How To Use Sonorous In A Sentence

  • Rich, warm string tone, sweet, elegant winds, and mellow, sonorous brass are the hallmarks of the ‘Saxony sound’.
  • Then the Archbishop of Canterbury stepped forward, mitre and all, and called us, in sonorous tones, to prayer. ANTI-ICE
  • The great surprise is that out of this slim body, a sonorous, powerful voice emanates vibrating with a immense nuances of expression.
  • This phraseology is grandiose, rotund and sonorous, but signifies a fatal weakness in Walcott's approach to both Brand and Philip.
  • They made a very sonorous and resonant bong.
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  • Aside from the linguistic challenges they pose, these ancient artificial, noncewords, with their sonorous, cantillating, rhyming, and rhythmical variations on phonetic themes, have intrigued and fascinated scholars who try to divine the rules governing their formation. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 1
  • He is undoubtedly a ** sonorous dactylist'* — and to him I add Mr. Jenner, Proctor of the Commons, and Commissary of St. PauVs, who is a gentleman of indefatigable politeness in opening the Archives of a The Rolliad, in Two Parts: Probationary Odes for the Laureatship; and Political Eclogues and ...
  • The trinity of "liberté, egalité, fraternité" outlived those who had butchered in its name, and was deposed from the French currency only during the time of Vichy (which replaced it with the less sonorous "travail, famille, patrie"). Reactionary Prophet
  • Far in the distance floated the sonorous and mournful cry of the imam calling the midday prayers.
  • Beyond the sound of their chit-chat you sense the sonorous vibe of the African bush - from the hum of mosquito through the drum of cicada to the snorts of the hippos - closing in.
  • Sonorous snores cut through the clamor of the gathering.
  • The music which produced the miraculous effect was that of Kouei, the Orpheus of the Chinese, whose performance on the _king_, a kind of harmonicon constructed of slabs of sonorous stone, would draw wild animals around him and make them subservient to his will. Brave Men and Women Their Struggles, Failures, And Triumphs
  • His sonorous, actorly tones boom around the enclosed space, a mark of his self-confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus the experience of London becomes deep and sonorous. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's just too big,’ says Adam, as he gently pushes the clapper until it just touches the bell, producing a deep, sonorous rumble.
  • And throughout the edifice resound the jubilantly sonorous harmonies from the organ. 10/01/2002 - 11/01/2002
  • The kalintang resembles the sticcado and the harmonica; the more common ones having the cross-pieces, which are struck with two little hammers, of split bamboo, and the more perfect of a certain composition of metal which is very sonorous. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • Possessing a sonorous and easy-to-listen-to voice, the recordings would be a good starting point for anyone interested in exploring different spiritual outlooks from around the globe.
  • He's developed a visceral revulsion toward his fellow humans, a profoundly misanthropic impulse that he dresses up in the sonorous language of ‘biophilia.’
  • His voice wafted over the crowd as sonorously as ever.
  • However, it soon becomes clear, that this is an inversion of cinematic practice, with the sonorously intoned Russian voice-over and English subtitles providing the drive in place of visual information.
  • At the same time, the slow and sonorous solemnity with which, while he bent himself down, he addressed a little thick short-legged boy, contrasted with the boy's aukwardness and awe, could not but excite some ludicrous emotions [948]. Life Of Johnson
  • But then the full moon rose in cloudless serenity, and at length we heard, faintly, then more distinctly, and then in all its deep and sonorous harmony, the tolling of the cathedral bell, which announced our vicinity to a great city. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • And the creole street-cries, uttered in a sonorous, far-reaching high key, interblend and produce random harmonies very pleasant to hear. Two Years in the French West Indies
  • In some den of an apartment I will no doubt find the cockroach of enlightenment, a supralapsarian dispensationalist with whom I will share a love of Yeats and Brahms, and we will debate in sonorous and unending Spanish sentences of desultory, copious punctuation. Changes and Vicissitudes of the Unexamined Life « Unknowing
  • The voice was measured and serene, deep sonorous and guttural. JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
  • And this, in my opinion, is the reason why the night is more sonorous, and the day less; since in the day, the heat rarefying the air makes the empty spaces between the particles to be very little. Essays and Miscellanies
  • His senses responded only to the sonorous music of the woods; a steadfast wind ringing metallic melody from the pine-tops contented him as the sound of the sea does the sailor; and dear as the odors of the ocean to the mariner were the resinous scents of the forest to him. A Mountain Woman
  • Here, the _Theseus_ -- here, the _Vanguard_;" as he spoke each name sonorous, -- Ride to the Lady And Other Poems
  • The sonorous voice of the speaker echoed round the room.
