How To Use Sooth In A Sentence

  • When Mary Ann wasn't home, he could almost always be found in his video aerie, lost in the soothing ether of the Quasar. BABYCAKES
  • Ay, forsooth: but he is as tall a man of his hands as any is between this and his head; he hath fought with a warrener. The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • ‘Shh, shh, it'll be okay,’ Matt soothes, smoothing my hair.
  • This female chanteuse has soothing vocals that'll take you to sonic heights that you've never been to.
  • Jonathan's soothing assurances did not satisfy David, and he 'sware' in the earnestness of his conviction. Expositions of Holy Scripture Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and First Book of Samuel, Second Samuel, First Kings, and Second Kings chapters I to VII
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  • Forsooth, I knew not you had so much of ingenious art; algates, the toy is somewhat ghastly. The Last of the Barons — Volume 06
  • He advises nursing parents to do soft massages of the tummy as a way of soothing the baby.
  • And the one faint hope that soothed his troubled dreams was one he dared not cherish in his hours of waking. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • Some may also promote healthy sleep, lessen anxiety, and soothe pain. The Sun
  • When I mentioned that I couldn't quite see that it was the lack of thrift, the intemperance, and the depravity of a half-starved child of six that made it work twelve hours every night in a Southern cotton mill, these sisters of Judy O'Grady attacked my private life and called me an "agitator" -- as though that, forsooth, settled the argument. Revolution, and Other Essays
  • You can luxuriate in the coffee's aroma and listen to the soothing bubbling sound from the bar as another jug of milk is frothed.
  • It also contains barley to reduce redness and soothe discomfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bath also soothes the tired nerves and induces sound sleep.
  • Moreover it seems to me atrocious that we who insist on seven millions of Catholics supporting a church they call heretical, should dare to talk of our scruples (conscientious scruples forsooth!) about assisting with a poor pittance of very insufficient charity their 'damnable idolatry.' The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • the mother talked soothingly to her child
  • Winchester peacemakers are offering mediation to soothe relations between neighbours.
  • Stay peachy-skinned by applying soothing, unperfumed skincare products to moisturise and protect. The Sun
  • Forsooth," said Sir Robin, "my wife is not come of such blood as that she shall misdo against me, and I may not believe in it nowise: Old French Romances
  • May 19, 2007 at 12:23 pm group of cats is called a clowder akshully also is archaic form of clutter and thus more ellygant, forsooth In ur yardz… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • I was thinking of going with a soothing green theme....buying more plants and putting fadeless green paper on all my bulletin boards.... And we're back!
  • Yet soothly were I liefer that my body and my skin should pay the forfeit. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • The beautiful, full voice of the "darkey" is so attractive -- so soothing, and they are so deft and gentle. McClure's Magazine, Vol 31, No 2, June 1908
  • I felt that Marjorie might overdo it: also that Conky, who loved the sound of his voice, might be tempted to soothe the old man with intempestive gusts of song. Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, April 12, 1916
  • Marjoram is an aromatic mint, so it has digestion-soothing benefits that are similar to peppermint's.
  • Even as it soothed my heart, I had to wonder if it was a sham for my bene. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Eugenia too, soothed with the delusions of her romantic but innocent fancy, flattered herself she might now see continually the object she conceived formed for meriting her ever reverential regard; and Miss Margland was importantly occupied upon affairs best suited to her taste and ancient habits, in deliberating how first to bring forth her fair charge with the most brilliant effect. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • On their own they will not have a huge impact on symptoms, but they will help to reduce the appearance of scale and redness, they help to hydrate the skin and can soothe itch if present.
  • Mr Bush called soothingly for greater humility in projecting American power abroad ... Max Bergmann: John McCain "Laid the Groundwork" for George Bush's Post 9-11 Foreign Policy
  • Some may also promote healthy sleep, lessen anxiety, and soothe pain. The Sun
  • The pain that scratching causes soothes an itch—but only for a second.
