
How To Use Soiled In A Sentence

  • In September, return visitors to an Edinburgh guesthouse said it was time to ‘rethink the three-star rating’, complaining that the linens were ‘soiled’ and the carpet was littered with ‘crumbs and dustballs’.
  • My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty. III.9
  • We live in a world soiled by the grossness and wickedness and filth of sin.
  • He was standing in the doorway, wearing a frown and a soiled T-shirt, his large belly protruding over his pants, held up by a pair of suspenders.
  • The teenager won't put her soiled clothing in the laundry basket as requested; they don't get washed.
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  • From her eyes poured two black rivers, down her face, across her red lips and onto her thin soiled shirt. Une pantoufle - French Word-A-Day
  • These soiled robes have been cleansed to spotlessness. The Sins of Brother Curtis
  • Thoroughly disinfect and deodorize the soiled area.
  • For her sake I hope they were relatively unsoiled - the owner may not have necessarily thrown them out of appreciation.
  • Clean out any soiled bedding when you see it and add fresh material to keep the bottom of the nest box well padded.
  • The salesman tried to palm us off with some shop-soiled sheets.
  • But I refer you to a learned author, who hath long since assoiled this difficulty, and taught us to distinguish between a Jew en tō phanerō and a Jew en tō kruptō, of Israel according to “the flesh” and according to “the promise.” The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • Rats near sites where waste was dumped have died and lie next to soiled containers. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was silvery white, of unsoiled reed flaxen silk.
  • We wished to avoid the constant and real threat of bedbugs, fleas, and other insect pests which we had brought home in our bags, topclothing, and soiled linens.
  • The burse, which is simply a cover used to keep the corporal from being soiled, and which for that reason was known in Old English as a "corporas-case", is somewhat older. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Yes she does, right down to making sure he changes his soiled underwear and keeping his basement lair well stocked with mountain dew and cheetos. Think Progress » Mother of man arrested for threatening Pelosi blames ‘really radical’ Fox News.
  • Patients, who [plantiffs 'attorneys] contend did not receive showers on a regular basis, walked around with catheters leaking and dragging on the ground, had wounds left untreated and were forced to sit in soiled bed sheets for hours or, in some cases, even days. Lisa Derrick: More Than Marijuana: Humboldt County DA Wins Big for Seniors
  • Ignace found in his letter box a soiled folded paper containing Kessler's twenty - five dollars.
  • It was the most cloudless period of my whole career as a translator: pure art unsoiled by greed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He chafed a begrimed hand across a similarly soiled mouth, maw gaping wide in a grin, to reveal ebony teeth with fallow flashes of gold.
  • We live in a world soiled by the grossness and wickedness and filth of sin.
  • Then the good man enjoined Sir Launcelot such penance as he might do and to sewe knighthood, and so assoiled him, and prayed Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Next, dissolve some pure soap flakes in warm water and rub all over the furniture, paying careful attention to the soiled areas, with a towel wrung out in this soapy water.
  • Every thing in this peaceful family sitting-room wore a snug and comfortable look, from the neat bed standing in a recess in the wall, with homemade blue woolen spread and snowy linen, to the brightly-polished powter plates upon the dresser and the unsoiled sand on the white floor. My third book
  • The product uses many of the well-known diaper materials, fluffed pulp and super absorbent poly-acrylate, but the difference is that the plastic shell is reusable while the soiled pad can be flushed. Richard Seireeni: How the Green Community is Giving Birth to New Brands
  • Then the good man enjoined Sir Launcelot such penance as he might do and to sewe knighthood, and so assoiled him, and prayed Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • There was a soiled and tawdry mirror above a massive metal and marble clock supported by a lion couchant on the mantelshelf.
  • Slippers and boots lay about; the portmanteau yawned wide open, with some soiled shirts on the top; a pair of trousers trailed from a chair on the floor. A Mummer's Wife
  • Treated with caustic soda (found in lye) and sulfuric acid, alkyl benzene helps detergent penetrate soiled clothing more effectively than soap. Household Appliances
  • I am joylessly a at unsoiled curtailment, but i vestris to halevy rise two petting ago, if wonderfully for cytoarchitectonic hyperborean fluidram. Rational Review
  • But everyone exploits its use, until that time certain when it becomes soiled and haggard, barren of its previous virtues.
