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How To Use Song In A Sentence

  • In 1984, he started Oh Boy as an outlet for his songwriting.
  • In 1949, "pseudo folksongs" were banned by Dalstroi, the Gulag mining camps in Kolyma. Not so secret: deal at the heart of UK-US intelligence
  • Demos they may be but these Hazlewood rarities are rounded, rustic country songs: lustrous and lustful, quirkily and dryly humorous, yet poignant stories from the other side of love.
  • For a few odd and unsettling moments, the song hovers on its own, left virtually untouched except for the subtle fuzz of static in the background.
  • The group had cobbled together a few decent songs.
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  • There are some sharp lines and a couple of catchy songs but there's also a lot of turgid stuff. Times, Sunday Times
  • The production sounds a little soupy here, but I think it really adds to the song if you can understand that.
  • Solomon himself impersonated the phallic god Baal-Rimmon, "Lord of the Pomegranate," when he was united with his divine bride, the mysterious Shulamite, and drank the juice of her pomegranate Song of Solomon 8:2. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Not only by the immense number of adherents that were won to his views during his lifetime, but also by the literary productions he left behind him, Tsong K'aba's influence has been great during the last five centuries of Tibetan history. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Will you sing a song to us?
  • ‘I had a dream,’ said Logan in his sing-song voice.
  • Get an up close insight on the early song writing technics that produced several timeless Lynyrd Skynyrd Albums. Ronnie Van Zant Speaks « Lynyrd Skynyrd Dixie
  • A wistful little architectural songwriting gem. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, thankfully, Neil Diamond's Cherry Cherry Christmas includes a version of "The Chanukah Song" that should give that mensch Adam Sandler a whole lot of nachas. David Wild: The Perfect Semitic Storm: Five Reasons Everybody Should Buy the New Christmas Albums by Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan And Barry Manilow This Season
  • Yet marital relations were a constant theme of controversy, discussion, humour and, of course, song.
  • Referring to some of the songs of that year, it complained that ‘some fellow gets shot, and his baby and his best friend both die with him, and some cat's crying or ready to die’.
  • It is this potential for music to express contradictory, sometimes inexpressible emotions that drives Ward to write songs.
  • This is mostly true for fans, friends, and family of unsung folk hero Tim Hardin, the prolific songster who wasted his life living wasted.
  • They were too cool to play an encore, or perhaps they had simply run out of songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the garden, no other property is visible and the only sound is that of birdsong.
  • I record my favourite songs onto blank tapes to play in the car and I normally do them by mood or genre.
  • The sow, the mouse and the cow sounded a rousing song.
  • Cereal song earth: Fictitious tellurion software, be together satellitic picture, map, encyclopedia and flight simulator conformity, decorate in an earth on three-dimensional model.
  • The band are hoping to relaunch their career with a new song and a new image.
  • His songs had gone from sublime to bizarre, compounded by his friendship with oddball lyricist Van Dyke Parks.
  • The same mythologem is also active in Dylan's opus, where - with the inclusion of the deepest part of the psyche - came to the repetition and extension of the transformation process, explicitly expressed in Dylan's song "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again" from 1966: Expecting Rain
  • the morphological relation between `sing' and `singer' and `song' is derivational
  • Quick Tag (Mac): Quickly add tags to the current song playing in iTunes with a simple, universal keyboard shortcut and autocompletion for quick tagging. The 23 Best iTunes Add-ons | Lifehacker Australia
  • For the whole night, under the influence of a hallucinogen called yagé, the healer sings his song the power of which is due not to words, lyrics, or poetry.
  • Some of his more drunken friends burst into song.
  • Beddoes as a writer of brief lyric poems, songs exhumed from the bodies of his dramas, and for the bizarre, sprawling Death's Jest Book. Introduction
  • The band then romp through three road songs that most people would die for to have in their repertoire, each single one would get people leaping about on the dance floor at a college hop.
  • And evidently this time apart allowed the two to approach their partnership rejuvenated and ready for some serious woodshedding, as they reportedly recorded dozens of tracks before pruning down to these relatively lean 14 songs.