  • There is not much difference, except in the "soothfastness"; the author is closer to his subject, his imagination is confronted with something very near reality, and is not helped, as in the older stories, by traditional imaginative modifications of his subject. Epic and Romance Essays on Medieval Literature
  • He beginneth not with obscure definitions, which must blur the margent with interpretations, and load the memory with doubtfulness: but he cometh to you with words sent in delightful proportion, either accompanied with, or prepared for the well enchanting skill of music; and with a tale forsooth he cometh unto you: with a tale which holdeth children from play, and old men from the chimney corner. English literary criticism
  • As if fulfilling the portentous predictions of some medieval soothsayer, the first year of this new century has witnessed an unprecedented catalogue of warnings of the cumulative effects of climate change.
  • There was no attempt to sugar the pill, no saxophone music in the background to soothe the pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • As colors get closer to each other on the wheel, the more soothing their effect when combined.
  • Unlike the early birds, the dawning of each day finds me still abed, nested in my covers and dreamily counting waves; this is a psychological response to the soothing sigh of a slight swell nibbling at the beach a few yards from my seaside bed. Good morning, Melaque: one day in a small Mexico beach town
  • It also contains barley to reduce redness and soothe discomfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hector, being taken ill, consulted on his case some of the witches or soothsayers, to whom this family appears to have been partial.
  • At regular intervals along these walls occur little towers, for their defence, reminding one of beads strung on a rosary; the great watch-tower at the gate, with its projecting machicolation, forming the pendent cross, -- the whole serving to guard the town within from the dangers of war, even as the rosary protects the city of Mansoul from the attacks of Sin and Death -- though, sooth to say, since the invention of gunpowder and the Reformation, both the one and the other appear to have lost much of their former efficacy. Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
  • Can you recommend a good lip salve to soothe my dry, chapped lips? Times, Sunday Times
  • The ancient soothsayers looked to birds for auguries -- the birds upon the wing were the flexion of her soul. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Anyway, Devine soothes us, Pakistani officials also "fussed" in response to a recent uptick in Predator drone attacks. Barry Eisler: The Definition of Insanity
  • The godlike part of the cod, which, like the human head, is curiously and wonderfully made, forsooth has but little less brain in it, -- coming to such an end! to be craunched by cows! Cape Cod
  • If sports injuries occur, emergency treatment should be taken quickly, which can soothe the body and even save one's life.
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • Creams that contain camomile lotion, steroid cream, or anaesthetic can soothe the pain of a bite, as can an antihistamine tablet.
  • They handed icy bottled water to the men to quench their thirst and soothe their hoarse throats. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hush, my dear boy!" she said, in her soothing way, as if she were stroking me down the back like she stroked her tabby Tom -- one of the mousiest and most petted of cats. She and I, Volume 1
  • Just as her music soothes her baby to sleep, so the presence of each new daughter has had an effect on her writing and performing.
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • Jojoba oil can be used as a gentle lotion to sooth and repair chapped lips and damaged skin due to inclement weather conditions.
  • The dumping of Kyoto and the new energy policy have similarly been clothed in soothing words of environmental concern.
  • In fact, there is only one fatal illness, The Mildew, and if you catch that, there is nothing but The Green Room, a chamber of soothing shades that lead you comfortably, painlessly and euphorically to a place where you are no longer a burden. Jasper Fforde discusses Shades of Grey, the first in a trilogy set in a future world recognizable as our own - but only just
  • Soothing music playing in the background created a relaxing atmosphere, setting the tone for the evening.
  • She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Frank asked Nur al-Din anent the maker of the kerchief, he answered, saying, “In very sooth this kerchief is the handiwork of my mother, who made it for me with her own hand.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • His calming, soothing voice and good looks (flowing blonde hair, smooth pale skin and a fit, ectomorphic body) tended to make people not listen to him when he tried to be serious.
  • The same mixture will take the heat out of sunburn and scalds and soothe insect bites.