  • The great surprise is that out of this slim body, a sonorous, powerful voice emanates vibrating with a immense nuances of expression.
  • The voice was measured and serene, deep sonorous and guttural. JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
  • Sniffing at them curiously, and not finding their scent to his taste, he lifted his slim muzzle, and "belled" sonorously several times, pausing between the calls to listen for an answer from the forest. The Watchers of the Trails A Book of Animal Life
  • When it struck the second boot it clanged sonorously, like an old, dented gong, upended in a cellar. BEHINDLINGS
  • Toury and Les Aubrais had been left behind, when, at Beaugency, they at last ceased their chat, on hearing Sister Hyacinthe clap her hands and intonate in her fresh, sonorous voice: The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • It concludes with a modern-day Bach chorale in the winds and a restatement of the stately, sonorous string chords from the opening procession.
  • Redmayne's costume (an elegant gown with a high, beehive hairdo) gave him an aristocratic deportment which he emphasised with graceful movements and slow, sonorous speech.
  • My advice then is to mistrust the sonorous catch-words (13) of the sophist, and not to despise the reasoned conclusions (14) of the philosopher; for the sophist is a hunter after the rich and young, the philosopher is the common friend of all; he neither honours nor despises the fortunes of men. The Sportsman
  • My advice then is to mistrust the sonorous catch-words394 of the sophist, and not to despise the reasoned conclusions395 of the philosopher; for the sophist is a hunter after the rich and young, the philosopher is the common friend of all; he neither honours nor despises the fortunes of men. On Hunting
  • After all, A Comedy Of Errors has a sonorous, declamatory opening.
  • Here one walks beside deep, grassy trenches, which appear to continue without end, along the forest level; farther, the wild mint and the centaurea perfume the shady nooks, the oaks and lime-trees arch their spreading branches, and the honeysuckle twines itself round the knotty shoots of the hornbeam, whence the thrush gives forth her joyous, sonorous notes. The French Immortals Series — Complete
  • The programme strained to be fair - and managed some intelligence and sonorous dialogue.
  • Sonorous snores cut through the clamor of the gathering.
  • These, however, were evidently not the most prized portion of Mr. Polymathers's library, though he displayed them with some complacency, reading out here and there a sonorous "furrin" phrase, at which his audience said, "More power," and "Your sowl to glory," and the like. Strangers at Lisconnel
  • The voice was measured and serene, deep sonorous and guttural. JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
  • The carillon originated in the 12th century in the Low Countries when people wanted not only to make beautiful bells, but also to achieve a sonorous and concordant sound.
  • This phraseology is grandiose, rotund and sonorous, but signifies a fatal weakness in Walcott's approach to both Brand and Philip.
  • For instance, when Swinburne read her poetry he exclaimed: “I have always thought that nothing more glorious in poetry has ever been written”, and went on to say of her New Year Hymn that it was touched as with the fire and bathed as in the light of sunbeams, tuned as to chords and cadences of refluent sea-music beyond reach of harp and organ, large echoes of the serene and sonorous tides of heaven The Common Reader, Second Series
  • If sonorous undulations excited vibration in every resistant object of the environment they would undoubtedly come to arrange themselves in an order resembling the extensity suggested by Vision, though the slower rate of transmission of sound would detract from the practical simultaneity in the effect which, as we have seen, largely accounts for the perception of visual extensity. Essays Towards a Theory of Knowledge
  • Doctor McKee?" the man called in an even, sonorous voice.
