
How To Use Softening In A Sentence

  • Better to wait until bubbles burst and manage the consequences, softening the economic blow by loosening monetary policy very quickly.
  • You, young man,” she proceeded, addressing Roland Graeme, and at once softening the ironical sharpness of her manner into good-humoured raillery, “you, who are all our male attendance, from our Lord High Chamberlain down to our least galopin, follow us to prepare our court.” The Abbot
  • He and Gross also want to find other genes involved in fruit softening in hopes of further improving firmness or viscosity.
  • In the past it has refused to interfere in the country 's internal affairs but may be softening its position. Times, Sunday Times
  • Evidence of a recent softening of the British economy also could weaken tax receipts. Times, Sunday Times
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  • It is as if the rigidity of the object were at war with a softening, playful freedom.
  • On the accounting and software loggia not from stark softening thevetia, but from an unary, yet acetic nihau of unappreciated aglow lexicostatistics. Rational Review
  • The second item of news went some way towards softening the blow of the first.
  • In cerebritis, or inflammation of the interior of the brain, there is a tendency to softening and suppuration and the formation of abscesses. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Those bruising experiences have led to a softening of their approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • “I take the liberty to enclose a copy of the amendments recommended by this Convention,” he wrote Washington from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on June 22, 1788; “they were drawn up more with a view of softening & conciliating the adoption to some who were moderate in their opposition than from an expectation that they would ever be engrafted in the Constitution.” Ratification
  • Stir the celery into the softening onion. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is, in my judgment, a very laudable course of some churches, that use, for the next three days together, to desire the congregation to join in earnest prayer to God for the opening of the sinner's eyes, and the softening of his heart, and the saving of him from impenitency and eternal death. The Reformed Pastor
  • Rather, the results offer an explicit analysis of a therapeutic process leading to completion of successful softening events.
  • For softening vascular and preventing cardiovascular diseases, there are evident effects.
  • It also signals a softening in the Government's hardline stance on public sector pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best thing to do is get to the doctor who may remove the wax by syringing, or suggest special wax-softening ear drops.
  • In this case chemical agents penetrate the plastic, causing swelling, softening, charring, crazing, delamination, blistering, embrittlement, discoloration, dissolving, and ultimate failure.
  • The flexor perforans tendon showed inflammatory softening, and was very nearly ruptured through at the level of the navicular bone. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • In unforested areas, softening of the visual impact should be achieved through judicious choice of colour scheme and through the planting of shrubs, trees etc as a screen and backdrop.
  • The defense secretary said he fully supported the change in command and that allies or adversaries should not "misinterpret" the decision as a softening of Washington's commitment to the war. Turkish Press
  • But E-lite is more a matter of aesthetic and style and a considerable softening of the edges in doctrine, politics and social values," Silk says. Most religious groups in USA have lost ground, survey finds
  • Then this older researcher suggested me to try to smoothen the relationship with the Austrian, so that this older researcher can actually work on softening my supervisor. Archive 2009-02-01
  • His love, that had been suspended for awhile by busy cares, but which, if without much refining sentiment, was still the master passion of his soul, flowed back into all his thoughts, -- circumfused the very atmosphere with a fearful, softening charm. My Novel — Volume 11
  • Where white is fresh and crisp and bright, cream has just a slight tinge of yellowish brown stirred in, softening the harshness that's often seen in pure white.
  • As the disease progresses, there is softening and enlarging of the cancellated tissue towards the centre of the bone. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • In the case of Luigi, sturdy son though he was of Northern Italy, a sort of degeneration had set in, a slow rot, caused by the softening, perversive influence of The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • One of the most famous artists to ground their work in the phoneme is the Dadaist Kurt Schwitters, whose "Ur Sonata" demilitarized language after World War I by softening and subtilizing phonemes through the performance of a score. Schwitters 'work coincides with the Russian Futurists', whose made-up language "Zaum" used phonemics to tap language's universal source, and thereby its glossolalic, transliterative potentials. Undefined
  • retting" continues too long the desired fibre is decidedly injured by the softening effect of the fermentation. The Story of Germ Life
  • Nearly every season I note what I call the bridal day of summer -- a white, lucid, shining day, with a delicate veil of mist softening all outlines. The Wit of a Duck and Other Papers
  • This article investigates the physical significance of softening point of Eureka pitch.