  • Stair soothed the dog with one hand, for he could hear his heart thump in short laboured leaps as if after a long pursuit of a dog-fox on the hillside. Patsy
  • It will weatherproof footwear, safeguard wounds, and soothe chapped lips.
  • They say that music soothes the savage beast, but it can also make the sick feel better.
  • Green tea, jasmine tea and chai may soothe the body, but try Chinese bamboo wind chimes for that friend who needs some peace of mind.
  • It's involved in glucosamine synthesis for speedier joint repair, and it soothes aches, pains and inflammation.
  • Better to use a soothing, anti-inflammatory moisturizer containing aloe, allantoin, or chamomile. Simple Skin Beauty
  • It aims to expose scams, reveal tricks, soothe anxieties, and ease the passage of the novice into cyberworld.
  • She is keen to lay the yashmak of cool air across her face, keen to enjoy the soothing mantilla of the night breeze. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • He turned, walked back to her, turned and then walked back to the door again, the quiet rustle of feathers soothing him.
  • A diluted apple juice addiction that soothed them as soon as they gripped the handles As they got older, they moved on to the juice box -- six ounces of fruit-flavored heroin housed in a plastic coated box complete with precious straw. Wendy Sachs: Snack Food Nation: How Kids Are Conditioned to Snack
  • Moderate stylization and antirealism that falls short of true expressionism is sometimes enough to soothe congruous crudity into an effectively intensified sensibility, if the idiom is correct.
  • Imagine thinking that a logarithm is a soothing thing instead of the exciting thing that is truly is. Wired Campus
  • Herbal teas, or infusions, have become a pick-me-up for those down in the dumps, and a soothing drink when stress levels start soaring.
  • Hot showers, a humidifier, and gargling with warm saltwater aid drainage, shrink inflamed membranes and soothe sore-throat pain.
  • Leave them to sleep quietly and wake slowly, to soothe themselves with softly waving reflections and shadows of trees on the ceiling? The Sun
  • This one instantly absorbs grease, while conditioning and caring for your scalp with soothing allantoin and bisabolol. Times, Sunday Times
  • This easy to apply combination of pure Cocoa Butter and Panthenol (Pro Vitamin B5) in a soothing, emollient base helps relieve sore, cracked nipples associated with breastfeeding.
  • She soothed the impatience of the hand on her cheek, and, almost absently, musingly scrutinizing it without consciously seeing it, turned it over and slowly kissed the palm. CHAPTER XXVII
  • My childhood dream was to be mother, at home with my children, making pictures out of macaroni, passing on my favourite bedtime stories, helping with homework, soothing fevered brows and wiping away snot.
  • Green tea, jasmine tea and chai may soothe the body, but try Chinese bamboo wind chimes for that friend who needs some peace of mind.
  • Pholcodine linctus suppresses dry coughs and simple linctus soothes the throat or tickly cough without any side effects.
  • Using a cool-mist vaporizer to humidify the air may help soothe irritated breathing passages and relieve coughing.
  • Look for a formula containing gentle, nonirritating herbs like alder buckthorn, okra, triphala and aloe, and the mineral magnesium hydroxide that will soothe the bowel, stimulate peristalsis, and help eliminate mucus from the bowel. The Fiber35 Diet
  • The musical evening began with the alap of Bhimpalasi Raga, where the artistes created a soothing melody with sitar and tanpura. News
  • And yet, in the face of famine and the rigorous winter, he went out gayly in quest of a mess of trout, forsooth, because he "doted" on them! MOON-FACE
  • One lunchtime, a Ukrainian theatre producer friend showed my daughters photos of the cats she had bought to soothe her nerves during the revolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • The strongest thing any medical work will say for ginseng is that it is "a very mild and soothing drug. Gene Stratton-Porter: A Little Story of The Life and Work and Ideals of "The Bird Woman"
  • Some may also promote healthy sleep, lessen anxiety, and soothe pain. The Sun
  • The delicate layers of percussion, viola, double bass, trumpet and flugelhorn soothe and seduce the ears, but it's Williams' tender vocals that lull the listener into submission.