  • They were easier to use, they had sticky tape instead of safety pins and - blessing of blessings - you could just throw them away when they became soiled.
  • Untreated soiled spots can become irremovable stains.
  • Then the good man enjoined Sir Launcelot such penance as he might do and to pursue knighthood, and so assoiled him, and prayed Sir Launcelot to abide with him all that day. Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
  • His clothes, both laundered and soiled, lay about in the room. Somewhere East of Life
  • She wadded up the soiled cloth and tucked it away, unfolded another.
  • Even in the bright sunlight the air feels thick and soiled.
  • ABILENE (AP) - An Abilene woman accused of scalding her twin infants in the bathtub because one of them soiled his diaper has been indicted. NEWSCHANNEL5 Headlines
  • Not once but several times has the libertine Neptune scandalously seduced punts and dinghies from the respectable precincts of Brammo Bay, and having philandered with them for a while, cynically abandoned them with a bump on the mainland beach, and only once has he sent a punt in return — a poor, soiled, tar-besmirched, disorderly waif that was reported to the police and reluctantly claimed. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Her hands were covered with rubber gloves, and they were soiled with earth.
  • You will be forced to eat dinners in your bedroom because no inch of the kitchen is unsoiled. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm so glad I'm an independent so that I don't have to be associated with the soiled riff-raff who actually have to win elections and govern in this country.
  • Then the pope, considering the great perils that might ensue by his departing, dispensed with him, and assoiled him of his avow, of which he sent to him a bull under lead, and enjoined him in penance to give the goods that he should have spent in his pilgrimage, to deeds of charity, and to re-edify some church of S. Peter, and endow it with sufficient livelihood. The Golden Legend, vol. 6
  • It was in August in the year 1807 or 1809 (the manuscript is too much soiled to be sure of the last figure) that either the Vicar of Lastingham or his curate-in-charge publicly laid this spirit, which had for many years haunted the wath or ford crossing the river Dove where it runs at no great distance from Grouse Hall. The Evolution of an English Town
  • Even had we, however, a perfect and trustworthy transcript of Shakespeare's original sketch for this play, there can be little doubt that the rough draught would still prove almost as different from the final masterpiece as is the soiled and ragged canvas now before us, on which we trace the outline of figures so strangely disfigured, made subject to such rude extremities of defacement and defeature. A Study of Shakespeare
  • The teenager won't put her soiled clothing in the laundry basket as requested; they don't get washed.
  • Were shriven, assoiled, and blessed; a mass have heard, La Chanson de Roland : Translated from the Seventh Edition of Léon Gautier
  • Joe nodded hastily and snapped his goggles back over his eyes, covering the two rings of unsoiled flesh they had left when he first lifted them.
  • Whether one sorts soiled clothes in a laundry, or reclines on a chaise-longue with thirty-eight small hand-embroidered and belaced pillows and a pink satin covering, or sits in a library and fusses over Adam Smith, no one of the three is in a position to pass judgment on the satisfaction or lack of satisfaction of the other two. Working With the Working Woman
  • Rats near sites where waste was dumped have died and lie next to soiled containers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clothing and sheets soiled with blood and other body fluids should be washed in a machine at a high temperature setting.
  • -- While his regiment was in daily expectation of receiving orders for Ireland, some one told him, that country quarters in the sister kingdom were so filthy, that the rich uniforms of his corps would soon be lamentably soiled: 'Let the men act as dragoons, then,' said his royal highness, 'and _scour the country_.' The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 535, February 25, 1832
  • I was still dressed in my peplos and himation but they were soiled.
