How To Use Solar radiation In A Sentence
The climatologic measures that can strongly influence growth are moisture availability, very low or very high temperatures, and very low solar radiation receipt.
Bristlecone/Foxtail Site #1: Cirque Peak « Climate Audit
The shape of the sky radiance distribution agrees with the experimental measurements in the clear day conditions, when the estimated circumsolar radiation is used with the isotropic method.
the quiescent level of centimeter wave-length solar radiation
The total spectrum of solar radiation comprises ultraviolet radiations, visible light, and infra-red radiations, in order of increasing electromagnetic wavelengths.
The way solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth's surface depends primarily on whether the surface is land or sea.
The ozone layer absorbs solar radiation.
The measurements should deviate less than 8% during the whole day if the radiometers are mounted side by side and detect the same solar radiation.
The normal response to solar radiation is an increase in melanin production, which causes uniform tanning in most persons but leads to freckling in some.
Slopes orientated differently receive direct solar radiation in different amounts.
Crop yields would fall as a result of shorter growing periods, and reduced solar radiation due to heavier cloud cover.
Thus, it must be something that is happening in the atmosphere to intercept solar radiation.
The ozone layer absorbs solar radiation.
Solar receivers absorb this concentrated solar radiation and deliver it, in the form of high-temperature heat, to a chemical reactor wherein an endothermic reaction results in the production of solar fuels.
Solar radiation may also be a factor in tumorigenesis.
Mosquitoes and many other insects bask in flowers, orientating their bodies to absorb solar radiation.
The laboratory possesses different equipment for tests and researches on environmental influence on products such as: temperature, pressure, humidity, solar radiation, dust, fungoids, saline mist.
I never denied the fundamental physics of the situation, but I have not yet seen an adequate model that takes into account the topography and incident solar radiation, convection, and reradiation to space that would be a starting point.kdacksonQuote
The Volokh Conspiracy » Climate Scientists, Unfiltered
This system can be integrated with building and absorb the solar radiation.
A disadvantage of this arrangement is reduction of power of solar cells as a diffuse circumsolar radiation represents a substantial part of the solar radiation energy.
Hydrogen must replace fossil fuels through efficient production using solar radiation, thermochemical cycles, or bioinspired catalysts to split water.
The combination of fluorescent and incandescent lamps was intended to simulate ambient solar radiation.
Solar radiation is made up of three forms of energy: about 5 percent ultraviolet, 45 percent visible light, and 50 percent infrared.
Send a mission to Mercury and you risk frying it with solar radiation or wasting tremendous amounts of fuel to correct against the influence of solar gravity.
As she slowly approached, they could see the markings and weathering from the constant torture of wild temperature fluctuations, unfiltered solar radiation and micrometeorites.
Capital cost is nearly £7 for every watt of electrical energy to be produced by solar radiation.
Pigmentation may be constitutive for particular species or appear as a plastic response to irradiance, for example, originally colorless Cladonia and Cladina lichens quickly develop dark-pigmented thalli after exposure to higher levels of solar radiation [122].
General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
Read in studio Scientists monitoring the level of solar radiation have warned people not to sunbathe without protection for more than forty minutes.
Slopes orientated differently receive direct solar radiation in different amounts.
Solar receivers absorb this concentrated solar radiation and deliver it, in the form of high-temperature heat, to a chemical reactor wherein an endothermic reaction results in the production of solar fuels.
The moon lacks the shield provided by even a thin planetary atmosphere, such as Mars, so lunar explorers will have to withstand the relentless bombardment of harmful solar radiation and pelting rain of micrometeoroids.
These skills are too many to count, and they came about as humans migrated ‘left’ and ‘right’; as well, epithelial pigmentation (skin colours) changed and exposed human beings to new levels of the absorbsion of solar radiation, too!
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The ozone layer absorbs solar radiation.
It seems that the reduction in albedo (the action of reflecting solar radiation back into space) has deteriorated to the point of no return.
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Those grains have fewer reflective surfaces, and hence absorb more solar radiation.