  • These generous expressions were not lost on Betty; on the contrary, they soothed her so much that she gave her hand cordially to her young and interesting conqueress, after which they all repaired to a supper of new milk and flummery, than which there is nothing more delicious within the wide range of luxury. The Emigrants Of Ahadarra The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • The hot bath soothed her aching body, clearing her head.
  • They used meditation and yoga to fill the hours and to soothe frustration and anxiety. Times, Sunday Times
  • My instinct is to soothe and comfort; I can never just walk away.
  • The urgent relief cream soothes upset skin. The Sun
  • And if your gut does start complaining, placate it with a cup of soothing mint or ginger tea or a capsule of peppermint oil.
  • When used warm as a mouthwash, it is very soothing for sore gums.
  • A lotion for the skin might temporarily soothe it but if the underlying cause is not dealt with the rash will reappear very quickly. Beat Stress
  • The mother talked soothingly to her child.
  • I rub on soothing calamine lotion, then don a cotton turtleneck to keep myself from scratching.
  • It soothes and elates, bringing me back to the emotional state of being on a class trip in kindergarten, when every kid lined up at the local ice cream parlor and ordered the same thing: mint chocolate chip in a sugar cone. Just-Like-the-Parlor Mint Chip Ice Cream
  • His experience and popular imagery transport the viewer to another place and time, one which heals and soothes the soul.
  • Freeze gel in cube ready to soothe any scorched skin. The Sun
  • He can also soothe the crying child with the ‘Mozart effect’, and inspire the non-reader to an awakening.
  • Allow the food to dispel your chills - the thick, soothing lobster bisque, the aromatic fennel soup, or a terrine of foie gras that glides down your throat like velvet across a smooth back.
  • Forsooth she wondered that the stark and gruff old man was so changed to her in little space; for nought she knew as yet how the sight of her cast a hot gleed of love into the hearts of them who beheld her. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • It's unfair to suggest that he deliberately provokes dressing room conflict, but he's not the ideal chap to apply soothing balm when it breaks out.
  • You certainly don't need an understanding of ear reflexology to receive all the soothing, relaxing and well-being benefits.
  • A lotion for the skin might temporarily soothe it but if the underlying cause is not dealt with the rash will reappear very quickly. Beat Stress
  • If the frostbite is of a vesicular, pustular, bullous, or escharotic character, the treatment consists in the application of soothing remedies, such as are employed in other like inflammatory conditions. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Cecil ran a soothing hand down her hair as he felt tears coursing down his own face.
  • gentled" and soothed the troubled spirit more and more tenderly, till Firefly could think of nothing like it but the father and daughter comforting each other on the Downs, that terrible day of his guilt. Parables From Nature
  • A man doesn't get delirium tremens even if he smokes more than is good for him; he doesn't become a debased mortal; there is nothing about tobacco which makes a man beat his wife or assault his mother-in-law -- rather the reverse, in fact, for tobacco is a soother and a quietener of the passions, and many a man, I daresay, has been prevented from doing rash things in the way of retaliation, when he has lit his pipe and had a good think over his affairs. The Social History of Smoking
  • The songs on the album prove meditative, probing, and soothing all at once; they comfort without slipping into naivete.
  • To describe a single extrasystole, an ectopic heartbeat, as like a slight stumble in a dance and to introduce the complex mechanism of hearing with the statement that 'every one of us has a tiny harp inside his ear' suggests that he is a skillful teacher.… The kathartai, forerunners of doctors in pre-Hippocratic Greece, were said to purify the soul by the soothing and calming combination of music, dance, poetry and song. The Chicago Blog: April 2006 Archives
  • Hot healing waters massaged me, and mineral vapours soothed my senses.
  • A new love could be the balm that soothes your soul.