  • Yet within a few short months, he was regarded by the press and the public as irreplaceable, the man who with a few choice words and sonorous phrases could transform the mood of an entire country and galvanise it to victory.
  • While his sonorous voice was a little daunting, it was counteracted by his articulate nature and respectful manner.
  • None of which was made better by that infuriating custom, whereby the waiter, after delivering the plates, stands and describes what you are about to eat in sonorous and interminable phrases. The Smartest Hotel in the World
  • The ear, whose conformation fits it to receive the various impulses of air, diversely modified, communicates to the brain the shocks or sensations; these breed the perception of sound, and generate the idea of sonorous bodies: it is this that constitutes _hearing_. The System of Nature, Volume 1
  • The hymn has a heavy, ponderous, sonorous melody that goes all the way back to the chants of the fourth century.
  • He was a musician, being given to improvising verses while accompanying himself on a lute of his own invention, shaped like a bucranium and possessing wonderful sonorousness. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • Gifted with a remarkably deep and sonorous voice, Rashid Khan has excelled in almost all facets of singing.
  • It can be summed up in the six sonorous words he himself wrote and which will be his epitaph: ‘There shall be a Scottish parliament.’
  • Most radio folk have beautiful, sonorous voices that make actually seeing them quite a letdown.
  • Turns out, "Choral" is a record label feint, a sonorous if deceptive introduction to the New York duo that was never intended to represent their oeuvre. Independent Weekly: All Recent Stories
  • a herald chosen for his sonorous voice
  • Berry chose to interpolate music from other leading choral composers including Richard Allain, whose Night wraps Shelley's poem in velvet chords as thick as darkness, adding a sonorous cello melody beautifully played by Katherine Jenkinson that floats through the stars to ravishing effect. Così fan tutte; Dream Hunter; Commotio; Stephen Hough, LPO/Alsop – review
  • And after holding a sonorous B-major chord, the orchestra sets off on the most famous use of galloping anapestic meter in classical music. The Splendid Start to a Farewell to Opera
  • When you respond to their outrageous demands, speak in the quiet and sonorous voice of reason.
  • His voice was sonorous now and, for the first time, he seemed truly confident. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a 10-minute homage to himself, sonorously narrated by Gregory Peck and made on the orders of the White House staff to introduce the new president to a sceptical public after Kennedy's assassination.
  • Thus the experience of London becomes deep and sonorous. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘I wanted to be a politician,’ he says in that voice, sonorous, well-tempered, deceptively weary, every syllable pronounced for maximum just-so.
  • That, of course, was the sonorous voice of Helen Thomas.
  • The production throughout is rich and rounded: all sonorous bass-end and shimmering top.
  • The rich sonorous voice came from behind and above Sean.
  • The Pindaric ode - which is typically passionate, visionary, and sonorous - is modelled on the lyrics of Pindar.
  • What else can one expect with the rhythmic beats, sonorous sounds and the passion that emanated as they went about weaving magic ecstatically on their instruments.
  • Five preludes for solo cello imaginatively explore a restricted sonorous range of bowing, staccato and spiccato.
  • A beautiful terzetto describes with inimitable grace the gently sloping hills covered with their verdure, the leaping of the fountain into the light, and the flights of birds, and a bass solo in sonorous manner takes up the swimming fish, closing with "the upheaval of Leviathan from the deep," who disports himself among the double-basses. The Standard Oratorios Their Stories, Their Music, And Their Composers
  • The bushes near Carleton Beck exuded the deep sonorous zoom sound of queen red-tailed and buff-tailed bumblebees, and all around the lee side of the thicket were the hoverflies known technically as Eristalis intricarius. Country diary: Claxton, Norfolk
  • Peter Sculthorpe loves the cello's full, sonorous timbre and this recording strikingly demonstrates his expert use of it.
  • In the sonorous words of Schiller: ‘The temples remained sacred to the eye of the beholder long after their Gods had become figures of fun.’
  • The music which produced the miraculous effect was that of Kouei, the Orpheus of the Chinese, whose performance on the king, a kind of harmonicon constructed of slabs of sonorous stone, would draw wild animals around him and make them subservient to his will. Brave Men and Women
  • His voice used to be sonorous, melodious, and relaxing to her most of the time, but lately, he nearly always sounded impatient, stressed, or angry.