  • Whereas his earlier paintings portrayed women as hideous, gargoyle-like creatures, there was a distinct progression and a definite softening in his outlook.
  • And an extraneous influence has worked in the same direction -- the gradual softening of manners within historical times, that demasculinization which is an inevitable concomitant of increasing social security. Old Calabria
  • No matter how many lotions and oils we slather on, our elbows, knees and heels are still often resistant to softening.
  • Some of this softening should probably be understood as a reaction to the sheer beauty of these exquisite exhibition spaces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Glycerol esters are utilized in cakes, breads and other bakery products as lubricants and softening agents.
  • Bleeding in children, arising from persistent crusting of the insides of the nostrils, is best treated using an antiseptic cream or softening ointment such as petroleum jelly.
  • At 76, age has worked around him, not swallowed him whole, softening him from his photo likeness, freckling the skin and hands, pulling at the neck and hooding the eyes.
  • The outside should be just softening, but the insides still hard.
  • The materiality of the tapestry, with its optically softening effect, lends the work a necessary coolness and distance.
  • refrigeration delayed the softening of the fruit
  • The extraordinary range of vessels shows him as a generous host, welding alliances while softening visiting dignitaries with games, drink and music.
  • During fruit softening, pectins and hemicelluloses typically undergo solubilization and depolymerization that are thought to contribute to cell wall loosening and disintegration.
  • On their own, trellises are also a great way of softening an area or masking a drab concrete wall.
  • The new concept being to feel some good pain from the stretch then relaxing and letting go, softening the stretch and your general body tension.
  • Her expression smoothed out as she suddenly smiled at Ty, giving him a message and softening its impact. Calder Born, Calder Bred
  • Her sobs died away, her pained expression softening.
  • The shtick worked brilliantly, granting Farrell his edge but softening it too.
  • A particular problem with composition shingles is that due to the heat-softening, they become very prone to damage.
  • Her sobs died away, her pained expression softening.
  • Yet again, in this new orientation, it was the thumb of circumstance that pressed and prodded him, softening that which had become hard and remoulding it into fairer form. The Love-Master
  • Amy's gaze and touch seemed to be successful in softening David.
  • A sheer, a see-through or sheer fabric usually used as an inner drapery, gives a softening effect to window treatment.
  • Then she looked back to Christopher, her expression softening.
  • A ruminant is a mammal that digests plant-based food by initially softening it within the animal’s first stomach, known as the rumen, then regurgitating the semi-digested mass, now known as cud, and chewing it again. CSI: Miami – “Bad Seed” Review
  • Coz I still don't know what chemical substances are both present in papain and fabric softener which is responsible in softening the cloths. Archive 2006-10-01
  • Kenkenes from his aery watched her, noting with a softening countenance the almost maternal love that beautified her face. The Yoke A Romance of the Days when the Lord Redeemed the Children of Israel from the Bondage of Egypt
  • The event marker used to qualify clinical segments as softening events may be too narrowly defined.
  • To resist heat checking, die materials should have a low coefficient of thermal expansion, high thermal conductivity, high hot yield strength, good temper softening resistance, high creep strength, and adequate ductility. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1101
  • Softening of the bones, known as osteomalacia, curvature of the spine, rachitis and many other terrible conditions of disease would not be known to humanity if proper precaution were taken in time. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • Not a latent echo in the house, not a squeak and scuffle from the mice behind the panelling, not a drip from the half-thawed water-spout in the dull yard behind, not a sigh among the leafless boughs of one despondent poplar, not the idle swinging of an empty store-house door, no, not a clicking in the fire, but fell upon the heart of Scrooge with a softening influence, and gave a freer passage to his tears. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Stave 2 The First of the Three Spirits | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
  • Stir both into the softening onion with a generous pinch of salt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many are low, creeping and useful for softening path edges or spilling over raised planting areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is known as washing soda or soda ash, and is used for softening water, in the manufacture of borax, and in making glass, paper, detergents, and soap.
  • Carrick stared at the wizard, face softening, and for a fleeting moment, he was not unhandsome.
  • Evidence of a recent softening of the British economy also could weaken tax receipts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Corticosteroids cause osteoporosis or softening of bones, making them weak and more easily fractured.
  • The sentence lasted a period of a few hours when pouts gave way to giggles; of course the stuffed animal may have played a part as well in her softening demeanor.
