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How To Use Somatic In A Sentence

  • Because the disorder is specific to B cells, it may be a candidate for somatic gene therapy.
  • At the same time, the information of flax biotechnology of anther culture, haploid breeding, utilization of somatic mutation, protoplasmic culture, gene transformation were introduced in detail.
  • For those practising massage, bodywork and manipulative therapies, these somatic dysfunctions are vital to the assessment of musculoskeletal integrity.
  • That which medicine can't explain we tend to label psychosomatic and blame the patient, a cruel phenomenon all too familiar to those who've had MS, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus, and a myriad of other ailments in decades past. John Falk: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Psychotherapy
  • This manipulation was initially restricted to embryo culture and nodal micropropagation, but it has recently been extended to somatic embryogenesis.
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  • Gene manipulation, as it's being performed now, is gene manipulation of what we call somatic cells. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Millennium 2000: Cancer - January 2, 2000
  • Mental and physical exhaustion retards the growth of body and mind, and it often causes a psychosomatic illness.
  • If the mutation occurs in a somatic cell, it can cause altered cell growth (e.g., cancer) or cell death (e.g., teratogenesis) in the exposed person. Toxicity
  • I may say that in the physical aspect of tics we have a specific somatic manifestation which, if explained, should, in a way, be the gateway toward the understanding of the many somatic symptoms which we find in the psychoneuroses and psychoses. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • We have identified the psychosomatic traits in modern medicine linked to the reversible unbalance of qi, blood, and body fluid in ill-health.
  • The development of mosaic flies clearly illustrates the cell autonomy of sex determination in the somatic cells of Drosophila.
  • We did not detect any somatic mutation in PTCH gene.
  • States of ‘altered consciousness’, hypnosis, autohypnosis, euphoria, and psychosomatic conditions such as hysteria, may be accompanied by insensitivity to pain.
  • You don't want anybody thinking you're having some kind of psychosomatic deal. PAYBACK
  • Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein enzyme, which is positively expressed in most malignant tumor cells, while negatively expressed in normal somatic ones.
  • The development of volvoxes which are mutant for both the gls and regA loci resembles that of simpler volvocaceans, wherein all cells first differentiate as somatic cells and then later become reproductive cells.
  • Some European researchers have now revived the notion of dissociative processes related to somatic states and functions.
  • And this is the term somatic cell, which means a body cell. CNN Transcript Dec 29, 2002
  • Hansen (2002) has advanced this view, arguing that embryos resulting from SCNT do not have the same moral status we normally accord to other embryos: he calls the combination of a somatic nucleus and an enucleated egg a “transnuclear egg”, which, he says, is a mere “artifact” with no Cloning
  • Four possible genotypes that were prototrophs, auxotroph of one parental type, auxotroph of the other parental type, and auxotrophic recombinants can be generated from progenies of somatic hybrids.
  • Our aim was to test whether an intrasexual polymorphism, facultative paedomorphosis (a process in which the development of somatic and gonadal tissues differs in alternative morphs), could affect SSD variation patterns in European newts. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The devils and evil spirits of the next day were perhaps more psychosomatic and drawn from the excesses of the night before than derived from a Celtic past.
  • Around 2000 biflagellate somatic cells are uniformly distributed over the surface of a transparent gelatinous sphere, with 16 larger asexual reproductive cells, known as gonidia, lying beneath the surface.
  • The original embryogenic cultures were obtained from leaf explants and the somatic embryos were multiplied either directly or via callus.
  • Oocytes and sperm are haploid, with one set of chromosomes, whereas somatic cells are diploid, with two chromosomal sets.
  • a somatic symptom or somatic illness
  • The child may develop school phobias, compulsive eating or psychosomatic illnesses.
  • In the ovules of most sexual flowering plants female gametogenesis is initiated from a single surviving gametic cell, the functional megaspore, formed after meiosis of the somatically derived megaspore mother cell (MMC) 1, 2. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • In the psychosomatic sphere it might cause headaches during or because of coitus or a tendency to nausea whenever coitus was performed.