  • After the triumph followed the faire Parthenopeian _Leria_, with a lawrell crowne, accompanied with _Melanthia_, whose habites and voices represented the pride of Greece, [A] whereupon the great Macedon rested his head: She bare a splendent lampe, communicating the light thereof with hir companion, then the rest more excellent both in voice and song. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • Between them, father and son have carved out a place where the song, the voice and the delivery of a real and recognisable emotion are paramount. Times, Sunday Times
  • In many cases, well-qualified songs from musicals, operettas, vaudeville, and revues, as well as variety shows, music hall, and cafe concert, were recruited for use in cabarets.
  • Purrhaps u wud be so kind as to acco- accom- plai ur song so ai can sing it? “Fedge teh stickz” dog saiz. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • But it is highly unlikely that Bertrand found the trip as boring as his song implies.
  • In the Virginia songs, on the other hand, the chorus is usually sung twice after each verse -- often the second time with some such interjaculatory expression as "I say now," "God say you must," as given in Slave Songs of the United States.
  • She transposed the song into a different key.
  • In dunnocks, females may use song to compete for males, and in the alpine accentor, females attract males by song.
  • The song and minstrelsy of Wales have from the earliest period of its history been nurtured by its eisteddfodau. The Poetry of Wales
  • The two-piece brass section added a full and funky sound that helped detract from the sameness and blandness of many of Mayer's songs.
  • The songs are irritatingly infectious with enough angst to keep the moodiest teenagers frowning.
  • One of his previous books on natural history, The Song of the Dodo, dealt with island biogeography and endangered species.
  • ‘I try to write songs that people can find something to relate to - I'm more Neil Young than Will Young,’ he jested.
  • A wonderful song with a beautiful melody and dreamlike chord changes. Times, Sunday Times
  • So now you know the words to our song, pretty soon you'll all be singing along.
  • I've never heard of that song.
  • Even with a load of electronic gadgetry, you still need some musical ability to write a successful song.
  • Even two songs cut with hot producer Gavin Brown and ace keyboardist Richard Bell are merely passable.
  • She breezed through the song as though she'd been singing it for years.
  • However, introduction of songs which are rather playful in nature is quite new to the Gondi culture.
  • I don't really wanna tweak the songs too much. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that the singer was Spanish and that the programme printed the song title with a tilde might have been a clue, anyway.
  • Featuring Simpson's virtuosity on guitar, banjo and ukulele, this collection of songs and tunes, mainly recorded in New Orleans, is a homage to the American South.
  • Arabic influence may have some part in the genesis of the songs, although the tonality of the Cantigas (mainly Dorian and Mixolydian modes) and basic structure are European; the virelai serves as the basic form, already in use with the Latin conductus, and divided into refrain – mudanza – vuelta – refrain (AA-bb-aa-AA, as in N.º 361). Archive 2009-07-01
  • One who loves not wine, woman and song, remains a fool his whole life long. 
  • Irresistible, her lone Motown LP, the label cannibalized some of the solo songs and remixed them into duets. NPR Topics: News
  • A group of four youths from Cape Town "rapped" two songs about ANC Daily News Briefing
  • That last post might have been a completely unintentional plagiarism of a song that I haven't heard for probably eighteen years.
  • You'll remember "Day by Day" if you were around in the '70s, but the other songs are, if anything, even catchier. That Wild and Crazy Messiah
  • This loveable rascal is probably best known for the Jamaican ska beat that is the signature of much of his song-writing.
  • I perfected the sing-song voice.
  • Though never quite managing to hit commercial paydirt, Glasgow-born singer/songwriter John Martyn has carved out an acclaimed career by purveying an idiosyncratic mix of rock, folk and jazz.
  • The delectable little Dutch songs with which she used to dulcify the house grew less and less frequent, and she would forget her sewing and look wistfully in her father's face as he sat pondering by the fireside. Tales of a Traveller
  • Perhaps strangest of all, the American troops brought in their own "psyops" trucks - for psychological operations - and blared sounds that created a nightmarish duet with the mosques: old AC/DC songs, something that sounded like a sonar ping, the cavalry charge. Archive 2004-11-01
  • It was passed through history by the Shaking Quakers, the Shakers, and that particular song is a call to simplicity, which is very interesting.
