
How To Use Solon In A Sentence

  • I feel a bit sorry for the gay-bashing, drug-warrioring, morning after pill-banning, no-knock search-loving, Patriot Act-hugging folks who considered this site their ideological home for solong. The Volokh Conspiracy » Results of VC Reader Poll
  • Objective To study the neuroprotective effect of high-dose methylprednisolone in prophylaxis in rat acute spinal cord injury.
  • a corticosteroid such as prednisolone, in tablet form - these being the most potent form of anti-inflammatory medicine. Home | Mail Online
  • On the table was kiam chye (pickled veggie) and duck soup, asam fish (blackened and fried), leatherjacket fish, black ink solong (squid), fried shanghai greens, chicken wings, and prawn salads. ChuiCon 2006, part 6a (addendum)
  • Zircoa, manufacturer of nonclay refractories in Solon, Ohio, measured the productivity and profits of 10 workers in 10 different jobs. The Business of Literacy « Information Literacy Articles « Articles « Literacy News
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  • For severe reactions (pain along nerves, increasing tingling, numbness or weakness, eye irritation, or painful testicles) corticosteroids (prednisolone) may be needed. 1) Head Control and Use of Senses
  • The solonic six may end up requiring employers to fund subsidies for employees who need them, but that could create the bureaucratic nightmare to end all bureaucratic nightmares -- 700,000 Wal-Mart employees, say, bringing their tax returns to work so management can investigate ( "You sure you reported all your income?") and stall ( "Doesn't your spouse work at Home Depot? Opinion Source: Delivering summaries of editorial and op-ed pieces from major papers by email.
  • Mr. Solon said the term "framework" is much too weak. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Three types of symptom of rhizome rot of ginger were described, which were green wilt caused by Pseudomomas solonacearum, yellow rot by Pythium spp.
  • How many lawgivers has the world seen from Solon to this day?
  • Our opinion was that there is no evidence that vigabatrin is a better treatment of infantile spasms than hormonal treatments, such as prednisolone and synthetic adrenocorticotrophic hormone preparations.
  • Graceadieu we were soafraid we called solong noresponse listen we are someofus coming to you sabotage torcworks require help AikenDrum if trustworthy do you think can you vouch? The Golden Torc
  • Since then, he has endured chemotherapy once every three weeks and a prednisolone steroid tablet every other day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Solon was inspired by a Chinese celadon case decorated with embossed flowers that he had admired in the museum at Sevres where he worked for a time.
  • Objective To compare the treatment effect of different doses methylprednisolone (MP)combined with monosialotetrahexosyl ganglioside (GM-1) on experimental spinal cord injury.
  • His dishes include moussaka with ice-cream of tomato; tomatoes stuffed with scampi; and Greek youvetsi, a traditional Greek stew that is usually made with beef or lamb, but is transformed under Mr. Karathanos's skillfill hands using bass-fish with barley-shaped pasta aromatized by Cretan fennel and roe from the western Greek town of Mesolongi. Not Your Typical Greek Salad
  • The Solon bicentennial, which is to be celebrated with events throughout the year, was observed Saturday with nearly three dozen residents dressed in the clothing of the day. Maine News Updates - Central Maine Newspapers, Kennebec Journal, Morning Sentinel
  • Seems like an inescapable consequence to me though sometimes inescapable logical conclusions nonetheless take some time to reach, which is why racial discrimination laws survived solong. The Volokh Conspiracy » Prop 8 decision Tuesday:
  • Lastly, Solon decreed that all those who had been condemned by the archons to _atimy_ (civil disfranchisement) should be restored to their full privileges of citizens -- excepting, however, from this indulgence those who had been condemned by the Ephetæ, or by the Areopagus, or by the Phylo-Basileis (the four kings of the tribes), after trial in the The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 01
  • One of our technicians complained of a persistent cough uncontrollable by antibiotics and prednisolone.
  • Severe attacks of asthma are sometimes treated with a course of steroid tablets, such as prednisolone.
  • Patients given intrathecal methylprednisolone and lignocaine took 70% fewer analgesics in the four weeks after treatment.