  • Louis turned around swiftly, his hard dangerous expression softening slightly at her poor sight.
  • The invention discloses a washing and softening laundry detergent composition, which comprises cationic softener, nonionic surfactant, thickener, opacifier and deionized water.
  • There are four basic steps in boiler water treatment programs: clarification, demineralization and softening, deaeration, and the addition of amines.
  • Here I show that softening texture also characterizes the fruit ripening process, and that color is of ambiguous importance to primates possessing trichromatic vision.
  • The gold shares bucked the general trend today and closed on or near their highs with the South Africans firmer due to the softening rand.
  • Any rough-hewn edges that may have beset a younger Daniel Johns have clearly been filed away, softening the blow.
  • That party will continue to push for a softening of the law around cannabis.
  • This time the lashes touched for a fraction longer, suggesting a softening, a form of encouragement. THE INNOCENT
  • The softening and rotting are main problems in storage of banana fruits.
  • In adults softening of the bones due to inadequate vitamin D is called osteomalacia, symptoms of which include skeletal pain, muscle weakness and fractures. Qwaider Planet
  • The modified product was analyzed by FT-IR and GPC, and softening point, solubility in solvent and n-heptane tolerance were also studied.
  • While the fruit is softening, boil up the pips to extract their pectin, and strain their juice into the pan while still hot (it will turn to jelly if allowed to cool).
  • It may be due to an overgrowth and inward pressure, etc., or from filth accumulating and hardening between the claws, producing inflammation and softening or ulceration of the skin in the interdigital space (between the claws). The Veterinarian
  • Be sure to keep your child's skin moist with softening lotions (ask your doctor for a recommendation) and keep his or her fingernails trimmed. Frequently Asked Questions About Alagille Syndrome
  • This section of fence is not entirely solid - we're hoping it will act as a windbreak, softening the wind rather than blocking it completely and causing turbulence on the garden side.
  • Forty male voices sang in spell-binding chorus, softening at moments and then rising, fortified, to a crescendo.
  • ‘We couldn't leave,’ explained Taiyo, her voice softening and her expression falling.
  • Softening its stand on shuttlers not agreeing to fall in line, Badminton Association of India called all players for the selection trials on May 6-8.
  • It also signals a softening in the Government's hardline stance on public sector pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dampening: Also called damping, I described this as "the softening of a user interface through gradual transition instead of immediate state changes". Revisiting Web Development Trends for 2006 - Anil Dash
  • Although the artist seems to have had a primarily topographical intent, the drawing conveys a red feeling for the dramatic beauty of Lake George, while softening the effect of the wilderness by including signs of human activity.
  • Even such a slight softening can provide some relaxation to international relations, paving the way for further de-rigidification that can contribute to the betterment of the international situation. Whoever Becomes the Chief White House Occupier
  • Through the window I could see a haze softening the streetlamp. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • It was a typical tranquil morning, bright sunshine, blue sea, green trees softening the light.
  • There are no fancy extras or softening touches; strictly A to B motoring at its most basic.
  • Stir leeks, chilli and garlic into the softening onion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later, it struck me that the Orthodox davening that I'm so used to, while often passionate and powerful, has a certain macho and businesslike quality that can use a little softening up -- a little feminine energy, if you will. David Suissa: A Woman's Spiritual Edge
  • Steaming the bread refreshes It'somewhat by softening the texture.
  • Distribution of natural light through the use of glass walls, low workstation partitions or glass within the workstations is one of the most effective tools available for softening a workspace.
  • In more recent years, there has been a softening of the attitudes of feminists towards quantitative research.
  • The clear unruffled bosom of the water, which softly glided at the foot of the alpine hills, was environed with pastoral and arcadian landscapes, which softening the wildness of the steep mountains, conspired to render this spot as inviting as it was lovely. The Curate and His Daughter, a Cornish Tale
  • It is useful in the prevention of "chapping," for softening rough skin, for preventing and healing bleeding and cracked lips, as a protective dressing in burns, cuts, or any acute inflammation of the skin where the cuticle has been injured or destroyed, or where it is desirable that a wound should be protected and kept closed from the air. The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
  • Many cities with a high proportion of college graduates also have expensive homes, even with the softening real estate market.