  • Aplite and pegmatite sills and dykes are also common demonstrating that a metasomatic volatile-rich phase played an important role in leucogranite migration.
  • Conclusion Some psychosocial factors are related to psychosomatic symptoms of women with hyperemesis gravidarum, which provide a theoretical basis for psychological intervention during pregnancy.
  • There is a different spherochromatism after the two systems secondary spectrum , spherical aberration and somatic aberration.
  • Moreover, chronic diseases of kidneys, lung, brain, liver, joints, etc., and stress related psychosomatic illnesses cause significant morbidity in the general public.
  • Everything that we experience is psychosomatic because the body is always involved, whenever we look through our eyes, whenever we hear through the ears, and in everything that we experience in terms of our feelings and sensations.
  • There a somatic genetic principle was established whereby mitotic chromosome replication produces sister chromatids that are different from one another.
  • A volatile-rich metasomatic phase produced late growth of poikilitic K-feldspars, layered pegmatites and aplite dikes and an explosive network of dykes emanating out of the top of the Nuptse-Everest leucogranite.
  • The subject group was comprised of 20 sixth-year medical students who joined the four-week elective course in Oriental psychosomatic medicine.
  • Such patients' insistence that the physician pursue somatic symptoms until a medical diagnosis is obtained can be significantly frustrating.
  • This link underlies much of the understanding of madness and its somatic basis in the modern age.
  • More recently, evidence has accumulated to suggest that an intriguing consequence of a multipartite genome configuration is the somatic modulation of mitochondrial genotype.
  • Indeed, asthma is considered by many to be the prototype of psychosomatic illness.
  • Certain unpleasant somatics that occur while fasting (or while on a healing diet) may not be dangerous or "bad. How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
  • The clinical presentation of complex partial seizures is diverse and includes psychiatric, motor, and somatic signs and symptoms.
  • The cell synthesized by somatic cell nuclear transfer, no less than the fertilized egg, is a human organism in its germinal stage.
  • diploid somatic cells
  • She has suffered lifelong arachnophobia and an episode of psychosomatic body lice, among other maladies. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Part 2 on physical and psychosomatic illness opens with Liakopoulou's chapter on the separation-individuation process in adolescents with chronic physical illness.
  • I suppose its title had a sort of hypochondriacal or psychosomatic effect over the blog.
  • In DNA blot analysis, no somatic or germinal transposition events could be detected from lines that carried Ac3.
  • I am also ... teaching an introduction to somatics, which is kind of an introduction to holistic forms of movement wellness," said Davis, owner of the Movement Artistry Project. Rocky Mount Telegram - Business
  • Physically, they have been put under chronic stress, causing spondylitis, back pain, insomnia, and other psychosomatic illnesses.
  • As the cyst matures and moves posteriorly through the germarium, somatic cells move to surround each cyst to form a single-layered cuboidal epithelium.
  • Someone has to ask this directly of the president, if for no other reason then to let us read the somatics body language of “no comment.” Firedoglake » Context
  • Usually they are old, familiar somatics, often complaints that haven't bothered the faster for many years. How and When to Be Your Own Doctor
  • His site investigates psychosomatic illnesses, with emphasis on post traumatic stress disorder, chemical imbalances and childhood stress.
  • From this screen, 13 wpch mutants were recovered with reduced somatic mosaicism and low germline reversion rates.
  • There are two possible methods by which this could arise: by generative reproduction via unreduced gametes or by somatic mutations.
  • Somatic embryos matured in this way showed a 39% conversion rate to plantlets, which were then multiplied by micro-propagation.
  • Corley-Smith GE, Brandhorst BP (1999) Preservation of endangered species and populations: a role for genome banking, somatic cell cloning, and androgenesis? PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Here is the basic pattern Of the engram which will contain the chronic psychosomatic illness in any patient.