  • Generalized urticaria - if the patient has small, itchy lumps or lesions near where the bite occurred the doctor may prescribe an oral corticosteroid, such as prednisolone, or an oral antihistamine. Health News from Medical News Today
  • If a woman does flare during pregnancy, she can be safely treated with appropriate doses of certain steroids prednisone, prednisolone, and methylprednisone that are broken down in the placenta before reaching the fetus. THE LUPUS HANDBOOK FOR WOMEN
  • Patients were included in the trial if they were taking oral steroids such as prednisolone for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, asthma, or other chronic inflammatory disorders. - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Demosthenes quotes the law of Solon to the effect that — “No woman under sixty years old to enter the house or follow the corpse except those within ἀνεψιαδοῖ (πλὴν ὅσαι ἐντὸς ἀνεψιαδῶν εἰσιν): no woman _at all_ may enter the house after the carrying out of the corpse except _those within_ ἀνεψιαδοῖ.” ( On The Structure of Greek Tribal Society: An Essay
  • We alone are the masters of civil prudence, and our superiority is the more conspicuous, if we deign to cast our eyes on the rude and almost ridiculous jurisprudence of Draco, of Solon, and of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Over at Senate Finance, judging by the reports coming of the committee, a solonic gang of six -- three Democrats, including chairman Max Baucus of Montana, and three Republicans, including ranking member Charles Grassley of Iowa -- are turning out a bill whose resemblance to anything the president has championed is accidental and incidental. Opinion Source: Delivering summaries of editorial and op-ed pieces from major papers by email.
  • Before becoming pregnant, she was advised to slowly come off some of her drugs, but to continue to take prednisolone, a steroid.
  • Prednisone/prednisolone (brand names: SOLU-MEDROL, PEDIAPRED, PRELONE), steroids are given once a day in the morning. Medications after liver transplant
  • Bolivian delegate Pablo Solon protested that the weak pledges of the Copenhagen Accord condemned the Earth to temperature increases of up to 4 degrees Celsius 7.2 F, saying that is tantamount to "ecocide" that could cost millions of lives. UN Climate Deal Marks A Tiny Step Forward For Fighting Climate Change
  • Several of his innovations include veloute of soup with cuttlefish ink and hazelnut foam; orzo with crayfish; sampagion , or savory sabayon sauce with roe fish from the western Greek town of Mesolongi; and red snapper with black truffle and aubergine mousse and white grouper with wild greens fri ç asse. Not Your Typical Greek Salad
  • Combination of topical steroid and cyclosporine, oral prednisolone and tetracycline, amniotic membrane transplantation and tarsorrhaphy may save the vision.
  • Possibilities for establishing plantations on solonetz soils in the Trans-Ural forest-steppe Xml's
  • It is thought that prednisolone acts by reducing swelling of the facial nerve.
  • Her dose of prednisolone was then gradually reduced.
  • As the "radioman" that people in the Solon area sought for help, and as a dance-band drummer, he earned enough during the Depression to put himself through Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa. A Life of Sound Ideas
  • His fishbowl universe of prissy suburban breeders, casually sadistic office bosses, and zoophilic outcasts might turn [Molly] Shannon's administrative assistant a touch irritable at the midway point, but, unlike Solondz's, White's humor isn't merciless. GreenCine Daily: Year of the Dog.
  • In his role as archon, Solon cancelled all agricultural debts and announced that all slaves were free.
  • A control group of 25 similar cases received prednisolone and vitamin E. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • Many of these medications are based on one of the three major cortisol subtypes that consist of prednisolone, dexamethasone, and triamcinolone. The World's Healthiest Foods
  • DFL candidate for governor Mark Dayton did not join the pronuclear chorus, but his running mate, state Sen. Yvonne Prettner Solon, authored legislation to lift the ban that almost passed last session. rss feed
  • However, don't country the whole equilibrise soured apiece month; permit a lowercase listing over at small every digit months. phytologist don't revalue accounts paying in flooded apiece month. solon important, paying accounts don't bourgeois into the assign reason as such as an statement with a baritone balance. Xml's
  • Aristotle, who will still have a hand in everything, makes a 'quaere' upon the saying of Solon, that none can be said to be happy until he is dead: "whether, then, he who has lived and died according to his heart's desire, if he have left an ill repute behind him, and that his posterity be miserable, can be said to be happy? The Essays of Montaigne — Complete
  • Obama should thank the solonic six for their work, and, as much as is politically practicable, ignore it. D-Day
  • Researchers filled identical prescriptions for two common pediatric medications prednisolone (an anti-inflammatory steroid) and amoxicillin (an antibiotic) at 20 pharmacies in Colorado, Georgia and Tennessee. The Twins Who Test Better
  • The zonal soil type is chernozem, and other common types are solod and solonchak. Kazakh forest steppe
  • METHODS:Intralesional injection of Pingyangmycin, prednisolone and sodium morrhuate was administrated in 60 consecutive patients with venous malformations in maxillofacial regions.
  • Country people are prone to "argufying" -- the greater and more weighty the question, the more ready are the bucolic Solons to engage with it. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 7 Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Orators
  • Atara, whose eyes took on the faraway glister of the stars, spoke the name of the Tur-Solonu in a strange voice. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • Luckily .. with the invention of the internet, misinformation can protect them only for solong. The Volokh Conspiracy » Let Turkey Have Gaza
  • He studied speleology and wrote a book on the work and life of Karel Absolon, discoverer of the Punkva caves near Brno.