  • Northumberland are lusty fellows, fresh complexioned, cleanly, and well cloathed; but the labourers in Scotland are generally lank, lean, hard-featured, sallow, soiled, and shabby, and their little pinched blue caps have a beggarly effect. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Anyway, having thrown out this soiled bath water, let us revert to the words of Paul Celan.
  • And ye shall understand, if it like you, that at mine home-coming, I came to Rome, and shewed my life to our holy father the pope, and was assoiled of all that lay in my conscience, of many a diverse grievous point; as men must needs that be in company, dwelling amongst so many a diverse folk of diverse sect and of belief, as I have been. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The ugliness stands out this morning, the snowdrifts soiled by what the wind has picked up from the fields.
  • Only then, did she realise what was so odd about him: his entire outfit was unmarred by blood, unsoiled by mud.
  • Nest boxes with flip-up roosts that double as door blockers are good, as they allow you to shut the girls out when egg-laying is done for the day, preventing the nests from getting soiled by sleeping hens or being taken over by broody hens.
  • He ended up with the soiled sheets in a tangled pile at his feet.
  • Even if the work be no more elevated than washing up a trayful of soiled china, a certain thrill is there at the successful completion of the task; and the greater the Augean stable, the purer is the pleasure of him who cleans it. White Ashes
  • He was clothed in a soiled tunic and long trousers that barely hid his bronzed feet and grubby toenails.
  • The left panel pictures not much more than the soiled tableware of an abandoned meal set out on a damask cloth with wine and water glasses, stains and crumbs, a coffee cup, an empty plate and a fork with the tines turned down.
  • That means the town centre is soiled with around 200,000 sticky stains.
  • Eventually, they see beyond the white walls, white chair, and white bed, to the jeans strewn on the floor, the soiled baby bibs, the jars of organic rice pudding.
  • By far the plainest dressed man of his train, he wore only a short Norman mantle, over the close dress of shamois-leather, which, almost always covered by his armour, was in some places slightly soiled by its pressure. The Betrothed
  • When you return the advances, they act as if you're soiled and spoiled.
  • cosey" of felt or heavy quilting, which can be easily removed when wet or soiled. The Care and Feeding of Children A Catechism for the Use of Mothers and Children's Nurses
  • We wished to avoid the constant and real threat of bedbugs, fleas, and other insect pests which we had brought home in our bags, topclothing, and soiled linens.
  • Stories emerged of patients writhing in agony being ignored by staff or being told to return to soiled beds after seeking help. The Sun
  • From washing the town's soiled linen to loaning it money was a change so sudden and radical that the rise made him dizzy; he was apt, therefore, to be a little erratic, his manner varying during a single conversation from the cold austerity of a bloodless capitalist to the free and easy democracy of the days when he had stood in the doorway of his laundry in his undershirt and "joshed" the passersby. The Fighting Shepherdess
  • If apparently you succeed in keeping yourself unsoiled, it is because others have dirtied themselves in your place.
  • From the start, his clean image was substantially soiled because of a real estate speculation case his elder brother was involved in.
  • He wore a coloured shirt and a 'dickey' which was very soiled and covered with splashes of paint, and one side of it was projecting from the opening of the waistcoat. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
  • If the tiny canful which is our selves is pure and unsoiled, then when it meets the world it will blend with the Spirit which informs the world perfectly harmoniously, without distress or dislocation. Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning
  • And this contrariety may be assoiled in this manner, that some say that he was crucified and was taken down ere he died, and for to have greater torment he was flayed and at the last beheaded. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • The father immediately took off his necklaces, his soft fine garments and his other adornments and put on clothes that were ragged and soiled.
  • She took one last swallow of unsoiled air and proceeded on.
  • An unkempt coat will provide a refuge for parasites, and if soiled with faecal matter is likely to attract flies.
  • They indulge in a drinking spree, littering the whole table with soiled dishes and leftovers.
  • Tapestries that had taken a generation to weave were torn from the walls and trodden upon, soiled by dirt and blood. RISE OF A MERCHANT PRINCE: BOOK TWO OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • His nappy was soiled and his clothes soaking wet. The Sun
  • Briskly quartered tomatoes lay on the chopping board next to a sprig of spring onions with wispy, soiled roots and fresh green stalks, bound by a blue elastic band.
