
How To Use Soothing In A Sentence

  • When Mary Ann wasn't home, he could almost always be found in his video aerie, lost in the soothing ether of the Quasar. BABYCAKES
  • This female chanteuse has soothing vocals that'll take you to sonic heights that you've never been to.
  • Jonathan's soothing assurances did not satisfy David, and he 'sware' in the earnestness of his conviction. Expositions of Holy Scripture Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and First Book of Samuel, Second Samuel, First Kings, and Second Kings chapters I to VII
  • He advises nursing parents to do soft massages of the tummy as a way of soothing the baby.
  • You can luxuriate in the coffee's aroma and listen to the soothing bubbling sound from the bar as another jug of milk is frothed.
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  • the mother talked soothingly to her child
  • Stay peachy-skinned by applying soothing, unperfumed skincare products to moisturise and protect. The Sun
  • I was thinking of going with a soothing green theme....buying more plants and putting fadeless green paper on all my bulletin boards.... And we're back!
  • The beautiful, full voice of the "darkey" is so attractive -- so soothing, and they are so deft and gentle. McClure's Magazine, Vol 31, No 2, June 1908
  • Marjoram is an aromatic mint, so it has digestion-soothing benefits that are similar to peppermint's.
  • Mr Bush called soothingly for greater humility in projecting American power abroad ... Max Bergmann: John McCain "Laid the Groundwork" for George Bush's Post 9-11 Foreign Policy
  • As colors get closer to each other on the wheel, the more soothing their effect when combined.
  • Unlike the early birds, the dawning of each day finds me still abed, nested in my covers and dreamily counting waves; this is a psychological response to the soothing sigh of a slight swell nibbling at the beach a few yards from my seaside bed. Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • Hush, my dear boy!" she said, in her soothing way, as if she were stroking me down the back like she stroked her tabby Tom -- one of the mousiest and most petted of cats. She and I, Volume 1
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • The dumping of Kyoto and the new energy policy have similarly been clothed in soothing words of environmental concern.
  • In fact, there is only one fatal illness, The Mildew, and if you catch that, there is nothing but The Green Room, a chamber of soothing shades that lead you comfortably, painlessly and euphorically to a place where you are no longer a burden. Jasper Fforde discusses Shades of Grey, the first in a trilogy set in a future world recognizable as our own - but only just
  • Soothing music playing in the background created a relaxing atmosphere, setting the tone for the evening.
  • His calming, soothing voice and good looks (flowing blonde hair, smooth pale skin and a fit, ectomorphic body) tended to make people not listen to him when he tried to be serious.
  • Better to use a soothing, anti-inflammatory moisturizer containing aloe, allantoin, or chamomile. Simple Skin Beauty
  • She is keen to lay the yashmak of cool air across her face, keen to enjoy the soothing mantilla of the night breeze. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • He turned, walked back to her, turned and then walked back to the door again, the quiet rustle of feathers soothing him.
  • Imagine thinking that a logarithm is a soothing thing instead of the exciting thing that is truly is. Wired Campus
  • Herbal teas, or infusions, have become a pick-me-up for those down in the dumps, and a soothing drink when stress levels start soaring.
  • This one instantly absorbs grease, while conditioning and caring for your scalp with soothing allantoin and bisabolol. Times, Sunday Times
  • This easy to apply combination of pure Cocoa Butter and Panthenol (Pro Vitamin B5) in a soothing, emollient base helps relieve sore, cracked nipples associated with breastfeeding.
  • My childhood dream was to be mother, at home with my children, making pictures out of macaroni, passing on my favourite bedtime stories, helping with homework, soothing fevered brows and wiping away snot.
  • The musical evening began with the alap of Bhimpalasi Raga, where the artistes created a soothing melody with sitar and tanpura. News
  • The strongest thing any medical work will say for ginseng is that it is "a very mild and soothing drug. Gene Stratton-Porter: A Little Story of The Life and Work and Ideals of "The Bird Woman"
  • And if your gut does start complaining, placate it with a cup of soothing mint or ginger tea or a capsule of peppermint oil.
  • When used warm as a mouthwash, it is very soothing for sore gums.
  • The mother talked soothingly to her child.
  • I rub on soothing calamine lotion, then don a cotton turtleneck to keep myself from scratching.
  • Allow the food to dispel your chills - the thick, soothing lobster bisque, the aromatic fennel soup, or a terrine of foie gras that glides down your throat like velvet across a smooth back.
