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How To Use Someplace In A Sentence

  • I must say this is the first vacation I have never wanted to come back from, Hawai'i is drop dead gorgeous and I have been someplaces. Life on Uncle Merlin's Island
  • I also banned her IP, because if she's going to be childish, she can do it someplace else.
  • You just start down this road and hope you end up someplace better than where you started.
  • After being told by producers that a match would run long, abbreviating the Evening News, he mysteriously found someplace better to be, thus leaving the network with more than six minutes of dead air.
  • You don't want to work at what's here, you join the Cadmians, or go someplace else, or you get stuck in the dyeworks or the mine. Alector's Choice
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  • And then there were the brothers from upstate someplace.
  • By then, close to 30 million people will be doing their work someplace other than the cubicle, say forecasters at the telework consultancy.
  • One of the things I find endearing is when you are taken someplace that makes you feel separate from the world. All Things Girl » All Things Girl » Blog Archive » Guest Post - Molly Ringwald - Date Places
  • All he wants is someplace warm, where palm trees blow in balmy breezes along a gentle, rolling surf.
  • Back then, "韓国" (Kankoku; Korea) would often bring up words such as チョン(derogatory word for Koreans, "chon"), and most Japanese would think that Korea is someplace where it's loud, noisy, and dirty. News
  • Maybe if we could go someplace together, just you and I.
  • At night, he really wanted to be someplace else, somewhere there were no feelings. JUST BETWEEN US
  • Harmon, let's go see if he's someplace obvious, like at home in bed. SILENT JOE
  • Someday when Army lets me live someplaces in America for more than a few months at a time, I rescue kittehs! Whoooaaa… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Two (realistic) places I want to see before they box me up: Barranca del Cobre and someplace in Central America (likely Costa Rica) where I can fish (tarpon and offshore), swim, herp-splore and birdwatch. Ocho cosas sobre mí
  • No nation can flee its stereotypes - think of Japanese shutterbugs, Germans in socks and sandals, and solipsistic Americans searching for someplace exotic with all the conveniences of home.
  • "Go lay down someplace Rathskeller," she said saltily to the speaker.
  • Or, if we make you so “qualmy”, stfu and go someplace you only have the fondest of fuzzy feelings for, mmmkay? Think Progress » GOP Senate Candidate Rep. Mike Castle Takes Credit For Over $5 Million In Stimulus Funds He Voted To Kill
  • ‘She was talking about learning some spells and the like here as well,’ Mira chipped in from someplace to my left, and I imprecated her with a colorful phrase inside the recesses in my brain.
  • As long as she kept her eyes on the darkening ground, Ravna could almost imagine this was someplace in her home terrane on Sjandra Kei. A Fire Upon the Deep
  • He said that he could pick me up, but of course, I suggested that I go meet him someplace.
  • You could use just downlights or two-by-four fixtures to light the space and get functional light, but it wouldn't feel like anything; it wouldn't feel as if you had arrived someplace.
  • When people think of psychedelic music and prog rock, they think of them as taking you someplace that is cosmic and untainted by anything bad.
  • What you don't want to do is go swimming at night or someplace where there are alligators.
  • Under protest, Ellie visits her mother's alma mater, an East Coast women's college which she expects to be just a bunch of snobs -- and finds herself seduced by the idea of hipness and belonging to someplace cool. Finding Wonderland: The WritingYA Weblog
  • The wind is sometimes and someplaces a bit annoying, when it blows along the channels - nice turbulence. May 8th, 2009
  • Morality, like art, means drawing a line someplace. Oscar Wilde 
  • Razi knew not what her kindred had intended to do… but, moved by force that seemed to persist outside her body, pushing her, whispering into her ear, she felt somewhere, someplace in her being, that she had to go on.
  • The news reports have hyped this achievement as the next step in a progression that will end in "Beam me up, Scotty!" transportation of human beings, the kind where you get "zapped" and reappear someplace else. Teleporatation and the Clone Test
  • Mrs. Robinson had let him retreat to someplace quiet to finish student evaluations.
  • But then comes a dish like the shredded-pork tamales in their red-chile cloak - or air-puffed sopaipillas that would only need slightly hotter frying oil to achieve greatness - and you know you're someplace real.
  • Times described "furcation" as "going someplace while on furlough or combining paid vacation days with unpaid days," while it said "staycation" means "staying at home because you can't afford to travel during your days off. Latest News -
  • The flood water tugs at the cobbles, sometimes moving them bit by bit toward someplace, anyplace, downstream.