  • Death approaches; and the shadow which foreruns him has thrown a softening influence over my spirit. Selections from Poe
  • Some of this softening should probably be understood as a reaction to the sheer beauty of these exquisite exhibition spaces. Times, Sunday Times
  • A similar but less marked type of kyphosis may follow upon compression fracture of the spine -- in the condition known as traumatic spondylitis; and as a result of other lesions, such as osteomalacia, or malignant disease, in which the bodies undergo softening and yield, so that the spinous processes project posteriorly. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • A wry smile touched Ame's lips as she ran her fingers over the faded image, eyes softening.
  • For great results, use rich emollients or more body oils in addition to moisturizer; they'll offer long lasting, soothing and softening effects for your feet.
  • Cookie, realizing exactly how her words must have sounded, cracked a smile as well, softening her austere expression somewhat.
  • Mack admitted, his face softening into a vulnerable expression.
  • The Labour Party showed some signs of softening in its attitude to the supporters of the new form of Unity.
  • Selain enzim hydrolase di atas, ada gen yang berperan juga dalam proses ripening fruit dan softening fruit, yaitu Expansin. Hubungan Antara Dinding Sel dan Pemasakan Buah – Netsains.Com
  • They did not have white cloud mountain minnows either by that name or by white cloud danio, so I headed to the fish store on University with Madagascar, some kitty litter, a water softening pillow for my tetra, and some other odds and ends in my passenger side seat. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • Three bottles of high quality essential oils infused into pure, skin-softening organic apricot kernel oil.
  • But the domination of television and video is softening our minds; we opt for its lazy entertainment rather than read.
  • As soon as he saw me though, I could see the distinct softening in his features, in particular his eyes.
  • Any deviation from that general approach raises concerns that demand is softening in the face of slower economic growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • The defence secretary said he fully supported the change in command and that allies or adversaries should not "misinterpret" the decision as a softening of Washington's commitment to the war. Channel NewsAsia Front Page News
  • Stir the celery into the softening onion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bacchanals is this, that the women of the chorus, staid and temperate for the moment, following Dionysus in his alternations, are but the paler sisters of his more wild and gloomy votaries -- the true followers of the mystical Dionysus -- the real chorus of Zagreus; the idea that their [77] violent proceedings are the result of madness only, sent on them as a punishment for their original rejection of the god, being, as I said, when seen from the deeper motives of the myth, only a "sophism" of Euripides -- a piece of rationalism of which he avails himself for the purpose of softening down the tradition of which he has undertaken to be the poet. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • Soapy wash bags are also great for scrubbing the kids clean, and softening the skin at the same time.
  • Even Brazil is softening: one of its diplomats says he hopes the group readmits Honduras this year. The Economist: Correspondent's diary
  • Use an Electric Steamer: An electric steamer can be used as an alternative to a chemical remover for softening the wallpaper paste.
  • A manicurist should use cuticle softening oil after a warm soak, then gently ease them back with an orangewood stick. How To Buy & Sell just about Everything
  • Penny Miller, London N16Skirting boards and cornices at the wall-ceiling joint are also a way of softening the cognitive dissonance that occurs when the retina provides curves that the optic lobe knows are straight lines or flat planes. Notes and queries: Pecking order: chicken's favourite snacks; skirting board as cognitive dissonance softener; Byron's trudge across the Tagus
  • He would forever be intent and serious, but now there was a lightness to his bearing, a softening that was altogether fresh.
  • He immediately looked up from his maps, his expression softening as he looked up at her.
  • Forty male voices sang in spell-binding chorus, softening at moments and then rising, fortified, to a crescendo.
  • Motives of delicacy, my dear Emilie," said Mrs. Somers, softening her tone, but still with an air of dissatisfaction -- "motives of delicacy, my dear Emilie, are mighty pretty sounding words; and at your age I used to think them mighty grand things; but I have long since found out that _motives of delicacy_ are usually the excuse of weak minds for not speaking the plain truth to their friends. Tales and Novels — Volume 06
  • Vornado is dedicated to building the best air comfort product, including air circulators, vintage fans, air softening humidifiers and air purifiers.
  • This treatment is known as full annealing, and is used for removing strains from forgings and castings, improving machinability and also when softening and refinement of structure are both required.
  • Rolling bath of softening agent on fabric wrinkle angle, length of slightly more than other softener.
  • Stir both into the softening onion with a generous pinch of salt. Times, Sunday Times
  • So ‘softening’ might be removal of retroflexion.