  • Autonomic and somatic nerves innervate the penis.
  • Described for the first time in this paper the hackly microcline, aa typomorphic mineral in potash metasomatic uranium deposits.
  • The stratiform and strata-bound iron ore deposits in the Middle Triassic series in the lower reaches of the Yangzi River were formerly considered as simple contact-metasomatic ore deposits.
  • It's a psychosomatic cold,' said Oliver, `not the catching kind. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • While providing herbal and mineral medicaments, he also used psychosomatic medicine as well as what is today called spiritual healing.
  • The typical somatic nerve fibers in the striated muscle at the rostral end of the organ terminate in motor end plates.
  • Here were the somatic messages that fed the cauldron; cell reactions by the incredible billion, organic cries, the muted drone of muscletone, sensory sub-currents, blood-flow, the wavering superheterodyne of blood pH ... all whirling and churning in the balancing pattern that formed the girl's psyche. Wild Dreams of Reality, 5
  • In brief, applied phycology could mimic the technology of crop science, but it could not deliver somatic hybrids with stable, desired genomes.
  • The computerists make no real distinction between behavioral learning and somatic learning.
  • With organisms of sufficient complexity,(sentence dictionary) behavioral and somatic evolution emerged.
  • Breathing" gets divorced from the company of piping and panting, and gets wed to the ensuing somatics of human passion, "burning" and "parching," while the possibility of "far above" as a location in imaginative surmise subsides to a sighing recognition of high aesthetic privilege, from which mortal humanity is excluded. The Know of Not to Know It: My Returns to Reading and Teaching Keats's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' -
  • The hyposensitivity in the gut was accompanied by a 46% increase in the somatic referred pain areas indicating central neuronal changes.
  • What distinguishes hysteria from other kinds of neurosis or psychosomatic illness is the mutability of its symptoms, the manner in which trauma can be converted into a potentially infinite array of corporeal manifestations.
  • In the psychosomatic sphere it might cause headaches during or because of coitus or a tendency to nausea whenever coitus was performed.
  • They regularly receive quality bonuses for high butterfat and milk solids and low SCC (somatic cell count) - a strong sign that they're on the right track with their management.
  • The classical system to study somatic embryogenesis is in cultured cells of carrot.
  • Somatic cell nuclear transfer works by inserting the genetic material from a patient's cell - usually from a skin cell - into an unfertilized egg from another person.
  • Hence, our self-reported data are not supportive of the idea that MCS syndrome is primarily a psychiatric or psychosomatic condition.
  • In some crosses as many as 12.5 % of the somatic mosaics showed such dark patches.
  • In the present study, we examined gender differences in somatic symptoms at a mind/body outpatient clinic.
  • Headache is the most common somatic complaint in children.
  • The suppression of immune responses is costly, in particular for nonresistant individuals with high levels of somatic infections.
  • Somatic symptoms in those cases are accepted ways of expressing distress and getting help in a less stigmatic way than usual psychiatric care.
  • Later, in mature somatic embryos, the CHIA4 - Pa signal became at first limited to small patchy areas localized at the surface of the embryo, and finally declined.
  • Beleaguered and frustrated by doctors who, frustrated themselves, periodically declared her pain psychosomatic, Kamen came to understand the plight of the millions who suffer chronic pain in its many forms. All In My Head: Summary and book reviews of All In My Head by Paula Kamen.
  • There are many types of cells in the body and they have been classified in several ways. basic structure (for example, cuboidal cells); tissue type (for example, hepatocytes of the liver); germinal cells (for example, ova and sperm); and somatic cells (for example, non-reproductive cells of the body). Toxicology
  • Another important difference between plant and animal cells is that a complete, fertile plant can develop from a single somatic cell and not just from a fertilized egg.
  • With organisms of sufficient complexity, behavioral and somatic evolution emerged.