  • Also wash heavily soiled garments separately as the dirt can get caught in unsoiled clothes.
  • Nor, be it here observed, was Mr. Losely one of those beauish brigands who wear tawdry scarves over soiled linen, and paste rings upon unwashed digitals. What Will He Do with It? — Volume 04
  • A number of elderly supporters failed to hold their footing and had to be assisted back up off the mucky ground with their clothing clearly soiled.
  • A naked sword leaned against a stool by the side of a shield; whips of hippopotamus leather, cymbals, bells, and necklaces were displayed pell-mell on baskets of esparto-grass; a felt rug lay soiled with crumbs of black bread; some copper money was carelessly heaped upon Salammbo
  • Ruth spread out the ruffled skirt, sundrily torn and soiled. The Ragged Edge
  • There is scarce any thing in the world so entirely bad, but may be much qualified by a fair acceptance; and nothing so absolutely good, but may be detorted and soiled at least by a malign interpreter. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
  • Into this upscale tableaux strode five Baluch men in soiled and unpressed shalwar kameezes, wearing turbans and to­pees, with stacks of papers under their arms, including the issue of The Herald with the cover story on Gwadar. Pakistan’s Fatal Shore
  • Upstairs, bed linen and towels had been changed and the soiled items bundled into a black plastic bag he'd found under the sink. PRETTY MAIDS ALL IN A ROW
  • You might try a short delay in changing your child's soiled nappy and getting them to stand up when you change them.
  • He flung his soiled grundies across the car park.
  • She was squatting by the fire wrapped in scarlet cloth, her shoulders draped in a soiled blanket.
  • Her clothes were soiled and crumpled, sundrily torn; her hair was in disorder, and tendrils hung about her temples and forehead -- thick black hair, full of purple tones in the sunlight -- for she had not surrendered peacefully to this incarceration. The Place of Honeymoons
  • And the translation of that punitive word, Stobrod, into a word of joy, brotherliness, the divinity of God even in this very soiled and crude and redemptionless man, is also the lesson of the book.
  • She was squatting by the fire wrapped in scarlet cloth, her shoulders draped in a soiled blanket.
  • Damn, everyone should have some soiled elvan underpants! Giveaway: Elvan Underpants
  • His face was dirty and streaked from tears and his pants were soiled.
  • His cracked celluloid clerical collar was the colour of soiled snow. Seminary Boy
  • The term ‘airport novel’ is now used rather disparagingly, many claiming the genre is a front for smut, sleaze and shop-soiled erotica.
  • Martin, after a few instructions, sorted the great heaps of soiled clothes, while Joe started the masher and made up fresh supplies of soft-soap, compounded of biting chemicals that compelled him to swathe his mouth and nostrils and eyes in bath - towels till he resembled a mummy. Chapter 16
  • The only losers here are us b/c we chose against Hillary months ago (popular vote in legit states) and now we're going to get McCain no matter who the Dem is because the Clintons have soiled both themselves and Obama beyond salvage. Poll shows Clinton has better shot of beating McCain
  • There was a soiled and tawdry mirror above a massive metal and marble clock supported by a lion couchant on the mantelshelf.
  • The booming Zuckung Zuckung Zuckung was his high heels' heels drumming on the soiled floor's tile.
  • So as not to be soiled by substances that alchemize to produce laughter in the human species; The Best American Poetry 2010
  • On that very morning had they come for the first time under the valet's depurating hand, so little soiled, indeed, from the turfy ride of the preceding day, that a less scrupulous domestic might, perhaps, have considered the application of "Warren's Matchless," or oxalic acid, altogether superfluous. Humorous Ghost Stories
  • She is a storm cloud—puffs of ebon skin fringing her soiled white cotton nightgown. Fallout
  • Fremont Elementary was old and soiled, waiting for terminal erosion like the bits of tire debris that trucks leave on freeways.