  • He turned to her, his expression softening marginally. The Highlander’s Stolen Bride
  • So the overall data is still consistent with a softening housing sector.
  • In short, the market is softening, but is in no way in a crisis, slump or any other such tabloid noun you care to use.
  • Many are low, creeping and useful for softening path edges or spilling over raised planting areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Smile has the magic of touching, softening and stealing the heart. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • I had approached her with so little formality, I had received all her graciousness with so little apparent sense of her condescension, I had taken my seat, nearly unasked, so completely at my ease, and I had pronounced so unceremoniously the plain "vous," without softening it off with one single "altesse royale," that I had given her reason to think me either the most forward person in my nature, or the worst bred The Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay — Volume 3
  • I have witnessed the softening of the hardest of hearts by a simple smile. Goldie Hawn 
  • The lack of formal rule and regulations, the softening of informal constraints lead to that inspector's right rent-seeking exits inevitably under the Power and social interests of the society.
  • This time the lashes touched for a fraction longer, suggesting a softening, a form of encouragement. THE INNOCENT
  • he observed the softening of iron by heat
  • Any deviation from that general approach raises concerns that demand is softening in the face of slower economic growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stage 1 involves stopping the heart beat of the foetus and softening the neck of the womb (cervix).
  • We talked so far on this call just about a couple of the regions where you may have seen some softening and certainly not to be nitpicky but U.S. comps while very strong, two-year trend kind of decelerated here. Home Page
  • And inadequate intake can result in a softening of bone surfaces, called osteomalacia, which causes pain. Daily News & Analysis
  • This too reached England during the seventeenth century, its name softening to ‘orgeat’ or ‘ozyat’.
  • Stir leeks, chilli and garlic into the softening onion with a generous pinch of salt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Softening and abscess of the brain are terminations of cerebritis. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • “Nay, I acknowledge that the Varangian is a proper man,” said the athletic hero, softening his tone; “but the poor savage hath not, perhaps, in his lifetime, had a single drop of oil on his bosom! Count Robert of Paris
  • Above the neck of land and its relics of ancient fortifications tower pillars and blocks of granite where yet more bluebells grow in cracks and gullies, with cushions of sea-pink and campion softening ledges above the sea. Country diary: Cornwall
  • eminences" of Europe or the United States. i do not know to what extent you may be affected by these evils, but we must take into account that the softening up, the introduction of individualistic habits, is one of the basic weapons used by imperialism against the peoples. MEETS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS
  • When a starchy cereal is cooked, water penetrates the granule and separates the chains from each other, thus swelling and softening the granule in the process called gelation center. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • In the past it has refused to interfere in the country 's internal affairs but may be softening its position. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was not a sudden softening in demand for hand-helds,’ said Needham & Co analyst Charles Wolf, who reiterated his ‘hold’ rating on Palm.
  • The almost dreamlike film that seems to cover his paintings, softening and refining reality, is swept away in the drawings on view, which have the immediacy, the circumstantiality, of life itself. Two Complementary Quests
  • There are four basic steps in boiler water treatment programs: clarification, demineralization and softening, deaeration, and the addition of amines.
  • The hum of the cicadas was softening to a barely audible moan.
  • But this kindly softening of the ending may be counterbalanced by another scene "off the page," the deaths of Aragorn and Arwen in another appendix, a scene which stretches past death to eternal loss and inconsolability. 'The Wrong Sow'
  • Savills reports that there's been a 'considerable softening' in resorts such as Chamonix and Flaine, with transaction prices 20% below their 2007 peak, when prices had been overheated. Daily Financial News
  • On any healthy world, the plant life would have obscured it long ago, but here there were only patches of the mosslike growth they had seen elsewhere and the softening of the edges by ten years of weather. INTO THE NEBULA
  • We noted with interest that four of the nine nominated sessions were eliminated from the study because they did not include a therapist directive initiating the softening enactment.
  • The low softening temperatures of modacrylic fibers allow them to be stretched, embossed and molded into special shapes.
  • Christopher turned away and ascended the stairs, his expression softening to a different smile as the door opened to reveal Sara's bright face and slender form.
  • We, along with the rest of the industry, experienced a decline in higher-yielding business travel due to the impact of the softening U.S. economy.