  • Two lines were unusual in that mutant males regularly produced mosaic progeny that had large patches of somatic tissue lacking the paternal fourth chromosome.
  • Notably, these studies demonstrated that somatic cells carrying a single proviral copy of the polycistronic cassette can be reprogrammed to pluripotency, substantially reducing genomic modification of the target cell. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Maternal apomictic embryos develop from a somatic cell within the ovule or from an unreduced embryo sac derived from the megaspore mother cell (diplospory).
  • Do patients with unexplained physical symptoms pressurise general practitioners for somatic treatment?
  • On this medium, somatic embryos regenerated from the calli.
  • With organisms of sufficient complexity, behavioral and somatic evolution emerged.
  • When early separation anxieties have been traumatic, she says, there are still many possible outcomes, ranging from psychosis and psychosomatic illness to addiction and other acting out pathology.
  • Sexual plant reproduction involves a reduction of the somatic chromosome number by meiosis followed by a restoration of the somatic chromosome number by fertilization.
  • The child may develop school phobias, compulsive eating or psychosomatic illnesses.
  • With increasing stress, the incidence of stress related psychosomatic and psychiatric illnesses has increased tremendously.
  • Coleridge wants to still the perpetually disruptive psychosomatic body of evidence that is specifically tied to his constipated and opiated condition. Introduction
  • Somatic embryos at late developmental stages were gently extracted from agarose layers with forceps.
  • Dolerite dykes that cut the peridotite show chilled margins and local metasomatic calcic alteration.
  • Efforts to genetically modify large animals have been hindered by the fact that the two methods currently used to effect it, somatic cell nuclear transfer or pronuclear injection, are costly, inefficient, difficult, and carry a risk of producing abnormal offspring. Genetic modification of large animals just got easier
  • In this important text, Kenneth Hugdahl presents a comprehensive introduction to the history, methods, and applications of psychophysiology and explores other areas concerned with the "mind-body interface," such as psychosomatic medicine, behavioral medicine, clinical psychology, psychiatry, neuropsychology, and cognitive neuroscience.
  • The nucleus of sperm and eggs are haploid, meaning they only have half their normal compliment of genetic material, while somatic cell nuclei are diploid (it occurs to Sci that she's gonna have to explain meiosis some day ...). ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The limestones, which have been silicified near the granodiorite contact, have in places been intensely metamorphosed into a typical contact-metasomatic assemblage.
  • An emerging constant among vertebrates is the presence of a germinal epithelium composed of somatic and germ cells in both males and females.
  • At the end of late embryogeny, somatic embryos were already differentiated, and the width of the embryo approximated its length.
  • Results:The rates of anxiety, agitation, hypochondriac symptom, hypomnesia, gastroenteric symptom and somatic disease were significantly higher in elderly people group than in younger adult group.
  • Jadeite dykes are intruded within serpentinites and are the metasomatic products of crystallization from hydrous fluids reacting with the serpentinites.
  • Oh, I've also slowly been making my way through the new (September) issue of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, and have read, over the past few days, "A new ornithischian dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Kuwajima Formation of Japan," "The anatomy and systematics of Colepiocephale lambei [Dinosauria: Pachychephalosauridae]," and "Rapid somatic expansion causes the brain to lag behind: the case of the brain and behavior of New Zealand's Haast's Eagle [Harpagornis moorei]. So not awake it hurts.
  • Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm that surrounds the amnion and extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm (4yolk sac)? what statistical test would i use to assess the impact of two factors on one dependent factor? en Español Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Again the word "rumination" suggestions an oddly somatic association: to ruminate is to turn over in mind and mouth (as in: chewing the cud). The Ordinary Sky: Wordsworth, Blanchot, and the Writing of Disaster
  • Over time they become more assertive, expressing themselves as compulsions and obsessions, phobias and prejudices, neuroses and psychosomatic illnesses.