The reflectivity of land to solar radiation is much higher than that of ocean.
Historical records of solar activity indicate that solar radiation has been increasing since the late 19th century.
Cooler summers at high latitudes result from a reduction in the amount of solar radiation falling on the surface, and this in turn depends upon both changes in the tilt of the Earth's axis and variations in its orbit about the Sun.
Skin colour follows this pattern, with darker skins, produced by higher levels of melanin, acting as a compensatory mechanism to reduce the effect of high levels of solar radiation on the skin.
Humanity evolved on earth, bathed in solar radiation from our star, the sun.
By means of an ingenious modification of the electrical pyrometer, named the bolometer, valuable researches in measuring solar radiations had been made by Professor
Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
The term "renewable energy" is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.
Damage to the eyes caused by solar radiation.
Take Care of Your Skin
Endotherms differ from an ectotherm because they typically have core temperatures above that of the surrounding environment, whereas the core temperatures of ectotherms depend on external sources of heat – primarily from solar radiation.
They protect plant tissue from oxidative damage from solar radiation and other environmental stresses.
A decline in sucrose concentration occurred across the harvest period, which may have been associated with a decline in solar radiation during the season.
Space is a hostile environment due to solar radiation, particle impacts and the intense cold of deep space.
Solar radiation heats the comet, which in turn causes the outgassing of its water molecules and dust.
A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface measure solar radiation.
Presumably these elements are either supplied continually by micrometeorites or are liberated from the surface under the influence of solar radiation or meteorite impact.
I nosed into the shadow and turned on my searchlight and the cone of brightness showed me nothing but the dreariness of pea-sized rubble and the flats of rock dust and little boiling areas where the dust, electrified by the inpouring solar radiation, hopped and jumped and skipped like a frying pan of fleas.
The Trouble With Tycho
Send a mission to Mercury and you risk frying it with solar radiation or wasting tremendous amounts of fuel to correct against the influence of solar gravity.
The term "renewable energy" is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.
The term "renewable energy" is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.
The habitat of S. lineatus can be divided into microhabitats differing in vegetation structure, which determines the amount of solar radiation penetrating the vegetation.
The term "renewable energy" is applied, for example, to energy deriving from solar radiation.
For the solar radiation pressure reflectance, the T 3 model is introduced.
With the ever - increasing climate in the earth, solar radiation influences people's daily life more and more.
Does the troposphere and stratosphere absorb solar radiation?
Solar radiation passing through the facade is absorbed by water-cooled ceiling panels and the energy transported through a heat exchanger to a heat accumulator.
Solar radiation is polychromatic and the biological effectiveness concentrates on the short-wavelength edge of the spectrum (290320 run, commonly termed UVB).
Capital cost is nearly £7 for every watt of electrical energy to be produced by solar radiation.
The inner box is painted black to absorb maximum solar radiation.
Crop yields would fall as a result of shorter growing periods, and reduced solar radiation due to heavier cloud cover.
Crop yields would fall as a result of shorter growing periods, and reduced solar radiation due to heavier cloud cover.
Damage to the eyes caused by solar radiation.
Take Care of Your Skin
Since mean cloudiness varies geographically with lowest values observed in the subtropics and highest values in the mid - to high-latitudes, the variation of surface reflectance has a significant impact on the distribution of absorbed solar radiation at the surface.
Recent changes in surface UV solar radiation and stratospheric ozone have also been reported at a high Arctic site, although it is still too early to make trend estimates.
Clear sky forcing is the direct backscatter of solar radiation in clear skies.
As the title brilliantly puts it, there have been developments in the area of protecting astronauts from deadly solar radiation.
Straight lines are solar radiation, partly reflected back to space by dust and aerosols.
It is the sensitivity of DEM to spatial resolution that causes the spatial scaling effects of mountainous astronomical solar radiation, terrain openness and conversion factor.
The number of case reports on this type of effect is increasing because of the introduction of new drugs in the market and the higher exposure to natural solar radiation and artificial sunlamps.