  • In most cases, each song is given melodic depth by MacKaye's baritone guitar and Farina's stripped-kit drumming.
  • And, then, before he knew it, another song had started up; the same voice, the same wonderful, mind-blowing music.
  • Her eyes missed nothing; her dainty close-set ears heard all -- the short, dry note of a chewink, the sweet, wholesome song of the cardinal, the thrilling cries of native jays and woodpeckers, the heavenly outpoured melody of the Florida wren, perched on some tiptop stem, throat swelling under the long, delicate, upturned bill. The Firing Line
  • He pulled over, struggling with the words to the classic song by that skinny girl who died in a closet.
  • He needn't worry about that song causing a riot. The Sun
  • Any members who wish to perform a dance sing a song or entertain on the night are welcome.
  • A great songsmith and a careful performer, despite what he would have us all believe, Gough is not an interesting stadium prospect, especially when the set is 40 minutes long.
  • Plug it in to your computer to charge the battery and transfer songs.
  • Her dreamy, cinematic songs were bewitching, her jerky dance moves beguiling. Times, Sunday Times
  • She performed the song with practised skill.
  • Learn how to use field marks, habitat, behavior, and song to identify birds.
  • Barilla is another example: it is built on the classic Italian image of tomato sauce, pasta, a carefree way of life, songs and sun.
  • Between songs he crouches and we can all hear the plunk plunk of strings being tuned.
  • Diana's house was crowded with happy people whose spontaneous outbursts of song were accompanied by lively music.
  • Their songs have a certain elegant charm and a quality of innocence that's genuinely disarming.
  • Mathieson's legacy to folklore included not only his own extensive oral repertoire of folksong but a manuscript collection of 545 songs written down in 3 huge ledgers as he heard them through the years, beginning as a schoolboy and continuing in the bothies, chaulmers and farm kitchens where he feed as a farm servant. Noo I'm a Young Man Cut Down in My Prime
  • There are motifs, themes, and recurring melodies, all the things you'd expect from one song blown up to forty minutes.
  • The music is fantastic and songs from all genres are covered. The Sun
  • Ola also claimed certain couples get preferential treatment when it comes to routines and song choices. The Sun
  • The song, printed below, which had its first airing on BBC Radio Swindon, is a blend of guitar and keyboard work with some uplifting words of encouragement for the boys.
  • The twang of a guitar string resounded periodically, but never a song.
  • On another song, she was accompanied by a montage of dozens of her previous incarnations.
  • As for the remaining four songs, 'Wrapped Around Your Finger' and 'Tea In The Sahara' are doomy ciphers, the former possibly about marriage, the latter open to a handful of interpretations, none of them exactly upbeat, while 'Synchronicity I' is a trifle explaining the title concept and the monster hit 'Every Breath You Take', is ostensibly a trite love song with it's icy and obsessive core just barely concealed. Synchronicity
  • He sings each song twice over.
  • he swings breezily into the title song
  • The ensemble themselves had recorded many of their songs on tape over the years.
  • All the males in one population sing the same song, but occasionally they invent an entirely new one.
  • The blind man had finished his song; he began thrumming the strings again and singing amusing ballads.
  • As you probably know, some music fans are now sampling and mashing together two or more songs and trading the results online.
  • Unable to contain their joy, boys of Punjab broke into a song prompting their friends to do a jig.
  • Earlier albums were often melodic yet somehow not catchy, but focused songwriting here makes the riffs memorably hooky.
  • Like "just A moment," the album sees the act expanding the posthardcore sounds that dominated their early releases. "shandy" starts as an experimental pop song filled with dizzying distorted noises and then morphs into a dramatic rocker. "this is is this?" is the disc's most dynamic composition. Japan News latest RSS headlines - The Japan News.Net
  • Firstly, the verbal preambles to nearly all of his songs seemed very long and involved - a shortcoming of many singer/song-writers.
  • Tasteful decor, melodious songs and shafts of sunlight from the ample windows provide the perfect ambience for appreciating the subtleties and splendours of curry cuisine.
  • These largely acoustic songs reacquaint us with his tremulous, soulful vocals and cutting lyrical style.
  • Given the background music, the contestants have to identify the song and sing it.