  • Depression, anxiety, and psychosomatic disorders are the most frequently identified mental health consequences among acculturating individuals.
  • Of particular relevance for present purposes is Eagleton's insistent questioning of what he calls the "new somatics," specifically the current fetishization of the sexualized and unfailingly "well nourished" body. The Voice of Critique: Aesthetic Cognition After Kant,
  • The numbers of explants showing germination of zygotic embryos, callus formation and somatic embryogenesis were recorded every 4 weeks.
  • In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the X: A ratio serves as the primary signal for somatic sex determination.
  • Transgenic selection assays provide a unique opportunity to study the mechanisms of mutagenicity in different somatic and germinal tissues in vivo.
  • Transgenic mouse modelling has provided a new approach to study the various steps involved in spontaneous and induced mutagenesis in rodent somatic and germline tissues in vivo.
  • Coleridge's life and Blake's mythologization of the psychosomatics of Milton moving at once inspirationally and with painful apocalyptic dread through Blake's bowels Notes on 'Introduction'
  • The lateral mesoderm splits into two layers, an outer or somatic, which becomes applied to the inner surface of the ectoderm, and with it forms the somatopleure; and an inner or splanchnic, which adheres to the entoderm, and with it forms the splanchnopleure (Fig. 16). I. Embryology. 5. Segmentation of the Fertilized Ovum
  • Tests showed that her problems were more than merely psychosomatic.
  • Initially, experimentation centered on the belief that the drug served as a psychotomimetic, inducing "model psychosis" in research subjects, which might enable researchers to understand the disease's somatic development. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • The computerists make no real distinction between behavioral learning and somatic learning.
  • We read daily of psychosomatic disorders, and of stress exacerbating asthma, heart disease, gastric ulcers and schizophrenia. ‘Mens sana in corpore sano’, a healthy mind in a health body.
  • As these species are cross-incompatible, the only way to obtain such intergeneric hybrids is protoplast fusion and somatic hybridization.
  • The Del Toro deposits types consist of fissure-filled (veins), metasomatic replacement Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • It was shown previously that somatic hypermutability of proto-oncogenes can induce development of lymphomas. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Heterotrophic organisms must acquire nutrients to maintain somatic and gametic function.
  • In addition, important advances have been made in recent years in the application of large-scale bioreactors that can produce somatic embryos in liquid media.
  • Because CFS lacks definitive organic causes, it is often dismissed by physicians as either a psychosomatic illness or a manifestation of clinical depression.
  • He advanced the concept that specific unconscious conflicts are associated with various psychosomatic disorders and are the end results of prolonged physiological states that are caused by repressed conflicts.
  • Her illness was psychosomatic, so her betterness has to be too. Zombies vs. Unicorns
  • Motor neurons make up the efferent neurons of both the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. Neurotoxicity
  • Despite the far-ranging scope of earlier work, aspects of germination and conversion physiology, and biochemistry in somatic embryos remain unexplored.
  • Separately, a sample of somatic tissue (the terminal tip of the foot or adductor muscle) was also taken from each specimen.
  • She suffers from hypochondriacal concerns, besides a number of somatic symptoms, which her GP could report on in full.
  • I mean, I was once at a chiropractor and I saw this list of patients who had signed in, and as a joke I asked the receptionist was that a petition of psychosomatics in Nashville? Glide Magazine - Music :: Culture :: Life
  • Somatic epileptiform activity could be effectively inhibited by the integration of visceral afferent information in cortical and hippocampal parts.
  • I belabor the obvious only because Stoker has flagged in passing, though under unusual thematic pressure, the mismatch between phonemes and morphemes overburden by its preoccupation with linguistic transcription — somatic, mechanical, telegraphic, phonographic, and so on. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • somatic cells are produced from preexisting cells
  • Theoretically speaking, Victoria has inherited only the provision of somatic cell genetic characteristics of sheep.
  • Should we gloss over them as proof of the power of suggestion to treat psychosomatic illness?
