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How To Use Solicitation In A Sentence

  • By degrees, then, Aram relaxed from his insociability; he seemed to surrender himself to a kindness, the sincerity of which he was compelled to acknowledge; if he for a long time refused to accept the hospitality of his neighbour, he did not reject his society when they met, and this intercourse by little and little progressed, until ultimately the recluse yielded to solicitation, and became the guest as well as companion. Eugene Aram — Volume 01
  • In a 1998 solicitation, members were asked to list their favorite CDs of the year.
  • Our Task Force on Lawyer Advertising began its work two years ago to address the dual concerns of protecting the public from false or misleading advertising or solicitation by attorneys while recognizing the legitimate interests of lawyers in informing the public about legal services. NY Lawyer Advertising Rules
  • The eventual denunciation of a failed withdrawal, even after consecutive solicitations from the clients, will be considered as proof with regards to the bank's unsuitability to operate.
  • He recalled his exertions and solicitations, and the history of his project of army reform, which had been accepted for consideration and which they were trying to pass over in silence simply because another, a very poor one, had already been prepared and submitted to the Emperor. War and Peace
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  • And he's had numerous solicitations from the private sector, to practise law and to sit on corporate boards. Globe and Mail
  • The solicitation of readerly sentiment and engagement in the service of lurid formalism lends itself to the aesthete as much as to the reformer, and is neither moral nor immoral.
  • In 1900, Berlin allowed street solicitation for registered prostitutes.
  • And Michael did, bumping his flanks against Daughtry's knee; nudging his head against Daughtry's hand, in solicitation for more of the blissful ear-rubbing and tail-twisting. CHAPTER 1
  • The result was that they couldn't scan their postings even for such nefarious, illegal material as child sex solicitation.
  • Although he was received by her with the most distinguished civility, and even an intimacy of friendship, all his solicitations could never extort from her an acknowledgment of love: on the contrary, being of a gay disposition, she sometimes coquetted with other admirers, that his attention thus whetted might never abate, and that he might see she had other resources in case he should flag in his affection. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • For this he faces the possibility of two counts of solicitation or encouraging other soldiers to desert, one count of aiding the enemy, and four counts of bringing discredit upon the US Armed Forces.
  • Learn marketing tips for marketing your business's services or goods to the government before a solicitation is issued. 10 a.m. to noon, E-volve Small Business Advocacy & Training Center, 163 Waterfront St., Face time
  • Recreating the region of solicitation and paranoia exclusive the Teutonic status is a aggroup that includes Singer's regular collaborators physicist saint Sigel (SUPERMAN RETURNS, X2, X-MEN) as administrator of picturing and editor / composer Evangelist Ottman (SUPERMAN RETURNS, X2); as substantially as creation designers Lilly Kilvert (two-time Oscar-nominee for THE LAST SAMURAI and LEGENDS OF THE FALL) and Apostle Lumb (THE OMEN) and accumulation specializer Joanna general (MUNICH, SAVING PRIVATE RYAN). Planet Malaysia
  • Copulations in which the male forcefully mounted the female in the absence of female solicitation were regarded as forced.
  • More telling might have been his arrest and incarceration in 1994 for child pornography charges and solicitation of young girls.
  • An Illinois businessman was indicted on murder solicitation charges a month after the slaying.
  • This Web site shall not be considered ab solicitation for or offering of any investment product or service to anyiperson in any jurisdiction where such solicitation orf offering would be illegal.
  • Even after this year's move to decriminalize, police could nab prostitutes until rules on solicitation and zoning become clearer. Decriminalizing The Sex Trade
  • The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and an assortment of national business groups opposed to President Obama's health-care reform effort are collecting money to finance an economic study that could be used to portray the legislation as a job killer and threat to the nation's economy, according to an e-mail solicitation from a top Chamber official. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: November 16, 2009
  • Generally speaking, most scholars usually analyze and explore agent provocateur from the perspective of solicitation, it is undeniable that it's reasonable aspect.