  • It seemed by the distant hum as if somebody's bees had swarmed, and that the neighbors, according to Virgil's advice, by a faint tintinnabulum upon the most sonorous of their domestic utensils, were endeavoring to call them down into the hive again. Walden~ Chapter 07 (historical)
  • It would not be a very dramatic story had he said, in sonorous tones, "25 percent of our 8th grade students are 'below basic' in reading, and that figure includes students who are learning English and students with disabilities. Ravitch on how wrong 'Superman' really is
  • Tall, imposing and with a sonorous speaking voice, Mark was gifted with many talents, but he always knew -- since he heard Art Tatum as a kid -- that he was a jazzer. Melody Breyer-Grell: Conversation With Mark Murphy -- The Last Word in Vocal Jazz?
  • And the sonorous souls of Russian verbs, lend a meaning to the wild gesticulation of trees or to some discarded newspaper sliding and pausing, and shuffling again, with abortive flaps and apterous jerks along an endless windswept embankment. Anecdotal Evidence
  • This contained a liberal amount of sonorous words derived from the Latin, such as "campestral," "lapidescent, History of American Literature
  • Switzerland's Christian Zehnder and Balthasar Streiff are more than simply a duo playing the human voice and the sonorous, avalanche-inducing alpenhorn off each other.
  • Bosambo returned the messenger, with presents more valueless, and an assurance of friendship more sonorous, more complete in rhetoric and aptness of hyperbole, and when the messenger had gone Bosambo showed his appreciation of N'gori's love by doubling the guard about the Ochori city and sending a strong picket under his chief headman to hold the river bend. Bones Being Further Adventures in Mr. Commissioner Sanders' Country
  • Texting, you see, is not done in rounded, sonorous sentences like those I endeavour to produce for you, my dear readers, on a weekly basis. The benefits of chatspeak
  • Beginning with pastoral birdsong, then passing through bitonal turbulence, it gradually gathered its energies into a sonorous dancing finale. Times, Sunday Times
  • She began chanting, the words sonorous and liquid.
  • Perhaps if the cast had stronger personalities and more sonorous voices, the production would have a less half-hearted effect.
  • What it is doing is trying to hitchhike on those sonorous words that bring tears to the eyes of mothers every weekend.
  • Sonorous as thunder was it, mellow as a golden bell, thin and sweet as a thrummed taut cord of silver - no; it was none of these, nor a blend of these. THE RED ONE
  • This track, from a rereleased 1981 live album, Standstill to Motion, is a doleful delight, its sonorous vocals conveying a sense of internal warfare. F&M playlist
  • `Better agree on the cold," said Matty in his sonorous voice, `because yer man is after parkin ' on the seafront. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • The sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church.
  • Passing the stone outcropping, a solitary monolith holding sway against the boisterous sea, a pod of dolphins cavorted on the waves, adding their own sonorous clicks and whistles to the voices of the airborne choir.
  • The tall, square-jawed actor with a deep, sonorous voice made more than 50 films in a career spanning six decades.
  • The chimes were also brought onto the altar at Christmas only, to replace the rather sonorous sound of the gong.
  • In full view, and lit up by the reflected radiance flung out from the dome, a rushing waterfall made sonorous surgy music of its own as it tumbled headlong into a rocky recess overgrown with lotus-lilies and plumy fern, -- here and there, small, white and gold tents or pavilions glimmered invitingly through the shadows cast by the great magnolia trees, from whose lovely half-shut buds balmy odors crept deliciously through the warm air. Ardath
  • Marcellinus spits the venom of a Greek subject — perjuriis illectus, interfectusque est, (in Chron.)] 23 The sonorous and servile oration of Ennodius was pronounced at Milan or Ravenna in the years The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Deep, rich and sonorous, it was the kind of basso profundo that ricocheted around the tile walls with stunning clarity, like the Whispering Gallery atop St. Paul's Cathedral. Family von catt
  • Luther's Protestantism is a grand theology, a sonorous earnest hardheaded Christianity.