  • Eventual dissipation of somatic dissociation or a diversion of attention to somatic or exteroceptive processes brings the individual's OBE to an end.
  • ‘Functional nervous disorder’ was used in the late 19th century to denote symptoms arising from disordered nervous functioning, but in the 20th century this was superseded by terms that implied psychogenesis, such as psychosomatic.
  • This signifies that multiple somatic genetic events are essential for tumorigenic conversion of mesothelial cells.
  • We surely are psychosomatic unities, ‘animated bodies rather than incarnated souls,’ to use a famous phrase.
  • The Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale assesses symptoms of depression, such as depressed mood, anhedonia, and somatic complaints.
  • The term psychosomatic was coined in 1860 to define a disorder having physical symptoms, but originating from mental or emotional causes. Lee Schneider: Heal Yourself
  • Of all the psychoanalysts to write on psychosomatic illness, none was more influential than the Berlin / Chicago psychoanalyst Franz Alexander.
  • Some scientists now use the term somatic stem cell instead of adult stem cell. - Articles related to Hip hope from stem cell technique
  • The clinical presentation of complex partial seizures is diverse and includes psychiatric, motor, and somatic signs and symptoms.
  • He also did extensive studies of radiation-induced somatic mutations, and he studied the formation of gynandromorphs and other mosaics, using mutant markers as tracers of embryonic lineages.
  • The somatic layer of the lateral plate gives rise to the appendicular skeleton and the connective tissue of the limbs and body wall.
  • A Leptosomatic somatotype is characterised by loooooooooooooong legs, arms and body (though not head), leptodactylously loooooooong fingers, feet and toes, slim wrists and, typically, no chest, or a sort of caved in chest. Who Wears The Trousers ?
  • Neglect can manifest itself as mental stress, psychosomatic pain, excess body fat, deconditioned musculature, low back pain, joint pain, headaches, trigger points, nervousness, insomnia and a host of other ailments.
  • Bio-somatics, I am learning how to release tension in my horse. News
  • A metasomatic deposit was formed at the contact of volcanic intrusive rocks and the limestones.
  • Physically, they have been put under chronic stress, causing spondylitis, back pain, insomnia, and other psychosomatic illnesses.
  • The psychosomatic disorder status of the 41 patients was investigated using questionnaires of symptom checklist-90 (SCL-90) and social support rate scale (SSRS), and compared with national norm.
  • With her expertise in somatic healing, she has developed a powerful healing touch. Tommy Rosen: The 33 Yoga Classes You Have to Hit If You Find Yourself in West L.A.
  • Here is the basic pattern Of the engram which will contain the chronic psychosomatic illness in any patient.
  • The system corrugates the walls of the heart, rippled ridges of sand on a wide beach, the Vena Cava rises and falls in somatic steadiness. Saltminer's archive I
  • The other two internalizing variables, somatic complaints and withdrawal, were not significantly associated with initiation of substance use.
  • Which was good, because his somatics were ramping in. Jason Stoddard, Strange and Happy » Blog Archive » Eternal Franchise, 5.1 of 31.1
  • Since the human person is a psychosomatic being, fasting also means satisfying both bodily and spiritual needs.
  • Furthermore, it can be shown to hold for PGE with male somatic diploidy and for polyploid apomixis as well.
  • This is the crest of the creative wave that unites the disciplines of yoga, dance, free form movement, and somatics. - Articles related to Hindus welcome endorsement of yoga in a Catholic publication
  • The FeLV-induced tumors are thought to be caused, at least in part, by somatically acquired insertional mutagenesis in which the integrated provirus may activate a proto-oncogene or disrupt a tumor suppressor gene.
  • Future work may identify explicit factors mediating the links between somatic and psychological symptoms.
  • Interspecific heteroplasmic mice were also produced by microinjection of somatic mitochondria into pronucleus-stage embryos.