  • It's unfair to suggest that he deliberately provokes dressing room conflict, but he's not the ideal chap to apply soothing balm when it breaks out.
  • You certainly don't need an understanding of ear reflexology to receive all the soothing, relaxing and well-being benefits.
  • If the frostbite is of a vesicular, pustular, bullous, or escharotic character, the treatment consists in the application of soothing remedies, such as are employed in other like inflammatory conditions. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Cecil ran a soothing hand down her hair as he felt tears coursing down his own face.
  • The songs on the album prove meditative, probing, and soothing all at once; they comfort without slipping into naivete.
  • To describe a single extrasystole, an ectopic heartbeat, as like a slight stumble in a dance and to introduce the complex mechanism of hearing with the statement that 'every one of us has a tiny harp inside his ear' suggests that he is a skillful teacher.… The kathartai, forerunners of doctors in pre-Hippocratic Greece, were said to purify the soul by the soothing and calming combination of music, dance, poetry and song. The Chicago Blog: April 2006 Archives
  • Gaining a perspective on the present by examining the past can be very soothing to someone burdened with troubles. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Everything from mud facials and exfoliators, to soothing bath treatments, to foot spas are yours for the picking.
  • Now I have all the head-turning fun of a multimirrored modstyle vintage Vespa with the conscience-soothing, completely silent, clean, and nonpolluting practicality of a thoroughly modern electric scooter. E Is for Environment
  • Outdoor queen-size waterbeds and huge red umbrellas provide for a soothing sunbath.
  • You can, of course, walk through the trees to watch the pleasure boats and barges negotiate the lock, but you might just prefer to stay tucked away by your tent listening to the soothing splish of the river slipping over the weir and gazing out over Oxfordshire fields. The 10 best secluded campsites
  • It was accompanied simultaneously by the soothing music from a sitar.
  • In either of these, the broth is spicy and kicky, the noodles are chewy and soothing, and the vegetables and seafood add variety and interest.
  • She could hear voices speaking in soothing tones, but Anna keened and wailed, and Kathleen tried not to imagine the scene on the other side of the door.
  • The pace is slow, relaxed, unhurried and soothing.
  • Once I could shed tears — now my brain burns to madness, and the soothing stillicide of unutterable grief no longer washes my haggard cheeks. Agnes De-Courci: a Domestic Tale
  • The site is introduced by a straightforward 50-second video that attempts to tie McCain to George Bush's tax record, set somewhat disconnectedly against soothing chamber music. Daily Digest: Capturing, Tagging, and Protecting the Vote
  • Aloe vera, which is already familiar to many can be particularly effective for soothing irritated skin. Psoriasis Guru » Blog Archive » Treating Psoriasis with Aloe Vera – Soothing Relief
  • Cool beverages like juice can be soothing; avoid carbonated or citrus drinks, however, because carbonation and citric acid can be painful on raw areas.
  • They give a soothing impression of calm and seldom overpower the main content of a page.
  • Somehow he made my tense body relax some, I don't know how, but it was soothing.
  • The gently soothing flute arrangements give a vaguely laid-back chilled perspective to the overall process.
  • I would immerse myself in the clear turquoise waters and savour the soothing feel of the warm ocean.
  • But somehow, we Yanks always have time to gelatinize before the soothing glow of our favorite guilty pleasure. Murdoch's Fox Ups Ante With Season Five Of 'Idol'
  • I rub on soothing calamine lotion, then don a cotton turtleneck to keep myself from scratching.
  • Even the background, in which it is situated, with hills covered with pine trees and the hustle bustle of human habitation, makes viewing this paddy field soothing to one's eyes.
  • Soothing music and aroma therapies are helpful as well, choosing scents that are traditionally known to help negative energies to keep clearing: orange bergamot, camphor, clary sage, peppermint, clove bud and wintergreen are among these. Deepak Chopra: Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety
  • We step out of the baking sun and into the soothing coolness of the temple, and pad into the main foyer in our bare feet.
  • With my tongue throbbing from the hot pepper I'd bitten into, the main course of tofu and vegetables on okra polenta, was divinely soothing.