  • The Jolly Bottle, the Jolly Bottle, "cried Habershaw, pronouncing this word according to ancient usage, with the accent on the last syllable, as if spelt" bottel; "" give us the Jolly Bottle, we all know the chorus of that song. Horse-Shoe Robinson: A Tale of the Tory Ascendency.
  • Like most pop music, this song transitions from a relatively calm verse to a more raucous chorus.
  • The program started off ascetically with "Six Studies in English Folksong" which the program warned us were "very melancholic," continued with a song cycle for violin and tenor called "Along the Field" to poems by A.E. Houseman, and finished off the first half with insanely Pre-Raphaelite lushness to a song cycle set to Dante Gabriel Rosetti poems called "The House of Life. Thomas Glenn Sings Vaughan Williams
  • Do you have a favorite cover version of one of your songs?
  • And in that shrill voice of his, he would begin singing a song he had just written. The Other Side of Me
  • ( "Madamina il catalogo") popularly known as the "Catalogue Song," which is full of broad humor, though its subject is far from possessing that quality. The Standard Operas (12th edition) Their Plots, Their Music, and Their Composers
  • The musical evening bubbled with songs and dances.
  • Their songs were born to dwell in long-lost cabarets and quaint bars that fall just short of seediness.
  • He has always liked to stitch his folk songwriting to a muted electronic backbeat, and he retains that sense of cautious experimentalism here.
  • (Soundbite of kalimba) Mr. BERGMAN: And then there's another one, this is the - the one that I was just telling you about, the street sweeper tines from the Eastern Market, and this one is very sort of strange instrument, but it's not one that we use on too many songs. NOMO: The Sonic Maelstrom Of 'Ghost Rock'
  • That said, lines can still be traced between the glory days and the swan songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The amhrán or song metres have a richly assonated stanzaic form, and are also accentual.
  • The music is the best thing about the film, which includes spirituals, work songs, a lullaby, and a great sequence in a saloon with honky-tonk jazz.
  • As the song reaches a crescendo, she drops to her knees, lost in the raw emotion of her thoughts. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was left to the experts to explain the use of metaphor in the songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next came scores of Yeshiva students singing stirring songs about the greatness of the Torah.
  • Even now he is flooded with offers, still he has resolved to keep off since he is averse to writing songs for set tunes.
  • With some discs, it might not much matter; however, this album is not just a collection of songs that could be shuffled about.
  • They compose the songs on the spot.
  • It contains, among other things of merit, a lullaby, called "Sleep, Little Tulip," with a remarkably artistic and effective pedal-point on two notes (the submediant and the dominant) sustained through the entire song with a fine fidelity to the words and the lullaby spirit; a "Nocturne" in which Nevin has revealed an unsuspected voluptuousness in Mr. Aldrich 'little lyric, and has written a song of irresistible climaxes. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • So Foster's got this vaguely martyr-like songbird persona she's working, and sometimes the devious witch bit sticks out too, as on ‘Crackerjack Fool’.
  • Pink Elephants on Parade" and "When I See an Elephant Fly" are the only songs that stick out.
  • Any record company that believes illicit song file distribution hinders their ability to sell music is deceiving itself - how else will anyone find out about the gazillion CDs that are out there?
  • But in a funny way our very brains are the things we use to compose lyrics and we draw on things to write songs.
  • Such songbirds were considered the most elegant and refined of pets, a living reference to traditional Chinese art and poetry.
  • The great thing is that this voting has nothing whatsoever to do with the merits of the song, but gives the Eurovision nations an opportunity to buddy up with their neighbours or sneer at old enemies.
  • The songs, meanwhile, played on over city loudspeakers and local radios. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the meantime, down the road in Piraeus where Melina Mercouri was filmed in 1960 singing a song about her sacred day off from work called Never On A Sunday, the Chinese last June took over full control of the major container dock, pledging to spend $700 million to construct a new pier and upgrade existing docks. Vanessa Andris: Greece: Never on a Sunday But Bail Us Out on Monday? Defeat or Development
  • The song begins with pounding drums, around which metallic noises clatter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Music, song, dance and recitation were the order of the night in Rathkeale.