  • Sometimes they used the flames to drive the bison someplace for easier and safer killing by people on foot.
  • She knew not whether to fear it or love it; at this moment she only wished to find someplace where she could sit, unnoticed by the sentinel who stood near the fire at the east end of the encampment.
  • My life started going someplace, someplace weird and good.
  • But the whole point of proposing a Jewish state in Kaliningrad, or Bavaria, or someplace like that, is that the Germans were the ones responsible for the Holocaust, and therefore the Germans should be the ones to pay for it. Matthew Yglesias » Goldberg: The Middle East Is Complicated and It’s All the Arabs’ Fault
  • Martin marched himself round in ever decreasing circles, like he could somehow tunnel himself out from under all his troubles, and resurface someplace where his world wasn't falling apart.
  • He needed to forget about Elizabeth and bury the love he still felt for her in a grave someplace.
  • The expert put down the bottle gingerly and looked for someplace to wipe his fingers.
  • Pantages or someplace, and she'd be draped in fur and wearing diamond-studded sunglasses (signifiers of phoniness in other words) and would say how much she wanted to thank "all the little people" out there without whom her career would have been impossible. Blogposts |
  • His own Joycean code told him he was needed someplace new. Excerpt: The Tourist by Olen Steinhauer
  • I don't know if Smith was able to get the information and hide it someplace or not.
  • It's a great place for me to perform and I wanted to do it in someplace other than San Francisco.
  • No, actually it is that little statement used in some cases by notaries that says “the statement was sworn before me on some date in someplace” but I there should be a word for bias potential in jury selection to make it sound more scientific and I propose the jurat. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jurat
  • I guess I knew someplace in the back of my head that this was just a stop, and not the destination.
  • After a "lifelong, congenital disappointment," a deeper thirst is troubling him, too, a desperate desire for a kind of beauty that seems out of reach: "He can't stop himself from mourning some lost world, he couldn't say which world exactly but someplace that isn't this. Michael Cunningham's "By Nightfall," reviewed by Ron Charles
  • Faith, it awaits down there someplace; prithee let me glimpse again. Thursday Night « Gerry Canavan
  • They know that to be poor in America is a lot better than being poor someplace else.
  • I read someplace about a neolithic site in a cave somewhere with a lot of charred hemp seeds found in the fire pit.
  • Never, ever, make an appointment when you need to be someplace else later on in the day.
  • How about putting the @ symbol someplace in the addy.
  • We could have kept shooting in the cold, but we decided to leave for someplace warmer.
  • You'd be reading it someplace where your office colleagues couldn't see you.
  • So, hmmm, I sold a few not many, mind short stories, and there have been some positive noises about two more, and someplaces have been hanging onto my stories forever, so I am in dire need of some short stories to send out. Mikandra: short stories
  • A friend of mind told me he read someplace to put it in the fridge, after all they do de-humidify. Use Cat Litter To Save Your Doused Phone | Lifehacker Australia
  • He said there must have been a moment at which his soul slipped away but he could not remember it even though all day every day he retraced his movements through that space trying to locate a someplace to go back to or a something to undo. Flicker
  • “You do have someplace to go, sister, but the drugs and Clarine have to stay out of my house.” Joseph’s Grace
  • The floor of the tunnel was made of solitary stones, which were put together to serve as a pathway to someplace.
  • I could accidentally plant suggestions in your mind, or take you someplace dangerous.
  • I don't know whether it was doing it for them or be sectionalized to move out and take it someplace. Oral History Interview with Floyd Adams, August 16, 2002. Interview R-0168. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • Earlier, we mentioned needing someplace to start, well Teach Yourself Graphic Design: A Self-Study Course Outline is one of those places.
  • You better dump this car someplace.
  • You must have left the keys someplace else.
  • It's going to be nice seeing those flustered, frightened freshie next fall and while we're off being busy like Hell, they'll transition into someplace we've already been. Writerchic88 Diary Entry
  • People live in a community for decades because they have to hire moving vans to go someplace else.
  • Of course, realized warmth lags this by a bit, someplaces quite a bit, others not as much. Ayles Ice Shelf, Ellesmere Island « Climate Audit
  • Well, hey; what do you say to us taking the card game someplace else?
  • You didn't take the waterfront walkway if you had to go someplace downtown. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • It's difficult to find someplace to start when you're offered this type of inanity.