  • Love like this remains as pure as the memory of a first kiss, unsoiled by disappointment and as big as the world.
  • His cracked celluloid clerical collar was the colour of soiled snow. Seminary Boy
  • Hung on the corner of the washstand is a soiled towel. The Easiest Way Representative Plays by American Dramatists: 1856-1911
  • “Your transpositional cloak is soiled,” the sociologist noted. Short Story: The Soul Chamber, Part 3
  • You'll see that this stretch of Nevada is pretty damn ugly: infinities, in every direction, of dry, brownish-gray earth that is too bland to be called dirt, too soiled to be called soil.
  • He stripped the bed and rolled the soiled coverlet about the night dress.
  • Never, it is alleged, has Japan been soiled by the disobedient and rebellious acts common in other countries; while at the same time the Japanese nation, sharing to some extent in the supernatural virtues of its rulers, has been distinguished by a high-minded chivalry called Bushido, unknown in inferior lands. The Invention of a New Religion
  • She had not soiled the house or the furniture in any way that day. THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
  • Two professional cleaners had been sent to the property to clean the blackened cream carpet, soiled by wild parties, but with little success.
  • New rotations boosted cereal output in regions like East Anglia and the southern downlands, as they improved arable-land quality in these light-soiled areas, formerly dominated by sheep rearing.
  • The more abject you felt, the more likely was it that you would appreciate their pinchbeck glories; and you sat on, in the darbar vehicle, the two lean horses foaming with the drive from the guest-house, under the weight of a not too modern chariot and a harness patched up with strips of soiled rag or old packing-cord. Love and Life Behind the Purdah
  • Sunbathers might find plastic bags of soggy bread and soiled clothes, but uninvited entry into the first world was generally discreet.
  • Screaming at the top of her voice, whilst her unshawled and dusky shoulders, as well as the soiled ribands of her dirty cap, were gently fanned by the sea-breeze, she commanded the men to return to their duty, in a volume of vociferation that seemed perfectly inexhaustible. The Bushman — Life in a New Country
  • They would never ever wear a soiled polyester Arsenal T-shirt with trackies, she is saying. Poland's recycled style | the POLSKI blog
  • The fitchew nor the soiled horse goes to't with a more riotous appetite. Brave New World
  • When Carmine lifted the lid of the hamper he found a set of pajamas soiled and encrusted with vomitus; clearly they had been used to do the wiping up. TOO MANY MURDERS
  • All Tuesday week afternoon she was hunting to match that chenille but at last she found what she wanted at Clery’s summer sales, the very it, slightly shopsoiled but you would never notice, seven fingers two and a penny. Ulysses
  • My hair down and already disheveled from riding, my doeskin leggings soiled from the wet grass, my tunic torn, I ran to the palace courtroom.
  • Between procedures, equipment and furniture that are visibly soiled should be cleaned with a registered hospital-grade germicidal agent.
  • Only my soiled underwear wrapped around the private address and unlisted telephone number of the Secretary of State for Defence. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • For addressing and sending out messengers with all spéed vnto the pope, with a certificat of the whole matter as it laie, he required to be assoiled of the bond which he had vnaduisedlie entred into. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) Henrie the Second
  • The tray which receives the dejecta should be cleaned out and supplied with fresh sawdust each day, and the soiled sawdust, remains of food, etc., should be cremated. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • This beauty lark is bloody hard work and I am profoundly grateful that most of the time I throw on slightly soiled clothes and schlep into the printroom makeupless.
  • The people of the mob cheered as they made their way out of the palace, that was now soiled in blood and violence.
  • I make sure my windshield wiper reservoir is always filled with water and cleaner fluid so my utilization of the washer function does not create a soiled windshield. How do I deter the bottle brigade? What have you done?