  • Gaining a perspective on the present by examining the past can be very soothing to someone burdened with troubles. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Indeed, as I soothed my bruised nerves with brandy fomentations that night, I reflected that there were worse places than India; there was Aberdeenshire, with Ignatieff loose in the bracken, hoping to hang my head on his gunroom wall. Fiancée
  • The gentle formula of Stila Sheer Color Tinted Moisturizer contains ginger, gingko biloba, and chamomile to hydrate and soothe skin.$34 at Pandora Young: Beat Winter Skin Blahs With Moisturizing Makeup
  • Everything from mud facials and exfoliators, to soothing bath treatments, to foot spas are yours for the picking.
  • So, did 400 million citizens and voters queue in blistering heat of 40-plus to soothe the fretful nerves of the market?
  • It's an all-natural blend of minerals, herbs and oils to soothe your keister and make it kissably fresh.
  • Now I have all the head-turning fun of a multimirrored modstyle vintage Vespa with the conscience-soothing, completely silent, clean, and nonpolluting practicality of a thoroughly modern electric scooter. E Is for Environment
  • He often combined his talents, whether it were to soothe the weary souls at the local pub or fell an ice dragon in the depths of the abyssal caverns.
  • The sound of his heartbeat soothed me, calming me down.
  • Outdoor queen-size waterbeds and huge red umbrellas provide for a soothing sunbath.
  • You can, of course, walk through the trees to watch the pleasure boats and barges negotiate the lock, but you might just prefer to stay tucked away by your tent listening to the soothing splish of the river slipping over the weir and gazing out over Oxfordshire fields. The 10 best secluded campsites
  • They have a talented female lead singer in Ames, who can both shatter and soothe vocally, which is the heart of the bands aesthetic and appeal. Starpulse Entertainment News
  • For the rest of us, floating is a wonderful way to relax, which quiets the mind and soothes the body.
  • But if ever there was a place for music to soothe the savage beast, it's El Arca Animal Sanctuary---the only wildlife rescue center of its kind in Spain.
  • The potion will soon draw the pain and soften the hurt, yet I fear no like remedy will sooth the injury I feel from your tongue. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • It was accompanied simultaneously by the soothing music from a sitar.
  • In either of these, the broth is spicy and kicky, the noodles are chewy and soothing, and the vegetables and seafood add variety and interest.
  • Some try their best to comfort you, hand you a tissue or hankie, trying to soothe you with some soft words. But then there are some who will hold you and hug you.
  • She could hear voices speaking in soothing tones, but Anna keened and wailed, and Kathleen tried not to imagine the scene on the other side of the door.
  • She was still bouncing her child lightly in an attempt to soothe her.
  • But Mom decided soother was a choking hazard.
  • The pace is slow, relaxed, unhurried and soothing.
  • The camphor in the gel will help soothe, while arnica, a natural astringent, will help reduce puffiness.
  • Yes, in good sooth, the vice is of a great kindred; it is well allied: but it is impossible to extirp it quite, friar, till eating and drinking be put down. Measure for Measure
  • VocalZone, a pastille created to soothe vocal chords and relieve irritations, is available for singers, speakers, smokers and sufferers of the common cold.
  • They strengthen the stomach and neutralize all undue acidity, while at the same time they soothe the irritation by their bland and demulcent qualities. The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • And soothly, leeve brother, this is al. Heere in this prisoun moote we endure, The Canterbury Tales
  • I have eschewed cough syrups and lozenges preferring to suck on the occasional spoonful of honey, which seems to soothe the tickle enough to let me get to sleep.
  • Once they are dry, soothe their soft skin with a gentle cream. The Sun
  • Wherefore the she-wolf went red and white by turns, and fumed, and fretted her bedizenments with unrestful hands, and when she should let us go our ways, she lingered and looked back oft, and was loth to depart ere she had gotten what she lacked, and that, forsooth, was the said flasket. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • All race events will start and finish at Mary Fitzgerald Square in Newtown, where various artists will soothe tired bodies with cool rhythms.