  • Not only do you get a free slice of pizza with your first booze of the evening, but – if you're up for it – a table football competition will be running as DJs spin a laidback, non-threatening selection of sounds, with comforting chillwave, soothing soul and non-scary contemporary folk, the idea being to lull you into a womb-like state of squidgy comfort. Clubs picks of the week
  • Robert Melville, who appeared to have been using some soothing language — “No! no! no! I tell thee, no! I will place a petard against the door rather than be baulked by a profligate woman, and bearded by an insolent footboy.” The Abbot
  • Holly pulled Stella close and petted her the way she petted Amelia, stroking her sister's head and murmuring soothing noises. JUST BETWEEN US
  • Charmed with the soothing tones, he endeavoured to reproduce them himself, and after cutting seven of the reeds of unequal length, he joined them together, and succeeded in producing the pipe, which he called the syrinx, in memory of his lost love. Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome
  • In 2002 when a political earthquake saw the Socialist's presidential hope Lionel Jospin knocked out by the far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, Hollande, then party general secretary, was seen as an uncontroversial, soothing, and safe pair of hands – just what was needed to nurse the wounded and limping party back to health. François Hollande nomination marks the triumph of Monsieur Ordinary
  • What a silly thing to say," soothingly; "you've always been everything -- to me, Diana. Glory of Youth
  • A show by the Saskatchewan abstract painter William Perehudoff currently at the tiny Poussin Gallery in deep southeast London; the incongruous, and oddly soothing, sound of Leslie Feist's new single being played at a dinner party on a recent holiday in France; the British press hailing Ryan Gosling as "the thinking woman's crumpet" - a title previously held by Michael Ignatieff. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Marshmallow contains large sugar molecules called mucilage, which are thought to exert a soothing effect on mucous membranes, and this is the basis of most proposed uses of the herb. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • The waters were kind and soothing and much warmer than I had expected.
  • With effort, she managed to swallow the first soothing mouthful, and she sipped at the water as an epicure would savor a good wine.
  • Jessica continued to rub Michael's back soothingly hoping to relax him.
  • In what has become a standard, boilerplated response to a toxic data spill, Citi handed its customers the soothing "we have no evidence that personal data was exposed" line. Forrester Blogs
  • Without hesitation he reached out enfolding his friend in a warm embrace, speaking soothingly.
  • In the absence of vibratory media the noises of the reef are isolated. furtive, echoless — staccato accidentals and dull dissonances out of tune with the soothing theme of the sea. My Tropic Isle
  • For example, take a long walk or swim in the morning and then schedule a massage or some other kind of soothing bodywork in the afternoon.
  • Remember aftersun lotions or aloe vera gel for soothing and calming the skin, especially if you are spending more than three hours under direct sun each day. Best in Beauty
  • The same soothing mix of wood, cane, cotton, and thatch prevails in the resort's beachfront courtyard.
  • Place a handful of chamomile in a square of cheesecloth or muslin, gather and tie then throw into your bath for a soothing skin treat.
  • The light had now changed to a soothing pinkish-white, but, more important,[Sentence dictionary] he was under gravity again.
  • It was built conveniently close to the bath-house where the ancients could take to the soothing waters to wash away the stresses and strains of their long journey.
  • The yellow and red leaves are swirling down, the rain mizzles, the soft white sky is soothing after months of harsh sunlight.
  • Ultra-fine jojoba beads whisk them away, while soothing panthenol calms and hydrates. $36, Scrubbing Off Indian Summer
  • Like many people, I enjoy the moist aroma and sinus-soothing vapors from a pot of boiling water. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Even though it was mainly scales or the repetitious construction of a melody Chuck might be working out, there was always something soothing about his silvery sylvan songs drifting from our home.
  • For infants who did not receive a dummy, alternate soothing methods were promoted (for example, facilitation of hand to mouth action promoting self quieting behaviour).
  • His best known, the headache-inducing/soothing Great Gig in the Sky, contains jazzy seventh chords, but is really just a series of beautiful chord progressions, and not jazz in any meaningful way.
  • It flushes the lymph system, nourishes and oxygenates the vascular system, cleanses the intestines, and is healing and soothing to all mucous membranes.
  • The music, although complex and multilayered, is mellow and soothing.
  • I will tell you that the place was NOT at all like the Hospitals here in the states, which now include waterfalls, a harpist in the entry, barista's serving lattes, soothing art work everywhere (they look like grand hotels) NO WAY ...... the IMSS hospital was lime-green tile everywhere, highlighted by those nasty fluorescent tube lights and not one sign of creature comfort. Access to medical specialists at Lakeside
  • She went to see him the next morning, after secluding herself in her room with only Becca's soothing voice through the door to console her.
  • The simple color scheme is calm and soothing.