  • Monimia; and she described the cunning hints and false insinuations by which that traitor had aspersed the unsuspecting lover, and soiled his character in the opinion of the virtuous orphan. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • The eternal lesson taught us by the fly in the outhouse: stay above it and remain unsoiled. Think Progress » Wall Street Investors Lavish Scott Brown’s Campaign With Money, Get Out The Vote Operations
  • The room was empty, except for the counterman, a large fellow with a belly that bulged over a soiled white apron. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • He was standing in the doorway, wearing a frown and a soiled T-shirt, his large belly protruding over his pants, held up by a pair of suspenders.
  • She just blots the soiled carpets with some paper towels.
  • It was your brother who first soiled our study plan with the lowest intentions.
  • He belched and scratched his stomach that showed from beneath his soiled and dirty overstretched shirt.
  • Sequela: The pillow towel is the easiest actually stick on skin excretive is sweat fluid, oily be soiled, because it wants everyday, contact at least 8 hours intimately with your skin.
  • Ideally sheep should be dagged before shearing particularly if they are excessively soiled.
  • It is beautiful… unsoiled by previous tenants.
  • This land is almost completely untouched by the destructive nature of humans; it's pure and unsoiled.
  • We recently remodeled our facility, and in that process, the soiled utility/decontamination area was converted to an office.
  • The day I met him, his dirty t-shirt and soiled pants revealed that he was living on the streets.
  • He tore strips off what unsoiled bits and pieces remained of his uniform, creating crude bandages and applying them as best as he could.
  • The woman went back into her bedroom and slipped into an old pair of tattered jeans and soiled t-shirt from off the floor and plucked the blue contacts out from her eyes, replacing them with glasses.
  • She wore it with tipsy pride: a pink frock of slazy silk with as full a flowing skirt as any on Fifth Avenue during the hour of promenade, a green silk mantle, and a hat as flat as a plate trimmed with faded roses, soiled streamers hanging down over her impudent chignon. Sleeping Fires: a Novel
  • Soiled with dust and ground-in dirt, taped and re-taped, the pages were beginning to fall apart.
  • Dirt smeared her face and soiled her hair; she had always been beautiful and confident and cheerful, how could someone do this to her?
  • The soiled grundies were disposed of in the traditional manner - down a nearby pub toilet.
  • Cat went rigid, a new awareness of this quivering mountain of a woman in her soiled apron and heavy wooden clogs, her frizzy, hennaed hair pinned in a lopsided mess beneath a wrinkled cap. Earl of Durkness
  • Fremont Elementary was old and soiled, waiting for terminal erosion like the bits of tire debris that trucks leave on freeways.
  • he was soiled and seedy and fragrant with gin
  • A used rocking chair was my bed, and when I found food, a soiled blue oilcloth was my table.
  • I was still dressed in my peplos and himation but they were soiled.
  • We pack the clean eggs directly in cartons and scrub the soiled eggs under running water before packing them.
  • The burse, which is simply a cover used to keep the corporal from being soiled, and which for that reason was known in Old English as a "corporas-case", is somewhat older. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • An arched doorway had opened from the house into this thickened square, but it was soiled and dusty; and the damp weeds that overgrew the quadrangle drooped undisturbed against it. Uncle Silas
  • His clothes, both laundered and soiled, lay about in the room. Somewhere East of Life
  • Such soiled realism would have been unthinkable as Oscar-winning fare a generation ago, but today, to revive an anciently unfunny bumper sticker, you do not have to be mad to work in Hollywood, but it helps.
  • But when was the last time that you had a wallet full of unsoiled, uncrumpled currency?
  • His orange suit was soiled by slimy machine oil, but he didn't mind the mess.
  • The shop owner claimed that the cloak was soiled with red wine and food stains, and that the train of the cloak had been damaged by a stiletto heel.
  • The bodies of the others were gathered together in one tomb, and assoiled and blessed by the priests who accompanied the army. National Epics
  • And because it cannot be durable: ordre is taken, that when it is soiled or dusked muche, with passyng from man to man, thei shall bring it to the coignyng house, and make exchaunge for newe. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Vulvovaginitis is a very contagious disease, and before the days of hospital asepsis, which is so perfectly maintained today in our large institutions, this disease used to go right through a children's ward because of carelessness in the handling of soiled diapers, etc. The sign of this disease is a yellow-white vaginal discharge, while the surrounding skin covering the inside of the thighs and buttocks may be very much reddened. The Mother and Her Child
  • The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled or damaged in any way.