  • Once I could shed tears — now my brain burns to madness, and the soothing stillicide of unutterable grief no longer washes my haggard cheeks. Agnes De-Courci: a Domestic Tale
  • Spend some time in one of the cafes, the atmosphere and the views in front of you will soothe your painful feet and muscles.
  • The site is introduced by a straightforward 50-second video that attempts to tie McCain to George Bush's tax record, set somewhat disconnectedly against soothing chamber music. Daily Digest: Capturing, Tagging, and Protecting the Vote
  • And indeed I think she would have done it off her that minute had I pressed her, but I lacked the boldness thereto; and I said: Nay, but would she bring it unto me the next time we met; and forsooth she brought it folded in a piece of green silk, and dearly have I loved it and kissed it sithence. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Aloe vera, which is already familiar to many can be particularly effective for soothing irritated skin. Psoriasis Guru » Blog Archive » Treating Psoriasis with Aloe Vera – Soothing Relief
  • Audiences should be sure to arrive early for the evening's performance, in order to catch a special curtain-raiser called Seuss Forsooth.
  • Cool beverages like juice can be soothing; avoid carbonated or citrus drinks, however, because carbonation and citric acid can be painful on raw areas.
  • The personal touch of their pastor soothes sore feelings. Christianity Today
  • They give a soothing impression of calm and seldom overpower the main content of a page.
  • After stroking his dark brown hair to soothe him she fell into bed asleep in seconds.
  • Somehow he made my tense body relax some, I don't know how, but it was soothing.
  • This plaguy Serpent cannot be slain, for the soothsayers aver it beareth a charmed life, but it were a mighty achievement, if for only one year, the realm could be relieved of its oppression. PodCastle » 2010 » February
  • It also contains barley to reduce redness and soothe discomfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • This or any similar over-the-counter preparation can be applied to the blisters to help dry them out and soothe the skin.
  • The little glass of _calmant_ was untouched; it was not a drug that had soothed the exhausted nerves. A Prisoner in Fairyland
  • A new breed of soothsayers has already been prophesying the virtual demise of the manufacturing industry.
  • The gently soothing flute arrangements give a vaguely laid-back chilled perspective to the overall process.
  • For why, the soothfastness of this thing is only in God, and in thee is but a blind abiding of His will, without certainty of one moment, the which is as little or less than a twinkling of an eye. The Cell of Self-Knowledge : seven early English mystical treatises printed by Henry Pepwell in 1521
  • I rail at the theistic credulity of Voltaire, the amoristic superstition of Shelley, the revival of tribal soothsaying and idolatrous rites which Huxley called Science and mistook for an advance on the Pentateuch, no less than at the welter of ecclesiastical and professional humbug which saves the face of the stupid system of violence and robbery which we call Law and Industry. Epistle Dedicatory
  • Freeze gel in cube ready to soothe any scorched skin. The Sun
  • I would immerse myself in the clear turquoise waters and savour the soothing feel of the warm ocean.
  • Perception decried their fears, with soothful sayings, "Fear not, for they are but youths who do rage and burn and destroy. Infidel Bloggers Alliance
  • Double meaning can help soothe the awkwardness of bribe - paying.
  • But somehow, we Yanks always have time to gelatinize before the soothing glow of our favorite guilty pleasure. Murdoch's Fox Ups Ante With Season Five Of 'Idol'
  • I rub on soothing calamine lotion, then don a cotton turtleneck to keep myself from scratching.
  • Her sufferings couldn't be totally soothed.
  • A shrine where saints and scholars met And held aloft the torch of truth Lies smouldering 'neath fair Brabant's skies, A ruined heapwar's prize in sooth 1 The Pilates of Teutonic blood That fired the brand and flung the bomb Now wash their hands of evil deed, While all the world stands ghast and dumb. Belgium and the Belgians
  • Her gentle touch soothes his tormented soul.