  • And I rather surprised him by replying that actually I found the sound quite soothing.
  • He continued to talk quietly and soothingly to the girl until her frightened grip on his arm was relaxed.
  • Some of the old Turkish bath houses are still operating and are as aesthetically pleasing as they are physically soothing.
  • The effect is soothingly rustic, yet the flat is bang in the middle of Stockholm.
  • At the end of your tunnel/It's just a freight train comin your way/Then it comes to be that the soothing light/At the end of your tunnel Griffith: 'I can no longer align myself' with Dems
  • The bathroom is filled with soothing, perfumed unguents, strangely shaped tools for massage, oils, candles, a luxury indulgence which can only be matched by Harrods!
  • Nonetheless, the sad piano music was sweet and soothing, adding to an effect of the golden sun rising and the sunlight seeping through my windows.
  • First of all, his lank, angular appearance combined with his monotone voice and gloomy disposition aren't very soothing and reassuring.
  • Meanwhile, the soaring crude oil price and burgeoning demand in the Far East should provide some soothing balm to the share price.
  • It has a moisturising, soothing action, which you can use on stings, cuts, grazes, spots, and sunburn.
  • Overcome Fear of Computers Subliminal CD with (NLP) Neurolinguistic Programming imbedded in soothing music and calming sounds of ocean waves computer phobia, technology phobia, fear of technology, cyberphobia by Mind Design Unlimited An Ugly Truth About Ronald Reagan
  • Calendula lotion can be used as a soothing balm.
  • The shadow of a tree upon any house blesses it, weaving with its cool, hypnotic gestures a soothing quiet; but the place, of all human habitations, where it best loves to linger is a village street. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • Dolphins weave between the stars above us. So peaceful down her, so soothing.
  • There was fine furniture, arranged as soothingly as the artistic perception of the occupants warranted.
  • The historic popularity of opium, and of late of the coal-tar products (phenacetine and acetanilide), in the beginning of an acute illness, is largely based on the power which they possess of dulling pain, relieving disturbances of the blood-balance, and soothing bodily and mental excitement. Preventable Diseases
  • The kettle is plugged in and soon the soothing sound of boiling water -- the splash as the water hits tea bag -- steam rises, flavour is released -- as soon the tension will be. And Number ...
  • Uva ursi and buchu Leaf are said to have diuretic, antiseptic and astringent properties, while Counchgrass is a soothing diuretic specific to cystitis.
  • Repetition gives the closing lines qualities of charm and chant, their long vowel sounds making for a soothing and ultimately devastating quiet.
  • From the soothing chearfulness of his conversation Lord Seyntaubyne experienced much consolation. The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale
  • The clink and chink of the glass was soothing and nerve-wracking all at once.
  • The moment his torso lurched forward in the bed, she placed her hand soothingly on his back. Stories from the War
  • In fact he had a curiously dry - albeit pleasant - soft spoken voice that was more soothing than intimidating, and he even had a slight lisp.
  • This music kind of reminds us of the oceanfront - those soothing sounds of being on the water's edge.
  • With its palette of cream and russet, the room couldn't have been more soothing, and the black-and-white photographs of local landmarks that adorned the walls were covetable.
  • The sun felt wonderfully warm on his soaked skin, so he closed his eyes and enjoyed its soothing heat.
  • Outside, the gentle drizzle and the soothing tinkle from the eaves were the only sounds; within, there was but the faint rustle of garments from The Two Vanrevels
  • Jenkins, is eloquent exceedingly upon the _narcotine_ of fashionable life: declares that its soothing influences were unequalled by vapour of purest mundungus, or acetate of morphia, or even pill of opium, blended intimately with glass of _eau-de-vie_. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • I put on some nice soothing music.
  • The wind in my face was so cool and soothing I fell into a light doze.
  • Now, you much this chonklit opossum adn think soothing thoughts, and no sneeky lookin at teh kittehz for a few minutes yet, okeh? I find yur “string theoree” - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • I welcomed the soothing feeling of the water sliding off me and just stood under the shower, soaking in the fresh scent of the soap and water.
  • There is news of war victories, and the anchorman soothingly assures viewers that peace will come soon.
  • Conceive the soothing delight of that smile to her!
  • A procession of central bankers and finance ministers issued soothing words, united in their confidence that the prospects for the global economy remained good.
  • A business-like reception area sets the tone for a spacious, minimalist style throughout that is soothing rather than intimidating.