  • He managed to elude the solicitations of a sidesman and slip into a seat facing the aisle in the back row where he sat with his long hands clasped round his knee. Overture to Death
  • I.E. he designates, with a pardonable smile of self-approval, as "backsheesh" given him, without solicitation, by the government of India; a circumstance that probably appeals to his Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • The hydrogen production, delivery and storage technologies solicitation covers: biomass gasification and pyrolysis; photolytic processes; distributed natural gas reforming technologies; separation and purification technologies; advanced electrolysis systems; high temperature thermochemical water splitting; hydrogen production infrastructure analysis; and advanced hydrogen delivery technologies. U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
  • The Justice Department has launched a broader inquiry into the alleged solicitation of foreign donors by the Democrats, particularly Huang.
  • In accepting the collectorship he yielded to the solicitation of friends who urged him to retain it after his health, due to worry and overwork, was seriously impaired. A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • And as he waited and watched, the lawyer, at his solicitation, invented for him a magic "jimmy" -- an instrument with which he could not only break through the outside door, but as easily force his way past the complex locks of the chambers inside. Frenzied Finance Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated
  • Every gesture they make exudes solicitation.
  • NASA also released the bioastronautics solicitation that efficiently consolidates activities from six existing contracts designed to support the Space and Life Sciences Directorate at JSC.
  • This solicitation set forth a new architecture for providing NSFNET backbone services, including regional networks and network service providers.
  • Secretary Chu announced the release of a $60 million solicitation seeking proposals to develop long-term interconnection plans in each of the regions, which will include dialogue and collaboration among states within an interconnection on how best to meet the area's long-term electricity supply needs. U.S. Department of Energy - Press Releases
  • The WTO in accordance with the relevant standards to call for tenders for the network to the global aviation industry to maintain and influential solicitation issued by the supplier.
  • The literature on policing and criminology is loaded with examples of successful crime reduction that began with seemingly small things, like quelling aggressive solicitation. We Must Not Allow Intimidation on Seattle’s Streets « PubliCola
  • For further clarification, I do not regard a broad, community-wide marketing scheme to be an indirect solicitation.
  • Generally speaking, most scholars usually analyze and explore agent provocateur from the perspective of solicitation, it is undeniable that it's reasonable aspect.
  • If only for public humiliation, the police should post the names of johns arrested for solicitation.
  • A ridiculous and doomed attempt to solicit someone to commit a crime, for example, is still criminal solicitation; a pitifully executed attempt at fraud is still fraud.
  • The first 250 schools were "seeded," with months of research and solicitation of student content. Gives Everyone a Say About College Picks
  • DC's solicitations for the title revealed Morrison as the writer of the oversized special alongside artists Tony Daniel, Andy Kubert and Frank Quitely. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • To every solicitation, they had only one answer: Taihoa.
  • In the draft ordinance, it's claimed that Residents of and businesses in the greater downtown area in Seattle believe agressive solicitation is a serious problem in their home neighborhoods, and residents of the rest of the city agree ... There Are Reasons to Support Burgess’ Panhandling Crackdown « PubliCola
  • The latest twist to traffic stops/mordida solicitation, is the threat to impound the car because the windshield sticker is expired, even though we all know that it's good as long as the FM3 has been renewed. FM3 and Car Permit expiration?
  • A nonuniversity individual or organization may solicit university employees in nonworking areas only if at the time of such solicitation the employees are on nonworking time.
  • In any given week, we receive no fewer than 500 to 1,000 solicitations by artists and galleries interested in our representation.
  • Force consequently requires solicitation from without: it works blindly: and on account of this defectiveness of form, the content is also limited and accidental.
  • Many charitable solicitations appeal to your heart, but if you want to do the most good, it helps to keep your head in the game.
  • Were you involved in the solicitation of any of these companies?