  • Dewar, who came to embody the thrifty character of the nation, had a vision which is encapsulated in those first six sonorous words.
  • But, I understand, the great disturbers of the room where Mad. de ____ sleeps are two chanoines, whose noses are so sonorous and so untuneable as to produce a sort of duet absolutely incompatible with sleep; and one of the company is often deputed to interrupt the serenade by manual application _mais tout en badinant et avec politesse_ [But all in pleasantry, and with politeness.] to the offending parties. A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Complete Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • Every year 70,000 tourists walk among the dripping forests, where relative humidity routinely reaches 100 percent, and marvel at the wealth of wildlife, from the ruby red-eyed tree frog to the sonorous blue-crowned motmot. The Forest In The Clouds
  • Then came Yo-Yo Ma '76, swaying and ecstatic, playing sonorous Bach on his cello. Afterward, President Drew Faust joined him on the tented stage in front of the Memorial Church.
  • Music was an abiding interest and he had a fine singing as well as a sonorous speaking voice.
  • After having spent an hour or so with WORDSWORTH'S sonnets I found my head so full of his sonorous adjuratory music that when in the middle of the night I woke as usual -- from three to four is the worst time -- my wooing of reluctant sleep took on a new fashion, and instead of repeating verses I made them. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, April 18, 1917
  • She did not even shiver when the front door of the basement closed, and she heard the sonorous birring of the motor, drowning the giddy voices of the servants, grow fainter and fainter until it finally ceased altogether. Scottish Ghost Stories
  • They speak their lines clearly, but it all sounds as artificially sonorous as a radio play. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chesterfield Kings he smoked made his voice sonorous and his throat clearing a bronchial event.
  • Bridge is sung sonorously but very low-key and just when you think it is going to fade away like the dying light, the band, a percussive juggernaut, bounces dramatically into Graceland.
  • Aside from some frayed wind intonation, the orchestra played with rich, sonorous beauty.
  • I find this inexplicable for two reasons: One, 'churidar' is a lovely, sonorous word, and all Indians know what it means. The India Uncut Blog
  • To describe wind-tossed newsprint as "apterous" and to hear in it "the sonorous souls of Russian verbs" distills in three syllables his life in exile. Anecdotal Evidence
  • The boom of the bell and the drum calling everyone to pray at 4.30 in the morning had a powerful sonorous sound with an eerie mystical feel that was palpable, not imagined.
  • If in the above situation of the tongue and teeth a sound be produced in the mouth, and the sonorous air be forced between them, the sonisibilant Th is formed, as in Thee; and should have an appropriated character as [*]. Note XV
  • A muezzin called the midmorning prayer, his sonorous moan taken up by a hundred other amplified voices. Gold of Kings
  • The heap of gold became as turbulent as the water of a cascade, and leaped and sang; the millions of little sonorous coins clashed against each other, and then all was silent and they vanished. In the Yule-Log Glow, Book II Christmas Tales from 'Round the World
  • He possesses a rich, warm, sonorous voice, betraying further evidence of his Englishness - a confident, erudite speaker, and yet punctuated with ums, ahs, and halting hesitancy.
  • Then the Archbishop of Canterbury stepped forward, mitre and all, and called us, in sonorous tones, to prayer. ANTI-ICE
  • The sonorous sounds of the synthesizer and guitar soon take over.
  • The sonorous voice of the speaker echoed round the hall.
  • To visitation of the impassive air," is a sonorous verse; but it is not Dante's verse, unless _all detached_ means _on every side is open to visitation_, and _impassive air_ means The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 118, August, 1867
  • Those sonorous words did not emanate from Donald Graham or Arthur Sulzberger Jr., but from William Dean Singleton, one of the most controversial figures in the newspaper world.
  • He had assembled a tremendous fighting force of sonorous words.
  • Audiences may not always understand what doors King is trying to open, but they do respond to his sonorous language.