  • It soothes and elates, bringing me back to the ... Not Eating Out in New York » 2008 » June
  • Even the background, in which it is situated, with hills covered with pine trees and the hustle bustle of human habitation, makes viewing this paddy field soothing to one's eyes.
  • Soothing music and aroma therapies are helpful as well, choosing scents that are traditionally known to help negative energies to keep clearing: orange bergamot, camphor, clary sage, peppermint, clove bud and wintergreen are among these. Deepak Chopra: Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety
  • We step out of the baking sun and into the soothing coolness of the temple, and pad into the main foyer in our bare feet.
  • I said that Sis smoked now and then, because she thought it looked smart; but that, if I was to have a Career, I felt that the sootheing influence of tobaco would help a lot. Bab: A Sub-Deb
  • With my tongue throbbing from the hot pepper I'd bitten into, the main course of tofu and vegetables on okra polenta, was divinely soothing.
  • I need something warm to calm my nerves, soothe my agitation.
  • Not only do you get a free slice of pizza with your first booze of the evening, but – if you're up for it – a table football competition will be running as DJs spin a laidback, non-threatening selection of sounds, with comforting chillwave, soothing soul and non-scary contemporary folk, the idea being to lull you into a womb-like state of squidgy comfort. Clubs picks of the week
  • Robert Melville, who appeared to have been using some soothing language — “No! no! no! I tell thee, no! I will place a petard against the door rather than be baulked by a profligate woman, and bearded by an insolent footboy.” The Abbot
  • Sore throats, irritated gums and oral sores can be soothed by a gargle or mouthwash of strong sage tea.
  • With summer here, SPA is especially needed after being out in the sun, to soothe the body and skin.
  • Holly pulled Stella close and petted her the way she petted Amelia, stroking her sister's head and murmuring soothing noises. JUST BETWEEN US
  • They recall the prophesy that a soothsayer named Calchas had once made about the future.
  • He is remembered by colleagues as being unflappable in theatre with a calm demeanour that soothed any histrionics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Charmed with the soothing tones, he endeavoured to reproduce them himself, and after cutting seven of the reeds of unequal length, he joined them together, and succeeded in producing the pipe, which he called the syrinx, in memory of his lost love. Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome
  • In 2002 when a political earthquake saw the Socialist's presidential hope Lionel Jospin knocked out by the far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, Hollande, then party general secretary, was seen as an uncontroversial, soothing, and safe pair of hands – just what was needed to nurse the wounded and limping party back to health. François Hollande nomination marks the triumph of Monsieur Ordinary
  • The secretary kept her voice gentle and calm, attempting to soothe the distressed mother.
  • What a silly thing to say," soothingly; "you've always been everything -- to me, Diana. Glory of Youth
  • A show by the Saskatchewan abstract painter William Perehudoff currently at the tiny Poussin Gallery in deep southeast London; the incongruous, and oddly soothing, sound of Leslie Feist's new single being played at a dinner party on a recent holiday in France; the British press hailing Ryan Gosling as "the thinking woman's crumpet" - a title previously held by Michael Ignatieff. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Where the distinction between reliable and unreliable information is unclear, quackery, soothsaying, and magical thinking thrive.
  • I wept from the fulness of mine, with words of sweetest kindness and consolation, he soothed and tranquillised me. Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
  • Sherman's rhythmic snoring soothed him and he liked the way his partner always smelled like buttercream frosting on a cake.
  • Closer inspection reveals the soothsayer had made a typically vague prophecy that a ‘very large robbery’ would take place across the water.
  • Marshmallow contains large sugar molecules called mucilage, which are thought to exert a soothing effect on mucous membranes, and this is the basis of most proposed uses of the herb. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • Your common sense approach soothes family moods. The Sun
  • The waters were kind and soothing and much warmer than I had expected.
  • Using a cool-mist vaporizer to humidify the air may help soothe irritated breathing passages and relieve coughing.
  • With effort, she managed to swallow the first soothing mouthful, and she sipped at the water as an epicure would savor a good wine.

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