  • “I, who am upon the spot . . . know of the infinite difficulty of resisting the powerful solicitations of great men who, if disobliged, might have it in their power to obstruct the supplies Deane was then obtaining.” Robert Morris
  • They suffered, with unapproving acquiescence, solicitations, which they had in no shape desired, to an unjust and usurping power, whom they had never provoked, and whose hostile menaces they did not dread. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 05 (of 12)
  • Offence is often taken when it is unintended and enmity is regularly inferred from solicitations of friendship. Times, Sunday Times
  • a solicitation to the king for relief
  • While opting out may reduce charitable solicitations, it won't eliminate them.
  • Instead, it will try to perform address resolution by sending Neighbor Solicitations, but the Neighbor Solicitation will not result in a response, denying service to the attacked host.
  • HARRIMAN (WATE) -- An Indiana man was arrested in Harriman for sexual solicitation of a minor after he failed to register as a sex offender in Tennessee. Undefined
  • After the letter of confirmation has been submitted, the sponsor will send the project solicitation document to the design units.
  • The solicitation of dale is now immunodeficient to a nonindulgence of colorimetrical darjeeling, from overachiever highlighter to pearlescent toot. Rational Review
  • Looking back at the second solicitation for votes, Brain sez "at least 6 issues of an ongoing title" and that "Series of mini-series count as ongoing", but my choice probably would have been disqualified since the two stories were inconsecutive. Top 100 Comic Book Runs #100-91 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • Tagged: angela robinson · batman · blackest night · blackhawk · comic books · dc comics · felicia henderson · grumpy old fan · Red Circle · red tornado · solicitations · superman · sweet tooth · wonder woman Brought to you by the color red: DC Comics Solicitations for September 2009 | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Republican leaders are making open solicitation of the Italian-American vote.
  • Learn marketing tips for marketing your business's services or goods to the government before a solicitation is issued. 10 a.m. to noon, E-volve Small Business Advocacy & Training Center, 163 Waterfront St., Face time
  • It buys him first bemusement, then solicitation, and finally enmity and a serious whack upside the head.
  • It was difficult to believe that his subjection to opium could much longer resist the stings of his own conscience, and the solicitations of his friends, as well as the pecuniary destitution to which his _opium habits_ had reduced him. Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey
  • This solicitation set forth a new architecture for providing NSFNET backbone services, including regional networks and network service providers.
  • Generally speaking, most scholars usually analyze and explore agent provocateur from the perspective of solicitation, it is undeniable that it's reasonable aspect.
  • New technology has allowed Democrats to "leapfrog" to e-mail solicitations and other online fundraising rather than develop a mailing list, Malbin says. Parties pour 11th-hour cash into close races
  • I might have supported these reforms if there were some parallel restriction on solicitation by credit card companies.
  • This solicitation set forth a new architecture for providing NSFNET backbone services, including regional networks and network service providers.
  • The silly pretext of difficulties by which my erasure, notwithstanding the reiterated solicitations of the victorious General, was so long delayed made me apprehensive of a renewal, under a weak and jealous pentarchy, of the horrible scenes of 1796. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • Time is telescoped so that within months you are an old familiar face; your secrets and intimacies have been folded inside out and made the object of communal curiosity and solicitation.
  • This provision of the law is triggered only by an offer of sexual services or a solicitation to that end.
  • The rest of the funding is raised through direct-mail solicitations and grant proposals.
  • Clinton was criticized for his promiscuous solicitation of campaign money
  • Generally speaking, most scholars usually analyze and explore agent provocateur from the perspective of solicitation, it is undeniable that it's reasonable aspect.
  • With the deportment of one who grapples with a suppositious onomasticon, this solicitation of manuscription shall be adventured with due diligence.
  • This comment made me wonder about an intriguing question: If an attorney who reads my blog responds to her comment by emailing her, has said attorney engaged in "solicitation" as defined by the newly promulgated New York lawyer advertising rules? NY Lawyer Advertising Rules
  • I regret this, as the inventor will be the object of pressing solicitations, and as Engineer Serko will employ every means in his power to obtain the composition of the explosive and deflagrator, of which he will make such detestable use during future piratical exploits.

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