  • A compound formed from sulphates and calcium aluminate; if it is formed after the mortar between the bricks is well set, it may cause softening and expansion of the mortar joints. Chapter 15
  • As yet, wars betwixt the two nations, though fierce and frequent, had been conducted on principles of fair hostility, and admitted of those softening shades by which courtesy and the respect for open and generous foemen qualify and mitigate the horrors of war. The Talisman
  • Snow-like petals carpeted the lawn, softening the sound of footsteps to a distant murmur.
  • Another common intervention for softening the often intense emotions present in an enactment is to reframe what one partner said in a way that is conducive to having it heard.
  • Fruits of tomato, strawberry, grape, and banana all express PEL, where they may play a significant role in fruit softening.
  • Smile has the magic of touching, softening and stealing the heart. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • A water-based drilling mud additive comprising a pre-blended combination of about 2 parts of high softening point uintaite, about 1 part of a lower softening point uintaite, about 1 part of causticized lignite, and a strongly lipophilic, non-ionic surfactant is disclosed.
  • The present deficiency has been blamed for the re-emergence of rickets, a childhood disease that involves softening of the bones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Keep the sander moving constantly to prevent heat caused by friction from softening the paint and gumming up the paper.
  • It has been known that fish contaminated with sporozoans would frequently suffer from excessive softening.
  • After softening you up, they drag you en masse to the door.
  • The ability to procure what is otherwise considered an illegal narcotic reflects a softening stance towards it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stir leeks, chilli and garlic into the softening onion with a generous pinch of salt. Times, Sunday Times
  • The light or figure is then softened by drawing the end of a flat hog-hair fitch, or a small thin mottler, across each figure, and slightly softening with the badger-hair softener. Scientific American, Volume XXIV., No. 12, March 18, 1871 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.
  • Rough or uneven surfaces have the effect of softening bright light.
  • The kid arched, half of him still following the parabola of his swing while the other half tried to bend away from Joe, who hit the coralroot scar again and continued to move in, staying low, pursuing the softening, collapsing midsection. Stallion Gate
  • The chased parcel-gilt ware of Kashmir occupies three cases: it is graven through the gold to the dead-white silver below, softening the lustre of the gold to a pearly radiance. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
  • Osumi, sensei, thought that an American might be too hardheaded for seiki to enter, so she went overboard in softening him up. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • With the party season approaching, publicans, hoteliers and restaurateurs are anxious to win back custom from locals and tourists by softening the area's rowdy image.
  • Stir both into the softening onion with a generous pinch of salt. Times, Sunday Times
  • The event marker, used in this study to signal the presence of a softening attempt, was therapist initiation of the softening enactment.
  • This causes temporary softening of the ligaments in preparation for the birth.
  • Crawshaw believes these investors are prepared to ride out a softening market.
  • Nay, I acknowledge that the Varangian is a proper man," said the athletic hero, softening his tone; "but the poor savage hath not, perhaps, in his lifetime, had a single drop of oil on his bosom! Waverley Novels — Volume 12
  • Maybe liver softening-Granules treated hepatic fibrosis by regulating the plasminogen activator system and hasten the fibrin dissolve.
  • He denied the CP was "softening" its position on confederalism. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Stir garlic and oregano into softening onion. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the competition entries were conventional square buildings - very few had any softening of their lines.
  • Samples of blended coal ash were taken from the boiler of a power plant 700MW unit. Their softening temperature was measured by a pyramid method on an intelligent ash-melting point measuring device.
  • This revamp of the original game adds an expanded range of traps and tougher monsters, while softening what used to be a vicious difficulty curve. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hubbub mounts, then, in an ever softening smorzando, peels away like sonar panty hose when an elderly man, a senior vice-president at Merrill Lynch, climbs precariously atop a table and croaks the announcement, in a hoarse old voice, that the Nikkei has opened sharply lower, yet not as low as many had feared, and that it shows signs of stabilizing. Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
  • May 23, 2006, 7: 28 am debt solution says: debt solution paraphrase pauper realistic diffusive subgraphs softening The Volokh Conspiracy » Computer Forensics:
  • These are products which can prevent drying of the skin, thereby moisturizing and softening the skin.
  • Hard water can be softened using an ion exchange softening process.
  • Primroses, cowslips and swallows are everywhere and the softening in the weather is a sure sign that brighter and warmer days are near.

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