  • I realized then at its urging that I must rise to fill an urgent void, that I must again estop the dike, that again I must needs for the good of this community stretch myself as a coat to cover the puddle, that Charlottesville might cross unsoiled. 2002 August archive at
  • Allowing carpets and rugs to become excessively soiled will make cleaning more difficult and will shorten their useful life.
  • His clothes, both laundered and soiled, lay about in the room. Somewhere East of Life
  • I'm so glad I'm an independent so that I don't have to be associated with the soiled riff-raff who actually have to win elections and govern in this country.
  • The fitchew, 22 nor the soiled23 horse, goes to ’t Act IV. Scene VI
  • The letters were later delivered to the homes in Livingstone Road with a note from the Royal Mail's Bradford North delivery manager, David Gavin, explaining why the envelopes were soiled.
  • In the unscalable servo, video production companies stern can be mercilessly as actuating as persona ones, due to the massachusetts that they can tercelet as marconi for mostly soiled repentance fossilology. Rational Review
  • Then, if he was feeling up to it, he'd splash back into the cold pool of water, and float in the euphoria of clean, unsoiled water.
  • Within ten minutes I'd replaced my soiled garments with a fine tussore coat, coolie pants, solar helmet, and umbrella, with a handsome morocco toilet case in my back pocket — and if you think that outlandish, let me tell you that armies were a deal more informally attired in my day. Flashman and the Dragon
  • As we have become a grossly unequal country, we demonise and dehumanise the poor to salve our soiled consciences. Johann Hari: Am I Sick To Love Horror Movies?
  • “Because when you touch an honest bit of bread you never wipe your hands, but if you take one of these fine kickshaws you turn to your napkin at once, as if you were angry to find your fingers soiled.” Cyropaedia
  • Within ten minutes I'd replaced my soiled garments with a fine tussore coat, coolie pants, solar helmet, and umbrella, with a handsome morocco toilet case in my back pocket - and if you think that outlandish, let me tell you that armies were a deal more informally attired in my day. Flashman and the Dragon
  • Like Querelle, men in tatty soiled uniforms are flexing their muscles, while others stare vacantly into the middle distance.
  • It works because this record has a soul which welds its soiled components into a perfect whole.
  • They are the righteous ones whose garments have not been soiled by infidelity to the patron of the universe.
  • The teenager won't put her soiled clothing in the laundry basket as requested; they don't get washed.
  • The tip of the soiled handkerchief that covered the left cheek waved at the snoring. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • Make kitchen towels or table runners out of soiled tablecloths and towels.
  • His nappy was soiled and his clothes soaking wet. The Sun
  • DNA tests can be soiled, fingerprints smudged, and so on.
  • All Tuesday week afternoon she was hunting to match that chenille but at last she found what she wanted at Clery's summer sales, the very it, slightly shopsoiled but you would never notice, seven fingers two and a penny. Ulysses
  • She seems uncomfortable in wet or soiled diapers and wants to be changed.
  • travel-soiled clothes
  • In the mornings I would sneak the soiled sheets to the washbasin and soak them.
  • Couldn't you at least have put on a soiled wife-beater? Hey, Buddy, Keep Your Shirt On!
  • These refer to the old religious custom of confession; to "shrive" signifies to forgive, to free from sin, as a priest is supposed to do, and "assoiled" means "purified. Books and Habits from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn
  • His clothes were soiled and torn, his face was dirty and dried blood crusted around several scratches he had received.
  • If the envelope is dirty, soiled with ink smudges and addressed with nearly indecipherable writing, would you take the time to open it and find out what's inside?
  • Next, dissolve some pure soap flakes in warm water and rub all over the furniture, paying careful attention to the soiled areas, with a towel wrung out in this soapy water.

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