  • And, Mary, inthralled, enrapt, adoring her father, and seeing every picture conjured up by his sonorous rhythm or quaint phrase, was much more familiar with the deeds and gossip of King New Faces
  • the congregation consisted chiefly of a few young folk, who snored sonorously
  • It is not only some politicians who have been guilty of sonorous but meaningless platitudes in the wake of the election result. Times, Sunday Times
  • He looked round, twinkling, for a laugh to follow what he meant for a joke; and the obsequious bandsmen uttered a sniggering kind of concreted grin, followed instantly by a loud-toned sonorous _Phoomp_! from the huge bell-mouth of the contra-bass. The Queen's Scarlet The Adventures and Misadventures of Sir Richard Frayne
  • A distant toll resounds, a titan’s tone born in a bell tower, sonorous in stone, as echoes, round a temple’s vaulted dome, of droning rote recited from a tome to tell the trundle of our times from womb to tomb: The Lucifer Cantos 6/13
  • A man of sonorous voice seems to be ruminating on the nature of beauty.
  • And if it takes half an hour or so to gain his confidence, that famously sonorous voice is soon in full flow. Times, Sunday Times
  • To visitation of the impassive air," is a sonorous verse; but it is not Dante's verse, unless _all detached_ means _on every side is open to visitation_, and _impassive air_ means The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 118, August, 1867
  • His voice was sonorous now and, for the first time, he seemed truly confident. Times, Sunday Times
  • Krauthammer learned just enough about Yemen to clear his throat sonorously and make empty beard-stroking gestures. wiley Says: Matthew Yglesias » Before We Launch a Proxy War in Yemen….
  • Luther's Protestantism is a grand theology, a sonorous earnest hardheaded Christianity.
  • Once, he had wanted to write the definitive tome on the stages of a butterfly’s lifecycle—egg, larva, chrysalis, imago—in the sonorous language of lepidopterology. The Lady Matador’s Hotel
  • Nearly 400 objects from scores of collections in 21 countries were reverentially presented in a suite of sonorously colored galleries.
  • High up and near at hand a deep bell sonorously tolled the hour.
  • They speak their lines clearly, but it all sounds as artificially sonorous as a radio play. Times, Sunday Times
  • The elder buck rejoiced in the sonorous title of "Minne-tronk-ske-wan," but divers convictions for insobriety under the Indian Liquor Act, and the facetious tongue of The Luck of the Mounted A Tale of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police
  • And if it takes half an hour or so to gain his confidence, that famously sonorous voice is soon in full flow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deep, rich and sonorous, it was the kind of basso profundo that ricocheted around the tile walls with stunning clarity, like the Whispering Gallery atop St. Paul's Cathedral." has to be the most eloquent writing on the topic I have ever read. Push butt
  • The third canto to Polwhele's poem describes a Eastern-style hunt with a Nabob, alluding specifically to Somervile's treatment of the subject in "sonorous lines Notes
  • Now Governor Lowe, with courtly manner and in sonorous tones, took up his part in the drama, beginning with the prisoner's alleged reckless youth as brought out in Miss Madison's testimony, mainly. Hagar's Daughter: A Story of Southern Caste Prejudice
  • In particular it illustrates how wide the gap is between the sonorous resolutions of the Security Council and the situations that hard-pressed humanitarian workers and others often have to deal with in the field.
  • He enchanted the audience with his sonorous voice and his evocations of Milan.
  • The semivocal sounds are produced by the stream of air having received quick vibrations, or clear sound, in passing through the larynx, or in the cavity of the mouth; but apart of it, as the outsides of this sonorous current of air, afterwards receives slower vibrations, or hissing sound, from some other passages of the lips or mouth, through which it then flows. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • The lush, transparent strings, sweet toned winds, sonorous brass, and bracing percussion congealed into a first rate ensemble.
  • Musically, the next, extended subsection is built around the brooding, mainly narrowstepped cantus in violas, (later with cellos and horns), shown in Ex.1b, with sonorous chords above and below which settle on a sustained C in the bass.
  • If the Planetary Society tends to exhort its more than 50,000 members in sonorous terms, conversation in the carriage house was speculative and playful. Across the Universe

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