  • (whose heightened gabbiness Solondz's films evoke, plus an acid drip), many will find the film's openly addressed ethical conundrum-Can you or should you forgive a selfish sibling or a thoughtless lover, much less a pedophile? In These Times
  • Because a double-blind procedure could not be guaranteed with the commercially available galenical form (lyophilized powder), a methylprednisolone solution that was characterized by its limpidity was used.
  • Out findings of an apparently greater adverse effect on trabecular rather than cortical bone is in keeping with other publications on the effect of prednisolone.
  • Five of the 26 Crohn's disease patients underwent a flexible sigmoidoscopy after four weeks of 1 mg/kg/day prednisolone therapy.
  • After the first two weeks of prednisolone, the daily dosage was steadily reduced to zero over the ensuing weeks.
  • Synavive is the Cambridge, Mass., company's most advanced drug, and combined an agent called dipyridamole with the steroid prednisolone. RSS Feed - Politics & Policy
  • You seem to have erred in characterizing as solipsistic those solons who dangled a participle in drafting the law controlling the National Endowment for the Arts. No Uncertain Terms
  • Result: Methylprednisolone inhibited the activity of neural stem cells in vitro, and also promoted apoptosis of neural stem cells.
  • Striking too are Leon Victor Solon's 1896 porcelain plaque Resting and the metal and alabaster three tulips lamps by Albert Cheuret.
  • I was treated with prednisolone over ten years. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had my old rescue lab, Coffee, on prednisolone sp? for several years, and she came through with no problems. I feel MUCH better now.
  • The surprising aspect of the new case is that it has Olson making same kinds of constitutional arguments that he has specialized in ridiculing for solong. The Volokh Conspiracy » Ted Olson, Law vs. Policy, and the Role of Courts vs. Counsel:
  • Zacks analyst notes: Zalicus leading pipeline candidate is Synavive, a combination of the cardiovascular drug dipyridamole and an unconventionally low dose of the glucocorticoid steroid prednisolone, currently under mid-stage clinical development for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). Zalicus: Ridiculously Cheap -- Seeking Alpha
  • Luckily.. with the invention of the internet, misinformation can protect them only for solong. The Volokh Conspiracy » Let Turkey Have Gaza
  • And I never will solong as the Idiot Obama sits in the Whitehouse Never ... Reliable Sources: Gates comments overshadow health care
  • Isosorbide dinitrate, two tablets, four times a day; Furosemide, one tablet, three times; Prednisolone, six tablets, twice daily The Satanic Verses
  • However, don't country the whole equilibrise soured apiece month; permit a lowercase listing over at small every digit months. phytologist don't revalue accounts paying in flooded apiece month. solon important, paying accounts don't bourgeois into the assign reason as such as an statement with a baritone balance. Xml's
  • Severe attacks of asthma are sometimes treated with a course of steroid tablets, such as prednisolone.
  • Women with symptoms such as extreme fatigue, severe arthritis, pleuritis, pericarditis, uncontrolled fever, or kidney disease may be put on an oral dose of a corticosteroid, such as prednisone, prednisolone, or methylprednisolone Medrol. THE LUPUS HANDBOOK FOR WOMEN
  • For others, a low dose of steroids, such as prednisolone tablets, can help hugely. Home | Mail Online
  • Methods 24 cases of unilocular bone cysts in children were chosen and treated with injection of methylprednisolone sodium succinate into cysts.
  • I feel (a bit) sorry for the gay-bashing, drug-warrioring, morning after pill-banning, no-knock search-loving, Patriot Act-hugging folks who considered this site their ideological home for solong. The Volokh Conspiracy » Results of VC Reader Poll
  • Combined chemotherapy, including cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, and prednisolone, was performed on the basis of clinical diagnosis as a lymphoma relapse.
  • The pace of an offensive in the desert depends to a great extent on how well the troops can overcome natural obstacles, especially barchans and solonchaks, rock outcrops covered by the enemy fire.
  • However, Solondz himself made cuts to the film that no one will ever see.
  • Atara, whose eyes took on the faraway glister of the stars, spoke the name of the Tur-Solonu in a strange voice. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • But the issue today is really one of followership - in other words, whether nations outside the U.S. would take their cue from New York City and Washington even if both those cities were inhabited by latter-day Solons. Top Stories
  • Loteprednol etabonate was synthesized through oxidation, acylation, hydrolysis and chloromethylation from the starting material prednisolone.
  • The chemotherapy agents used were combinations of methotrexate, mitoxantrone hydrochloride, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, etoposide and prednisolone, ranimustine and enocitabine, and carboplatin.

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