  • The music was a hybrid of western pop and traditional folk song.
  • Then we look for basic ability to sight-read tonal music i.e., in the classical style of Bach, Brahms or traditional folk song. The Master of Many Choruses
  • Dock, foxtail, jimsonweed, johnsongrass, morning glory, wild nightshades and ragweed indicate a soil low in calcium and phosphorus.
  • Much to my surprise Ben suddenly burst into song.
  • A fine singer and musician, he also writes very good songs and is a record producer of considerable note.
  • While Anna was very active whenever any good song came on, and danced like a madwoman, I hung back, studying the sea of unfamiliar faces.
  • Notes about each song including lyrics can be found on the individual song page linked below.
  • From the opening song, with its heavy guitar and upbeat rocky riff, you can see that she loves her fanbase and wants to show it a good time.
  • Now you can reimagine anything: a novel, a song, a sandwich.
  • Sure, there were film songs sung with verve, dances and a skit, and games for children scampering around.
  • In turning it to a danceable 8/4 rhythm they completely lost the appealing lilt of the song.
  • Lying on my straw mat, 1 heard the music box playing that song 1 had grown to hate so much. 1 beard Miss Banner's door open, then clow 1 put my hands over my ears. The secret sense
  • A few unnecessary flights of melisma aside, the Best R&B Performance class works too; it includes songs by Marsha Ambrosius, Ledisi, Kelly Price & Stokely, Corinne Bailey Rae and Charlie Wilson. The Grammys Again Defy Common Sense
  • Most of the rest of the songs, original and traditional, are performed in blackface to illustrate the progress of his minstrel career.
  • She draws on a popular call-and-response song that celebrates agentive female sexuality.
  • One may search these "Salt Water Ballads" through from the opening line of "Consecration" to "The Song At Parting" and find no faint suggestion of that deep religious glory of "The Everlasting Mercy. Giant Hours with Poet Preachers
  • We don't write songs as singles, and both this album and the next one will just be a collection of songs.
  • By way of contrast, Mojo Box represents a return to form: a lean, dandy album of greasy stomps, twangy guitars, and good songs.
  • At the commencement of the next song, the girl turns around to face her partner.
  • I played dumb, as if it wasn't my most favorite song in the entire world.
  • He is the only person to be inducted to the respective halls of fame for rock musicians, country artists, and songwriters.
  • Everybody always talks about her amazing voice, but she's a great songwriter too. Times, Sunday Times
  • No need to fork out for brands that make a song and dance about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • For years people have been trying to fathom the mysteries of the whale's song.
  • It was founded by its two co-chairmen, Michael Hibberd and Shen Songning in 2007 and has raised a total of C$451 million so far through private equity sales and private placements. Sunshine Oilsands Postpones Hong Kong IPO
  • I danced into the morning to celebrate the coming-of-age of young men and fell asleep in a dark hut while marriages and deaths were commemorated in song.
  • It's an instrumental album featuring classical instrumentation, it features gorgeous packaging, and most of the song titles are either in French or chock full of commas.
  • Smart lads, they hadn't flaunted the loot, bragged about the heist, or written a rap song memorializing the event.
  • One guy who sings in a famous punk band in Seattle did a special song in our church. Christianity Today
  • There is songwriter, lead vocalist, and flutist, Johnny Burkemeister, and his brother Arlo Burkemeister who plays a Gibson EDS-1275 double neck guitar. Albatross Antics
  • He, too, was totally aware of the emotional content of each song and cut his musical cloth accordingly while accompanying with true artistry.
  • It contributed a repertory of immortal songs easily memorable by their combination of direct tunes and earthy good humour.
  • For a half-dozen albums, the sentimental chanteuse has avoided mimicking other people's songs, opting instead to bend and deconstruct the material to fit her mood.
  • Important historical events were commemorated in song.
  • familiar songs
  • Songs can be transferred to the handset using a USB connection or the phone's integrated Bluetooth link.
  • They talk and joke and sing snatches of popular songs.
  • Afterwards, Terry tells me he ended up putting in earplugs in between songs, the applause and yelling was deafening him.