  • Yet the softness of the edges of the silhouettes and the equal softness of the charcoal surfaces produce a soothing, gentle effect.
  • Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it is boring; I must, however, warn you that the melodic refrain is so soothing that, at times, you may find yourself being lulled to sleep.
  • Water was her favored element, and she had always found the steady thrum of raindrops hitting the earth to be soothing.
  • I am the voice of a little girl clutching her expensive beaded purse. and applying glossy chardonnay lipstick over and over because I like the hypnotically soothing way it feels, a rhythym of comfort. a smooth frost over curved hills and I like feeling. trying to remember the sensations I once loved. in the midst of sleep, swimming in the silk fabric of luxurious bedding, sometimes I am startled by the accidental touch of my own hand, brushing against the dipped hollow of my alabaster back, and the softness makes me inhale sharply ~because I remember~ because, I still remember your breath warming my dreams. Wendchymes Diary Entry
  • She is keen to lay the yashmak of cool air across her face, keen to enjoy the soothing mantilla of the night breeze. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • Sleep --" he made the soothing suggestion over and over and felt the other begin to relax, to sink into the semicoma in which he must rest for at least another day. Star Born
  • A soothing song, played on lutes and other stringed instruments, was carried into his ears as he closed his eyes.
  • When she spoke, her words were soft and soothing, and calmed him of his nervousness.
  • An eyewash made of eyebright and other herbs can be soothing to irritated and inflamed eyes. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • I was to be found reclining, carefree and contentment itself, clutching a filigree glass of the finest port and allowing the soothing tones to lull me into doziness.
  • For children, she likes the prepared homeopathic version of chamomile, which is good for sleep problems, for its calming effects and for soothing for teething babies. I Spice: Chamomile
  • Andy, remember, one of the herbs you put me on was milk thistle, which is very soothing and protective. CNN Transcript Apr 15, 2002
  • Far from being quotidian these glamorous fancies push fashion to the limit in their testing fusion of ego-soothing props and dreamy confection.
  • Mahonia, calendula, gotu kola and thyme extracts cleanse the skin and tighten pores, whilst hydrating hyaluronic acid and soothing aloe vera help combat dryness and irritation.
  • The hot water felt so soothing while she bathed herself and lathered soap over her body.
  • Mostly all better today, with soothing blue skies and the peripheral visiony flitter of bird wings.
  • Smokers who think the soothing effects of tobacco make up for the risks may be deceiving themselves badly, according to a new theory.
  • If only my mother had known about such simple measures as adjusting the feeding position and soothing reassurance.
  • The night air was cool and soothing, carrying the scent of jasmine and moonflowers into the living room.
  • The lush green of post monsoons was soothing to the eyes.
  • After the frantic scurry of the days before our departure, it was soothing to have no telephone calls, no letters to answer, not much to do but look after the baby, and eat, drink and sleep.
  • The songs are dulcet and soothing, despite being in a minor key.
  • ‘It's alright,’ he said soothingly, stroking her long blonde hair.
  • Likewise, the infant may introject an image of the mother’s smiling face that is associated with soothing and warmth and that exerts a comforting influence. Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • Jenkins, is eloquent exceedingly upon the _narcotine_ of fashionable life: declares that its soothing influences were unequalled by vapour of purest mundungus, or acetate of morphia, or even pill of opium, blended intimately with glass of _eau-de-vie_. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • Tad could do by pulling on the reins and calling soothingly to the animal, he raced with the sleigh over the railroad tracks. Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue in the Sunny South
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • The juice relieves an irritable cough with its soothing action, liquefying the phlegm and mucus in the clogged channels and facilitating expectoration.
  • Your posts are always so soothing, no matter what the topic, with a gentle meter and quiet gratitude.
  • Mary O, u can stroke r bunbuns long loppy ears if u want, soothing fur bunbun n sad peeps alike. Well - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • You can luxuriate in the coffee's aroma and listen to the soothing bubbling sound from the bar as another jug of milk is frothed.
  • The narrator seeks to understand what this system is exactly, compared to the 'soothing system' which allows patients to wander around uninhibited.
  • When Kait went downstairs that morning after taking a long, soothing shower, Aunt Sally immediately barraged her with questions.
  • After revealing I had permanently frozen feet and a persistently runny nose, I lay down flat on the bed while Julie dabbed helichrysum - a soothing, healing flower essence - on all the acupuncture points she was going to use.
