a wool sock.
Milton Lost: Can We Regain Paradise?
There is a kind of sophistry, which is adapted to all ages, and to all countries; I mean that turn of mind which judgeth those vices in which we have no share.
Sermons translated from the original French of the late Rev. James Saurin, pastor of the French church at the Hague
No amount of sophistry can justify one country's intervention in the internal affairs of another country.
Convincing myself that I had gained in some way from my loss was just pure sophistry.
I have to say I find the prosecution case more compelling than the defence, because the latter tends to rely on sophistry about "intertextuality" and "honest mistakes" but the narrative of the former - young, ambitious writer tries to pull a fast one and wriggles a lot when he gets hooked - just seems more plausible.
Grahamsleight's Journal
Furthermore, this piece of sophistry from the Catholic League conveniently ignores the fact that there is no statistical correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia (despite what some people may choose to believe) and the majority of adults charged with sexual exploitation of minors are not gay but straight — including many who are married and have children of their own.
Think Progress » Catholic League: Church Abuse Scandal Is A Crisis Of ‘Homosexuality,’ Not ‘Pedophilia’
The Guardian's argumentation is pure sophistry.
Thoughts on "philosophy otherwise known as sophistry
[philosophy] otherwise known as sophistry
Several in company checked him from time to time for his bitter reflections instead of arguments, and wished him, if he could to answer my arguments, which he called sophistry, assuring him that until he did, they must receive my opinion and arguments as scriptural and sound reasoning.
Beams of Light on Early Methodism in America. Chiefly Drawn from the Diary, Letters, Manuscripts, Documents, and Original Tracts of the Rev. Ezekiel Cooper.
Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy.
That some scientists confuse the unprovable with the nonexistent does not justify the deliberate attempt of IDists to substitute sophistry for science in our public schools.
The arm-waving sophistry that tries to escape this fact just makes evolution look bad — like whiny wishy-washery.
2006 February - Telic Thoughts
This fact of currency union renders all the sophistry of the Chancellor's five tests otiose.
No amount of sophistry can justify one country's intervention in the internal affairs of another country.
It must be confessed that there is an air of sophistry about this argument - and I certainly have doubts about its cogency.
What's more, the obvious mendacity of the statement renders the argument faulty and therefore a clear case of sophistry.
Fire destroys all sophistry, that is deceit; and maintains truth alone, that is gold.
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Volume 1
Ignorance will be the dupe of cunning, and passion the slave of sophistry and declamation...
Edwin Eisendrath: It's the Democracy, Stupid!
Just when she might have begun to see through his academic brilliance as superficial sophistry, the tragedy had occurred.
But having there thus elevated and puffed him up, he again here throws him down to mercenariness and sophistry; nay, to asking money and even to receiving it beforehand, sometimes at the very entrance of his scholar, and otherwhiles after some time past.
Essays and Miscellanies
The fatal sophistry in the traducian account of the transmission of souls may be illustrated in the following manner.
The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
Political selection is more dependent on sophistry and less on economic literacy.
No amount of sophistry can justify one country's intervention in the internal affairs of another country.
Adding insult to injury, the spokesman's comments drip with sophistry, doublethink and non sequiturs.
Times, Sunday Times
Badiou insists that philosophy is the discipline concerned with truth, and that any effort to detract philosophy from this concern is tantamount to sophistry.
The most brazen sophistry could not dignify by the name of "loan" the coin contemptuously flung to a beachcomber who slept on the bare boards of the public market.
Cabbages and Kings
Debating is a form of eristic, thus a variety of sophistry.
Justin Raimondo vs. Christopher Hitchens on al-Jazeera « Blog
Probably those who engage in such histrionics and captious sophistry, do so because of some driven obsession with the desire to be eternally ‘original’.
Unless you've studied both the paper and Behe's response to it why would you fling the label sophistry around?
Music deadens the mind with its repetitive noises, movies brainwash us into predictable behavior, and travelling narrows our horizons into a world of tourist traps and sophistry.
Critics who panned this movie for being too clever for its own good or too remote in its postmodern sophistry haven't quite figured out that intellectual rigour doesn't automatically negate emotional resonance.
No amount of sophistry can justify one country's intervention in the internal affairs of another country.
The perception of the north as a willing dumping ground for the sophistry of southern fissionability was central to Mark E. Smith's conception of his group the Fall.
FallNet - a pack of gnomes, trolls and gargoyles
Yet regulated vivisection has been confounded with antivivisection by the union of zany cranks and trade-unionized men of medicine, who have not refrained from the coercion of patients, from the deception of the public, from the inoculation of legislators with mendacity, capsuled in sophistry, and from the direct or indirect corruption or intimidation of not a few public journals.
An Ethical Problem Or, Sidelights upon Scientific Experimentation on Man and Animals
Understanding this merely requires a grand exercise in Orwellian doublethink, Greek sophistry and a uniquely Lawloresque take on the world.