  • Henry, for one, knows exactly where he wants to go: someplace to “meet a pirate — a really bad ­pirate, the worst pirate in the world!” Children’s Books: ‘Any Which Wall’
  • Maybe you read in a magazine someplace that the laundromat is a good place to meet women. Yipes.
  • `You'd think they'd have the sense to junk the shen pai someplace else," she said in a choky little voice. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Scene: A mudflat in really olden times, someplace like Phoenicia or Assyria, one of those places everybody's heard of but nobody can find. Tales from the Golden Age
  • It is quite possible that he is someplace else and just hasn't been able to reach someone.
  • I must have left my jacket someplace.
  • I put on a blackie robe, like you outside women wear, and I go someplace. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • It is the isolated Pagans who need to know they are not alone and that there is someplace they can get the items they need for their altars, rituals and everyday life as well as sorely needed moral support.
  • He always felt that there was someplace else he could have gone and more he could have done.
  • Maybe there are one or two more in the woodwork someplace, threatening to come forward.
  • And he probably grew up someplace with lots of fluoride in the drinking water. THE FALLEN MAN
  • I don't object to travel guides, but someplaces are special because they are off the beaten path. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Your kid's retainer is cracked in two because he won't use it and left it strewn someplace where he stepped on it. Like Hell Needs A Heat Wave...
  • We'll have to find someplace else to do business.
  • So often you get someone working at Pixar or someplace whose whole world, for awhile, is to make fur moving in moonlight; but you never actually meet these people. Quick Links: Coraline Boxes and the Antikythera Mechanism Reborn
  • Well thank goodness -- I feel better knowing that she could tap that fund any time she feels that an animal freeway overpass emergently needs putting-up in someplace like, say, Ephrata, WA. Sound Politics: Mrs. Gregoire's budget
  • They thought this kind of behavior could be cured if they sent them to Arizona or someplace.
  • If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else. Yogi Berra 
  • Wherever people neglect to mow the grass, or curse the car payments, you're in Kerouac's Orlando because they, like him, were once from someplace else. February 2007
  • Two (realistic) places I want to see before they box me up: Barranca del Cobre and someplace in Central America (likely Costa Rica) where I can fish (tarpon and offshore), swim, herp-splore and birdwatch. Ocho cosas sobre mí
  • When people think of psychedelic music and prog rock, they think of them as taking you someplace that is cosmic and untainted by anything bad.
  • You could use just downlights or two-by-four fixtures to light the space and get functional light, but it wouldn't feel like anything; it wouldn't feel as if you had arrived someplace.
  • She'd say hello to the neighbors, of course, and sometimes they'd be shopping someplace she might be restocking or cashiering in, and they'd stop and make small talk- talk about each other's kids, jobs and impending retirements, say, “Oh I know” and give understanding nods about all the things growing past middle age entailed- but that wasn't the same as knowing them. All God's Creatures
  • But I can't sit here and say to you that a person who's a good reader might make it as an anchorperson someplace else.
  • That's not important right now anyway; the most urgent thing is getting you to someplace safe.
  • I pull out the other directions in the stack and they lead to someplace else on the beach.
  • The house felt as if it had been converted to institutional use, someplace impersonal and chill.
  • Someplace, the man cut off from his people slept under a rimrock. Deuces Wild
  • In essence, he wanted to take the application someplace the board didn't want it to go.
  • If people want to get rid of their pet, I need to try and find someplace for it to go.
  • I have that same thalictrum and have the tag someplace! Looking For Shade* « Fairegarden
  • Does GISS or somebody already have something like that someplaces already , or do you use a mapping program? Unthreaded #19 « Climate Audit
  • All he wants is someplace warm, where palm trees blow in balmy breezes along a gentle, rolling surf.
  • Is there someplace that suggests itself as a better place to lose your money than any other?
  • Madden brought Jack the consensus sentiment from half a dozen underworld powerhouses: Go someplace else, Jack.
  • I don't have an escrow account for taxes because my taxes are ruinously expensive, and I'd prefer to park the money someplace where it can produce a small brood of sawbucks.
  • Such voting — let's call it mandatory absentee balloting — takes the voter out of the polling booth and puts him at home or elsewhere, someplace where votes could be sold to the highest bidder. Sound Politics: Voting By Mail Is Becoming More Common
  • The trick is always to look at what we are doing today as if we were someplace in the future looking back and figure out what the oppressions and the injustices are that we are committing today and to get them out of our lives.

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