  • This is "cocooning" - the decade-old idea of the home as a safe, soothing nest - but pushed to the extreme, and with a dose of humour thrown in as well. Top Stories
  • These people just don't sip, they imbibe, they absorb liquor like dehydrated sponges, letting the story-soothing booze flow through their veins until it seeps from their pores in the squalid stench of defeat.
  • It was rather soothing watching the fat flakes of snow settle on the hotel garden with its little rustic summerhouse.
  • We would like you to visit us often and feel free to drop-in and relax with a snack or dessert or a soothing cup of tea and gossip with your friends.
  • This may be my last broadcast gentle listeners, the last time you hear my soothing words and sage advice drifting out of your radio consoles like a summer zephyr.
  • ‘Yes, yes, please do,’ I would coo soothingly, anxious not to disturb his flow.
  • It is even used as a douche and topically for treating fungal infections and soothing stings.
  • The second movement, 'Andante', had a distinctively soothing feel, which lulled the audience.
  • Her touch felt wonderfully soothing.
  • Far from the soothing rolling basslines of the more popular trance movement, this is music that is chopped to its finest points.
  • At first he was reluctant to accept my aid but once I played a soothing and pacific melody from my flute his spirit was calmed.
  • It has additionally been traditionally used for breathlessness, clearing mucous from the respiratory system, soothing coughs, assisting divert as great as semen prolongation as great as as an insecticide opposite lice. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Created for sensitive skin, this fragrance-free lotion feels gorgeously cool and soothing. Times, Sunday Times
  • I slowed down as I approached Colcutt village, searching in the glove box for something more soothing than Tina Turner.
  • It has a soothing, refreshing, and delicately fruity taste, and is served, very sweet, several times a day all over the Arab world.
  • The rumbling was a soothing, subliminal presence coursing like a heatbeat through a great ship's deck, palpable everywhere you stood. The Kobayashi Maru
  • Upon returning to the family home, he whipped up a mixture made of buttercups and other plants and, soon after, perfected its use: as a soothing ointment for haemorrhoid sufferers. Life and style |
  • There was something strangely soothing about having my Aveda Himalayan treatment in a small cave with walls as porous as pumice and pitted as a peach stone.
  • In spite of the intensifying situation, Emily's unacquainted voice was tranquil and soothing.
  • counterirritation," distraction from musculoskeletal pain through soothing warmth caused by dilation of blood vessels in the skin. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Second we will be adding a soothing side of a Velcro to a behind side of a shade, as good as third good palliate in a generosity a bit for a shade to fit upon a batten. Screwdriver Cordless YouTube Bosch GSR 10.8 V-LI Cordless ...
  • It's a rich, aromatherapy oil that's a blend of soothing essential oils such as myrrh, lavender and rose geranium, with extracts of wheatgerm and borage.
  • Choices include the third movement of violin sonata no. 24 in C major (the high tones of the violin work wonders on the parasympathetic nerve), first movement of the oboe quartet in F major (the high frequency tones have a soothing effect on the cranial nerves) and the second movement of 35th symphony in D major (the calm arpeggios relieve tension from the body). Medically proven Mozart music for mobiles
  • Music's soothing effects have been demonstrated in patients undergoing chemotherapy or elective surgery under local or regional anesthesia.
  • How soothing it is, forsooth, to desire coolth and vanquish inadequate Brit warmth.
  • They have a soothing influence on a world rife with tension.
  • Great self-respect is as often manifested in forbearance as in resentment, said Herbert, soothingly. The Hidden Hand
  • It is healing and soothing to hold it, and it unfetters me from the energy of old ties.
  • Even an alarm clock can be soothing.
  • This floppy two-foot-tall member of the mint family has scalloped, lemon-scented leaves that make a soothing evening tea and add body to blends as well.
  • It was true, and everyone who was through Harper's Ferry will tell you the same - the chancier things got, the calmer grew J.B., as though he were in the grip of some soothing drug. THE NUMBERS
  • For most visitors, however, it is enough to enjoy the soothing, and rewardingly aesthetic, experience of Hyderabad's little known Paigah tombs.
  • Every frame - beautifully rendered in blue-black scratchboard and watercolour, somehow stark and soothing at once - deserves a long, slow look.
  • For the sake of comparison, think of the operatics of Josephine Foster, only a little more soothing and seething.
  • Guided imageries tach the processing of painful emotions along with vital skills of self soothing and self care. Dr. Tian Dayton: The Black Hole: Trauma and Addiction

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