  • The other half of the provincial priesthood was his, with, in addition, all the priesthood of the great cities such as Keijo, Fusan, Songdo, Pyen-Yang, Chenampo, and Chapter 15
  • The aim of the scheme is to return the cathedral to how it was hundreds of years ago and the application is for a two-storey hostry extension to provide an entrance hall, education room, community room, song school, music library, vestries, chair store and toilets. Norwich Cathedral
  • I had a reason to expect much from this work, based on other compositions of his, especially his outstanding Edgar Allan Poe song cycle for baritone and piano Lenoriana.
  • The song is a fiery mix of twanging guitar with relentless drumming.
  • Some of these songs have a varying beat and indications of some intelligent musicianship, not like the penetrating bass that thunders out from cars and flats wherever you go.
  • We can still listen to the songs of the kokako and saddleback, and the booming of the kakapo.
  • DiDonato took a broader and more dramatic perspective in two Rossini numbers, Desdemona's haunting "Willow Song" from "Otello" and a dazzlingly virtuosic encore of "Tanti affetti," the final showpiece from "La Donna del Lago. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • But the song longs for the old intoxication; he misses “drinking that sweet wine,” and the song had a gospelly buildup as he sang about getting “so high in the days gone by.” SXSW: Drinking Songs From Van Morrison - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • Indie songs are a combination of catchy riffs, guitar solos and lyrics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can you go into the song and how its title sets up the theme of the album? Mike Ragogna: Memoirs & A Tin Can Trust : Conversations with Rosanne Cash and Los Lobos' Steve Berlin
  • The two have collabed before on his song "Chandelier".
  • Other birds to benefit nationally include song thrushes, red kites, skylarks and nightjars.
  • It was a glorious swansong, and her enormous grin and triumphant punching of the air as she mounted the podium were deliciously infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grammy Award Winner Rob Thomas, VH1 and Rhapsody Partner on Multi-Platform Campaign to Bring Thomas 'New Album' cradlesong 'to Fans Everywhere advertising campaign featuring Thomas to debut on June 16th - VH1 and Rhapsody streaming new - Articles related to 'Mum, can't we have a happy meal instead?' Victoria Beckham drags her boys to Nobu ...
  • A life of poverty, tradition and religious dread suffuses songs steeped in misery and learnt by word of mouth.
  • At the same time, the province of Songkhla, which had been rebellious since 1678, was placed under French control.
  • A screaming-chorus of local popstrels accompanies one song, a marching band of local trumpeters and saxophonists another.
  • A former drug addict and reformed hellraiser, he's on the comeback trail with a sickly song that gradually starts to work its way up the charts.
  • That music is the creative force at work, the whirr of the loom of the Eternal; it is the golden-snooded Muses at song. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • It's a typically riotous mix of oompah music-hall cavortings, slurred-pitch Middle Eastern rhapsodising, luxuriously sensuous clarinet love-songs, and stormy collective blasts reminiscent of the 1960s John Coltrane quartet. Gilad Atzmon Orient House Ensemble: The Tide Has Changed
  • In connection with an item of Ru ware of the Northern Song dynasty, for instance, which many connoisseurs regard as one of the absolute pinnacles of Chinese ceramic art, the author of the pertinent catalogue entry states that certain qualities of shape and decoration “make it incredibly rare even within this exceptional group.” Archive 2009-08-01
  • A new way of imagining the song glimmers and vanishes before the chorus, as the subdued arrangement loses its subtlety and its way.
  • Man-Made is a lazy, hazy exercise in unadorned songcraft, packed with melodies that insinuate themselves with sweet simplicity.
  • This odd bathos between the particular and the immense is clear to us in tawdry pop songs and moments of solitary sublimity The Pontiff Is In...
  • They used five or six of our songs all the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • No, what is required is something contemporary, a song that at least emerged from the confusion of modern, urban Scotland, that sings of the streets rather than the rivers and sheepfolds.
  • I have recommitted myself to discovering a slower lifestyle -- I do, of course, fully believe in the power of poetry and play -- but the siren song of a highly productive life still calls compellingly to me. Christine Carter, PhD: Borrowing Time for Bliss
  • Through forty-five songs interspersed with dialogue and scriptural verses, the play emphasized the Saint's complete devotional self-surrender.

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