  • Considerable effort has been devoted to full automation of somatic embryo development and micropropagation.
  • In an earlier study we used Achilles tendon reflex modulation as a measure for somatic motor preparation in response to sexual appetitive stimuli.
  • The devils and evil spirits of the next day were perhaps more psychosomatic and drawn from the excesses of the night before than derived from a Celtic past.
  • TP5 and TP6 do not repress P-element activity in somatic cells, nor do they alter the somatic or germ-line phenotypes of P-insertion alleles.
  • He did not have to go into the particulars of his somatic breakdown. FLOATING CITY
  • Although Shorter's book says little about the contemporary experience of psychosomatic illness, it's clear that similar mind-body-culture interplay is very much alive today.
  • In case after case, from somnambulism to neurasthenia to ‘Yuppie flu,’ we see how medical and cultural trends alternately reinforce and erode particular psychosomatic symptoms.
  • The terms used to describe such symptoms - medically unexplained symptoms or functional somatic symptoms - are purely descriptive and do not imply psychogenesis.
  • His interpretation of WL nicely illustrates how, on his view, physiological experiments can yield mathematically expressible results, not about the physical, somatic processes involved in sensation, but about the relationships among these sensations as apperceived, i.e., as psychological elements and objects of consciousness. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
  • That it tells more of a psychosomatic illness, - the images are symptomatic of a personal trouble - than it does of a feeling of the war.
  • Each somatic cell contains a full set of chromosomes, whereas sex cells only contain half.
  • Psychological approaches to illness have expanded enormously since the medical establishment adopted the concept of psychosomatic illness to explain illnesses that could not otherwise be diagnosed or cured.
  • Theoretically speaking, Victoria has inherited only the provision of somatic cell genetic characteristics of sheep.
  • SCNT involves transferring the nucleus of a somatic cell (any body cell other than a sperm or egg cell) into an enucleated oocyte, i.e. an oocyte from which the nucleus and thus most of the DNA has been removed. Cloning
  • Metasomatic anorthosite formed by replacement of layered gabbroic troctolite in the Skaergaard intrusion is shown here.
  • EO is a direct-acting mutagen that reacts with nucleophilic molecules, including DNA, causing gene mutation and chromosome deletions in somatic cells.
  • Specifically, gangue formed by both metasomatic alteration and precipitation during ore formation can yield a wealth of information about the origins and physical conditions of the ore-forming fluids.
  • Our failure to detect maize chromatin by in situ hybridization may be an indication of somatic instability and chimerism in these individuals.
  • Hospitals report a wave of psychosomatic illnesses among patients since the landing of the Sirians on Earth: headaches, nervous fever, aching joints, insomnia and neurotic behavior.
  • Should we gloss over them as proof of the power of suggestion to treat psychosomatic illness?
  • However, multiple cell lines, including a monosomic X cell line, may be detected, and somatic features of Turner syndrome, such as short stature, webbed neck, cubitus valgus, and renal malformation, may be present.
  • Drying rates also affect the desiccation tolerance of somatic embryos and immature zygotic embryos or seeds.
  • The clinical presentation of complex partial seizures is diverse and includes psychiatric, motor, and somatic signs and symptoms.
  • While each somatic stem cell of the adult organism is committed to a certain line of differentiation, the early embryo contains stem cells that are totipotent, i.e. they give rise to all cell types in the developing organism. The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Advanced Information
  • The third step was to use a process known as Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer to generate an embryo.
  • Here is the basic pattern Of the engram which will contain the chronic psychosomatic illness in any patient.
  • Enhanced levels of expression are seen in older embryos adjacent to the segmental involutions (C, arrowheads) and in the salivary glands, proventriculus, and somatic musculature.
  • The person who donates DNA from a somatic cell is the progenitor, in that the child carries that person's DNA.
  • We are just now beginning to develop a new kind of medicine called psychosomatic medicine—a medicine that treats both the mind and the body. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

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